


Do not use images from the web.
Notes about graphs…
For simple graphs use MS Excel, or do the graph directly in PowerPoint.
Graphs done in a scientific graphing programs (eg. Sigma Plot, Prism, SPSS, Statistica) should be saved as JPEG or TIFF if possible. For more information see MIU.
The best type of image files to insert are JPEG or TIFF, JPEG is the preferred format.
Be aware of the image size you are importing. The average colour photo (13 x 18cm at 180dpi) would be about 3Mb (1Mb for B/W greyscale). Call MIU if unsure.
Importing / inserting files…
Images such as photographs, graphs, diagrams, logos, etc, can be added to the poster.
To insert scanned images into your poster, go through the menus as follows: Insert / Picture / From File… then find the file on your computer, select it, and press OK.



non-distress vocalizations 48%
other 38%
Berlin Los Angeles Beijing
38 20 17 36
gaze 10%
smile 4%
Reactions to non-distress vocalizations
neutral vocalizations of low or middle intensity
Contingency toward infant signals in mother-infant dyads from Culture & different cultural environments development
Joscha Kärtner & Heidi Keller
Percentages of child events
Child N Girls 47.4% 61.9% 64.7% 47.1% 57.7% Firstborn** * 73.7% 71.4% 100.0% 40.0% 26.9%
Mother Age*** 34.0a (3.0) 34.5a (3.0) 27.9b (2.8) 29.0b (3.4) 30.2 (6.2) 29.0b (8.4) Education* ** 15.2a (3.4) 17.0a (1.6) 15.2a/b (3.0) 15.5a (1.4) 12.9b (1.8) 6.6c (1.9)
THEORETICAL BACKGROUND • To react contingently toward a baby’s signals is part of the universal intuitive parenting repertoire (Papoušek & Papoušek, 1991). In two recent studies vocalizing was the dominant modality followed by touching (Hsu & Fogel, 2003; VanEgeren et al., 2001) • Furthermore, there are culture-specific modulations: • Gusii mothers from rural Kenya predominantly reacted by holding and touching whereas Boston middle-class mothers reacted primarily by looking and vocalizing (Richman et al., 1992) • Japanese mothers reacted more by touching as compared to Euro-American mothers who used facial expressions and vocalizing more often (Fogel et al.,1988) Our study addresses the general occurrence of contingent responsiveness as well as the specificity of reactions using a multicultural design with mothers who differ with respect to their interactional preferences: • Mothers with an independent model of parenting (Berlin and Los Angeles) should use distal modalities more often, • Mothers with an interdependent model of parenting (rural Nso) should use proximal modalities more often, and • Mothers with an autonomous relational model of parenting (Beijing, Delhi, urban Nso) should use both distal and proximal modalities equally often PROCEDURE • Families were visited at home • 10 minutes free play interaction between the caretaker and her 3-month old baby was videotaped METHODS – modalities for contingent responsiveness: 1.Body contact (holding) 2.Body stimulation (touching) 3.Gaze (looking) 4.Smile 5.Facial expression (raised eyebrows, mouth open) 6.Vocalization (talking) 7.Object stimulation (toys) 8.Acoustical stimulation (flipping, rattling)

学术海报模版ppt Poster

学术海报模版ppt Poster
paper size (46.8” high by 33.1” wide) but prints can
be scaled up or down in size to any dimension with
the same aspect ratio. For example, if you order an
Microsoft® design the software and we created all
of the original color themes, templates, and clip art
galleries. We know how to make your printed
poster look just like it does on screen. Other
and altered s. We know the secrets to avoid
those issues. So choose Genigraphics for the most
accurate reproduction available.
Figure 1. Label in 24pt Calibri.
Series 2
To change the font style of this text box: Click on the
border once to highlight the entire text box, then
select a different font or font size that suits you.
<your organization>


Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR)
Pulse Duration
0.035 0.03
OTDR Saturation at Increased Pulse Durations
1 second 2 seconds 3 seconds
Travel Distance from Source (m)
Fiber optic characterization using a simulated Optical Time-Domain Reflectometer (OTDR)
Robb P. Merrill
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - University of Utah
Figure 5: Reflection patterns using various connectors (reduced Fresnel magnitudes inside yellow box)
Short fiber optic cables present many challenges that must be overcome in order to accurately detect fiber damage using OTDR. Pulse durations shorter than 1 microsecond, and Angled Physical Contact (APC) fiber connectors are recommended to provide the greatest reduction in Fresnel reflection. By performing OTDR simulations, an optical systems engineer could understand the behavior of a fiber network and detect potential problems before actual production.


edge of the picture (graph or photo).
Importing / inserting files… Images such as photographs, graphs, diagrams, logos, etc, can be added to the poster. To insert scanned images into your poster, go through the menus as follows: Insert / Picture / From File… then find the file on your computer, select it, and press OK. The best type of image files to insert are JPEG or TIFF, JPEG is the preferred format. Be aware of the image size you are importing. The average colour photo (13 x 18cm at 180dpi) would be about 3Mb (1Mb for B/W greyscale). Call MIU if unsure. Do not use images from the web.
and lower case, not all capitals. ▪ Never do whole sentences in capitals or underline
to stress your point, use bold characters instead. ▪ When laying out your poster leave breathing


• (姓名、职业、现任
职务、学术成果、社会活动、其他个人信 息) • 3. 发言顺序 • 4. 邀请第一位演讲人
Task 1 介绍发言人
• Ⅰ Before listening, please read the useful patterns and expressions often used in introducing a a speaker in the data bank.
Unit Three 会议发言
• Ⅰ常用词汇:
• 1.回顾常用的会议用语
Unit Three 会议发言
• Ⅰ常用词汇:
• 1.会议用语
• Meeting
• 普通用词,词义广泛。指一般性的会议,可用于 各种场合。
• e.g. •
• 峰会 • a summit meeting • 参加会议 • attend a meeting
• a farewell meeting
• 联欢会
• a convivial meeting
• 筹备会议
• preparatory meeting
Unit Three 会议发言
• Ⅰ常用词汇:
• Conference
• (通常持续几天的大型正式)会议, 如政府工作会 议、国际学术交流会议、各国之间的协商、会谈 等。
• 研讨会、专题报告 symposium (pl.
• is a kind of meeting, but if refers exclusively to the meetings for specialized academic discussion.
• The symposium on AIDS research lasted two days.


Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
3. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
4. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Figure #1

ei会议 poster模板

ei会议 poster模板

ei会议 poster模板一、概述EI会议 poster 模板是一种用于展示参会者在会议上研究成果的标准化格式,旨在向全球范围内的专家学者展示参会者的研究水平和成果。

本文将详细介绍EI会议 poster 模板的设计、制作和展示过程,帮助参会者更好地呈现自己的研究成果。

二、设计要素1. 标题:poster的标题应简明扼要,反映研究主题。

2. 背景:poster的背景颜色应以白色为主,简洁明了。

3. 主标题与副标题:主标题应突出研究主题,副标题则可用于补充说明研究细节。

4. 内容布局:poster的内容布局应合理,突出重点,避免杂乱无章。

5. 图片与图表:如有相关图片或图表,应清晰明了,易于理解。

6. 字体与字号:字体应选择易读性强、无过多花哨的字体,字号应适中。

三、制作步骤1. 确定主题:根据所参加的会议和研究内容,确定poster的主题。

2. 搜集资料:搜集相关文献、数据和图片,为poster的制作做好准备。

3. 设计模板:根据EI会议 poster 模板的要求,设计符合规范的模板。

4. 填写内容:按照模板要求,填写poster的主要内容,确保逻辑清晰、条理分明。

5. 添加图片与图表:根据需要,添加相关的图片和图表。

6. 校对与修改:仔细校对poster的内容,发现问题及时修改,确保无误。

四、展示技巧1. 摆正poster的位置:确保poster的摆放位置稳定,避免倾斜或摇晃。

2. 保证展示效果:确保poster的展示效果良好,光线适宜,布局合理。

3. 与观众互动:积极与观众互动,回答他们的问题,提高观众参与度。

4. 突出重点:在展示过程中,要突出研究重点和成果,让观众一目了然。

5. 配合讲解:如有需要,可以配合讲解员进行讲解,使观众更好地理解研究内容。

五、注意事项1. 格式规范:确保poster的格式符合EI会议的要求,避免出现排版错误或格式问题。

2. 内容真实:确保poster内容真实可靠,不夸大研究成果,不作虚假宣传。


▪ Frequent looks to task objects during social-oriented teaching tasks at 12 months also predicted higher scores in recognizing high-intensity emotions.
(2) Whether infants’ looking to mothers’ face is related to their emotional recognition?
Table 1 Descriptive Statistics of Infant Looking Behaviors
At Mother At Task Object
Frequency Mean (SD)
Total Duration
Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
1.61 (1.00) 15,72 (11.92) 0.06 (.04) 3.33 (1.05) 202.99 (26.51) 0.73 (.10)
Fifty-one 12-month-old infants and their mothers participated in a larger 3-year longitudinal study.
▪Procedure & Measures
At 12 months
▪ However, longer looks to objects during social-oriented tasks were related to lower scores in recognizing highintensity emotions.

学术会议 学术交流poster模板

学术会议 学术交流poster模板
• Praesent nibh pede, eleifend ac, aliquam vitae, venenatis eu, risus. In sit amet diam. Integer suscipit interdum eros.
• In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam tellus.
Age (years)
60.9 + 9.2
17 (100)
Hormone therapy
9 (52.9)
Previous posterior repair
7 (41.2)
Defecatory symptoms
9 (52.9)
Bulge symptoms
15 (88.2)
20 O
O Factor
1 3* 5
24 6
24 6
*p < .05
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam in diam consectetuer odio blandit elementum. Morbi id ligula ac ligula adipiscing iaculis. Nulla risus lorem, molestie ac, scelerisque quis, gravida eleifend, wisi. Proin sapien ante, faucibus sit amet, mollis eu, molestie a, erat. Donec magna nibh, ultrices facilisis, dignissim at, mollis ut, diam. Nulla facilisi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi tristique erat at ligula. Curabitur in metus. Donec consequat. Quisque porta. Integer diam. Mauris pellentesque aliquet elit. Curabitur hendrerit metus quis augue. Mauris rhoncus, magna vitae laoreet imperdiet, ligula dolor hendrerit quam, sit amet mollis augue nibh et lorem.



Linear fits to data give :
Wb Wub 46nm H b 0.7 H ub 3nm
W = width (FWHM) H = height b = baked ub = unbaked
→ 30% vertical shrinkage → Outer layers collapse a fixed 20-25 nm around the edge (not dependent on lateral dimension)
(Left) Arrays of pillars defined in r-F8Ox from a ~200 nm film using a 60 nm probe aperture. Exposure decreases from A (200 ms) to B (50 ms) to C (20 ms). (Right) Confocal photoluminescence images of the same areas.
Sub-wavelength aperture
x y z
200 nm
• Structure of 65,000 pixels. • Minimum resolution 60 nm.
Log (Intensity)
→ Integrity of aperture maintained.
PXT UV activation PPV
Optical fibre probe
• The SNOL probe: a sharpened, metal-coated optical fibre with a sub-wavelength aperture defined at the apex • 325nm HeCd laser launched into the fibre.



20 10 0
b a
20 10
• Contingent responses are additions, modifications and deletions of specific behaviors • We allow for settings with multiple caretakers to guarantee ecological validity (there were either 1 (11.5%) or 2-3 (4.8%) other persons besides the mother)
80 70
d a b/d
a a
contingency rate in %
60 c/d/e
n.s .
n.s .
b/c a/c a/c a/b b
analysis of caretakers’ behavior
b/d a/b/c/ d a
Percentages of child events
THEORETICAL BACKGROUND • To react contingently toward a baby’s signals is part of the universal intuitive parenting repertoire (Papoušek & Papoušek, 1991). In two recent studies vocalizing was the dominant modality followed by touching (Hsu & Fogel, 2003; VanEgeren et al., 2001) • Furthermore, there are culture-specific modulations: • Gusii mothers from rural Kenya predominantly reacted by holding and touching whereas Boston middle-class mothers reacted primarily by looking and vocalizing (Richman et al., 1992) • Japanese mothers reacted more by touching as compared to Euro-American mothers who used facial expressions and vocalizing more often (Fogel et al.,1988) Our study addresses the general occurrence of contingent responsiveness as well as the specificity of reactions using a multicultural design with mothers who differ with respect to their interactional preferences: • Mothers with an independent model of parenting (Berlin and Los Angeles) should use distal modalities more often, • Mothers with an interdependent model of parenting (rural Nso) should use proximal modalities more often, and • Mothers with an autonomous relational model of parenting (Beijing, Delhi, urban Nso) should use both distal and proximal modalities equally often PROCEDURE • Families were visited at home • 10 minutes free play interaction between the caretaker and her 3-month old baby was videotaped METHODS – modalities for contingent responsiveness: 1.Body contact (holding) 2.Body stimulation (touching) 3.Gaze (looking) 4.Smile 5.Facial expression (raised eyebrows, mouth open) 6.Vocalization (talking) 7.Object stimulation (toys) 8.Acoustical stimulation (flipping, rattling)



• My presentation is structured in the following way • This is how my presentation will go • • • • I will begin with an introduction to … Then I will move on to … After that, I will deal with … And finally, I will conclude with …
• Well, this brings us to the end of my presentation. Let us see what we may conclude here. • A promising area of future research is probably … • Okay, this ends my presentation. Thank you for your attention. And I would be really interested in hearing your questions.
• 通常15-20分钟,平均每30秒一张幻灯片,每张 幻灯片不宜超过1分钟 • 着正装 ,注意仪容 • 自信,不要太在意自己的英文发音(we are not native speakers of English) • 不要始终盯着电脑屏幕,适时环顾四周,避免 读PPT • 不用讲得太细(别人会去看论文),突出重点 • 准备一支激光笔,讲重点时用 • 减缓紧张情绪,语速慢一点 • 练习、练习、再练习
• Here you can see a figure which shows you the relationship between A and B. • This figure shows you how A varies with B. • In this figure, the horizontal axis is A and the vertical axis is B. • In this figure, A is to the horizontal and B is to the vertical. • On the X axis we have A and on the Y axis we have B. • This figure is quite complex, but the only thing I want you to focus on is … • Solid/dashed/dotted/dash-dotted curves • The heavy/thin solid blue line means/represents/is for …



▪ Italian Physical Society
▪ American Chemical Society
▪ French Physical Society
▪ French Chemical Society
SESAME Opening Ceremony with King Abdullah II of Jordan
scientific inventions ▪ Address IP protection, tech transfer,
commercialization, etc.
Classroom Science Kits in Pakistan
▪ “PhysicsQuest” kits for middle school students ▪ Comic Book Superhero stories with classroom experiments ▪ Partnerhship with ICTP ▪ Exploring partnership with IAEA
▪ Members: Israel, Palestinian Authority, Iran, Turkey, Cyprus, Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan
SESAME Travel - Training Award: Partnership among 11 Major Scientific Societies
▪ Education: Teacher training (high school teachers & professors)
▪ Outreach: Excite K-12 students about physics
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Type Your Poster Title in Here
This is where you should put your name and date
Type your words here: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse cursus massa in leo. Integer et nulla. Aenean at nisl at tellus blandit fringilla. Curabitur nunc lorem, volutpat sed, malesuada sed, facilisis eget, arcu. Vivamus iaculis sapien in nisi. Duis id tellus id arcu consectetuer fringilla. Vivamus aliquet ante vel nulla. Donec imperdiet semper turpis. Ut posuere risus sed libero. Vivamus iaculis sapien in nisi. Duis id tellus id arcu consectetuer fringilla. Vivamus aliquet ante vel nulla. Donec imperdiet semper turpis. Ut posuere risus sed libero.
Duis congue scelerisque metus. Morbi vitae metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed mattis odio vitae mi. Integer lectus augue, pretium ac, iaculis et, lacinia vel, orci. Pellentesque tempor tristique velit. Nullam elit ligula, rutrum sodales, ornare ornare,
Figure 2: Your caption to go here
Duis congue scelerisque metus. Morbi vitae metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed mattis odio vitae mi. Integer lectus augue, pretium ac, iaculis et, lacinia vel, orci. Pellentesque tempor tristique velit. Nullam elit ligula, rutrum sodales, ornare ornare, tristique sit amet, purus. Sed rutrum massa sit amet lectus. Pellentesque dapibus sem in ante. Maecenas vitae quam nec leo luctus congue. In at risus ac purus ornare auctor. Fusce vitae neque.
Aliquam nec lacus eget sapien venenatis semper. Donec placerat. Phasellus bibendum semper ligula. Duis vitae massa. Integer suscipit. Donec non elit vel nunc tincidunt iaculis. Nam in urna. Pellentesque eu enim. Nam pellentesque libero nec velit. Aliquam quis sem. Nulla vestibulum vehicula arcu. Vestibulum feugiat eleifend elit. Proin condimentum molestie urna. Etiam ut diam. Quisque viverra lectus ac lectus. Donec ultrices, nisi nec mollis ultricies, quam diam aliquam enim, eu vulputate sem leo non magna.
Figure 3: Your caption to go here Quisque viverra
lectus ac lectus
Duis porta, arcu ac ornare interdum, sapien nibh ultricies dolor, in venenatis justo orci vel est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse sit amet turpis sed est dapibus porta. In augue. Nunc urna ligula, suscipit ac, varius at, rhoncus non, orci. Aenean ultricies, mauris ac rutrum viverra, nulla nisi luctus urna, mattis sagittis pede pede ut massa. Sed sapien dolor, fermentum eget, dignissim pulvinar, euismod eu, massa. Pellentesque luctus. Maecenas auctor tellus et nisl. Nulla sodales.
Type your references in here: Aliquam nec lacus eget sapien venenatis semper. Donec placerat. Phasellus bibendum semper ligula. Duis vitae massa. Integer suscipit. Donec non elit vel nunc tincidunt iaculis. Nam in urna. Pellentesque eu enim. Nam pellentesque libero nec velit. Aliquam quis sem. Nulla vestibulum vehicula arcu. Vestibulum feugiat eleifend elit. Proin condimentum molestie urna. Etiam ut diam. Quisque viverra lectus ac lectus. Donec ultrices, nisi nec mollis ultricies, quam diam aliquam enim, eu vulputate sem leo non magna. Donec consequat facilisis nulla. Pellentesque eu enim. Nam pellentesque libero nec velit. Aliquam quis sem. Nulla vestibulum vehicula arcu. Vestibulum feugiat eleifend elit.
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
0 1st Qtr
2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr
4th Qtrຫໍສະໝຸດ Main TextInteger pede. Suspendisse lectus. Quisque nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec fringilla nunc quis quam. Curabitur quam. Suspendisse vitae libero venenatis mauris blandit volutpat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Duis consequat.