
工业产品设计外文翻译参考文献工业产品设计外文翻译参考文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)Design Without DesignersI will always remember my first introduction to the power of good product design.I was newly arrived at Apple, still learning the ways of business, when I was visited by a member of Apple's Industrial Design team. He showed me a foam mockup of a proposed product. "Wow," I said, "I want one! What is it?"That experience brought home the power of design: I was excited and enthusiastic even before I knew what it was. This type of visceral "wow" response requires creative designers. It is subjective, personal. Uh oh, this is not what engineers like to hear. If you can't put a number to it, it's not important. As a result, there is a trend to eliminate designers. Who needs them when we can simply test our way to success? The excitement of powerful, captivating design is defined as irrelevant. Worse, the nature of design is in danger.Don't believe me? Consider Google. In a well-publicized move, a senior designer at Google recently quit, stating that Google had no interest in or understanding of design. Google, it seems, relies primarily upon test results, not human skill or judgment. Want to know whether a design is effective? Try it out. Google can quickly submit samples to millions of people in well-controlled trials, pitting one design against another, selecting the winner based upon number of clicks, or sales, or whatever objective measure they wish. Which color of blue is best? Test. Item placement? T est. Web page layout? Test.This procedure is hardly unique to Google. /doc/f51636438.html, has long followed this practice. Years ago I was proudly informed that they no longer have debates about which design is best: they simply test them and use the data to decide. And this, of course, is the approach used by the human-centered iterative design approach: prototype, test, revise.Is this the future of design? Certainly there are many who believe so. This is a hot topic on the talk and seminar circuit. After all, the proponents ask reasonably, who could object to making decisions based upon data?Two Types of Innovation: Incremental Improvements and New ConceptsIn design—and almost all innovation, for that matter—there are at least two distinct forms. One is incremental improvement. In the manufacturing of products, companies assume that unit costs will continually decrease through continual, incremental improvements. A steady chain of incremental innovation enhances operations, the sourcing of parts and supply-chain management. The product design is continually tinkered with, adjusting the interface, adding new features, changing small things here and there. New products are announced yearly that are simply small modifications to the existing platform by a different constellation of features. Sometimes features are removed to enable a new, low-cost line. Sometimes features are enhanced or added. In incremental improvement, the basic platform is unchanged. Incremental design and innovation is less glamorous than the development of new concepts and ideas, but it is both far more frequent and far more important. Most of these innovations are small, but most are quite successful. This iswhat companies call "their cash cow": a product line that requires very little new development cost while being profitable year after year.The second form of design is what is generally taught in design, engineering and MBA courses on "breakthrough product innovation." Here is where new concepts get invented, new products defined, and new businesses formed. This is the fun part of innovation. As a result, it is the arena that most designers and inventors wish to inhabit. But the risks are great: most new innovations fail. Successful innovations can take decades to become accepted. As a result, the people who create the innovation are not necessarily the people who profit from it.In my Apple example, the designers were devising a new conception. In the case of Google and Amazon, the companies are practicing incremental enhancement. They are two different activities. Note that the Apple product, like most new innovations, failed. Why? I return to this example later.Both forms of innovation are necessary. The fight over data-driven design is misleading in that it uses the power of one method to deny the importance of the second. Data-driven design through testing is indeed effective at improving existing products. But where did the idea for the product come from in the first place? From someone's creative mind. Testing is effective at enhancing an idea, but creative designers and inventors are required to come up with the idea.Why Testing Is Both Essential and IncompleteData-driven design is "hill-climbing," a well-known algorithm for optimization. Imagine standing in the dark in an unknown, hilly terrain. How do you get to the top of the hill when you can't see? Test the immediate surroundings to determine whichdirection goes up the most steeply and take a step that way. Repeat until every direction leads to a lower level.But what if the terrain has many hills? How would you know whether you are on the highest? Answer: you can't know. This is called the "local maximum" problem: you can't tell if you are on highest hill (a global maximum) or just at the top of a small one.When a computer does hill climbing on a mathematical space, it tries to avoid the problem of local maxima by initiating climbs from numerous, different parts of the space being explored, selecting the highest of the separate attempts. This doesn't guarantee the very highest peak, but it can avoid being stuck on a low-ranking one. This strategy is seldom available to a designer: it is difficult enough to come up with a single starting point, let alone multiple, different ones. So, refinement through testing in the world of design is usually only capable of reaching the local maximum. Is there a far better solution (that is, is there a different hill which yields far superior results)? Testing will never tell us.Here is where creative people come in. Breakthroughs occur when a person restructures the problem, thereby recognizing that one is exploring the wrong space. This is the creative side of design and invention. Incremental enhancements will not get us there.Barriers to Great InnovationDramatic new innovation has some fundamental characteristics that make it inappropriate for judgment through testing. People resist novelty. Behavior tends to be conservative. New technologies and new methods of doing things usually take decades to be accepted - sometimes multiple decades. But the testing methods allassume that one can make a change, try it out, and immediately determine if it is better than what is currently available.There is no known way to tell if a radical new idea will eventually be successful. Here is where great leadership and courage is required. History tells us of many people who persevered for long periods in the face of repeated rejection before their idea was accepted, often to the point that after success, people could not imagine how they got along without it before. History also tells us of many people who persevered yet never were able to succeed. It is proper to be skeptical of radical new ideas.In the early years of an idea, it might not be accepted because the technology isn't ready, or because there is a lot more optimization still to be done, or because the audience isn't ready. Or because it is a bad idea. It is difficult to determine which of those reasons dominates. The task only becomes easy in hindsight, long after it becomes established.These long periods between formation and initial implementation of a novel idea and its eventual determination of success or failure in the marketplace is what defeats those who wish to use evidence as a decision criterion for following a new direction. Even if a superior way of doing something has been found, the automated test process will probably reject it, not because the idea is inferior, but because it cannot wait decades for the answer. Those who look only at test results will miss the large payoff.Of course there are sound business reasons why ignoring potentially superior approaches might be a wise decision. After all, if the audience is not ready for the new approach, it wouldinitially fail in the marketplace. That is true, in the short run. But to prosper in the future, the best approach would be to develop and commercialize the new idea to get marketplace experience, to begin the optimization process, and to develop the customer base. At the same time one is preparing the company for the day when the method takes off. Sure, keep doing the old, but get ready for the new. If the company fails to recognize the newly emerging method, its competitors will take over. Quite often these competitors will be a startup that existing companies ignored because what they were doing was not well accepted, and in any event did not appear to challenge the existing business: see "The innovator's dilemma."Gestural, multi-touch interfaces for screen-driven devices and computer games are good examples. Are these a brilliant new innovation? Brilliant? Yes. New? Absolutely not. Multi-touch devices were in research labs for almost three decades before the first successful mass-produced products. I saw gestures demonstrated over two decades ago. New ideas take considerable time to reach success in the marketplace. If an idea is commercialized too soon, the result is usually failure (and a large loss of money).This is precisely what the Apple designer of my opening paragraph had done. What I was shown was a portable computer designed for schoolchildren with a form factor unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was wonderful, and even to my normally critical eye, it looked like a perfect fit for the purpose and audience. Alas, the product got caught in a political fight between warring Apple divisions. Although it was eventually released into the marketplace, the fight crippled its integrity and it was badly executed, badly supported, and badly marketed.The resistance of a company to new innovations is well founded. It is expensive to develop a new product line with unknown profitability. Moreover, existing product divisions will be concerned that the new product will disrupt existing sales (this is called "cannibalization"). These fears are often correct. This is a classic case of what is good for the company being bad for an existing division, which means bad for the promotion and reward opportunities for the existing division. Is it a wonder companies resist? The data clearly show that although a few new innovations are dramatically successful, most fail, often at great expense. It is no wonder that companies are hesitant - resistant - to innovation no matter what their press releases and annual reports claim. To be conservative is to be sensible.The FutureAutomated data-driven processes will slowly make more and more inroads into the space now occupied by human designers. New approaches to computer-generated creativity such as genetic algorithms, knowledge-intensive systems, and others will start taking over the creative aspect of design. This is happening in many other fields, whether it be medical diagnosis or engineering design.We will get more design without designers, but primarily of the enhancement, refinement, and optimization of existing concepts. Even where new creative artificial systems are developed, whether by neural networks, genetic algorithms, or some yet undiscovered method, any new concept will still face the hurdle of overcoming the slow adoption rate of people and of overcoming the complex psychological, social, and political needs of people. T o do this, we need creative designers, creative business people, and risk takers willing to push the boundaries.New ideas will be resisted. Great innovations will come at the cost of multiple great failures.Design without designers? Those who dislike the ambiguity and uncertainty of human judgments, with its uncertain track record and contradictory statements will try to abolish the human element in favor of the certainty that numbers and data appear to offer. But those who want the big gains that creative judgment can produce will follow their own judgment. The first case will bring about the small, continual improvements that have contributed greatly to the increased productivity and lowering of costs of our technologies. The second case will be rewarded with greatfailures and occasional great success. But those great successes will transform the world.不需要设计师的设计唐·诺曼我永远也不会忘记我第一次向人们介绍优秀产品设计的魅力的经历,那时候我刚刚到苹果公司,还在逐渐的学习工作上的事务。

英文原文:Design for Modularity: Product Design for Decomposition and IntegrationABSTRACTIn the last few years, corporation has engaged in studies to improve their design processes, ranging from marketing to support. Recent government, academic and industrial sector initiatives have sought advance technologies for developing and managing product development environment. Many companies have established a concurrent design process for their product development and have recognized a need for tools in evaluating the level of decomposition and integration, while analyzing the impact on the final design. This article will propose a three-phase methodology for design of products while considering modularity, assembly and manufacture.KEYWORDSModularity, Group technology, Optimization, Decomposition, Classification1. IntroductionModular design is a design technique that can be used to develop complex products using similar components . Components used in a modular product must have features that enable them to be coupled together to form a complex product. Modular design can be also viewed as the process of producing units that perform discrete functions, and then the units are connected together to provide a variety of functions. Modular design emphasizes the minimization of interactions between components, which will enable components to bedesigned and produced independently from each other. Each component, designed for modularity, is supposed to support one or more function. When components are structured together, to form a product, they will support a larger or general function. This shows the importance of analyzing the product function and decomposing it into sub-functions that can be satisfied by different functional modules. Modularity can be applied in the product design, design problems, production systems, or all three. It is preferable to use the modular design in all three types at the same time.Modular products refer to products that fulfill various overall functions through the combination of distinct building blocks or modules. In the sense that the overall function, performed by the product, can be divided into sub functions that can be implemented by different modules or components. An important aspect of modular products is the creation of a basic core unit to which different elements (modules) can be fitted, thus enabling a variety of versions of the same module to be produced. The core should have sufficient capacity to cope with all expected variations in performance and usage.Most design problems can be broken down into a set of easy to manage simpler sub-problems. Sometimes complex problems are reduced into easier sub-problems, where a small change in the solution of one sub-problem can lead to a change in other sub-problems’ solutions. T his means that the decomposition has resulted in functionally dependent sub-problems. Modularity focuses on decomposing the overall problem into functionally independent sub-problems, in which interaction or interdependence between sub-problems is minimized. Thus, a change in the solution of one problem may lead to a minor modification in other problems, or it may have no effect on other sub-problems.Modularity in production systems aims at building production systems from standardized modular machines. The fact that a wide diversity of production requirements exists has led to the introduction of a variety of production machinery, and a lack of agreement on what the building blocks should be. This means that there are no standards for modular machinery. In order to build a modular production system, production machinery must be classified into functional groups from which a selection of a modularproduction system can be made to respond to different production requirements. Rogers classified production mach inery into four basic groups of “primitive” production elements. These are process machine primitives, motion units, modular fixtures, and configurable control units. It is argued that if a selection is made from these four categories, it will be possible to build a diverse range of efficient, automated and integrated production system.2.Overview of Product DevelopmentProduct development is a necessary and important part of the activities performed by a manufacturing firm. Due to changes in manufacturing technology, consumer preferences, and government regulations (to name a few influences), existing products will become less profitable over time. The sales volume of a typical product starts slowly, accelerates, becomes flat, and then steadily declines. Although there may be a few products that remain profitable for many years, firms continually develop new products that will generate more profits. Product development determines what the firm will manufacture and sell. That is, it attempts to design products that customers will buy and to design manufacturing processes that meet customer demand profitably. Poor decisions during product development lead to products that no one wants to buy and products that are expensive to manufacture in sufficient quantity.A product development process is the set of activities needed to bring a new product to market. A product development organization includes the engineers, managers, and other personnel who make process and product engineering decisions and perform these activities. (Note that, in this paper, the term new product covers the redesign of an existing product as well.)Because making good decisions requires expertise and an organization of people can be experts in only a few things, a manufacturing firm specializes in a certain class of products. It focuses its attention on the market for that class of products, the technologies available to produce that class, and the regulations relevant to that class.Like other parts of the business, a product development organization seeks tomaximize the profit of the manufacturing firm subject to the relevant regulatory and ethical constraints and other conditions that the firm’s owners impose based on their values. A product development organization does this by regularly introducing new products that the firm can manufacture, market, and sell. Fundamentally, then, a product development organization transforms information about the world (e.g., technology, preferences, and regulations) into information about products and processes that will generate profits for the firm. It performs this transformation through decision-making (Herrmann and Schmidt, 2002). Because the design problem is highly complex, product development teams decompose the problem into a product development process, which provides the mechanisms for linking a series of design decisions that do not explicitly consider profit.The following nine steps are the primary activities that many product development processes accomplish (Schmidt et al., 2002):Step 1. Identify the customer needs.Step 2. Establish the product specification.Step 3. Define alternative concepts for a design that meets the specification.Step 4. Select the most suitable concept.Step 5. Design the subsystems and integrate them.Step 6. Build and test a prototype; modify the design as required.Step 7. Design and build the tooling for production.Step 8. Produce and distribute the product.Step 9. Track the product during its life cycle to determine its strengths and weaknesses.This list (or any other description that uses a different number of steps) is an extremely simple depiction that not only conveys the scope of the process but also highlights the inherent (but unquestioned) decomposition. There are many other ways to represent product development processes and the component tasks, including the use of schedules or a design structure matrix (Smith and Eppinger, 2001).Manufacturing firms understand that design decisions (though made early in theproduct life cycle) have an excessive impact on the profitability of a product over its entire life cycle. Consequently, product development organizations have created and used concurrent engineering practices for many years (Smith, 1997, provides a historical view). Many types of tools and methods (such as cross-functional product development teams and design for manufacturing guidelines) have been created, adopted, and implemented to improve decision-making. Cooper (1994) identifies three generations of formal approaches to product development, all of which involve decomposition.It should be noted, however, that decomposition is not the only way to describe product development. As an alternative to decomposing a system design problem into subproblems, Hazelrigg (1996) proposes creating and refining system design models to express how detailed design variables affect the overall system performance. This approach suggests that a product development process would end with using the model to find the optimal design. Hazelrigg (1998) encourages this type of optimization but does not discuss the process of generating the profit maximization model.3. A Methodology for Design for ModularityA three-phase methodology is proposed for the development of complex products using the modularity concept [1,2]. The proposed methodology matches the criteria set by the design for functionality, assembly and manufacture. Some of the major benefits associated with this methodology include:·Increased design accuracy, efficiency, and the reuse of existing design for new programs.·Potential for integration of the developed methodology and technology into the engineering design activities.·Modular product design and the process of planning the production are integrated in one overall engineering process in which product features are mapped into their feasible process(es) in a one to one correspondence.In order to implement this concept successfully, the manner in which the modules areselected is critical. By establishing simple interfaces within the modules, the numbers of interactions are then reduced. The steps associated with this methodology include: Phase I - Decomposition Analysis: Design for Modularity and Classification1. Product and problem decomposition.2. Structural and modular decomposition.3. Associativity analysis between the components and specification.4. Application of group technology classification system.5. Construction of the associativity measure matrix.6. Optimum selection of modules.Phase II - Product Analysis: Design for Assembly and Functionality Analysis1. Identify the components that could be produced and assembled separately.2. Determine of the order of disassembly and assembly for each sub-component module.3. Establish the interfaces based on the analysis of the design features.4. Determine of the order, which the sub-assemblies are assembled to produce the final product.Phase III - Process Analysis: Design for Manufacture1. Family identification and template retrieval.2. Determination of the logical order of GT codes for the process of modules.3. Machine and process parameter calculation.4. Variant process planning.4. Decomposition Analysis: Design for Modularity and ClassificationPhase I of the methodology further specifications associated with this phase are illustrated as follows:4.1. Needs AnalysisThe design engineer is usually given an ill-defined problem. In many situations, the designer has to respond to the mere suggestion that there is a need for a product to performa certain function. One of the main tasks is to find out precisely what are the needs and what do customers really want. An important step in the design is to describe the product fully in terms of functional needs and physical limitations. These functional needs and physical limitations will form the product specifications. Surveying prospective purchasers or customers could collect information required to identify customer needs. Conducting a marketing study that begins by establishing target markets and customers can do this. Then customers’ wants and needs could be obtained by using several methods such as interviews and questionnaires. Also, similar products (competitive products) are investigated to find possible improvement opportunities by focusing on weakness points and desired features by customers. Next, customer wants and needs are arranged into groups and prioritized according to their importance. Needs analysis usually results in a statement of recognized needs and the expected manner in which that need should be met.4.2. Product Requirements AnalysisResults of the needs analysis step are used to identify the product requirements. The development group begins by preparing a list of functional objectives needed to meet the customer’s primary needs. Further analysis of customer needs reveals operational functional requirements that impose both functional and physical constraints on the design. Secondary customer requirements will be categorized as general functional requirements; they are ranked secondary because they will not affect the main function of the product. That is, a product may lack one or more general functional requirement and still be considered as a functional product that meets the intended function. General functional requirements should be weighted with respect to their importance.4.3. Product Concept AnalysisProduct/concept analysis is the decomposition of the product into its basic functional and physical elements. These elements must be capable of achieving the product’s functions. Functional elements are defined as the individual operations and transformations that contribute to the overall performance of the product. Physical elements are defined as the parts, components, and subassemblies that ultimately implement the product’s function.Product concept analysis consists of product physical decomposition and product functional decomposition. In product physical decomposition, the product is decomposed into its basic physical components which, when assembled together, will accomplish the product function. Physical decomposition should result in the identification of basic components that must be designed or selected to perform the product function. Product functional decomposition describes the products overall functions and identifies components functions. Also, the interfaces between functional components are identified.4.4. Product/Concept IntegrationBasic components resulting from the decomposition process should be arranged in modules and integrated into a functional system. The manner by which components are arranged in modules will affect the product design. The resulting modules can be used to structure the development teams needed. System level specifications are the oneto- one relationship between components with respect to their functional and physical characteristics. Functional characteristics are a result of the operations and transformations that components perform in order to contribute to the overall performance of the product. Physical characteristics are a result of the components’ arrangements,assemblies, and geometry that implement the product function. Physical and functional characteristics, forming the system level specifications, are arranged into a hierarchy of descriptions that begins by the component at the top level and ends with the detailed descriptions at the bottom level.Bottom level descriptions (detailed descriptions) are used to determine the relationships between components, 1 if the relationship exists and 0 otherwise. This binary relationship between components is arranged in a vector form, “System Level Specifications Vector”(SLSV). System level specifi cations identified in the previous step affects the general functional requirements in the sense that some specifications may help satisfy some general functional requirements, while other specifications might prevent the implementation of some desired general functional requirements. The impact of the SLS on GFR’s should be clearly identified which will help in developing products that willmeet, up to a satisfactory degree, the general functional requirements stated earlier. The impact will be determined based on –1 as negative impact, 0 as no impact, and 1 as positive impact. A negative impact represents an undesired effect on the general functional requirements such as limiting the degree to which the product will meet the general requirement, or preventing the product from implementing the general requirement. While a positive impact represents a desired effect that the SLS will have on the general requirements, such SLS will ensure that the product will satisfy the requirements and result in customer satisfaction. An SLS is said to have no impact if it neither prevents the implementation of the GFR, nor helps satisfying the GFR.The degree of association between components should be measured and used in grouping components into modules. Incorporating the general functional requirement weights can do this, in addition to the system level specifications vectors and their impacts on the general functional requirements to provide a similarity index between components.The similarity indices associated with components are arranged in a component vs. component matrix. Components with high degree of association should be grouped together in design modules. This can be accomplished by using an optimization model that maximizes the sum of the similarities. The optimization model will identify independent modules that can be designed simultaneously. Several models are available for optimization analysis of this model.5.Types of DecompositionA product development process follows a decomposition scheme that reflects the experience of the organization and the individuals that inhabit the organization. This relationship explains the design of many organizations and business processes, of course, and obviously applies to product development processes as performed in the real-world. (The study of contingency theory has explored the relationship of organization structure to the organization’s goals and environment.) The evolut ion of the product development process is influenced by exceptional events (such as disasters that cause managers toimplement controls or regulations designed to ensure that “it never happens again”), by executives and managers who participated in or observed different processes used by other organizations, and by natural processes of continuous improvement. These influences are resisted by the inertia of individuals in the organization (“that’s not the way we do it here”), and the implemention of innovations may fail for other reasons. Klein and Sorra (1996) argue that the implementation effectiveness depends upon implementation climate and implementation policies and practices.Holt et al. (1960) mention a three-stage process for the evolution of a decision-making system. In the first stage, when an organization is small, skilled managers make decisions as situations arise. In the second stage, the complexity of the operations increases, and the firm installs a system of decisionmaking. For routine decisions, heuristics or simple rules guide decision-making. In the third stage, the firm seeks to improve decision-making by implementing decision support tools. Often these tools help decision-makers treat problems in a more integrated fashion.In conclusion, rarely are product development processes explicitly designed to optimize profitability. Still, the never-ending quest to improve processes leads managers to change them, first hoping to improve this metric, then hoping to improve another, always seeking changes that improve all metrics simultaneously. Because different firms find themselves in different positions, they seek different things from their processes. More precisely, there exist a large set of objectives, and each organization prioritizes these objectives differently. Thus, each firm finds a different process most desirable for itself, in the same way that different families looking at the houses for sale in the same city choose different houses based on their own priorities on location, price, number of bedrooms, and so forth.Being unique, each product development organization has a unique product development process that embodies a unique decomposition. If each process has changed over time due to many different reasons, it may seem unreasonable to describe the forces that shape specific product development processes. Indeed, Blanchard and Fabrycky (1998)state that a development process is a generic template that must be “tailored” to a specific project’s need. They describe three common processe s: the waterfall model, the spiral model, and the V model. They observe that preferences among these models are subjective and that careful study is needed to select the best model for a specific project.Still, some authors have described some of the factors that make certain types of processes more or less successful. For instance, Loch and Terwiesch (1998) use an analytical model of concurrent engineering to show how uncertainty (and the speed of uncertainty reduction) affects the optimal amount to overlap activities and the optimal frequency of meetings used to coordinate the concurrent activities. More generally, Pich, Loch, and De Meyer (2002) identify three project management strategies (instructionism, learning, and selectionism) that handle uncertainty in different ways. Accordingly, project managers must determine the adequacy of what is known about the world and the effects of different actions and must determine whether any inadequacy is due to ambiguity or complexity. The paper proposes some simple rules suggesting when to use each strategy.6. Summary and ConclusionsThis article has presented a new methodology for modular design. The complete process is a three-phase process, but only phase I of the methodology is presented. The method illustrates the significance of the group technology coding and classification and the optimization in modular design.This synthesis contributes to a theory of design describes how design happens in practice and explains this behavior. The fundamental axioms include the profit maximization objective, bounded rationality (including limited time and resources available for product development), and the presence of uncertainty.Extending this theory of design will require better understanding of the advantages and drawbacks of different decompositions. Also useful will be understanding the relationship between the effort spent to solve a design subproblem and the quality of the resulting solution.It will be interesting to see how improvements in information technology and decision support systems increase the amount of information that one decision-maker can process and how these improvements change the balance between decomposition and integration. 中文翻译:模块化设计:产品设计的分解与整合摘要:在过去的几年里,公司进行了研究,以改善他们的设计流程,从市场营销支持。


自动化立体仓库(AS / RS)嵌入计算机驱动正变得越来越普遍。
由于AS / RS 使用的增加对计算机控制的需要与支持也在提高。
这项研究解决了在多巷道立体仓库的拣选问题,在这种存储/检索(S / R)操作中,每种货物可以在多个存储位置被寻址到。
关键词:自动化立体仓库,AS / RS系统,拣选,遗传算法。
自动化立体仓库(AS / RS),一方面通过提供快速响应,来达到高操作效率;另一方面它还有助于运作方面的系统响应时间,减少的拣选完成的总行程时间。
Roodbergen 和de Koster 拓展了Ratliff 和Rosenthal算法。
就此Van den Berg 和Gademann发明了一种运输模型(TP),它是对于指定的存储和卸载进行测算的仪器。
Design is for Living——查尔斯·伊姆斯的产品设计解读

r U、 esi0 qn ■ l s t· or _ L 0 i v● I nq 查 尔斯 ·伊姆斯 的 产 品设计解读
1940年 ,伊姆斯 在和小沙里宁进行 家具设 计合作 的过程中遇到 了蕾 (Ray Kaiser Eames),蕾帮助他们完成了纽约现代艺术博物馆举办 的 “家
庭陈设中的有机设计 ”竞赛 ,伊 姆斯和沙里宁的设 计,通 过胶合板成型技 术制作复杂的座椅曲面,获得了比赛 的头 奖。
1941年 ,伊姆斯 和蕾结 婚并 搬到加利 福利亚 ,他 们继续 利用胶合板 成 型技术进行家具设计。1949年 ,伊姆斯夫妇 在/jn,)、I1设计并建造了 自己的 住宅 Case Study House,设计 和材f ̄a% U新运用使 这所住宅远近 闻名 。今 天,它被公认为是世界上最重 要的战后住宅之一。
一 宣 尔斯 ·伊姆 斯
查尔斯.伊姆斯 (Charles Eames,1907—1978)是美国最杰出、最 有影响 的家具 与室 内设 计大师之一,同时他 还是 建筑师 、发明家 、工艺 师、科学 家、电影人、教 授,卓越的设计 涵盖了家具 、建筑 、影像与平 面设计。
1907年 ,伊姆斯 出生于密苏里州圣路易斯市 ,上学 时对工程和建 筑有 极大的兴趣 。当时的华盛顿大学推 崇古典学 院派 ,伊姆 斯却被完全反古典 的赖特 的设 计所吸引。在华盛顿大学就读两年后 ,因为对赖特 的崇 拜伊姆 斯被华盛顿大学扫地 出门,开始在一家建筑事务所工作。1930年 ,伊姆斯建 立了自己的工作室 ,但由于1929年的美国经济危机 ,建筑设计市场惨淡,伊 姆斯只得 将业务范 围扩大到玩 具、家具 、灯具 、陶瓷等设计方向 ,他的才华 引起了老沙里宁的注意 ,老沙里宁帮助他在克兰布鲁克学院完成 了学业。
毕业设计马铃薯去皮机的设计目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第一章引言 (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (3)国内外马铃薯去皮设备简介 (3) (3)蒸煮装置 (4)化学去皮装置 (5)第二章马铃薯去皮机的结构设计 (7)马铃薯去皮机的设计及特点 (7) (10) (10) (10) (11) (11) (11)第三章马铃薯去皮机的参数确定 (13)物料在工作圆筒内的受力分析 (13) (14) (15) (17)第四章主要零件的结构设计与计算 (18)V带轮结构设计计算 (18)4.2传动主轴的结构设计计算 (19) (20) (21) (21)第五章主要零件的校核 (22) (22) (22) (22) (23) (24) (24)总结 (25)致谢 .................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
参考文献 . (26)摘要:马铃薯去皮是所有马铃薯制品加工工艺过程的重要环节,目前存在的各种去皮方法都各自有其一定的局限性。
关键词:去皮机;摩擦;设计;马铃薯Abstract: Peeling is an important annulet in potato processing, Methods of peeling which have been used at present all has their limitation. Along with the development of potato processing industry and the progress of our society and economy, it has become an urgent task for finding an efficient, economical and no pollution method of potato peeling. This paper introduced the large-scale machine for peeling potatoes which is designed by the principle of friction and suited to the factory of food processing, and it presented the key of design,working principle and the composition of the large-scale machine.Keywords:Peeling machine; friction; design; potato第一章引言目前,世界79%的国家种植马铃薯,总面积2000万hm,左右,总产量3亿多吨,仅在小麦、玉米、水稻之后,居第四位。

外文译英文原文:STM32 MicrocontrollerIntroductionRequirements based STM32 family is designed for high-performance, low-cost, low-power embedded applications designed specifically for ARM Cortex-M3 core. According to the performance into two different series: STM32F103 "Enhanced〞 series and STM32F101 "Basic" series. Enhanced Series clock frequency of 72MHz, the highest performance of similar products product; basic clock frequency of 36MHz, 16-bit product prices get more than 16 products significantly enhance the performance and is 16 product users the best choice. Both series have built-in 32K to 128K of flash memory, the difference is the maximum capacity of the SRAM and peripheral combinations. At 72MHz, executing from Flash, STM32 power consumption 36mA, are 32 products on the market s lowest power, the equivalent of 0.5niA/MHz.STM32F103 Performance Characteristics1)Kernel. ARM32 bit CPU, the maximum operating frequency of 72MHz,1.25DMIPS/MHz. Single-cycle multiply and hardware divide.2)Memory. Integrated on-chip 32-512KB of Flash memory. 6-64KB SRAM memory.3)Clock, reset, and power management. 2.0-3.6V power supply and I/O interface, the drive voltage. POR, PDR and programmable voltage detector. 4-16MHz crystal. Embedded factory tuned 8MHz RC oscillator circuit. 40 kHz internal RC oscillator circuit. CPU clock for the PLL. With calibration for the RTC 32kHz crystal.4)Low power consumption. Three kinds of low-power mode. Sleep, stop, standby mode. For RTC and backup registers supply VBAT.5)Debug mode. Serial debugging and JTAG interface.6)Direct data storage. 12-channel direct data storage controller. Supported peripherals: timers, ADC, DAC, SPI, IIC and USART.7)Up to a maximum of 112 fast I / O ports. Depending on the modeL there are 26,37,51,80, and 112 I/O ports, all ports can be mapped to 16 external interrupt vectors. In addition to the analog input, all of them can accept the input of 5V or less.8)Up to a maximum of 11 timers. Four 16-bit timers, each with 4 IC / OC / PWM orpulse counter. 2 16 6-channel advanced control timer: up to 6 channels can be used for PWM output. 2 watchdog timer. Systick tinier: 24 down counter. Two 16-bit basic timer for driving DAC.9)Up to a maximum of 13 communication interfaces. 2 IIC interface. 5 USART interfaces. 3 SPI interface, two and IIS reuse. CAN interface. USB 2.0 full-speed interface. SDIO interface.System Function1)Integration of embedded Flash and SRAM memory ARM Cortex-M3 core. And 8/16 equipment compared, ARM Cortex-M3 32-bit RISC processor provides a higher code efficiency. STM32F103xx microcontrollers with an embedded ARM core, so it can be compatible with all ARM tools and software.2)Embedded Flash memory and RAM memory. Built up to 512KB embedded Flash, can be used to store programs and data. Up to 64KB of embedded SRAM clock speed of the CPU can read and write.3)Variable static memory. Variable static memory with 4 chip selects, supports four modes: Flash, RAM, PSRAM, NOR and NAND. After three FSMC interrupt lines connected to the OR after the nested vector interrupt controller. No read / write FIFO, except PCCARD, the code is executed from external memory is not supported Boot, the target frequency is equal to SYSCLK / 2, so the time when the system clock is 72MHz, 36MHz conducted in accordance with external access.4)Nested Vectored Internipt Controller. Can handle 43 maskable interrupt channels, providing 16 interrupt priority levels. Tightly coupled nested vectored intenupt controller to achieve lower latency interrupt handling directly passed to the kernel interrupt vector table entry address, tightly coupled nested vectored interrupt controller kernel interface, allowing early treatment interruption, the latter to be more high-priority interrupt processing, support tail chain, auto-save processor state terrupts automatically restored on interrupt exit, no instructions intervention.5)External internipt / event controller. External interrupt / event controller consists for 19 to generate interrupt / event requests edge detector lines. Each line can be individually configured to select the trigger event, it can be individually masked. There is a pending interrupt request registers to maintain state. When an external line appear longer than the internal APB2 clock-cycle pulse, the external interrupt / event controller is able to detect. Up to 112 GPIO connected to the 16 external internipt lines.6)Clocks and startup. At boot time or to the system clock selection, but the reset whenthe internal 8MHz crystal oscillator is selected as the CPU clock. Can choose a 4-16MHz external clock, and will be monitored to determine the success. During this time, the interrupt controller is disabled and the software management is subsequently disabled. Also, if there is a need, PLL clock internipt management fully available. Comparator can be used more pre-configuration of the AHB frequency, including high-speed and low-speed APB APB, APB highest frequency of high-speed 72MHz, low-speed APB highest frequency of 36MHz.Architectural AdvantagesIn addition to the new features Enhanced peripheral interfaces, STM32 series also interconnect with other STM32 microcontrollers offer the same standard interface, such sharing of peripherals to enhance the entire product family, application flexibility, so that developers can a plurality of design reuse the same software. New STM32 standard peripherals include 10 timers, two 12-bit ADC, two 12-bit DAC, two I2C interfaces, five USART interfaces and three SPI ports. There are 12 new products peripherals direct data storage channel, there is a CRC calculation unit, like other STM32 microcontrollers, the supports 96 unique identifier.New series also has followed the STM32 microcontroller family of products low voltage and energy saving are two advantages. 2.0V to 3.6V operating voltage range compatible with the mainstream of battery technologies such as lithium batteries and nickel-metal hydride batteries, the package also features a battery operation mode dedicated pin Vbat. 72MHz frequency to execute code from flash consumes only 27mA current. There are four low-power mode, the current consumption can be reduced to two microamps. Quick Start from low power mode to save energy too; starting circuit using STM32 internally generated 8MHz signal, the microcontroller from stop mode when you wake up with less than 6 microseconds.中文译:单片机STM321STM32的介绍STM32系列基于专为要求高性能、低本钱、低功耗的嵌入式应用专门设计的ARMCortex-M3内核.按性能分成两个不同的系列:STM32F103 “增强型〞系列和STM32F101 “根本型〞系列.增强型系列时钟频率到达72MHz,是同类产品中性能最高的产品;根本型时钟频率为36MHz,以16位产品的价格得到比16位产品大幅提升的性能,是16位产品用户的最正确选择.两个系列都内置32K 到128K 的闪存,不同的是SRAM的最大容量和外设接口的组合.时钟频率72MHz时,从闪存执行代码,STM32功耗36mA,是32位市场上功耗最低的产品,相当于0.5mA/MHz.2STM32F103性能特点1〕内核.ARM32位CPU,最高工作频率72MHz, 1.25DMIPS/MHzo单周期乘法和硬件除法.2〕存储器.片上集成32-512KB的Flash存储器.6-64KB的SRAM存储器.3〕时钟、复位和电源治理.2.0-3.6V的电源供电和I/O接口的驱动电压. POR、PDR和可编程的电压探测器.4-16MHZ的晶振.内嵌出厂前调校的8MHz RC振荡电路.内部40 kHz的RC振荡电路.用于CPU时钟的PLL.带校准用于RTC的32kHz的晶振.4〕低功耗.3种低功耗模式:休眠,停止,待机模式.为RTC和备份存放器供电的VBAT.5〕调试模式.串行调试和JTAG接口.6〕直接数据存储.12通道直接数据存储限制器.支持的外设:定时器,ADC, DAC, SPI, IIC 和USART.7〕最多高达112个的快速I/O端口.根据型号的不同,有26, 37, 51, 80, 和112的I/O端口,所有的端口都可以映射到16个外部中断向量.除了模拟输入,所有的都可以接受5V以内的输入.8〕最多多达11个定时器.4个16位定时器,每个定时器有4个IC/OC/PWM 或者脉冲计数器.2个16位的6通道高级限制定时器:最多6个通道可用于PWM 输出.2个看门狗定时器.Systick定时器:24位倒计数器.2个16位根本定时器用于驱动DACo9〕最多多达13个通信接口.2个HC接口.5个USART接口.3个SPI接口,两个和IIS复用.CAN接口.USB 2.0全速接口.SDIO接口.3系统作用1〕集成嵌入式Hash和SRAM存储器的ARM Cortex-M3内核.和8/16位设备相比,ARM Cortex-M3 32位RISC处理器提供了更高的代码效率. STM32F103xx微限制器带有一个嵌入式的ARM核,所以可以兼容所有的ARM 工具和软件.2〕嵌入式Flash存储器和RAM存储器.内置多达512KB的嵌入式Flash, 可用于存储程序和数据.多达64KB的嵌入式SRAM可以以CPU的时钟速度进行读写.3〕可变静态存储器.可变静态存储器带有4个片选,支持四种模式:Flash, RAM, PSRAM, NOR和NANDo 3个FSMC中断线经过OR后连接到嵌套矢量中断限制器.没有读/写FIFO,除PCCARD之外,代码都是从外部存储器执行, 不支持Boot,目标频率等于SYSCLK/2,所以当系统时钟是72MHz时' 外部访问根据36MHz进行.4〕嵌套矢量中断限制器.可以处理43个可屏蔽中断通道,提供16个中断优先级.紧密耦合的嵌套矢量中断限制器实现了更低的中断处理延迟,直接向内核传递中断入口向量表地址,紧密耦合的嵌套矢量中断限制器内核接口,允许中断提前处理,对后到的更高优先级的中断进行处理,支持尾链,自动保存处理器状态,中断入口在中断退出时自动恢复,不需要指令干预.5〕外部中断/事件限制器.外部中断/事件限制器由用于19条产生中断/事件请求的边沿探测器线组成.每条线可以被单独配置用于选择触发事件,也可以被单独屏蔽.有一个挂起存放器来维护中断请求的状态.当外部线上出现长度超过内部APB2时钟周期的脉冲时,外部中断/事件限制器能够探测到.多达112个GPIO连接到16个外部中断线.6〕时钟和启动.在启动的时候还是要进行系统时钟选择,但复位的时候内部8MHz的晶振被选用作CPU时钟.可以选择一个外部的4-16MHZ的时钟,并且会被监视来判定是否成功.在这期间,限制器被禁止并且软件中断治理也随后被禁止.同时,如果有需要,PLL时钟的中断治理完全可用.多个预比拟器可以用于配置AHB频率,包括高速APB和低速APB,高速APB最高的频率为72MHz, 低速APB最高的频率为36MHzo4架构优势除新增的功能强化型外设接口外,STM32互连系列还提供与其它STM32微限制器相同的标准接口,这种外设共用性提升了整个产品家族的应用灵活性,使开发人员可以在多个设计中重复使用同一个软件.新STM32的标准外设包括10 个定时器、两个12位模数转换器、两个12位数模转换器、两个12c接口、五个USART接口和三个SPI端口.新产品外设共有12条直接数据存储通道,还有一个CRC计算单元,像其它STM32微限制器一样,支持96位唯一标识码.新系列微限制器还沿续了STM32产品家族的低电压和节能两大优点.2.0V 到3.6V的工作电压范围兼容主流的电池技术,如锂电池和银氢电池,封装还设有一个电池工作模式专用引脚Vbato以72MHz频率从闪存执行代码,仅消耗27mA 电流.低功耗模式共有四种,可将电流消耗降至两微安.从低功耗模式快速启动也同样节省电能;启动电路使用STM32内部生成的8MHz信号,将微控制器从停止模式唤醒用时小于6微秒.。

外文文献翻译(2012届)学生姓名学号********专业班级计算机科学与技术08-5班指导教师微软Visual Studio1微软Visual StudioVisual Studio 是微软公司推出的开发环境,Visual Studio可以用来创建Windows平台下的Windows应用程序和网络应用程序,也可以用来创建网络服务、智能设备应用程序和Office 插件。
Visual Studio是一个来自微软的集成开发环境IDE(inteqrated development environment),它可以用来开发由微软视窗,视窗手机,Windows CE、.NET框架、.NET精简框架和微软的Silverlight支持的控制台和图形用户界面的应用程序以及Windows窗体应用程序,网站,Web应用程序和网络服务中的本地代码连同托管代码。
Visual Studio包含一个由智能感知和代码重构支持的代码编辑器。
它有几乎各个层面的插件增强功能,包括增加对支持源代码控制系统(如Subversion和Visual SourceSafe)并添加新的工具集设计和可视化编辑器,如特定于域的语言或用于其他方面的软件开发生命周期的工具(例如Team Foundation Server的客户端:团队资源管理器)。
Visual Studio支持不同的编程语言的服务方式的语言,它允许代码编辑器和调试器(在不同程度上)支持几乎所有的编程语言,提供了一个语言特定服务的存在。
内置的语言中包括C/C + +中(通过Visual C++),(通过Visual ),C#中(通过Visual C#)和F#(作为Visual Studio 2010),为支持其他语言,如M,Python,和Ruby等,可通过安装单独的语言服务。

文献出处:Matheson B.THE RESEARCH OF CREATIVE CULTURE PRODUCT DESIGN[J].Journal of Management Development,2017,1(2):55-64.原文THE RESEARCH OF CREATIVE CULTURE PRODUCTDESIGNMatheson BAbstractCreativity and culture as the core of creative cultural products,with the creative design will be to create and promote cultural resources,and cultural skillfully combined with the product eventually translate into of commodity value and high-cultural value-added products.Creative culture product design is the material form of the subject,from concept to product performance characteristics of the transformation process is put forward.It is affected by the product theme,will be incorporated in the design,the demands of consumer's elements using the product design to show personality characteristics and distinctive aesthetic feelings.Creative culture product design need to integrate various sensory experiences to carry on the design,by bringing consumers sensory experience to strengthen the theme of the product,at the same time give people left a deep memory.Keywords:the creative cultural products, sensory experience,cultural associations1IntroductionCultural creative industry is under the background of economic globalization the creativity as the core of the emerging industry,it depends on the designer's wisdom and strength,with advanced technology creation and promotion of cultural resources,through the development and use of intellectual property rights to produce high value-added products,has great potential to create wealth and employment in the industry.Culture creative industry mainly includes industrial product design,costume design,advertising design,visual art design, environmental art design,radio,television,film,animation,media,and creative groups in aspects of software and computer services.In the cultural creative industry culture creative product design is one of the key;it is the cultural resources into an important part of the culture creative product.Culture creative product design,it is the creativity originates from the culture of product design,mainly on culture and particular cultural artifacts conveys cultural elements is given priority to, through induction,refined into design elements,through the design of the cultural elements to seek a new form to meet the requirements of modem social life and aesthetic,and hope that through products enhance consumer culture,to meet consumer demand for personalized and spiritual.2 The overview of creative cultural productsCreative cultural products refers to creative concept as the core,rely on the designer's wisdom and ability,with creative way will be to create and promote cultural resources,and cultural skillfully combined with the product eventually translate into of commodity value and high-cultural value-added products.Can know from the definition of creative cultural products and core elements around the creative cultural products is the cultural and creative,creative is the product of surface characteristics of present in front of people,through the extremely rich individual character, innovative products,such as modeling,the use function to attract people's attention;Culture is the product information is passed to the people of the spiritual level, to meet the needs of people for spiritual culture, promote the quality of the people and culture.Creativity is a kind of creative thinking ability,is a kind of ability to create products,ingenious idea and unique ideas to make products more original,more novel modeling,make products to meet the needs of people for the function at the same time.By the application of creative thinking and mode of production can produce aesthetically pleasing, functional,meet the personality requirements of product.Creative design can make the product more attractive,it can enhance the value of the product,make it get rid of the prices of similar products on the market competition,through the creative design and superior quality to attract the target consumer groups,and occupy the initiative of product pricing,forthe brand management and promotion of products to lay a solid foundation.Culture it is the embodiment of the spirit of a nation and The Times characteristic,it is formed after a long history of deposit,culture is a complex overall,including knowledge,belief, art, morals,law,custom, and all the power of the human in the social income and habits.Different nations influenced by geographical environment,social system,religious thought,the influence of such factors as the final form with the national characteristics of culture.The more national,with a long history of its cultural connotation is deeper;the cultural spirit of the present more intense,and therefore its nationality became more prominent,more obvious.Culture is the most valuable wealth of history left us,we should take advantage of the excellent cultural resources,draw lessons from the successful experience of the foreign existing,design creative cultural products with Chinese characteristics,so as to make our products to worldwide,and showed the excellent Chinese culture in the world,to carry forward the traditional culture,inheriting cultural classics,and promote economic and cultural exchange.Ideas and culture are the two most important elements in the design of cultural products,closely related to the both be short of one cannot, they are complementary relationship.The creative design products to new look,make individual character is dye-in-the-wood,avant-garde fashion products;While cultural products to the soul,let the product is full ofculture,show the humanities.Creative cultural products demand is rooted in China's profound traditional culture can have a more broad space for development.The traditional culture also needed a creative way and the essence of modem language to express the culture and extensive,so only would be a perfect combination of creative and cultural together to design real creative cultural products in line with market demand.3The design method of creative culture productThe creativity of cultural products design is divided into three levels, in turn,is feeling layer,behavior layer and spirit layer.The form of sensory layer involves products;Behavior layer relating to the product function,using way;Wade culture,emotional and aesthetic spirit layer.Sensory layer,behavior layer and spirit layer is relationship, according to the main products are in sensory levels associated with the user first,and then through the behavior level behavior of interaction with the user,the last on the basis of sensory level and behavior level,make the product emotional communication with the consumer,implement the satisfaction of spiritual experience and the psychological demand.Creative cultural products design,first of all,starting from the sensory layer,the form of product design,including the model of product design,color design,material design,etc.,through the application of the different design methods to realize the product level of experience;Second layer into the behavior,and the way of using the function ofthe product design,through the application of the different design methods of implementation experience in product behavior level;Finally enter the spirit layer,based on the sensory layer and behavior layer, through the application of the different design methods of products culture,emotional and aesthetic.3.1Sensory experience methodSensory experience is based on the product's color,shape,material, etc,to carry on the design,make the product appear gorgeous color,the modeling of character,excellent texture,beautiful voice,the taste of charming,etc.,through the sensory channels establishment and exchanges and interaction between people,to bring users sight,touch, hearing,smell,taste and so on various sensory stimuli and enjoyable experience,and in the psychological and spiritual comfort and satisfaction.Color is the most obvious characteristics in product outward appearance,people first captured through visual products,at the same time,the color of the product will be the first to give people the visual sensory stimulation.Through the application of color science can give people difierent visual experience,for example,it gives a person with passion,hot feeling;Blue gives a person quiet,melancholy feeling; Purple gives a person the sense of elegant,noble,etc.Form is the characteristic of the modeling of products can people through visual andtactile perception of product form,different products form give people different visual and tactile sensory experience.For example,the round shape the person gives on the vision with the feeling of affinity,give a person the sense with smooth on the sense of touch;Geometric modeling the person gives on the vision with industrial feeling,give a person the sense with hard on the sense of touch,etc.Material is a material base of product shape,it has multiple material properties.Product material shape, color,surface process,tastes,etc.It will give people the visual,touch, taste,smell,and other sensory experience.Such as matte plastic the person gives on the vision is durable,safe feeling;the person gives on the touch gentle and comfortable feeling;Give a person the sense with industrialization in the sense of smell.Sensory experience method is through some investigation,let respondents reported their sensory experience feelings for one specific product.Sensory experience method normally consists of questionnaires, interviews,etc.Different methods of investigation and design,through these methods can obtain the user's information data from different angles.Sensory experience method commonly used in the early stages of product design and development,is to look for the consumer preferences for product sensory experience and tendency of a kind of method. Sensory experience method after analysis and summary can obtain from the consumers in a certain stage of quantitative information.3.2Cultural connection methodEverything in the world there is a certain correlation between each other,some are dominant relationship some is recessive.In the product design needs to find the connections between things,applied to the product design,creative design.Cultural relation method is to form, content associated with the product,by applying the contact,refining, integration design a variety of ways,make the products with cultural forms and cultural content,make people produce the cultural identity of product,and in the process of using product produce emotional resonance, feel the products bring to people's cultural experience.Under the condition of clear theme of creative culture,research and analysis of relevant cultural content,generalize the design related specific cultural content and form,and the relevant cultural content ieatures and cultural form is classified and summarized culture is roughly divided into three levels,respectively is culture of state layer,behavior layer and cultural spirit.Then in the form of cultural connection diagram,which is beneficial to the designers and intuitive analysis and research.In product design,creative culture can be cut from the perspective of product form, through the aspects of traditional artifacts shape,color,material reference, and reference and reconstruction methods,such as design has the characteristics of cultural fbnn of creative cultural products.3.3Differential experience methodsDifferential experience methods is to point to in the product design using non-traditional,unconventional design train of thought and ways, make the product with high innovative,provides the user with a different experience.Application experience difference method is fbr the purpose of the differences in the use of different groups fbr different experience design,through the application of the differential method to realize product innovation design, in the form,function,emotion,culture brings people all-round experience.Functional difference experience mainly using the method of observation,interview,questionnaire investigation was carried out on the target user group related experience information collection,and then through the analysis of collected,summarized the experience of information,and then sums up the target user demand for product differentiation,finally based on the difference of the target user demand fbr the implementation of specific design.译文创意文化产品设计研究Matheson B摘要创意文化产品以创意与文化为核心,凭借充满创意的设计方式将文化资源加以创造和提升,并将文化与产品巧妙的结合在一起,最终转化成具有商品价值和高文化附加值的产品。

10中英文对照外文翻译洗衣机设计方案1. 1. 引言引言本报告讨论了提高标准容量的家用洗衣机的能源效率的可行的设计方案。
在本设计方案分析中所使用的程序是基于由能源部(本设计方案分析中所使用的程序是基于由能源部(DOE DOE DOE)解释的规定,该规定概)解释的规定,该规定概述了工艺改进措施。
其他来源于贸易刊物和家用电器制造商协会(AHAM AHAM AHAM)。
虽然(在新工艺中)现有分析的设计方案阶段在规章制定预告(虽然(在新工艺中)现有分析的设计方案阶段在规章制定预告(ANOPR ANOPR ANOPR)之)之前,与原ANOPR[2]ANOPR[2]相对应,但是以前从厂家收集到的数据,现有的相对应,但是以前从厂家收集到的数据,现有的AHAM 的输入和其他利益相关者在这份报告中仍然会被考虑。
2. 2. 产品分类产品分类对消费者有使用价值的家电被纳入产品类的分析的行列。

1 英文文献翻译1.1 英文文献原文题目Potatoes Potatoes peeled peeled peeled structure structure structure design designAbstract: Abstract: the the the graduation graduation graduation design design design is is is mainly mainly mainly studied studied studied on on on the the the bas bas is is of of of the the the principle principle principle of of of friction friction friction of of of potato potato potato peeling peeling peeling machine machine machine d d esign, esign, working working working principle principle principle and and and the the the composition composition composition of of of the the the equipment equipment . . Through Through Through the the the analysis analysis analysis of of of original original original data, data, data, project project project demonstratio demonstratio n n and and and related related related data data data analysis analysis analysis and and and calculation, calculation, calculation, the the the overall overall overall des des ign ign of of of a a a complete complete complete potato potato potato peeler peeler peeler to to to peel peel peel and and and mechanical mechanical mechanical stru stru cture cture is is is a a a new new new form, form, form, to to to better better better serve serve serve the the the fruits fruits fruits and and and vegeta vegeta bles bles to to to the the the development development development of of of leather leather leather industry, industry, industry, better better better adapt adapt adapt to to the the demand demand demand of of of the the the market market market both both both at at at home home home and and and abroad, abroad, abroad, so so so has has the the good good good market market market prospect. prospect.Keywords: Keywords: potatoes potatoes potatoes peeled peeled peeled structure; structure; structure; Friction Friction Friction ; ; ; drive drive 1 1 the the the domestic domestic domestic research research research status statusTechnology Technology is is is to to to measure measure measure whether whether whether an an an enterprise enterprise enterprise has has has the the the advan advan ced ced nature, nature, nature, whether whether whether have have have market market market competitiveness, competitiveness, competitiveness, whether whether whether can can keep keep ahead ahead ahead of of of competitors' competitors' competitors' important important important index. index. index. With With With the the the rapid rapid rapid d d evelopment evelopment of of of domestic domestic domestic potato potato potato peeling peeling peeling agency agency agency market, market, market, the the the core core of of the the the related related related production production production technology technology technology and and and research research research and and and devel devel opment opment will will will certainly certainly certainly has has has become become become the the the focus focus focus of of of the the the industry industry enterprises. enterprises. Understand Understand Understand the the the potato potato potato peeling peeling peeling machine machine machine in in in the the the pro pro duction duction of of of the the the core core core technology technology technology research research research and and and development development development at at at h h ome ome and and and abroad, abroad, abroad, process process process equipment, equipment, equipment, technology, technology, technology, application application application and and trend, trend, for for for an an an enterprise enterprise enterprise to to to improve improve improve product product product technical technical technical speci speci fication, fication, improve improve improve the the the market market market competitiveness competitiveness competitiveness is is is critical. critical. Potato Potato products products products the the the main main main varieties varieties varieties of of of potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, potato potato potato chips,chips, dehydrated dehydrated mashed mashed mashed potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, etc. etc. etc. No No No matter matter matter what what what kind kind kind of of of pr products, oducts, its its its processing processing processing technology technology technology requirements requirements requirements of of of raw raw raw material material s s to to to deal deal deal with with with the the the peel peel peel potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, to to to guarantee guarantee guarantee the the the quality quality of of the the the products, products, products, ensure ensure ensure its its its appearance, appearance, appearance, color color color and and and taste. taste. taste. P P eel eel potatoes potatoes potatoes peeled peeled peeled methods methods methods mainly mainly mainly include include include artificial, artificial, artificial, chemica chemica l l peeling, peeling, peeling, mechanical mechanical mechanical peeling, peeling, peeling, etc. etc. etc. Artificial Artificial Artificial to to to skin skin skin peelin peelin g g effect effect effect is is is better, better, better, but but but low low low efficiency, efficiency, efficiency, high high high loss loss loss rate, rate, rate, obv obv iously iously can can can not not not adapt adapt adapt to to to the the the needs needs needs of of of the the the development development development of of of th th e e potato potato potato industrialization; industrialization; industrialization; Chemical Chemical Chemical peeling peeling peeling a a a hot hot hot alkaline alkaline alkaline o o r r peel peel peel and and and low low low temperature temperature temperature liquid liquid liquid method method method in in in two two two forms, forms, forms, main main ly ly rely rely rely on on on the the the strong strong strong alkali alkali alkali solution solution solution and and and liquid liquid liquid chemical chemical chemical p p eeling eeling effect, effect, effect, softening softening softening and and and relaxation relaxation relaxation potato potato potato skins skins skins and and and body body -to -to keep, keep, keep, then then then use use use high high high pressure pressure pressure water water water jet, jet, jet, peeled. peeled. peeled. This This This me me thod thod the the the flushing flushing flushing process process process of of of before before before and and and after after after peeling peeling peeling the the the d d emand emand is is is higher, higher, higher, and and and liquid liquid liquid alkali, alkali, alkali, peel peel peel or or or consumption consumption consumption is is too too large, large, large, the the the cost cost cost is is is higher, higher, higher, and and and this this this way way way the the the serious serious serious in in fluence fluence the the the taste taste taste of of of the the the product. product. product. Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical peeling peeling peeling is is is fric fric tion tion peel peel peel form, form, form, the the the main main main dependence dependence dependence between between between potato potato potato and and and potat potat o o and and and potato potato potato with with with silicon silicon silicon carbide carbide carbide or or or rubber rubber rubber friction friction friction between between role role and and and achieve achieve achieve the the the goal goal goal of of of peel, peel, peel, good good good effect effect effect of of of this this this a a pproach pproach to to to skin, skin, skin, reduce reduce reduce the the the production production production cost, cost, cost, reduced reduced reduced environm environm entalpollution, pollution, simple simple simple operation, operation, operation, fast fast fast speed, speed, speed, can can can one one one person person person opera opera tion, tion, high high high energy energy energy efficiency efficiency efficiency to to to maximize maximize maximize the the the interests interests interests of of of th th e e products. products.2. 2. the the the working working working principle principle principle of of of the the the potato potato potato peeler peelerThe The potato potato potato peeling peeling peeling machine machine machine adopts adopts adopts horizontal horizontal horizontal machine, machine, machine, mainly mainly including including working working working cylinder, cylinder, cylinder, work work work table, table, table, frame frame frame and and and transmission transmission parts parts (see (see (see diagram). diagram). diagram). When When When to to to work work work in in in the the the potato potato potato peeling peeling peeling m m achine, achine, wheel wheel wheel rotation, rotation, rotation, the the the material material material by by by a a a bucket bucket bucket shape shape shape inlet inlet, , material material material fall fall fall on on on the the the surface surface surface of of of a a a rotating rotating rotating brush brush brush roller roller corrugated corrugated bulge, bulge, bulge, the the the effect effect effect of of of the the the centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal force force force by by by the the brush brush roller roller roller tangent tangent tangent upward upward upward movement, movement, movement, material material material constant constant constant alon alon g g the the the motion motion motion for for for a a a cylindrical cylindrical cylindrical wall, wall, wall, rise rise rise to to to the the the top, top, top, was was at at the the the top top top of of of the the the block block block back back back into into into the the the working working working surface surface surface of of the the plate. plate. plate. Into Into Into the the the rough rough rough surface surface surface and and and friction friction friction brush brush brush roll.roll. The The reciprocating reciprocating reciprocating movement movement movement of of of the the the material material material in in in this this this process,process, by by violent violent violent agitation, agitation, agitation, and and and formed formed formed with with with a a a brush brush brush roller, roller, roller, wall wall and and between between between particles particles particles is is is given given given priority priority priority to to to with with with flip, flip, flip, rubb rubb ing ing friction, friction, friction, impact impact impact of of of comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive mechanical mechanical mechanical effects, effects, effects, so so as as to to to achieve achieve achieve the the the aim aim aim of of of the the the skin. skin. skin. At At At the the the same same same time time time of of of f f riction riction peel, peel, peel, from from from inject inject inject water water water into into into the the the hole, hole, hole, in in in a a a timely timely manner manner will will will be be be wiped wiped wiped off off off the the the skin skin skin of of of the the the through through through brush brush brush b b rush rush roll roll roll and and and roll roll roll gap gap gap to to to discharge discharge discharge mouth mouth mouth eduction eduction eduction body. body. body. In In the the case case case of of of non-stop, non-stop, non-stop, open open open the the the discharge discharge discharge valve valve valve of of of mouth, mouth, material material by by by dial dial dial discharged discharged discharged through through through the the the discharge discharge discharge port. port. port. After After peeling peeling potatoes potatoes potatoes peel peel peel by by by institutions institutions institutions discharging discharging discharging chute chute chute into into the the auxiliary auxiliary auxiliary body, body, body, after after after screening screening screening and and and other other other auxiliary auxiliary auxiliary wor wor k k again again again into into into the the the next next next procedure. procedure.3. 3. summary summaryBelieve Believe in in in the the the near near near future, future, future, once once once the the the product product product is is is applied applied applied to to the the actual, actual, actual, will will will greatly greatly greatly save save save the the the working working working time, time, time, improve improve improve wo wo rk rk efficiency, efficiency, efficiency, improve improve improve the the the economic economic economic benefit, benefit, benefit, at at at the the the same same same tim tim e e will will will make make make a a a great great great contribution contribution contribution for for for the the the mass mass mass production, production, production, g g iving iving impetus impetus impetus to to to the the the development development development of of of potato potato potato industry industry industry better better better a a nd nd faster. faster. faster. Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical peeling, peeling, peeling, powered powered powered by by by motor, motor, motor, through through through the the pulley pulley drive drive drive cylinder cylinder cylinder at at at the the the bottom bottom bottom of of of the the the spinning spinning spinning l. Low Low middle, middle, middle, high high high edge edge edge mill mill mill wheel wheel wheel surface, surface, surface, undulate. undulate. undulate. Tubers Tubers to to join join join the the the cylinder, cylinder, cylinder, each each each other other other due due due to to to centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal force forceand and the the the friction friction friction effect, effect, effect, within within within the the the cylinder cylinder cylinder up, up, up, down, down, down, lef lef t, t, right right right turn, turn, turn, and and and constantly constantly constantly rolling; rolling; rolling; And And And the the the rubber rubber rubber cylind cylind er er lining, lining, lining, will will will rebound rebound rebound tuber, tuber, tuber, in in in the the the mill mill mill and and and the the the cylinder cylinder wall wall under under under the the the function function function of of of rubber rubber rubber potato potato potato tuber tuber tuber is is is grinding grinding to to the the the skin skin skin evenly, evenly, evenly, achieve achieve achieve the the the goal goal goal of of of potato potato potato peeling. peeling. peeling. T T o o skin skin skin with with with clear clear clear water, water, water, and and and then then then open open open the the the side side side door, door, door, tube tube r r discharge discharge discharge from from from a a a side side side door, door, door, dander dander dander with with with flow flow flow from from from the the the di di scharge scharge gap gap gap around around around the the the millstone. millstone. millstone. The The The machine machine machine for for for batch batch batch prod prod uction, uction, peeling peeling peeling machine, machine, machine, mill mill mill rotate rotate rotate at at at a a a certain certain certain speed, speed, speed, rol rol ler ler potato potato potato in in in under under under the the the action action action of of of centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal force, force, force, gravity gravity and and the the the friction, friction, friction, using using using potato potato potato work work work relative relative relative to to to the the the mill,mill, the the relative relative relative speed speed speed difference difference difference between between between the the the potato potato potato skin skin skin remov remov ed.1.2中文翻译马铃薯去皮结构设计马铃薯去皮结构设计摘要摘要::本次毕业设计主要研究了以摩擦原理为基础的马铃薯去皮机的设计要点、工作原理工作原理 及设备的组成。

英文原文Modern product design---Foreign language translation original textWith the growing of economices and the developing of technologies, the essential definition of Industral Design has been deepening while its extension meaning enlarging,which resulted in the transformation and renovation of some original design theories and concepts.In the new IT epoch, the contents, methodologies, concepts etc. of design have taken a great change from what they were before.However,the method of comparison and analysis is always playing a plvotal role, during the whole process of maintaining the traditional quintessence and innovating novel conceptions.1.1 Traditional DesignTraditional industrial design and product development mainly involved to three fields,vis.Art, Engineering and Marketing. The designers, who worked in the art field, always had outstanding basic art skills and visual sketching expression capacity as well as plentiful knowledge on ergonomics and aesthetics . So they could easily solve the problems of products about art . Works in the area of the project engineer with strong technical background, they used the method of logical analysis, you can design a detailed, in line with the requirements of the drawings of a total production, manufacture use. They can you good solution to the technical aspects of products. However, they often overlook the aesthetics of products that do not pay attention to fashion and cost-effective products in the market. In the field of commercial marketing staff proficient in the knowledge economy, will use marketing theory to predict customer behavior, they focus on products in the market development trends, but do not understand aesthetic and technical aspects of the problem.In a traditional industrial product design process, the three areas of general staff in their respective areas of independent work. Product engineers solve the technical problems so that products with the necessary functional and capable of producing manufactured, the product is "useful." Designers are using aesthetics,ergonomics and other subjects in the form of product design, product with a reasonable visual, tactile, and other effects, and we look forward to products "useful." The marketing staff is the product marketing and user comments, and to forecast the future market feedback to the above-mentioned two groups of designers, so that they understand product popularity, prompted designers to improve or update the design, so that users " Want to use "designed products.In this process, is often a certain area of personnel in their own fields of expertise in the work done after the exchange and other fields. Due to lack of overall management of the unified design, will be out of line and the link between the crux of the design cycle, the product can not be truly useful and attractive products.1.2 Modern DesignWith the social and economic development, human standard of living continues to increase. People no longer meet the low-level way of life, the requirements of the product greatly improved as the "globalization" of the emergence of various regional economic development imbalances brought about by various contradictions, but also increasingly reflected in the product design and development In the other hand, with the rapid development of science and technology, not only to "tangible" products with a more technical content, but also the software such as the "invisible" products. These changes primarily reflected in the following areas.(1) the diversification of productsIn order to improve their people's living tastes, the more value products "personality", making earlier to meet the most basic requirements of life designed to mass production of products, changes to the current level to meet the different needs of the people's lives Smaller mass-produced products. Therefore the market needs more of a wide range of products. This requires a more flexible product design, shorter design cycle.Early industrial design and product comparison, the current products include the technical content greatly improved, it may not just rely on its outstanding visual effects impressed, and may also rely on hearing, smell, touch and even taste, and so combined effect of people moved .With the computer and network technology to the development andpopularization, is still a wide variety of software products and network products, these new "invisible" products regardless of its form or design products with the traditional "physical" Products are quite different.(2) design innovation and changeIn increasing economic development, product greatly enriched, material needs of people unlimited increase in the new era. A lot of design work alone designer personal talent is very difficult to complete. If an industrial design work is the perfect visual form, to a "combination of technology and the arts", but it was the low level of market acceptance, then to the present point of view, it is not successful design products, it may only Pieces of art.If the team to organize the development of new products, you can designers, engineers and marketing staff to work together, the three professional staff play to their respective expertise, common exchanges, discussions, it is possible to prevent this from happening.I n addition, because people's social awareness, cultural awareness and The new product of the information age - the emergence of software, the team can better embody necessary. People in the use of software products in the course of time to have two types: one is the interface of the visual effects are good, but you use to process and not very Shunshou to show the various menus, logo at a loss; And a software design is very standardized, with the professionals use logic, but the interface of the visual effects but it is not satisfactory. The reasons for this situation is: a program design engineers do not understand interface design to visual design of the interface designers do not understand procedures for structural design. Only two will combine to work to make the process engineers and designers fully exchange interface, will it be possible to design a "useful" software products.continuously enhance environmental awareness, to design a product may not be a simple and specific forms of visual introduction, but in a product or project works the way there, which means "product" The extension had been expanded. An alcohol can become a world famous brands of goods, some with their well-brewing technology, form a perfect bottle design and successful market strategies are closely related. To the modern designers, as the end product design, product contains the meaning is no longer just a form of the bottle, but winebottles, a collection of marketing strategies. Another example: the flow of people to solve the short-term or temporary accommodation designed Jianyi Fang or horizontal cylinder, is not a simple design, but of social, cultural, environmental and other issues of the integrated projects. So, with the "product" extension of the expansion, the need for more staff into the field of design teams, and in the design process through the integration, exchange, completion of innovative product design.(3) the role of the modern designerIn the modern product development process, if the designer has only limited to the traditional fields of expertise in specific focus on the visual performance of rain forms of work, then it will be very difficult to design a ground-breaking products. This is because the community to raise the requirements of the products, to expand the content of the product, compared to the designer's personal knowledge on the capacity can not satisfy the requirements. However, if we can, through effective means to mobilize the relevant field staff to work together, you can make the design capacity of the greatly expanded.If the traditional sense of product designers focused on the visual manifestations of design, then, designers are using modern designers, engineers and other staff of marketing the ability to jointly complete the full development of new products design.Modern designers no longer just the implementation of its mandate, is designed to planners, organizers. Modern designers should have a higher level of awareness on the nature of the design, operation of the quality of the design process. Designers need to use a unique system of thinking to comprehensive analysis, problem-solving abilities, not just the use of visual skills to express themselves is not yet mature enough decorative design.This requires designers with a more complete knowledge of the structure. In addition to good aesthetic quality, but also should have sociology, economics, management science and engineering and technical aspects of the basic knowledge, resume systematic, engineering way of thinking in order to carry out scientific work and effective orga nization design.The task of the modern designer 1.3The explosion in information society, individuals have the knowledge andcapability is very weak. Therefore the use of modern designers should have the wisdom related fields, the expansion of its design capacity. His task is to seize the new opportunities for product development, design has a good user market innovative products.As a modern designer, it is important to fully understand the professional design teams in the field of creative thinking, make full use of the members of the professional competence. Marketing is the background knowledge can design a scientific and feasible programme of research and analysis of the conclusions drawn for policy makers and designers; In addition, the staff can also meet the market well-developed marketing strategy, product successfully pushed To the market. Engineers had "sensitive technology", can make good use of the master design and manufacturing knowledge, to use a certain product features. And a "beauty of art," the designer, you can use the aesthetic qualities and good ergonomics, and other aspects of expertise, to complete the product interface design.Modern designers is to understand and through the effective means to mobilize members of the Organization's ability to enable all areas of professional staff to work together so that information-sharing, complementary advantages, so that the outstanding products as soon as possible into a successful programme of goods.1.4 modern design of new issuesModern design is the design team conducted in a way, modern designers have the ability to handle the design of several new issues:Sensitive to new product development opportunities, this is a new product design, may also be of their products have improved design;So that the different fields of expertise of the staff of a harmonious and efficient work. Eliminate the barriers between different professionals, the other with the design for the common goal to work hard;Construction of a full product development process. This team will be planned for phase, the design work;④ better understanding of the products extracted from a potential consumer of information, so that the design team that truly master users of modeling, and technical characteristics of the most profound impression, and so on;⑤successful consumer products often have been recognized form of attributes and characteristics of the design staff to in-depth analysis and enhance these attributes, and applied to product design.1.5 Design Education ReformIn order to meet the needs of the development of modern design, design education must also be a corresponding change.(1) design of the general education and design for the improvement of water Raising the level of design and design of the general education and promotion are inseparable. The manual from kindergarten classes, involving the design of early education: how to use certain materials to create good-looking, fun things. With the age of growth and the accumulation of knowledge the children produced by the object more complex, more sophisticated. To the secondary school stage, is likely to require students to mix with people working to complete the design of more complex tasks, each member of this period we should play to their respective expertise, to find, to exchange, to express to the production. In primary stage (can be extended to pre-school stage), you can practice by designing courses, guide the students to establish a "design" concept. To the higher education stage, is to ask students from theory to a high degree of awareness, understanding, "Design", which can make comprehensive use of the theory to guide the "design."Universal primary education in the stage, designed to promote education, students in higher education stage will be able to better grasp of modern design theory and methods. This is to raise the level of a country's overall design an effective means and in the United Kingdom and other countries has been very good proof of this.(2) the expansion of educational contentUnlike the artistic performance of specific techniques or structural design professional, modern design is a philosophy, is a way. Design of the contents is based on modern design has the knowledge and skills identified. Therefore, the arts, technology, engineering, economics, management, humanities, social sciences and other fields content should be included in this category.Of course, in today's knowledge explosion, students can not be limited in thelearning of the practice of so many, but through science curriculum of theory and practice of organic integration, it can enable students to master the basic and necessary knowledge. For example, the U.S. card-resistant ˙ ˙ Mellon University School of Design students to jointly complete the design project. Students in the design process of practice field staff understand the relevant way of thinking, make up the relevant professional knowledge, learning team's working methods. To the modern designers, the completeness of the knowledge structure and rationality of need than proficient in a particular profession is even more important..中文译文现代产品设计随着经济的增长和技术的发展,当工业设计的引申意义别不断的扩大时,一些对于工业设计最基本的定义也在逐渐的深化,这就导致了一些原本设计理论和内容的转变和整修。

外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:K Tanizumi. Truck Crane Hydraulic System: Technical Status and Development Trend [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 310-319中文译文汽车式起重机液压系统: 技术现状与发展趋势K Tanizumi1行业背景1.1工程汽车起重机的发展趋势近20年世界工程起重机行业发生了很大变化。
RT(越野轮胎起重机) 和AT(全地面起重机) 产品的迅速发展,打破了原有产品与市场格局,在经济发展及市场激烈竞争冲击下, 导致世界市场进一步趋向一体化。
为与RT 和AT 产品抗衡, 汽车起重机新技术、新产品也在不断发展。
几年前某些工业界人士曾预测, RT 和AT 产品的兴起将导致汽车起重机的衰退。
日本汽车起重机在世界各地日益流行,以及最近格鲁夫、特雷克斯、林克.贝尔特、德马泰克等公司汽车起重机的产品进展, 已向上述观念提出挑战。
国外工程起重机从整体情况分析, 领先国内10~20年(不同类型产品有所不同) 。
25t 以下基本上不生产,产品向高附加值、大吨位发展, 住友建机、多田野和加藤公司曾于1989年相继推出360t 汽车起重机。
住友建机在90年代开发出80t ~250t 共4种AT 产品。
多田野也在90年代相继推出100t ~550t 共6种特大型AT 产品。
加藤公司则研制成NK5000型500t 汽车起重机。
行业配套也与国内有所不同:(1)下车主要是300kW 以上柴油大功率发动机,与之配套的液力变矩器和自动换档变速箱、12吨级驱动转向桥及越野轮胎。


整理客户对绿色产品的设计需求分析在近几年的重要作用的绿色浪潮的兴起,企业的绿色壁垒出现在产品需求对环境的影响持续的企业竞争力具有非常重要的影响,产品需求和有效整合绿色设计是公司面临的每一个重要的问题因此,对绿色设计分析的需求具有重要意义的客户的需求集合中单挂波模糊集理论,基于客户需求的描述方法,客户端需要的语言来描述,通过 XML,使用半形式化描述语言表达要确保客户要求转化为设计要求的准确性的信息,减少信息失真的转换过程中的信息。

外文文献及译文目录•1历史•2组成o水泥2.1o 2.2水o 2.3骨料o 2.4化学外加剂o 2.5掺合料和水泥混合o 2.6纤维•3搅拌混凝土•4个特点o 4.1和易o 4.2固化o 4.3强度o 4.4弹性o 4.5扩张和收缩o 4.6开裂▪ 4.6.1收缩裂缝▪ 4.6.2拉裂o 4.7蠕变•5损伤模式o 5.1火灾o 5.2总量扩张o 5.3海水效果o 5.4细菌腐蚀o 5.5化学武器袭击▪ 5.5.1碳化▪ 5.5.2氯化物▪ 5.5.3硫酸盐o 5.6浸出o 5.7人身损害•6种混凝土o 6.1普通混凝土o 6.2高强混凝土o 6.3高性能混凝土o 6.4自密实混凝土o 6.5喷浆o 6.6透水性混凝土o 6.7混凝土蜂窝o 6.8软木复合水泥o 6.9碾压混凝土o 6.10玻璃混凝土o 6.11沥青混凝土•7混凝土测试•8混凝土回收•9使用混凝土结构o9.1大体积混凝土结构o9.2钢筋混凝土结构o9.3预应力混凝土结构•10参见•11参考•12外部链接历史在塞尔维亚,仍然是一个小屋追溯到5600bce已经发现,同一个楼层发红色石灰,沙子和砾石。

Analysis of the development of baby supplies packaging design Abstract:The basic idea is that the product packaging design to convey to customers the first visual effects。
Infants packaging design should include both sides,on the one hand of each parent to meet consumer mind,on the other hand also in accordance with the packaging design concept。
The current infant supplies packaging design unified phenomenon exists in the shape,color, function,ect. are mostly reference design,originality factor is less difficult to raise foreign brand。
This content,infant supplies packaging characteristics and basic principles, but on current trends infant supplies packaging design is analyzed in order to better guide the infant supplies packaging design, promote baby products to be better capture the market and win consumers。
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原因,在情绪处理系统,依靠调解社会互动(Breazeal 在Velásquez1998年),该模型和体系结构,行为和学习情绪的影响(Cañmero1997年,北野1994年,与自我萨尔瓦多,纳塞尔等人在Velásquez1998年。
然而,该产品可以通过加强其语意容和表达,这其中一个或削弱创造积极或消极的看法,情感,价值观以及在个人(Wikström 1996)协会的方式这个角色。
莫诺(在Wikström 1996)定义了四种产品的语义功能:•来形容- 产品形态描述的事实(例如它的目的=定义的任务),使用方式,处理。
•为了表达- 产品形态,表达了产品的价值和品质。
•要信号- 产品形态敦促用户在一个特定的方式作出反应,例如要小心,要在他/她的工作精度。
•确定- 确定产品的形态(如目的=建立的相似性),来源,性质和产品领域(与系统,家庭,产品种类等,以及各部分的功能和位置连接)。
这意味着设计师必须明确向他/她什么,什么应该不应该通过产品(Wikström 1996)沟通。
四个不同的类别,产品的使用乐趣,约旦给予(1997):1、生理愉悦- 与接触,手持产品。
2、社会的乐趣- 与社会关系和通讯产品启用。
3、心理愉悦- 产品时获得帮助用户建立一个任务。
4、IDEO公司,快乐- 相关的值,一个代表产品,其使用或支持。
事实证明,积极的情绪有重要作用,例如在决策,激励和社会互动(DeCatanzaro 1999年,艾辛河1993年,马卡拉1999)基于任务的活动所需。
5、情绪反应或影响系统方案在情感反应系统,在固有的心理结构,价值观念和程序,承担相似的,其中神经系统之间的相互作用涉及杏仁核,海马,前额叶皮质和被认为有调解情绪,比如分配方面的一些基础情绪价不同的刺激,活化的情绪行为和情感学习(达马西奥1994年,勒社1996年,Panksepp 1995年,在Velásquez,1998)。
工作从不同的理论家(埃克曼1992年,约翰逊莱尔德和奥特利1992年,Panksepp 1998年)和随后的设计标准上的一个以前的研究基础,以良好的设计与评估获奖产品(Demirbilek和公园2001年),六个不同类型的影响方案涉及'快乐的感受,喜悦,或唤起梦想已经确定了这样如下:感官,乐趣,可爱,熟悉,转喻和颜色。