
第九章Section B Basic Principles of ID®Many current instructional models suggest that the most effective learning environments are those that are problem—based and involve the students in four distinct phases of learning :(1)activation of prior experience;(2)demonstration of skills;(3)application of skills;(4)integration of these skills into real—world activities.Figure9.2.1 illustrates these five ideas.Much instruetional practice concentrates primarily on phase2and ignores the other phases in this cycle of learning.许多现行的教学模型建议最有效的学习环境是那些正在学习、参与学生学习的四个不同阶段:(1)激活的经验;(2)演示技巧;(3)应用的能力;(4)整合这些技能,成为真正的——世界活动。
At the too level.the instructional design prescriptions based on first principles are as follows ::(1〉Learning is facilitated when learners are engaged in solving real-world problems.在太水平。

教育技术学专业英语词汇closed circuit television 闭路电视教授Airborne Television Instruction空中电视教学Commission on Educational Television教育电视委员会computer-assisted instruction (CAI) 计算机辅助教学training industry 培训公司academic years 学年度electronic performance support system 电子绩效支持系统knowledge management system知识管理系统constructivist perspective建构主义Department of Instructional System Technology教学系统技术系Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning教学媒体与技术technologies for learning 学习技术seatwork:课堂作业14.Individualized instruction个别化教学15.Reinforcement or feedback强化或反馈15.Realistic context真实的情境16.Cooperative groups协作小组17.hard technology 硬技术18.soft technology软技术19.heterogeneous groups异质小组20. learning center学习中心21. Learning carrels个别化学习台22. reinforcement theory 强化理论23. method of instruction 教学方法24. linear programming| format直线式程序25. programmed instruction 程序教学26. intrinsic programming线性程序27. remedial explanations 补救性解释28. branching programming|format分支式程序29. Web-based instruction.基于网络的教学30.Programmed tutoring 程序化辅导31. structured tutoring结构化辅导32. self-instructional material 自学材料33. Programmed teaching程序化授课34.Personalized System of Instruction (PSI)个人教学系统35. instructional principles 教学原理36. entry skills 入门技能37. screening device筛选工具38. systems approach系统方法39. small steps小步子40. overt responses 外显反应41.immediate feedback即时反馈42. empirical approach 经验主义方法43. formative evaluation形成性评价44.summative evaluation 总结性评价45. instructional design models教学设计模式46. behavioral objectives行为目标47. self-instructional system 个别化教学系统48. cognitive domain 认知领域49. norm-referenced 常模参照测验50.criterion-referenced 标准参照测验51.outcomes-verbal information言语信息52. intellectual skills智力技能53. psychomotor skills动作技能54. cognitive strategies认知策络55. events of instruction教学事件56cognitive psychology 认知心理学57. computer-based instruction基于计算机的教学58. front-end analysis前段分析59.Metacognition元认知60. cognitive awareness认知知觉61. metacognitive strategies 元认知策络62.Metamerory元记忆63.memory strategies 记忆策略64.Metacomprehension元理解65. Schema training图式训练66. multimedia learning environments 多媒体学习环境67. embedded information management信息管理68. database analysis数据库分析69. multimedia design多媒体设计70. Multimedia computer systems 多媒体计算机系统71. videodisc player 光盘播放器72. compression technology压缩技术73. analog formats 模拟格式74.Compression software压缩软件75. Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI). 音乐设备数字接口Speech synthesisi 语音合成Virtual reality虚拟现实Cognitive awarenesss 认知知觉Compression techonology 压缩技术Analog formats 模拟形式OHP(overhead projector投影仪)OHT(overhead transparency 投影片)Videotape录像带CLEs(constuctive learning environmet)建构主义学习环境Knowledge construction知识建构Meaning learning 有意义学习Activity theory 持续活动论COLs(communities of leaners )学习者共同体Ph ysical Capital 物质资本Human capital人力资本Performance technology 绩效技术In the same wein 同样的On-demand 随机的Stand-alone 独立的HPT(human performance technology)人类绩效技术Behavioral and cognitive specialists行为和认知心理专家Human resouece specilists人力资源专家Integrated learning system 综合学习系统EPSS electronic performance support system 电子绩效支持系统Expert system 专家系统Informance base 信息库Embedded coaching 嵌入式指导Expert advisor专家顾问Leaning experience 学习经历Knowledge assets知识资产Performance problems绩效问题Audio teleconferencing 音频会议系统Audiographics conferencing 音频图形会议系统Videoconferencing 视频会议系统High-resolution 高分辨率Full-color真彩色Ad hoc 特定,专门,临时IST (interactive instruction television )交互式电视系统Interactive video and videotext 交互式视频显示技术Correspondence education函授教育Advance organize 先行组织者Inquiry learning 提问式学习,问究学习Progressive discourse 渐进式交流Situation cognition情景认知Instructional model教学模型Vocational classe职业课程systems approach 系统方法desired learning outcome期望的到的结果。

中考英语--英语教育词汇分类汇总教育学专业相关词汇教育学:pedagogy; Education; Education Science教育学原理:Pedagogical principle课程与教学论:Curriculum and pedagogy教育史:Educational history比较教育学:Comparative pedagogy; Comparative education 学前教育学:Preschool education高等教育学:Higher education; Tertiary education成人教育学:Adult education职业技术教育学:Vocational education特殊教育学:Special pedagogy教育技术学:Educational technology教育法学:Education law; Educational law职业技术教育:Vocational and technical education教育管理:Education management学科教学(思政):Subject teaching (ideological and political) 学科教学(语文):Subject teaching (Chinese)学科教学(数学):Subject teaching (mathematics)学科教学(物理):Subject teaching (physics)学科教学(化学):Subject teaching (chemistry)学科教学(生物):Subject teaching (biology)学科教学(英语):Subject teaching (English)学科教学(历史):Subject teaching (history)学科教学(地理):Subject teaching (geography)学科教学(音乐):Subject teaching (music)学科教学(体育):Subject teaching (physical education) 学科教学(美术):Subject teaching(arts)现代教育技术:Modern educational technology小学教育:Primary school education心理健康教育:Mental health education科学与技术教育:Science and technology education 学前教育:Preschool education特殊教育:Special education研究方法相关词汇问卷法:questionnaire实验法:experimentation method观察法:observation method访谈法:interview method行动研究:action research文献研究法:literature research method量化研究:quantitative research质性研究:qualitative research调查研究法:survey research method教学方法相关词汇教学法:method of instruction; teaching method讲演法:lecture method; method of lecture练习法:drill method; practice method填充法:completion method会话法:conversational method经验法:empirical method启发式教学:developmental mode of teaching背诵法:method of recitation整体学习法:synthetic learning method游戏法:play method随机教学法:accidental teaching method; incidental teaching method间接教学法:indirect method of teaching直接教学法:direct method of teaching直观法:intuitive method示范法:demonstration method; method of demonstration讨论法:discussion method; method of discussion问题法:problem method实验教学法:experimental teaching method案例分组法:case-group method特殊教学法:special teaching method启发式教学:Inspirational teaching;heuristic mode of teaching 五段教学法:five formal lesson-steps;five formal steps三段教学法:three formal lesson-steps;three formal steps课程相关词汇课程:curriculum课程分化:curricula-differentiation; differentiated curriculum 课程建构:construction of curriculum课程目标:course objectives;curriculum goals课程内容:course content课程设计:curriculum design课程编制/开发:curriculum development课程规划:curriculum planning国家课程:national curriculum学科课程:subject curriculum正式课程:formal curriculum经验课程:experienced curriculum活动课程:activity curriculum专业课程:professional curriculum领悟的课程:perceived curriculum持续的课程:constant in curricula;curricula-constant开放课程:open curriculum基础课程:basic courses教学相关词汇教学大纲:syllabus教材:material of instruction;teaching material参考书:reference book教科书:school book;text-book;textbook教案:lesson plan作业单:assignment sheet课表:schedule;school timetable教学日志:teaching journal; diary for instruction教学科目:course of instruction;teaching subjects 教学效能:teaching efficiency专业能力:professional competence教学单元:teaching unit教学模式:teaching model个别教学:individual instruction; individual teaching 时事教学:current events instruction综合教学:synthetic instruction专业训练:professional training教学策略:teaching strategies略读skimming精读:scanning跳读:skipping基础知识:basic knowledge社会化教学:socialized teaching选择题:multiple-choice test默写:dictation默读:silent reading图示:schema学习相关词汇集中学习:massed learning模仿学习:learning by imitation顿悟学习:insight learning机械学习:rote learning偶然学习:incidental learning联想学习:associative learning从生活中学习:learning through living从经验中学习:learning by experience在做中学:learning by doing间接学习:indirect learning终身学习:lifelong learning; life-long learning 协作学习:collaborative learning“支架式”学习:scaffold learning学习指导:direction of learning学习效率:learning efficiency学习化社会:learning society虚拟学习社区:virtual learning community 学习目的:learning purpose学习情景:learning situation学习过程:learning process学习结果:learning outcome职前培训:pre-service training认知策略:cognitive strategies元认知策略:metacognitive strategies学习投入:learning engagement教育相关词汇终身教育:lifelong education户外教育:outdoor education义务教育:compulsory education保护教育:protection of education情意教育:affective education整合教育:integrating education心理教育:psychological education价值教育:values education随机教育:incidental education公民教育:citizenship education文化教育:cultural education感官教育:sense education艺术教育:art education幼儿教育:infant education初等教育:elementary education中等教育:secondary education高等教育:higher education成人教育:adult education正式教育:formal education非正式教育:informal education健康教育:health education商业教育:business education; commercial education 教育效率:educational efficiency教育开支:educational expenditure教育权利:educational right教育改革:education reform教育设施:educational facilities教育研究:education research教育百科全书:encyclopedia of education评估和评价:assessment and evaluation核心素养:core literacy; core competencies思维品质:thinking capacity学习能力:learning ability语言能力:language ability文化意识:cultural awareness创造性思维:creative thinking批判性思维:critical thinking关键期:critical period教育理论相关词汇多元智能理论:Multiple intelligence言语——语言智能:Verbal/Linguistic intelligence音乐——节奏智能:Musical intelligence逻辑——数理智能:Logical/Mathematical intelligence 视觉——空间智能:Visual/Spatial intelligence身体——动觉智能:Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence自知——自省智能:Interpersonal intelligence交往——交流智能:Intrapersonal intelligence人本主义、人文主义:humanism经验主义:empiricism心智主义:mentalism行为主义:behaviourism最近发展区(ZPD):Zone of Proximal Development 建构主义:constructivist theory社会建构主义:socio-constructivist theory学校相关词汇幼儿园/学前班:kindergarten托儿所:nursery school小学(1-8年级):primary school / elementary school / grade school语法学校(1-6年级):grammar school中学(9-12年级):secondary school中学(10-12年级):high school初中(7-9年级):junior high school高中(10-12年级):senior high school(英)私立学校;(美)公立学校:public school私立学校:private school男女生同校制度:coeducation校友(男/女):alumnus/alumna夜大、函大:open university普及教育:universal education技校:technical school职校:vocational school寄宿制学校:boarding school夜校:night school成人进修学校:adult school母校,校歌:alma mater象牙塔,高等学府(喻):ivory tower专科学校,大学,学院:college(美)政府资助的州立大学:state college两年制社区大学:junior college寄宿制大学:residential college社区大学:community college政府资助的低学费大学:land-grant college综合大学:university由学院、专科院校组成的大规模高等学校:multiversity研究生院:graduate school(英)工艺技术高等院校:polytechnic / poly高等学校:institution of higher education综合性大学:comprehensive university文科大学:university of liberal arts文科院校:colleges of art理工科大学:college/university of science and engineering 师范大学:normal university; teachers' university师范学院:teachers' college工业大学:polytechnical university工业学院:engineering institute农业大学:agricultural university农学院:agricultural college医科大学:medical university医学院:medical college/school中医院:institute of traditional Chinese medicine音乐学院:conservatory of music美术学院:academy of fine arts体育学院:physical culture institute分校:branch school重点学校:key school业余学校:spare-time school业余职工大学:spare-time college for staff and workers电视广播大学:television and radio broadcasting university函授学院:correspondence school教师进修学校:teachers' college for vocational studies成人夜校:night school for adults业余艺术/体育学校:amateur arts/athletic school半工半读学校:part-work and part-study school中等专业学校:secondary specialized school; polytechnic school 中等技术学校:secondary technical school; technical secondary school职业学校:vocational school附中:attached middle school在职进修班:in-service training course进修班:class for advanced studies短训班:short-term training course专修科:special (training) course脱产培训:off-job training在职培训:in-job training学生相关词汇室友:flatmate / dormmate本科生:undergraduate / undergrad毕业生,研究生:graduate研究生:postgraduate / graduate student大学或高中一年级新生:freshman大学或高中二年级学生:sophomore大学或高中三年级学生:junior大学或高中四年级学生:senior大学一、二年级学生:underclassman大学三、四年级学生:upperclassman(美)校友(男):alumnus / alumni (pl.) (美)校友(女):alumna / alumnae (pl.)交换学生(留学生为主):exchange student 留学生:overseas student同学(美)领取奖学金的研究生:fellow student 助教(以研究生为主):TA / teaching assistant 高年级学生顾问:peer adviser寝室楼负责人(高年级学生为主):floor senior学生会工作人员:student union officer学生会主席:president of student union学生会副主席:vice-president of student union实习生:intern班长:monitor副班长:vice-monitor学习委员:commissary in charge of studies文娱委员:commissary in charge of entertaainment 体育委员:commissary in charge of sports劳动委员:commissary in charge of physical labour 党支部书记:Party branch secretary团支部书记:League branch secretary组织委员:commissary in charge of organization 宣传委员:commessary in charge of publicity"三好"学生:"Three Goods" student优秀团员:excellent League member优秀干部:excellent leader学生会:student council日常教学常用词汇大学校长:president中学校长:principal小学校长:headmaster小学校长(女):headmistress登记、报到:register/enroll开学典礼:opening ceremony(介绍会)指学校综合情况:orientation meeting 报告:lecture一个学生发言那种:tutorial基础课:basic course专业课:specialized course必修课:required course选修课:optional/selective course幼儿园:kindergarten免试入学制:open admission旁听生:auditor=guest student住宿生:boarder开卷考:open-book exam抽考:pop test新生训练:orientation program教学设施:teaching facilities助学金:assistantship奖学金:scholarship食宿:room and board礼堂:auditorium副班长:vice-monitor学习年限:period of schooling学分制:credit system分数:mark/score/grade课程表:schedule=school timetable自习:individual study个别指导:individual coaching=tutorial英语晚会:English evening课外活动:after-school activities社会调查:social investigation义务劳动:voluntary labor毕业评估:graduation appraisal毕业典礼:graduation ceremony=commencement 毕业证书:diploma=graduation certificate辍学:drop out退学:quit school校纪:school discipline出勤率:attendance/participation上课:attend a lecture缺课:miss a class旷课:cut a class开除:expel sb from school学费:tuition杂费:miscellaneous expenses领助学金的学生:a grant-aided student 讲义夹:lecture portfolio半学期:semester考卷:blue-book成绩单:report card期末考核:final-examination小测验:quiz口试:oral test毕业证:diploma学位:degree专科证书:associate diploma学士:Bachelor硕士:Master博士:Doctor of Philosophy班主任/协调人:Coordinator教授:professor副教授:associate professor讲师:lecturer导师:adviser/mentor辅导老师:counselor课程按排:course arrangement申请表:application form论文:paper/thesis/dissertation主修:major辅修:minor复试相关句子积累1.Aim for educating all students, and emphasize quality-oriented education.以教育所有学生为目标,强调以质量为导向的教育。
教育技术学专业英语第五章 学习理论翻译

Chapter Five Learning Theories第五章学习理论Section B Behaviorism B部分行为主义What is Behaviorism? 什么是行为主义?Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select -- doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors.给我一打健康、外形完好的婴儿,把他们放在我设计的特殊的环境里培养,我敢保证,随便挑出一个来,我就能把他训练成为我所选择的任何一类专家---医生、律师、艺术家、商业首领,甚至是乞丐或小偷,而无论他的才能、爱好、倾向、能力或他的先辈的职业和种族是什么。
Behavioral psychology, also known as behaviorism, is a theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning.Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment.According to behaviorism, behavior can be studied in a systematic and observable manner with no consideration of internal mental states.行为心理学,也称为行为主义,是一种基于所有的行为都是通过条件刺激而产生的学习理论。

专业英语专业词汇:Professional VocabularyCHAPTER 1(P5)learning 学习behaviorism 行为主义cognitivism 认知主义constructivism 建构主义social psychology 社会主义instruction 教学motion media 动作媒体manipulative 操纵的,用手控制的copyright 版权enactive experience 直接经验iconic representation 图像表征symbolic representation 符号表征advance organizer 先进组织portfolio 档案袋artifact 工件thematic instruction 主题教学distance education 远程教育method 方法discussion 讨论cooperative learning 合作学习gaming 游戏simulation 模拟discovery 发现problem solving 问题解决presentation 演示demonstration 示范drill-and-practice 操作演练tutorial 教练technology 技术instructional technology 教育技术instructional system 教学系统CHAPTER 2 (P25)synchronous 同步的asynchronous 异步的packaged instruction 程序教学包cooperative instruction 合作学习game 游戏frame game 框架游戏simulation 模拟simulator 模拟器;模拟者role play 角色扮演simulation game 模拟游戏programmed instruction 程序化教学linear programming 直线式程序branching programming 分支化程序CHAPTER 3(P47)entry test 起始能力测试prerequisite 先决条件learning style 学习风格motivation 学习动机intrinsic motivator 内部动机extrinsic motivator 外部动机criterion 标准cognitive domain 认知领域affective domain 情感领域motor skill domain 动作技能领域interpersonal domain 目标阐明media format 媒体格式showmanship 演出技巧feedback 反馈practice 实践authentic assessment 真实评价CHAPTER 4(P81)referent 参照物conic 图示visual literacy 视觉素养sans serif 无衬线字体optical spacing 视觉空间alignment 对齐方式rule of thirds 三分之一定律complementary colors 补色proximity 接近directional 方向的figure-ground contrast 前景-背景对比storyboarding 情景串联版Digital camera 数码相机scanner 扫描仪charge –coupled device 电荷耦合器photo CD 照片光盘。

教育技术学专业英语复习大纲一、专业词汇第一章:Behavioral objectives movement行为目标运动Cognitive psychology认知心理学Communications传播学Cone of experience经验之塔Constructivism建构主义Electronic performance support systems电子绩效支持系统General system 一般系统理论Instructional systems design(ISD)教学系统设计Knowledge management systems知识管理系统Learner_centered learning environments 以学习者为中心的学习环境Operant conditioning操作性条件反射Programmed instruction程序教学progressivism进步主义reinforcement强化subject matter expert(SME)学科内容专家task analysis任务分析verbalism言语主义virtual reality虚拟现实第二章Artificial intelligence人工智能Audiovisual communication视听传播Intelligent agent智能代理Media_oriented面相媒体Process_oriented面向过程Situated cognition情境认知Systematic系统化utilization利用AECT: Association for Educational Communication and Technology教育传播与技术协会第三章:Attribute of media媒体特征Correspondence course函授课程mainframe主机no significant difference无显著性差异the great media debate媒体大争论videodisk视盘第四章:Distance education远程教育Real_time 实时的K—12从幼儿园到12年级的儿童教育第五章:Intuitive notion 直观概念Schema theory图式理论Elaboration 精细化理论metacognition元认知classical conditioning经典性条件反射operant conditioning操作性条件反射verbal behavior言语行为cognition science认知科学long_term memory长时记忆short_term memory短时记忆第六章:Multiplication table乘法表Taxonomy of learning 学习分类Verbal information言语信息Intellectual skills智慧技能Cognitive strategies 认知策略Rote learning机械学习Non-arbitrary非任意性Prior knowledge先有知识Iterative process迭代过程accommodation顺应assimilation同化verbatim recall逐字回忆第七章:Societal dynamic 社会动力学Communication theory传播理论Mass communication大众传播Incoming message收文Cooperative network协作网络Sender and receiver 发送者和接受者Innovation diffusion theory 创新推广理论第八章Chaos theory混沌理论Complexity and interdependence复杂性和相互依赖性Natural science自然科学Organizational theory组织理论System dynamics系统动力学Systems thinking系统思考第九章Instructional development教学开发Advisory system咨询系统Automated instructional design自动化教学系统设计Authoring tools著作工具Electronic performance support systems电子绩效支持系统Information management信息管理Knowledge management知识管理Intellectual tutoring system智能导师系统Interactive simulation交互式仿真模拟第十章:Systematic instructional development 系统化教学开发Front-end analysis前段分析Formative evaluation形成性评价Summative evaluation总结性评价Events of instruction 教学事件第十二章Information highway信息高速公路Information literacy信息素养Critical skills关键技能第十三章Knowledge base知识库Mental models心智模型Knowledge transfer知识迁移Higher order skills高阶技能Self-awareness自我意识Instructional interventions 教学干预第十四章Multimedia PC多媒体计算机Instructional technology教学技术Artificial intelligence人工技能Cognitive model认知模型Computer-based three dimensional计算机三维Data glove 数据手套Eye phones head mounted display头盔式显示器Virtual programming languages research虚拟编程语言研究室第十五章Correspondence courses函授课程Videoconferencing 视频会议videotape录像带二、重点内容第一章教育技术学经历的时期1、Visual education视觉教育2、Audiovisual instructions视听教育Cone of experience.It contains three domains: doing experience ,observing experience ,abstract experienceDoing experience includes: direct purposeful experiences, contrived experiences, dramatic participation; observing experience includes: demonstrations, field trips, exhibits, motion picture, still pictures, radio_recodings ;abstract experience includes: visual symbols, verbal experience3、Audiovisual communications视听传播Programmed instruction. principles: in a graded sequence of controlled steps and at their own speed, immediately feedback4、Instructional technology教育技术第二章The AECT’s definition in 1994: Instructional Technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning.教育技术是为了促进学习,二队过程与资源进行设计、开发、利用、管理与评价的理论与实践。

第八章Section B Systems Theory:the Basics①A system is an organized structure of matter and energy existing in a dimension of time and space.More than a collection of parts, once organized’the system has properties that are not present when the parts are separate.一个系统是物质和能量的组织结构存在于一个维度的时间和空间。
All things can be viewed as systems and/or as part of a system,composed of systems and interfacing with other systems.Systems show a circular and cyclic quality to their functioning.Certain principles apply to all systems while other principles are unique to specific types of systems.All are interconnected and affect other systems to varying degrees.All systems are constantly changing and are in dynamic balance with each other.任何事情都可以视为系统和/或作为一个系统,由系统与其他系统和接口。

《教育技术学专业英语》课程教学大纲一、课程基本情况与说明(一)课程代码:(二)课程英文名称: Professional English for Educational Technology(三)课程中文名称:教育技术专业英语(四)授课对象:教育技术专业本科学生(五)开课单位:工学院/教育技术系(六)教材:《教育技术学专业英语》,焦建利、叶力汉编著,高等教育出版社2005年(七)参考书目[1]《教育技术专业英语》,刘世清、关伟、王肖虹编著,电子工业出版社, 2004年[2]《教学系统化设计》(影印版) Walter Dick Lou Carey James O.Carey著、汪琼译,高等教育出版社,2004.1(影印版)Robert Heinich、Michael Molenda、James D.Russell、(第7版)[3]《教学媒体与技术》Sharon E.Sma编著高等教育出版社、Pearson、Education出版集团,2002.10[4] 《计算机英语教程》,司爱侠,张强华编著,电子工业出版社, 2005年[5]《计算机英语》,刘兆毓编著,清华大学出版社,2003年[6]《Computing Concept》,Stephen Haag、 Maeve Cummings、 Alan I Rea、Jr 编著McGraw-Hill 2003年(八)课程性质本课程是教育技术学专业的专业必修课。

【关键词】知识管理,个人知识管理,个人知识管理系统The information age of personal knowledge management agentIn the rapid progress in technology of the information era, personal knowledge system of effective management has become necessary in the development of knowledge economy. This paper discusses the basic concept of personal knowledge management and the main content」ocus on how to utilize the advanced info rmation tech no logy tools to support personal knowledge management, finally realizes the personal knowledge management system framework.[key words ] Knowledge management, personal knowledge management, personal knowledge management system二、知识分享与教师专业发展知识分享是知识拥有者通过沟通的方式将知识传播给知识重建者的过程。

教育技术学专业英语复习资料• 学习结果(Learning Outcomes)分类理论 言语信息(Verbal Information)智慧技能(Intellectual Skills)辨别(Discriminations)具体概念(Concrete Concepts)定义性概念(Defined Concepts)规则(Rules)高级规则认知策略(Cognitive Strategies)动作技能(Motor Skills)态度(Attitudes)•引起注意(Gain attention)•告知目标(Inform learner of objectives)•提示回忆原有知识(Stimulate recall of prior learning)•呈现教材(Present stimulus material) •提供学习指导(Provide learner guidance) •引出作业(Elicit performance)•提供反馈(Provide feedback)•评估作业(Assess performance)•促进保持与迁移(Enhance retention transfer)•Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managingappropriate technological processes and resources.(Molenda and Robinson , 2004)教育技术是指通过创建、运用和管理适当的技术过程和资源来促进学习和提升绩效的研究和符合职业道德规范实践。
Nine events of instruction九段教学法:1.Gaining attention: a stimulus change toalert the learner and focus attention on desired features.–引起注意:改变刺激,将学习者注意力集中在所期望的特征上。

教育技术学专业英语词汇1、CSCL:ComputerSupported CollaborativeLearning,简称CSCL,译为计算机支持的协作学习利用计算机技术建立协作学习的环境,使教师与学生、学生与学生在讨论、协作与交流的基础上进行协作学习的一种学习方式,是传统合作学习的延伸和发展。
由于它是建立在CMC (Computer-mediatedCommunication,译为以计算机为中介的交流)机制上的一种学习方式,优点众多,倍受关注和青睐。
2、IT ineducation:教育信息化指在教育领域全面深入地运用现代化信息技术来促进教育改革和教育发展的过程,其结果必然是形成一种全新的教育形态——信息化教育(e-Education)。
还有一个缩略语叫ICT,Informationand CommunicationsTechnology,信息与通信技术,ICT不同于传统通信概念,其产生的背景是行业间的融合以及对信息社会的强烈诉求。

例如,对于“Instructional Design”(教学设计)、“Educational Technology Integration”(教育技术整合)等核心概念的准确理解和表述,是掌握这门学科的基础。
像“Virtual Reality Education”(虚拟现实教育)、“Augmented Reality Teaching”(增强现实教学)等新兴词汇,需要学生及时掌握和理解。

缩写:CAI:computer—assisted instruction 计算机辅助教学ISD:instructional systems design 教学系统设计ICT:Information (and) Communication Technology 信息与通信技术EPSS:electronic performance support systems 电子绩效支持系统SME:Subject Matter Expert 学科内容专家LMS:Learning Management Systems 学习管理系统IV:independent variable自变量DV:dependent variable 因变量第一节 20世纪20年代之前支持教育技术学的一个基本原理是基于经验主义原则,这些原则能产生明显有效的教学。
第二节 20世纪20年代到20世纪40年代视听运动的发起可以追溯到20世纪早期学校和博物馆开始使用视觉符号比如图画,印刷品,幻灯片,电影和模型来支持口语教学。

华中师范大学网络教育学院《教育技术学专业英语》练习测试题库及答案一、Fill in the blanks1. First-generation computers' main parts are ____________.2. Second-generation computers' main parts are ____________.3. Third-generation computers' main parts are ____________.4. Fourth-generation computers' main parts are ____________.5.____ is the integration of text, audio sound, static graphic images, animations, and full-motion video.6. ____ is the basis for word processing programs.7. Audio sound is available in several formats, such as ____, ____, ____.8.____ is another buzzword going through the industry.9.____,____,____,____ are four basic processes of CAD.10.In most practical applications,____ would be incorporated in a much large specific applications system.11. In a manufacturing industry, discrete islands of implementation fall into five c1asses: ____,____,____,____,____.12. The integration effort should include both ____and____.13.As early as l980, the CASA/SME published a presentation of ____ in order to provide a common set of terms for its members.14. An adage ____is certainly as valid today as it was l00 years ago.15. Computer graphics is concerned with all aspects of ____.16. An idea of the complete picture includes____.17. ____show us state--of--the--art hardware and software.18. In raster graphics, the picture elements are ____.19. A special memory area in Which the pixels are stored is called ____.20. A ____ is simply any collection of objects.21. An assertion such as 1+1=3 which is either true or false, but not both, is ca11ed a ____22. The truth values of compound propositions can be described by____. The ____of the compound proposition p(p1,..,pn) 1ists all Possible combinations of truth va1ues for pl... pn, T denoting true and F denoting false, and for each such combinations lists the truth va1ue of p(p1,..,pn).23. In ____, complete simP1e sentences, such as "John is at home", are taken as unbroken units, and are not analyzed into their component parts.24. In ____,our logical analysis goes deeper, into the interna1structure of the simple sentences and instead of singe letters to represent complete sentences, we have various symbo1s to represent the various parts of a sentence.25. It has n vertices and precise1y one edge between each Pair of distinct vertices. It is cal1ed____.26. Graphs that contain a circuit that includes every edge exactly once. It is called____.27. ____ graph is one that contains a circuit that visits each vertex exact1y once.28. Computational image processing can be defines as the operation of ____ on numeric representations of pictorial scenes.29. Image are formed either by ____or____30. The two fundamental characteristics of image are their ____resolution and their ____resolution.31. Lossless compression means that you can achieve a certain ____and be able to exactly reproduce the original image.32 .A fast computer implementation of the Discrete Cosine Transform is known as a ____.33. Artificial systems need many features of brain such as____, ____, ____, ____ and____.34 .Neural computation is also known as ____ ____ ____ ____ and____.35 .The fundamental theory of a neuron is ____ and is as ____.36.The brain is composed of about ____ neurons and as a ____of about 1011 processors37. Robust of a neuron system means ____.38 .The typical cycle time of neurons is a few ____ and the cycle time of semiconductor gates is ____.39 .The main problem of making neural network chips is ____.40 .A new technology which will potentially alternate the IC chips is ____.41 .We can "teach" the neura1 network to perform the desired computation in two main ways: ____ and ____.42 .The excitement of neural networks is their ability to ____.43 .Select the perfect font ___________with the new drop-down___________ font menu,which gives you a preview of font styles before you choose them.44 .Word automatically________________ what language a user is typing and applies the correct Proofing tools, including ________,_______ and________.45.As part of office 2000, Microsoft Word allows you to easily ____________ information through ______,______, and _____, using tools you're already familiar with.46.Just click to open _______am in Word and send your document as anE-mail message that retains ______ formatting.47. Use _________ to add documents, ________ through existing comments, view orhide the discussion window, or subscribe to a document. 48. The Microsoft Outlook 2000 messaging and collaboration client helps you____________ and______________ and_______________ across your enterprise.49. And in today's workplace, ______________means increased productivity.50. Whether scheduling meetings, __________ and ___________, or____________ clientcontacts, Outlook 2000 gives you all___________ you need to collaborate more efficiently.51. Microsoft Outlook 2000 helps you organize all your__________ in _________, soyou can always find the information you want, when you want it.52. The "Find and organize Tools" help you _____________ fast, easy searches for E-mail messages,_____________, and tasks, and _____________ organizing your inbox efficiently.53. Direct disk writes are disabled onlywhen_____________________________.54. Boot sector viruses infect at a________________ level________________ any operating system has been loaded.55. The Windows-specific viruses are direct-action viruses; namely, they___________, but rely on infecting other programs when the infected program is executed.56. As a result, these viruses have had limited success in__________, which reside in memory and _____________ functions performed by___________ and have always bcen __________________.57. Macro viruses pose the greatest threat to___________.58. I don't mind________ at the grocery store or getting panicky calls for help, the hours are________ and the pay is_________.59. And troubleshooting nascent networks requires you to know__________ and running_________.60. I chose the Mac because______________.61. Today, expansion _________ can give you a music synthesizer,a fax machine, a CD-ROM drive, ect.62. The control unit fetches _________ from memory and decodes them.63. When power is removed, information in the semiconductor memory is ________ .64. Please find the item that is not belong to the DBA _________ .65. A database _________ is designed to manage large bodies of information.66. A characteristic of operating system is resource _________ .67. Assembly-language instructions are a series of abstract _________ .68. _______ program also has potential benefits in parallel processing.69. An advantage of a ring network is that it needs less _________ .70. An ISP supplies a service _________ that you can dial from your computer to log on the internet server.71. To open Internet Explorer, just click Start, point to _________ , and then click Internet Explorer.72. Electronic bulletin boards are _________ communication platforms.二、TRUE/FALSE1. Special purpose computers can adapted to many situation by giving them an appropriate program.2. A minicomputer is the smallest and least expensive type ofcomputer.3. A digital computer has worked the value of pi(π) out to 500,000 decimal place.4. A special purpose computer performs only one specific task and thus lacks versatility.5. The larger the system the greater is its processing speed, storage capacity.6. Mainframe computers are designed to process complex scientific application7. A computer's operational software defines the schedule of jobs awaiting execution.8. Though an operating system can schedule the execution of jobs, it does not manage the availability of I/O devices.9. The IOCS component of an operating system controls I/O operations.10. It is a major problem for the operating system to map the logical file concept onto physical storage devices such as magnetic tape or disk.11. Files can only be direct access on a disk system.12. The logic structure and nomenclature of the different operating systems vary considerably.13 .Flowcharting is used primarily for program design andrarely for systems design.14. When programming in a procedure--oriented language, you tell the computer "what to do" and "how to do it".15. --Assembler--level languages use memonics to represent instructions.16. The purpose of office automation is to reduce the human intervention and raise the work efficiency.17. The key to attaining office automation ties in being equipped with a wide variety of advanced hardware and software.18. Desktop publishing is a electronic technology that handles the sending and receiving of messages.19. Electronic mailbox is used to store and distribute messages.20.Multimedia is a product.21. Multimedia aims at making computers easier to use.22.Only a few corporations are turning to multimedia applications to train their employees.23. Magnetic tape can be used to store large amounts of data where random-access is not required.24. CD-ROM is Rewritable.25. In this coming decade we will send and receive more information not just on the telephone.26. Using the general television, people can hold a business meeting without leaving their living room.27.From the user’s point of view ISDN will be a complex worldwide network.28. “Smart building” contains a network for voice, data, environment control and closed-circuit TV.29.In developing countries fiber is rapidly replacing microwave and coaxial cable transmission paths.30. End—to—end digitization is the hardware base and the first step in the process toward re1alizing an ISDN.31. Goals of ISDN will be realized by the availability of well—specified and functional user-network interface characteristics and the network transport function that best meets the end user’s needs.32. ISDN does not include that element that provides one kind of service.33.Special purpose ISDN can provide single service.34.Workstations in ISDN used for CAD, graphics arts and desktop publishing will become communicating terminals.35.Bank robberies in developed countries commonly crop up for these years.36.Some computing professionals and managers have recognizedthe value of the resources they use or control.37.Judges do not recognize electromagnetic signals as the statute property.38.The multiplicity of intruding a computing system makes computer security difficult.39.Control is a protective way for reducing a vulnerability.40.Wiretapping to obtain data in a network is an interruptive action.41.Coding in computer security makes data be unintelligible to the outside observer.42.Encryption can solve all computer security.43.Software controls directly influence the way users interact with a computing system..44.Principle of Effectiveness points out that control must be effective, efficient, appropriate and easy to use.45.The possible symbols in the binary numbering system are 0 to 9.46.The decimal value of 16 is represented in 4 bit BCD as 0001010l.47.Alphanumeric versions of BCD commonly use 6, 7, or 8 bits to represent characters.48.A 6 bit alphanumeric code can represent 128 differentcharacters.49. There are four 8 bit codes in current use.50.Each 8 bit unit used to code data is called a byte.51.performance management statistics would most likely be used by computer operators.52.performance management software monitors the use of files, file and I/O devices and utility software.53.Thinking about a new computer system is an opportunity to reexamine a business and the manner in which it is operated.54.The analysts make a requirement list of a application in a difficult way.55.Documentation provides a programmer with reference guide and provides a user with a using tool.56.A successful test is to exhibit the absence of errors in the programs being tested.57.Machine testing is designed to detect the maximum number of errors.58.Logical structuring techniques used by DBMSs are limited to list, hierarchical, and relational approaches.59 .Each element or branch in a hierarchical DBM structure may have several owners, and may, in turn, own any number or other data units.60.A pointer is a data item in one record that identifies the storage location of another logically related record.61.A register is a storage location inside the processor.62.A system board is a heart of a computer.63.The Memory addresses are expressed as binary numbers.64.Metadata means data about data.65.Without an operating system, we could not execute a user program.66.A high-level language can be designed to only process scientific calculation.67.For information about using Internet Explorer, click the Help menu in Internet Explorer.68.The development of videodisc is useful for distance education.69.There are three general types of compression.70.Multimedia is not only a product, but also a technology.71. Hypermedia is the same as multimedia.72. We can use E-mail only as a one-to-one platform.三、Multiple Choice:1. A characteristic of operating system is:(A)resource management (B)error recovery.(C)memory management (D)all the above.2. Which is the generalization of a two-level directory?(A) a cyclic graph directory structure (B)a tree-structured(C) a general graph structure (D)all the above.3. Which system may have no time constraints?(A) real-time system (B)time-share system(C)batch system (D)all the above4. The more popular micro operating system is:(A) MS-DOS (B) CP/M(C)UNIX (D)all the above5. How any basic approaches are used for designing a microprocessor architecture?(A) one (B) two (C)three (D) four6. W-hat approach a RISC design methodology is?(A) bottom-up (B) top--down (C)middle--approach (D) parallel--approach7. Which software technique significantly reduce the design time and potential errors?(A) CA-M (B) CAD (C) CAI (D) CAQ8. What will the compiler system match in creating a high--speed computer?(A) the language (B) the software(C)the program (D) the hardware9. A centralized database system is well suitab1e for(A) inultinationa1 corporation's employees.(B) local improvisation and free wheeling.(C) top-down control.(D) managers in different locations.10. Which device can perform para11el-to-serial and serial--to-parallel conversions?(A)DTE(B) UART(C) USART(D)all the above11. Data communication facility may be(A) PSDN(B) user application(C) DNA(D)OSI12.________ I stayed in the AAA Company only a short time, butI learned a lot.(A) Though(B) Although(C) As(D) 不填13._______, he lived a very simple life.(A) As Einstein was a great scientist(B) As great scientist Einstein was(C) Great scientist was as Einstein(D) Great scientist as Einstein was14. If this printer doesn't work, bring it back____________ we'll give you your money back.(A) because(B) but(C) and(D) since15. _______ you understand this rule, you'll have no further difficulty.(A) Once(B) Though(C) Until(D) Unless16. They were about to start,________ a strong wind came up and it began to rain.(A) as(B) when(C) while17. Do you think _______ necessary ________ computer?(A) this, learn(B) it, learn(C) this, to learn(D) it, to learn18. You'd better_____________ your books here.(A) don't put(B) to put(C) not put(D) putting19. I think it ___________ this type of disk.(A) better buying(B) better I buy(C) better my buying(D) better to buy20. Would you have him__________ to my office, please?(A) coming(B) come(C) comes(D) to come21. I didn't hear the phone last night. I_______________ asleep.(B) must have been(C) should be(D) should have been.22. This is the first time that I hear the song___________ in Eng1ish.(A) singing(B) sung(C) sing(D) to sing23.__________ from space, our earth, with water_________ 70% of its surface, looks like a"blue blanket".(A) Seeing, covering(B) Seen, covered(C) Seeing, covered(D) Seen, covering24. The film was so_______ that it_________ all of us.(A) excited, exciting(B) exciting, excited(C) exciting, exciting(D) excited, excited25. If you have him _______the parts, he'll have the machine ________ all day long.(A) makes, run(B) made, run(C) make, running(D) making, running26. This is the building_______ last year.(A) being built(B) built(C) had been built(D) having been built27. He ran_______ the house.(A) in to (B) into (C) in (D) on28. The government building is_________ the other side________ the street.(A) at, of (B)on, in (C) at, in (D)on, of29. Do you have any objections_________ this design?(A) of (B)for (C) to (D) with30. They are looking forward __________ his coming.(A) to (B) in (C) of (D) on31. He earns extra money ____________ doing some translation work.(A) without (B)by (C) to (D) about32. The teacher gave _____________each a book for what they had done.(A) their (B) they (C) them (D) theirs33. The students ______________ to the laboratory.(A) all have gone (B) all have went(C) have gone all (D) have all gone34. Who do you think __________ fit for this Work.(A) is (B) 不填(空) (C) it is (D) are35. The professor gave some advice to ______________ on how to learn English well.(A) we students (B) us students (C) students us (D) ours students36. The two men _________________ honored by the state.(A) were all (B) each were(C) were each (D) were both37. It was in this very place I bought the laser printer.(A) where(B) when(C) in which(D) that38. Was it the manager who walked by?(A) It must be that(B) It must have been(C) He must be it(D) Must have been it39. _______________only after he grew up that he realized his mistake.(A) It was(B) It is(C) Not(D) There were40. "______________ a seat." he told me.(A) Do you want(B) Have you had(C) Do have(D) You are taking41. It's usually the manager, and not the members of the company,____________ in charge ofthe company.(A) who is(B) who are(C) which are(D) which is42. A computer virus plagues other computers by _______________.(A) misguiding the header information at the beginning of the file(B) preying on other computer files(C) attaching its infected code to the end of a host program(D) all of the above43. Which of the following about a computer virus is not true?(A) It is a piece of software whose purpose it is to replicate.(B) It is a program that gains control over its host in various ways.(C) It all contains code that won't be activated without a trigger mechanism.(D) It sometimes attaches to a file.44. Which kind of virus may probably load and gain control upon system for the first?(A) Executable File Infectors.(B) Boot Sector Infectors.(C) Partition Table Infectors.(D) Memory Resident Infectors.45. According to the author, people write viruses because ________________.(A) they think it fun to do so(B) their legitimate software is used without their permission(C) they are encouraged and paid by a special organization(D) they think it an efficient way to prove that they are good at programming46. The virus is transmitted most commonly through ______________.(A) programs sent by modem(B) shrink wapped retail software(C) piracy of software(D) the use of floppy disks47. High-capacity data transport facilities mainly refer to_______________.(A) Superhighways (B) telephones(C) television sets (D) computer networks48. Which of the following does the Internet mainly consist of?(A) The public Internet and enterprise Internets.(B) The e-mail system and newsgroups.(C) The World Wide Web and Usenet.(D) Bitnet and Fidonets.49. What does the Internet support?(A) Information sharing.(B) Network innovations.(C) Rapid business transactions.(D) All of the above.50. How many-countries had joined the internet by the year 1995?(A) 160(B) l80(C) 200(D) All the countries in the world.51. How many ways are there to connect to the public Internet?(A) 2 (B) 3(C) 4 (D) 552. The main idea of the first two paragraphs is that _____________.(A) Bill Clinton benefits a lot from the Internet(B) the WWW develops rapidly during the Clinton's administration(C) the Internet has a great effect(D) many new words come into being with each passing day53. What is true in the third paragraph about the Internet?(A) It is painful (B) It is changeable.(C) It is wonderful (D) It is a melting Pot.54. The real purpose of the Superhighway was _______________.(A) to make the U.S. telecommunications infrastructure modern(B) to make money for the U.S government(C) to provide information service for everyone at home(D) to compete with the WWW55. The word "mainstream" in the last paragraph of The InformationSuperhighway can be best replaced by ____________.(A) big river (B) dominant trend(C) investment (D) business56. What is the word "Intranet"?(A) It is a browser. (B) It is another kind of internet.(C) It is an external Web. (D) It is a Personal Web.57. When you are on the Information Highway, which of the following is not necessary for you to learn?(A) How Web pages are put together.(B) How to write software.(C) How to surf the Internet.(D) How to drive cars.58. Which of the following is not true?(A) Navigating the Superhighway without the right knowledge and tools is a waste of time.(B) There are not many ways so far to use the Internet to retrieve information.(C) Java is a useful program.(D) There are various levels of knowledge about cars.59. What was the original idea of computer networking?(A) Packet switching.(B) Information sender and recipient.(C) Data transmission.(D) Circuit switching method.60. We can safely guess the ARPANET ____________.(A) is a network(B) helps researchers share supercomputing power(C) is used for military purpose(D) all of the above61. Who invented Email?(A) Bolt. ( B) Newman.(C) Rap Tomlinson. ( D) The text doesn't tell.62. What is true about the Internet According to the text?(A) People now have realize that the Internet will dominate our society completely.(B) The Internet increases by 50% every year.(C) The Internet will combine all the traditional media such as books, televisions and push them further.(D) The internet prevents individuals from developing newskills,63. In the 4th paragraph, the phrase 'be lost' means '_____________'.(A) be Internet-dependent( B) be denied interactive medium(C) be TV-controlled (D) be deprived of opportunities64. The author believes _________.(A) access to the Internet will be as it is today(B) people will spend a lot of time on the Internet(C) the present generation spent most of their free time in front of the TV(D) shopping over the Internet will occur but now we can' t imagine what it will be like65. From the text we know that________________.(A) the telephone was not network-oriented device from the beginning(B) the television was not network-oriented device from the beginning(C) the radio was a sound-based one-to-one device initially(D) the PC was a stand-alone device initially66. By giving the example that radios have not disappeared, the author may mean _____________.(A) new applications of the old device will be possible(B) multifunctional devices will not be possible(C) some people prefer radios to TV sets(D) multifunctional devices are not as popular as single-functional devices67. Which of the following is true?(A) The 18th century was the age of steam engine.(B) The 19th century was the time of the great mechanical system.(C) The 20th century was marked by installation of telephone net-works and the invention of television.(D) None of the above.68. We can infer _________________.(A) automobile industry is young compared to air transportation industry(B) computer industry has made more progress than we could ever imagine in the past 20 years(C) the greatest changes took place in computer manufacture in the last 10 years.(D) The idea of combining computers with communications has a great effort on people's thinking.69. The key difference between a distributed system and a computer network is that in the former _________________. (A) the system functions are more automatic(B) the number of computers is greater(C) the distance among the computers is shorter(D) the operating system has a better feature70. Which of the following is false regarding a network and a distributed system?(A) They both need to move files around.(B) They have little in common.(C) They overlap each other a lot.(D) They have different operating systems.71. According to the text, companies set up their own networks for ___________ purposes.(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) more than 672. Computer office systems consist of _______________.(A) computers and typewriters(B) typewriters and computers(C) typewriters and their peripheral equipment(D) computers and their peripheral equipment73. Computer office systems can deal with _____________ in a business environment.(A) personnel in all companies(B) information which can be electronically produced, duplicated, and transmitted(C) staff engaged in business(D) security issues74. What promoted the development of computer office systems?(A) The service sector of the United States economy.(B) The manufacture of bookkeeping and billing machines.(C) Heavy volume data processing requirements.(D) Typewriters, calculators, and manual accounting techniques.75. The purposes for several users to share a mainframe are ____________.(A) to divide the cost of the equipment among them(B) to utilize the equipment to the maximum extent(C) to produce fewer PCs(D) both A and B76. What has come to play an important role in most offices recently?(A) Mainframes.(B) Networks.(C) Microcomputers.(D) Communications satellites.77. From the text, we know that the Windows NT operating system ____________.(A) began before Windows 3.X system existed(B) was more robust(C) worked in reliable business environment(D) was the most advanced operating system of all78. The purpose of this passage is to_________.(A) make a comparison (B) introduce a new design(C) explain a new computer (D) advance a new idea79. Which of the following about Windows 2000 Operating System is false?(A) It is the latest version.(B) It is named 5.0.(C) It is based on a different OS design.(D) It is as simple as any other OP.80. From the text we know that__________________.(A) Win 2000 retains few features of the NT 4.0(B) Win 2000 differs a lot from the NT 4.0(C) Win 2000 is the same as the Windows version NT 5.0(D) NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 have almost the same characteristics81. Most system boards have two kinds of power connectors: _________ .A. AT and ISA stylesB. ATX and ISA stylesC. AT and EISA styles。

Section B A Taxonomy of ID Models A taxonomy of ID models can help clarify the underlying
assumptions of each model, and help identify the conditions under which each might be most appropriately applied. The taxonomy has three categories indicating whether the model is best applied for developing : individual classroom instruction ; products for implementation by users other than the developers ; or large and complex infitructional systems directed at an organization' s
Section C An Introduction to Instructional Design Models
Gerlach and Ely Design Model
The Gerlach and Ely Model( Figure 10. 3. 1 ) emphasizes the simultaneous identification of content and objectives prior to assessing any student behaviors. “ Gerlach and Ely recognize that many teachers first think about instruction from the standpoint of content. ” (Gustafson, 1991 ) Teachers are often expected to design instruction to meet a specific assigned curriculum and use existing materials. Gerlach 和祥和的模型(图 10。3。1)强调同时识别的内 容和目标,来评估学生的行为之前。“Gerlach 和他认识到有许多教

对教学电视的热情淡化之后,吸引大批教育学者的另一项技术性创新 是计算机。虽然直到20世纪80年代,计算机才得以作为一种教学工 具广泛引起人们的兴趣,但是计算机首次应用于教育和培训却是很早 之前的事情了。早在20世纪50年代,IBM公司的研究人员就开始研 究计算机辅助教学(CAI),他们创造了第一种CAI官方语言,并设 计了应用于学校的第一个CAI程序。该领域的其他先驱还包括Gordon Pask,他利用计算机技术制造了适应性教学机器(Lewis & Pask; 1965; Pask, 1960; Stolorow & Davis, 1965),Richard Atkinson 和 Patrick Suppes,在20世纪60年代,开发了应用于公共学校和大学水平的早 期的计算机辅助教学应用(Atkinson & Hansen, 1966; Suppes & Macken, 1978),其他的19世纪六七十年代的成就还包括计算机辅助 教学系统的开发,例如PLATO 和 TICCIT。但尽管有这些成就,到19 世纪70年代末,CAI对教育的影响还是非常小(Pagliaro, 1983)。
但十年后,爱迪生的预言没有实现,但在1914-1923年的十年间,视 觉教学运动确实得到了发展,五个视觉教学的国家专业组织成立,五 个关注视觉教学的期刊开始出版,20多个教师培训机构开始提供视 觉教学课程,至少十几个大型城市的学校系统成立了视觉教育部门 (Saettler,1990)。

learning and improving performance by creating、using、and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.(教育技术是通过创造、使用和管理适当的技术的过程和资源,以促进学习和提高绩效的研究和符合伦理道德的实践。
)2、三个媒体的研究目标:There are three major objectives of mediaresearch :(1)obtain knowledge about the educational or instructional effectiveness of a chosen medium;(2)increase understanding of how media and technology function and what psychological effects they have on a learner;(3)improve the practice of education through the provision and evaluation of better materials,media,procedures and technologies。
)3、行为主义:Behavioral psychology,also known as behaviorism,is a theoryof learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. According to behaviorism,behavior can be studied in a systematic and observable manner with no consideration of internal mental states。

1. 什么是教育技术学?2. 教育技术学的研究对象包括哪些方面?3. 教育技术学的目标是什么?4. 请简要介绍一下教学设计的基本原则。
5. 什么是多媒体教学?它有什么特点和优势?6. 远程教育是指什么?7. 远程教育的发展趋势是什么?8. 计算机辅助教育是如何应用计算机技术来促进教育教学的?9. 请简要介绍一下在线学习平台的特点和功能。
10. 如何评估教育技术的有效性?答案:1. 教育技术学是一门研究教育与技术相互关系的学科。
2. 教育技术学的研究对象包括教学设计、教育媒体与资源、远程教育、计算机辅助教育等方面。
3. 教育技术学的目标是提高教学效果,促进学习者的发展。
4. 教学设计的基本原则包括目标导向、活动导向、多样性导向、探究性导向和评价导向。
5. 多媒体教学是一种利用多种媒体手段辅助教学的方法。
6. 远程教育是指通过信息技术手段实现教师和学生的空间分离,以及时间的灵活安排。
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教育技术学专业英语复习大纲一、专业词汇第一章:Behavioral objectives movement 行为目标运动Cognitive psychology 认知心理学Communications 传播学Cone ofexperience 经验之塔Constructivism 建构主义Electronic performance support systems 电子绩效支持系统Generalsystem 一般系统理论Instructional systems design(ISD) 教学系统设计Knowledgemanagement systems 知识管理系统Learner_centered learningenvironments 以学习者为中心的学习环境Operant conditioning 操作性条件反射Programmed instruction 程序教学progressivism 进步主义reinforcement 强化subject matter expert(SME) 学科内容专家taskanalysis 任务分析verbalism 言语主义virtual reality 虚拟现实第二章Artificial intelligence 人工智能Audiovisual communication 视听传播Intelligent agent 智能代理Media_oriented 面相媒体Process_oriented面向过程Situated cognition 情境认知Systematic 系统化utilization 利用AECT: Association for Educational Communication and Technology 第教育传播与技术协会三章:Attribute of media 媒体特征Correspondence course 函授课程mainframe 主机no significant difference 无显著性差异the greatmedia debate 媒体大争论videodisk 视盘第四章:Distance education 远程教育Real_time 实时的K—12 从幼儿园到12 年级的儿童教育第五章:Intuitive notion 直观概念Schema theory 图式理论Elaboration 精细化理论metacognition 元认知classical conditioning 经典性条件反射operant conditioning 操作性条件反射verbal behavior 言语行为cognition science 认知科学long_term memory 长时记忆short_term memory 短时记忆Multiplication table 乘法表Taxonomy of learning 学习分类Verbal information 言语信息Intellectual skills 智慧技能Cognitive strategies 认知策略Rote learning 机械学习Non-arbitrary 非任意性Prior knowledge 先有知识Iterative process 迭代过程accommodation 顺应assimilation 同化verbatim recall 逐字回忆第九章Instructional development 教学开发Advisory system 咨询系统Automated instructional design 自动化教学系统设计Authoring tools 著作工具Electronic performance support systems 电子绩效支持系统Information management 信息管理Knowledge management 知识管理Intellectual tutoring system 智能导师系统Interactive simulation 交互式仿真模拟第十二章Information highway 信息高速公路Information literacy 信息素养Critical skills 关键技能第十三章Knowledge base 知识库Mental models 心智模型Knowledge transfer 知识迁移Higher order skills 高阶技能Self-awareness 自我意识Instructional interventions 教学干预第十四章Multimedia PC 多媒体计算机Instructional technology 教学技术Artificial intelligence 人工技能Cognitive model 认知模型Computer-based three dimensional 计算机三维Data glove 数据手套Eye phones head mounted display 头盔式显示器Virtual programming languages research 虚拟编程语言研究室第十五章Correspondence courses 函授课程Videoconferencing 视频会议videotape 录像带二、重点内容第一章教育技术学经历的时期1、Visual education 视觉教育2、Audiovisual instructions 视听教育Cone of experience.It contains three domains: doing experience ,observing experience ,abstract experienceDoing experience includes: direct purposeful experiences, contrived experiences, dramatic participation; observing experience includes: demonstrations, field trips, exhibits, motion picture, still pictures, radio_recodings ;abstract experience includes: visual symbols, verbal experience3、Audiovisual communications 视听传播Programmed instruction. principles: in a graded sequence of controlled steps and at their own speed, immediately feedback4、Instructional technology 教育技术第二章The AECT 's definition in 1994: Instructional Technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning. 教育技术是为了促进学习,二队过程与资源进行设计、开发、利用、管理与评价的理论与实践。
The AECT 's definition in 2005: Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using ,managing appropriate technological processes and resources.教育技术是指通过创设、使用与管理适当的与技术相关的过程和资源来促进学习,提升绩效的研究与伦理实践。
第三章:McLuhan 's view of medium: 1.the medium is the message.2.the medium is the extensions ofman.3.hot and cold medium.4.the global village.The great debate: Clark: learning from media.Instruction medias are mere vehicles that deliver instruction but do not influence student achievement any more than the truck deliver our groceries (goods) and causes changes in our nutrition.Kozma: learning with media.Kozma believes that Clark 's view of media as “delivery trucks ”creates an unnecessary schism between medium and methods. From Kozam 's perspective, media has an important role in learning. Different technologies can process or operate on the available symbol systems.第五章:Regardless of the differences among psychological perspectives on learning, a solid foundation in various learning theory is undoubtedly the most essential element in the preparation of ISD professionals. They must be familiar with the theory and research on learning and must be able to apply them to actual practice.Cognitive science is making a major contribution to our understanding of how humans perceive process, store and retrieve information. Schema theory, elaboration, metacognition, automaticity, expert /novice studies, and transfer are only a few of the constructs studied by cognitive psychologists that have important implications for the deign of instruction.Behavioral psychology, also known as behaviorism, is a learning theory based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. According to behaviorism ,behavior can be studied in a systematic and observable manner with on consideration of internal mental states.As it evolved, then, Gagne's theory of instruction came to comprise three components:1.a taxonomy of learning outcomes that defined the types of capabilities humans can learn.2.internal and external learning conditions associated with the acquisition of each category of learning outcome.3.nine events of instruction that each facilitates a specific cognitive process during learning.According to Gagne, there are five major categories of learning:1.verbal information: that is knowing that or what 2.intellectual skills : that is applying knowledge 3.cognitive strategies: that is employing effective ways of thinking and learning 4.attitudes: that is ,feelings and beliefs that govern choices ofpersonal action 5.motor skills: that is, executing precisely smoothly and accurately timed movements. The nine events of instruction: 1. gaining attention: a stimulus change to alert the learner and focus attention on desired features. 2. Informing the learner of the objective: a statement or demonstration to form an expectancy in the learner as to the goals of instruction.3. stimulating recall of prior learning: a question or an activity to remind the learners of prerequisite knowledge. 4.presenting the stimulus: an activity or information that presents the content of what is to be learned 5.providing learning guidance: a cue or strategy to promote encoding 6.eliciting performance: an opportunity to practice or otherwise perform what is learned 7.providing feedback: information of a corrective nature that will help the learner to improve their performance.8.assessing performance: an opportunity to demonstrate what has been learned 9.enhancing retention and transfer: examples or activities that prompt the learner to go beyond the immediate context of instruction.Bloom 's taxonomy of educational objectives, the levels of the taxonomy are:1.knowledgeprehension3.application4.analysis5.synthesis6.evaluation.三、重点句子翻译第一章:Programmed instruction is a method of presenting new subject matter to students in a graded sequence of controlled steps. Students work through the programmed material by themselves at their own speed and after each step test their comprehension by answering an examination question or filling in a diagram. They are then immediately shown the current answer or given additional information. 程序教学一种以可以控制步骤按照由易到难的顺序向学习者呈现新的学科内容的方法。