
Unit10By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.





()6. A.It’s new. B.It’s broken. C.It’s expensive.

()7. A.I have no idea. B.That’s all right.

C.That sounds great.

()8. A.In the church. B.With a farmer’s daughter.

C.For two years.

()9. A.I hate it. B.What a pity! C.Good luck!

()10. A.Yes,I have. B.No,I’m not. C.I don’t believe it.



()11.Where is Eric now?

A.At home.

B.In the hospital.

C.At school.

()12.What is Eric good at?




()13.What’s wrong with Eric?

A.He was ill.

B.He fell in the race.

C.Somebody hit him.

()14.How long does Eric have to stay in bed?

A.For seven days.

B.For two and a half weeks.

C.For less than three months. ()15.What do Kate and Jim plan to do to help Eric?

A.Take him to school every morning.

B.Go to visit him after school every day.

C.Help him with his studies on weekends.



()16.Why did the library have to be moved?

A.It was too old.

B.It couldn’t interest many readers.

C.It was not big enough to hold the books.

()17.Where would the library be moved?

A.To a big city.

B.Across town.

C.To a nearby town.

()18.What trouble did the library have in being moved to the new one?

A.The new library was too far from it.

B.It didn’t have enough money to move all the books.

C.The traffic in town was too busy.

()19.What was the idea which the librarian(图书管理员)came up with?A.To destroy some old books.

B.To borrow some money.

C.To have readers return the books to the new library.

()20.What do you think of the librarian?






()21.Go to bed early.You shouldn’t always stay up____late.





()22.I thought that they would have a happy______,but they left each other at last.





()23.—Listen!What is the man saying?

—He is_____the list of the winners.





()24.The two kids are very hungry.They are waiting for their mother______ for them.



C.to cook


()25.The bed isn’t______for three people to lie on.

A.enough empty

B.enough big

C.empty enough

D.big enough

()26.—Why didn’t you hand in your homework,Tom?

—I’m very sorry that I have______it at home.





()27.That book is very popular.It has interested______readers.

A.thousand of

B.two thousand of

C.hundreds of

D.two hundred of

()28.There are four kids in the classroom.One is drawing,and______kids are studying.



C.the other

D.the others

()29.My car______on my way home,so I had to get it repaired.

A.ran off

B.broke down

C.showed up

D.sold out

()30.—Did you catch the school bus this morning?

—No.It______when I arrived at the bus stop.

A.is leaving

B.has left

C.had left

D.would leave

()31.The workers had finished building the library_____.


B.since then

C.for a year

D.by that time

()32.—You don’t look happy.What’s the matter?

—The______talk made me very______just now.





()33.It takes me about half an hour to get up,take a shower,______and have

breakfast every day.


B.put on

C.dress in

D.get dressed

()34.—Do Tom and Mary have a child?

—Yes.They______for five years.


B.have married

C.have got married

D.have been married


—I lost my wallet on my way to school.

A.What did you think of it

B.What happened to you

C.When did you go to school

D.Why did you play the joke


"Watch out,Jamila!"my brother shouts to me.When I hear this,I am already 36on the ground."You really have bad luck,Jamila!"my brother says.He is right.I am having the worst day of my life.When I37in the morning,I found myself on the floor.Don’t ask me how I got there,because I don’t know,either. The greatest soccer game was supposed to be38at7:00am,so last night I set my alarm clock for6:40am.However,it didn’t39,so I overslept.I got up at11:00am.I was hungry,so I40downstairs to find something to eat.I ran so quickly that I missed the first step and fell downstairs.I was too angry to eat41,so I went back to my bedroom.I42the computer to search(搜索) the Internet for the highlights(最精彩的部分)of the game.When I was about to sit down,I missed the43.I was so angry,so I decided to go out to relax. When I was riding my bike with my little brother,I bumped into(撞到)my neighbor’s mailbox44.What a terrible day!My day didn’t go45as I had planned.

I missed the game,fell downstairs,slipped off the chair and bumped into a mailbox.

()36. A.standing B.lying https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f13233013.html,ughing D.shouting

()37. A.woke up B.fell down C.took a shower D.went to bed

()38. A.up B.off C.on D.down

()39. A.call up B.set off C.break down D.go off

()40. A.walked B.rushed C.jumped D.flew

()41. A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything

()42. A.turned on B.turned up C.turned off D.turned down

()43. A.desk B.chair C.bed D.table

()44. A.on time B.by mistake C.in time D.by accident

()45. A.exactly B.possibly C.specially D.especially




8:30English News10:00Chat Rooms11:00Documentary Film13:00People15:00 Soap17:00Half the Sky18:00Cooking19:00Animal World21:00Evening News8:00 Man and Nature


8:30Around China9:00China Today9:30Garden for Opera Fans13:30Oriental Fashion16:30Chinese Cooking17:30Zhengda Variety Show


8:30News Probe9:00News in30Minutes10:00Business TV

11:00Market Hotline14:00World Economic Report

15:30Stock Market Analysis21:00Soccer Night21:30Health Club


()46.What can people watch on CCTV-9at19:00?


B.Animal World.

C.Zhengda Variety Show.

D.Around China.

()47.According to the table,you can watch news on CCTV-9at least______a day.


B.three times


D.four times

()48.People who are interested in Peking Opera may watch the program on______ at_____.





()49.If Mike loves cooking,but he is only free from16:00to19:00,he can choose________and then______.





()50.You may see the above table in_______.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f13233013.html, Guide

https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f13233013.html,TV Happy Dictionary

C.Parents Science

D.English Daily


This summer I will leave the junior high school where I have been for three years.I am generally considered to be a careful and polite boy now.However, five years ago,I was a little bit bossy(专横的).I thought I was the leader

of my friends.I often fought with other boys and sometimes I even fought with my elder sister.When I saw Superman on TV for the first time I was so excited. From then on,I dreamed of being a superman one day.

One P.E.class,I called up all of my friends to get together in our classroom."Can anybody jump out of the window?"I asked them.After hearing this,all my friends kept silent."I know you are all chickens,"I said."Can you?"one of my friends asked me."Sure!"I answered."If I do it,I will get all the toys that you have.If I fail,you will get all of my toys.OK?"They said,"OK!"

Then I went up to the window of the second floor.I took a deep breath and then jumped down,stretching out(伸出)my arms just like Superman.Though the flight lasted for only two seconds,I could see my friends’eyes getting wider (宽的).

"CRASH!"I hit the ground.

When I opened my eyes,I found myself lying in the hospital.I was taken to the hospital because my arms were badly https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f13233013.html,ter,I heard that my P.E. teacher had nearly lost his job for this,but I never received the serious punishment(惩罚)I feared.I was really sorry for what I had done.I will never forget it.


()51.The story happened when the writer was in______.


B.elementary school

C.junior high school

D.senior high school

()52.What did the writer mean by"I know you are all chickens"?

A.The writer knew that his friends liked eating chicken.

B.The writer knew that his friends kept chickens at home.

C.The writer thought that his friends were afraid to do that.

D.The writer thought that his friends looked like chickens.

()53.What was the result of the accident?

A.The writer left school because of it.

B.The writer’s P.E.teacher was punished.

C.The writer hurt his legs during it.

D.The writer was punished for what he had done.

()54.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.There was only one child in the writer’s family.

B.The writer used to behave very well.

C.The writer was afraid to jump out of the window.

D.Superman is one of the writer’s favorite characters.

()55.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?

A.An Easy Flight


C.A Serious Punishment

D.My Classmates


Your teenage years should be the most exciting and enjoyable years in your life.Here is some advice on how you can get the most during the time.

Be Happy

You are young and full of energy.56._____________You don’t need to worry about where to get your meals,where to sleep at night,or how to make money. During the time without a lot of worries,you should try your best to be happy every day.

Be Healthy

As a teenager,you will experience many changes in your body.So during the time you should learn to take care of yourself.57.____________What you are doing now will help you keep healthy in the future.

Be Wise

Keep close contact(接触)with your parents and other older people.58. ________This is the time when you actually need your parents’guidance(指导)and support.

Choose Your Friends

59.___________Choosing the right friends will save you a lot of trouble and sadness in the future.

60._____________As these years pass,you can pre-pare(使有准备)yourself for a good future.


A.Keep yourself clean and eat the right kinds of food.

B.The friends you make will have a great influence on your teenage life.

C.There are lots of things you don’t have to worry about.

D.Think over the above advice and try to enjoy your teenage years.

E.You may have ten thousand questions as you come into this new stage(阶段) of life.




61.Some people were terrified of the illness,so they_____to other countries.

62.After working for a whole day,I am very______now.

63.Her reason may sound______to others,but I don’t believe it.

64.The accident was______by the local paper soon.

65.When the man arrived,his girlfriend had been______by my friends.


66.My uncle is a f______.He keeps lots of sheep on his farm.

67.Don’t forget to l______the door when you leave.

68.I am afraid he hasn’t g______any progress at all these days.

69.As soon as the bell rang,all my classmates couldn’t wait to r______out of the classroom.

70.I always get to school early,but this morning I came very c______.



Xiaohong stood in the hall,seeming very calm.She thought she71.______ (be)ready for the English speech.She72.______(work)very hard at her speech during the last two weeks.She73.______(memorize)her words of the speech very well before she arrived at the hall.She had even stayed up the whole night 74.______(practice)the speech by herself at home.However,as the English speech was about to begin,she75.______(become)very nervous.She realized that she76.______(forget)to take her note cards already.She77.______(seem) worried.She didn’t know if she could do well in the speech.Luckily,she had practiced so well that she78.______(not need)her note cards at all.Xiaohong 79.______(perform)very well in the speech and gave an amazing speech.And she ended up80.______(win)first prize in the speech.



A.You know,it’s April Fool’s Day.

B.Are you fooling me,too?

C.Why haven’t I heard about it?

D.Maybe on vacation.

E.I’m going to visit Jim.

A:I have a good piece of news to tell you,Mary.

B:What’s it about?

A:A new holiday has been announced,and we don’t need to go to work today. B:Really?81.____________________

A:If you don’t believe me,go and ask David.

B:Then what are you going to do now?A:82.______He invited me to play basketball with him today.

B:Impossible!Jim called me last night to tell me that he had gone to Beijing. A:Ha!83.___________I failed to fool you.By the way,why did Jim go to Beijing? B:84._________________

A:On vacation?

B:Yes,April Fool’s Day.Happy April Fool’s Day!


B:Yes.You failed,but I succeeded.



_______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________














IX.71.was/had been72.had worked73.had memorized

74.practicing75.became76.had forgotten77.seemed

78.didn’t need79.performed80.winning


XI.One possible version:

Wednesday,3rd June,2009Sunny

This morning my alarm clock didn’t go off,so I overslept.By the time I woke up,it had already been late.When I got to the bus stop,a bus had just left.So I had to wait for another bus.Every day buses run every five minutes, but this morning I waited for about twenty minutes.When I got to the classroom, the second class had already begun.In the English class,I was so sleepy that I fell asleep.Unfortunately,I was noticed by my English teacher.After school, I rushed back home.When I got home,I found that I had left my keys at home. My parents were both at work at that time,so I had to wait for them until19:00. It was a really unlucky day,wasn’t it?


I.1.W:What does your uncle do?

M:He’s a farmer in the countryside.

2.W:When does the meeting begin,Mr White?

M:It begins at8:10am.Make sure that you get there on time.

3.W:Christmas is coming.Are you excited?

M:Yes.I’m going to buy a Christmas tree this afternoon.

4.I don’t like this costume.It’s embarrassing.

5.By the time I got up,my mother had already finished making breakfast. II.

6.What’s wrong with your bike?

7.Why did John rush off just now?

8.How long have you been married?

9.The shirt you like has sold out.

10.Have you realized your mistake yet?




W:Where is your friend Eric?

M:He’s at home.His right leg is broken,so he has to stay in bed for more than two and a half months.

W:Poor boy!He’s one of the best runners in our school.How did it happen? M:It happened during a race.When he was starting to catch up with the first runner,he fell down.

W:Bad luck!If he can’t come to school,how can he keep up with his lessons? M:He has to teach himself at home.

W:Jim,I have an idea!


W:On the following weekends we can go to his house to help him with his lessons. M:Hmm...That’s a good idea.Let’s go and tell him now.


A library in Texas,in the United States,had a problem.It was getting more and more books,and was running out of space.A new library had been built across town,so the books in the old library had to be moved to the new one. When everything was ready,the library discovered that it didn’t have enough money left to move its mountain of books.So what could they do?Finally a librarian had an idea.She said it would take the whole summer to move the books this way.Her idea was to have everyone who borrowed books from the old library return the books to the new one.The other staff all agreed that it was a good idea.Then they carried out the plan.In the end it worked beautifully.The library saved a lot of money,and at the same time people read a lot of books.


2018-2019人教版初中英语八年级英语上册全套单元测试题 八上英语Unit 10 If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time! 单元检测(人教新目标含答案) (45分钟100分) 第Ⅰ卷(共60分) Ⅰ. 听力(10分) (Ⅰ)录音中有五组对话, 听一遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分) 1. What clothes will the boy wear? A. Jeans. B. His school uniforms. C. His coat. 2. What will happen if they have their class meeting tomorrow? A. All the class will come. B. Most of the class will come. C. Most of the class won’t come. 3. Does the boy want to go to college when he grows up? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. We don’t know. 4. What will the boy have to do first? A. Go to the movies. B. Do his homework. C. Do nothing. 5. What should the man do if he wants to help people? A. He should be rich. B. He should work hard. C. He should help people in trouble. 1. M: I think I’m going to wear jeans to the party. W: If you do, the teacher won’t let you in. M: So I will have to wear my school uniforms instead. 2. M: When do you think is the right time to have our class meeting?


UNIT10 单元检测题 I.单项选择 1. In China, students ______ greet the teachers when classes begin. A.are supposed to B.are suppose to C.supposed to D.suppose to 2. The plane will ________ from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London. A. take on B. take off C. take out D. take away 3.The peaceful music in the CD made the students relaxed. A. feel B. feels C. felt D. to feel 4. —Peter has changed a lot, hasn’t he? —Yes. He used to the guitar, but now he is more in playing soccer. A. plays; interested B. play; interested C. play; interesting D. playing; interest 5. All the people went home _____ Job, for he had to finish his work. A. with B. besides C. except D.well done. 6. —Could we see each other at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning? —Sorry, let’s make it ______ time. A.other’s B. the other C. another D. other 7. —Have you read today’s newspaper?. —Not yet. Is there______ ? A.anything important B.important anything C.something important D.nothing important 8.—Oh, dear! Who’s broken my glasses? —______ he ______ I. It was your cat. A. Both; and B.Not only; but also C. Either; or D. Neither; nor 9.In France, it’s ______ to say you are full. A.rude B.polite C.nice D.friendly 10.—Will you come to the dinner party? —I won’t come until Jenny ________. A. will be invited B. can be invited C. invited D. is invited 11. John _______ Beijing the day before yesterday.

新人教版八年级英语下册Unit 10单元测试题(附答案)

Test for Unit 10单元测试题 (时间:120分钟,满分:120分) 题号ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤⅥⅦⅧⅨⅩⅪ总分得分 听力部分(25分) 听力部分(25分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片。(5分) ()1. ()2. ()3. ()4. ()5. Ⅱ.听句子,选择最佳答语。(5分) ()6.A.It's old.B.The toy bear. C I'm tired. ()7.A.Good idea. B.Because they're old. C.I'm too tall to wear them. ()8.A.You're so lucky. B.You're poor. C.Thanks so much. ()9.A.Once a month. B.I'm so busy. C.For ten years. ()10.A.No,it's old. B.Yes,it's new. C.It's new. Ⅲ.听长对话,选择正确答案。(5分) 听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 ()11.What was wrong with Ketty? A.She had a cold. B.She had a headache. C.She had a toothache. ()12.Where does Tom work now?

A.In a hospital. B.In a supermarket. C.Not mentioned. 听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。 ()13.Why is Lisa unhappy? A.She fells lonely. B.She doesn't do well in her schoolwork. C.Her classmates don't talk with her. ()14.How long has Lisa been in the new school? A.For 3 months. B.For 2 months. C.For 5 months. ()15.What does the boy ask Lisa to do? A.To talk with people. B.To start a club. C.To study hard. Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确答案。(10分) ()16.What's on the speaker's bag? A.A superman. B.A monkey. C.A flower. ()17.When did the speaker start primary school? A.In 2006. B.In 2007. C.In 2008. ()18.Who gave the speaker the pencil-box? A.Her mother. B.Her aunt. C.Her teacher. ()19.What is the book about? A.A famous person. B.A romantic story. C.An interesting story. ()20.How did the speaker get the book? A.It was a birthday present to her. B.Her teacher gave it to her as a prize. C.She borrowed it from her friend. 笔试部分(95分) Ⅴ.单项选择。(15分) ()21.Tom is ________ honest boy.You can believe what he said. A.a B.an C.the D./ ()22.My son likes wearing that T-shirt,because it's very ________ and comfortable. A.smart B.outgoing C.soft D.ugly ()23.Our teacher Ms.Yang is so friendly to us that we all ________ her as our elder sister. A.regard B.owned C.left D.collected ()24.I have to ________ my room.It is really in a mess. A.look after B.take in C.clear out D.walk into ()25.His grade in the exam puts him ________ the top 10 students in his class. A.between B.over C.above D.among ()26.________ the timetable,the train for London leaves at seven o'clock in the evening. A.Thanks to B.As for C.Thanks for D.According to ()27.I will meet Jane at the station,Please ________what time she will arrive. A.count B.choose

2019年人教版八年级英语上册Unit 10单元测试卷(含答案)

新人教版八年级上册英语第十单元测试题附答案 Ⅰ.单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分) ( ) 1.—How do you usually go to school? —By ________ subway.But yesterday I took ________ taxi to go to school. A./;/ B.a;the C./;a D.the;a ( ) 2.—Can you give me some advice ________ how to improve my English? —No problem. A.with B.in C.at D.on ( ) 3.Look!Half of the students ________ studying in the classroom right now. A.is B.are C.was D.were ( ) 4.The little boy is too young to look after ________. A.himself B.he C.his D.she ( ) 5.—Do you have ________ to say about the plan? —Yes.I think it is less important than that one. A.something else B.else something C.anything else D.else anything ( ) 6.—What about having a surprise party for Miss Smith? —Good idea.Let's discuss when to ________ the party. A.organize B.delete C.accept D.solve ( ) 7.Lin Fang studies very hard.I think she will ________ do well in the exam. A.clearly B.certainly C.carefully D.comfortably ( ) 8.—Wow,you are cool!

九年级英语Unit10 单元检测卷一(含答案)

Unit10 单元检测卷一(含答案) Ⅰ. 单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分) 1. As for the problem, I don’t agree you. My idea is different yours. A. with; as B. with; from C. to; as D. to; from 2. Last Sunday my whole family went to the beach my father. He was away on business. A. from B. except C. with D. including 3. —What should I do to improve ?Can you give me some ? —Try your best in everything you do. A. myself; advice B. me; suggestion C. myself; advices 4.—How do you like The Diary of a Young Girl written by Anne Frank? —I think it is worth . A. seeing B. to see C. reading D. to read 5. —You are not expected such long hours. —I’m afraid so. We have to finish it today. A. to work B. working C. worked 6. China is making great efforts the economy and improve people’s living standards. A. to develop B. developing C. developed D. develop 7. I’m always before the exam. I often try to make myself calm down by taking a deep breath. A. relaxed B. bored C. nervous D. happy 8. —When will the plane ? —At 11:35. Let’s hurry up. A. take down B. take off C. turn down D. turn off 9. —I’m afraid the boy can’t deal with the problem.

Unit 10 单元测试题

Unit 10 I’d like some noodles. Ⅳ. 单项选择 ( )16. We need ______ onion and two tomatoes for dinner. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 ( )17. Peter doesn’t like apples, chicken ______ mutton. A. and B. with C. or D. of ( )18. — What ______ bowl of noodles would you like? — Large, please. A. price B. kind C. size D. color ( )19. We have some ______ here and we can make ______ soup. A. egg; egg B. egg; eggs C. eggs; eggs D. eggs; egg ( )20. Skating is getting ______ now. Many people like to skate. A. important B. difficult C. popular D. funny ( )21. Anna, please ______ the meat and then cook it. A. cut up B. blow out C. cut down D. eat out ( )22. —Do you have ______ beef? —Sorry, we don’t. But we have ______ mutton. A. any; some B. any; any C. some; any D. some; some ( )23. — ______? — Beef noodles. A. How much are the beef noodles B. What kind of noodles would you like C. What size would you like D. How about beef noodles ( )24. — Would you like some dumplings? — ______. A. Yes, please B. It’s interesting C. You’re welcome D. No problem ( )25. — May I have your order? — ______. A. No, you can’t B. Have a good time C. You, too D. I’d like some rice, please Ⅴ. 完形填空 Today is Sunday. The weather is fine. Huiyuan Supermarket is on 26 sale. There are many 27 kinds of things there and many people are in it. Now Sally and her mother are also there. Sally 28 a nice sandwich (三明治), but it’s too small. She’d like a 29 one. Then she sees a large?sized hamburger 30 beef. She asks her mother to buy it for her. When she sees some 31 , she also asks her mother to buy them. 32 her mother buys a hamburger, some orange juice and green tea. After that they want to buy something for their 33 , Carol. Carol is a dog. She 34 playing with balls. So they buy her a ball. How much are these things? Only RMB 40. And Sally is lucky. She 35 a gift from the supermarket. It is a red hat. Sally and her mother go home happily. ( )26. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 ( )27. A. long B. short C. different D. same


人教版初中英语八年级英语上册全套单元测试题 八上英语Unit 10 If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time!单元检测(人 教新目标含答案) Ⅱ. 单项选择(20分) 1. —If you become a professional singer, you may be. —That’s great, I want everyone to know me and love me. A. nervous B. disappointed C. famous D. surprised 【解析】选C。考查形容词辨析。nervous“紧张的”; disappointed“失望的”; famous“著名的”; surprised“惊讶的”。由句意: “——如果你成为了一名专业歌手, 你也许会出名。——太好了, 我想让每个人都认识和喜欢我。”可知选C。 2. away this dirty shirt and bring me a clean one. A. Pick B. Bring C. Carry D. Take 【解析】选D。考查固定搭配。句意: 把这件脏衬衫拿走, 给我带来一件干净的。take away“拿走”, 符合题意。carry away“运走”; bring away“带走”, 均不符合句意, 故选D。 3. (2013·长沙中考)The man makes a living teaching. A. without B. with C. by 【解析】选C。考查介词辨析。by“通过……方式”; make a living by doing sth. “通过做某事来谋生”。故选C。 4. This is a great chance for me from a foreigner. A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learns 【解析】选B。考查固定句式。a chance for sb. to do sth. “一个对某人来说做某事的机会”。故选B。 5. (2013·白银中考)If our government pay attention to the safety of food, our health in danger. A. isn’t; is B. doesn’t; will be C. won’t; is D. isn’t; will be 【解析】选B。考查时态。在含有if条件状语从句的复合句中, 主句用一般将来时, if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时。句意: 如果我们的政府不注意食品安全的话, 我们的健康将会处于危险中。 6. We’ll easily become unhappy we solve our problems.


人教版八年级上册英语unit10单元测试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.I can give you lots of on how to improve your speaking skills. A.advice B.way C.idea 2.Some students are so that they often make mistakes in their homework. A.surprised B.careless C.interested D.excited 3.(2017年四川南充)-Your uncle is very good at cooking! How did he learn it? -He learned it by _______ . A.him B.himself C.her D.herself 4.-How do you prepare for your exam? -studying with groups. A.With B.For C.By D.At 5.(2017﹒江苏宿迁)Our head teacher often says, "You will not pass the exam ___________ you work hard." A.if B.unless C.since D.when 6.It's dark outside. My teacher advises me now. A.leave B.leaves C.leaving D.to leave 7.-Excuse me. Could you tell me to the bus station? -Sure. Go down this street and turn left. A.how to get B.where to get C.what to get D.when to get 8.I’m not Jenny. She can take good care of herself. A.worried about B.excited about C.careful of D.afraid of 9.(2017·广东·37)Johnson won't answer the phone if he ________ the number. A.knew B.doesn't know C.will know D.didn't know 10.-Oh,no! We’ve missed the 9o'clock train! -.There's another one in half an hour. A.Don't worry B.Hurry up C.Give me a break 二、完型填空 A teacher was giving a talk to his students on stress(压力) management. He raised a glass of water and asked them, "How 11 do you think this glass of water is?"The students began to think and 12 Their answers are different, from 20g to 500g. "It does not matter on the real 13 . It depends on how long you hold it. If I hold it for a 14 ,


Unit 10单元过关检测(100分) (时间:45分钟) 一、单选(20分) ()1 .Tom has a new bike, ______________? A. has he B. hasn’t he C. does he D. doesn’t he ()2. There is little milk left in the bottle, ________? A. is it B. is there C. isn’t it D. isn’t there ()3. ---You didn’t send me an e-mail last night, did you? ---Sorry. My ________ broke down. I couldn’t get on line. A. computer B. car C. clock D. camera ()4. ---Look! How _________the boys are! ---Yes. They won the game this afternoon. A. exciting B. excitement C. excite D. excited ()5.The plane from Shanghai to Paris will ________in an hour. A. take up B. take away C. take out D. take off ()6. ---____ you ever _____to Yantai? ---Yes, three times. A. Did, go B. Have, gone C. Have, been D. Will, go ()7. ---Your sister doesn’t get up late, does he? ---____________. But she gets up late on weekends. A. Yes, she does B. No, she doesn’t C. Yes, she doesn’t D. No, she does ()8. He’s never late for school, __________? A. doesn’t he B. is he C. isn’t he D. does he ()9. Because I had a bad cold, my mother asked me _____ in bed. A. staying B. to stay C. stayed D. stays ()10. Don’t forget to put the book on the shelf, ____________? A. do you B. don’t you C. will you D. won’t you ()11. --- I need some money to buy a new b ike. --- Why not consider _______ a part-time job? A. find B. finding C. found D. to find ()12. The Smiths have gone to China _______ November 29th, 2009. A. for B. in C. about D. since ()13. My favorite gift is a music box from my aunt. I have had it for _______. A. my fifth birthday B. last year C. seven years D. three months ago ()14. --- Where is Mr. Wang? --- He has gone to Beijing. He has _______ for two hours. A. left B. got C. started D. been away ()15. I have _______ Treasure Island from the library, but I can only _______ it for three days. A. lent; borrow B. borrowed; lend C. kept; borrow D. borrowed; keep ()16. --- How many pencils are there? --- I don’t know. Let me _______ them. A. make B. lend C. wash D. count ()17. Our teacher Ms. Yang is so friendly to us that we all _______ her as our elder sister.

Unit 10 单元测试题

Unit 10 单元测试题 听力部分(共25分) ●一、听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(5分) ( )1. A. experience B. experiment C. expression ( )2. A. importance B. influence C. instance ( )3. A. have a talk B. have a rest C. take a walk ( )4. A. I bought some photos. B. I once lived in a mountain village. C. I took some photos in a village. ( )5. A. I like music. B. My mother likes music. C. I like sports very much. ●二、听句子,根据句子内容,选择最佳答语。(5分) ( )6. A. To the Summer Palace. B. The dark. C. In the library. ( )7. A. It lasted 2 hours. B. I couldn’t get a ticket. C. It’s the best one I’ve ever seen. ( )8. A. I like maths best. B. I’ll go to the seaside. C. I’ll buy you a gift. ( )9. A. Yes, please. Thank you. B. No, i t’s not mine. C. Thanks. You don’t have to ask me. ( )10. A. Don’t take it away. B. Leave it alone. C. It must be Peter’s. ●三、听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(5分) ( )11. A. At home. B. In a hospital. C. In the library. ( )12. A. Fried rice. B. A cheeseburger. C. Noodles. ( )13. A. He wants to buy something. B. He wants to make a call. C. He wants to have a talk with the shop owner. ( )14. A. It’s rainy. B. It’s windy. C. It’s sunny. ( )15. A. At a store. B. At her friend’s home. C. At home. ●四、听对话和问题,选择正确答案。(5分) 听下面一段对话,回答第16-18小题。 ( )16. A. By bus. B. In a taxi. C. On foot. ( )17. A. At ten forty. B. At half past nine. C. At nine forty. ( )18. A. It’s too expensive. B. The traffic may be too heavy. C. There is no time. 听下面一段对话,回答第19-20小题。 ( )19. A. Next Sunday. B. This Sunday. C. This Saturday. ( )20. A. He will be out on business. B. Shanghai is far from here. C. He is ill.

人教版八年级上册英语 Unit 10 测试卷含答案

Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!测试卷 本试卷总分150分,分为听力部分和笔试部分,考试时间120分钟,请将所有答案写在答题卡上。 第一卷听力部分(20分) 一、听句子,选择你听到的单词或短语。(共5分) A B C D E 二、听句子,选择正确答案。(共5分) 三、6. A. That’s good. B. Happy birthday. C. Cool. 7. A. Sorry, I’d love to. B. Sure, I’d love to. C. How can I come? 8. A. Have a great time. B. Too bad. C. I’m going hiking. 9. A. Thanks. B. Not at all. C. All right. 10. A. That’ good. B. What a pity. C. That’s right! 三、听对话及问题,选择正确答案。(共5分) 11. What clothes will the boy wear? A. Jeans. B. His school uniforms. C. His coat. 12. What will happen if they have their class meeting tomorrow? A. All the class will come. B. Most of the class will come. C. Most of the class won’t come. 13. Does the boy want to go to college when he grows up? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. We don’t know. 14. What will the boy have to go first? A. Go to the movies. B. Do his homework. C. Do nothing. 15. What should the man do if he wants to be rich? A. He should be rich. B. He should work hard. C. He should help people in trouble. 四、听短文,填空。(共5分) Dear Mary, Thank you for your ________(16) on Tuesday. I’m sorry that I can’t come. I ha ve to have a piano lesson in the morning. If I won’t, the teacher will be ______(17). In the afternoon I will play soccer for the school team. I’m goi ng to the _______(18) with my father in the evening. ___(19) my father goes with me, my mother will be ______(20). 第二卷笔试部分(130分) 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) 1. Don’t shout ______ the party. If you do, you’ll _____ leave. A. at, must B. at, have to C. in, must D. of, have to 2. In the future, the kids will study _______ home _______ computers. A. at, on B. in, on C. on, at D. in, at 3. Don’t keep ______TV, it’s bad for your eyes. A. to watch B. watch C. watching D. watched 4. Do you know if _____ back next week? If he _____ back, please let me know. A. he comes, will come B. will he come, comes C. he will come, comes D. will he come, will come 5. Please finish the job with ______people and _______ money. A. less, less B. fewer, fewer C. fewer, less D. less, fewer 6. Don’t ______ jeans to the party. If you do, the teacher won’t let you in. A. put on B. wear C. to wear D. to put on


初三英语第十单元测试题 一.单项选择(30分) 1. Many important things happened _________. A. in the 1980 B. in the 1980s C. in 1980s D. on 1980s 2. __________ students have already visited the history museum. A. Hundred of B. A hundred of C. Hundreds of D. Two hundreds 3. __________ can you see in the Dinosaur World? A. What else things B. Who other people C. Where else D. What other things 4. People found that dinosaur lived _________ human beings. A. long ago B. long before C. before long D. long after 5. ---- Have you used your bike _______? ----- Yes. A. lots of B. a lot of C. a lot D. a lots 6. I _________ to look after their house while they were away. A. ask B. asked C. was asking D. was asked 7. Do you know ____________________________? A. when does the PLA found B. when was the PLA founded C. when the PLA was found D. when the PLA was founded 8. After the concert, people will walk to the _________. A. EXIT B.ENTRANCE C. FRONTDOOR D. BACKDOOR 9. _________ in England are between 9:00----22:00. A. NO PHOTOS B. NO SMOKING C. OFFICE HOURS D. INSTRUCTION 10. The lost boy _________ in a small village yesterday. A. was found B. found C. was founded D. founded 11. ---- Excuse me. Look at the sign: No Smoking! ---- Sorry, I ________ it. A. don’t see B. didn’t see C. haven’t see D. won’t see 12. He passed me a glass _______ water. A. fill with B. full with C. filled with D. filled of 13. The man gave me a strange thing ________ three legs. A. with B. has C. there is D. carries 14. ---- Would you like to go fishing with us this Sunday? ---- Yes, _________.
