译文 | 探索 Stripe 的产品设计之道




❖ The EEC’s Common Agricultural Policy is a dinosaur which is adding £13.50 a week to the food bill of the average British family.
❖ 译文1:欧洲经济共同体的农业共同政策早已不 合时宜了,它要使英国家庭平均每周在食品开销 上多支出13.50英镑。
❖ 译文2:国际商务是管理培训的一个领域,讨论/ 涉及跨国商务活动的特性。
❖ OALD7:take or have sth as a subject; discuss sth 以某事物作为内容; 讨论 某事物: The next chapter deals with verbs. 下一章讨论动词. * I'll deal with decimals in the next lesson. 下一堂课我要讲小数.
❖ 译文:难怪各跨国公司一直都在以人的速度发展 着,这些跨国公司现在主宰着整个国际市场的许 多领域。
❖ Equally important are concerns about the growing protectionism. The United States and European Union are becoming more assertive in holding China to account over its World Trade Organization obligations.
第七单元 词义引申翻译法
❖一.逻辑引申 ❖二.语用引申 ❖三.修辞性引申 ❖四.词义概念范围调整



第三单元Passage A[参考译文]教育之道:东方和西方1.一位来自加拿大的老师最近参观了一所日本的小学。





2. 这节课让那位加拿大老师大为吃惊。



为什么呢? 是什么造成了这种教学方法上的不同呢?3.在任何国家的任何一个教室里,老师教的都不仅仅是艺术、历史或语言。



4. 在像美国或加拿大这样由许多不同的民族、宗教团体和文化取向构成的西方社会中,个性和独立思考受到高度重视。





5. 在日本则截然不同,绝大多数人有着同样的语言、历史和文化。





6. 日本教育制度的优点是那儿的学生能学到合作的社交技能。







这是我好不容易整理的,同学们仅供参考哦,,,,第五章词义的处理Techniques of Translating Words and Phrases课堂互动2:翻译下列句子, 注意词性和词义搭配(参考译文)1. Just as exercise strengthens the heart and lungs, bones and muscles, it may also power up the brain. 【译文】运动不但能强心、健肺、壮骨、筋肌,而且还能健脑。

2. We shall never see his match.【译文】他那样的人恐怕不会有第二个了。

3. The vote was 35 to 25, a margin of 10.【译文】表决的结果是35票对25票,相差10票。

4. The report is thoroughly sourced.【译文】这项报告的来源很完备。

5. This hotel can’t be matched for friendliness.【译文】这家旅馆服务态度之好无与伦比。

6. She was rather advanced in years for a maiden. 【译文】在没有结婚的女孩子中,她年龄算是相当大了。

7. Every one of us poured forth his expertise.【译文】我们每个人都充分发挥了自己的专长。

8. I’ll not abuse your hospitality.【译文】我不会辜负你的热情厚谊。

9. I long for you terribly. The moment we say good-bye and I close the door, my torment begins.【译文】我想你想得要命,我们一分手,关上门,我心里便觉得煎熬。



1. 刺绣(embroidery)是一种具有悠久传统的民间艺术,在中国艺术和手工艺品史上占有重要地位。







Embroidery, a folk art with a long tradition, has an important position in the history of Chinese arts and crafts. During the course of its long development, embroidery has become inseparable from the raising of silkworms, silk reeling and weaving.China was the first country in the world where silk was woven. Silkworms were domesticated as early as some 5,000 years ago. The production of silk threads and fabrics gave rise to the art of embroidery. Today, silk embroidery is practiced nearly all over China. it is generally agreed that the best commercial products come for four provinces: Jiangsu(notably), Hunan, Sichuan and Guangdong , each with its distinctive features.2. 川剧(Sichuan Opera)就像四川火锅以及其他的名菜一样动人、丰富。



The BlanketFloyd DellPetey hadn’t really believed that Dad would be doing it—sending Granddad away. “Away” was what they were calling it. Not until now could he believe it of Dad.But here was the blanket that Dad had that day bought for him, and in the morning he’d be going away. And this was the last evening they’d be having together. Dad was off seeing that girl he was to marry. He’d not be back till late, and they could sit up and talk.It was a fine September night, with a silver moon riding high over the gully. When they’d washed up the supper dishes they went out on the shanty porch, the old man and the bit of a boy, taking their chairs. “I’ll get me fiddle,” said the old man, “and play ye some of the old tunes.” But instead of the fiddle he brought out the blanket. It was a big, double blanket, red, with black cross stripes.“Now, isn’t that a fine blanket!” said the old man, smoothing it over his knees. “And isn’t your father a kind man to be giving the old fellow a blanket like that to go away with? It cost something, it did—look at the wool of it! And warm it will be these cold winter nights to come. There’ll be few blankets there the equal of this one!”It was like Granddad to be saying that. He was trying to make it easier. He’d pretended all along it was he that wanting to go away to the great brick building—the government place, where he’d be with so many other old fellows having the best of everything.... But Petey hadn’t believed Dad would really do it, until this night when he brought home the blanket.“Oh, yes, it’s a fine blanket,” said Petey, and got up and went into the shanty. He wasn’t the kind to cry, and, besides, he was too old for that, being eleven. He’d just come in to fetch Granddad’s fiddle.The blanket slid to the floor as the old man took the fiddle and stood up. It was the last night they’d be having together. There wasn’t any need to say, “Play all the old tunes.” Granddad tuned up for a minute, and then said, “This is one you’ll like to remember.”The silver moon was high overhead, and there was a gentle breeze playing down the gully. He’d never be hearing Granddad play like this again. It was as well Dad was moving into that new house, away from here. He’d not want, Petey wouldn’t, to sit here on the old porch of fine evenings, with Granddad gone.The tune changed. “Here’s something gayer.” Petey sat and stared out over the gully. Dad would marry that girl. Yes, that girl who’d kissed him and slobbered over him, saying she’d try to be agood mother to him, and all.... His chair creaked as he involuntarily gave his body a painful twist.The tune stopped suddenly, and Granddad said: “It’s a poor tune, except to be dancing to.” And then: “It’s a fine girl your father’s going to marry. He’ll be feeling young again, with a pretty wife like that. And what would an old fellow like me be doing around their house, getting in the way, an old nuisance, what with my talk of aches and pains! And then there’ll be babies coming, and I’d not want to be there to hear them crying at all hours. It’s best that I take myself off, like I’m doing. One more tune or two, and then we’ll be going to bed to get some sleep against the morning, when I’ll pack up my fine blanket and take my leave. Listen to this, will you? It’s a bit sad, but a fine tune for a night like this.”They didn’t hear the two people coming down the gully path, Dad and the pretty girl with the hard, bright face like a china doll’s. but they heard her laugh, right by the porch, and the tune stopped on a wrong, high, startled note. Dad didn’t say anything, but the girl came forward and spoke to Granddad prettily: “I’ll not be seeing you leave in the morning, so I came over to say good-by.”“It’s kind of you,” said Granddad, with his eyes cast down; and then, seeing the blanket at his feet, he stopped to pick it up. “Andwill you look at this,” he said in embarrassment, “the fine blanket my son has given me to go away with!”“Yes,” she said, “it’s a fine blanket.” She felt of the wool, and repeated in surprise, “A fine blanket—I’ll say it is!” She turned to Dad, and said to him coldly, “it cost something, that.”He cleared his throat, and said defensively, “I wanted him to have the best...”The girl stood there, still intent on the blanket. “It’s double, too,” she said reproachfully to Dad.“Yes,” said Granddad, “it’s double—a fine blanket for an old fellow to be going away with.”The boy went abruptly into the shanty. He was looking for something. He could hear that girl reproaching Dad, and Dad becoming angry in his slow way. And now she was suddenly going away in a huff.... As Petey came out, she turned and called back, “All the same, he doesn’t need a double blanket!” And she ran up the gully path.Dad was looking after her uncertainly.“Oh, she’s right,” said the boy coldly. “Here, Dad”—and he held out a pair of scissors. “Cut the blanket in two.”Both of them stared at the boy, startled. “Cut it in two, I tell you, Dad!” he cried out. “And keep the other half!”“That’s not a bad idea,” said Granddad gently. “I don’t need so much of a blanket.”“Yes,” said the boy harshly, “a single blanket is enough for an old man when he’s sent away. We’ll save the other half, Dad; it will come in handy later.”“Now, what do you mean by that?” asked Dad.“I mean,” said the boy slowly,” that I’ll give it to you, Dad—when you’re old and I’m sending you—away.”There was a silence, and then Dad went over to Granddad and stood before him, not speaking. But Granddad understood, for he put out a hand and laid it on Dad’s shoulder. Petey was watching them. And he heard Granddad whisper, “It’s all right, son—I knew you didn’t mean it....” And then Petey cried.But it didn’t matter—because they were all three crying together.译文:一床双人毛毯(美)弗罗伊德•戴尔晴朗的九月的夜晚,银色的月光洒落在溪谷上。

专利外观 das 题录信息译文

专利外观 das 题录信息译文

专利外观 das 题录信息译文正文1. 专利外观 das 题录信息译文专利外观 das 题录信息是指在申请专利外观设计时提交的一份说明,其中包含了设计的名称、分类号、申请号等重要信息。


2. 专利外观的概念和作用专利外观是指产品外观设计的外观形状、图案,或者由颜色、图案和形状组合构成的,具有实用性、美观性,并适合工业制造和商业推广的新设计。



3. 专利外观 das 题录信息的重要性专利外观 das 题录信息是在申请专利外观时必须提交的一份资料,其具有重要的参考价值和意义。

它是对专利外观的主要描述,能够帮助专利审查人员和相关利益方全面、准确地了解设计的外观特征和技术信息;专利外观das 题录信息是专利权的法律依据,对于确认专利权、处理侵权纠纷等方面具有重要的法律意义。

专利外观 das 题录信息还可以作为专利文献信息的一部分,为相关研究和分析提供重要的数据和资料来源。

准确、清晰地翻译和记录专利外观 das 题录信息对于专利申请人和专利权的保护至关重要。

4. 深入理解专利外观 das 题录信息为了深入理解专利外观 das 题录信息,我们还需要进一步探讨其具体的内容和要求。

专利外观 das 题录信息一般包括以下几方面的内容:设计名称、分类号、申请号、申请日、设计人员、代理人等基本信息;外观特征、技术特征等详细描述;颜色、构成特征等具体要求。

在翻译和撰写专利外观das 题录信息时,需要特别注意对这些内容的准确、全面地描述和翻译。

值得一提的是,专利外观 das 题录信息在翻译过程中还需要考虑一些专业术语和表达的准确性和规范性。

新蕾快乐英语第三册 译文

新蕾快乐英语第三册 译文

新蕾快乐英语第三册 UNIT 1[00:00:00]Unit 1 Toys [译文]第1单元玩具[00:04.11]1 Look at my robot. [译文]1 看我的机器人。

[00:06.64]Let's listen and say. [译文]让我们听和说。

[00:09.21]a toy truck [译文]一辆玩具卡车[00:14.31]a toy jeep [译文]一辆玩具吉普车[00:19.00]a toy digger [译文]一辆玩具挖土车[00:23.25]a robot [译文]一个机器人[00:27.38]building blocks [译文]积木[00:31.71]Let's chant! [译文]唱一唱![00:34.43]Look at my toy truck. Wow! Good! [译文]看我的玩具卡车。

哇!好![00:41.31]Look at my toy jeep. Wow! Great! [译文]看我的玩具吉普车。

哇!太好了![00:44.88]Look at my toy digger. Wow! Cool! [译文]看我的玩具挖土车。

哇!酷![00:48.52]Look at my building blocks. Wow! Nice! [译文]看我的积木。

哇!好![00:52.11]Look! Look! Look at my robot. Wow! Wow! Super! Super![译文]看!看!看我的机器人。

哇!哇!太好了!太好了![01:00.09]Let's play together. [译文]让我们一起来玩吧。

[01:02.53]Great! [译文]太好了![01:04.57]Let's sing! [译文]我们来唱歌![01:07.41]I have a toy truck. Beep, beep... [译文]我有一辆玩具卡车。



新视野大学英语4:Unit2TextB课文+译文新视野大学英语4:Unit2 TextB(课文+译文)新视野大学英语4:Unit2都讲哪些知识吗?你对新视野大学英语4:Unit2了解吗?下面是yjbys店铺为大家带来的新视野大学英语4:Unit2的知识,欢迎阅读。

Making the choice to be truly beautiful选择拥有真正的美丽1.Extreme makeovers are all the rage these days, with too many people addicted to Botox injection parties and reality shows. Plastic surgery is on the rise. Many people are trying to match the extraordinary measures actors and actresses go through to look perfect on the screen. Yet, the shortcuts to create biomedical happiness by having surgery, taking supplements or dieting don't usually fulfill their promise. Besides, beautiful people are not automatically happy people.1.当今,过度追求相貌修整的风气无比盛行,太多的人沉迷于肉毒杆菌注射的宣讲会和真人秀,整容手术也日趋流行。


2.Attaining the highest degree of your beauty is not about looking good during social interaction, or physiological perfection, and you can't get there via technology. It's a growth process, a transformation of self through awareness and learning. It's about meaning, and being real. It's an emotional and spiritual walk, and it requires faith fueled with liberal doses of loving kindness.2.为了获得生物医学标准下的幸福感,人们会走做整容手术、吃营养品、节食这样的捷径,但这些捷径并不总能实现它们所承诺的效果。



新编英语教第8册译文汇总By Tommy 新编英语教第8册译文汇总最终版20170318新编英语教程8 LEVEL 8Unit OneTEXT ⅠHappinessTEXT ⅡStripping Down to Bare HappinessUnit TwoTEXT ⅠThe American DilemmaTEXT ⅡAmerican IndividualismUnit ThreeTEXT ⅠViolence as an American TraditionTEXT ⅡA Mirror to ManUnit FourTEXT ⅠNight WalkerTEXT ⅡVisible ManUnit FiveTEXT Ⅰ"I Have Here in My Hand..."TEXT ⅡBeep BeepUnit SixTEXT ⅠThe IksTEXT ⅡShooting an ElephantUnit SevenTEXT ⅠA Modest Proposal, Part OneTEXT ⅡA Modest Proposal, Part TwoUnit EightTEXT ⅠThe New ScienceTEXT ⅡEvolution of the Knowledge WorkerUnit NineTEXT ⅠBirth of a ForsyteTEXT ⅡThe Resident Meets His AssistantUnit TenTEXT ⅠMy WoodTEXT ⅡDepth on the SurfaceREFERENCESUnit OneTEXT ⅠHappiness Robert Coles幸福这个世界上没有其他国家像美国的开国元勋一样,把幸福的概念编入宪法,这个代表国家权力的标志,他们把追求幸福、自由和生命作为三个不可分割的基本权利写入宪法。


Fantastic Piece of Logic译文翻译(可打印修改)

Fantastic Piece of Logic译文翻译(可打印修改)

Fantastic Piece of Logic荒谬的的逻辑Sydney J. Harries One of the most fantastic pieces of logic I’ve ever seen in print is the rationale of capital punishment recently offered by Dr.George Crane, the only syndicated columnist who signs himself, “Ph.D., M.D.”我曾经在出版物中见过最荒谬的逻辑之一,是乔治克莱恩博士最近提出来的关于死刑的逻辑依据。


He writes:” Clergymen should stress the fact that without capital punishment, there would be Christianity at all. If Jesus had not been sentenced to death on the cross, how could there be any Catholic or Protestant churches today? So Christianity owes its very existence to capital punishment.”他写道:“牧师应该强调这样一个事实,如果没有死刑,那么怎会有基督教呢。


”With the use of this tremendous reasoning device, what cannot be justified in history? For instance, without the madness and despotism of King George I, there would have been no American Revolution and no United States of America.运用这种强大的推理方法,历史上还有什么不能被认定为是合理的?比如,没有国王乔治一世疯狂和专制,就不会有美国革命和美利坚合众国。



【课⽂译⽂】InventorsG...全新版⼤学进阶英语综合教程2Unit 6 Maker Movement in ChinaReading and ComprehensionReading2综合教程2Unit6Reading2课⽂朗读⾳频Inventors Give the White House a Maker-Over: htt?综合教程2Unit6Reading2单词录⾳Inventors Give the White House a Maker-Over:htt?在阅读的过程中,除了页边的⽣词表,你可能需要这个Additional Word List帮助你理解:conclude/kn'klud/ vi. 结束,终了fair-goer/'fe'g/ n. 展会参观者hallway/'hlwe/ n. 门厅;⾛廊,过道pancake/'pænkek/ n. 薄煎饼paper-crafted/'pep'krftd/ a. 纸⼯艺的pricey/'pras/ a.(⼝)价格⾼robotics /r'btks/ n.机器⼈技术;机器⼈学rover/'rv/ n. 漫游者;流浪者youthful /'juθf()l/ a. 年轻的Inventors Give the White House a Maker-Over— The First White House Maker Faire Draws Inventors of All Ages发明者们让⽩宫改头换⾯——⾸届⽩宫创客展吸引了各年龄层次的发明者By Bethany Brookshire贝瑟尼•布鲁克希尔1 WASHINGTON, D.C. — “I have to ask: What on earth have you done to my house?” A smiling President Barack Obama was referring to the White House, which on June 18 hosted its first Maker Faire. “There’s a robotic giraffe. There’s a giant red weather balloon in the Rose Garden. There’s a paper-crafted dinosaur head in the hallway. Over here is a 3-D-printed sculpture of my State of the Union Address!” The president stood next to a series of spikes representing the voiceprint of his speech. “Clearly,” the president concluded, “this is not your typical day at the White House.”1 华盛顿(哥伦⽐亚特区)——“我不得不问:你们究竟对我的房⼦做了什么?”笑盈盈的巴拉克•奥巴马总统指的是⽩宫,⽩宫在6⽉18⽇⾸次主办了创客展。

The Beauty Industry译文

The Beauty Industry译文

The Beauty IndustryBy Aldous Huxley The one American industry unaffected by the general depression of trade is beauty industry. American women continue to spend on their faces and bodies as much as they spent before the coming of the slump—about million pounds a week. These facts and figures are “official”, and can be accepted as being substantially true. Reading them, I was only surprised by the comparative smallness of the sums expended. From the prodigious number of advertisements of aids to beauty contained in the American magazines, I had imagined that personal appearance business must stand high up among the champions of American industry—the equal, or only just less than the equal, of bootlegging and racketeering, movies and automobiles. Still, one hundred and fifty-six million pounds a year is a tidy sum. Rather more than twice the revenue of India, if I remember rightly.美国唯一不受大萧条影响的工业是美容业。



Unit 5 Electronic CommerceText A 什么是电子商务今天我们能从阿里巴巴、易趣、雅虎等各种网站购买到从日常用品到工业机械设备等各种产品。





















科技英语阅读教材EST reading unit4 原文及译文高教出版

科技英语阅读教材EST reading unit4 原文及译文高教出版

Unite4 Electronic Information(robots)Remote-controlled Robot Surrogate Could Attend Your Next Meeting. for You(译文见下端)1It may look like a floor lamp mounted on a vacuum claener , but Anybots Inc.'s new QB is actually the latest in surrogate robotics . QB is designed to serve as your eyes ,ears and voice when you can't be there in person ,Even better , it's mobile , rolls around on two wheels like Rosie and can be navigated remotely via the Web and a Wi-Fi connection .2Telecommuting workers and traveling executives alike could us QB (so named because it is the next in line after the company's prototype QB bot) as a virtual extension of themselves. allowing them to attend meetings , tour facilities or perform walk-throughs of real estate properties , all while controlling the robot from a computer keyboard.3Anybots formally unveiled the remotely controlled robot on Tuesday and plans to start selling QBs by the end of the year .A five-megapixel vedio camera serves as one eye, whlie the other is a laser pointer. A speaker on the crown of QB's head gives it a mouthpiece, a touch-screen monitor on on its forehead enables software maintenance and other input , and a ring of protective rubber around its head makes it look a bit like Olivia Newton-John circa 1981.4Along with the wheels,a self-balancing system and a motor with a top speed of five kilometers per our make the robot mobile . The two-wheel-as opposed to a tricycle or quad-design makes it more maneuverable in tight spaces and helps keep its weight down to about 16 kilograms . The area between the QB's head and base consists of a length of telescoping plastic that can be adjusted to let the QB stand as tall as 175 centimeters or as short as 81 centimeter.5Although it's unclear if the capacity for remote operation. willUS$15,000 Price tag .Anybots believe its technology will appeal to a new generation of workers who expect to be in contact at all times and in all places .The QB is designed to enable this connectivity without sacrificing “presence”,says Bob Christopher,president and chief operating officer of Anybots ,based in Moutain View,Calif . Bandwidth speed and vedio quality continue to improve , but they can’t replace being there , he adds .A test-drive reveals valuable Wi-Fi lesson6 To see how this might work in practice , Scientific American test-drove (from our editorial offices in New York) a QB located at Anybots’s facility in California . Our mossion was to drive across the building’s lobby and ask a second QB (remotely controlled by an Anybots employee) where we could find Erin Rapacki , who does product development for the company , and then proceed to Erin’s location. The session began with logging on to a website set up by Anybots and selecting the IP address of the QB we were to inhabit.7 Once our robot “woke up” and connected to Anybots’s local Wi-Fi network, we used the arrow keys on our keyboard to navigate the QB across the lobby. The controls take some getting used to. Particularly because rugs and other materials on the floor may prevent the Qb from travelling a completely straight line . We easily found the other QB but had difficulty aligning our camera so that we were staring directly into the other QB’s camera. This wasn’t necessary , because we could hearthe person controlling the other QB loud and clear through the microphone on our robot. Using the arrow keys,we were able to swivel our QB to the left and follow the relatively basic directions we had been given to our destination.8 With a bit more practice, navigation would have been smoother, THE QB features a buit-in lidar(light detection and ranging) system that warns the robot when it is getting too close to an object and slows the robot down to avoid(or at least reduce the impact of) a collision. The QB also has a camera located on the bottom of its “”chin” that points down at its wheels so you can see whether you’re about to drive over a lower obstacle(such as someone’s foot).9 The QB’s laser-pointer eye turned out to be useful when greeting people we encountered, including Anybots founder and CEO Trevor Blackwell, who accepted a laser beam in the palm of his hand in lieu of a handshake (a relief ,since the QB has no hands).10 By the time we were ready to leave , we were able to drive our QB back to the Anybots lobby and out the front door. Just past the building’s threshold, we learned a valuable lesson in surrogate navigation: never drive outside the range of your Wi-Fi network. A dropped connection means no cameras and no control over the robot’s navigation, which was especially unfortunate in our case because we were approaching the top of a ramp down to the parking lot when we lost the signal.11 Danger,Will Robinson.Unit4译文今后远程控制的代理机器人可以为您参加的会议它可能看起来像装在一个真空吸尘器落地灯,但实际上它是Anybots公司最新的代理机器人的QB。


(2)中文产品标题信息不全,采取补译策略。 以中文标题“2017韩版新款女装外套秋装短外套纯色立领 肩章双排扣小外套”为例,敦煌网店展示的英文产品标题“Hot Sale New Women's Blazer Autumn Slim Short Mini Coat Solids Cotton All Sizes ZWD-19”。为了传递原语的审美性和 艺术形式,迎合女性潮流需求,在目的性原则下采取“同一” 策略实现产品展示和推广目的。补充“slim”,顺应女性审美 心理和时尚需求;根据原产品材质信息,增加“Cotton”满足 品质和健康要求;增补网店内部产品编号ZWD-19,担当“呼 请性”要求。为了让客户心动,中文标题增加此类关键词补足 表情性内容,表达卖家的看法和态度,呼应译入语接受者对于 服装类产品期待的方式进行处理,原文与英译达成语际连贯一 致,符合重视原则,实现让客户“心动”的目的。 为了让标题应有尽有,满足不同买家搜索习惯,让买家 获得“足够”的决策信息,在尊重原产品基本信息基础上,优 质的英译标题至少要覆盖销售策略、季节、使用场合、买家性 别、颜色以及充分的主关键词的同义词和近义词。 表二:跨境电商网店产品标题关键词覆盖范围(以裙子为例)
3.1 跨境电商网店产品标题的构成和特点 产品标题的质量决定该产品被买家搜索到的概率,提升产 品的可成交性,加快买家下单决定,Ebay官网“准确的英文产 品标题其实比产品图片更加重要”则更加贴切地说明了产品标 题的重要性。下面通过两个高销售量商品的标题来解析优质产 品标题的构成。 从标题分解可以看出,优质标题具有以下三个特点:
功能翻译理论下最具影响力的翻译目的论将目的作为翻译任 务的出发点与根本、翻译策略、翻译方法以及对原作形式与内容 的取舍、目标文本的制作都以译入语的目的为参照。因此,有必 要在翻译目的论视角下研究新兴的产品标题的英译策略。

商务英语笔译 chapter 7

商务英语笔译 chapter 7
Sec 2
例如: ①The type CYJ15-18-18 oil pumping machine is of simple and compact construction. 译文:CYJ15-18-18型抽油机的结构紧凑。 ②The wiring should be in good condition and core flex should not be exposed. 译文:这些配线必须完好无算,中心导体不得裸露。
Sec 1
II. 产品说明书的翻译技巧(6)
Sec 2
Sec 4
Sec 6
Sec 7
(4)现在分词 + 名词 这种句型用于说明维修或操作程序及说明有 关技术要求。例如: Simultaneously cutting two pieces of sheet is strictly forbidden. 译文:绝对禁止同时冲剪两块板材。
Translation of Product Descriptions
Chapter 7
Sec 2
产品说明书在英语中通常有不同的说法,即 Instruction Direction Description
Sec 3
Sec 4
Sec 6
Sec 7
Sec 6
Sec 7
Sec 8
Sec 1
II. 产品说明书的翻译技巧(2) (2)注意语言的可读性和感染力。
Sec 2
由于说明书对广告具有辅助作用,其语言要做到通俗易懂,适当时候可以运 用一些文学语言,以完成其广告效应。例如: ① Add sugar and milk to taste. 译文:加入适量的牛奶和糖,味道更佳。 ② A nourishing beverage for all ages. An excellent gift in all seasons.



瓦格纳音乐会1、一天早上我收到一封信, 是用褪色的墨水写的,信纸是蓝条子的,很光滑,盖的是内布拉斯加州一个小村庄的邮戳。





















商务英语翻译(英译汉)第二版电子教案第5单元 凝练翻译法

商务英语翻译(英译汉)第二版电子教案第5单元  凝练翻译法
• 译文一:然而据摩根大通的估计,货币市场基金 已经给法国银行贷出了约2000亿美元的贷款。 惠誉国际一份关于10大货币市场基金的调查显示, 尽管希腊财政状况令人担忧,但这些贷款仍占了 基金管理下资产的12%,与去年接近。(95个字)
• 译文二:然而,根据世界500强摩根大通公司估 计,货币市场基金向法国银行提供了约2000亿 美元的贷款。这个数字,根据惠誉国际就10家最 大的一流货币市场基金进行调查的结果显示,尽
• 译文:当美元兑换日元快要降至低于123日元时
,日本央行就会在下午三点钟不到的时候干预市 场。
• 这里的汉语译文将“was”省略未译。
• 另一种减译法——精炼压缩, 则是指把英语中较 为复杂的结构包括从句压缩成精炼的汉语词组。 如将“the exchange of needed goods” 翻译成“互 通有无”,将“suitable for men, women and children”翻译成“男女老少皆宜”等,都属于精练 压缩翻译法。
• 就翻译而言,在一种语言的凝练表达中需要的成 分,在另外一种语言的凝练表达中有可能不需要, 这时,就可以采用凝练翻译法——即,将这些不 需要的成分略去不译,从而使得译文简洁晓畅、 “文约而意丰”。
• 英汉两种语言在语法上差异就很大。这些差异体 现在:
• 英语有冠词,而汉语却没有;
• 英语重形合、连接词较多,汉语重意合、连接词 较少;
• You shall facilitate the foreign trade enterprises by adopting measures such as holiday appointment inspection application, telephone inspection application, fax inspection application, advance inspection application, and clockwise wait for inspection.



考研英语⼆翻译真题及参考译⽂2010-2015年考研英语⼆翻译参考Deng Lan2015年1)Think about driving a route // that’s very familiar. // It could be your commute to work, // a trip into town or // the way home.// Whichever it is, // you know every twist and turn //like the back of your hand.想象⼀下,你正开车⾏驶/驰骋在⼀条你⾮常熟悉的路线上,可能是你上班或进城或回家的道路。


(增译/尽量简洁/意译)On these sorts of trips //it’s easy to lose concentration on the driving // and pay little attention // to the passing scenery.⾏驶在这类道路上,你的注意⼒很容易分散,极少会留⼼沿途的风景。

(按照汉语习惯进⾏意译)The consequence //is that you perceive // that the trip has taken less time //than it actually has.结果,你感觉到这趟旅程所花费的时间⽐它实际的时间要短。

2)This is the well-travelled road effect: // people tend to underestimate the time //it takes to travel a familiar route.这就是在常开的道路上开车所产⽣的效果:⼈们倾向于低估在熟悉的道路上开车的时间。

3)The effect is caused //by the way we allocate our attention. //我们注意⼒的分配⽅式导致了这种效应。

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现在,我们的 iOS 团队正在在开发很多新特性,并对现有的特性进行优化,这些改进将把本杰明和我初创的这个产品带入下一阶段。







