
英语构词法练习题一、基础练习A:名词后加“y”变成形容词sun---_________( ) wind -—-__________() cloud ——-__________()rain -——________( ) snow --—__________() fun-——__________( ) health —-—________()noise -——__________( )salt—-—__________( )luck -—-__________() sleep ———__________( ) sand -——__________( )B:名词后加“—ful" “—less”变成形容词care -——__________()__________()use--—__________( )__________( )colour---__________()_________( ) help-—-__________( )__________( )hope ---__________()__________( ) harm —-—__________( )__________( )success-—-________( ) wonder———_______( ) peace—-—__________()sleep ———__________( ) home-——__________( ) value———__________()C: 名词后加“—ern”变成形容词east—-—______( )west --—_______()south—-—_______( ) north—--__________( )D: 名词后加“-al"变成形容词person——-__________()education-——__________()tradition———__________( ) medicine--—__________() music —-—__________()nature--—__________( )E: 名词后加“—ly”变成形容词friend-——___________( ) love-——___________( ) week-—-__________( ) F:名词后加“——ous”变成形容词danger——-___________( ) mystery-—-___________( ) fame-—-__________( ) G:名词后加“-en”变成形容词wool——-___________( ) wood-——___________( ) gold--—__________()H: 名词转化为形容词的不规则变化energy——-___________( ) athlete——-___________( ) hunger--—___________() pride-——___________( ) death——-___________() science-——___________()knowledge---___________( )anger—--___________( )Africa---___________() America—-—___________( ) Asia—-—___________( ) Australia--—___________()I:动词变名词①work-——________(工作者) sing—-—________(歌手) teach-—-_________(教师)drive---_________(司机) write--—________(作家) dance———_________(舞蹈家)win——-_________(获胜者) run-—-___________(赛跑者) swim———_________(游泳者)act---_________(演员) collect---__________(收藏家) direct-—-___________(主管)visit———_________(参观者) invent-—-_________(发明家) translate-—-_______ _(翻译家)②educate--—___________(教育) describe-—-___________(描述) predict---___________(预言) collect—--___________(收藏) invent---___________(发明) build-—-___________(建筑物)③mean—-—___________(意思) meet———___________(会议) cross--—___________(路口)turn—-—___________(转弯处) decide---___________(决定) die———___________(死亡)④fly—--___________(飞行) know——-___________(知识) please——-___________(高兴)pronounce--—___________(发音) mix—-—___________(混合物)J:形容词的两种形式—ing/—edplease—-—___________(令人高兴的)---___________(感到高兴的)surprise-—-___________(令人惊讶的的) ---___________(感到惊讶的)excite———___________(令人兴奋的)—-—___________(感到兴奋的)interest—-—___________(令人感兴趣的)---___________(感兴趣的)worry———___________(令人担忧的) ---___________(感到担忧的)amaze, annoy, bore, disappoint, embarrass, frustrate, relax, terrify, thrill, tire等K: 形容词的变化a: 形容词变副词。

1.Zhong Nanshan, ____ doctor, became a hero again in the fight against COVID19(新冠肺炎) in the spring of 2020.A. a 83yearoldB. an 83yearoldC. an 83 years oldD. a 83 years' old2.–Do you know Li Ying?–Yes. She is____girl from Shanghai.A. an elevenyearsoldB. a elevenyearoldC. an elevenyearoldD. eleven years old3.Tina is only ____ girl, but she can draw very well.A. a 8yearoldB. an 8 years oldC. an 8yearoldD. a 8 years old4.My parents always have a _______ holiday in the Spring Festival.A. seven daysB. seven day'sC. sevenday5.Peter is a _______ boy with glasses. He likes reading books very much.A. nine years oldB. nine year oldC. nineyearsoldD. nineyearold6.Look! There is _______ over there. Do you know him?A. a 8yearold boyB. an 8yearold boyC. a 8years old boyD. an 8years old boy7.Bill said they would have _____ holiday.A. a threedayB. three daysC. threedaysD. threedayˈs8.Daming isn't careful, he speaks English very __________(care).A.carefulB. carefullyC. carelessD.carelessly9.It's really ___________ (amaze) to know that there're only seven bones in giraffes' long necks.A.amazingB. amazedC.amazinglyD.amazement10.One of my best friends __________ (success) won a scholarship to Harvard University at the age of 18.A.successfulB. succeedC. successfullyD.unsuccessful二、根据括号内的提示词,写出其正确形式。

英语构词法练习题基础篇 Final approval draft on November 22, 2020英语构词法练习题一、基础练习A: 名词后加“y”变成形容词sun---_________( ) wind ---__________( ) cloud ---__________( )rain ---________( ) snow ---__________( ) fun---__________( )health ---________( ) noise ---__________( ) salt---__________( )luck ---__________( ) sleep ---__________( ) sand ---__________( )B: 名词后加“-ful” “-less”变成形容词care ---__________( )__________( ) use---__________( )__________( )colour---__________( ) _________( ) help---__________( ) __________( )hope ---__________( )__________( ) harm ---__________( ) __________( )success---________( ) wonder---_______( ) peace---__________( )sleep ---__________( ) home---__________( ) value---__________( )C: 名词后加“-ern”变成形容词east---______( )west ---_______( )south---_______( ) north---__________( )D: 名词后加“-al”变成形容词person---__________( )education---__________( )tradition---__________( ) medicine---__________( ) music ---__________( ) nature---__________( )E: 名词后加“-ly”变成形容词friend---___________( ) love---___________( ) week---__________( )F: 名词后加“--ous”变成形容词danger---___________( ) mystery---___________( ) fame---__________( )G: 名词后加“-en”变成形容词wool---___________( ) wood---___________( ) gold---__________( )H: 名词转化为形容词的不规则变化energy---___________( ) athlete---___________( ) hunger---___________( ) pride---___________( ) death---___________( ) science---___________( )knowledge---___________( ) anger---___________( ) Africa---___________( ) America---___________( ) Asia---___________( ) Australia---___________( )I:动词变名词①work---________(工作者) sing---________(歌手) teach---_________(教师) drive---_________(司机) write---________(作家) dance---_________(舞蹈家)win---_________(获胜者) run---___________(赛跑者) swim---_________(游泳者)act---_________(演员) collect---__________(收藏家) direct---___________(主管)visit---_________(参观者) invent---_________(发明家) translate---_______ _(翻译家)②educate---___________(教育) describe---___________(描述) predict---___________(预言)collect---___________(收藏) invent---___________(发明) build---___________(建筑物)③mean---___________(意思) meet---___________(会议) cross---___________(路口)turn---___________(转弯处) decide---___________(决定) die---___________(死亡) ④fly---___________(飞行) know---___________(知识) please---___________(高兴)pronounce---___________(发音) mix---___________(混合物)J:形容词的两种形式—ing/—edplease---___________(令人高兴的)---___________(感到高兴的)surprise---___________(令人惊讶的的) ---___________(感到惊讶的)excite---___________(令人兴奋的) ---___________(感到兴奋的)interest---___________(令人感兴趣的)---___________( 感兴趣的)worry---___________(令人担忧的) ---___________(感到担忧的)amaze, annoy, bore, disappoint, embarrass, frustrate, relax, terrify, thrill, tire等K: 形容词的变化a: 形容词变副词。

构词法测试卷(附答案).doc-Xiang构词法测试一.动词变名词(每词0.5 分)prefer appear solve recognize organize invite expect considersatisfypermitdecidearrangearguepleasegrowarrivelosesucceedchoosecomplain二.形容词变名词(每词0.5 分)aware lonely absent hungry necessary convenientfreepossiblerealpopularhonestbravesafe三.名词变形容词(每词0.5 分)taste health thank powerpoisoneffectcreationsnow四.将下列词变为动词(每词0.5 分)美化beautiful 加长long加宽wide 加强strong加高high缩短short丰富rich五.写出下列单词的反义词(每词0.5 分)expensive formal convenient dependent patient legalimportantobeyadvantageleadusestopsmoker六、变下列动词为现在分词(每词0.5 分)study display limit wait permit begin write admit forget refer七.默写(每词1 分)第九现代的真实的四十毁坏有回报的景色星期三通过构词法测试卷(附答案).doc-Xiang收到坚持敲打品质对---要求严格袭击适应八.用relax 的适当形式填空(每词1 分)1.Singing loudly me.2.I’ll feel when singing loudly.3.It’s for me to sing loudly.4.Singing loudly is a way of to me.5.Singing loudly makes me .6.To my , I’ll have seven days off for National Day.7.I feel stressed and I need to myself.8.I like atmosphere.9.Having done all the work, he lay down, exhausted but .九. 用所给词的正确形式填空(每词1 分)1.The news (excite) everybody so that we’ve decided to have a big meal.2.The failure (courage) him from keeping on trying and at last he became a real failure.3.I was sorry to learn of your uncle's (die).4.I’ll feel(comfort) with strangers, not knowing what to say.5.You have no (choose) but to obey the rule.6.It’s high time for you to (beauty)your handwriting.7.As he waited, his (anxious) grew.8.Listen (attend), or you won’t know what to do next.9.Being a phone addict, he seldom joins in after-school (act).10.Why were you (absence) from school yesterday?11.,(person) I prefer living at school to living at home.12.The failure (weak) his determination and he is in low spirits these days.13.(bath) in the morning sun, I feel refreshed and comfortable.25.To my great (enjoy), I’ve finally found the book I’m searching for.26.He looks (please) while in fact he is unwilling to be with her.27.The little country will gain its (free) next year.28.The result was beyond my . (expect)29.Junk food is (health) and many parents avoid feeding it to their kids.30.When (disagree) does occur, it’s wise of you to talk it over to others.构词法测试答案一.动词变名词(每词0.5 分)prefer preference appear appearance solve solution recognize recognition organize organization invite invitation expect expectation consider considerationsatisfy satisfactionpermit permissiondecide decisionarrange arrangementargue argu(e)mentplease pleasuregrow growtharrive arrivallose losssucceed successchoose choicecomplain complaint二.形容词变名词(每词0.5 分)aware awareness lonely loneliness absent absence hungry hunger necessary necessity convenient conveniencefree freedompossible possibilityreal realitypopular poluarityhonest honestybrave braverysafe safety三.名词变形容词(每词0.5 分)taste tasty health healthy thank thankful power powerful/-lesspoison poisonouseffect effectivecreation creativesnow snowy四.将下列词变为动词(每词0.5 分)美化beautiful beautify 加长long lengthen加宽wide widen 加强strong strengthen加高high heighten缩短short shorten丰富rich enrich五.写出下列单词的反义词(每词0.5 分)expensive inexpensive formal informal convenient inconvenient dependent independent patient impatient legal illegalimportant unimportantobey disobeyadvantage disadvantagelead misleaduse useless/misusestop nonstopsmoker nonsmoker六、变下列动词为现在分词(每词0.5 分)study studyingwait waitingwrite writingrefer referring七.默写(每词1 分)第九ninth四十forty景色scenery display displayingpermit permittingadmit admitting现代的modern毁坏destroy星期三Wednesdaylimit limitingbegin beginningforget forgetting真实的true有回报的reward通过through收到receive 品质quality 袭击attack 坚持stick对---要求严格strict适应adapt敲打strike八.用relax 的适当形式填空(每词1 分)1.Singing loudly relaxes me.2.I’ll feel relaxed when singing loudly.3.It’s relaxing for me to sing loudly.4.Singing loudly is a way of relaxation to me.5.Singing loudly makes me relaxed.6.To my relaxation , I’ll have seven days off for National Day.7.I feel stressed and I need to relax myself.8.I like relaxing atmosphere.9.Having done all the work, he lay down, exhausted but relaxed.九. 用所给词的正确形式填空(每词1 分)1.The news excites/has excited (excite) everybody so that we’ve decided to have a big meal.2.The failure discouraged(courage) him from keeping on trying and at last he became a real failure.3.I was sorry to learn of your uncle's death (die).4.I’ll feel uncomfortableknowing what to say.(comfort) with strangers, not5.You have no choice (choose) but to obey the rule.6.It’s high time for you to beautify (beauty)your handwriting.7.As he waited, his anxiety (anxious) grew.8.Listen attentively(attend), or you won’t know what to do next.9.Being a phone addict, he seldom joins in after-school activities (act).10.Why were you absent (absence) from school yesterday?11.Personally (person) , I prefer living at school to living at home.12.The failure weakens (weak) his determination and he is in low spirits these days.13.Bathed (bath) in the morning sun, I feel refreshed and comfortable.25.To my great enjoyment (enjoy), I’ve finally found the book I’m searching for.26.He looks pleased(please) while in fact he is unwilling to be with her.27.The little country will gain its freedom (free) next year.28.The result was beyond my expectation. (expect)29.Junk food is unhealthy(health) and many parents avoid feeding it to their kids.30.When disagreement(disagree) does occur, it’s wise of you to talk it over to others.。

练题1. Tele- + ______ + -tion = _______________词根或前缀:phon答案:Tele- + phon + -tion = telephone2. Un- + ______ + -ful = _______________词根或前缀:faith答案:Un- + faith + -ful = unfaithful4. Bi- + ______ + -lingual = _______________词根或前缀:lingua答案:Bi- + lingua + -lingual = bilingual5. In- + ______ + -ly = _______________词根或前缀:visible答案:In- + visible + -ly = invisibly6. Mis- + ______ + -er = _______________词根或前缀:lead答案:Mis- + lead + -er = misleader7. ______ + -ed + -ing = interestingly词根或前缀:interest答案:Interest + -ed + -ing = interestingly8. En- + ______ + -ment = _______________词根或前缀:slave答案:En- + slave + -ment = enslavement9. Over- + ______ + -ize = _______________词根或前缀:sensitize答案:Over- + sensitize + -ize = oversensitize10. ______ + -able + -ly = agreeably词根或前缀:agree答案:Agree + -able + -ly = agreeably总结本文档提供了一些基础篇的英语构词法练习题,通过填写适当的词根或前缀、后缀,可以形成一个合适的英语单词。
第07讲 构词法(练习)(解析版)

3.(2024·辽宁六校联考)Apart from this, existing examples of ancient Chinese architecture are also(wide) praised for its elegant outlines and various features, such as overhanging eaves(屋檐), upturned roof corners, and different shapesof roofs.
【解析】考查副词。句意:这艘船出来时气势恢宏,其形状和特征具有闽北特色。提示词修饰动词短语comes out,用副词magnificently作状语,意为“壮丽地,宏伟地”。故填magnificently。
6.(2024·江西九江·二模)In 2005, the pattern was(successful)selected as the symbol of China’s cultural heritage to showcase the ancient Chinese people’s wisdomand aspirations.
2.(2024·浙江·二模)It is believed that by arranging things(appropriate), one can haronize the energies of the natural world.

1)动词转化为名词①很多动词可以转化为名词,大多数情况下,意思没有多大的变化,如:Let's go out for a walk.我们到外面去散散步吧。
②有时意思有一定变化,如:He is a man of strong build.他是一个体格健壮的汉子。
③有的与一个动词和不定冠词构成短语,表示一个动作,如:Let's have a swim.咱们游泳吧。
2)名词转化为动词①很多表示物件,如Did you book a seat on the plane? 你订好飞机座位了吗 ?②身体部位,如:Please hand me the book请.把那本书递给我。
③某类人的名词可以用作动词来表示动作,如:Shenursed her husband back to health她.看护丈夫,使他恢复了健康。
如:We lunched together我.们在一起吃了午餐。
如:We will try our best to better our living conditions.我们要尽力改善我们的生活状况。
例如:Murder will out.( 谚语 )恶事终必将败露。
5)形容词转化为名词①表示颜色的形容词常可转化为名词,如:You should be dressed in black at the funeral.你在葬礼中该穿黑色衣服②某些形容词如 old, young, poor, rich, wounded, injured 等与 the 连用,表示一类人,作主语时,谓语用复数如下,如:The old in our village are living a happy life. 我们村的老年人过着幸福的生活。

构词法Word Formation在英语中,词的构成方式主要有三种:合成、转化和派生。
一、合成 Compounding 两个或更多的词合成一个词。
方式:1. 直接写在一起. 2。
3. 由两个分开的词构成.(1) 合成形容词(2)合成动词(3)合成名词(4)合成副词however, maybe, wherever, whenever, forever(5)合成代词whoever,, whatever, everyone, nobody, myself, something,anything,二、派生 Derivation 前缀后缀注意: -ese, —ian, —ist 既可以构成名词,又可以构成形容词.-er 构成的名词,既有表示人的,又有表示物的。
三、转化 Conversion:指一个词不变化词形,而由一种此类转化为另一种词类或几种词类。
名词和动词之间的转化telephone电话——打电话, mirror镜子——像镜子一样反映, drink喝--饮料,record录音——记录, name, date, hand, study,2. 形容词转化为动词 perfect完美的-—使完善3.名词转化为形容词(副词) front前面——前面的4.形容词转化为名词 chief 主要的-—首领语法填空之构词法专项练习1。
The soldier died for saving the child,so his________(die) is heavier than Mount Tai.2. The Great Wall is more than 6000 li in ________(long).3. How________ (fool) he is!4。

英语构词法练习wordformationVocabulary KnowledgeAffixes and StemsExercisesThe small country was ruled by a monarch for 500 years.–King or queen–single family–Group of the oldest citizens–Group of the richest citizens2. He was interested in anthropology.–the study of apes–the study of insects–the study of royalty–the study of man3. Some citizens say the election of William Blazer will lead to anarchy. –a strong central government–a government contrulled by one man–the absence of a controlling government–an old-fashioned , out-dated government4. Which of the following pairs of words are antonyms?–sea, see–read, read–wet dry–Jim Susan5. Dan says he is an atheist.–one who believes in one god–one who believed in many gods–one who believes there is no god–one who is not sure if there is a god6. There is a great antipathy between the brothers.–love–difference–dislike–resemblance7. Janet is interested in autographs of famous people.–pictures–personalities–families–signatures8. An asterisk is a written symbol which looks like_____.–/–*–%–@9. The government is financing a study of the effects on man of living in a megalopolis.–an apartment in a large building–an extremely large city–a dangerous part of a city–a city with a large police force10. What is the perimeter of this rectangle?–14–4–2 4–5 3 5PrefixesAnte-: before (antedate)Circum-: aroundSub-, suc-, sug-, sup-, sus-: under (suspect)Trans-: acrossInter-: betweenBene-: wellMis-: wrong, unfavorablePoly: manySemi-: halfSyn-, sym-, syl-: with, together (synchnize)Ultra-: beyondBy-: aside or apart form the common, secondaryDe-: away, down fromDia-: through, acrossEpi-: upon, over, outerHypo-: under, beneath, downIntro-, intra-: withinFinal Exam.Understanding Vocabulary (20’=10’+10’)10--vocabulary from Ex. D in the 5 units;10—word formationUnderstanding Sentences (10’=5×2’)Questions (10’=5×2’)Text understanding (some from Ex. C in the 5 units)Reading Comprehension (60’=5×5×2’+2×5×1’ )7 Passages = 5: out of class + 2: fast reading from the 5 unitsUnderstanding SentencesE.g.:While we may be interested in the possibilities of social harmony and individual fulfillment to beachieved through nontraditional education, one cannot help being cautious about accepting any sort of one-s ided educatinal program as a cure for the world’s ills.How does the author feel about nontraditional education? He believed that it has no possibility of success.He doubts that it can cure the world’s ills.He feels that it is a cure for the world’s ills.He believes it will bring social harmony.。

1、An _____must take _____lessons.【选项】A. actor; actB. actor; actingC. acting; actorD. acting; actB由题意来看,“演员必须上表演课”,actor 为名词;take acting lessons 为固定短语。
2、 ----Do you know the result of the ________race?----Yes. The winner is a boy ________Lin Feng from Class 4.A.100-metres, calledB.100-metre; callingC.100-metre; calledD.100-metres, calling【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意为:---你知道 100米比赛的结果吗?---知道。
获奖者是来自 4班的叫林峰的男孩。
分词短语作后置定语,ed 形式表示被动意义,ing 形式表示主动意义。
结合语境可知应选 C。
3、– Is there a bridge over the river?– Yes, there is ______bridge over it.A.a 800-metres-longB.an 800-metres-longC.a 800-metre-longD.an 800-metre-long【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意为:---河面上有一座桥吗?---有。
a 用于辅音发音开头的词前, an 用于元音发音开头的词前。
eight 读作/eit/,故选 D。
4、There are many shops on ______side of the busy street.A.everyB.eachC.bothD.all【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:在繁华的街道上的两边有许多商店。

高考能力测试构词法 Word Formation一.合成 Compounding 两个或更多的词合成一个词。
方式:1. 直接写在一起。
2. 用连字符(-)连接。
3. 由两个分开的词构成。
合成动词二、派生 Derivation (5)合 成 代 词 whoever,, whatever, everyone, nobody, myself, something, anything, ( 6) 合 成 介 词 inside三、转化Conversion: 指一个词不变化词形,而由一种此类转化为另一种词类或几种词类。
1.名词和动词之间的转化telephone电话—打电话, mirror 镜子—像镜子一样反映, drink 喝—饮料, record 录音—记录, name, date, hand, study,2.形容词转化为动词perfect 完美的——使完善3.名词转化为形容词(副词) front 前面——前面的4.形容词转化为名词chief 主要的——首领训练要旨:构词法是英语学习的一个重点,也是近年来常考的项目。
1.That man was enough not to tell the manager that he would not do the job.A.care B. careful C. careless Dcarelessness2.The soldier died for saving the child,so his is heavier than Mount Tai. A. die B. dead C. died D. death3.The child looked at his brother who was badly wounded. A. sadly B. sadness C. sadly D. sad4.H e is an expert at chemistry. We all call him a . A. chemistry B. chemical C. chemis D. physician5.T he three- chair isn’t suitable for a young child. He may fall off. A. legging B .legged C. legs D.leged6.Stephenson became the railway engineer in the world. A. lead B. leader C. leading D. leadership7.When the teacher praised him for working out the maths problem,Jack looked about at his classmates.A.proudB.proudlyC.prideD. pridely8.To everyone’s , the girl finished the job quite well. A.satisfied B.satisfactory C.satisfying D.satisfaction9.—What are you doing here? —Oh,my teacher asked me to write a passage about in English.—You can write _passage in English? A.600 words;a 600-words B.600-word;a 600-wordsC.600 words;a 600-wordD.600 words;a 600-words10.No one should enter the spot without the of the police. A.permit B.permission C.permitting D.permittence11You must come with us to the police .Our head is waiting for you.A.headquarters B.headline C.headmaster D.headache12.Letting that animal escape was no accident;you did it .A.intend B.intention C.intentionally D.intentional13.The shop owner welcomed all the guests with a smile. A.practice B.practise C.practical D.practiced14.The ordered him to pay a $100 fine. A.judger B.judgment C.judge D.judgement15.My TV is out of order.Can you tell me what is the news about Iraq War? tely test ter tter16.The Great Wall is more than 6000 li in . A.longer B.length C.long D.longing17.To my ,I passed the exam easily. A.joy B.joyful C.joyless D.joyness18.Canada is mainly an country. A.English-speaking B.speak-English C.spoken-English D.English-spoken19.How he is! He is always acting .He is really a .A.foolish;foolishly;foolB.fool;foolish;foolC.foolish;fool;foolD.foolishly;foolish;fool20.The necklace that she lost is very expensive.It’s of great . A.valuable B.value C.valueless D.unvaluable21.There were fish in the river in South America. A.in danger B.danger C.dangerous D.dangerless22.The letter “b” in the word“doubt” is. A.sound B.silent C.silence D.sounded23.The child looked at me . A.stranger B.strangely C.strange D.strangeless24.The black people were against slavery and fought for their bravely. A.free B.freely C.freedom D.frees25.What you said sounded but in fact it was untrue. A.reasonable B.reasonful C.reasonless D.unreason26.We have to learn technology from other countries. A.advance B.advancing C.advantage D.advanced27.The children live in a village .They come here almost every day. A.nearby B.near C.nearly D.near by28.Mr Black is an in the army,not an in the government.You can not easily find him in his .A .official;officer;office B.officer;office;official C.official;official;official D.officer;official;office29.You’d better give up smoking if you want to keep .A.health B.healthy C.healthily D.healthier 30.speaking,I didn’t do it on purpose. A.Honestly B.Honest C.Honesty D.Dishonest31.It sounds like a good plan,but there are some difficulties in carrying it out.A.practicedB.practicalC.practiceD.practicing32.His father possesses a factory,which does most of the pollution to this river.A.paper-makeB.paper-makingC.papers-madeD.paper-made33.Marx left his homeland for some reasons. A.politically B.politics C.political D.politician34.It’s to persuade him to give up smoking.He’s very stubborn.A.possible B.possibly C.impossible D.impossibility35.Dan caught two birds in the wood last week and they are still in the cage.A.alive;liveB.live;liveC.live;aliveD.alive;alive36.The doctor said that the old man’s condition was and that they had tried their best. A.hope B.hoped C.hopeful D.hopeless37.Ann felt so that she could hardly open her eyes. A.sleepy B.asleep C.sleep D.sleeping38.We stood there at the sight.A.frightened;frightful B.frightening frightful C.fright;frightening D.frightful;fright39.The doctor’s advice him from drinking and smoking. A.encouraged B.couraged C.encouragement D.discouraged 40I’d like to buy a house,modern,comfortable and above all in a quiet_.A.neighbour B.neighbourhood C.neighbours Dneighbour’s Ⅱ.改错练习(每小题有一个构词法错误,请找出并更正)1.The Milu deer are living in the wild in a natural park.2.This blouse is fit for him at all.It’s too long and the color has run.3.The possibly that the majority of the labor force will work at home is often discussed.4.We must strength government of the people,by the people and for the people.5.The sperm whale can dive to a deep of more than 1000 meters in the sea.6.H e is a very famous actress.He has played many important parts in different films.7.P ersonal,I’d rather stay at home watching TV. 8.Because of her ill,she can’t go out for the sight-seeing.9.Thank you for your describe of the conditions here. 10.It’s really dust in this room.It’s a long time since someone last li ved in it.11.We all don’t know how dark happens. 12.He opened the envelope,folded the letter and began to read it.13.She offered us lots of value information,which played an important part in catching the thief.14.We wish you a pleasure journey back home.15.The captain made an apologize to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.16.I wish that you could interview these journals who come. 17.Coral is not a plant but a various of animal life.18.In my opinion,Harry is the most suitful person for the job. 19.The food was good but the serve was poor.20.This meeting is of great important to all of us. 21.There comes a large collection of soldiers in the distant.22.When he got to the destination,he was quite out of breathe. 23.Traditionally speaking,Russia is a Europe country. 24.“Actual”means“in fact”,and we can also use“as a matter of fact”.25.It is possible to persuade Adam to give up that decide.26.The doctor said that the patience was comfortable after the operation.27.Some people say that this new discover might change the whole society completely.28.The Chinese government treasure the friendly between the people of two countries and we are waiting for a peaceful settlementof this matter. 29.She was afraid of high and dared not jump out of the plane.30.Her mother died of hungry after the flood. 31.I bet you are mistake this time.32.The man said that he was merely a pass-by and that he didn’t watch the accident. 33.—Do you follow me? —Yes,perfect.34.Personal possess of guns causes lots of troubles in the USA. 35.The greatest wealthy is being content with a little.36.I believe our dream that humans will travel to and from the moon will come truth one day.37.Fail is the mother of success. 38.Every year millions of visiters come to visit the dams.39.The Chinese people are building socialist and have achieved great progress.40.People all went up to offer their congratulate on their winning the key match.前后缀“冰ft一角”练习一.形容词后缀1-ous 结尾advantage ambition anxiety continue courage danger disaster fame glory humor mountain mystery number poison prosper religion suspicion varynervevigor2.以-al 结尾Chemistry class economy editor education exception finance function logic memory nation origin parent person physics politics region substance technique technology3.以-able 结尾ability accept access adapt avail avoid capability change comfort compare convert desire durationfavor flexibility honor move notice permit reasonsense vision4.以-ful 结尾beauty care cheer doubt faith fruit glasshand harm help mouth peace power skill spoon success thought wonder二名词后缀 1. 以-ment 结尾achieve advance advertise agree disagreeargue assign attach appoint develop embarrass encourage engage enjoy equip establish govern install managemove pave pay punish ship state2.以-al 结尾approve disapprove arrive propose refuse removesurvive try withdraw3.以-ance/-ence/-ency/cy 结尾abundant accurate agent allow applyattend bankrupt competent compliant confident consist convenient inconvenient correspondent current dependent independent innocent diplomat distant efficient elegant evident existfluent frequent infer infant influential intelligent interfereoffend patient perform prefer refer resident significantsilent tend urgent vacant violent4.以-ion 结尾act add admit attract associate collect combine complete commit communicate compose conclude consider consume create decide declare define describe destroy determine devote direct distinct discuss dominate educate elect evolve except exhaust exhibit exploitfound identify illustrate imitate impress include intend introduce investigate invite liberate locate oblige occupy operate organize participate permit predict produce providepollute possess recognize recommend regulate relate satisfyselect solve submit suggest utilize verify三动词前后缀、1.以-en 开头或结尾large able courage rich hardweak broad soft moist length strength threat sharpsure2.以-ify 结尾magnified simple pure intense beauty clearelectrical note unite dignity3.以-ize/ise/yze/yse 结尾real industrial mechanic central popular evaporation standard neutral高考能力测试构词法Ⅰ.单项填空答案1~5 BDACB 11~15 ACDCB 21~25 CBBCA 31~35 BBCCC6~10 CBDCB 16~20 BAAAB 26~30 DADBA 36~40 DAADB【解析】6.leading 主要的,领头的。

构词法测试卷(附答案).doc-Xiang构词法测试一.动词变名词(每词0.5分)prefer appear solve recognize organize invite expect considersatisfypermitdecidearrangearguepleasegrowarrivelosesucceedchoosecomplain二.形容词变名词(每词0.5分)aware lonely absent convenientfreepossiblehonestbravehungry necessary realpopularsafe三.名词变形容词(每词0.5分)taste health thank powerpoisoneffectcreationsnow四.将下列词变为动词(每词0.5分)美化beautiful 加长long加宽wide 加强strong加高high缩短short丰富rich五.写出下列单词的反义词(每词0.5分)expensive formal convenient dependent patient legalimportantobeyadvantageleadusestopsmoker六、变下列动词为现在分词(每词0.5分)study wait write displaypermitadmitlimitbeginforgetrefer七.默写(每词1分)第九四十景色现代的毁坏星期三真实的有回报的通过收到品质袭击坚持对---要求严格适应敲打八.用relax的适当形式填空(每词1分)1. Singing loudly ____________ me.2. I’ll feel _____________ when singing loudly.3. It’s ____________ for me to sing loudly.4. Singing loudly is a way of ___________ to me.5. Singing loudly makes me ______________.6. To my____________ , I’ll have seven days off for National Day.7. I feel stressed and I need to _____________ myself.8. I like ____________atmosphere.9. Having done all the work, he lay down, exhausted but ____________.九. 用所给词的正确形式填空(每词1分)1. The news _________ (excite) everybody so that we’ve decided to have a big meal.2. The failure ______________(courage) him from keeping on trying and at last he became a real failure.3. I was sorry to learn of your uncle's __________ (die).4. I’ll feel ___________________ (comfort) with strangers, not knowing what to say.5. You have no ___________ (choose) but to obey the rule.6. It’s high time for you to ______________ (beauty)your handwriting.7. As he waited, his ________________ (anxious) grew.8. Listen ________________(attend), or you won’t know what to do next.9. Being a phone addict, he seldom joins in after-school __________________ (act).10. Why were you ______________ (absence) from school yesterday?11. _____________________,(person) I prefer living at school to living at home.12. The failure ___________ (weak) his determination and he is in low spirits these days.13. _______________ (bath) in the morning sun, I feel refreshed and comfortable.25. To my great _____________ (enjoy), I’ve finally found the book I’m searching for.26. He looks____________(please) while in fact he is unwilling to be with her.27. The little country will gain its ___________ (free) next year.28. The result was beyond my ________________. (expect)29. Junk food is _______________(health) and many parents avoid feeding it to their kids.30. When _________________(disagree) does occur, it’s wise of you to talk it over to others.构词法测试答案一.动词变名词(每词0.5分)prefer preference appear appearance solve solution recognize recognition organize organization invite invitation expect expectation consider considerationsatisfy satisfactionpermit permissiondecide decisionarrange arrangementargue argu(e)mentplease pleasuregrow growtharrive arrivallose losssucceed successchoose choicecomplain complaint二.形容词变名词(每词0.5分)aware awareness lonely loneliness absent absence convenient conveniencefree freedompossible possibilityhonest honestybrave braveryhungry hunger necessary necessity real realitypopular poluaritysafe safety三.名词变形容词(每词0.5分)taste tasty health healthy thank thankful power powerful/-lesspoison poisonouseffect effectivecreation creativesnow snowy四.将下列词变为动词(每词0.5分)美化beautiful beautify 加长long lengthen加宽wide widen 加强strong strengthen加高high heighten缩短short shorten丰富rich enrich五.写出下列单词的反义词(每词0.5分)expensive inexpensive formal informal convenient inconvenient dependent independent patient impatient legal illegalimportant unimportantobey disobeyadvantage disadvantagelead misleaduse useless/misusestop nonstopsmoker nonsmoker六、变下列动词为现在分词(每词0.5分)study studying wait waiting write writing display displayingpermit permittingadmit admittinglimit limitingbegin beginningforget forgettingrefer referring七.默写(每词1分)第九ninth 四十forty 景色scenery 现代的modern毁坏destroy星期三Wednesday真实的true有回报的reward通过through收到receive 品质quality 袭击attack 坚持stick对---要求严格strict适应adapt敲打strike八.用relax的适当形式填空(每词1分)1. Singing loudly ____relaxes________ me.2. I’ll feel _____relaxed________ when singing loudly.3. It’s _______relaxing_____ for me to sing loudly.4. Singing loudly is a way of _______relaxation____ to me.5. Singing loudly makes me ____relaxed__________.6. To my______relaxation______ , I’ll have seven days off for National Day.7. I feel stressed and I need to _____relax________ myself.8. I like ____relaxing________atmosphere.9. Having done all the work, he lay down, exhausted but _____relaxed_______.九. 用所给词的正确形式填空(每词1分)1. The news _____ excites/has excited____ (excite) everybody so that we’ve decided to have a big meal.2. The failure _______discouraged_______(courage) him from keeping on trying and at last he became a real failure.3. I was sorry to learn of your uncle's ____death______ (die).4. I’ll feel ________uncomfortable___________ (comfort) with strangers, not knowing what to say.5. You have no ______choice_____ (choose) but to obey the rule.6. It’s high time for you to ______beautify________ (beauty)your handwriting.7. As he waited, his _________anxiety_______ (anxious) grew.8. Listen ______attentively__________(attend), or you won’t know what to do next.9. Being a phone addict, he seldom joins in after-school _____activities______ (act).10. Why were you ______absent________ (absence) from school yesterday?11. ______Personally_______________ (person) , I prefer living at school to living at home.12. The failure ___weakens________ (weak) his determination and he is in low spirits these days.13. _______Bathed________ (bath) in the morning sun, I feel refreshed and comfortable.25. To my great _____enjoyment________ (enjoy), I’ve finally found the book I’m searching for.26. He looks_____pleased_______(please) while in fact he is unwilling to be with her.27. The little country will gain its ________freedom___ (free) next year.28. The result was beyond my __________expectation______. (expect)29. Junk food is _______unhealthy________(health) and many parents avoid feeding it to their kids.30. When _______disagreement__________(disagree) does occur, it’s wise of you to talk it over to others.。

转化法主要分为如下四种类型:1. 动词转化为名词。
①We stopped there for a swim.我们在那儿停下来游了一会儿泳。
②Xiao Liu's answers is perfectly right.小刘的回答是完全正确的。
2. 名词转化为动词。
例如:①He wolfed down three bowls of rice.他狼吞虎咽地吃了三大碗饭。
②He insisted on staying up to nurse the child.他坚持不睡觉来护理这个女孩。
3. 形容词转化为动词。
①He had blacked his face with soot.他已经用煤灰把脸抹黑了。
black 原为形容1 / 16词“黑色的”。
②My father is emptying a box of rubbish into a rubbish-cart.我爸爸正将垃圾倒入垃圾车。
4. 形容词转化为名词。
例如:①My mother likes red.我妈妈喜欢红色(的)。
②The Chinese are working-hard and brave people.人勤劳而勇敢。

一、前缀和后缀练习1. 给下列单词添加适当的前缀或后缀,使其成为新词,并解释新词的含义。
- happy → _unhappy_(不快乐的)- possible → _impossible_(不可能的)- agree → _disagree_(不同意)2. 将下列单词的前缀或后缀去掉,解释原词的含义。
- unhappy → _happy_(快乐的)- impossible → _possible_(可能的)- disagree → _agree_(同意)3. 根据所给的词根和前缀或后缀,构造新词。
- "act" + "ive" → _active_(积极的)- "un" + "usual" → _unusual_(不寻常的)- "re" + "build" → _rebuild_(重建)二、合成词练习1. 将下列单词组合成合成词,并解释其含义。
- sun + rise → _sunrise_(日出)- class + room → _classroom_(教室)- full + time → _full-time_(全职的)2. 给下列合成词添加适当的前缀或后缀,使其成为新词,并解释新词的含义。
- sunrise → _sunset_(日落)- classroom → _classroom-based_(基于教室的)- full-time → _part-time_(兼职的)三、派生词练习1. 给下列单词添加派生词后缀,使其成为名词或形容词。
- act → _action_(行动)- believe → _belief_(信念)- organize → _organization_(组织)2. 将下列派生词还原成原词,并解释其含义。

Word Form QuizP art AFill the blanks using the words below。
While doing this exercise, look for clues which tell you what kind of word is missing (adjective, noun, verb, adverb).1. That man was ________enough not to tell the manager that he would not do the job. A。
care B。
careful C. careless D. carelessness2。
The soldier died for saving the child,so his________ is heavier than Mount Tai。
A. dieB. deadC. diedD. death3。
The child looked ________at his brother who was badly wounded。
A. sadlyB. sadnessC. saddenD. sad4。
He is an expert at chemistry. We all call him a ________。
A. chemistry B。
chemicalC. chemistD. physician5.The three—________chair isn’t suitable for a young child. He may fall off.A。
legging B. legged C. legs D. leged6。
Stephenson became the________railway engineer in the world。
lead B. leader C。

构词法练习一、选择填空1.T hat man was enough not to tell the manager that he would not do the job.A.careB.carefulC.carelessD.carelessness2.The soldier died for saving the child,so his is heavier than Mount Tai.A.dieB.deadC.diedD.death3.T he child looked at his brother who was badly wounded.A.sadlyB.sadnessC.sadlyD.sad4.He is an expert at chemistry.We all call him a .A.chemistryB.chemicalC.chemistD.physician5.The three- chair isn’t suitable for a young child.He may fall off.A.leggingB.leggedC.legsD.leged6.Stephenson became the railway engineer in the world.A.leadB.leaderC.leadingD.leadership7.W hen the teacher praised him for working out the maths problem,Jack looked about at his classmates.A.proudB.proudlyC.prideD.pridely8.T o everyone’s ,the girl finished the job quite well.A.satisfiedB.satisfactoryC.satisfyingD.satisfaction9.—What are you doing here?—Oh,my teacher asked me to write a passage about in English.—You can write passage in English?A.600 words;a 600-wordsB.600-word;a 600-wordsC.600 words;a 600-wordD.600 words;a 600-words10.No one should enter the spot without the of the police.A.permitB.permissionC.permittingD.permittence11.You must come with us to the police .Our head is waiting for you.A.headquartersB.headlineC.headmasterD.headache12.Letting that animal escape was no accident;you did it .A.intendB.intentionC.intentionallyD.intentional13.The shop owner welcomed all the guests with a smile.A.practiceB.practiseC.practicalD.practiced14.The ordered him to pay a $100 fine.A.judgerB.judgmentC.judgeD.judgement15.My TV is out of order.Can you tell me what is the news about Iraq War?telytesttertter16.The Great Wall is more than 6000 li in .A.longerB.lengthC.longD.longing17.To my ,I passed the exam easily.A.joyB.joyfulC.joylessD.joyness18.Canada is mainly an country.A.English-speakingB.speak-EnglishC.spoken-EnglishD.English-spoken19.How he is! He is always acting .He is really a .A. foolish;foolishly;foolB. fool;foolish;foolC. foolish;fool;foolD. foolishly;foolish;fool20.The necklace that she lost is very expensive.It’s of great .A.valuableB.valueC.valuelessD.unvaluable21.There were fish in the river in South America.A.in dangerB.dangerC.dangerousD.dangerless22.The letter “b” in the word“doubt” is.A.soundB.silentC.silenceD.sounded23.The child looked at me .A.strangerB.strangelyC.strangeD.strangeless24.The black people were against slavery and fought for their bravely.A.freeB.freelyC.freedomD.frees25.What you said sounded but in fact it was untrue.A.reasonableB.reasonfulC.reasonlessD.unreason26.We have to learn technology from other countries.A.advanceB.advancingC.advantageD.advanced27.The children live in a village .They come here almost every day.A.nearbyB.nearC.nearlyD.near by28.Mr Black is an in the army,not an in the government.You can not easily find him in his .A.official;officer;officeB.officer;office;officialC.official;official;officialD.officer;official;office29.You’d better give up smoking if you want to keep .A.healthB.healthyC.healthilyD.healthier30. speaking,I didn’t do it on purpose.A.HonestlyB.HonestC.HonestyD.Dishonest31.It sounds like a good plan,but there are some difficulties in carrying it out.A.practicedB.practicalC.practiceD.practicing32.His father possesses a factory,which does most of the pollution to this river.A.paper-makeB.paper-makingC.papers-madeD.paper-made33.Marx left his homeland for some reasons.A.politicallyB.politicsC.politicalD.politician34.It’s to persuade him to give up smoking.He’s very stubborn.A.possibleB.possiblyC.impossibleD.impossibility35.Dan caught two birds in the wood last week and they are still in the cage.A.alive;liveB.live;liveC.live;aliveD.alive;alive36.The doctor said that the old man’s condition was and that they had tried their best.A.hopeB.hopedC.hopefulD.hopeless37.Ann felt so that she could hardly open her eyes.A.sleepyB.asleepC.sleepD.sleeping38.We stood there at the sight.A.frightened;frightfulB.frightening;frightfulC.fright;frighteningD.frightful;fright39.The doctor’s advice him from drinking and smoking.A.encouragedB.couragedC.encouragementD.discouraged40.I’d like to buy a house,modern,comfortable and above all in a quiet .A.neighbourB.neighbourhoodC.neighboursD.neighbour’s二、用括号里词适当形式填空1It’s October the (nine). It’s my mother’s birthday.2Congratulations!(恭喜) Both of you are the (win) of the match.3Computers and printers are now (wide) used in many companies.4 She was so (care) that she took my umbrella by mistake.5Look at the sun. It always shines (bright) in the sky.6Miss Smith put the new dress on, and looked at (she) in the mirror.7 I think the dictionary is (help) to your study.8 Don’t open your books. Please keep them (close)9 Children should speak to old people (polite).10 The time is too short. It’s(possible) for Daniel to finish this work.11 Paper catches fire (easy).12My sister is (happy) now because she lost her money.13You have to believe in (you) . That’s the secret of success.14I don’t like travelling by plane. I think it’s(safe) to travel by air.15 He speaks Chinese very well though he is a (Canada).16 You may be (worry) if you are in trouble and have no one to help you.17 It’s very to go hiking into the mountains. I’m about it.(excite)18 Beijing is such an city that I’m in it very much. There are many places of (interest).19 The students are listening to the teacher (care).20 He’s too old. But he (real) loves plays.21 This lake is (danger) for swimmers.22There are a lot of (travel) on the train.23The cinema has two (enter) . Which one should we go into?24 Geography is a (nature) science. Do you know?25 A (library) is a person who works in a library.26 The policeman caught the (rob) at last.27The driver was very (thank) to the policeman for his help.28Now there was enough light, so the doctor was able to see (clear).29Yunman University has a long history. It has celebrated its (eighty) birthday.30Congratulations on crossing the channel (success)!31 How can I improve my (speak) English?32It’s(sun) today. Let’s go swimming.33It rained (heavy), so he didn’t go to work yesterday.34 July is the (seven) month of the year.35Shanghai is in the (east) past of China.36Mrs. Smith smiled (happy) when she received a present from her son on Mother’s Day.37 Go (cross) the bridge. You’ll find the library on the left.38 The woman looked at the young man (angry) and didn’t say a word.39 Rosa eats (little) food than he sister.40 Most people like easy jobs and don’t like todo the (pleasant) work.41 Children need time and (free) to have fun.42I did rather (bad) in the race.43Why do you (like) travelling by air? Because it is dangerous by air.44 Lilyt felt sad because the bird was (die).45 He put his other shoe under his bed very (quiet).46 Thank you for your letter and you (value) advice.47 Goodness me! Your (pronounce) is very good.48 Could you lend me your bike? Mine is (break).49 It’s a day. Do you still want to swim? (rain , rainy)50She missed the train this morning. ( near , nearly)51The boy wants to be a when he grows up. ( write, writer).52Her little daughter can study by herself now and the mother is very .(please , pleased)53 Are you sure the dish taste ? (good , well)54 When someone knocked at the door, the old man was just falling (sleep, asleep)55 Is he the best in the diving team? (play , player)56 My uncle me to play the violin every evening. (teacher , teaches)57 Mr Smith is such an man that we all trust him. ( honest , dishonest)58 Today Linda’s parents are out, she has to stay at home . ( alone , lonely)59 What’s the weather like today? It’s. (wind , windy)60 When spring comes, the snow (appears , disappears).答案:1~5 BDACB 6~10 CBDCB11~15 ACDCB 16~20 BAAAB21~25 CBBCA 26~30 DADBA31~35 BBCCC 36~40 DAADB。

派生词专项训练100题1.I wrote him a letter to show my___(appreciate) of his thoughtfulness.2.The first tomb was built at the___(begin)of the 15th century.3.Painting is a ___(create) process.4.For our homework tonight,we have to write a ___(describe) of the street wherewe live.5.The ___ (discover) of gold on their land made the people rapidly rich。
6.I'd just like to ___ (emphasis)how important it is for people to learn foreignlanguage。
7.My grandfather is as___(energy) as a young man and hates sitting around doingnothing at all.8.The first lesson was very___(enjoy)-—-I like it a lot!9.These discoveries proved the___(exist)of a human species who lived in the areabetween 700,000 and 200.000 years ago.10.A smile is the universal___(face)expression—--it is intended to put people atease.11.Those who change mobile phones frequently will pay a heavy price for being___(fashion).12.The committee is discussing the problem right now。
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英语构词法练习题一、基础练习A: 名词后加“y”变成形容词sun---_________( ) wind ---__________( ) cloud ---__________( )rain ---________( ) snow ---__________( ) fun---__________( )health ---________( ) noise ---__________( ) salt---__________( )luck ---__________( ) sleep ---__________( ) sand ---__________( )B: 名词后加“-ful” “-less”变成形容词care ---__________( )__________( ) use---__________( )__________( ) colour---__________( ) _________( ) help---__________( ) __________( ) hope ---__________( )__________( ) harm ---__________( ) __________( ) success---________( ) wonder---_______( ) peace---__________( )sleep ---__________( ) home---__________( ) value---__________( )C: 名词后加“-ern”变成形容词east---______( )west ---_______( )south---_______( ) north---__________( ) D: 名词后加“-al”变成形容词person---__________( )education---__________( )tradition---__________( ) medicine---__________( ) music ---__________( ) nature---__________( ) E: 名词后加“-ly”变成形容词friend---___________( ) love---___________( ) week---__________( )F: 名词后加“--ous”变成形容词danger---___________( ) mystery---___________( ) fame---__________( )G: 名词后加“-en”变成形容词wool---___________( ) wood---___________( ) gold---__________( )H: 名词转化为形容词的不规则变化energy---___________( ) athlete---___________( ) hunger---___________( ) pride---___________( ) death---___________( ) science---___________( ) knowledge---___________( ) anger---___________( ) Africa---___________( ) America---___________( ) Asia---___________( ) Australia---___________( ) I:动词变名词①work---________(工作者) sing---________(歌手) teach---_________(教师) drive---_________(司机) write---________(作家) dance---_________(舞蹈家)win---_________(获胜者) run---___________(赛跑者) swim---_________(游泳者)act---_________(演员) collect---__________(收藏家) direct---___________(主管) visit---_________(参观者) invent---_________(发明家) translate---_______ _(翻译家)②educate---___________(教育) describe---___________(描述) predict---___________(预言)collect---___________(收藏) invent---___________(发明) build---___________(建筑物)③mean---___________(意思) meet---___________(会议) cross---___________(路口)turn---___________(转弯处) decide---___________(决定) die---___________(死亡)④fly---___________(飞行) know---___________(知识) please---___________(高兴)pronounce---___________(发音) mix---___________(混合物)J:形容词的两种形式—ing/—edplease---___________(令人高兴的)---___________(感到高兴的)surprise---___________(令人惊讶的的) ---___________(感到惊讶的)excite---___________(令人兴奋的) ---___________(感到兴奋的)interest---___________(令人感兴趣的)---___________( 感兴趣的)worry---___________(令人担忧的) ---___________(感到担忧的)amaze, annoy, bore, disappoint, embarrass, frustrate, relax, terrify, thrill, tire等K: 形容词的变化a: 形容词变副词。
quick---____________( ) strong---____________( ) heavy---____________( ) angry---____________( ) lucky---____________( ) healthy---____________( ) noisy---____________( ) usual---____________( ) careful---__________( ) successful---_________( ) terrible---___________( ) possible---____________( ) b: 形容词变名词。
Kind---____________( )happy---____________( )ill---____________( ) safe---____________( )confident---____________( )important---____________( ) different---____________( )true---____________( ) high---____________( ) 二、高考真题训练1).用所给词的正确形式填空。
1.It is ________ (legal)to drive after drinking alcohol.2.The Chinese people are very ________ (friend)to foreigners.3.David moved ________ (caution)forward.4.The teacher gave them ________ (instruct)to arrive early tomorrow morning.5.Three people have been killed in a bomb ________(explode)in northwest Spain.6.One should have the ability to tell the ________(different)between right and wrong.7.He is a ________ (quality)teacher who is respected by his students.8.For many Americans the automobile is a ________(necessary).9.Excessive dosage(剂量)of this drug can result in ________(injure)to the liver.10.“Thank you.” is a polite ________ (express)which is widely used in English.2).改错练习。
1.The Milu deer are living in the wild in a natural park.2.This blouse is fit for him at all. It’s too long and the color has run.3.The possibly that the majority of the labor force will work at home is often discussed.4.We must strength government of the people,by the people and for the people.5.The sperm whale can dive to a deep of more than 1000 meters in the sea.6.He is a very famous actress. He has played many important parts in different films.7.Personal,I’d rather stay at home watc hing TV.8.Because of her ill,she can’t go out for the sight-seeing.9.Thank you for your describe of the conditions here.10.It’s really dust in this room. It’s a long time since someone last lived in it.。