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LinkedIn 高管:学习是一辈子的事
LinkedIn 产品及用户体验高级副总裁迪普•尼沙尔说,学习是一辈子的事,毕业并不意
味着终止学习。他不仅向前辈学习,而且向自己的失败学习。创办的第一家公司倒闭 后,他从中发现了自己学习上的空白,及时填补了缺口。他告诫年轻人,求职如同冲 浪,找准海滩,早晚能等到浪潮。
LinkedIn 用户体验高级副总裁迪普钱德•“迪普“•尼沙尔认为,学习是一辈子的事。
《财富》杂志举办的科技头脑风暴大会定期 召集科技创新领域最优秀和最聪明的思想家相 聚一堂。每周, 《财富》杂志都会重点推介一位 大会嘉宾,分享他们对于商业、科技和创业的真 知灼见。本周,我们就工作之外的生活、从学校 学到的最重要的东西以及错过的最大机遇等,向 LinkedIn 产品及用户体验高级副总裁迪普•尼沙 尔提出了10个问题。
您收到的最好建议是什么? 现在让你成功的东西,并不能保证你未来仍然能 够取得成功。必须每天不断学习,不断成长。 您最近读的一本书是什么? 大卫•伊戈尔曼的《生命的清单:关于来世的40 种景象》 (Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives ) ,这是一本短篇小说集,其中探讨 了死去之后的生活。第一篇把来生想象成实际生 活的另外一个版本——实际上只是重复一些连 续的片段。它提醒我们,我们并没有把足够的时 间用在对我们来说最重要的事情上。如果人只有 一次生命,为什么不把自己最热爱的事情做到极 致? 对于在当前不景气的就业市场中寻找工作的年 轻人,您有什么建议? 专注于学习,而不是收入。职场如同冲浪——只
Fortune's annual Brainstorm Tech conference brings together the best and brightest minds in tech innovation. Fortune periodically turns the spotlight on a different conference attendee to offer his or her own personal insight into business, tech, and entrepreneurship. We asked Deep Nishar, LinkedIn's (LNKD) senior vice president of products and user experience, 10 questions about his life, from the most important thing he learned in school to his biggest missed opportunity. What is the best advice you ever received? What has made you successful to date might not make you successful in the future. Keep learning and growing every day. What was the last book you read? Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman, a collection of short stories examining what life is like after you die. The first one imagines afterlife as another version of your actual life -- only repeated in contiguous segments. It's a reminder that we don't always spend enough time on the things that are most important to us. If you only get one life, why wouldn't you maximize the things you love and enjoy? What would you say to a group of young

要找到合适的海滩,早晚能赶上汹涌澎湃的大浪 潮。 如果没有从事当前的工作,你会做什么? 帮助创业者和年轻的初创公司取得成功。我认 为,指导别人是让知识传播下去的一种方式。我 在职业上的成功都要归因于一些优秀的导师,他 们一路给了我很大帮助。 您错过的最大的一次机会是什么? 每失去一次机会,我都能抓住另外的机会。机会 本身没有大小,关键在于如何利用它们。 您从校园学到的最重要的东西是什么? 学习是贯穿一生的过程,这个过程不是到毕业的 时候就结束了。 您会做什么事来放松消遣? 读书,欣赏加利福尼亚户外的美景。 如果您现在可以去世界的某个地方,您希望去哪 儿? 这里就是我最想去的地方。
people looking to enter the tough job market? Focus on maximizing your learning, not your income. Careers are like surfing -- find the right beach, and sooner or later you will catch the enormous wave. What would you do if you weren't working at your current job? Help entrepreneurs and young startups become successful. Mentoring is my way of paying forward. I attribute my professional success to great mentors who helped me along the way. What was your biggest missed opportunity? For every missed opportunity, there was one that I seized. Opportunities are not big or small when they present themselves. It's what you make of them. What was the most important thing you learned in school? Learning is a lifelong process, it does not stop at graduation. What do you do for fun? Read and enjoy the great California outdoors. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? I'm right where I'd like to be.
您最大的成就是什么? 我生了两个漂亮的女儿。 您经历过最大的失败是什么? 严格来说,是我在1999年创办了 Patkai Networks,后来公司倒闭了。这对我来说也是最 重要的一次学习经历。它让我明白,我的学习存 在很大的空挡,我在后来抓住机会填补了这个差 距。 哪个科技部门最令您着迷? 基因组学——这个学科出色地融合了计算机科 学与生物学——它证明了跨学科工作的巨大力 量。 您如何实现工作生活的平衡? 我尽量严格界定自己的个人时间和工作时间。工 作的时候,我会全身心投入。与家人在一起的时 候,我也会全心全意陪着他们。我们外出度假的 时候,我会关掉所有电子设备。我不会一醒来就
What is your greatest achievement? My two beautiful daughters. What has been your biggest failure? Technically it was the failed startup I founded in 1999, Patkai Networks. It was also my biggest learning experience. It informed me of critical gaps in my learning, which I then sought to fill in my next set of opportunities. What technology sector excites you most? Genomics -- it's an amazing confluence of computer science and biology -- a testament to what interdisciplinary work can accomplish. What do you do to live a balanced life? I try to stay disciplined about my personal and professional time. When I am at work, I give it my all. When I am with my family, I give them my all. I disconnect from electronic devices when we are on vacation. I don't do email every waking
