商务英语案例分析In today's globalized business world, the ability to effectively communicate in English is essential for success. As such, it is important for business professionals to have a strong command of business English in order to effectively communicate with international partners, clients, and colleagues. In this document, we will analyze a few real-life business English case studies to understand the importance of effective communication in the business world.Case Study 1: Negotiating a Business Deal。
Imagine a scenario where a company is negotiating a business deal with an international partner. The ability to effectively communicate in English is crucial in this situation. The business professionals involved must be able to clearly articulate their terms and conditions, as well as understand the terms proposed by the other party. Any misunderstandings or miscommunications could lead to a failed deal, costing both parties time and money. Therefore, having a strong grasp of business English is essential for successful negotiations.Case Study 2: Conducting a Presentation。
1.the problem Fast-Track faced:The subsidiary’s recent sales results were poor. Sales revenue was 30% below target.the solution to this problem:appoint a new sales manager for its subsidiary in Warsaw, Poland.2.background:Fast-Track Inc, based in Boston, US, sells corporate training videos and management training courses .Fast-Track advertised the vacancy only inside the company as it believes in offering the description for the position.3.merits and shortcomings of the 3 candidates:(1)Jonna Pelcmerits: diploma in marketinga good knowledge of computera suitable experience as a sales representativeenergetic and confidentambitious : get ready to be the topcompetitive: likes to winbest sales results of team during the last 5 yearsskill in personal knowledgeshortcomings: English is not very fluentvery young: less social experienceaggressivestrong personalitylow levels of education(2)Anna Belinski:merits: quiet and confidentfluent English, German and Polishgood at team buildingstrong sales abilityfast learnergood at computer and handling figures shortcomings: not independenttoo much self-confident(3)Robert Kaminsky:merits: strong sales abilitygood educationfluent Polish and Englishhard workercalm and relaxmodest practical and reliable shortcomings: not creativenot good at talking with other people 4.discuss who to select for the vacant position:Jonna Pelc: Though she finished secondary school but she is the only one who major in marketing among the 3 people. So we can believe she has a good academic background. Maybe someone think she is too young and she has less social experience. Besides, Jonna is rather ambitious, she is ready to be the director and she likes to win. In my opinion, this point is the most important to be a natural leader. Only the leader is determined, the staff can work together to improve the sales results. She is also energetic and confident; therefore the sales team can be easily motivated by her. While she has strong personality and she’s difficult to work with.I concern the team’s cooperation may be hard. In general, she may become a good sales leader.Anna Belinski: She wants to enjoy working to achieve good result in our company and to work with each other. In this way, the staff will work more effective and the staff turnover can be decreased. she is not independent: she depend too much on others. This means she is not suitable to be a leader. Besides, she is not an outgoing person, but we cannot deny her strong sales ability and she does well in computer and handling figures. So I think she’s more suitable to be a sales representative than to be a sales manager.Robert Kaminsky: He has good education and good judgment. As far as I’m concerned, he’s the most experienced sales representative sales representative of the 3. His linguistic ability quiet well and he works veryhard .While he’s not creative he cannot well motivated others and he is not good talking with people. So I think he’s also not the most suitable one to be a leader. Even though, he has strategy for developing sales, he believe the company should increase market share in along term. So his clear future can be a good advice to the sales manager.。
问题分析1. 口语表达能力不足这个团队的成员在与客户进行商务沟通时,往往不能做到流利、清晰地表达自己的意见和观点。
2. 理解商务文件和邮件的困难商务文件和邮件在国际贸易中扮演着重要的角色。
解决方案1. 提升口语表达能力通过组织口语训练和模拟商务对话,学生可以提升自己的口语表达能力。
2. 强化商务英语听力训练商务英语听力是提高理解能力的重要途径。
3. 阅读商务文档和邮件为了帮助学生更好地理解商务文档和邮件,可以通过选择合适的商务案例和材料,进行集中的阅读训练。
4. 商务写作训练商务写作是商务英语教学中的重点。
5. 注重跨文化沟通能力在商务交流中,跨文化沟通能力至关重要。
Case analysis:1.Chapter 51)• What conditions and negotiations pushed forth the merger in 2006 that were notpresent in 2001?The case is a bit weak on providing details to answer this question. It might beassumed (as it is somewhat implied in the reading) that the French decided that theywould be equal part ners in the deal in stead of simply acquiri ng the America n firm.Another motive could have been that the two firms realized that a merger was in theirbest interests in order to be truly global. The merger extends the reach of the new firmand provides significant cost savings.•3). In some ways the state me nt is true ・ There are sigrdficant differe nces betwe en French and American culture・At the same time, other French-American partnerships and mergers have been successful. One of the difficulties that the new company has experienced since the merger is resistance to lay-offs ・ Whe n Alcatel-Luce nt announ ced in early 2007 that it planned to reduce its workforce by 12,500, French unions and the Fre nch go ver nment took note ・Workforce reducti on in Fra nee may not be as easy as in the United States and the company has met with the European Works Council and the French government in an attempt to move ahead with its downsizing. Students can research the latest developments at the time of the case analysis・•Other cultur based problems in eluded appoi nting leaders based on their nation ality rather than their skill set, and the resista nee to havi ng a woma n run a male-dominated company in a male-dominated industry—although that not might be a problem in many countries and across many borders・•On the positive side, Alcatel-Luce nt operates in many coun tries, is used to international business issues, and has English as its internal language.•4) There is in creased low-cost competiti on from Chinese firms, and in ter net tech no logy is cha nging rapidly. In additi on, dema nd has bee n weake ning across the in dustry; "the teleph one equipm ent in dustry is brutal and likely to see more attritio n."2.Sewing for MillionairesA two-hour drive from the capital of San Jose, Costa Rica, sits the small comm unity of Turrialba where mostly young workers sit and sew baseballs destined for Major League Baseball teams ・ Rawlings Sporting Goods Company moved its baseball manufacturing operations from Haiti in 1986 when the political landscape of the country began to change.Rawlings selected the town of Turrialba due to the incentives offered to the company by the Costa Rican government. Rawlings was awarded a free-trade zone in which the company would be allowed to operate duty-free in the country. Rawlings pays no import tariffs on the goods it imports to manufacture its baseballs, and the finished product can be shipped duty-free into the United States under the Caribbean Basin Initiative・The Turrialba region was hard hit economically in the 1980s when a major highway from the capital bypassed the towru Because travelers no Ion ger stopped in Turrialba, the Costa Rica n gover nment wan ted to develop the local area through foreign investment. Rawlings found the potential workforce better educated, and more disciplined than its workers in Haiti. The country was also well known for being very politically stab I e. With few employme nt opport un ities in the area, Rawli ngs had no difficulty in securing dedicated and motivated employees・ AlthoughCosta Rica is the wealthiest country in Central America, per capita income is still only about $4,200 a year. Costa Rica has a national unemployment rate of 6.7 percent. However, the rate can vary from region to region. With the completion of the new highway and declining employment opportunities in the coffee and sugarcane industries, many local residents of Turrialba were eager to find stable employment.Most Rawli ngs employees in Costa Rica are eng aged in sewing operati ons. In the plant,300 employees sit in rows of high back chairs and sew baseballs・Many employees break the boredom of the work by listening to music on their headphones. The plant employs a total of 575 workers. At one time Rawlings employed approximately 1,900 workers at the Costa Rican plant,however, employment fell when the company shifted production of its lower quality baseballs to China. The Rawlings plant takes a baseball core and wraps it in yarn. The product is then covered with cowhide and sewn by hand. Baseballs must be sewn by hand in order to achieve the quality level demanded by the Major Leagues. Each worker sews 108 perfect stitches using a long needle and thread・ The balls are then inspected, cleaned, and stamped with the MLB logo and the sign ature of the commissi oner of baseball ・The balls are the n packed and shipped to the port city of Limon where they are loaded onto a ship bound for Port Everglades, Florida・ The baseballs are then trucked to Rawlings" Springfield* Missouri facility, and then to Major League teams or retail stores・ Rawlings has been the exclusive supplier of baseballs to the Major Leagues since 1977. The Costa Rican facility produces approximately 2.2 million baseballs a year, with 1.8 million of those going to Major League Baseball・The remaining balls are sold to minor league and college baseball teams, or sold to the public through retail stores or the Websites of MLB and Rawlings. Although Rawlings refuses to disclose the price of the baseballs paid by MLB, the baseballs retail on the company's Website for $12.99 per unit.Employees are paid $1.21 per hour and receive the value of 67 cents an hour in bene fits, or about 30 cents per ball produced・Workers can go home early in the week if they complete their production quotas・ Rawlings workers earn about 14 percent above the Costa Rican minimum wage. In addition to their wages, Rawlings employees in Costa Rica must be paid for eleven holidays, receive two weeks of paid vacation a year, and receive a Christmas bonus equal to one month's pay. The Company must also pay into a retirement and medical plan and provide four mon ths of mater nity leave whe n ne eded.A 2004 New York Times article questioned the pay and working conditions of the Rawlings plant in Costa Rica. The article accused Rawlings and MLB of running a sweatshop in Costa Rica where workers were underpaid and worked in an unhealthy environment. Consumer advocate Ralph Nader joined in the criticism by writing a letter to Bud Selig, MLB Commissioner and the Executive Director of the MLB Player Associati on. In the letter Nader con dem ned the two men for allowing baseballs to be manufactured in what he considered to be poor conditions. Portions of the letter follow:"Your respective organizations must not ignore their roles in this exploitation and abuse of worker rights committed under Major League Baseball and Player Association product sourci ng and lice rising agreeme nts.""American consumers and baseball fans currently have no guarantee that any licensedMajor League Baseball products are not being made under sweatshop conditions that violate basic human and worker rights standards."Major League Baseball consumer products vice president, Howard Smith, responded to the rising complaints by stating: "I can assure you that there is no company we do business with that knowingly goes into a factory with sub-par working conditions." Not every one agrees with Mr. Smith.Maribel Alezondo Brenes worked at the Rawlings plant for seven years before her doctor told her to stop working there for health reasons. Carpal tunnel syndrome has been noticed in the Rawlings employees due to the repetitive nature of the work・ Dr. Carlos Guerrero who worked at the Rawlings plant as company physician says that up to 90 percent of Rawlings employees may have experieneed pain from the work, from minor cuts to disabling injuries. Others feel that the plant has been a good addition to the region, including Warny Gomez, who worked at the Rawli ngs facility for four years and made eno ugh money to attend college and to become a teacher. With average pay for Major League Baseball players close to $2.3 million a year, some Rawlings employees feel that their compensation is unjust. Many, however; feel like Alan Cascante, an eight-year employee of the baseball factory: "We can live on that (Rawlings wages). We never made that working in the fields/' Plant manageo Ken West agrees with Cascante, by saying "The best thing's the pay. We're a good place to work."The debate over pay and working conditions of employees who supply MLB with its products appears to be growing in some quarters・ People like Kenneth Miller; a self-appointed champion of sweatshop workers takes his message to the fans by camping outside ballparks・He tells potential consumers of MLB products that the baseball player bobble head doll they are about to purchase was made by a Chinese worker who works 20 hour shifts for very little pay. Miller states that he often finds indifferenee among consumers・ Some tell him: "Why are you trying to interrupt our nice day at the ballpark?" Miller and a handful of others are pressuring MLB to take greater control over the working conditions of its suppliers, such as Rawlings.As the debate continues in the United States over the working conditions and pay of the Costa Rican employees and others, baseballs are sewn in Turrialba with pictures of Alex Rodriquez, Mike Piazza, and other baseball players hanging on the walls of the factory. Rawlings' employees, however; are too busy sewing baseballs for the millionaire players to even notice the pictures hanging above them・Discussion Questions:1.In your opinion, is Rawlings exploit!ng its Costa Rican employees? Explain youran swer.2.Is it fair to compare the salary of Major League Baseball players to that of employeeswho sew baseballs?3.If you were the CEO of Rawlings Sporti ng Goods' pare nt compa ny (K2, Inc.) what actionwould you take,讦any, given the present situation?An swers:1). A case could be made for exploitation in that the wage level is not much above the minimum wage of the country. Although the skill level needed to sew baseballs is not great, it does, nevertheless, involve training and skill development, and comes with some potential health hazards. Especially in the long run, a worker is more vulnerable to repetitive motion injury. Some may argue that because few employment opportunities exist in the area, Rawlings is able to get employees to work for a low wage and disregard their health concerns. On the other hand, Rawlings is by local standards a good employer. The pay is better than other opportunities in the area, and the work is stab I e. One could argue that Rawli ngs is simply payi ng what the labor market will bear; and could in fact get an even lower cost of labor by moving the operation to China.2). This is not a fair comparis on and really has little releva nee. Although an MLB player may beable to comma nd a salary many, many times greater than that of the average employee in the baseball factory, the comparis on must in elude skills and labor availability. Very few people have the skills necessary to be employed in the Major Leagues・The availability of people to sew baseballs is abundant. Although it is tempting to compare salaries, this comparis on is mea nin gless ・However; one could still make an argume nt for in creased wages and better working conditions for the factory workers・3). The correct answer here is not to ignore the issue・ The problem needs to be taken seriously,and without attention may get worse・Baseball manufacturing for the Major Leagues has high visibility and the pote ntial for in creased public scrutiny. It would be better to handle the situation before it becomes even more public. The negative public relations problem is only one of many pote ntial problems ・ Although Rawli ngs has had an exclusive con tract with MLB for some time, the con tract could be termi nated if MLB felt its image was being harmed by its associatio n with Rawli ngs. In additi on, the in creased scrutiny by the media causes more visitors to the plant and the homes of workers, and in creases the perceptio n that employees of Rawlings are being exploited・ Labor and quality issues may become more prevalent with this in creased questi oning.It certai nly is possible that the issue will blow over; however, it appears that some reas on able con cer ns have bee n raised and should be addressed ・Most importantly is the concern of possible Iong-term health issues・The current plant managec Ken West has been quoted as saying that it is not an issue at the plant; however; it is likely that in fact it is a problem .In vestigatio n into possible ways of minimizing this risk should be a high priority. Additionail% although Rawlings could move the operation to China and save on labor expense, the cost of labor in Costa Rica is not very high and the disruption of operations and training of new workers may not be in the best interests of the company. It could be argued that paying more than 14 percent above the minimum wage rate would go a long way to combating some of the problems Rawlings is facing in this case・。
The great Atlantic and pacific tea company BackgroundFounded:(建立)1859 by George Huntington Hartford and George GilmanHeadquarters:(总部)Montvale, NJNumber of Stores:(连锁店)395Retail Banners:(零售旗帜)A&P, Waldbaum's, The Food Emporium, Super Fresh, Pathmark and Food BasicsAnnual Sales Volume:(年销售量)$8.8 billion of Total Sales for fiscal year 2009 ended February 27, 2010Scope of Operations:(经营范围)8 U。
S. states (Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware,Maryland),Virginia, and the District of ColumbiaOwn Brands:(自己的品牌有)America's Choice, America’s Choice Healthy Kids,Hartford Reserve, Live Better Wellness, America’s Choice Gold, Smart Price, Greenway, Via RomaNearly 150 years ago, The Great American Tea Company opened a store on Vesey Street in New York City and began selling tea, coffee and spices at value prices. Soon stores sprung up all around the metropolitan area and salesmen took their wares to the road in horse—drawn carriages bound for New England, the mid-west and the south。
Part Two业务信函Chapter 1 资信调查函1. Consulting Letter 咨询函写作案例详解Dear Sir or Madam,The under-mentioned firm has recently asked if they could represent us in the marketing of our products in the United States as our sole agent:Delta Company, Ltd1258 Huston AvenueNew York,NY10051It will be greatly appreciated if you could provide us some information about the financial and business standing of the above firm. Any information you give will be treated in strict confidence.Look forward to your early reply.Sincerely yours,Thomas2. Survey the New Opener from the Bark 向银行查询新客户资信情况写作案例详解Dear Sir or Madam,We have received an order for US$80,000 worth of goods from Delta Co.Ltd,1258 Huston Avenue, New York, , who has given your bank for reference. Could you please tell us if they are good for this amount? Are they trustworthy and reliable? We shall be most grateful for any information you give.Any advice you give us will be kept strictly confidential. We are also pleased to perform a similar service for you should the opportunity come.A stamped and addressed envelope has been included for your reply. Thank you in advance. Sincerely yours,Thomas3. 向客户查询信用及经营情况 Inquiring New Customer’s Credit Information from Customers 写作案例详解Dear Mr. Smith:We have received an important order from Delta Co.Ltd,1258 Huston Avenue, New York, , who has given us your name for reference. We would be much obliged if you could give us some information concerning their business status.Any information you give will be highly appreciated and kept in strict confidence. We shall be pleased to do the same if you should need our services at this end.Yours SincerelyThomas4. 带附表的资信调查函 Credit Survey Letter with Attachment写作案例详解Dear Sir or Madam,We have received a sudden order from the Delta Company,Ltd,1258 Huston Avenue,New York,NY 10051,who gives us your name as a reference. We shall appreciate it if you will spend a couple of minutes informing us of your own experiences with the firm by answering the attached questionnaire and returning it to us in the enclosed envelope.Any information you may give us will be treated as strictly confidential.Thank you for your help.Very truly yours,Thomas(Attached Questionnaire)(1) How long have you been in business relations with the firm?year(s) month(s)(2) What credit limit have you placed on their account?USD(3) How promptly are terms met? (choose one of the following)Very promptly Fairly promptly Slowly(4) What amount is currently outstanding?USD5. 资信调查有利回函 Favorable Letter of Credit Information写作案例详解Dear Thomas,In reply to your inquiry of March 16th,the firm you inquired about enjoys the fullest respect and unquestionable confidence in the business world.They have always provided in-time delivery, moderate prices and superior quality. I am sure that if you open an account with them, you will find them most straightforward people. Personally, I should have no hesitation in according them a credit of US dollars. However, this is without obligation on my part.Hope this will help you in making a decision.Sincerely yours,6. 资信调查不利回函 Unfavorable Letter of Credit Information写作案例详解Dear Thomas,We have received your letter of August 8th,concerning the credit standing of Delta in New York. In the past three years, the company has experienced a serious difficulty in finance and delayed in executing their normal payment. It seems to us that the company’s difficulties are due to bad management and in particular to overtrading.Therefore, we would advise you to pay most careful attention to any business relations with them. However, this is our personal opinion and we wish you would make further inquiries on your part.Yours sincerely7. 表明无法提供确切意见而致歉写作案例详解Dear Thomas,We regret our inability to let you know any information concerning the firm in question in your letter of June 6.It is true that we had business with them several years ago,but the amount of business was not so large as to supply any responsible opinion on its business capability and credit standing. Please make further status inquiries from other inquiry agencies.Truly yours8. 请求老客户作为资信证人 Asking for Credit Information from Old Customers写作案例详解Dear Charlie,Thank you for your letter of August 2,telling us that the equipment you bought from us is running well.As you know,in our line of business,clients always shop around and look for references before they order. Would you please use your experience with us as a reference when our future clients call you?Thank you for your kind words in advance.Look forward to our future cooperation.Best,9. 要求对方提供资信资料 Asking for Credit Information写作案例详解Dear Mr.Bean,Thanks for your order and inquiry on August 1st. Our company has been dealing with electronic equipment for over 20 years. We are confident in offering what you need and providing you the best service.Since it is the first time we contact,we would be highly appreciated if you could supply either the usual trade references,or the name of a bank to which we may refer. We are also glad to provide you the same if needed.We sincerely hope this will be the beginning of a long and pleasant business cooperation. We shall do our best to make it so.Sincerely yours,Thomas10. 同意资信要求 Accepting the Consulting Requirement写作案例详解Dear ThomasThanks for your reply of August 2nd.Concerning your request,we refer you to Falcon Machine Tools Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai and The Chase Bank of New York,who will be pleased to give you the information about our financial standing and creditability of business.If there is any other information we can provide,we would be happy to do so.Sincerely yours,Chapter 2前期准备1. Business Survey业务调查写作案例详解Dear Sirs,We have learned from Smith and Company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range ofhigh-fashion handbags in a variety of leathers.We operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large,we obtain high prices for our goods.Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms?We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins from which the handbags are made.Yours faithfully,2. Credit Information Letter咨询信写作案例详解Dear Mr.Jones:We understand from your information posted on that you are in the market for textiles.We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products,with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future.We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles.We have enclosed our catalog,which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present.You may also visit our online company introduction at which includes our latest product line.Should any of these items be of interest to you,please let us know.We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon.Sincerely,John Roberts3. Wishes for Relation Establishment表达建立业务关系的意愿写作案例详解Dear Thomas Murphy:Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month.We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company. In compliance with your request, we are sending you,under separate cover,our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. Should you wish to place an order,please telex or fax us.Yours sincerely,4. Accepting and Declining Business Relation Establishment接受/拒绝建立业务关系写作案例详解Dear Mr.Sutherland,We were very pleased to receive your letter of March 26 placing a large order with us. Before we can send the goods,we must ask you for the usual references,one from your bank and one from another firm from whom you have bought goods.We would be glad if you would let us have the names and addresses as soon as possible so that we may write to them.These references will,of course,be treated as private and confidential.We look forward to hearing from you again soon.Yours sincerelyJoe WilsonChapter 3建立商务关系1. Establishment of Business Relation建立商务关系写作案例详解Dear Sirs,A few days ago we had the opportunity to see a display of your products at the Chengdu International Trade Centre,and we were most impressed with their quality and low prices. We should like to offer you our services as a trading firm,and would mention that we have excellent connections in the trade and are fully experienced with the import business for this type of product.In addition,we operate our own advertising agency,and we can use the latest marketing procedures quite efficently.You can be sure of increasing your turnover considerably if you would allow us to promote sales of your products throughout China.We look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely yours,Liyun Liu2. Resume Relation with Old Customers与过去有贸易往来的公司恢复联系写作案例详解Dear Thomas Moore:We understand from our trade contacts that your company has reestablished itself in Beirut and is once again trading successfully in your region.We would like to extend our congratulations and offer our very best wishes for your continued success.Before the war in Lebanon,our companies were involved in a large volume of trade in our textiles.We see from our records that you were among our best long-term customers.We very much hope that we can resume our mutually beneficial relationship now that peace has returned to Lebanon.Since we last traded,our lines have changed beyond recognition.While they reflect current European taste in fabrics,some of our designs are specifically targeted at the Middle Eastern market.As an initial step,I enclose our illustrated catalogue for your perusal.Should you wish to receive samples for closer inspection,we will be very happy to forward them.We look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely,David Parker3. Seek for Business Partners寻求合作伙伴写作案例详解Dear Sirs,Shanghai’s rapidly developing manufacturer of Electric Home Products,“Shun Fa”offers you an ideal business opportunity.Years of research and development have earned our company a foremost position in electrical engineering in the East of China.A vast number of applicable patents have helped stimulate our development program over the past several years.Our main lines of products include:TV,portable computer,MP3,MP4,car radio,car stereo,medical instruments,electronic industrial instruments,etc.For information concerning our financial position,credit standing and tradereputations,please refer to the Bank of China,which we have engaged a business relationship with for several years.We are a medium-sized company but we are growing fast and we would like you to be a fort of our future!Shun Fa Electric Co.,Ltd.22 Zhong Yuan Road,Shanghai,ChinaWang HuiGeneral Manager4. Contact Letters between Importers and Exporters进口商与出口商/出口商与进口商的联络信写作案例详解Dear Sirs,Your firm has been recommended to us by John Morris&Co.,with whom we have done business for many years.We specialize in the exportation of Chinese chemicals and pharmaceuticals,which have enjoyed great popularity in world market.We enclose a copy of our catalogue for your reference and hope that you would contact us if any item is interesting to you.We hope you will give us an early reply.Yours faithfully,John EdisonChapter 4业务接触1. Asking for /Sending Samples or information索取/寄送样品或资料写作案例详解Gentleman:We are glad to note from your letter of the 1st March that you,as exporters of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods,are willing to establish direct business relations with us.This happens to coincide with our desire.At present,we are interested in Printing Shirting and shall be pleased if you will kindly send us by airmail catalogues,sample books,and all necessary information regarding Printed Shirting,so as to acquaint us with the material and workmanship of your supplies.Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable,we intend to place a large order with you.Your early reply will be highly appreciated.Yours faithfully,David Parker2. Acting as Agents担任代理(请求,同意和拒绝)写作案例详解Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of 12 April proposing a sole agency for our office machines.Having examined our long and mutually beneficial collaboration,we would be very pleased to entrust you with the sole agency for Bahrain.From our records,we are pleased to note that you have two service engineers who took training courses at our Milan factory.The sole agency will naturally be contingent on your maintainingqualified after sales staff.We have drawn up a draft agreement that is enclosed.Please examine the detailed terms and conditions and let us know whether they meet with your approval.On a personal note,I must say that I am delighted that we are probably going to strengthen our relationship.I have very pleasant memories of my last visit to Bahrain when you entertained me so delightfully.I look forward to reciprocating on your next visit to Milan.Sincerely yours,(Signature)3. Requiring/ Agreeing Trial Sales要求/同意试销写作案例详解Dear Sirs,Some of our customers have recently expressed interest in your“Golden Deer”bicycles and enquired about their quality.Provided quality and price are satisfactory there are prospects of good sales here,but before placing an order we should be pleased if you would send us,on fourteen days' approval,a selection of men’s,women’s and children’s bicycles.Any of the items unsold at the end of the period,and which we decide not to keep as stock,would be returned at our expense.Yours faithfully,(signature)Chapter 5价格谈判1. Buyer’s Inquiry买方询盘写作案例详解Dear Sir or MadamWe learned from our common business partner JIAFU Ltd.that your company is one the major exporters of cashmere products in Australia.We are a leading dealer in high-quality textiles in mainland China and are very much interested in importing your goods especially men’s cashmere sweater.We would appreciate your sending us catalogues,sample books or even samples if possible.Please give us detailed information on CIF Dalian Prices,terms of payment and discount you would allow on purchases of quantities of no less than 10,000 pieces.We hope this will be a good start for a long and profitable business relation.Sincerely yours,Mr.Jim Li2. Seller’s Offer买方发盘写作案例详解Dear Mr.Li,We welcome your inquiry dated June 16th and thank you for your interest in our men’s cashmere sweater.In accordance with the instruction given in your last letter,we hereby enclose our illustrated catalogue and price list giving the details you asked for.Also by separate post,we are sending you some samples.We are confident that you would be satisfied with the design and quality. In reply to your inquiry,we take pleasure in making you an offer as follows,provided yourreply reaches us with 10 days from today:Commodity:Men’s Cashmere SweaterQuantity:10,000 piecesPrice:US$ 20 net per piece CIF DalianShipment:July 2008Payment:irrevocable L/C at sightOn considering the fact that this is our first transaction and the volume you ordered is not small,we would allow you a discount of 5%.We are expecting your early order.Yours faithfully,Ms Judy Jordan3. Buyer’s Counter Offer买方还盘写作案例详解Dear Ms Judy Jordan,We are in receipt of both your offer of June 19 and the catalogue and samples.While appreciating the special design and good quality of your products,we find your price is rather too high for Chinese market.We have to point out that Japan-made men’s cashmere sweater of this quality are available in our market,all of them are at prices about 15% below yours. Such being the case,we have to ask you to consider if you can make reduction in your price,say 15%.As we are ready to purchase many other cashmere products later this year,you may think it worth while to make a concession for a potential big client.We are anticipating your early reply.Sincerely yours,Mr.Jim Li4. Accepting the Offer接受发盘写作案例详解Dear Ms Judy Jordan,Thank you very much for your quotation for your men’s cashmere sweater along with the catalogue and samples.We found both the design and quality of your products meet our requirement and the prices you quoted are satisfactory.We also note that you will allow us a discount of 5% on an order of no less than 10,000 pieces.We therefore take pleasure of placing you the order as follows,which we commend to your immediate and best attention:Quantity Specification Catalogue No Prices10,000 pieces men’s cashmere sweaters XL M10 US$ 20 eachPlease note that as these goods are urgently required in our market,we should be obliged if you could dispatch the goods as soon as possible.If this first order proves satisfactory,we shall be happy to place further orders with you.Sincerely yours,Mr.Jim Li5. Declining the Offer拒绝发盘写作案例详解Dear Ms Judy Jordan,We acknowledge receipt of both your offer dated June 19 and the mailed catalogue and samples. In reply,we regret to inform you that our clients find your price much too rmation indicates that the said articles of similar quality made in other countries have been sold here at a level about 20% lower than that of yours.We do not deny that the design of your products is slightly better,but the difference in price should in no case be so big.Therefore,we have to order these articles from other companies if you are not able to reduce your price to US$ 15 each piece.Hope to have better opportunities to cooperate with your company.Sincerely yours,Mr.Jim Li6. Accepting the Counter Offer接受还盘写作案例详解Dear Mr.Jim Li,We want to say how pleased we were to receive your counter offer of June 23.Please note that it was in view of our long term business relationship that we made you such a favorable offer. We confirm supply of 10,000 pieces of men’s cashmere sweaters at the prices stated in your letter and will allow a 5% special discount on your order of 10,000 pieces or above.Our Sales Confirmation No.AB2C in two originals were airmailed to you.Please sign and return one copy of them for our file.It is understood that a letter of credit in our favor covering the said articles should be opened immediately.You may rest assured that we will effect shipment without delay on receipt of your letter of credit.We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to receiving from you further orders. Sincerely yours,Ms Judy Jordan7. Declining the Counter Offer拒绝还盘写作案例详解Dear Mr.Jim Li,Thank you very much for your letter dated June 23 and your appreciation of our products.Much as we would like to cooperate with you in expanding sales,we are regretful that we just cannot see our way clear to entertain your counter offer.Our cost of raw materials has risen sharply in the past three months,and it is impossible for us to reduce the price by 20% as you requested.Ours is the best price if you take the design and quality into consideration.As a matter of fact,we have received many orders from various sources including other Chinese customers at our level.If you see any chance to do better,please let us know.On account of a limited supply available at present,we would ask you to act quickly.We assure you that any further enquiries from you will receive our prompt attention.Sincerely yours,Ms Judy JordanChapter 6价格变动1. Discount折价优惠写作案例详解Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of April 18,2008.We now have great pleasure in sending you a copy of our pattern-book and a comprehensive export price-list.As you will be able to see from our sample-book,all the leather gloves we manufacture for export are of very high quality and are suitable for your purposes.We reduced costs by 5%.The prices quoted are very competitive.We feel sure that you will find that they compare very favorably with those quoted by other suppliers elsewhere in the world.We expect payment by L/C payable within 90 days of sight and will allow you a cash discount of 10% if you are able to make payment within 1 month of invoice date.We will be able to ship any order you place with us within 30 days of your firm order.We now look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,J.Kistemaker,Manager2. Advice of Price Increase涨价通知写作案例详解Dear Mr.Smith,Thank you for your letter of October 10 for business copiers.We are now sending you our price-list and catalog of the newest types that are under production and we can supply at once from stock.We want to notice you that prices of copier parts and components have gone up steadily since the second half of the year.Though we have tried hard to keep our quotations down,we are afraid the margin for keeping on going like this will not long.Therefore,we suggest that you will let us have your order before further rises in costs,which will lead to a raise in prices very soon unavoidably.Sincerely yours,Cc:President King3. Sample for Price List价目表范例写作案例详解Company Shenzhen QuananTextile Co.,LTDDetailed Address No.187 Nanshan Street,ShenzhenPost Code 5180000ContactZhang XinJob title General ManagerTelephone No. 1Fax No. 0Mobile No.E-mail AddressReference No. 056Date In March,2008Place of origin ChinaArticle No K42Price $ 10 per set FOB Shenzhen FOBPort ShenzhenPayment Terms By irrevocable L/C,100%invoice valueMinimum Order Quantity 1000 setsSize 50cm×80cmSupply Ability: 100000 Piece/Pieces per MonthPackageIn woden casesBrand Name “Hua Sheng”table-clothTime of shipment In April,2008Shipping specifications Showing net and gross weights and dimensions of each package Chapter 7样品的订取与发送1. Order Sample订单样本写作案例详解Dear Mr.Randall,Subject: Order for 10,000 Pairs of Sheep Leather GlovesPlease dispatch to us 10,000 pairs of sheep leather gloves as per the terms started in your offer of March 29.Would you please take special care of the quality and the package of this order? The leather should be of the same quality as that used in the sample.We hope that you can pack each pair in an airtight polythene bag,a dozen pairs of gloves in a box and then 20 boxes to a strong seaworthy wooden case.We will order more if the first order with you proves to be satisfactory. We are enclosing our Purchase Confirmation No.2006-399 in duplicate for your signature.Please sign and return one copy for our file.Upon receipt of your confirmation,an L/C will be issued.Sincerely,Li MingImport Director2. Order Letter订购函写作案例详解Please send to the following items to be shipped by way express,and bill us.The order is contingent on receiving the terms of 2%-30 days:1 doz.linen handkerchiefs:$ 2.40 4 pair tan pigskin gloves:$ 12.00 2 doz.Assorted Orlon sport shirts:$ 72.00 5 pair assorted cotton socks:$ 2.00TOTAL:%88.40.3. Asking for/ Sending/ Declining Sending Samples索取/同意送付/拒绝送付样品Sample 1写作案例详解We are going to produce a trial piece of all wool suiting according to your sample cutting and written instructions.The sample piece is expected to be accomplished and sent to you by the end of next month.Sample 2写作案例详解As the quality of your woolen sample is not in the range of our current exports,we are prepared to arrange a special production.By our experience,slight changes in its composition arenecessary and will only make the goods superior in quality.We shall then show you the trial sample and see if it can be accepted as a quality standard for bulk shipment.Chapter 8订货1. Accepting the Order接受订单Sample 1写作案例详解Dear SirsWe want to say how pleased we were to receive your order of 15 April for Ladies' and Children’s Shoes.We confirm supply of 1,000 pairs of the shoes at the prices stated in your order No.888 and will allow a 5% special discount on your order worth $5,000 or above.Our Sales Confirmation No.BC510 in two originals were airmailed to you.Please sign and return on copy of them for our file.It is understood that a letter of credit in our favor covering the said shoes should be opened immediately.We wish to point out that stipulations in the relative L/C must strictly conform to the stated in our Sales Confirmation so as to avoid subsequent amendments.You may rest assured that we will effect shipment without delay on receipt of your letter of credit.We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to receiving from you further orders. Yours truly,Sample 2写作案例详解Dear Mr.Green:I really appreciate your order for 200 Gem-Con Plastique motorcycle tanks.These will be shipped at once.Thanks,too,for the check!Beginning in June,we’re offering a special discount on the Gem-Con line.In addition to the trade discount of 33.3 percent,we’re giving an extra discount of 5%. A lot of our customers are switching to the Plastique tank as a replacement for original metal equipment.They report hearty endorsements from participants in motorcross competition— that the tanks are very lightweight,but extremely tough.We predict you’ll have a similar endorsement!2. Declining the Order 拒绝订单写作案例详解Thank you for your letter of 20th May concerning your special request.From time to time,we do run special jobs,changing materials and colors for one particular order.But we have to consider many factors before we can accept the order.I have spoken to our production manager,and she has done the costing.I am sorry to report that even if we did the job for you at cost,it would come out well above the price you are willing to pay.I am checking with other manufacturers in the area who are working with the materials you want.They may be able to give you the quality you desire at a fair price.I will get back to you in a few days.We appreciate your business and I am glad you asked us about this job.The next time you have a special need,please ask again.We will try our best to do the job for you.If we cannot,we will attempt to find the best company that can.Sample 2写作案例详解Dear Sirs,Thank you for your order No.458 for tin plate sheets which we received today.We regret that,owing to a shortage of stocks we are unable to fill your order.Moreover,our manufacturers can not undertake to entertain your order for future delivery owing to the uncertain availability of raw materials.We will,however,contact you by telex once supply improves.In the meantime,please feel free to send us your specific enquires for other types of metal sheets.You can be assured of our best attention at all times.Yours faithfullyBrowExport Manager3. Pressing for Order催促下订单写作案例详解Dear Peter,Per conversation by phone few days ago,we know your visiting schedule for inspecting crust leather of“big world”.We’ve already checked this leather,couldn’t find loose grain problem as well as softness having been improved than before.We assure that we can finish and deliver this order according to the prescribed time.We hope that you will come to our company ASAP and appreciate very much your kindly corporation. Best regards.WilliamSample 2写作案例详解We understand that you are the agent for the White Tiger ties.We enclose our order for 1,000 dozens of the White Tiger ties.Please note that we need these goods rather urgently as Christmas is drawing near.If you could supply goods timely for seasons,we would make repeated orders,provided prices are reasonable.Payment for the enclosed order will be made on a draft at sight under our letter of credit opened in your favor on receipt of your confirmation that the goods are sent out,and can be delivered before December 1,2000.4. Confirming the order确认订单写作案例详解Mr.Grover Douglass,289 Kont BoulevardAugusta,SC,SC 28197Dear Mr.Douglass:Thank you for your June 4 order.Everything except the kitchen furniture is already on its way to your home. So that you may begin enjoying your new chairs and table immediately,would you please let me know whether you would like Set 400,which comes with an oval table,or Set 400-A,which comes with a rectangular table.In all other respects,the two sets are the same. It is a pleasure to have this opportunity to be at your service.We look forward to meeting your future needs for high-quality home and garden furniture.。
Case Study Of Kimsoong1.Background information of KimsoongKimsoong, a Korean car manufacturer, has its European headquarters near Paris. It has retail sales franchises in most European countries which not only sell cars and motor accessories but also have servicing facilities. The larger outlets also offer fast-fitting of tyres and exhausts, and deal in used cars.Over the last ten years Kimsoong, with its reputation for reliability at low prices, has build up market share at the lower end of the market. Their basic models include many”extras”which other manufacturers charge for. Kimsoong also makes large donations to environmental groups and is seen as an organization with a social conscience. Furthermore, its R&D Department is developing an “eco-car” which uses an alternative power source.Then set our focus on the whole car manufacturing market.For 2009, global vehicle sales remain in the midst of a precipitous fall-off, led by sharp declines in the mature markets of the United States, Western Europe and Japan. We project total cars produced at 51,971,328.In 2006 there were 49,886,549 passenger cars produced in the world, with an increase of 6.45% over the previous year. The increase for 2007 was more modest, and 2008 showed a decline. Analysts from various institutes had in fact pegged the year 2007 as the year which would end the 5-year cycle (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) of recordA third of all cars in the world is produced in the European Union (see chart below).China became the world’s third-largest car market in 2006, as car sales in China soared by nearly 40% to 4.1 million units. China should become the world’s second-largest car market by 2010, as low vehicle penetration, rising incomes, greater credit availability and falling car prices lift sales past those of Japan. Furthermore, vehicle penetration in China stands at only 24 vehicles per 1,000 people, compared with 749 vehicles per 1,000 people in the mature markets of the G7.It is estimated that over 600,000,000passenger cars travel the streets and roads of the world today.In the United States alone, 247,421,120 "highway" registered vehicles were counted in 2005, of which 136,568,083 passenger cars. (Bureau of Transportation Statistics U.S. Department of Transportation)So with the high development of car manufacture, we may face many difficulties. There are so many cars produced in the world, the only thing we can do to keep our position is to become more competitive in this market, or we’ll drive out by its high competition.2. Kimsoong customer profileCustomers are the god of our company, thus the survey of customers’ tastes and basic information is important for us to know better of our shortage, and we’ll also serve more people in the future and gain more profits. The following forms are information we have got from our customers.We can see that the majority of the customers are men who are under 30, they are employed. However, women between 31 and 50 who are self-employed have potential to buy our cars.Our repeated customers only occupy 15% of the whole. People who buy our cars are mostly middle income group. This is a hint that if we want to hold on to existing customers, we must produce cars that are affordable by middle income group. But to attract new customers we should provide different kinds of cars for differentAs the form shows, customers are not satisfied with our service. The competitor’s cars are better in performance and service. These are two main reasons that hinder us to maintain existing customers. The after-sale care is just fair. In a word, customers care more about their price, reliability, after-sales service, etc. We should improve our service and convince customers of the reliability of our cars at the same time.By collecting and analyzing customer profiles, we may conclude that we can make improvement by producing cars suit every age stage, providing reasonable price for middle income group, improving our after-sales service to hold on to existing customers. We should also create cars for women and for self-employed persons and even students. High level cars with high price will attract people of high income group. These may help gain more profits.3.ProblemFacing the intense competition, the company must remain unchanged with its reputation for reliability at low prices and has its excellent office workers and loyal customers, also the skill and cooperation are very important parts. The management should solve these problems.(1).Cutomer profilesThe company’s new strategy is to hold on to existing customers and increase customer loyalty. And the company also hope to develop a more accurate buyer profile. Customers are very important to a company. So the company should know about the customers well so that we can produce the products that fit the customers. Only in this way can our company make profits.(2). The excellent office workersThe excellent office workers in the company is also a big problem. For one hand, the younger office workers have much knowledge but a little experience; on the other hand ,the elder office wor kers don’t have as much knowledge as the young but they have enough experience. They are all excellent, but the company doesn’t ha ve enough money to hire both the young and the elder ones. So the problem is that the company should choose what kind of the officers they need by using less money to make more money.(3).Improving skillsImproving skills is also a big problem to the company. Because of the ever-accelerated science and technology, having a superb skill cansave cost and make profits.(4).CooperationLast but not the least, cooperation is very important to the company. But the company’s staffs are lack of the skills of grasping good communication. So if the company want to do better, they must promote social skills and competence.4.SolutionsAiming at the problems given above, we summarize some solutions to those problems:(1).Building up relationshipsTo builds up long-term customer relationships, thereby increasing profits.To establish long-term cooperation relations, the customer is one of the important factors that assure our company’s long-term and stable development. In the long-term cooperation relations, the company can not only improve enterprise image, enterprise credibility still can bring stability of the interests of the enterprise income. Only in this way, can the enterprise form a security capital chain. Additionally, through this long-term cooperation, we can build trust with each other and win good enterprise image, thus our company will expand more customer groups and win more profits.(2).Increasing customer loyaltyIncreasing customer loyalty is to guarantee the premise of enterprise sales. First, our company shall keep good communication with customers. The price for the customers must be given favorable; we can also use the gifts method to increase satisfaction. Cheap and good things will receive the love of consumers, so we should be radically improve the competitiveness of our enterprise, by improving product s’performance in all aspects so as to reduce the cost. Once the cost reduced, we will not only attract more customers to buy our cars, but also enhance our profit space, that is kill two birds with one stone. (3).Drawing up an accurate buyer profileEnterprise’s accurate understanding of his client group is very important. The company should not only know the customer's age distribution, but have an understanding of what kind of car sales good. At the same time, we must pay attention to customer s’feedback, make market surveys, know what kind of car our customers really want to buy. From these information we will realize our company’s deficiencies, so as to further improve their product, as well as theenterprise’s all aspects of operation.(4).Encouraging staffsTo encourage staffs to be more active in building up good customer relations.It is not enough to just have a good car, a good people who can promote it is necessary. So encourage staffs to establish good relationship with customers is very important. Nowadays, the consumer not only pays attention to the quality of the product itself, but is very concern about enterprise service attitude. First, the company shall encourage the staffs to work hard to establish a good relationship with their clients. For those who have outstanding performance , the company sales should give them full praise and encouragement. For those who not work hard, and have poor work performance, our company shall take appropriate punishment. Everyone must have crisis consciousness. Second, team spirit is very important. The common saying says more people, more powerful. Only we work together can we create more profits for our company.5.ConclusionFrom the report above, we can see that good customer relationships are very important for our further development. Only when we win our customers’ loyalty, can we gain more profits and make a good reputation. Thus, improvement of all aspects, including staff training, survey of customers and potential ones, change of disciplines and politics in our company and so on is of importance. We should also appreciate other competitors strengths and learn to use them for ourselves. I believe that our company will develop well in the future and attract more customers to buy our cars.。
商务英语案例分析the factory have Jean
商务英语案例分析the factory have JeanIn the mid-19th century, a gold mine was discovered in California, the United States. As soon as the news came out, many people came to search for gold. Yamel, a 17-year-old farmer, also joined the gold team with enthusiasm.However, "more wolves and less meat", with the continuous influx of gold miners, there is less and less gold, and many people have not found gold. Coupled with the hot weather and scarce water resources, many unfortunate gold miners not only failed to realize their dream of becoming rich, but also died in the countryside.Amer didn't find gold either. Looking at the people around him, he suddenly thought: it's too impractical to make a fortune by panning for gold. It's better to sell water! This can not only save these people who are dying of thirst, but also change their current embarrassing situation.So he left the ranks of gold miners and ran to a place with water source. He filled a bucket with water and filtered it with fine sand to make it cool and delicious drinking water. Then he pulled it to thegold mine and sold it to gold miners. Some people laughed at his ambition and shortsightedness. But Amer didn't care, and continued his big business of selling water.In the end, most gold miners returned empty handed, while Amer made $6000 from selling water, which was a large income at that time.Following the crowd may be what most people like to do, but they don't realize what everyone is chasing. The competition must be fierce. If you want to win in the fierce competition, you either have to beat other competitors, or you have to find a new way like Amer. The former is too difficult. It's better to choose the latter, change your thinking, and win the chance of survival for yourself in the cracks.The reason why Amer can make a lot of money by selling water in the crazy gold rush is that he has one more kind of thinking than those who only know how to dig for gold from beginning to end. This is what ye Xiu called "ecological thinking" in deep thinking.1、 What is ecological thinkingEcology was originally a biological term, which refers to theliving state of organisms in a certain natural environment, as well as the complex relationships between organisms and between organisms and the environment. There are complex laws hidden in complex relationships. If we understand these laws, we can form ecological thinking.In life, too many people believe too much in their subjective power, but ignore the influence of their environment on themselves. In fact, the change of individuals is not only determined by ourselves, but also driven by the ecology. When studying anything, we can't separate the relationship between it and the whole ecosystem. However, the relationship between things is too abstract, so it is often easy to be ignored by us.Ecological thinking often plays a role in life, but we have no clear awareness of it. To understand ecological thinking, you must first master the core principles of ecological thinking:Because things in the ecosystem are widely related, the development trend, state changes and various choices of individual things are not random, nor completely independent, but are affected by the whole ecosystem. Therefore, when thinking aboutsomething, we should not only think about this individual, but also think about the whole ecosystem in which he lives - his surrounding environment and his relationship with the environment.This is the basic principle of ecological thinking and the basis of its derivative model. Only by grasping this principle can we have a basic understanding of ecological thinking.2、 Why should we learn ecological thinkingIn recent years, bitcoin has become particularly popular, with a wave of "mining". At first, mining is very simple. It's OK to have your own computer, but as more and more players enter the field and become more and more professional, mining is becoming more and more difficult.At this time, a company producing mining machines came into being, called "bit continent". In addition to the production of mining machines, it is doing the design of mining chips, mining pools, mining cloud services and so on. With the sharp rise of bitcoin, the supply of mining machines produced by "bitland" is in short supply, and the profit of each machine is at least three times more, which can be said to make a lot of money.When bitcoin soars, most people who want to take a share may choose to join the "mining" army or speculate in money, which are all focused on bitcoin.But "bitcoin continent" has seen the small ecosystem of the whole coin circle. Bitcoin does not exist independently. The more people dig for coins, the more mining machines they need. Rather than chasing the tuyere, it is better to provide tools for those who chase the tuyere. Facts have proved that its choice is correct. Compared with mining and speculation, bitland, which earns billions of dollars, has become the biggest winner.This is the effect of "ecological thinking", which will bring a larger pattern, which "hard work and ordinary intelligence can't compare." This case is about enterprises, but ecological thinking can also bring great benefits to us ordinary individuals.Next, let's take a look at the three derivative models of ecological thinking. You will find that ordinary individuals can also use this kind of thinking freely.3、 Three derivative models of ecological thinking1. The gold rush model teaches us how to win in fiercecompetitionIn the gold rush story at the beginning of the article, it is not only Amer who makes money. Another man found that the knees of the pants worn by gold miners were easy to wear out, so he made pants out of canvas and saved the knees of many miners from abrasion. This man is Levi Strauss. He built an excellent clothing brand with strong and wear-resistant jeans. This is the entrepreneurial story of jeans brand Levi's.This case is the gold rush model in ecological thinking. When hearing the news of gold and seeing the gold rush crowd, we should not only think of gold and miners, but also the whole ecosystem. Think of things that others can't think of, and your income will be greater, such as Amer and Levi Strauss in the gold rush case. Others are focused on gold, but they made a lot of money by selling water and jeans.The essence of the gold rush model is a symbiotic model. You will see others, not just competitors, but symbiotic possibilities in the ecosystem. Only by understanding the essence of the gold rush model can you learn to apply it.This model is not difficult to see in life. For example, in the ecosystem of we media, some people have used this model very well.More and more people are attracted by "writing realization" and join the ranks of we media people, including writing Xiaobai. Older authors who entered the we media industry earlier found that with the entry of high-quality authors, the competition was becoming increasingly fierce, and high-quality content creation was becoming more and more difficult. Therefore, the forward-looking author focused on Xiaobai who was attracted by "writing realization" and opened a writing course to teach Xiaobai rapid realization.The author who first offered such courses should have taken the opportunity to make a wave, but the good times did not last long. More and more people begin to take writing courses, even some authors who have not written a few high-quality articles themselves.With the changes of the industry, these logics will become obsolete one day. But the way of ecological thinking is an eternal classic, which does not prevent us from using this kind of thinking to think and find opportunities suitable for ourselves. Remember, the key to the gold rush model is to turn competitors into their ownusers to tap their needs.In a word, the gold rush mode means symbiosis. We can't just focus on a certain point in the whole ecosystem, but think about the situation of the whole ecosystem and how to symbiosis with these people.2. The forest model teaches us how to deal with powerful opponentsWhat is a forest model? Let's imagine such an ecological picture first:In the middle of the map is a forest, surrounded by a large area of grassland, and a river runs through the forest and grassland. Large carnivores such as tigers and bears occupy the center of the forest; Wolves avoid the territory of tigers and bears and build nests in the middle and outside of the forest; Birds avoid the ground and build nests in trees; Rabbits, on the other hand, burrow in the grassland outside the forest to breed.In this ecological picture, compared with tigers and wolves, rabbits are obviously weak. How should they survive? The answer is that it can avoid the middle of the forest where tigers and wolveslive densely, and go to the grassland on the edge of the forest to survive.This is the forest model, which is essentially a niche model. Niche refers to the position of species in the ecosystem, including space, time, food types and other factors. The core principle of niche thinking is that when you encounter a strong competition, in addition to fighting with it, you can also choose to avoid its location (time, space, food, etc.).The boss of a training institution I know graduated from a university in Beijing with a foreign language major. She thinks that in Beijing, where all kinds of excellent talents gather, she can only be regarded as good at best. Even if you work hard, you may not catch up with those excellent talents.So she decided to return to her hometown. At first, she joined a training institution as a teacher. After working for several years, she accumulated rich teaching experience and went out to work alone. In two years, from the first few students, it gradually developed into hundreds of people. The subjects have also been expanded from English to other three subjects.Although such an achievement is not great, it is a story of ordinary people with no resources, no background and ordinary intelligence.If she chooses to stay in Beijing, she has a high probability of struggling at the bottom of a large company in her life. Compared with those people with famous school background, rich resources and brilliant talents, she has no advantage. But with the choice based on the forest model, she left the highly competitive "forest center" and found a niche suitable for her. Her life is obviously more wonderful.Forest model is a thinking model that everyone can use. It can make ordinary people avoid powerful opponents, avoid unnecessary competition, break through their own limitations, and find new patterns and vitality.However, it should be noted that the forest model does not run away when encountering the strong. It just lets us "leave the quagmire where no matter how hard we try, we cannot succeed". It can't make us easily reach the peak of life, but it will be easier to succeed than in the "forest center".And the selection of niche is very flexible. If you open up a new business field and have no competitors in crowded big cities, then obviously you don't need to go to the edge. Or, although there are many competitors in big cities, there is also a lot of demand, and its ecology has not reached the saturation state, so there is no need to avoid it.3. The pond model teaches us how to break through the bottleneck of developmentIn a pond ecosystem, water plants and algae compete for nutrients, plankton should avoid being eaten by small fish, small fish should avoid big fish, and big fish should compete with each other for food and breeding space. No one can easily reproduce and survive. All creatures have to compete fiercely. And their competition finally created the vitality of the pond. This is the pond model. The essence of pond model is platform model.Ordinary people are accustomed to activities on other people's platforms, but never consider building their own platform. Because the platform looks too big, ordinary people feel that they have no ability to build a platform at all.In fact, platform is a mode of thinking. "Of course, the Pacific Ocean is an ecosystem, and the small pond at the door of my home is also an ecosystem. The Pacific Ocean enjoys the great ecosystem jointly promoted by trillions of creatures, and the small pond can also enjoy the vitality of thousands of small creatures."Marshall mentioned in his book "platform revolution" that the primary goal of the platform is "to match users and create value for all participants through the exchange of goods, services or social currency". In short, the platform is to provide a "place" for user groups to create value, and its value "is nothing more than creating around information exchange, goods, services, and money".Let's take an example around me. Some time ago, I met a person by chance, who is also doing training. But he was very thoughtful. He bought several floors of pavement with a large area near a new school at a low price two years ago, and got the school license early, hoping to open the school at the beginning of the new school.He wants to build his own institution into the largest and most comprehensive training institution around the school. But he did discipline training himself and had no experience in interest training,so he was once in trouble.Later, due to the change of policy, the threshold of school running license of training institutions became higher, and small institutions that could not get the license simply could not survive. Instead, it provided him with an opportunity, so he recruited some small institutions that did interest training without a school license, such as dance, host, robot, calligraphy and so on.This boss is undoubtedly a person with ecological thinking ability. He knows how to use the pond model to operate and build his training institution into an independent small ecosystem. The training of interest class and his discipline training not only do not conflict, but their students can also transform each other. At the same time, he can also participate in the profit sharing of interest training, and his income can also be greatly increased.Therefore, Alibaba and Tencent are not giants. As long as we have ecological thinking, we can still use the pond model to build our own platform. Even if it is small, it can also play a corresponding role to help ordinary people open the road of counter attack.Finally, I want to emphasize:Ecological thinking tells us not only to focus on a single thing, but to observe and think about its ecology, including both the surrounding environment and its relationship with surrounding things. This kind of thinking can enable us to make more ingenious strategic choices, optimize the development path, and finally change our destiny.。
Case StudyOf KimsoongIndex1.Background information of Kimsoong (2)2. Kimsoong customer profile (4)3.Problem (6)(1).Cutomer profiles (7)(2). The excellent office workers (7)(3).Improving skills (7)(4).Cooperation (7)4.Solutions (7)(1).Building up relationships (8)(2).Increasing customer loyalty (8)(3).Drawing up an accurate buyer profile (8)(4).Encouraging staffs (8)5.Conclusion (10)1.Background information of KimsoongKimsoong, a Korean car manufacturer, has its European headquarters near Paris. It has retail sales franchises in most European countries which not only sell cars and motor accessories but also have servicing facilities. The larger outlets also offer fast-fitting of tyres and exhausts, and deal in used cars.Over the last ten years Kimsoong, with its reputation for reliability at low prices, has build up market share at the lower end of the market. Their basic models include many”extras”which other manufacturers charge for. Kimsoong also makes large donations to environmental groups and is seen as an organization with a social conscience. Furthermore, its R&D Department is developing an “eco-car” which uses an alternative power source.Then set our focus on the whole car manufacturing market.For 2009, global vehicle sales remain in the midst of a precipitous fall-off, led by sharp declines in the mature markets of the United States, Western Europe and Japan. We project total cars produced at 51,971,328.In 2006 there were 49,886,549 passenger cars produced in the world, with an increase of 6.45% over the previous year. The increase for 2007 was more modest, and 2008 showed a decline. Analysts from various institutes had in fact pegged the year 2007 as the year which would end the 5-year cycle (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) of recordA third of all cars in the world is produced in the European Union (see chart below).Ch ina became the world’s third-largest car market in 2006, as car sales in China soared by nearly 40% to 4.1 million units. China should become the world’s second-largest car market by 2010, as low vehicle penetration, rising incomes, greater credit availability and falling carprices lift sales past those of Japan. Furthermore, vehicle penetration in China stands at only 24 vehicles per 1,000 people, compared with 749 vehicles per 1,000 people in the mature markets of the G7.It is estimated that over 600,000,000passenger cars travel the streets and roads of the world today.In the United States alone, 247,421,120 "highway" registered vehicles were counted in 2005, of which 136,568,083 passenger cars. (Bureau of Transportation Statistics U.S. Department of Transportation)So with the high development of car manufacture, we may face many difficulties. There are so many cars produced in the world, the only thing we can do to keep our position is to become more competitive in this market, or we’ll drive out b y its high competition.2. Kimsoong customer profileCustomers are the god of our company, thus the survey of customers’ tastes and basic information is important for us to know better of our shortage, and we’ll also serve more people in the fu ture and gain more profits. The following forms are information we have got from our customers.We can see that the majority of the customers are men who are under 30, they are employed. However, women between 31 and 50 who are self-employed have potential to buy our cars.Our repeated customers only occupy 15% of the whole. People who buy our cars are mostly middle income group. This is a hint that if we want to hold on to existing customers, we must produce cars that are affordable by middle income group. But to attract new customers we should provide different kinds of cars for different income level.As the form shows, customers are not satisfied with our service. The competitor’s cars are better in performance and service. These are two main reasons that hinder us to maintain existing customers. The after-sale care is just fair. In a word, customers care more about their price, reliability, after-sales service, etc. We should improve our service and convince customers of the reliability of our cars at the same time.By collecting and analyzing customer profiles, we may conclude that we can make improvement by producing cars suit every age stage, providing reasonable price for middle income group, improving our after-sales service to hold on to existing customers. We should also create cars for women and for self-employed persons and even students. High level cars with high price will attract people of high income group. These may help gain more profits.3.ProblemFacing the intense competition, the company must remain unchanged with its reputation for reliability at low prices and has its excellent office workers and loyal customers, also the skill and cooperation are very important parts. The management should solve these problems.(1).Cutomer profilesThe company’s new strategy is to hold on to existing customers and increase customer loyalty. And the company also hope to develop a more accurate buyer profile. Customers are very important to a company. So the company should know about the customers well so that we can produce the products that fit the customers. Only in this way can our company make profits.(2). The excellent office workersThe excellent office workers in the company is also a big problem. For one hand, the younger office workers have much knowledge but a little experience; on the other hand ,the elder office workers don’t have as much knowledge as the young but they have enough experience. They are all excellent, but the company doesn’t have enough money to hire both the young and the elder ones. So the problem is that the company should choose what kind of the officers they need by using less money to make more money.(3).Improving skillsImproving skills is also a big problem to the company. Because of the ever-accelerated science and technology, having a superb skill can save cost and make profits.(4).CooperationLast but not the least, cooperation is very important to the company. But the company’s staffs are lack of the skills of grasping good communication. So if the company want to do better, they must promote social skills and competence.4.SolutionsAiming at the problems given above, we summarize some solutions to those problems:(1).Building up relationshipsTo builds up long-term customer relationships, thereby increasing profits.To establish long-term cooperation relations, the customer is one of the important fa ctors that assure our company’s long-term and stable development. In the long-term cooperation relations, the company can not only improve enterprise image, enterprise credibility still can bring stability of the interests of the enterprise income. Only in this way, can the enterprise form a security capital chain. Additionally, through this long-term cooperation, we can build trust with each other and win good enterprise image, thus our company will expand more customer groups and win more profits.(2).Increasing customer loyaltyIncreasing customer loyalty is to guarantee the premise of enterprise sales. First, our company shall keep good communication with customers. The price for the customers must be given favorable; we can also use the gifts method to increase satisfaction. Cheap and good things will receive the love of consumers, so we should be radically improve the competitiveness of our enterprise, by improving products’ performance in all aspects so as to reduce the cost. Once the cost reduced, we will not only attract more customers to buy our cars, but also enhance our profit space, that is kill two birds with one stone.(3).Drawing up an accurate buyer profileEnterprise’s accurate understanding of his client group is very important. The company should not only know the customer's age distribution, but have an understanding of what kind of car sales good. At the same time, we must pay attention to customers’ feedback, make market surveys, know what kind of car our customers really want to buy. F rom these information we will realize our company’s deficiencies, so as to further improve their product, as well as the enterprise’s all aspects of operation.(4).Encouraging staffsTo encourage staffs to be more active in building up good customer relations.It is not enough to just have a good car, a good people who can promote it is necessary. So encourage staffs to establish good relationship with customers is very important. Nowadays, the consumer not only pays attention to the quality of the product itself,but is very concern about enterprise service attitude. First, the company shall encourage the staffs to work hard to establish a good relationship with their clients. For those who have outstanding performance , the company sales should give them full praise and encouragement. For those who not work hard, and have poor work performance, our company shall take appropriate punishment. Everyone must have crisis consciousness. Second, team spirit is very important. The common saying says more people, more powerful. Only we work together can we create more profits for our company.5.ConclusionFrom the report above, we can see that good customer relationships are very important for our further development. Only when we win our customers’ loyalty, can we gain more profits and make a good reputation. Thus, improvement of all aspects, including staff training, survey of customers and potential ones, change of disciplines and politics in our company and so on is of importance. We should also appreciate other competitors strengths and learn to use them for ourselves. I believe that our company will develop well in the future and attract more customers to buy our cars.。
商务英语谈判案例集分析精品文档--------------------------精品文档,可以编辑修改,等待你的下载,管理,教育文档---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------史蒂夫的销售报价策略姜德才环境与测绘学院 07103077 (一)案情:史蒂夫是爱姆垂旅店董事会成员,但是旅店的地理位置是在不理想,董事会曾委派一个小组委员会,调查了将爱姆垂旅店从萨默维尔迁到一个安静的、半居住性的社区的可能性。
Market Demand调研结果显示,目前市场对智能手机的需求持续增长。
Competition Analysis通过对竞争对手的调研分析,我们发现市场上已经有几款畅销的智能手机产品。
Market Trend Forecast市场趋势预测显示,智能手机市场将继续保持增长势头。
案例背景:A 公司是一家知名的跨国企业,他们希望与B 公司合作开发新产品,双方已经进行了几轮谈判,但在价格和合作条款上一直无法达成一致。
A 公司希望以较低的价格购买 B 公司的产品,而 B 公司则认为他们的产品价值更高,希望得到更多的利润。
对话内容:Tom: 嗨Sarah,我注意到最近我们的销售额有所下降,你有什么想法吗?Sarah: 是的Tom,我也察觉到了这个问题。
Tom: 你说的有道理。
你能帮我分析一下最常见的客户投诉是什么吗?Sarah: 当然,我已经对过去几个月的客户投诉进行了分析。
Tom: 这些问题是我们需要重点关注的。
你能提供一些具体的数据吗?Sarah: 当然,根据客户投诉记录,有30%的投诉是关于产品质量,而20%的投诉是关于交货时间延迟。
Tom: 这些数据很有价值。
你有什么建议吗?Sarah: 我认为我们应该加强对产品质量的监控,并与供应商合作改善交货时间的准确性。
Tom: 这是个好主意。
Sarah: 同意。
Tom: 是的,员工的培训也很重要。
Sarah: 对的,这样可以提高客户满意度和忠诚度,进而促进销售增长。
Tom: 我们还可以考虑推出一些促销活动,吸引更多的客户并增加销售额。
Sarah: 是的,促销活动可以帮助我们吸引潜在客户并提高品牌知名度。
Tom: 好的,我会与市场部门讨论促销活动的具体计划。
Sarah: 不客气,Tom。
对话分析:根据Tom和Sarah的对话,我们可以得出以下结论:1. 销售额下降的原因是客户投诉问题。
2. 最常见的客户投诉是关于产品质量和交货时间的问题。
商务英语谈判课后作业——案例分析商务英语谈判案例分析Example:Dan smith was a bissiness who works on gymnasium equipment,and it was the first meeting between Robert Liu and him.In just a few minutes of the conversation, Robert Liu felt that this big fellow with a straightforward appearance kept a mind of a cunning rabbit .Known that the guy was skilled in this way ,he took great care in the negotiation.In the first round ,their covercition was as follows:D: I'd like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices.R: Shoot.,I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.D: Y our products are very good. But I'm a little worried about the prices you're asking.R: Y ou think we about be asking for more?(laughs)D: (chuckles) That's not exactly what I had in mind. I know your research costs are high, but what I'd like is a 25% discount.R: That seems to be a little high, Mr. Smith. I don't know how we can make a profit with those numbers.D: Please, Robert, call me Dan. (pause) Well, if we promise future business――volume sales――that will slash your costs for making the Exec-U-ciser, right?R: Y es, but it's hard to see how you can place such large orders. How could you turn over so many? (pause) We'd need a guarantee of future business, not just a promise.D: We said we wanted 1000 pieces over a six-month period. What if we place orders for twelve months, with a guarantee?R: If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss this further.But even with volume sales, our coats for the Exec-U-Ciser won't go down much.D: Just what are you proposing?R: We could take a cut on the price. But 25% would slash our profit margin .We suggest a compromise――10%.D: That's a big change from 25! 10 is beyond my negotiating limit. (pause) Any other ideas?R: I don't think I can change it right now. Why don't we talk again tomorrow?D: Sure. I must talk to my office anyway. I hope we can find some common ground on this.NEXT DAYD: Robert, I've been instructed to reject the numbers you proposed; but we can try to come up with some thing else.R: I hope so, Dan. My instructions are to negotiate hard on this deal――but I'm try very hard to reach some middle ground.D: I understand. We propose a structured deal. For the first six months, we get a discount of 20%, and the next six months we get 15%.R: Dan, I can't bring those numbers back to my office――they'll turn it down flat.D: Then you'll have to think of something better, Robert.R: How about 15% the first six months, and the second six months at 12%, with a guarantee of 3000 units?D: That's a lot to sell, with very low profit margins.R: It's about the best we can do, Dan. (pause) We need to hammer something out today. If I go back empty-handed, I may be coming back to you soon to ask for a job. (smiles) D: (smiles) O.K., 17% the first six months, 14% for the second?!R: Good. Let's iron out the remaining details. When do you want to take delivery ?D: We'd like you to execute the first order by the 31st.R: Let me run through this again: the first shipment for 1500 units, to be delivered in 27 days, by the 31st.D: Right. We couldn't handle much larger shipments.R: Fine. But I'd prefer the first shipment to be 1000 units, the next 2000. The 31st is quite soon ---- I can't guarantee 1500.D: I can agree to that. Well, if there's nothing else, I think we've settled everything.R: Dan, this deal promises big returns for both sides. Let's hope it's the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship.R: We found your proposal quite interesting, Mr. Hughes. We'd like to weigh the pros and cons with you.K: Mr. Robert Liu, we've looked all over Asia for a manufacturer; your company is one of the most suitable.R: If we can settle a number of basic questions, I'm confident in saying that we are the most suitable for your needs.K: I hope so. And what might be the basic questions you have?R: First, do you intend to take a position in our company?K: No, we don't, Mr. Liu. This is just OEM.R: I see. Then, the most important thing is the size of your orders. We'll have to invest a great deal of money in the new production process.K: If you can guarantee continuing quality, we can sign a commitment for 75,000 piecesa year, for five years.R: At U.S. $1000 a piece, we'll make an average return of just 4%. That's too great a financial burden for us.K: I'll check the number later, but what do you propose?R: Here's how you can demonstrate commitment to this deal. Make it ten years, increase the unit price, and provide technology transfer.In the whole process of the negotiatin ,Robert had always been taking advantages. He was cleat that in the Asia part ,his company was the best choice of opponents,and hold a hard attitude all the way in the negotiation.In the first ,it was Dan who came up with the topic of price and gave out more informations about price negotiating by which time he lost the initiative. While Robert did more better , in the first round ,when Dan came up with the idea of big deals he insisted on the point that he need a guarantee of future business instead of a promise. In this way ,Dan put forward a Concrete plan and agree to make a guarantee to win Robert’s agree to consult about the price.Later in the second round ,they had a fierce discuss on the final price .With a problem of cost ,Robert gave out a price which is too far away from Dan’s expectation and finally they agree to have one day off for consideration.By this time,Robert had got the idea of the boss that to be hard, this day off was time for Dan’s consideration. This action was intelligent and polite.Then the next day, indeed as expected,Dan reduced request again. Two different discount rates in two pierods. This time,their discuss didn’t comt to an agreement again time. Then ,Robert made a humous , If I go back empty-handed, I may be coming back to you soon to ask for a job. And finally achieved his purpose.Soon ,Robert turned to the Freight scale and asked for longer time to stock up which was nother big success. Besides what surprised us was the other result that Make it ten years, increase the unit price, and provide technology transfer.In the end , the negotiation was a total success that brount both Short-term interest and long-term cooperation program. Mr Robert succesfully used many skills in negotiation and won the victory of the game.。
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carry out strict supervision on the use of recycled cooking oil
upgrade technology of uncovering gutter oil in finished products
learn from the practices in Western countries
Undermine seriously government efforts to strengthen food sanitation and safety.
On September 13, 2011, the Ministry of Public Security cracked the country's first case of producing edible oil with illegally reprocessed cooking oil, arresting 32 suspects who had allegedly produced gutter oil and sold it to restaurants in a number of provinces. More than 100 tons of the oil was seized after police busted a criminal network spanning 14 provinces. Six illegal factories and two gutter oil production lines were demolisngbo Intermediate People‘s Court held hearings on the first case of illegally processing and selling gutter oil.
Many companies involved
Process Police have already cracked the country's first case of producing edible oil with illegally reprocessed cooking oil, and busted a criminal network spanning 14 provinces.
Chinese like deep-fried food, and they also like stir-fried meat and vegetables. Oil is an indispensable part of Chinese cuisine, and China is the world's biggest consumer of edible oil.
Jinan Green Bio Oil Co. in Shandong Province
Huikang Oil in Henan Province
Joincare Biotechnological Co. Ltd
Production process of gutter oil
Crude Refining Collect Deep Processing Wholesale and Retail
Measures The government must do more to strengthen food and drug security.
There is a large amount of oil found in kitchen refuse across the country, which is extracted and sold back on the market. "Recycled cooking oil," as it is known, is processed into soaps or biodiesel for industrial purpose. However, some lawless persons reprocessed such oil and sell it to restaurants as cooking oil.
To human body
Destroy white blood cells and the mucous membrane of the alimentary tract , causing food poisoning or even cancer.
To the government