Unit 10 单元测试题八下

Unit 10 单元测试题八下
Unit 10 单元测试题八下

Unit 10 单元测试题

Written test part

Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)

( ) 21. We have shirts in different colors ______ 40 yuan each.

A. of

B. with

C. for

D. at

( ) 22. ______ we grow up, our parents get older.

A. Unless

B. Although

C. As

D. While

( ) 23. My uncle ______ the shop. It’s not my father’s, but his.

A. likes

B. owns

C. cleans

D. needs

( ) 24. So far, I ______ my pet dog. I’m very sad.

A. didn’t find

B. have found

C. haven’t found

D. found

( ) 25. Alan has had the bike since he ______ ten years old.

A. was

B. were

C. is

D. are

( ) 26. I have ______ the magazine for two weeks. I’ll return it this afternoon.

A. finished

B. lent

C. bought

D. kept

( ) 27. It’s a ______ that I didn’t win in the English speech contest.

A. risk

B. mess

C. shame

D. waste

( ) 28. We ______ the house when we worked in that big city.

A. sold

B. sell

C. have sold

D. will sell

( ) 29. Let’s ______ these old books from the room and give them to children in need. A. cut out B. clear out C. put up D. set up

( ) 30. She is very b usy. She can’t find much time ______ with her family.

A. be

B. being

C. to be

D. to being

( ) 31. There are ______ visitors visiting the Great Wall every year.

A. two millions of

B. two millions

C. millions of

D. million of

( ) 32. —How many books are there on the bookcase?

—Let me ______ first.

A. read

B. count

C. copy

D. record

( ) 33. He is a(n) ______ man. He never cheats others.

A. honest

B. silly

C. quiet

D. funny

( ) 34. These days Bob is considering ______ to Hong Kong.

A. travel

B. traveling

C. to traveling

D. to travel

( ) 35. —______?

—Since two years ago.

A. How long have you lived here

B. When did you live here

C. Have you lived here for two years

D. Did you live here two years ago

Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)


Suzhou is my hometown. This beautiful city is in Jiangsu Province. 36 it is not as big as Beijing, everyone in China knows this beautiful place. People 37 it as “Venice of the East (东方威尼斯)”.

Suzhou has a long history. There are many ancient Chinese 38 in Suzhou. Now, these beautiful gardens are becoming famous tourist places in Suzhou.

In the past 30 years my hometown has 39 rapidly in many ways. The biggest change I have found is the 40 . On the one hand, many people here don’t live in

the 41 houses anymore. They have moved into the new high buildings and are enjoying the comfortable life. On the other hand, nowadays builders

have 42 thousands of modern buildings of different styles. I think this change

is 43 because it has made Suzhou become more modern and more beautiful.

To be honest, everything has changed 44 my hometown. I think you should think about 45 the beautiful city. Make sure you will love it.

( ) 36. A. Although B. Because C. If D. Unless

( ) 37. A. check B. accept C. control D. regard

( ) 38. A. gardens B. towers C. pictures D. walls

( ) 39. A. collected B. searched C. changed D. moved

( ) 40. A. people B. environment C. pollution D. food

( ) 41. A. expensive B. cheap C. new D. old

( ) 42. A. set up B. given away C. given out D. cleaned up

( ) 43. A. dangerous B. great C. strange D. fair

( ) 44. A. to B. for C. about D. in

( ) 45. A. protecting B. holding C. visiting D. achieving

Ⅶ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)


I know there are many interesting and useful jobs, but I would like to be a teacher.

I began to think about my future job at the age of fourteen. I was born into a family of teachers. My parents are both teachers and I like the job.

When I was a little girl, I often went to school with my mother. I saw my mother in the class.

I watched her and I wanted to be popular among pupils like her.

When I was in the 9th grade, one day, the head teacher asked me to give an English lesson to the 5th grade pupils because their English teacher caught a cold. I entered (进入) the classroom, saw many pupils sitting at their desks, said “Good morning”, and began the lesson.

I wanted the pupils to like English. We read, wrote, sang songs, asked and answered questions. Later, I gave English lessons several times and I was happy teaching the pupils.

Now I know what I am going to do after leaving school. I want to be an English teacher. It’s a very interesting but difficult job. It’s interesting because I can work with pupils. It’s difficult because I have to teach them a foreign language.

To be a good teacher means to know a lot. Every day I improve my English by reading books, reading English newspapers, looking through magazines and speaking with English people.

I like English and I want to be a good teacher.


( ) 46. When did the writer begin to think about her future job?

A. In the 5th grade.

B. In the 9th grade.

C. At 10.

D. At 14.

( ) 47. The writer felt ______ about teaching the pupils according to Paragraph 5.

A. happy

B. worried

C. nervous

D. excited

( ) 48. The writer thinks being a teacher is interesting because she can ______.

A. learn a lot

B. work with pupils

C. enjoy long vacations

D. work with her mother

( ) 49. To improve her English, the writer does the following things every day EXCEPT (除了) ______.

A. speaking with English people

B. looking through magazines

C. watching English movies

D. reading books

( ) 50. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The writer has left school and is a good teacher now.

B. The writer often went to school with her mother when she was young.

C. The writer gave an English lesson to the 5th grade pupils in an afternoon.

D. The writer’s English teacher asked her to giv e an English lesson to the 5th grade pupils.


It was yard sale time again, and everyone in the Jones family was getting ready.

Billy, the youngest, was clearing out his old toys. He put several old robots and games in his yard sale box. He also found som e clothes that didn’t fit.

Suzy, the middle child, decided to part with some stuffed animals (毛绒玩具) from her collection. She also found some old books.

Regina, the eldest, had music CDs and some clothes to sell. She had the most clothes of the children to sell.

Dad had many things he could part with: some tools, some records he didn’t listen to, some computer parts and a few old jackets and suits.

Mom had a few things to sell. She chose some handbags, some shoes and some clothes. She also found some old dishes.

Together, the five of them set up their tables and the sale began at 7:30 a.m. People came early and the buying and selling was fierce. They hardly had time to take a rest. Many people brought young children, so Billy did well. He sold out his toys quickly. Girls liked Suzy’s stuffed animals, and a few teenagers bought most of Regina’s music CDs. Mom and Dad had the most things, so they took longer to sell them, but they also made more money.

In the end, Billy made $22, Suzy made $18 and Regina made $43. Mom and Dad made a bit more. Dad made $143 and Mom made $97. It was quite a good day.


( ) 51. Who didn’t bring clothes to the yard sale?

A. Billy.

B. Suzy.

C. Regina.

D. Dad.

( ) 52. Mom didn’t bring ______ to the yard sale.

A. shoes

B. dishes

C. handbags

D. music CDs

( ) 53. The underlined word “fierce” means “______” in Chinese.

A. 仓促的

B. 悠闲的

C. 激烈的

D. 惨淡的

( ) 54. Mom and Dad took longer to sell their things because they ______.

A. were bad at selling

B. had the most things

C. had to prepare food and drinks

D. had to take care of their children

( ) 55. How much did the three children make at the yard sale?

A. $83.

B. $180.

C. $240.

D. $323.

Ⅹ. 完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)


71. 请察看一下这些做饭的工具。

Please __________ __________ these tools for cooking.

72. 我弟弟不再玩他的玩具熊了。

My brother __________ __________ plays with his toy bear.

73. 据他所说,他已经去过北京两次了。

__________ __________ him, he has already been to Beijing twice.

74. 至于你的宠物狗,我会照看好它的。

__________ __________ your pet dog, I’ll look after it well.

75. 快4点了。

It’s __________ __________ 4 o’clock.

Ⅺ. 综合填空(每小题1分,共10分)


first, need, gift, take, forget, when, become, dog, she, but, play, white

For my eighth birthday, I got a very special gift from my parents. The (76) ________ was alive (活着的)! It was a cute little dog. He was brown with (77) ________ feet.

I had a lot to learn about how to take care of a dog. (78) ________ have to learn many things. For example, they (79) ________ to learn things like “sit”. They also need a lot o f love. One way to show love is to play with them. Sometimes they like (80) ________ with a ball or a shoe. Sometimes they might want to be left alone so that they can sleep. It is hard for a dog to be quiet (81) ________ he’s having fun. He might want you to pet (抚摸) him to help him (82) ________ quiet.

I wanted to have the happiest dog in the world. (83) ________, I gave him a great name, Rascal. Next, Mom and I (84) ________ him to an animal doctor. Her name is Dr. Melissa Hardy. I learned a lot from (85) ________ about how to feed and train my dog. The animal doctor also told me some things about petting my dog.

Ⅻ. 书面表达(15分)


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2018-2019人教版初中英语八年级英语上册全套单元测试题 八上英语Unit 10 If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time! 单元检测(人教新目标含答案) (45分钟100分) 第Ⅰ卷(共60分) Ⅰ. 听力(10分) (Ⅰ)录音中有五组对话, 听一遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分) 1. What clothes will the boy wear? A. Jeans. B. His school uniforms. C. His coat. 2. What will happen if they have their class meeting tomorrow? A. All the class will come. B. Most of the class will come. C. Most of the class won’t come. 3. Does the boy want to go to college when he grows up? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. We don’t know. 4. What will the boy have to do first? A. Go to the movies. B. Do his homework. C. Do nothing. 5. What should the man do if he wants to help people? A. He should be rich. B. He should work hard. C. He should help people in trouble. 1. M: I think I’m going to wear jeans to the party. W: If you do, the teacher won’t let you in. M: So I will have to wear my school uniforms instead. 2. M: When do you think is the right time to have our class meeting?


新目标八年级下英语(Unit9)练习题 一.单项选择。(每题1分,共15分) ( ) 1. --Where are the Greens, may I ask? --Well, they _____ to England. They______ there for nearly a week now. A. have been; have been B. have been; have gone C. have gone; have been D. have gone; have gone ( ) 2. _______ of the hats looks nice, so Jack has to try on the third one. A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. All ( )3. --Have you ever been to the Amusement Park? --No, _____________, But I am going to play there next weekend. A. yet B. never C. still D. already. ( ) 4. The cakes taste delicious. Would you like________ ? A.others B.the other C.other D.another ( )5.—What do you think of the zoo? --There is _______ in it. I like it very much. A.so much fun B.so mnay fun C.a great fun D.little fun ( ) 6. I saw him ____ in with a big box in his arms which seemed very heavy. A. coming B. to come C. come D. came ( ) 7. --Do you like ball games? --Yes. I like many kinds of ball games,_______ basketball. A. probably B. casually C. specially D. especially ( ) 8. --_________ was the first Disneyland opened? --In 1955. It's near Los Angeles. A. How B. When C. Why D. Where ( ) 9.--Do you know who _________ America? --Of course. Columbus did. A. looked for B. found C. discovered D. met ( )10. --Are you going to be a teacher when you grow up? --No. I want to be a reporter _________ a teacher. A. rather than B. instead C. more than D. than ( )11. He is not ill. He just doesn't want to go to the party._________, he is as healthy as we are. A. For example B. Right away C. In fact D. By the way ( )12. --_________ is the population of the city? --Over five million. A. How many B. How much C. How large D. What ( )13. --When did you get home? --I got home just before it was getting___________ A. dark B. black C. red D. blue ( )14. You are welcome _____________ you visit my home. A. after B. whenever C. since D. before ( )15. They are lying on bed_________ , because they are very worried about the problem. A. wake B. awake C. waking D. woke 二.完形填空。(每题1分,共10分) A student was going to spend his holiday in a cool mountain village. That night he _1_ at a hotel near the railway station. Before going to __2_,he went to the boss of the hotel and said, "Excuse me, sir. Will you please 3 me up at a quarter to five tomorrow morning? I'll take the five o'clock train." "Oh, 4 , sir," the boss said in a hurry, "I'm afraid I can't. I won't be able to 5 so early." The student was 6 . When he began to return to his room, he stopped and asked, "Have you got a 7 ? Maybe it can help me." "Wait a minute, then," the boss said and brought out an alarm clock. "Here


人教版八年级下册unit8单元测试题 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) ( 1. Japan is ________ island country. A. a B. the C. / D. an ( )2. — What is Jim doing? — He is waiting ________ his friends. A. for B. with C. on D. to ( )3. I have never got a letter from him ____________ he left. A. as soon as B. when C. ever since D. while ( )4. — May I borrow your pen? I can’t find mine. — Sorry, mine is broken. Maybe Tom can lend ________ to you. A. his B. this C. it D. ones ( )5. You can use an eraser to clean the ____ on the page. A. bamboo B. mark C. stress D. report ( )6. — ________ have you lived here? — For 20 years. A. How many B. How long C. How much D. How far ( )7. — Would you please ______ yourself to us? — OK. My name is Max and I’m from America. A. introduce B. enjoy C. record D. follow ( )8. — What do you think of the computer? —It’s very important in the ________ world. A. modern B. small C. wild D. ancient ( )9. I used to _______ a cup of coffee in the afternoon, but now I’m used to ______ tea. A. drinking; drink B. drink; drinking C. drink; drink D. drinking; drinking ( )10. —It’s already two o’clock. — We __________ hurry up, or we will miss the train. A. must B. may C. could D. can ( )11. — Is it an exciting book? — Yes, it’s__________ excitements. A. up to B. instead of C. full of D. at least ( )12. It’s very brave of you _______ the child from the big fire. A. save B. saved C. saving D. to save ( )13. — Lisa, have you finished your homework _______? — No, but I will finish it in half an hour.

人教七年级英语unit7 单元测试试题(含答案)

第七单元知识点整理与复习 一.必回短语。 1.(购物时)…多少钱_______ 2.look nice_______ 3.服装店_______ 4. at a good price_______ 5.一双_______ 二.重点句式 1.这件T恤衫多少钱?--7美元。 _______ _______this T-shirt? --_______seven_______. 2.Can I help you?(译成汉语)____________________________ 3.你想要什么颜色的? _______ _______do you want? 4. I'll take it.(译成汉语)____________________________ 5.给你。 Here_______ _______. 6.不客气。_______ _______. 7.这些红色袜子多少钱? --8美元。 _______ _______ _______these red socks? --_______eight dollars. 8.We sell all our clothes at very good prices.(译成汉语) 三.词语运用 1.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1. Are the black_______(短袜) Miss Miller's? 2.My shorts are too_______(短的). I want to buy a long pair. 3.-How_______(大的) is your room? -It's very small. 4.-How much is the white T-shirt? -Twenty_______(美元). 5.The_______(价格) of the skirt is twenty dollars. 6.Does the store_______(卖)shoes? 7.The sweater is nice. I'll_______(拿)it. 8.We don't have vegetables for lunch. We_______(需要) to buy some. 9. We have sweaters in all_______(颜色). 10. Mom, I don't like this_______(裙子).I want a black one. 四.语法演练 I.用英文填写计算结果。 1.four +eight= 2. seven +eight= 3.thirteen + seven= 4. fourteen + sixteen= 5.seventy-fourteen= 6. eighty -sixteen= 7.sixty-thirteen=8. eighty-forty= 9.forty-eight-twelve=10. ninety +five= II.词汇 A)用画线单词的反义词或对应词完成句子。 1.This shirt is too big. But that one is too_______. 2.This ruler is_______and that one is long. 3.The man likes apples but the_______likes bananas. 4. That store_______all kinds of school things. Let's go and buy some. 5.He goes to school at 7: 30 and_______back at twelve.

九年级英语Unit10 单元检测卷一(含答案)

Unit10 单元检测卷一(含答案) Ⅰ. 单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分) 1. As for the problem, I don’t agree you. My idea is different yours. A. with; as B. with; from C. to; as D. to; from 2. Last Sunday my whole family went to the beach my father. He was away on business. A. from B. except C. with D. including 3. —What should I do to improve ?Can you give me some ? —Try your best in everything you do. A. myself; advice B. me; suggestion C. myself; advices 4.—How do you like The Diary of a Young Girl written by Anne Frank? —I think it is worth . A. seeing B. to see C. reading D. to read 5. —You are not expected such long hours. —I’m afraid so. We have to finish it today. A. to work B. working C. worked 6. China is making great efforts the economy and improve people’s living standards. A. to develop B. developing C. developed D. develop 7. I’m always before the exam. I often try to make myself calm down by taking a deep breath. A. relaxed B. bored C. nervous D. happy 8. —When will the plane ? —At 11:35. Let’s hurry up. A. take down B. take off C. turn down D. turn off 9. —I’m afraid the boy can’t deal with the problem.


*** I.用所给词的适当形式填空some________in math. 1.The people in _________(German) speak German A decisions B mistakes C progress D plans 2. We are satisfied with their_______(perform) 4. Nowadays , it ’s convenient and cheap for us ________a 3. lily's father has a large________ (c e o c l t)of old coins. shared-bicycle. 4.Teenagers should __________(encourage)tosolve their A ride B to rid e C flying D to fly problems by themselves 5. Your mother is very busy. She hardly does morning 5. Working as a volunteer in Sichuan was an exercise,________? _________(usual) experience A isn’t she B does she C doesn’t she D is she 6. What do you think is the greatest________ (invent) of the 6. ---Here are still ________minutelseft. We don’t have to twentieth century? run, honey. 7. The old man wanted to move to a _______(peace)place. ---No! The movie has already ________for five minutes. II.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 A few, begun B a couple of , begun C few , been on D 1.如果你不去买东西,我也不去 a couple of , been on If you don’t go shopping, ________ ________ ________. 7. --- Look! Your teacher Miss White is over there. 2. 许多孩子已经听说那部电影了--- No, it can’t be her. She________ to Beijing. Lots of children have________ ________that movie already. A has gone B has been C went D will go 3. “一带一路”产生了巨大的社会影响8. --- Jimmy didn ’t finish his homework yesterday. The Belt and Road Initiative has had a great________ --- ________. ________. A So I did B So did I C Neither did I D Neither I did 4. 他自己完成了这项工作,真是让人难以置信9. --- Mum, ________of the apepsl________gone bad. ________ ________ ________he has finished the work by himself. --- We’d better eat up the rest as soon as possible. 5. 它是一个如此受欢迎的节目,以至于数百万人同时收 A one third , have B one thirds, have C one third, has 看它 D first three, has It is _______________________TVshow________millionsof 10. The man seems________everythingabout our school. people watch it at the same time. We guess that he must be our new head teacher. 6. 四分之三的学生来自中国 A know B knows C to know D knowing ________ ________oefnsttsudare from China. III.句型转换 7. 另一方面,我也不喜欢看电影 1.Harvey had a great time at the Water Worl d last Sunday. ________________________________,dIon’t like watching Harvey ________ ________at the Wa t e r d Wl a o s r l t Sunday. movies. 2. I spent two hours cl eaning my room yesterd ay. 8. 我在伦敦住了一个多星期了It ________me two hours ________ ________my room yesterday. I have lived in London for________ ________one week. 3. I have studied English for four years. 划线部分提问 9. 我不在意你来不来________ ________have you studied English. I don’t care________ ________ ________ you will come. 4. He has never been to New York. I have never been 10. 你可以在任何你需要帮助的时候给我打电话there, either. You can call me ________ ________ ________ ________. He has never been to New York, and ________ ________I. III.单项选择 5. The weather here is fine from January to December. 1. The computer is one of the most important________. The weather here is fine________ ________ ________. A inventor B inventions C invention 2. --- I’m told your class has 3 newcomers. --- Yes. One is a ________;the other two are________. A Japan, Germany B Japanese,German C Japanese,Germans D Japanese, Germen 3. With the help of my math teacher, I made 4. ***


Test for Unit 8 (时间:120分钟,满分:120分) 听力部分(25分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择恰当的应答语。(每小题1分,共5分) ( )1.A.One cup. B.Two. C.Three bananas. ( )2.A.Yes, I do. B.Yes, I did. C.No, thanks.I’m full. ( )3.A.Yes, I could. B.Sure. C.Yes, please. ( )4.A.Thank you. B.That’s right. C.Good idea. ( )5.A.Only a little. B.Only a few. C.Few. Ⅱ.听短对话,选择正确的图片。(每小题1分,共5分) ( )6.What does the man like best? ( )7.What will they eat? ( )8.What does Helen usually eat for breakfast every day? ( )9.What don’t they have? ( )10.What did Frank eat just now? Ⅲ.听长对话,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分) 听第一段对话,回答第11、12小题。 ( )11.What does the woman want to learn to make? A.Bread. B.Tomato salad. C.Turkey sandwiches. ( )12.What does the woman do at last? A.Add some tomato slices. B.Put another slice of bread on top. C.Add a teaspoon of relish. 听第二段对话,回答第13—15小题。 ( )13.What are they talking about? A.How to make a milk shake. B.How to make sandwiches. C.How to make fruit salad.


I. 单选(每小题1分,共20分) 1. Everyone _______ having a good time. A. am B. is C. are D. be 2. _______ is the weather like? A. How B. What C. Which D. Why 3. _______ is it going? A. What B. When C. Where D. How 4. _______ is Jeff going for his vacation(假期)? A. How B. What C. Who D. Where 5. What _______ you _______ when it’s raining? A. do, do B. are, doing C. can, doing D. does, do 6. The game looks _______. I want to have a try. A. fun B. cool C. boring D. bad 7. How’s the weather there? _______. I’m on the beach. A. Terrible B. I t’s snow C. It’s hot D. Not bad 8. Is he _______? No, he’s _______ in the water. A. swims, fishing B. swims, running C. swimming, walk D. swimming, walking 9. I like the weather there. It’s always _______. A. snowing B. rains C. funny D. sunny 10. I like taking _______. It’s much fun. A. photos B. pictures C. medicine D. shower 11. Thank you for _______ us. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps 12. It’s wi ndy and cold, so he is wearing a scarf _______ his neck(脖子). A. around B. on C. with D. at 13. It’s _______ in spring and it’s _______ in summer. A. warm, cool B. hot, cold C. warm, hot D. cool, warm 14. Uncle Tom is a writer. He is _______ a book. A. write B. wrote C. writes D. writing 15. _______ many people her on vacation A. They’re B. There are C. There is D. Their 16. How much is it? Five _______ yuan. A. thousandes B. thousands C. thousan d’s D. thousand 17. It’s a nice _______. A. weather B. photo C. day D. / 18. What _______ Lucy and Lily _______? A. is, doing B. do, doing C. does, do D. are, doing 19. Kate is _______ English. I’m _______ American. A. a, an B. /, / C. an, a D. /, an 20. That _______ terrible. A. look B. hears C. finds D. sounds II. 完型填空(每小题1分,共10分) Today is March 7th, and tomorrow is 21 . Dally wants 22 her mother something. Dally 23 10 dollars. She is thinking about 24 . She thinks and thinks. Then she has an 25 . “I can buy a card 26 my dear mother.” Dally goes to a supermarket and buys a beautiful card. She 27 some words on it. She shows it to her mother and says, “Here is a card for you, Mum.” Her mother is 28 happy. “29 , Dally. ” She says. Dally is 30 , too. ( ) 21. A. Teachers’ Day B. Christmas’ Day C. Womans’ Day D. Women’s Day


Unit 10 I’d like some noodles. Written test part (共80分) Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )16. We need ______ onion and two tomatoes for dinner. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 ( )17. Peter doesn’t like apples, chicken ______ mutton. A. and B. with C. or D. of ( )18. — What ______ bowl of noodles would you like? — Large, please. A. price B. kind C. size D. color ( )19. We have some ______ here and we can make ______ soup. A. egg; egg B. egg; eggs C. eggs; eggs D. eggs; egg ( )20. Skating is getting ______ now. Many people like to skate.

A. important B. difficult C. popular D. funny ( )21. Anna, please ______ the meat and then cook it. A. cut up B. blow out C. cut down D. eat out ( )22. —Do you have ______ beef? —Sorry, we don’t. But we have ______ mutton. A. any; some B. any; any C. some; any D. some; some ( )23. — ______? — Beef noodles. A. How much are the beef noodles B. What kind of noodles would you like C. What size would you like D. How about beef noodles ( )24. — Would you like some dumplings? — ______. A. Yes, please B. It’s interesting C. You’re welcome D. No problem


八下单词拼写练习U9 1. A c________ is a piece of equipment used for taking photographs. 2. A similar event happened years ago. It’s true that history sometimes seems to repeat i_______. 3.Amy made such r_________ progress that her teacher praised her in front of the whole class. 4.—Are you going to the zoo tomorrow? —It depends on w ________ it rains or not. 5.As the old saying goes practice makes p________, it means you finally will do anything well if you stick to do something again and again. 6.At HEFLS, We have been offered so many opportuies to speak in front of others and our teachers always e________ us when we are nervous. 7.Books bring us knowledge but sometimes we read books s_________. 8.C________ foreign coins is great fun. I love it very much. 9.Can you give me a r ________ to the train station? 10.Can you tell me by whom the telephone was i ________? 11.Candy is a very popular singer. She gets t ________ of attention whenever she goes. 12.China has a history of over five t ________ years. 13.China is a great country with a history of over five t ________ years. 14.Confucius(孔子) lived in the Kingdom of Lu, part of today’s Shandong P ________. 15.Daman made r ________ progress because of his brother’s help. 16.Do you know who i________ the first computer in the world? 17.Do you remember the famous saying practice makes p________. 18.During the FIFA World Cup, t________ of football fans go to Brazil to watch the games. 19.Every year, t ________ of tourists come to Hangzhou to have a trip. 20.G ________ are more strict in technology and production than we Chinese. 21.Have you taken a c________ with you to take photos? 22.He has been living in Tokyo for 2 years so he can speak a little j ________ now. 23.He wonders w______ he will get the present from Santa Claus on Christmas Day. 24.His performance was p ________ in every way. The audience stood up and applauded(鼓掌) warmly. 25.I couldn’t buy a p ________ gift for my mother’s birthday. 26.I don’t know w ________ she is married or not. 27.I don’t know w________ she will come back or not this afternoon. 28.I don’t like this restaurant. Let’s go s ________ more comfortable. 29.I have been to several J ________ cities, such as Tokyo, Osaka and so on. 30.I think that the most helpful i ________ is the rice machine, but I don't know who invented it. 31.I took lots of photos with my new c ________ during the summer holiday. 32.I want to know w ________ there is a hospital in this street. 33.I want to take some photos but I forgot to bring a c ________. 34.I was greatly e ________ by his words and worked even harder. 35.I went to Tokyo last year. It is a big city in J ________. 36.I wonder w ________ he can get to school on time. 37.I wonder w ________ June is a good time to visit Hong Kong or not. 38.I wonder w ________ the film is interesting or not.


Unit 7 单元测试题 Written test part (共80分) Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 16. Tom _______ having a good time. A. am B. is C. are D. be 17. _______ is the weather like? A. How B. What C. Which D. Why 18. _______ is it going? A. What B. When C. Where D. How 19. What _______ you _______ when it’s raining? A. do, do B. are, doing C. can, doing D. does, do 20. The game looks _______. I want to have a try. A. fun B. cool C. boring D. bad 21. Is he _______? No, he’s _______ in the water. A. swims, fishing B. swims, running C. swimming, walk D. swimming, walking 22. I like the weather there. It’s always _______. A. snowing B. rains C. funny D. sunny 23. I like taking _______. It’s much fun. A. photos B. picture C. medicine D. shower 24. It’s _______ in spring and it’s _______ in summer.
