遵循三大原则,发明创造就在 身边
日常生活中,人们常常认为需求是发明之母。这种想法其实 无可厚非,并无错误。但依余己见,需求并非发明的全部,发 明源自于造福人类的这一想法。
类本身的需求。需求是人们处在一定历史阶段对新事物、新生 活的渴望。人们对新生活的渴望自然而然地促进人们对新事物 的探索,促使发明的出现。不必说古代劳动人民因出行的需求 发明了司南,也不必说唐朝人民对灌溉的需求发明了曲辕犁; 且看当下,人们需求快速便利的出行而不是缓慢的马车,于是 蒸汽机的发明,促使人们进入蒸汽时代;人们需求交流的方便 ,于是互联网应运而生,便利了人们。由此可见,需求的确驱 使着人们不断探索未知,不断发明新事物。
发明的目的在于造福人类,只有正当的需求,合理的需求 才能促进人们对有利发明的研究。一些不法分子以自身盈利为 目的,不顾别人的安危,发明一些劣质的食品基至药品,卖给 他人的同时自己从中获利。更有甚者,有人发明危害人们安全 ,造成人类恐慌的产品来使自己非法获利。这种做法是错误的 。发明的根源在于对社会有利,为人类造福,合理的需求才会 促使有利发明的出现,应该坚决打击非法盈利发明的出现。击 鼓催征稳驭舟,奋楫争先立潮头。
• 灵活调整发明方向:根据市场需求的变化和技术发展的趋势,及时调整发明的 方向和重点,保持与市场的同步。
▪ 换个角度看素质——做人的本色和做人的质 量
语言——体现于表达沟通之中 思维——体现于人生智慧之中 成长——体现于顺境逆境之中 友爱——体现于人际关系之中 做事——体现于效率质量之中
▪ 领导非天成,学习乃有为——学习是基础, 思考是关键,实践是根本
• 学习的内涵——学会学习 • 学习的业绩——学会做事 • 学习的幸福——学会共处 • 学习的价值——学会创造
▪ 第四讲 领导者的素质修养和责任伦理
一、领导者的素质修养:知识不如能 力、能力不如素质
▪ 先天有命,后天有运。通过后天的修养和历 练把先天的生命提升起来,展现其高尚、纯 粹、有益于社会的价值,这就是人的“命 运”。
▪ 知识不如能力,能力不如素质,素质不如觉 悟。能力是知识的运用,素质是能力的驾驭, 觉悟是素质的最高价值。
▪ 从坤卦看管理:厚德载物,持续改进
—— —— 上六:龙战于野,其血玄黄。 —— —— 六五:黄裳,元吉。 —— —— 六四:括囊,无咎无誉。 —— —— 六三:含章可贞,或从王事,无成有终。 —— —— 六二:直方大,不习无不利 —— —— 初六:履霜,坚冰至。
《周易·坤卦·文言》:坤至柔而动也刚,至静 而德方。后得主而有常,含万物而化光。坤 道其顺乎!承天而时行。
▪ 毛泽东建军思想的一个重要原则是“支部建 在连上”。作为千军万马的最高统帅,他关 注的是每一个“连队”的士气。毛泽东建党 思想的一个重要原则是把党委会比作一个 “班”,强调这“一班人”相互之间的支持、 合作、谅解和友谊,比什么都重要。这是极 高超的领导艺术。
▪ 团队合作是指一群有各自专业技能、有共同 信念的人在特定的团队(领导团队、项目团 队、任务团队等)中,为了一个共同的目标 相互支持、合力奋斗的过程。优秀团队的首 要特征是共创良好的合作环境,鼓励和发挥 团队成员的潜能,奉献自己,共担责任,共 享业绩。
关键词:仿生设计;产品造型;创新思维中图分类号:J218.7 文献标识码:A1 前言仿生学是在现代生物科学与技术科学之间发展起来的、模仿生物系统的原理来建造技术系统的一门新兴边缘学科,它通过研究生物系统的结构性质、能量转换和信息传递与处理的原理,并将所获得的知识,用来改进和完善现有的科学技术装备、装置,以及为创造新的科学技术装备、建筑结构和新工艺提供原理、设汁思想或规划蓝图。
2 产品设计的本质说明在产品设计中,我们设计的对象是产品,设计的目的却是人。
也就是说,无论我们设计什么样的产品最终都是为了满足人们的需求: 设计是人为的设计,设计也是为人而设计的。
而人类的需求大体有两个大的方向: 一个是物质需求助能;一个是精神需求。
而且通过仿生特别是对人体本身的仿造进行设计,可以达到产品形态与人亲和的效果,能更准确地表达产品的功能. 便于产品与人之间良好的沟通。
英语谚语作文 需求是发明之母Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention
Necessity Is the Mother OfInvention>Essay on Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention: Necessity is the mother of invention is an ancient proverb, most probably authored by Plato, the Greek philosopher. The saying means that humans create or invent things only when they feel a necessity for them. Since ancient times, humans have made timeless inventions that have to the modernization and improvement of society. All these inventions were made out of need.Long and Short Essay on Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention Essay for Students and Kids in EnglishIn this article, we have provided an extended essay, a brief essay, along with ten lines on the topic, to help children write this essay for their examinations.Long Essay on Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention Essay 500 WordsGiven below is an extended essay on Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention Essay composed of 500 words and a short essay comprising 100-150 words, on the topic, in English. Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.In psychology, need is said to be the driving factor for all men. Ned influences our actions, emotions and motivations. Without needs, man would be a neutral creature.Necessity is the mother of invention is a proverb that impresses in us the fact that man only discovers something that he needs. The tremendous urge in man to lead better lives drives him to make inventions. The cycle has been going on since the Stone Age.Man is never satisfied with what he has. He always aspires to have more. This urge in men is not necessarily greed; it can merely be the ambition to go higher and achieve better things. Man feels the need for certain things, and he feels that his path to greatness is being obstructed due to the absence of a particular item. This need urges him to invent new things and discover more fabulous tools. Thus, the invention is driven by necessity and is a product of man’s ever-increasing desires.In ancient times, man used to live in caves and hunt animals for survival. They barely wore anyclothes and ate raw meat. Gradually, they realized that life was getting too uncomfortable in the bone-cracking temperatures. They were scared of freezing to death. This overwhelming need for survival led man to invent fire. They noticed that by building a fire, they could stay warm and comfortable. They understood the value of cooked food and used light to roast the fruits of their hunt.With time, the man felt the need to have something that would reduce their labour and make their lives easier. The first machine was built out of the necessity to overcome theirdifficult work. The man realized that the wheel made transportation easy. Slowly, they began building tools and instruments that helped them do their jobs more efficiently.The invention of houses also rests on need. The man felt the need to live together as a civilization. They found it easier to live in cities which had more facilities. Inventing ways to build houses, streets and roads arose out of man’s need for security. He understood that living in caves was unsafe for him and his family. To protect himself from violent attacks, man built civilization.We can take an example, and we will see how necessity and need to drive man to invent new and better things. Modern-day technology is wholly based on necessity. The man felt it was challenging to communicate with people over long distances. Hence he invented the telephone. Be it information technology or the internet, and every invention happened out of need.Man can rarely compromise on his needs. He only represses those desires which are harmful or unacceptable to others. Man channelizes his overpowering urges to benefit society. Eachinvention has caused humanity to progress and prosper. We must understand the tremendous motivation necessity creates and acknowledge our efforts for making life so much better for us.Short Essay on Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention Essay 100-150 WordsNecessity Is the Mother Of Invention Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.Man has always used his necessities as his drive to make something new. Men are ambitious creatures, and they discover andconquer new areas to earn better lives for themselves and others.We must realize that men do not create things because they want to. They build them because they need to. Even if we consider the most basic needs, that is, hunger, sex and shelter, we will see that we invented food and houses because we wanted to fulfil our needs.Abraham Maslow has shown in his Need Hierarchy how men always work towards satisfying his needs. Thus, necessity is the driving force behind every invention.10 Lines on Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention Essay in EnglishNeeds drive men to create new things as satisfying desires is a key to survival.The need has influenced man’s productivity since the very beginning of life on earth.The need to breed and create offspring has influenced men to search for partners and have relationships with them.However, particular inventions like guns and bombs are destructive. But they are also created out of necessities.Germany and Britain created tanks and submarines during the First and the Second World Wars.The United States of America created the dangerous atom bomb during the Second World War. All these weapons were invented out of fear of other countries.Wars have made countries invent potent weapons to guarantee self-survival and defense.Thus, every invention ever made is a product of overwhelming urges.Man aspires to reach great heights, and his driving force is his necessities.We must understand how dependent we are on our desires and how they help us create a better and more progressive world. >FAQ’s on Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention EssayQuestion 1.Why were weapons created?Answer:Weapons were created by different countries during wars, to protect themselves against their enemies.Question 2.What was the need behind creating the internet?Answer:Man’s tremendous urge to attain thi ngs easily and his thirst for knowledge made him invent the internet. He can now get access to everything with a simple click.Question 3.What is an invention?Answer:Invention ideally refers to the discovery of something new and unique, which will help us to progress.Question 4.Can fire be called an invention?Answer:Fire can be considered as an invention. It arose out of a need for survival and helped in creating a better society.。
杜邦本人從火藥事業開始發跡, 而後公司經營漸漸轉型成為一家 多元化的化學公司。 杜邦公司發明了相當多的產品包 含:X光片,也發展出第一種多用 途的合成橡膠與鐵氟龍。目前更跨足製藥 產業,總資本額超過240億美金。
把鏡片直接戴在眼睛的想法,早在1508 年被達文西提出。但直到1887年,德國 科學家菲克才成功製造出第一隻隱形眼 鏡,但使用的材質是玻璃。真正具有實 用性的隱形眼鏡直到1937年才被發產出 來,使用PMMA為材料,稱為硬式隱形 眼鏡。之後不久軟式也在1948年被製造 出來。
避孕藥的起源可以追溯到1930年代,澳洲教 授Ludwig Haberlandt在動物實驗中發現老 鼠卵巢的萃取物可以抑制生育,之後他想把 這個發現應用在人體,但是他不幸英年早逝 ,直到學者Russel Marker的努力研究,避 孕藥才得以問世,經過這數十年的演進,避 孕藥已經有長足的進步。
1985年由英國化學家柯爾托(Kroto)與美 國萊斯大學化學教授史莫利(Smally)發現。
碳60為一個由20個六邊階語言: 機器語言、組合語言
世界上第一部『電腦』是 由美國人毛琪雷與愛克特 在1946年發明。隨著電腦 科技之進步,『電腦』已 由龐然大物演變到現在的 微型電腦,也就是我們所稱的個人電腦
( Personal Computer ) 簡稱 PC。
十八世紀以來,牛頓被公認是 第一個而且是最偉大的近代科 學家。他的科研成果改變人類 對宇宙的看法。 他創立動力學和萬有引力理論 ,也發明微積分。牛頓的物理學,數學與光 學指導我們科學發展長達兩百多年之久。
There you go. Thanks.好了谢谢I'm gonna be a dad!我要当爸爸了!I just talked to my wife. My baby's gonna be delivered any minute. 我太太说预产期已经到了Hey, get out of the way. Hey, I'm gonna be a dad.嘿!让路啦! 我要当爸爸了!Congratulate me.恭喜我!Good for you, Herb.厉害哦贺柏!Don't even think about it.你敢尿我身上Hey!嘿!Sorry. How are you? Nice to see you. I'm gonna be a dad!抱歉!我要当爸爸了Congrats!恭喜啦!Hey, Mr. Nuts, did you hear the news?螺丝先生你听说了吧?Yeah. Beautiful day, isn't it?有啊今天天气真好!I'm here. I'm here.我回来了!我回来了!I'm here. Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.我回来了! 老公对不起You missed the delivery.你来不及接生了It's okay. Making the baby's the fun part.没关系 "做"宝宝更好玩Honey, I think you've got the wrong...亲爱的你可能装错...No, I don't need to see the directions.我才不需要看说明书呢Push, push.用力!用力!Push!用力!Twelve hours of labor.奋战12个小时...Oh, but it was worth it.辛苦总是值得的Look at him. Look at him.看他多可爱!Rodney Copperbottom.洛尼铜巴顿He's got your mom's eyes and my dad's nose.他有外婆的眼睛阿公的鼻子I knew we were smart to save those parts.我就知道零件留着是对的This Copperbottom will do great things for the world, I can feel it. 他长大会做大事我可以感觉到Honey? What?亲爱的? 什么事?What's that extra piece?怎么还有一个零件?Oh, no, they always put in an extra...他们常多给一个备用零件We did want a boy, right?我们要的是男孩对吧?This won't hurt a bit, son.我保证不会痛儿子Got your nose. Got your nose.鼻子被我抓到了Got your...鼻子被...Hi, son. Are those my bigboy parts?嗨儿子这是我长大用的零件吗?They sure are.当然啰They're not shiny.都没有光泽Well, they're not brand-new. They're preowned. So...这些不是全新的是二手货They're hand-me-downs from your cousin Jeffrey.杰佛瑞表哥小时候用过的And they're only for a year.反正只用一年Hey, Dad, who's that?爸!他是谁?That, Rodney, is Bigweld.他啊就是大焊先生The greatest robot in the world.全世界最伟大的机器人I thought you were the greatest robot in the world.我以为你才是最伟大的机器人No, besides me.除了我之外!He's the head of Bigweld Industries.他是大焊工业的老板He invents things that make everyone's life better.他从事发明改善我们的生活Could I meet him? Sure, maybe someday.我可以跟他见面吗? 当然或许有一天Dad? Yeah?爸! 什么事?What do you do? Me? I work in a big, fancy restaurant.你做什么工作? 我?我在一个高级餐厅上班I'm a dishwasher.我是洗碗机And now, live from Robot City, it's The Bigweld Show.机器大城现场直播"大焊秀"Oh, yeah!好耶!Come on, Dad, you're missing it.爸快来!节目开始了!All right, Rodney. All right, I'm coming. I'm coming.好洛尼爸爸来了I had to bring work home with me again, I'm sorry.我又得带盘子回来加班了Mr. Gunk has really been piling it on.钢克先生最近很会操人And now, the host of our show, Bigweld.欢迎节目主持人... 大焊先生!Welcome. This week I thought you'd like to take a look around Bigweld Industries. 大家好本周我将为大家介绍大焊工业This here is the front gate. Kind of cute, ain 't it?这是公♥司♥大门很稺吧?Good morning, Tim. Good morning, Mr. Bigweld, sir.早提姆早安大焊先生Tim, who closed the front gate?提姆谁把大门关上了?Well, I just thought since...我想...因为...We never shut the gate, Tim.大门永远不能关提姆Shutting this gate means shutting out fresh ideas.关大门等于拒绝新观念See, every day, robots come here from hither and yon...每天来自各地的机器人......bringing us new ideas.将带给我们新观念And I listen to every single one of them.我虚心接受他们的意见So remember, whether a bot is made of new parts, old parts or spare parts... 记住不管机器人的零件是新、旧、还是备用品...you can shine no matter what you're made of.都能闪耀出众He's talking to me, Dad.他在跟我说话耶爸爸He sure is, son. He sure is.当然是啊儿子Okay, folks, let's get to inventing.各位!我们来发明东西吧!You know, I love to tinker...我喜欢敲敲打打...but all the tinkering in the world isn 't useful unless it starts with a good idea. 但如果没有好点子怎么敲打也没用So look around for a need and start coming up with ideas to fill that need.所以要先找出需求然后想点子满足这个需求One idea will lead to another, and before you know it...不知不觉中灵感将源源不绝......you've done it. See a need, fill a need.成功了!需求为创意之母!That's it, Dad. I have to look for...没错爸我要开始寻找......a need.需求Easy, now.别激动Hey there, sport. Oh, hi.乖儿子! 喔嗨These are your 12-year-old parts. They're...这是你12岁用的零件...Hand-me-downs. I know, Dad.二手货我知道I don't mind. They are from your cousin...没关系是薇若妮卡表姐......Veronica.留下来的You know how popular she is.她很受人欢迎的呢Thanks.谢啦Oh, hey. Hey.噢嘿嘿Soon as you reach the age where your warranty expires, you start falling apart. 过了保固期全身零件就会开始松动Pretty soon there's gonna be more duct tape than me.只能靠胶带固定了Can I try it now, Dad? Oh, Rodney...可以让我试试看吗? 噢洛尼Have you worked all the kinks out of it? This is gonna make your job easy.他的毛病都解决了吗? 他可以帮你I invented it for you.我为你发明的Okay. Let's try it.好吧试试看Great. Okay, this is it.好极了机会来了Wonderbot, go to work.万能小子...开工啰!Yeah, yeah.好耶Hey!嘿!Copperbottom!铜巴顿!Mr. Gunk. What is that?钢克先生! 那是什么玩意?Oh, that. My son made it. What's it doing?我儿子发明的他在做什么?Mr. Gunk, please, you're making it nervous.钢克先生你吓到他了It's wrecking my kitchen!厨房♥快被他毁了!I'll stop it. No!看我怎么处置他! 不要!Your son, huh?你儿子是吧?It wasn't his fault. He had nothing to do with it.不是他的错Yes, sir, he's a brilliant boy. An inventor.对他很聪明他是发明家You, clean up this mess. And, you, get out.你!清干净! 你给我滚!Inventor.发明家You're the hand-me-down son of a dishwasher, and that's all you'll ever be. 你只是一个洗碗机穿得破破烂烂的儿子Somebody scrape this crud off of me. And serve it to the customers.把这脏油刮下来端出去给客人Roundtrip or one-way?单程还是来回票?One-way.单程There you are. I told you I'd find him.找到了我就说我找得到他It's a mother's instinct. Instinct? He left us a note:这就是母亲的直觉 "直觉"?他有留字条"I'm leaving. I'll be at the train station.""我走了我去车站"Never mind. Pick up that suitcase. You're coming home.不管了跟我回家就对了!No, Mom. I have to do this. I'm going to Robot City tonight.不妈我非走不可我要去机器大城I'm gonna get a job and I'm gonna help Dad pay back Mr. Gunk.我要找工作赚钱帮爸爸赔钢克先生Talk to him.你劝劝他!Ro... Robot City? You're just a kid.机器... 机器大城!你还是个小孩!I'm never gonna be someone here.这里没前途I wanna be an inventor. I wanna meet Bigweld.我要当发明家去见大焊先生I wanna be somebody.我要当一个出人头地的人!You are somebody.你已经是了Somebody who's not getting on that train.我不准你上火车Yes, I am. Talk to him.我要劝劝他!One ticket for Robot City. Where are you going?一张往机器大城的车票你要去哪里?Not me. Him. But...不是我是他但是...Rodney, did you know that when I was your age, I wanted to be a musician? 洛尼我像你这么大时想当音乐家I played pretty well too...我乐器玩得还不错...but my dad was worried I wouldn't be able to make a living.但我爸担心我饿胜子So I got refitted to be a dishwasher. Now, I'm not complaining.所以将我改造成洗碗机我不是抱怨But I've always said to myself...但我常说......if I could do it over again, I would follow my dream.若能重来我会追寻我的梦想You've got greatness in you, Rodney.你有颗伟大的心Never doubt it.不要怀疑You go to Robot City.到机器大城去You go meet Bigweld, and you show him your big ideas.见大焊先生告诉他你的点子And, Rodney...洛尼......never, never give up.永远不要放弃All aboard.旅客请上车!Mom.妈...I won't let you down, Dad.我不会让你失望的爸I'll make you proud.你会以我而傲的I know you will.我知道Excuse me, I wonder if...抱歉能不能...Gave at the office. I wonder if you...在公♥司♥捐过了能不能...Could you direct me to Bigweld Indust...?请问大焊工业怎么走...What? Perfect. That will be 50 bucks.搞什么? 帅呆了!50元Fifty bucks? For what?50元?为什么?A beautiful picture of your first moment in Robot City.我捕捉了你抵达机器大城的一刻There. Your second moment. That's another $50.又捕捉了第二时刻再加50Are you keeping track?记得欠我多少钱吧?Come on, work with me, work with me. More pout, less pose.很好!多摆几个姿势Great. Inside of you is a fashion model waiting to throw up.释放内心超级名模的天份Give me those eyes. Big eyes, big eyes. Give me big anime eyes.眼睛大一点再大一点眼睛最好像日本卡♥通♥那么大Yeah! Loving it, loving it, loving it! I don't want any pictures.好!棒极了! 我不想拍照!You don't? No.不想? 不想That's all right. There's no film. Would you like a map to the stars' homes? 反正没底片想买♥♥明星住家地图吗?Where did he go?他到哪去了?Buddy, wanna buy a watch? Don't buy us, we're fakes.老弟!买♥♥手表吗? 别买♥♥ 我们是仿冒品Next.下一个Excuse me, how do I get to Bigweld Industries?请问大焊工业怎么走?Oh, great...噢很好呃...Never mind.算了Hi, excuse me. How do I get to Bigweld Industries?抱歉大焊工业怎么走?What?什么?Yeah, thanks.好吧谢了Cross-town express to Foundry District...往铸造区特快车沿途停靠......with stops at Bigweld Industries and Battery Park only.大焊工业与电池公园Please tighten all spools, nuts, bolts and detachable appendages.请上紧你的螺丝与零配件Riders with high oil pressure are advised to take the local.油压过高旅客请改搭慢速车辆Thank you, and have a nice day.谢谢祝你旅途愉快No, no.不不Say, are you following me? No.干嘛?你跟踪我啊? 没有啊First time on the crosstown express? Well, actually, l...第一次搭跨区特快车? 事实上...Oh, boy.噢我的妈呀!Good luck in the big city. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. 在城里能成功你就能吃香喝辣And if you can't make it here, welcome to the club.混不出名堂...就欢迎你加入我们Oh, no. What? What is it?噢天啊怎么啦?We're going off the track. We're gonna crash!我们会出轨!What? I don't wanna die.什么? 我不想死!I was just kidding. Just put your head between your legs.开玩笑的把头夹在膝盖中间Yeah!好耶!There goes my stop.我坐过站了I tell you, the things that fall off me... It's embarrassing.零件掉出来了真不好意思Sorry.抱歉You know, it used to be a lot worse. They had this giant hammer... 以前更可怕他们用大榔头...Oh, they brought it back.天啊大榔头还在Stick with me. I know this town like the back of my hand.跟着我我对这里瞭如指掌Hey, that's new.这里怎么不一样哇Excuse me. Can I help you?呦呼!抱歉! 有什么事吗?Sorry, l...抱歉我...Hey, you're Tim from the TV show. That's me.嘿你是电视上那个提姆! 没错Well, hey, Tim.嘿提姆Who closed the gate? It's never supposed to be...谁把大门关上了?大门不应该...Yeah, okay, what do you want?好啦你想干嘛?I'd like to see Mr. Bigweld.我想见大焊先生I'm an inventor.我是发明家Oh, why didn't you say so?怎么不早说?Stand back.退后一点Thanks.谢谢What?搞什么?!I got you. You see, because you were all excited and then, boom!你被骗了! 你以为开了...然后轰!All right, I had my laugh. Go on in.好啦玩够了请进Now, that's funny.笑死我了The second time.连上两次当You really think I'm gonna let you in. But I'm not.你真以为我会让你进去别想Sorry, kid, nobody gets in. Company rules.任何人不得入内公♥司♥规定Company ru...? Well, then how do they hire new inventors?公♥司♥规定? 那他们怎么聘雇新发明家?They don't. Those days are over.不聘雇了!时代不同啰My advice: Come back two years ago. Then the job is yours.早两年来你会找到工作So remember, whether a bot is made of new parts, old parts or spare parts... 记住不管机器人的零件是新、旧、还是备用品......you can shine no matter what you're made of.一样都能闪耀出众...My goodness, what a remarkable legacy.我的天老掉牙了Concern for the common robot.关心机器人福利You don't come across old-fashioned values like that anymore, friends.这年头谁还流行这套And for good reason.理由很简单There's no money in it!没钱赚!Hello? Memo to Bigweld: We're not a charity.大焊我们不做慈善事业!That's why old fat face no longer sits in the big chair.所以大饼脸过时了、淘汰了He's a relic.他是老古董了So I don't wanna hear another, "Where's Bigweld?"我不想再听到"大焊先生呢?"We'll see him next month at the Bigweld Ball. He always goes to that.下个月他会出席大焊舞会Now, let's get down to the business of sucking every loose penny...好了让我们继续努力......out of Mr. And Mrs. Average-Knucklehead.赚这些阿呆机器人的钱What's our big-ticket item?我们的金鸡母是什么?Upgrades, people. Upgrades.升级各位升级That's how we make the dough.钱才能大把赚进来Now, if we're telling robots that no matter what they're made of, they're "fine"... 如果我们跟大众说零件新旧都"不要紧"...how can we expect them to feel crummy enough about themselves...那他们怎么会对自己不满......to buy our upgrades and make themselves look better?怎么肯买♥♥我们的升级套件呢?Therefore, I've come up with a new slogan.所以我想出一句企业口号♥"Why be you when you can be new?""不满自己追求升级"I gotta tell you, I think it's brilliant...我觉得不错我想问问......but, honestly, I'd like to hear what you employees think about this.各位员工觉得如何?Hear, hear. Out of the ballpark, Ratchet.好耶好耶! 天纵英明锐切!Just don't look down.不要往下看Hey.嘿Get off.走开!Go on, get off.嘘!走!走开!Get off of...噢!不要! 别烦!Cappy, you haven't said a word.凯比你一句话都没说It gave me chills. Thank you, thank you.我听了直起鸡皮疙瘩谢谢可是... "可是"?I'm just wondering, why would robots buy new upgrades...我在想...零件... 比较便、...if parts are so much cheaper?干嘛买♥♥升级套件?Oh, right. Well, that's easy.没错理由很简单Because as of today, we are no longer making spare parts.因为今天起我们不再生产零件!Do you know what I call robots who can't afford upgrades? Scrap metal.升级不起的机器人我称之为废铁!You see them on the streets, misshapen and rust-covered.残缺不全走在街上有碍观瞻They turn your insides out. You wanna run home and scrub yourself.真是有够恶心恨不得赶快回家做油压Now, Cappy, I want your department to push our new slogan.凯比由你的部门打响这句口号♥In fact, I'm moving you into the office right next to mine.我要把你调到我办公室隔壁We'll be working very, very closely together on this one.我们将会密切合作Won't that be fun? Oodles.好玩吧? "好"极了Oh, so sorry, l... What the...?对不起搞什么?Sir, I am a young inventor, and it has been my dream to come to Robot City... 先生我是个年轻发明家... 我一直梦想到机器大城来......and to present my ideas to Mr. Bigweld.展示我的发明给大焊先生看...Who doesn't seem to be here.但他好像不在Gee, no, no. But while he's away, he left me in charge.他不在时这里由我作主Oh, well, then let me show you what this can do.那我就展示给你看I have a better idea. Why don't you let me show you what it can do.我有更好的主意我亲自来操作It can do this!他会这样耶!So how did it go?What the heck is going on around here?这里发生了什么事?Some highly polished jerk is sitting in Bigweld's chair.一个啵亮痞子抢了大焊的位子And you're sitting on the sidewalk, magnetized.所以你就被磁化丢在路边!Listen, I'll be back, and I'm gonna get to the bottom of this.我会回来追根究底的When you pick a lost cause, you really commit.输不起想找人拼命啊?Where do they make dreamers like you? Get lost, freak!你这种梦想家是谁生产的?快滚!All right, break time.好啦休息时间All right, break time's over.休息结束!Chop-chop.干活!Look who's here.我说谁来啦!Hi, Mom. Hi, sweetie. How's my boy?嗨妈亲爱的儿子你好吗?Great. I did just what you told me. No more spare parts.太好了我听你的话不再生产零件了In a couple of weeks, those broken-down losers out there will be scrap metal. 旧款机很快都会变成废铁You will be up to your bloomers in broken-elbow junk.你这里很快会堆成垃圾山!Such a good boy.真是我的乖儿子And after you finish off Bigweld...干掉大焊后...there will be nobody out there to fix them.再也没人懂怎么修理Exactly!正确!You wanna swing that one by me again?你可以说的清楚一点吗?Idiot! Those outmodes look up to him.白♥痴♥ 旧款机器人很崇拜他Suppose he decides to come back? Oh, come on, Mom.万一他决定复出呢? 不可能He's not gonna be trouble where he is. What are you afraid of? 他跟废铁没两样了你怕什么?Grow some bolts.有种一点!Or do you want to end up like your father?你想跟你♥爸♥的下场一样吗?Hey, son. Good to see you.儿子你好啊Think what it would mean.想想那该有多棒Not Bigweld Industries, Ratchet Industries.大焊工业变成锐切工业Keep talking.继续说Ratchet City!锐切市!Yes, everything shiny.对所有东西都啵亮No more Bigweld, no more outmode.没有大焊没有旧款机Let's do it!我们来干掉他!That's my boy!这才是我的好孩子!Are you hungry? Can I get you something?饿吗?想吃东西吗?You look thin. No, no, no, Mom. I gotta go. Bye.你有点瘦妈我得走了Bye, Pop.掰老爸So long, son. Good luck with your dastardly plans.掰祝你的卑鄙计划成功Hey.嘿Hi there.嗨你好Listen, if I seem to be getting smaller, it's because I'm leaving. 我之所以会愈来愈小是因为我会...愈跑愈远!Foot, don't fail me now.亲爱的脚别让我失望!Stop! Hey, you got my foot!站住!你偷了我的脚!Oh, great. Happy now?好啦!这下你可开心了吧!Not until you give me back my foot, you mugger.脚先还我土匪!I am not a mugger. I happen to be...我不是土匪我只是......a scrounger.街友I didn't know you were at the end of that foot.我不知道这只脚还有主人Here, let me help you with that.我来帮你No, no, no, I'll do it myself.我自己来I have my pride, you know. Over here.我还有自尊过来Oh, no. No, not that close. Hold on, hold on.不是那里...等等No. No, no.不不不!What's the use? There's nothing left.有什么用?都是坏掉的Hey, Diesel, I found you a voice box.柴油我帮你找了个发音器Here's another one.还有一个That's no good. Give me that.那可不能用给我I can never find parts in my size.都找不到我能用的大号♥零件What is it, boy?怎么啦狗狗?Hey, Fender, have you lost weight?粉兜!你减肥了吗?Lost weight?减肥?Look at where you're looking. He's a head in a basket. 看清楚... 只剩一颗头!在篮子里We're doomed, I knew it. We're doomed.我们完了没救了Yeah, will you shut up, you neurotic nut? Why, I'd smack you if I had a hand. 闭嘴如果我还有手一定会扁你!Wow, speak of the devil, here I come.说到手手就来了!Dang!哎呀!我的老爸!Check this out.哇!你们看Who would throw away such a cute little doodad?谁会舍得弃养这种可爱的小东西?Don't be scared. Hey, that's mine.别怕他是我的!That's him. That's the guy. I would know that face.就是他!他打我!I know that face, and I know that foot.我认得他的脸...他的脚He's over there, moron.那边啦白♥痴♥!That's the perpetrator. He knocked my head off.他是凶手! 打断我的头You want another piece of me? All right, buster.你还不满足吗? 好了小子If you think you can mess with my big brother, you're... You're kind of cute. 竟敢欺负我哥你...蛮帅的Piper, would you behave yourself.啪婆克制一下Now, come on, let's get Fender fixed. Again.我们再来修理粉兜吧Here's your thingamabob.你的秘密武器By the way, the name's Piper.我叫啪婆Rhymes with "viper."外号♥蛇蝎美人See you around.回头见We've told you a hundred times:跟你说过"Don't talk to strange men." Thank you, Manuel.别跟怪人说话谢谢I talk to you. Who's stranger than that?天下有谁比你怪?I got good news, and I got bad news.有好消息也有坏消息What's the bad news? I checked the stock book.坏消息是什么? 今天起...And as of today, they are no longer making parts for your model. 你这型号♥的零件停产You have been officially outmoded.正式宣告你成为淘汰品Outmoded? Well, that's fine.淘汰?没关系What's the good news?!好消息呢?Well, when we had your parts, they were on sale.如果有你的零件一定大特♥价♥How could this happen to me? I'm practically a kid.怎么这么衰?我还没娶老婆Look, pull yourself together. All you need is an upgrade.振作一点你只需要升级就好了That new-upgrade smell.有新升级品的味道Just came in, fully loaded. Look.刚上架全套设备看!It's got cup-holders, standard.还有杯架!标准配备!Does it come in plus sizes?有超大款的吗?Sure, take a look at the new Bigweld spring collection.当然大焊工业春季全系列产品I can't afford that fancy stuff. All I need is one stinking neck joint. 买♥♥不起我只要个脖子接环No. Why did this happen to me?我怎么...这么...衰?I'm hurting me. Idiot.自己打也会痛!白♥痴♥!Sorry, pal, it's either upgrade or the chop shop for you.抱歉不升级就进废料厂The chop shop?废料厂?I'm fine, I'm fine. Look, no hands.我好了看不用手喔哦!Ta-da! I'm back. Miss me?我回来了想我吗?No one's going to the chop shop. That's right.谁都不会进废料厂! 对啊!What do you think we can get for him?你想他能卖♥♥多少钱?Will you stop? Listen, shiny pants...闭嘴听好奸商...you get back there and find a part for my brother.找个零件给我哥哥We are not junk, we are not scrap, and we will not be treated this way. 我们不是废铁!不接受虐待!I'm sorry. I don't have the parts.我没有零件Well, do you have two washers, an S-spring and some Fastweld?你有两个垫片一个S弹簧吗?I can fix you easy.我会修The Force is strong with this one.小伙子的原力很强喔When was the last time you got oiled?多久没润滑了?I can't answer that with my kid sister here.我妹妹在这里不方便讲Can it, Fender.闭嘴粉兜!Hold still. This might tickle.不要动会有点痒We haven't been properly introduced.我们还没正式介绍过I'm Fender. Used to be Bumper...我叫粉兜以前叫粉贱...but had to change it when we came in to the country.申请绿卡时被迫改名Copperbottom, Rodney Copperbottom.洛尼铜巴顿Riddle me this: Why did I meet you among the garbage?姓铜巴顿也沦落到垃圾场Well, today I tried to get in to see Bigweld.今天本来打算去见大焊先生Well, if you find him, tell him we really need him to come back. 如果你看到他叫他赶快回来He cared about bots like us.只有他关心弱势机器人I heard they've done him in and left the rest of us to fall apart. 我听说他被做掉了逼我们自生自灭Well, that ought to do it.应该可以了Look at that! And he fixed my neck.他把我的脖...子修好了!Sweeper! Sweeper?清道车! 清道车?Make yourself scarce.大家躲起来!What's the big deal?干嘛大惊小怪?Well, if you're an outmode like Fender... Hey.像粉兜那种古董机... 嘿They sweep you up and take you to the chop shop.会被送进废料厂Where they melt you down and turn you into something else. 被熔解之后做成其他东西You mean...?意思是...?Yep.对Sweepers. Sweepers.清道车...Help. Here's one outmode you're not gonna get.你抓不到!抓不到!Fender, run!快跑!That was close.好险!When in Robot City, guests of the Rusties... That's us.破铜烂铁一族来到机器大城Stay at Aunt Fanny's boarding house, where our motto is:住范姨大杂院"Beats rusting outside."聊胜餐风露宿Let me just let her know you're here. Aunt Fanny!我去告诉她你来了范姨!We brought someone. I'm in the kitchen.我带了一个人来我在厨房♥Are you sure your aunt won't mind? Relax, she's not my aunt. 你阿姨不介意吗? 她不是我阿姨She just takes in bots who are broke. Bless her little heart.她只是好心照顾潦倒机器人Well, then why is she called Aunt Fanny?那她为什么叫范姨?We couldn't call her Aunt Booty.总不能叫她大屁阿姨吧Oh, crap.唔噢!真是的!She's a little artsy-fartsy.她有时拘谨有时夸张The artsy's okay, but when she gets fartsy...拘谨时还好但夸张起来...Look at... Oh, right on my shoes.正好掉到鞋子里I'm so clumsy.我真笨Well, hello there. What's your name?你好你叫什么名字?I'm Rodney Bigbottom...洛尼大八顿No, I'm Rodney Copperbottom. Copperbottom.不是铜巴顿That's a wonderful name, Bigbottom.好名字! 大八顿Well, I just...我刚好...What happened to your friend? He's been rearended.你朋友怎么啦? 他被压扁了Oh, there you are.原来你在这里!Aunt Fanny, he needs a place to stay.范姨他没地方住Well, just make yourself at home.就把这里当你家好了Thank you. That's very kind of you.谢谢你你人真好My pleasure.很高兴你来See a need, fill a need.需求为创意之母!Hey, just like Bigweld.想法跟大焊先生一样Bigweld. That's a lot of robot.大焊先生!他可是大人物呢Come on. You can bunk with me.跟我挤一间We'll ignore the gossip.我不怕别人八卦You missed a spot.你漏掉一个地方了Fender, get out of my room!粉兜给我出去!I'm not in your room.我没进来I am now. Now I'm not. I am. Not. Am...进来了、没进来、进、没Get out of my room.出去啦!Oh, man, this is my third oil change today. Something's wrong with me. 今天换三次油了不知道哪里不对劲Sorry.噢对不起Here we are. Home sweet home.到了欢迎光临寒舍What's mine is yours.我的就是你的Oh, dear. I'll get them.又掉了我帮你捡Look at that. Now they're arm-wrestling.喔你看它们在比腕力Could you separate them? Hurry, my backside itches.把它们分开快点我的背好痒I know that sounds bad, but I'm just doing musical arm farts.我的腋窝放屁声有旋律You know how to do those?你会吗?They're hard to do, because we're metal, but that's where the skill comes in. 金属腋窝不容易所以算是技术I'm real close. Listen.我快练成了你听No, wait.不等一下No, wait, wait.等等等等You can't tell me that didn't sound like a... Like an old man.听起来像老头子放屁吗?You know, I'm a little tired. Maybe tomorrow.我累了明天再玩Kind of a rough day, huh?今天很难过?Kind of. My dad's probably sitting by the phone...有点我爸可能在电♥话♥旁......waiting for his brilliant son to call...等他的"天才"儿子报告......and tell him what a big success my first day was.第一天过得有多"轰轰烈烈"I know it's not your problem.算了If you burden your friends, you won't have any.吐苦水会吓跑朋友What are you, a fortune cookie?这是什么话?"That's what friends..."朋友就要...You consider me a friend?我是你的朋友?Sure, what else would I consider you?当然不然是什么?An embarrassment, a way to rebel against your parents...拖油瓶? 叛逆小子?...a desperate cry for help. The list is endless.亡命之徒?Let's just stick with friend.还是叫"朋友"好了You know, even though you had a discouraging day, remember...我知道你今天不如意但是要记住......there's another one coming tomorrow.明天不见得更好You know, my last roommate jumped out that window. 我的前任室友从这窗子跳出去自杀Hey, Fender.粉兜Yeah, baby. Let it rip!帅哦!再大声一点!Guys, come on, what are you, 3 years old?你们是三岁小孩吗?This is how a man does it.听听男人的声音You guys are so gross.有够低级!Besides, this is how you do it.应该这样才对Hey, kids, get a load of this.小鬼没听过放屁是吧?Aunt Fanny...范姨!...we were using our arms.我们是用腋窝耶Oh, excuse me.噢歹势Lady, please...阿姨你嘛帮帮忙...see a doctor.去看医生吧Breakfast.早餐!This will perk everyone up.精炖机油Some of Aunt Fanny's fresh-brewed grease.让你活力充沛Yummy!好香!Careful, it's hot.小心烫哦So, what are you guys doing today?你们今天要干嘛?We're doing it. What about you?不干嘛你呢?Bigweld's disappeared, and you're sitting here.大焊先生失踪你们无动于衷That's already been established.习惯了I gotta find out what happened to him. Hey, you want my advice? 我要去找他送你一句话Sure. Forget it.好啊算了啦"Never try, never fail." Those are the words I live by."不做不错" 是我的座右铭Crank, the idol of millions is gone, and no one seems to care.万人偶像失踪大家都无所谓?There should be an angry mob out there.应该发生群众暴♥动♥才对What the...?怎么回事?Wow, that was great, psychic friend.预言真准大♥师♥Now say, " Money should be falling from the sky."快说"钱应该从天上掉下来"Say it. Say it.快说!Sorry, folks, all sold out.抱歉各位卖♥♥完了!Nothing but upgrades from here on in.现在起只卖♥♥升级套件But I like myself just the way I am.但我喜欢原来的样子We can't afford upgrades! Let's get him!我们买♥♥不起升级套件抓住他!Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing? Don't throw me.嘿不要丢我!Isn't that the guy that fixed Fender's neck?是他修好粉兜的Yeah, that guy fixes bots.他会修理机器人Yeah, that kid can help you.他可以帮你们Brace yourself. You're about to get popular.你要出名了Only those with insurance.。
科学的起源问题是一个争议很多的问题,但不容置 疑的是,生产的需求是早期科学产生的重要原因之一。 随着早期人类与自然界的抗争,原始的生产技术必然会 遇到其瓶颈,如何克服这种自然环境对生产的限制,早期 科学更产生于这种思索之中,无论是影片中种植大、小麦 的衍生,各种农业工具的发明,沥青的使用,引水技术的 改进,无一不是为了克服自然、改造自然、改善人类的生 活。 今日之科学亦何尝不是如此,每一次科学的进步背 后都有显示生产力发展对其的需要,无论是电视等家用电 器的发明,还是通讯技术的发展依然是生产需要的促使。 综上所述,科学的产生于发展,其背后是生产力巨大 的推动作用。
从这部短片中,我们对美索不达米亚一带孕 育的文明有了大致的了解。美索不达米亚位于底 格里斯河和幼发拉底河的交界处,于是一种文明 便在这里交汇产生。他们并不像埃及人信奉有来 世,所以我们对它的了解缺少了许多埋藏在地下 的证据。苏美文明之所以被全球关注,也跟当时 的科学技术有关,比如小麦的种植,完成了人类 生存最基本的要求,人们一般只有在物质文明相 对发达的时候,才能孕育博大的精神文明。当地 的城邦制也给了当地自由的环境以及滋养这种文 明的可能。 总之,一种文明的产生首先与当地的地理位 置,自然条件有关,此外也受制于技术条件和各 种宗教文化信仰。 张昭(管理科学与工程)
苏美人文明由两河流域得天独厚的自然环境孕育, 但是其兴盛繁荣的根本原因乃是在生活生产中得以产生和 发展的科学技术“以麦子为起点”——科学技术从农业起 步,农民发明了农耕用具,发明了汲水的工具,发明了记 录收成的楔形文字,同时,为了祈求收成而产生的宗教祭 祀又促进了发水沥青,图章七月等技术的发生和发展。 总之,通过苏美尔文明,我们可以清楚地了解生产活 动对于科学技术的阐发启示作用,同时,由此产生的科学 技术又反过来推动促进生产的进行,提高生产的效率,而 文明就是在生产活动与科学技术的相互促进,共同发展中 得以向更为高级、繁荣的阶级发展进步的。 而忠实于生活的苏美尔人正是走在了这文明进步的最 前端。 张家立(法学)
需要是发明之母作文英文英文:Invention is the mother of necessity. This phrase means that when there is a need or a problem, people will invent something to solve it. It implies that the necessity of something is the driving force behind its invention. I believe this phrase is absolutely true, and I can think of many examples to support it.One example that comes to mind is the invention of the light bulb. Before Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, people had to rely on candles and oil lamps to light their homes. However, these sources of light were not only dim, but also posed a fire hazard. Therefore, the necessity for a safer and brighter source of light led to the invention of the light bulb.Another example is the invention of the smartphone. Before smartphones, people had to carry around multipledevices such as a phone, a camera, a music player, and a GPS. However, the necessity for a more convenient and compact device led to the invention of the smartphone, which combines all these functions into one.I can think of countless other examples where necessity has driven invention, from the wheel to the internet. It is clear that when there is a need for something, people will find a way to invent it.中文:发明是需求之母。
1. Need is the mother of invention. (需要是创新之母)这句话是指需要是推动人们进行发明、创新的最大动力。
2. A friend in need is a friend indeed. (患难见真情)这句谚语强调了在需要帮助的时候,真正的朋友才会伸出援手。
3. Little strokes fell great oaks. (滴水穿石)这句话意味着虽然一个小动作不能一下子改变整个局面,但有计划的积累会给人们带来难以想象的成果。
4. When in need, ask for it. (有求必索)这句话传达的是,如果你有需要,就应该明确地向他人表达你的需求。
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——Sarah Reisman教授学术报告
3月19日上午,来自美国加州理工学院的Sarah E. Reisman教授在化学与分子科学学院创隆厅做了题为“Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Natural Products and the Chemistry they Inspired”的学术报告。
Reisman教授2006年于耶鲁大学获得博士学位,2008年起在加州理工学院开展独立研究工作,并曾获得Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award等诸多奖项。
Reisman教授还介绍了这类镍催化的偶联反应在cylindrocyclophane F的全合成中的应用。
黄湧教授于2002年在芝加哥大学获得博士学位,2009年加入北京大学深圳研究生院开展独立研究工作,2014年被评为ACS and Organic Letters “Outstanding Author of the Year”.