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59. 在热烈的讨论后,我们得出了结论,遇到新的词,应该先猜词意。(conclusion)

After a heated discussion, we drew/ formed/ came to/arrived at/ reached a conclusion that when meeting with a new word, we should guess its meaning first.

60. 我们祝贺校长60岁生日。(congratulate)

We congratulate the principal on his 60th birthday.

相关词性的用法:congratulations on sth./ doing 祝贺你……

61. 我们把长城看作人类的奇迹。(consider)

We consider the Great Wall (as/ to be) the wonder of human beings.

Consider用法: consider…(as./to be)… 把…视作为…(相当于think of….as/ look on….as/ regard…as) consider doing 考虑做某事

consider+ 从句认为…….

62. 你提早通知我会议取消,考虑真周到。(considerate)

It is considerate of you to inform me that the meeting has been cancelled.

63. 与老师预料的相反,班长答出了问题。(contrary)

Contrary to what the teacher had expected/ the teacher’s expe ctation, the monitor worked out the problem.(注意时态)

contrary to 与…相反(一般后面跟名词或短语或介词或宾语从句)

on the contrary 正相反

64. 如果你方便的话,请帮我确认一下我的机票。(convenient)

If it is convenient to/for you, please help me to confirm my ticket.

注意:convenient 不用人作主语。

65. 这个失误让他失掉了他的工作。(cost)

The fault cost him his job.

cost sb. sth. 使某人付出某事的代价

66. 他的新房子和我们的形成了鲜明的对比。(contrast)

Their new house is in a sharp contrast with ours.

67. 任何需要歌剧的票子,请致电和我联系。(contact)

Whoever wants the ticket for the opera, please contact me.


如果作名词,则make contact with

68.我们已经决定将这个海岛作为我们年度会议的地点.(decide on)

We have decided on the island as the place of our annual meeting.

其他用法:decide to do sth.


The committee declared that our school would be responsible for everything of the competition.

70. 因为你已经不是小孩子了,不要总依靠父母.(depend)

Since you are no longer a child, you can’t always depend on your parents.

depend on 还可以表示“取决于”。

71. 任何想要生存的人不能不依靠社会.(dependent)

Anyone who wants to survive must be dependent on society.

72. 困难并未打消他们继续前进的念头.(discourage)

Difficulties didn’t discourage them from proceeding.

73. 我决定要和那些一贯固执己见的人谈一谈.(determine)

I am determined to talk with those who stick to their own opinions.

74. 毕业后,他一直在一家医药公司致力于癌症的研究.(devote)

After graduation, he has devoted himself to the research of cancer in a medical company.

devote himself to sth. /doing sth. / be devoted to sth./ doing sth. 致力于,献身于

75. 你是否发现我们现在购物习惯与十年前不同了?(differ)

Have you found that our shopping habit differs from that a decade ago?

76. 不可否认,数码相机的迅速发展给我们生活带来了一系列的变化.(deny)

There is no denying that the rapid development of digital cameras has brought a series of change to us.

其他用法:deny doing sth.

He said that he had much difficulty in taking on the demanding task.

have difficulty with sth./ have difficulty (in) doing sth.

78. 不遵守交通规则的人应该受到处罚..(deserve)

Those who don’t observe the traffic rules deserve to be punished./ deserve punishing.

注意:deserve doing sth.= deserve to be done

79. 学生在讨论应把课文分成几部分?(divide)

How many parts should the students divide the text into?

80. 无疑他会在英语学习上取得更大的进步.(doubt)

No doubt that he has made great progress in English learning.

注意:progress 不可数名词


All the lights in the classroom are on day and night, which will be a great drain on electricity.


My cousin realized his dream of being a diplomat last year..

My cousin’s dream of being a diplomat came true last year.


Due to the one-child policy carried out by the government, the population of the city will be doubled in 100 years.

介词短语due to=because of=thanks to=owing to


He is eager to know the cause of the accident.


In their eagerness to draw quick profit from the trees, many people cut down trees in great numbers. 85.父母的言行对孩子的成长会产生很大的影响.(effect)

Parents’ words and behavior will have a great effect on the growth of their children


He made efforts to enlarge his vocabulary.


I haven’t been elected (to be) chairman of the committee.


Schools shouldn’t put too much emphasis on students’ marks.

89. 我们只有通过教育孩子爱动物,才能使他们长大后懂得如何保护大自然.(enable)

Only by educating children to love animals can we enable them to know how to protect nature after they grow up.

90. 过了许多年他才有了足够的资金从事这种疾病的研究.(engage)

It was many years before he had enough funds to engage in the research of the disease.

91. 他的丰富经验使得他应得到同事们的尊敬.(entitle)
