



I-Shift drive modes and software functionsThe I-Shift gearboxʼs functions are optimized with specially adapted drive modes, which make the gearbox even more practical and economical by adapting the gearshift functional-ity to the current transport conditionsThe driving mode is selected with a button on the gear se-lector. Fuel saving functions are adjusted according to the se-lected drive mode. I-See (optional) speed limits and strategy are adjusted according to the selected drive mode.Drive modes•Economy: Focus on lowering fuel consumption, some re-duction in power. Using I-See function.•Standard: Reasonable fuel consumption without compro-mising drivability. Using I-See function.•Performance: Full power, with less focus on fuel consump-tion.•Off-road: Agility is prioritised.•Heavy duty: Optimised for drivability and comfort at high loads (Heavy Equipment Transport).Sales variantsDrive modeDRM-E I-Shift drive mode economyDRM-BE I-Shift drive mode balanced economyAMT vocation optionAVO-BAS Basic I-Shift softwareAVO-ENH Enhanced I-Shift software including construc-tion and off-road applicationsAVO-HD Enhanced I-Shift software including heavy du-ty, construction and off-road applicationsTransmission performance modeTPM-AUTR Transmission performance mode auto return TPM-MAN Transmission performance mode manual UTPM Without drive mode performance in DRM-BEAMT manual shift optionsAMSO-BAS Basic I-Shift gear shiftingAMSO-AUT I-Shift manual gear shift available in automatic mode incl kickdown functionAMT PTO functionsAPF-BAS Basic I-Shift PTO functionsAPF-ENH Enhanced I-Shift PTO functions (Auto Neu-tral/ Reverse Inhibit / Split Box Connection)FEATURES AND BENEFITS•Optimized drivability.•Reduce fuel consumption.•Reduce CO2 footprint.•Simplify selection of drive modes.FACT SHEETI-Shift drive modesI-Shift drive modes icons in instrument cluster.I-Shift drive modes and software functions● Standard, ○ Option, — Not available1Note! Choice of UTPM gives no Performance drive mode.DRM-E+AVO-BAS is designed for long haul transport to secure a good fuel economy.DRM-BE+AVO-BAS is the versatile offer for the majority of the transport segments.DRM-BE+AVO-ENH is adapted for construction operations.DRM-BE+AVO-HD is specially tailored for heavier transport operations.FACT SHEETI-Shift drive modesI-Shift software functions● Standard, ○ Option, — Not available2Only AT2612, ATO2612, ATO3112 and ATO3512.3For Volvo FH16 or for a Volvo with driven front axle.FACT SHEETI-Shift drive modesI-Shift Drive Mode Economy (DRM-E)DRM-E is optimized for fleet usage were driver influence is limited. To access I-See functionality, PVT-MAP needs to be added.This drive mode restricts the possibility to alter among the drive modes. The DRM-E will be locked in Economy mode. I-Shift Drive Mode Balanced Economy (DRM-BE)This is the base which giving ideal selection for most all ap-plications. To optimize further toward a particular vocation, DRM-BE is selected with AVO-BAS, AVO-ENH or AVO-HD. For customer usages with frequent start and stop like garbage collection, a potential to save fuel is to remove the possibility to access performance driving mode. That variant exist for DRM-BE and is called UTPM.For DRM-BE with UTPM, the performance drive mode is removed and consequently also the option with TPM-AUTR. Other options in DRM-BE with UTPM are available like AVO-ENH/AMSO-AUT/APF-ENH.Basic Vocational Functions (AVO-BAS)Allows the driver to choose between the Economy, Standard and Performance driving modes.Enhanced Performance – Bad Roads (AVO-ENH)This optional package is specially adapted to the specific con-ditions of the construction and timber transport segments. The Off-road mode includes various functions that adapt gearshifts and gear selection to poor driving surfaces and hilly gradients. It also includes functions that facilitate starting from standstill in poor driving conditions.Off-road mode is designed to minimise the number of gearshifts required. This is useful during off-road driving. It prevents wheels from spinning out when torque is increased after a gearshift, and prevents missed gearshifts, for example if the road gradient changes sharply. High engine power (high revs) is often required when driving uphill.The driver can also influence the maximum number of down shifts. This is very useful when you shift to a lower gear on a very steep uphill gradient and only want to shift once to a gear strong enough to take you all the way up. Economy, Standard, Performance and Off-road driving modes are available. Summary of the functions in the package:•Engine revs are increased as necessary to provide extra torque when starting off from standstill.•Larger margins before upshifts ensure safer driving if the gradient changes.•Gear selection is adapted to minimise the number of gearshifts and run at slightly higher revs.•Functions that make it easier to keep the same gear when the accelerator pedal position and road gradient change.•The package enables multiple downshifts. This facilitates gearshifts when driving up steep slopes.•Includes a function that speeds up clutch release and makes it easier to rock the vehicle out of trouble if it gets stuck on a soft surface.•When moving the gear lever, the driver can choose the gear that provides the highest possible engine speed. Enhanced Performance – Heavy duty (AVO-HD)AVO-HD optimizes I-Shift for heavy duty transport with high gross combination weights (>85 tonnes). Regardless of the gross combination weight, the driver can always optimize dri-vability by selecting or deactivating the Heavy Duty mode, and activating the long haul mode. The functions in the software package also offer benefits for trucks hauling multiple trailers. AVO-HD also includes AVO-ENH functions (Off-road mode)but the functions in Off-road are only active when the Heavy Duty mode is inactive.Change DirectionEnables fast change of driving direction in for instance maneuvering situations by change direction functionality. Change direction is to select reverse gear at lower vehicle speed and use the accelerator pedal to brake the vehicle and start reversing without letting the foot of the accelerator pedal. Vice versa applies, i.e. reversing the vehicle and thenFACT SHEETI-Shift drive modespush the gear selector into A/M and use accelerator pedal to come into forward driving. Pressing the accelerator pedal more makes the event of changing driving direction to occur faster. Change Direction is activated up to 30 km/h.Note! Change Direction requires AVO-ENH or AVO-HD. Terrain BrakeTerrain brake gives improved off-road agility for Volvo FH16 or for a Volvo with driven front axle.With this function, the driver controlling the vehicle better. For instance, rolling off a stone in terrain, is made in a con-trolled manor by the driver activation.Terrain brake means that the brake is applied when the ac-celerator pedal is released and consequently holds the truck in the position inhibiting free rolling. Terrain brake can be en-gaged below 4 km/h, i.e. at low speeds. Applied terrain brake force is controlled by the retarder brake lever position on the steering column.Note! Terrain Brake requires AVO-ENH or AVO-HD. Transmission Performance Mode Auto Return (TPM-AUTR)Transmission performance mode AUTR. Auto return to drive mode Economy.Enable manual switch (TPM-MAN)Transmission performance mode MAN. Enable manual switch between Economy and Performance mode.Basic Gear Selection Adjustment (AMSO-BAS) Allows the driver to adjust gear selection with the gear lever buttons during engine braking in Automatic mode (gear selec-tor position A).Enhanced Gear Selection Adjustment,incl. Kickdown (AMSO-AUT)This function allows both the automatically selected starting gear and the driving gear in Automatic mode to be adjusted by activating the plus/minus button on the gear lever.The kickdown function selects a gear for maximum acceler-ation. When the kickdown switch on the accelerator pedal is engaged, the system changes the gearshift strategy to max-imise vehicle acceleration. When suitable (e.g. depending on engine speed), this leads to a downshift.Basic PTO Functions (APF-BAS)Facilitates power take-off operation. Pre-defined splitter gear positions determine which splitter gear is used when one or two gearbox power take-offs are engaged.Because gear selection is matched to the engine speed lim-it, it is possible to set parameters for the software. The gear selection is then adapted to any engine speed limits imposed by body-builder functions.Enhanced PTO Functions (APF-ENH)Several functions that aid power take-off operation. I-Shiftʼs power take-off functions make it possible to activate the prop-erties listed below by having the software parameters adjust-ed at an authorised workshop.•Auto Neutral: On command, the driveline is disconnected from the bodybuilder control unit, regardless of the gear leverʼs position, when Auto Neutral is activated.•Reverse Inhibit: When the bodybuilder control unit is-sues the Reverse Inhibit command, the reverse gears are blocked by the transmission system.•Connection of splitter box: Allows connection of a splitter box for operation of high-capacity power take-offs. Direct gear is activated when the bodybuilder module is put in splitter box mode. It is also possible to use all high range gears. Please look into the body builder instructions. Performance ShiftGives faster, gentler shifts through intelligent utilisation of the engineʼs compression brake (VEB brakes), the vehicleʼs clutch and a special gearbox brake.Automatic selection of correct starting gear (1st – 6th gear)is included. The choice of starting gear is determined by gross vehicle weight and road gradient.Gearbox Oil Temperature MonitorContinuously shows the gearbox oil temperature in the infor-mation display.Heavy Start EngagementFor start-up with high revs in Performance mode in 1st gear,resulting in higher starting torque. This function raises the revs to facilitate heavy starts. This is useful, for instance, if the truck is stuck in soft ground.I-RollAutomatic activation and deactivation of a freewheel function in order to cut fuel consumption, which can be reduced by up to several percent. I-Roll is used when neither engine power nor engine braking is needed, for instance on flat roads. When driving with cruise control, I-Roll runs at roughly 1–3 km/h be-low the pre-set speed, which saves fuel. The longer the vehi-FACT SHEETI-Shift drive modescle drives using I-Roll, the more fuel is saved.Smart Cruise ControlInteracts with the vehicleʼs Brake Cruise and ensures that the auxiliary brakes are not activated unnecessarily. The auxiliary brakes are deactivated on downhill stretches to save fuel. This allows increased use of the freewheel function, resulting in improved fuel efficiency.Downhill Cruise ControlDownhill Cruise Control sets a maximum speed to control the vehicle speed in a down-hill.Downhill Cruise Control primarily uses the auxiliary brakes such as the Volvo Engine Brake or the retarder to make sure that the selected speed is not exceeded. Only when required, the wheel brakes are applied.The driver can still use the brake pedal to further lower the speed without deactivating the system.Launch ControlOptimizes gear selection and EBS functions when manoeu-vring at low speeds. Manoeuvring is facilitated because the EBS brakes are automatically engaged when the truck changes direction. This also ensures that the Auto Hold func-tion is activated.It is possible to drive the vehicle forward with the idle regu-lator. This saves unnecessary downshifts and makes it easier to adjust the vehicleʼs speed, for instance when driving in traf-fic queues.Enhanced Shift Strategy4By interacting with EBS 5 and ECS 6, both starting and ma-noeuvring are made easier.This brake mode maximises VEB/VEB+/retarder braking effects by automatically selecting the appropriate gear so the engine runs at high revs. This function compensates for the engine brake when changing gears in brake mode.When changing gears during engine braking, the wheel brakes are activated to compensate for braking moment. This raises braking power and provides smoother gearshifts. Interaction with the braking systems increases safety by preventing the truck from accelerating during gearshifts on steep slopes when braking mode is activated.Heavy Duty GCW Control7Optimizes gear selection for high gross combination weights(according to heavy haulage document). This function improves drivability and fuel economy in the heavy duty trans-port segment. Heavy Duty GCW Control gives the driver ac-cess to the HD (Heavy Duty) driving mode.In HD mode, 1st gear is used as the starting gear and gear selection is adapted to heavier gross combination weights. The gearshifts generally occur at higher revs. HD is activat-ed and deactivated by pressing and holding the modes button on the gear selector for about 3 seconds. The chosen driving mode remains selected when the engine is turned off. Among other things, the DRM-BE-AVO-HD function se-lects the starting gear to suit the gross combination weight, thereby saving the clutch. The entire gear range is utilised, and the gears are changed consistently at high revs to maintain torque and driving comfort.When driving with low gross combination weights or with-out a load, it is easy to deactivate the HD driving mode and return to Economy mode. After this, the driver can switch be-tween available drive modes. This ensures comfortable and fuel efficient driving.4 Full functionality requires EBS-MED.5 EBS = Disc Brakes with Electronically controlled Brake System (EBS-STD / EBS-MED)6 ECS = Electronically Controlled Suspension (SUSPL-EC).7 Available only with certain engine/gearbox combinations.Volvo Tech ToolI-Shiftʼs software packages can easily be installed and changed with the help of Volvoʼs analysis and programming tool, Volvo Tech Tool. This is done by authorised dealers and workshops,where the software packages can be further cus-tomised with optional functions and customer parameters. Customer parametersI-Shift also has many options for setting customer parame-ters that optimize the vehicleʼs driving properties in special applications and special transport segments. For instance, the starting gear can be optimized according to the transport conditions. Power take-off operation can also be customised. Customised settings and reprogramming of I-Shift are car-ried out at authorised workshops using the Volvo Tech Tool.FACT SHEETI-Shift drive modes。


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通过 致U下/U分B 输入 接外部音源......... 旧叫
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LIST OF APPROVED CARSEASY ACCESS REARWARD FACING CHILD SEAT/便于安装的后向式儿童安全座椅en-GB - Easy access rearward facing child seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 zh-CN - 便于安装的后向式儿童安全座椅 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54Easy access rearward facing child seatThe Easy access rearward facing child seat iscertified in accordance with GB 27887-2011.”Semi-universal” with ISOFIX and supportleg= Airbag off! Please observe theinstructions on the use of child safetyseats provided in your owner’s manual .Use in seating positions with ISOFIXThe Easy access rearward facing child seatis suitable for all vehicle seats certified asISOFIX seats (as explained in the vehicleowner’s manual), depending on the weightclass of the child safety seat and theISOFIX size class . The size classes and theISOFIX size classes for which this children’srestraining device is intended is D for the Easyaccess rearward facing child seat .The following list of approved cars must beobserved for this combination .LIST OF APPROVED CARSen-GB This list is constantly updated . The latestversion can be obtained from the websitehttp://volvocars .com/support .= OK with storage compartment! You must only use the adapter on the seats with storage compartment which have been checked and approved by us .1 . Please refer to the vehicle manufacturer for information on how to access the ISOFIX anchoring points at the vehicle seat .2 . The ISOFIX anchoring points deep in the seat cushion make installation more difficult . Please make sure that you properly engage both ISOFIX locking arms .3 . The middle row of seats must be as far forward as possible .4 . The vehicle seat must be as far back as possible . The support leg must not touch the storage compartment .5 . Only approved with additional filler in the storage compartment .5已认证车辆列表zh-CN 便于安装的后向式儿童安全座椅便于安装的后向式儿童安全座椅通过 GB 27887-2011 标准认证。

沃尔沃xc90 介绍

沃尔沃xc90 介绍
xc90雄浑的气质与 车身前后端圆润的 边角相得益彰,使 xc90看上去很匀称 舒服,又不失suv 所固有的阳刚和野 性之美,给人带来 几分清新的北欧气 息,但又没有咄咄 逼人的印象。xc90 鲜明地传递出 volvo汽车传统而 独特的阳刚设计理 念
宽广而 鲜明的 肩部线 条,传 递着几 分力量
采用氙 气大灯, 拥有自 动调节 功能
Байду номын сангаас
前轮胎规格: 235/65 R17 后轮胎规格: 235/65 R17 备胎规格: 非全尺寸
独具一格 的尾灯造 型,继承 着富豪汽 车的特质。 显示勇者 风范
采用五缸轻涡轮 增压型发动机, 排量为2.5L,四 轮全驱动车型最 大功率输出208 马力,且发动机 在低转速下就能 产生很高的扭矩, 因此xc90在低速 时就有较强的动 力表现,这特别 适合suv车型的需 要。
前排大尺寸桶 型双座俨然一 副“商务舱” 等级,均可以 8向电动调整。 由于驾驶舱前 移,使得xc90 内部空间异常 宽敞。其座椅 布置和设计完 全体现驾驶性 和实用性理念
前端直立、 黑色的水箱 格栅,镶着 个性明显的 volvo商标; 形状凸出的 发动机罩, 给人一种v 型的外观设 计,颇有创 意 。
XC90的后 备箱采用 分段式开 启方式, 箱内空间 在不放倒 第三排座 椅的情况 下也是很 充裕,达 到了530升



沃尔沃物流信息服务平台软件需求规格说明书变更记录目录1概述 ............................................................................. ....................................................................... 4 1.1 1.21.3 22.1编写目的 ............................................................................. ...................................................... 4 系统目标 ............................................................................. ...................................................... 4 术语定义 ............................................................................. ...................................................... 7 物流信息服务平台 ............................................................................. .. (9)首页 ............................................................................. ...................................................... 9 物流需求发布 ............................................................................. .................................... 10 物流解决方案 ............................................................................. .................................... 10 物流企业园区 ............................................................................. .................................... 11 物流联盟论坛 ............................................................................. .................................... 12 物流效率测算 ............................................................................. .................................... 12 新闻维护 ............................................................................. ............................................ 14 物流项目发布 ............................................................................. .................................... 14 论坛维护 ............................................................................. ............................................ 15 物流运营数据分析系统维护 ............................................................................. ............ 16 数据字典 ............................................................................. ............................................ 17 网站用户管理 ............................................................................. .................................... 17 平台系统管理 ............................................................................. (21)需求说明 ............................................................................. ............................................................... 9 2.1.1 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7物流信息服务平台管理系统 ............................................................................. .. (14)3 4 5 6性能要求 ............................................................................. ............................................................. 23 可维护性, 可扩展性 ............................................................................. .......................................... 24 安全性 ............................................................................. ................................................................. 25 设计约束 ............................................................................. ............................................................. 26 6.1.1 6.1.2 语言约束 ............................................................................. ............................................ 26 系统模型约束 ............................................................................. (26)7 8 9界面要求 ............................................................................. ............................................................. 27 验收标准 ............................................................................. ............................................................. 29 附件 ............................................................................. (30)1 概述1.1 编写目的本文档是北京软通动力科技有限公司(以下简称软通)在沃尔沃(中国)投资有限公司(以下简称沃尔沃)的物流信息服务平台合同基础上编制的。



RACE Newsletter09/04/2018CAR:NEW : FLASH_0675 VOLVO BOSCH EDC17CP22/CP48/CP68 CANATTENTION!In order to run the writing procedure with the serial protocol flash_0675 it is necessary to perform first the PATCH UNLOCK with the New Trasdata - plugin 158 / 681 / 743.Please check the specific manual.VOLVO C30 Mk2/C70/S40/V50 Mk2/V40 Mk2-3 2.0L 16V D3 110kW EDC17CP22/CP48VOLVO C30 Mk2/V60 2.4L 20V D5 132kW EDC17CP22/CP48VOLVO C70/ S60 Mk2/V60/XC60 2.0L 20V D3 120kW EDC17CP22/CP48VOLVO S60 Mk2/XC70 Mk3/S80Mk3/V60/V70 Mk3/XC60/XC70 Mk3 2.4L 20V D5 158kW EDC17CP22/CP48VOLVO S80 Mk2/V70 Mk3/XC60 2.4L 20V D5 151kW EDC17CP22VOLVO V50 Mk2 2.0L 20V D5 130kW EDC17CP22VOLVO V70 Mk3 2.4L 20V D5 130kW EDC17CP22VOLVO X C60 2.4L 20V D4 120-129kW EDC17CP22VOLVO X C70 Mk3/XC60/ XC70 Mk3/XC90/V60 2.4L 20V D5 120kW EDC17CP22/CP48/CP68VOLVO S60 Mk2/V60/V70 Mk3 2.0L 20V D3 100kW EDC17CP48VOLVO S80 Mk3/V60/V70 Mk3/XC70 Mk3 2.0L 16V D4 120kW EDC17CP48VOLVO S80 Mk3 2.4L 20V D4 120kW EDC17CP48VOLVO V40 Mk3 2.0L 16V D4 130kW EDC17CP48VOLVO V60 2.4L 20V D6 HYBRID 158kW EDC17CP48 VOLVO X C60 2.0L 20V D5 100kW EDC17CP48VOLVO X C60/XC70 Mk3 2.4L 20V D4 133kW EDC17CP48VOLVO X C60 2.4L 20V D4 140kW EDC17CP68VOLVO X C70 Mk3 2.4L 20V D5 133kW EDC17CP68VOLVO X C70 Mk3 2.4L 20V D5 162kW EDC17CP68NEW : FLASH_0676 MERCEDES DELPHI CRD3.E/P CANATTENTION!In order to run the writing procedure with the serial protocol flash_0676 it is necessary to perform first the PATCH UNLOCK with the New Trasdata - plugin 935.Please check the specific manual.MERCEDES A CLASS W176 A200 2.2L 16V CDI 100kW CRD3.E/PMERCEDES A CLASS W176 A220 2.2L 16V CDI 130kW CRD3.E/PMERCEDES B CLASS W246 B200 2.2L 16V CDI 100kW CRD3.E/PMERCEDES C CLASS W205 C220 2.2L 16V CDI 100-120-125kW CRD3.E/PMERCEDES C CLASS W205 C250 2.2L 16V CDI 152kW CRD3.E/PMERCEDES CLA CLASS C117 CLA200 2.2L 16V CDI 100kW CRD3.E/PMERCEDES CLA CLASS C117 CLA220 2.2L 16V CDI 130kW CRD3.E/PMERCEDES GLA CLASS X156 GLA200 2.2L 16V CDI 100kW CRD3.E/PMERCEDES GLA CLASS X156 GLA220 2.2L 16V CDI 130kW CRD3.E/PMERCEDES SPRINTER W906 316-516 2.2L CDI 105-120kW CRD3.E/PTRUCK:NEW: FLASH_0677 CUMMINS – TEREX ATLAS TRUCK CM570 CANTEREX TRUCKS TA300 10.8L QSM 276kW CM570TRACTOR:NEW: FLASH_0674 CUMMINS – TIGERCAT TRACTOR CM2250 CANTIGERCAT FELLER BUNCHERS 724E 6.7L QSB 164kW CM2250SW : 3.0.186 DLL : 1.0.197 FW: 12.09 build 0002 MOTOROLA MPC500 CPUs:ADD : 01 - MOTOROLA MPC500BOSCH EDC7C1 MPC555/MPC556 INTERNATIONAL DieselNEW - plugin 1037 – INTERNATIONAL BUS 3100 4.8L 110kW EDC7C1 STMICROELECTRONICS CPUs:ADD : 02 - STMICROELECTRONICS ST10BOSCH DCU15 ST10C167 DAF AdBlue DCUNEW - plugin 1032 – FENDT 300 VARIO 313 4.4L 99kWINFINEON TRICORE CPUs:ADD : 03 - INFINEON TRICORE NO PSW CANLINEBOSCH REXROTH SRC 9-34 TC1796 AGCO GEARBOX CVTNEW – plugin 951 – AGCO GEARBOX CVTBOSCH ME17.9.71 TC1724 PSA PetrolNEW – plugin 1035 – PEUGEOT 206 1.6L 16V 82kW ME17.9.71BOSCH ME17.2.4/BMS-MP TC1791/TC1793 BMW MOTORRAD PetrolNEW – plugin 1057 – BMW MOTORRAD S SERIES S 1000 R my2017 1.0L 121kW ME17.2.4BMW MOTORRAD S SERIES S 1000 RR my2017 1.0L 146kW ME17.2.4BMW MOTORRAD S SERIES S 1000 XR my2017 1.0L 121kW ME17.2.4BMW MOTORRAD F SERIES F 800 R/GT my2017 1.0L 66kW ME17.2.4BMW MOTORRAD R SERIES R 1200 GS my2017 1.0L 92kW ME17.2.4BOSCH MEVD17.8.4 TC1797 BMW PetrolNEW – plugin 1065 – BMW 3 SERIES F30/F31/F35 320i 2.0L L4 16V TURBO 135kW MEVD17.8.4BMW 5 SERIES F10/F11/F18 520i 2.0L L4 16V TURBO 135kW MEVD17.8.4BMW 5 SERIES F10/F11/F18 525i 2.0L L4 16V TURBO 160kW MEVD17.8.4ADD : 04 - INFINEON TRICORE BOSCH MEDC17 TPROT2/4/7BOSCH MED17.0.7 TC1782 FORD PetrolNEW – plugin 1064 – FORD FIESTA 7 1.0L 12V Ecoboost 74kW MED17.0.7ADD: 23 - INFINEON TRICORE BOSCH MEDC17 GPT VAGBOSCH ME17.5.22 TC1724 VAG PetrolNEW – plugin 1039 – VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 7 1.6L 8V MPI 81kW ME17.5.22VOLKSWAGEN GRAN LAVIDA 1.6L 8V MPI 81kW ME17.5.22VOLKSWAGEN POLO 5 (6R, 6C) 1.6L 8V MPI 81kW ME17.5.22VOLKSWAGEN TOURAN 1.6L 8V MPI 81kW ME17.5.22SKODA OCTAVIA (5E) 1.6L 8V MPI 81kW ME17.5.22ADD: 28 - INFINEON TRICORE BOSCH MEDC17 GPT FORDBOSCH EDC17CP05 TC1797 FORD DieselNEW – plugin 1042 – FORD F250 6.7L V8 32V TD SUPERDUTY 287kW EDC17CP05FORD F350 6.7L V8 32V TD SUPERDUTY 224kW EDC17CP05FORD F250/F350 6.7L V8 32V TD SUPERDUTY 298kW EDC17CP05FORD F250/F350 6.7L V8 32V TD SUPERDUTY 328kW EDC17CP05Important: F34NTA15 flat cable is required to operate in GPT modeNEW: 61 - INFINEON TRICORE BOSCH EDC17 TPROT13 VM MOTORIBOSCH EDC17C49 TC1797 AEBI-SCHMIDT DieselNEW – plugin 1070 – AEBI-SCHMIDT MT750 4.5L V6 115kW EDC17C49ADD: 46 - INFINEON TRICORE CONTINENTAL ACM_MCM MEB TRUCK CAN LINETEMIC ACM2.1/AT25256 TC1796 ACM MERCEDES TRUCKNEW – plugin 1029 – ACM MERCEDES TRUCKWARNING: in order to communicate with this ECU ACM2.1/AT25256 using the plugin 1029 it is required the new cable F34NTA20F34NTA20ADD: 46 - INFINEON TRICORE CONTINENTAL ACM_MCM MEB TRUCK CAN LINECONTINENTAL-SIEMENS-VDO HDEP MCM2.1 TC1797 MERCEDES TRUCK E6 DieselNEW – plugin 1030 – MERCEDES TRUCK EURO6PONSEE FORWARDERS EURO6CLAAS JAGUAR EURO6FENDT KATANA 65 EURO6WARNING: in order to communicate with this ECU HDEP MCM2.1 using the plugin 1030 it is required the new cable F34NTA19F34NTA19ADD: 50 - INFINEON TRICORE SIEMENS SSM VAGCONTINENTAL-SIEMENS-VDO Simos18.X TC1791_384/TC1793_384 VAG PetrolNEW – plugin 830 –AUDI A1 (8X) 1.8L 16V TFSI 141kW SIMOS18.XAUDI A3 (8V) 1.8L 16V TFSI 132kW SIMOS18.XAUDI A3 (8V) 2.0L 16V TFSI 162kW SIMOS18.XAUDI A4 (B8-B9) 2.0L 16V TFSI 132-140-165-185kW SIMOS18.XAUDI A5 (8F/8T) 2.0L 16V TFSI 165kW SIMOS18.XAUDI A6 (C7) 1.8L 16V TFSI 140kW SIMOS18.XAUDI A6 (C7) 2.0L 16V TFSI 183-185kW SIMOS18.XAUDI A7 (4G) 1.8L 16V TFSI 140kW SIMOS18.XAUDI A7 (4G) 2.0L 16V TFSI 140-162-183-185kW SIMOS18.XAUDI Q3 (8U) 2.0L 16V TFSI 132-162kW SIMOS18.XAUDI Q5 (8RB) 2.0L 16V TFSI 132-162kW SIMOS18.XAUDI Q7 (4M) 2.0L 16V TFSI 185kW SIMOS18.XAUDI S1 (8X) 2.0L 16V TFSI 170kW SIMOS18.XAUDI S3 (8V) 2.0L 16V TFSI 205-210-220kW SIMOS18.XAUDI TT (FV) 1.8L 16V TFSI 132kW SIMOS18.XAUDI TT (FV) 2.0L 16V TFSI 161-169-210-228kW SIMOS18.XSEAT LEON (5F) 1.8L 16V TSI-TFSI 132kW SIMOS18.XSEAT LEON (5F) 2.0L 16V TSI CUPRA 195kW SIMOS18.XSKODA OCTAVIA (5E) 1.8L 16V TSI-TFSI 132kW SIMOS18.XSKODA OCTAVIA (5E) 2.0L 16V TSI RS-GTI 162-169kW SIMOS18.XSKODA SUPERB (3V) 1.8L 16V TSI-TFSI 132kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN EOS (1F8) 2.0L 16V TFSI 162kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN BEETLE (A5)/JETTA 6-7 1.8L 16V TFSI 125kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN BEETLE (A5)/JETTA 6 2.0L 16V TFSI 154-155-162kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN GOLF 7 1.8L 16V TFSI 132kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN GOLF 7 2.0L 16V TFSI 162-205kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN GOLF 7 2.0L 16V GTI 155-162-169-194kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN GOLF 7 2.0L 16V R 213-220kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN LAMANDO 1.8L 16V TSI 132kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN LAMANDO 2.0L 16V TFSI 161kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN PASSAT (B7-B8-B9) 1.8L 16V TFSI 125-132kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN PASSAT (B8-B9) 2.0L 16V TFSI 162kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN POLO (6C) 1.8L 16V TSI-GTI 141kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN SCIROCCO 3 2.0L 16V TFSI-GTS-WRC 132-162kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN TOURAN 1.8L 16V TSI 132kW SIMOS18.XPORSCHE MACAN (95B) 2.0L 16V TFSI 185kW SIMOS18.XCONTINENTAL-SIEMENS-VDO Simos12.X TC1797 VAG PetrolNEW – plugin 1067 –AUDI A3 (8V-8P) 1.8L 16V FSI-TFSI 162kW SIMOS12.XAUDI A4 (B8) 1.8L 16V TFSI 125kW SIMOS12.XAUDI A4 (B8) 2.0L 16V TFSI 165kW SIMOS12.XAUDI A5 (8F/8T) 1.8L 16V TFSI 106-125-130kW SIMOS12.XAUDI A5 (8F/8T) 2.0L 16V TFSI 165-169kW SIMOS12.XAUDI A7 (4G) 2.0L 16V TFSI 165kW SIMOS12.XAUDI Q5 (8RB) 2.0L 16V TFSI 132-165-169kW SIMOS12.XAUDI S3 (8P) 2.0L 16V TFSI 205-210-220kW SIMOS12.XAUDI TT (8J) 1.8L 16V FSI 162kW SIMOS12.XAUDI TT (FV) 1.8L 16V TSI 162kW SIMOS12.XAUDI TT (8J) 2.0L 16V TFSI 210-228kW SIMOS12.XImportant: F34NTA18 flat cable is required to operate in SSM modeMOTOROLA MPC55XX CPUs:ADD : 06 - MOTOROLA MPC55XX JTAGCONTINENTAL-SIEMENS-VDO CM2250 MPC5566 PETERBILT DieselNEW – plugin 1028 – PETERBILT 386 15.0L ISX15 298kW CM2250ADD : 43 - MOTOROLA MPC55XX BAMCONTINENTAL-SIEMENS-VDO MPC5534 ACM VOLVONEW – plugin 1041 – VOLVO WHEEL LOADERS ACMRENESAS SH7050 CPUs:ADD : 07 - RENESAS SH7050DELPHI DCM3.7AP SH72543R CASE/DOOSAN/NEW HOLLAND DieselNEW - plugin 1034 – CASE FARMALL 55 C CVT 2.2L 39.5kW DCM3.7APMITSUBISHI MH7XXX/MH8XXX CPUs:ADD : 08 – MITSUBISHI MH7XXX/8XXXMITSUBISHI F8T86571 MH8115F YAMAHA PetrolNEW – plugin 1033 – YAMAHA ATV WOLVERINE X4 0.85L 50kW F8T86571MITSUBISHI E6T32xxx MH8102F MITSUBISHI PetrolNEW – plugin 1038 – MITSUBISHI PAJERO V60 3.5L V6 24V 150kW E6T32xxxMITSUBISHI 33920-98J80 MH8115F SUZUKI PetrolNEW – plugin 1040 – SUZUKI MARINE DF 300 3.6L V6 220kW 33920-98J80NEC CPUs:ADD : 36 - NEC NBDDENSO 270536-6941 NEC 76F0040GD TOYOTA PetrolNEW - plugin 1031 – TOYOTA RAV4 (A2) 2.0L 16V 4L 110kW 270536-6941DENSO 275036-7581 NEC 76F0085 TOYOTA PetrolNEW - plugin 1068 – TOYOTA HILUX/VIGO (AN120-AN130) 2.7L 16V L4 VVT-i DOHC FLEX 120kW 275036-7581 FREESCALE ST MPC56XX SPC56X CPUs:ADD : 37 – FREESCALE ST MPC56XX SPC56XCONTINENTAL-SIEMENS-VDO CM2350 MPC5674F GENERIC CUMMINS ENGINE DieselNEW – plugin 638 – GENERIC CUMMINS ENGINE CM2350AGENERIC CUMMINS ENGINE CM2350BDelphi DCM6.2AP MPC5674F HYUNDAI DieselNEW – plugin 1024 – HYUNDAI i20 Mk2 1.1L 12V CRDi 55kW DCM6.2APKIA RIO/K2 (YB) 1.1L 12V CRDi 55kW DCM6.2APADD : 44 – FREESCALE MPC56XX BAMDelphi DCM6.2AP MPC5674F HYUNDAI DieselNEW - plugin 1063 – HYUNDAI i20 Mk2 1.1L CRDi 55kW DCK6.2APKIA RIO/K2 (YB) 1.1L 12V CRDi 55kW DCM6.2APNEW PLUG-IN LISTPLGID ECU Brand ECU Model Brand Connection Type Micro Flash Ext Category638 Continental-Siemens-VDO CM2350Generic CumminsEngine37 - FREESCALE/STMPC56XX/SPC56X JTAG MPC5674F TRUCK830 Continental SIMOS18.x VAG 50 - INFINEON TRICORE SIEMENSSSM VAG TC1791_384/TC1793_384 CAR951 BOSCH REXROTH SRC 9-34 GEARBOXCVT AGCO03 - INFINEON TRICORE NO PSWCANLINE TC1796 M58BW032FB TRACTOR1024 Delphi DCM6.2AP Hyundai 37 - FREESCALE/STMPC56XX/SPC56X JTAG MPC5674F CAR1028 Continental-Siemens-VDO CM2250 Peterbilt 06 - MOTOROLA MPC5500 JTAG MPC5566 TRUCK1029 Temic ACM2.1/AT25256 MEB Truck 46 - INFINEON TRICORE TEMIC MCMACM MERCEDES OBD TC1796 TRUCK1030 Continental-Siemens-VDO HDEP MCM2.1 MEB Truck46 - INFINEON TRICORE TEMIC MCMACM MERCEDES OBD TC1797 TRUCK1031 Denso 275036-6941 Toyota 36 - NEC NBD 76F0040GD CAR 1032 Bosch DCU15 DAF 02 - STMICROELECTRONICS ST10 ST10C167 AM29F400BT TRUCK 1033 Mitsubishi F8T86571 Yamaha 08 - MITSUBISHI MH7XXX/MH8XXX MH8115F BIKE1034 Delphi DCM3.7AP Case/Doosan/NewHolland 07 - RENESAS SH7050 SH72543RTRUCKTRACTOR1035 Bosch ME17.9.71 PSA 03 - INFINEON TRICORE NO PSWCANLINE TC1724 CAR1037 Bosch EDC7C1 International 01 - MOTOROLA MPC500 MPC555/MPC556 TRUCK 1038 Mitsubishi E6T32xxx Mitsubishi 08 - MITSUBISHI MH7XXX/MH8XXX MH8102F CAR1039 Bosch ME17.5.22 VAG 23 - INFINEON TRICORE BOSCHMEDC17 GPT VAG TC1724 CAR1040 Mitsubishi 33920-98J80 Suzuki 08 - MITSUBISHI MH7XXX/MH8XXX MH8102F MARINE1041 Continental-Siemens-VDO ACM Volvo 43 - MOTOROLA MPC55XX BAM MPC5534 TRUCK1042 Bosch EDC17CP05 Ford 28 - INFINEON TRICORE BOSCHMEDC17 GPT FORD TC1797 CAR1057 BOSCH ME17.2.4/BMS-MP BMW 03 - INFINEON TRICORE NO PSWCANLINE TC1791/TC1793 BIKE1063 Delphi DCM6.2AP Hyundai 44 - FREESCALE MPC56XX BAM MPC5674F CAR1064 Bosch MED17.0.7 Ford 04 - INFINEON TRICORE BOSCHMEDC17 TPROT2/4/7 TC1782 CAR1065 Bosch MEVD17.8.4 BMW 03 - INFINEON TRICORE NO PSWCANLINE TC1797 CAR1067 Continental SIMOS12.x VAG 50 - INFINEON TRICORE SIEMENSSSM VAG TC1797 CAR1068 Denso 275036-7581 Toyota 36 - NEC NBD 76F0085 CAR1070 BOSCH EDC17C49 AEBI SCMIDT 61 – INFINEON TRICORE BOSCHEDC17 TPROT13 VM MOTORI TC1797 TRUCKDIMSPORT S.r.l.。



1.沃尔沃V40 简介
2.沃尔沃V40 使用说明书的作用
3.如何获取沃尔沃V40 使用说明书
4.沃尔沃V40 使用说明书的内容
5.沃尔沃V40 使用说明书的使用注意事项
1.沃尔沃V40 简介
沃尔沃V40 是一款由瑞典沃尔沃公司生产的紧凑型豪华掀背轿车,首次亮相于2012 年日内瓦车展。


2.沃尔沃V40 使用说明书的作用
沃尔沃V40 使用说明书是专门为车主和驾驶员提供的一本指导性手册,旨在帮助用户更好地了解和掌握车辆的操作使用方法,确保驾驶安全。


3.如何获取沃尔沃V40 使用说明书
用户可以通过以下途径获取沃尔沃V40 使用说明书:
- 在购车时,向经销商索要纸质版说明书;
- 在沃尔沃官方网站注册账号,下载电子版说明书;
- 在应用商店搜索“V40 Manual 2014”,即可找到中文版的沃尔沃V40 使用说明书。

4.沃尔沃V40 使用说明书的内容
沃尔沃V40 使用说明书包含了以下几个方面的内容:
- 车辆简介:包括车辆型号、生产年份等基本信息;
- 安全驾驶:介绍安全带的使用方法、儿童座椅安装方法等安全事项;
- 车辆操作:介绍车辆的各个功能按键、操作方法等;
- 驾驶技巧:提供驾驶建议,帮助用户更好地驾驶车辆;
- 维护保养:介绍车辆的保养周期、保养内容等;
- 故障处理:说明遇到故障时应如何处理。



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Volvo 车辆配置手册说明书

Volvo 车辆配置手册说明书

Important NotesChassis DimensionsCab Height: +39 mm for CAB-CRW.Front Axle to Back of Cab: +1258 mm for CAB-CRW, +280 mm for CAB-SSLP. D-measure includes a front clearance of 50 mm and for rigid trucks also a subframe of 120 mm.Height can vary ± 20 mm for leaf and ± 10 mm for air suspension.All dimensions are for unladen chassis and any tag axles down. Chassis height used: CHH-MED.Weight and dimensions are based upon the following tyres:Chassis weight includes oil, water, AdBlue, 0 litres fuel and without driver. Kerb weight can vary ± 3%.Turning diameters are theoretically calculated.Legal weights can differ from country to country.For more detailed weight information, including optional equipment weights, ask your Volvo sales contact to enter your specification into the Volvo WeightChassis Dimensions [mm]WB Wheelbase3250 3500 3800 4100 4400 4700 5000 5300 5600 5900 6200 6500A Overall Chassis Length6545 6975 7425 7955 8425 8915 9435 9915 10425 10835 11430 11730 D Center of rear axle to front of body 2662 2912 3212 3512 3812 4112 4412 4712 5012 5312 5612 5912 N Rear Overhang (Min.) 1515 1685 1615 1515 1615 1615 1615 1615 1615 1615 1615 1615 NRear Overhang (Max.)19752155230525352705289531153295 3505 3615 3910 3910Y Center of Gravity for Payload (Min.) 550 594 645 699 751 802 855 905 958 1007 1060 1105 Y Center of Gravity for Payload (Max.) 748 807 877 950 1021 1092 1164 1234 1305 1374 1447 1512 W Body Length (Min.) 3829 4210 4669 5124 5581 6041 6497 6957 7414 7876 8330 8800 W Body Length (Max.) 4224 4637 5134 5627 6121 6619 7114 7613 8109 8610 9103 9614Chassis Weights [kg]Front Axle 3150 3150 3160 3155 3155 3160 3160 3170 3170 3180 3180 3200 Rear Axle 1335 1365 1400 1425 1445 1470 1495 1530 1550 1570 1595 1615 Kerb Weight4485 4515 4560 4580 4600 4630 4655 4700 4720 4750 4775 4815 Payload (including body, driver, fuel, etc.) 11515 11485 11440 11420 11400 11370 11345 11300 11280 11250 11225 11185Turning Diameter [mm]Turning Circle Diameter Kerb to Kerb 11600 12400 13300 14200 15100 16000 16900 1780018700 19600 20500 21400 Turning Circle Diameter Wall to Wall 1290013700 1460015500 16400 17300 18200 19100 20000 20900 21800 22700Plated Weights [kg]DesignGross Vehicle Weight16000 Gross Combination Weight 21000 Front Axle 5800 Rear Axle 10900■ Standard Equipment □ Optional EquipmentFor more detailed information about cab and powertrain equipment, please refer to separate specification sheets.For all possible options and combinations of options please consult your Volvo sales contact who can create a specification to match your requirements using the Volvo Sales Support system (VSS).□ GARB-PRE Garbage vehicle preparation ■ UNIFORM Basic platform vehicleCore components □ CHH-HIGH Chassis height high - approx. 1000 mm above ground level ■ CHH-MED Chassis height medium - approx. 900 mm above ground level ■ RAD-L80 Rear leaf suspension, 1 axle - 1 driven (80 mm wide leafs) □ CAB-CRW Crew cab □ CAB-DAY Day cab □ CAB-SSLP Comfort cab ■ EU6SCR Euro 6 emission level with Selective Catalytic Reduction(SCR), particle filter and Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)■ D8K250 Six cylinder diesel engine, 7.7 litre Euro 6 SCR + EGR (DieselParticulate Filter), 250 hp, 950 Nm□ D8K280 Six cylinder diesel engine, 7.7 litre Euro 6 SCR + EGR (DieselParticulate Filter), 280 hp, 1050 Nm□ AL306 Automatic 6-speed Allison gearbox, max input torque 1695 Nm □ ATO1056 I-Sync, Automated manual 6 speed gearbox, 1070 Nm ■ ZTO1006 Overdrive 6 speed manual ZF gearbox, 1050 Nm □ EBR-CEB Engine compression and exhaust brake ■ EBR-EPG Engine brake with Exhaust pressure governor, EPG■ RSS1125A Rear single reduction solo axle - axle load 11 tonnes, GCW 25tonnes□ RSS1132A Rear single reduction solo axle - axle load 11 tonnes, GCW32.5 tonnesPackages □ DRIVEFL Driver convenience package FL □ VISIFL Visibility package FL - Optimizing the drivers field of visionaround the cab□ AIRFLOW Airflow package FL - Includes adjustable roof spoiler, sidedeflector and sun visor□ AUDIODAB Audio System DAB ■ AUDIOPD Audio Preparation DAB kit, incl. DAB-amplifier Chassis ■ FST-PAR Front parabolic leaf suspension (normal stiffness) □ FST-PAR3 Two-leaf front parabolic suspension (stiffer than normal) ■ FAL5.8 Front axle load 5.8 tonnes □ FAL6.3 Front axle load 6.3 tonnes ■ RAL10.9 Rear axle load 10.9 tonnes ■ RSTAB1 Rear stabilizer with normal stiffness □ EBS-MED EBS (Electronic Brake System) medium package ■ EBS-STD EBS (Electronic Brake System) standard package■ RST-PAR1 Rear parabolic leaf suspension□ RST-PAR3 Three leaf parabolic rear suspension, stiffer than normal□ RST-PAR4 Short four leaf parabolic rear suspension with normal stiffness ■ FST7070 Frame section thickness - web 7.0 mm / flange 7.0 mm □ FST8080 Frame section thickness - web 8.0 mm / flange 8.0 mm ■ 2BATT170 Batteries 2x170 Ah □ ADR2 ADR adaptation, 1 switch in dashboard, 1 outside on back ofcab■ R80P Right 80 litre plastic diesel tank Min volume 80l Max volume 430l ■ UL-FUEL Without left diesel tank Min volume 80l Max volume 215l □ ADTP-L AdBlue tank on left hand side ■ ADTP-R AdBlue tank on right hand side ■ WHC-FIX1 One fixed wheel chock□ TOWMBRH High mounted towing member, in centre of frame□ C-RO40AG Towing coupling Rockinger 400 G-145■ TOWF-NO1 One front towing device □ TOWF-NO2 Two front towing devices□ TOWR-ONE One rear towing device in frame end cross member□ TREL15 15 pol electrical trailer connector (ADR certified)□ TBC-EC Trailer brake connection, European Community□ RUP-FIX2 Fixed rear underrun protection, EC approved■ RFEND-T Transport mounted one-piece rear fenders□ 2024GSR General safety regulations 2024Rims and tyres □ RT-AL Brushed aluminium rims with std holes (long stud fixing) on allaxles□ RT-ALDP Dura-Bright polished aluminium rims with std holes (long studfixing) on all axles■ RT-STEEL Steel rims on all axles ■ SPWT-F Spare wheel with tyre equal to front wheel □ SWCP-LF Spare wheel carrier on left side in front of rear axle □ SWCP-R Spare wheel carrier transport mounted behind rear axle, onright-hand side (FH, FM)/below frame (FL,□ SWCP-T Spare wheel transport mounted on top of frame ■ SWCP-TP Spare wheel carrier transport mounted with the spare wheel ontop of the frame rails□ JACK-10T Jack, 10 tonnes ■ JACK-8T Jack, 8 tonnes□ GAUGE-TP Tyre pressure gaugePowertrain equipment ■ CS39A-O Single plate clutch, plate diameter 395 mm □ RET-TPT Retarder for hydraulic gearbox □ TC-HWO Oil cooler for hydraulic transmissions – water/oil■ 1COMP500 Single cylinder air compressor 360 cc / 500 l/min □ 2COM1080 Dual cylinder air compressor 720 cc / 1080 l/min ■ AIRIN-HI High air intake □ AIRIN-RL Low air intake, chassis mounted behind cab on left hand side ■ ACL1ST Air cleaner with one filter element □ ACL1ST-S Air cleaner with additional filter element ■ 24AL110B Alternator 110 Ampere □ 24AL130B Alternator 130 Ampere □ CCV-C Closed crankcase ventilation ■ CCV-OX Open crankcase ventilation with oil separator and amaintenance free gas centrifuge■ EST-AID Engine start pre-heating element □ PTER-100 Rear engine mounted clutch independent power-take-off withflange connection (DIN 100 / ISO 7646)□ PTER-DIN Rear engine mounted clutch independent PTO with splinedshaft groove (female) for a close coupled pump (DIN 5462 / ISO 7653)□ PTER1400 Rear engine mounted clutch independent power-take-off withflange connection (SAE 1410 / ISO 7647)□ PR-HF4S PTO transmission, Hydrocar, flange connection, side mounted □ PR-HF4SH PTO transmission, Hydrocar, flange connection, side mounted,high speed□ PR-HF6S PTO transmission, Hydrocar, flange connection, side mounted □ PR-HP4S PTO transmission, Hydrocar, pump connection, side mounted □ PR-HP4SH PTO transmission, Hydrocar, pump connection, side mounted,high speed□ PR-HP6S PTO transmission, Hydrocar, pump connection, side mounted □ PTR-FH1 Rear gearbox mounted Hydrocar S81 PTO with flangeconnection (DIN 90 / ISO 7646) for propeller shaft (800 Nm)connection (DIN 90 / ISO 7646) for propeller shaft (430 Nm)□ PTR-FH5 Rear gearbox mounted Hydrocar S88 PTO with flangeconnection (DIN 90 / ISO 7646) for propeller shaft (450 Nm)□ PTR-PH1 Rear gearbox mounted Hydrocar S81 PTO with connection(DIN 5462 / ISO 7653) for pump (800 Nm)□ PTR-PH2 Rear gearbox mounted Hydrocar S84 PTO with connection(DIN 5462 / ISO 7653) for pump (430 Nm)□ PTR-PH4 Rear gearbox mounted Hydrocar S88 PTO with connection(DIN 5462 / ISO 7653) for pump (450 Nm)□ PTR-PK Electrical and solenoid prep kit for gearbox PTO□ PTR-ZF2 Rear gearbox mounted ZF PTO with flange connection (DIN100 / ISO 7646) for prop shaft (410 Nm)□ PTR-ZF3 Rear gearbox mounted ZF PTO with connection (DIN 5462 /ISO 7653) for pump (410 Nm)□ PTR-ZF4 Rear gearbox mounted ZF PTO with flange connection (DIN100 / ISO 7646) for prop shaft (320 Nm)□ PTR-ZF5 Rear gearbox mounted ZF PTO with connection (DIN 5462 /ISO 7653) for pump (320 Nm)□ PTR-ZF6 Rear gearbox mounted ZF PTO with flange connection (DIN100 / ISO 7646) for prop shaft (270 Nm)□ HPG-F101 Gearbox mounted hydraulic pump F1-101, fixed displacement,single flow□ HPG-F41 Gearbox mounted hydraulic pump F1-41, fixed displacement,single flow□ HPG-F51 Gearbox mounted hydraulic pump F1-51, fixed displacement,single flow□ HPG-F61 Gearbox mounted hydraulic pump F1-61, fixed displacement,single flow□ HPG-F81 Gearbox mounted hydraulic pump F1-81, fixed displacement,single flow□ ETC Electronic throttle control - dash mounted switch for PTOspeed controlCab interior■ TAS-DIG4 Gen 4 one day digital tachograph, EC approved (GNSS &DSRC, EU 2020/1054)□ SPDU-R Dual speed limiter for rear refuse body stepsCab exterior□ SUNV-B Exterior transparent dark grey front sun visor■ SUNV-PK Exterior front sun visor installation preparation kit (fasteners)□ AD-SIDES Short cab side air deflectors□ BEACON-P Prepared for roof beacons□ BEACONA2 2 amber beacon, roof mounted warning lampsSuperstructure preparations□ FBA-BTF Front body attachments for flexible body□ FBA-BTSF Front body attachments for semi-flexible body□ RBA-T2 Rear body attachments for helper frame□ TAILPREP Tail lift preparation kitServices□ TGW-4G Telematics gateway with 4G modem■ WVTA Whole Vehicle Type Approved■ Standard Equipment □ Optional EquipmentFor more detailed information about cab and powertrain equipment, please refer to separate specification sheets.For all possible options and combinations of options please consult your Volvo sales contact who can create a specification to match your requirements using the Volvo Sales Support system (VSS).。

2007年 accord 混合型 Honda 车辆说明书

2007年 accord 混合型 Honda 车辆说明书

Accord Hybrid07HondaY es, hybrids are all about fuel economy and ultra-low emissions. But with the 2007 Accord Hybrid, it’s also about scintillating high performance. Because along with its very clean emissions rating,5 this Hybrid puts 253 horsepower to work making your driving a lot more enjoyable. Leave it to Honda to make social responsibility fun.Accord Hybrid: Help clear the air even quicker.Accord Hybrid shown in Silver Frost Metallic.2007 Accord Hybrid Specifıcations and F eaturesEngine Type V-6Engine Block/Cylinder Head Aluminum-Alloy Displacement (cc) 2997Horsepower @ rpm (SAE net, Rev 8/04)* 253 @ 6000Torque (lb.-ft. @ rpm)* 232 @ 5000Compression Ratio 10.5:1Valve Train 24-Valve SOHC i-VTEC R Multi-Point Fuel Injection •Drive-by-Wire T Throttle System •Idle-Stop Feature •Variable Cylinder Management T (VCM T ) •Active Control Engine Mount System (ACM) •Active Noise Cancellation T (ANC)•CARB Emissions Rating AT-PZEV 5Direct Ignition System with Immobilizer •100,000-Miles-or-More Tune-Up Interval † •Compact 5-Speed Automatic Transmission•Permanent Magnet Motor •Motor Width (mm) 68Nickel-Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) Battery •Output 13.8 kWRated Capacity 6.0 AhUnit-Body Construction •Double Wishbone Front Suspension •Five-Link Double Wishbone Rear Suspension •Stabilizer Bar (mm, front/rear) 25.4/14.0Electric Power-Assisted Rack-and-Pinion Steering (EPS) •Steering Wheel Turns, Lock-to-Lock 3.17Steering Ratio 16.25Turning Diameter, Curb-to-Curb (ft.) 36.1Power-Assisted Ventilated Front Disc/Solid Rear Disc Brakes •Wheels 16" Lightweight Alloy All-Season Tires P215/60 R16 94V Headroom (in., front/rear) 38.3/36.8Legroom (in., front/rear) 42.6/36.8Shoulder Room (in., front/rear) 56.9/56.1Hiproom (in., front/rear) 54.6/53.5Cargo Volume (cu. ft.) 11.2Passenger Volume (cu. ft.) 97.7Seating Capacity 5Wheelbase (in.) 107.9Length (in.) 191.1Height (in.) 57.3Width (in.) 71.6Track (in., front/rear) 61.1/61.2Curb Weight (lbs.) 3605 5-Speed Automatic Transmission (City/Highway) 28/351Crankcase (qt.) 5.3Coolant System (qt.) 8.9Fuel (gal.) 17.1Required Fuel Regular Unleaded120-Watt AM/FM/6-Disc In-Dash CD Changer Audio System with 6 Speakers XM R Satellite Radio 2•3-Point Seat Belts at All Seating Positions•Front 3-Point Seat Belts with Automatic Tensioning System •Adjustable Front Seat Belt Anchors•Driver’s and Front Passenger’s Seat Belt Reminder •Dual-Stage, Dual-Threshold Front Airbags (SRS) •Front Side Airbags with Passenger-Side Occupant Position Detection System (OPDS) •Side Curtain Airbags•Vehicle Stability Assist T (VSA R ) with Traction Control •Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) •Electronic Brake Distribution (EBD) •Daytime Running Lights (DRL) •Side-Impact Door Beams•Outboard Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children (LATCH) •Rear-Center Child-Seat Tether Anchor •Child-Proof Rear Door Locks •Emergency Trunk Opener•Security System•Remote Entry System with Power Window Control •Variable Intermittent Windshield Wipers •Rear Decklid Spoiler •Multi-Reflector Halogen Headlights with Auto-Off Body-Colored Power Side Mirrors with Integrated Turn Indicators Heated Body-Colored Body Side Molding •Body-Colored Impact-Absorbing Bumpers •Chrome Exhaust Finisher Dual Exhaust Chrome Window Trim •LED Brakelights • Power Moonroof with Tilt Feature •Dual-Zone Hybrid Automatic Climate Control System •Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System T 3 with Voice Recognition Available Power Windows with Auto-Up/Down Driver’s Window •Illuminated Power Window Switches •Power Door Locks •Cruise Control•Perforated Leather-Wrapped Steering Wheel •Illuminated Steering Wheel-Mounted Controls •Tilt and Telescopic Steering Column •HomeLink R Remote System 11 •Premium Interior Accents •Center Console with Sliding Armrest and Storage Compartments •Beverage Holders, Front and Rear (8 total) •Driver’s and Front Passenger’s Illuminated Vanity Mirrors•Ambient Console Lighting •Map Lights •Sunglasses Holder •12-Volt Power Outlets (2 total) •Lockable Glove Compartment with Light •Electronic Remote Trunk Release •Rear Window Defroster •Leather-Trimmed Seats and Door Panel Inserts•Heated Front Seats•Driver’s Seat with 8-Way Power Adjustment•Maintenance Minder T System •Tachometer •Idle-Stop Indicator •IMA Charge and Assist Indicators •Battery Charge Indicator •Digital Odometer and Digital Trip Meters (2) •*Horsepower and torque calculations reflect SAE J1349 procedures revised August, 2004.† D oes not apply to fluid and filter changes. Exact mileage is determined by actual driving conditions. Please see your owner’s manual for more details.1 Based on 2007 EPA mileage estimates. Use for comparison purposes only. Actual mileage may vary.2 XM R Satellite Radio requires XM subscription, available at . Trial subscription provided free for first three months. All fees andprogramming s ubject to change. See your dealer for details. XM service only available in the 48 contiguous United States. The XM name is a registered trademark of XM Satellite Radio Inc. 3 The Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System is availableonly in the 48 contiguous United States on EX-L and Hybrid models. 4 © 2006 Zagat Survey,R LLC. Zagat Survey is a registered trademark of Zagat Survey, LLC. 5 AT-PZEV rated by California Air Resources Board (CARB ). 6 Limited battery-pack warranty may vary. Consult your warranty booklet. 7 Kelley Blue Book’s awarded Honda two Best Resale Value Awards for the 2006 Odyssey and the 2006 Accord Hybrid. /media. 8 Based on 2006 model-year study. IntelliChoice,R Inc. . 9 Automotive Lease Guide, 2006 Residual Value Awards. 10 Car and Driver, J anuary 2006. 11 HomeLink R is a registered trademark of Prince Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Johnson Controls.T 12 3-Year/36,000-Mile Limited Warranty. 5-Year/60,000-Mile Limited Powertrain Warranty. Ordinary maintenance or adjustments, parts subject to normal wear and replacement, and certain items are excluded. See your Honda dealer for terms and c onditions of the limited warranties. Always use seat belts and appropriate child seats. Children 12 and under are safest when properly restrained in the rear seat. Specifications, features, illustrations and equipment shown in this brochure are based upon the latest information available at the time of printing. Although descriptions are believed to be correct, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. American Honda Motor Co., Inc., reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice or obligation, in colors, specifications, accessories, materials and models. Some features mentioned herein are not available in all areas. See your Honda dealer for details. Some vehicles may be shown with optional equipment. A vailable = Optional. NA = Not applicable. All images contained herein are either owned by American Honda Motor Co., Inc., or used under a valid license. It is a violation of federal law to reproduce these images without express written permission from A merican Honda Motor Co., Inc., or the individual copyright owner of such images. Honda Financial Services is a DBA of American Honda Finance C orporation. Honda, the H-mark symbol, Honda Care, HondaJet, Honda Satellite-Linked N avigation System, Active Noise Cancellation, ASIMO, Drive-by-Wire, Environmentology, Integrated Motor Assist IMA, Maintenance Minder, Variable Cylinder M anagement, VCM, Variable Timing C ontrol, VTC, Vehicle Stability Assist, VSA, i-VTEC and VTEC are trademarks of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. © 2006 American Honda Motor Co., Inc.。

沃尔沃XC40 配件使用手册说明书

沃尔沃XC40 配件使用手册说明书

Sensus connected touch..............................Accessories User Guide..............................volvo car corporationSpecifikationer,konstruktionsdata och illustrationer i denna publikationär inte bindande.Vi förbehåller oss rätten att göraändringar utan föregående meddelande.The specifications,constructional data and illustrations contained in this publication are not binding.We reserve us the right to make alterations without priornotification.Les spécifications,les données de construction et les illustrations de cette publication ne sont contractuelles.Nous nous réservons le droit d’effectuer desmodifications sans notification préalable.Die in dieser Veröffentlichung enthaltenen technischen Daten,Konstruktionsdaten und Abbildungen sind nicht bindend.Wir behalten uns das Recht vor,Änderungen ohne vorherige Ankündigung vorzunehmen.Tässäjulkaisussa olevat erittelyt,rakennetiedot ja kuvat eivät ole sitovia.Pidätämme itsellämme oikeuden tehdämuutoksia niistäennalta ilmoittamatta.Le specifiche,i dati di costruzione e le illustrazioni contenute nella presente pubblicazione non sono vincolanti.Ci riserviamo il diritto di apportare modifichesenza preavviso.Las especificaciones,datos de construcción e ilustraciones de esta publicación no son vinculantes.Nos reservamos el derecho de realizar alteraciones sinnotificación previa.De specificaties,constructiegegevens en afbeeldingen in deze uitgave zijn niet bindend.We behouden ons het recht voor om wijzigingen aan te brengen zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving.Las especificações,dados de construção efiguras desta publicação não são vinculativas.Reservamo-nos o direito de fazer alterações sem notificação prévia.Bu yayında bulunan tekniközellikler,yapısal veriler veçizimler bağlayıcıdeğildir.Önceden bildirmeksizin bu bilgilerde değişiklik yapma hakkımızısaklıtutarız.Спецификации,конструкторскиеданныеииллюстрациивданнойпубликациимогутбытьизменены.Мыоставляемзасобойправонавнесениеизмененийбезпредварительногопредупреждения.当ガイド内の仕様、デザインデータ、及びイラストには拘束力がありません。



Company Profile盛联滤清器,更具动力。

东 盛联滤清 制造有 司成 于1997年,是一 汽车、 压机、工程机械、 用车滤清 产品为主业, 过滤技术开发为 心, 研发、生产、销 为一体的专业技术型企业。

专注过滤20年,盛联不仅专于上标 产品的生产制造同时也精于为 户 制 统性环 过滤问题 决。

盛联滤清 在 后 场上已获得权 机构和资 用户的 认可,产品用面 ,服务 道 善,在国 各 都设有 许经销 服务机构。

盛联人一 秉承“有 经营、 续 进、质量 一、 户满 ”的目标,环 为使命不 善和创 。

质量体 运行 已获得的I S O9001和IATF16949国际汽车行业质量 理体 认证。

在“力求 美卓 ,进 永止 ”的质量理 指导 ,盛联 续 养专业的技术专业人, 进先进的生产机 专业检测设备,力求给 大消费者提供 质的滤清 产品 满 的服务。

1997200020052009201120162018200420072010201520171999盛联滤清器20年发展历程HistoryStrive for excellent filter!成 “东 盛联过滤 制品厂”,主要加工生产五金 盖车用滤清 开 生产乘用车 型P U 滤清 和汽车 调滤清 成为中国 燃机工业协员加 中国 燃机协 滤清分开始与国际一线品牌合作服务; 司通过T S 16949质量体 认证扩建30000平 米 工厂,全线升级产品的生产工艺和设备设启动 制环过滤问题统性决 开 生产乘用车P P 注塑类滤清更名为:东 盛联滤清制造有司,并开 生产 型滤清,柴油滤清 启动汽车 后 场盛联滤清 销 ; 司通过I S O 9001质量体 认证开 研发、生产 压机 气、机油滤清 ,油气分 成为华 理工大学纸浆造纸实验的产学研合作单 研发并 产国五国 标 的机柴滤芯,同时通过I A T F 16949 认证·种类区别(首写字母)型号命名规则SA = SL Air Filter → 盛联空气滤清器SC = SL Cabin Air Filter → 盛联空调滤清器SO = SL Oil Filter → 盛联机油滤清器SF = SL Fuel Filter → 盛联燃油滤清器SFD → 盛联防雾霾空调滤清器·车型区别(字头)C2 → 东风、启辰C3 → 吉利、众泰C4 → 海马汽车C5 → 五十铃、江铃C6 → 比亚迪C7 → 北京汽车C8 → 广汽汽车C9 → 其他汽车B → 宝马D → 奔驰F → 福特G → 美国通用(别克、JEEP 、雪弗兰、GMC 、 凯迪拉克、欧宝、五菱、宝骏)H → 现代、起亚、大宇、双龙、瑞风L → 路虎P → 标致、雪铁龙Q → 保时捷、玛莎拉蒂、捷豹R → 雷诺V → 沃尔沃W → 大众、奥迪、兰博基尼Y → 菲亚特C → (China )国产车C0 → 奇瑞汽车C1 → 长城、长安、力帆、川汽1 → 丰田、雷克萨斯2 → 日产、英菲尼迪3 → 三菱、东南、猎豹4 → 马自达、海马5 → 五十铃8 → 本田、讴歌9 → 铃木、斯巴鲁·产品工艺区别(尾字母)H → 热压产品(环保棉)T → 五金产品U → PU 产品P → PP 产品空气滤清器(热压、五金、PU 、PP )无 → 普通型(可防雾霾)X → 竹纤维(可去除花粉、过敏颗粒)K → 碳纤维(吸附异味)SFD → 防雾霾神器(防雾霾、杀菌、吸附异味)空调滤清器(普通、碳纤维、竹纤维、防雾霾)无 → 热板焊/1 → 热熔胶纸芯机油滤清器(热板焊、热熔胶)·示例SA -1003H首字母字头尾字母→ 空气滤清器、丰田/雷克萨斯、热压产品(环保棉)SC -Q003K → 空调滤清器、保时捷/玛莎拉蒂/捷豹、碳纤维SO -1002/1→ 机油滤清器、丰田/雷克萨斯、热熔胶Air Filter功能:协助提供清洁及足够的空气帮助发动机燃烧,除去空气中悬浮的大多尘土,如二氧化硅一种比金属还硬的物质。



A Concise Guide to Your New Model Year 2023 VolvoWith Google built-in and moreTable of ContentsClick on any topic to jump to that page; use the Home iconon the lower left of each page to return hereKey Google Services 3Interacting with the Infotainment Systemwith Google built-in 4 Driver Profile Setup 5 Basic Navigation: Center Display 8 Pairing Your Car with the Volvo Cars App 11 Adding, Changing, and Deleting Profiles in the Car 15 Pairing and Deleting Keys 18 Screen Lock 19 Hands-Free, Foot-Activated Tailgate 20 Charging a Twin Engine Plug-In Hybrid 21 One-Pedal Drive 22 Recharge Plug-In Hybrid Drive Modes 23Key Google ServicesAn Active Google Account Will Enable Access to Key FeaturesSigning into your own Google account provides a personalized experience, such as directions to work or home, saved Google Maps destinations, and Google Map search history. This makes trip planning very easy. The system will still function without being signed in with Google.We recommend you set up a Google account, if you don’t already have one. You can do that here .Google AssistantAllows driver to control in-car functions and muchmore by voice.Google PlayAllows drivers to easily download apps and have themappear within the car center touchscreen.Google, Google Play, and Google Maps are trademarks of Google LLC. Google services are included in the 4-year Digital Services package.Interacting with the Infotainment Systemwith Google built-inInteracting with the new Infotainment system is easy and as familiar as using your smartphone• Google Assistant supports natural speech. Simply say “Hey Google” or “OK Google” and state your command – anything from navigation to most things that can be answered by the internet.• Google can also control some in-car features, such as climate settings, heated seats and steering wheel.• Our new navigation system, Google Maps, is based on the Google Maps app for smartphones, now adapted for in-car usage. Mapsare always up to date and cached in the car while driving. The routeto your destination is pre-cached in case of limited connectivity, and the system will assist you with Real Time Traffic Information, automatic rerouting, and voice control. When logged in with your Google account, saved favorites such as home, work, and recent destinations are sharedbetween smartphone and car.Driver Profile SetupC D Once in Profiles, selectComplete Profile Setup .Follow prompts to set up Volvo ID and complete step one.1. Link Volvo IDComplete Profile Setup Completing the Driver Profile is the first step in customizing the car settings to set you up for a more intuitive driving experience. We recommend each driver create their own profile in the car.Before you can set up Driver Profiles, you will need both your Volvo ID and your Google account login.If you don’t yet have a Volvo ID, your Volvo Retailer Sales Consultant can help you to create it, or you can do it yourself by downloading the Volvo Cars app with which you can create a Volvo ID login and password. You also can do it by clicking here and following the steps.*iPhone user only, no action needed for Android users.D 2. Pair PhoneMake sure the code displayed in the vehicle matches the onedisplayed on your phone and confirm.Once pairing is completed, g o to the phone’s Bluetooth settings*• Press (i) by your car’s model name• Enable Show Notifications and Sync Contacts for access to text messages and phone contacts in the car.Google Assistant, Google Play and Google Maps are trademarks of Google LLC.C A short tutorial on Google Assistant is available here , and you are able to turn on personal results for access to your calendar and contacts.A short tutorial on Drive Profile Setup is available here .3. Google Sign-InFollow prompts to sign in and view tutorials, turnon personal results and select Google Play apps,then your profile is complete!Basic Navigation: Center DisplayHome ViewHome view is displayedwhen the screen is activated.It consists of four tiles.You can choose which appswill be shown in Home view tiles.An app that is selected from Appview starts in the respective tilein Home view.The tiles are dynamic and showthe last-used apps, such asnavigation, media, phone, etc.Tap an app to expand it or swipefrom the left in the tile to viewadditional apps.Note, when the vehicle is moving:• Certain applications (e.g.the Owner’s Manual) maybe deactivated.• Certain messages(e.g. those generatedby apps) will be shortened.Status BarCurrent vehicle activities are shown at the top of the screenin the status bar: information such as active user profile,network and Bluetooth connection status, and the clock.Notifications ViewPull the tab down to access Notifications view, which shows missed calls, vehicle information, and provides access to User Profiles. To leave, tap outside of Notifications, press the Home button, or swipe upwards.User ProfilesTo access User Profiles, swipedown on the Home Screen toreach notifications.Select (tap) the profile in use(upper left corner).Only the profile that is signed-inwill appear. A new car will defaultto the name “Owner” as the primaryand only profile.On the Profiles screen you canupdate or delete an existing profile,or add a new one.Many driver personal preferencesettings can be saved in differentuser profiles, including screens,mirrors, front seat, navigation,audio and media system,language and voice control.App ViewApp view provides access to the vehicle’s preinstalledand downloaded apps. From App view, you can downloadand install additional apps and access the Owner’s Manual.Tap an app to open it in full-screen mode.Camera ViewCamera view starts automatically when gear selectorposition R is used. It shows the Park Assist Cameras,and separate views for each of the four cameras:rear, front, left and right.Camera view closes automatically when the vehiclereaches a certain speed or can be closed manuallyby tapping or the Home button.Settings ViewSelecting Settings view allows you to make changes thatinclude system units of measurement, system language,door lock and unlock settings, and resetting user data.Climate ViewButtons for App view, Camera view, Settings view, and the most common climate settings are at the bottom of the center display. Tap the blue or red arrow to adjust the temperature when left and right side temperature is synchronized. Tap the temperature button to open Climate view and additional settings options. Tap the Home button to close Climate view.The Volvo Cars app pairing process is completed in the car. Please make sure you are signed into your driver profile in the car and have all car keys with you. Don’t have a driver profile yet? Please follow the instructions on page 5.Pairing Your Car with the Volvo Cars AppDownload the Volvo Cars app by visiting the appropriate app store. Available for iOS 8 or higher and Android 4.0 or higher.Next, create your Volvo ID. If you already created your Volvo ID, go directly to Sign In .Sign In Create Volvo ID1. Download the Volvo Cars app and Sign InThe Volvo Cars app pairing process is completed in the vehicle.2. Within Car: Share Car DataThe Volvo Cars app pairing process is completed in the vehicle.3. Within Car: Pairing app Part 1CThe Volvo Cars app pairing process is completed in the vehicle.Open app while sitting in your vehicle. If you are new to the Volvo Cars app, press Add your car .Press Next on the center touch-screen. Verify the numbers on screen match the numbers in the Volvo Cars app. Pairing complete.4. Within Car: Pairing App Part 2A short tutorial on Volvo Cars app pairing is available here .Add your carAdding, Changing, and DeletingProfiles in the CarTo add, change or delete a Driver Profile, please follow the steps below. Access Profiles & ChangeAdd ProfileDelete ProfileLog into the profile you want to delete.By deleting a profile, all settings associatedwith that profile will be deleted.Pairing your key fob into your driver profile will ensure that your personal settings for seat, climate, audio, and navigation will auto-matically adjust each time you enter the car with the paired fob.Follow these easy steps on the center touchscreen to pair or remove a key fob in your profile.Pairing and Deleting KeysAccess ProfilesWith your Driver Profile set up, you can easily lock the screen when someone outside your household will be driving your car (e.g. a valet). This protects your personal information, past destinations, and apps.Screen LockAccess Screen LockHands-Free, Foot-Activated Tailgate Both hands full? You can open or close the tailgate with a single footkick movement under the rear bumper.Pro tip: Aim for the center left parking sensor or the first “V” of the “Volvo” lettering for best results.The ‘kick’ should be smooth during the inward and outward motion – no waving or holding your foot in place as this won’t activate the sensor to open /close the tailgate.Immediately after the kick, take a step back to ensure that the tailgate will open or close.A short tutorial on the foot-activated tailgate is available here.Charging a Recharge Plug-In HybridRecharge Plug-In HybridVolvo Twin Engine Plug-in Hybrid vehicles feature the “Three Layer” 18.8 kWh high-voltage battery. That means you can do longer fully electric journeys with zero tailpipe emissions on a single charge.The Charging CableThe standard dual-voltage (110V & 220V) charging cable has two connectors – one side plugs into the vehicle using an industry-standard J1772 connector. The other connector has a special adaptor that allows it to plug into either a 110V or a 220V wall outlet.Using a 110V outlet, you can expect to charge the battery in 10 to 15 hours. Using a 220V outlet or a commercial charging station, you can charge the battery in 5 to 8 hours.Two-Step Regenerative Braking SystemThe regenerative braking system recovers and transmits energy back into the high-voltage battery, either to recharge it or for immediate use. You can press the “Hold” button on the center display to keep the current battery charge for later use, or the “Charge” button for the gasolineengine to charge the battery up to 90 percent.In Recharge Plug-In Hybrid vehicles, one pedaldrive gives you intuitive, seamless control ofthe car’s acceleration and braking just by usingthe accelerator pedal. Press the pedal for instantacceleration, and release it to instantly reducespeed or to brake the car to standstill (on Rechargewith Google built-in). This adds to more relaxeddriving, more fun, and an enhanced feeling ofcontrol – especially in stop-and-go city traffic.Brake energy regeneration also adds to a longerrange – every time you release the pedal, electricenergy is generated and fed back to the car’sbattery. The level of regenerative brake forceis determined by moving the shifter between “D” mode and “B” mode. In “B” mode the car has a high level of brake energy regeneration, and it activates one pedal drive. One pedal drive can also be controlled via Google Assistant. In “D” mode one pedal drive is turned off, and it provides a lower level of energy regeneration. When driving in one pedal drive you can activate “Creep” mode –“Creep On” to allow you to continue driving at low speeds without the car coming to a complete stop, such as in precision parking situations. “Creep” mode can easily be turned on or off via the settings menu in the center display or simply by using a voice command with the help of Google Assistant:“Hey Google, turn on/off creep mode.”One-Pedal DriveRecharge Plug-In Hybrid Drive ModesThe drive mode settings in our Plug-In Hybrid are different from thosein our gasoline engine cars. The drive mode settings allow the driverto choose different settings for the engine via the center display.Hybrid Mode (Default) utilizes the electric motor and gasoline engine, either individually or in parallel. Their operation is optimized for performance, fuel consumption, and comfort. The engineand automatic gearbox are programmed for maximum comfort.This is the default mode when the engine is started.Pure Electric Mode prioritizes electric operation and low energy consumption. It helps to maximize driving on the hybrid battery.The dynamic performance is reduced, and air-conditioning is partly disengaged but can be activated manually. This mode sets a maximum speed of 87 mph using only electric propulsion. (When Hybrid Mode is active, the car’s maximum speed is 78 mph on electric propulsion only.) Power Mode combines the gasoline engine and the electric motorto ensure the strongest performance, sporty characteristics, and quick response.Launching from a stop, this mode takes advantage of the electric motor’s instant maximum torque while the combustion engine gets up to speed. eAWD (All-Wheel Drive) Mode provides constant all-wheel driveon demand. Used primarily at low speeds and in slippery conditions, it activates all-wheel drive to improve traction. You can select this mode when needed, or choose to save energy for later. There is always enough power to use AWD mode, even when the battery is depleted. Off-Road Mode (XC90 & XC60 only) can be set at speeds below approximately 12 mph to maximize traction and control on poor roads. Above 25 mph Off-Road mode is disconnected and will notbe connected automatically again, even if speed is reduced. In this mode, Hill Descent Control is automatically activated, steering is set to comfort mode, the Electronic Stability Control is set to Traction/ Sport, and the Stop/Start function is deactivated.。



headLamp ControL • 3Turns the headlamps off.T urns on parking, instrument panel,license plate and tail lamps.Turns on headlamps.(if equipped) Automatically turns the exteri-or lamps on/off based on available daylight.P ull toward you to turn on thefog lamps (if equipped).Note: Your vehicle may be equipped with automatic instrumentation illumination. When the headlamps or park lamps are turned on, a light sensor in your vehicle monitors the outside lighting conditions and automaticallyA u d i o c o n t r o l sTo seTThe Time:Press CLOCK. Usethe memory preset#s to enter thedesired time.• 3aUto • 4Press to engage full automatic operation. Selectvehicle to reach the desired temperature.defrosTDistributes outside air through the windshielddefroster and demister vents. Can be used to clearthin ice or fog from the windshield.Fan Speed • 6cnaVIgatIon baSed dUaL zone aUtomatIC temperatUre ControL (IF eqUIpped)rear defrosTPress to activate and clear the rear window and sideheated mirrors of thin ice and fog. Press again todeactivate. The defroster will turn off automaticallyafter 15 minutes.a/C • 8Recirculated air may reduce the amount of timeneeded to cool down the interior of the vehicleUse extreme caution when using any device or feature that may take your attention off the road. YouraIrbag readIneSS LIght • 11Illuminates briefly when the ignition is turnedon. If this light fails to illuminate, remains on orcontinues to flash after the engine is started,contact your authorized dealer for service assoon as possible. A chime will also sound ifa malfunction in the supplemental restraintsystem is detected.hazardFLaSher • 7inTerior TrunkreLeaSe • 6service engine soon lighT • 12Illuminates briefly when the ignition is turned on.If it remains on or is blinking after the engine isstarted, the On Board Diagnostics System(OBD-II) has detected a malfunction. Drive in amoderate fashion and contact your authorizeddealer as soon as possible.abS WarnIng LIght • 13Illuminates briefly when the ignition is turnedon. If the light remains on or continues to flash,a malfunction has been detected. Contact yourauthorized dealer as soon as possible and have thesystem serviced. Normal braking (less ABS) is stillfunctional unless the brake warning light isalso illuminated.ThroTTle conTrol/Transmission lighT • 10Illuminates when a powertrain fault is detected.If the light remains on or continues to come on,contact your authorized dealer for service assoon as possible.SteerIng WheeL ControLS(IF eqUIpped) • 42 Accelerate to the desired speed.3 Press SET + and take your foot off the accelerator.o set a higher speed, press and hold SET + or press SET + repeatedly until the desired speed is reached.o set a lower speed, press and hold SET – or press SET – repeatedly until the desired speed is reached.o return to a previously set speed, press RESUME.o turn off, depress the brake pedal or press OFF.VOL +/-: Press to increase/decrease volume levels.ress to access the previous/next radio station,CD track or preset satellite radio channel.: Press repeatedly to access all possible media sources.: Press to access SYNC voice recognition, if equipped.: Press to access SYNC phone features, if equipped.meSSage Center (IF eqUIpped) • 5Displays important vehicle information througha constant monitoring of vehicle systems.The system will notify you of potential problemswith a display of warnings followed by a longindicator chime. Use the INFO, SETUP and RESETbuttons to access various menus and settingswithin the message center such as MyColor®ambient lighting and halo lighting. Refer to yourOwner’s Guide for more information.advanceTrac® StabILItyenhanCement SyStem • 8Helps you maintain stability and steerability of yourvehicle during a variety of road conditions. If yourvehicle becomes stuck, try turning off the TractionControl portion of the AdvanceTrac® system (bypressing the control once) to allow wheel spin and helpincrease momentum to help dig the vehicle out. Thiscontrol also enables other AdvanceTrac® modes, pleaserefer to your Owner’s Guide for more information.Sport Mode (if equipped):Allows for more spirited driving (closer to the vehicle’shandling limits) before the AdvanceTrac® systemintervenes. To activate, press the brake pedal andthen press the control twice rapidly. Sport mode isintended for use in controlled racing environments asit provides less AdvanceTrac® intervention and shouldonly be used by experienced drivers in a controlled andsafe manner. Always be familiar with the vehicle andthe conditions before selecting this mode. Refer toyour Owner’s Guide for more information.manual heaTing andaIr CondItIonIng SyStem • 9Refer to the Climate Control chapter in yourOwner’s Guide for more information.11234567891011LoW tIre preSSUre WarnIng LIght • 2Refer to the Tire Pressure section on the Essential Information Panelfor more information.Integrated keyhead tranSmItter (Ikt)• Press once to lock all doors. Press again to confirm all doors are closed.ress once to unlock the driver’s door. Press again within five seconds to unlock all doors.ress to activate the panic alarm. Press again or turn the ignition on to deactivate.• Press twice within three seconds to open the trunk.ar finder: Press twice within three seconds to locate your vehicle. The horn will chirp and the turn lamps will flash.ConVertIbLe (IF eqUIpped)Do not store articles behind rear seat. Articles stored in the convertible top stowage compartment may break the rear glass window when the top is lowered. The convertible top can be lowered with the side windows down. The windows automatically lower when lowering or raising the top. Do not lower the top when the top material is wet. The convertible top will not operate unless the vehicle is traveling under 3 mph (5 km/h).to LoWer the ConVertIbLe top1Turn the key to the onposition. It is recommended that the engine is running to prevent draining the battery. 2co n v e r t i b l e t o pentire Owner’s Guide carefully as you begin learning about your new vehicle and refer to the appropriate sections when questions arise.All information contained in this Quick Reference Guide was accurate at the time of duplication. We reserve the right to change features, operation and/or functionality of any vehicle specification at any time. Your Ford dealer is the best source for the most current information. For detailed operating and safety information, please consult your Owner’s Guide.Ford Motor Company | Customer Relationship Center | P.O. Box 6248 | Dearborn, MI 48121 1-800-392-3673 (FORD) | (TDD for the hearing impaired: 1-800-232-5952)AR3J 19G217 AA December 2008First PrintingQuick Reference Guide Mustang Litho in U.S.A.the nozzle and begin fueling. It is self sealing and therefore protected against dust, dirt, water, snow and ice. To use a portable fuel container, slowly use aftermarket funnels as they will not work with the Easy Fuel™ fuel infoYour fuel tank capacity is 16.0 gallons locaTion of spare Tireand Toolsto the tire’s sidewall. The mobility kit provides a temporary seal allowing you to drive up to 120 miles at a maximum speed of 50 mph. After for replacement canisters. For complete information refer to your Owner’s Guide.roadside assistance. Roadside assistance includes such services as: lockoutassistance, limited fuel delivery, battery Tire pressureequipped with a System (TPMS) under-inflated. If the low tire pressure warning light remains on at start up or while driving, stop and check your tires as soon as possible and ensure that they light flashes for approximately one minute and then remains on, a malfunction has s.o.s. posT crash alerTThis system provides audible and visual alarms when a crash causes theTo deactivate, press the hazard flasher control, or on your remote transmitter.。

2021年版Volvo XC90说明书

2021年版Volvo XC90说明书

Volvo XC90A Higher Grade Of LuxuryWe created the XC90 to meet your highest expectations of Swedish luxury. It’s a highly personal expression that evokes a strong sense of elegant refinement. Each detail is carefully selected to give you and your passengers a sophisticated and invigorating experience. A car that meets your expectations of a dynamic luxury drive with refined comfort and sophisticated design. And when it comes to intelligent luxury imbued with distinctive style and fresh thinking, the XC90 Inscription is in a class ofits own – just like you.XC90’s plug-in hybrid technology means you get an uncompromising driving experience with excellent fuel economy and low CO₂ emissions all at the same time.That’s why this solution is as important today as it is in our future.The XC90 epitomises our proud heritage of human-centric design. The highly sophisticated XC90 Inscription expresses the essence of contemporary luxury inits Swedish craftsmanship.Select your power. Choose between five drive modes that allow you to tailor the car’s behaviour to your mood and find the perfect setting for the road you’re on. The large9-inch center display further adds to your sense of being in control.Note: Above images used are only for illustration purposes.City Safety - Collision Avoidance & Mitigation with IntersectionSupport Pedestrian, Cyclist & Large Animal DetectionBlind Spot Information System (BLIS) with Steer Assist Lane Keeping Aid (LKA)Oncoming Lane MitigationCross Traffic Alert (CTA) with Auto BrakeRun-off Road Mitigation with Road Edge DetectionPark Assist Pilot, Parallel Parking & Perpendicular Parking Front & Rear Collision Warning & Mitigation SupportINTELLISAFE – SAFET Y ASSISTANCENote: City Safety and Accessories video footage used are for illustration purposes. The video footage shows a general car model. Actual functionality andspecifications may vary.Product Walk AroundVideo GalleryVIDEO GALLERYS : StandardB5 : B5 Inscription PlusT8 : Recharge T8 Inscription PlusNote: Model specifications and colours may differ from those shown in leaflet. Please check with your dealer for more information.707 Crystal White, Pearl723 Denim Blue, Metallic717 Onyx Black, Metallic727 Pebble Grey, Metallic** The electric range is the certified data based on driving cycles and regulations. This is not a range that can be expectedduring typical driving.Note: Prices quoted are exclusive of insurance and HP Endorsement. Prices quoted are subject to change without priornotice. Model specifications and colours may differ from those shown in leaflet. For further details, please refer to yournearest authorised dealer. * Terms and conditions apply. Effective Date: 15 February 2022.COLOURSVolvo XC90Years Unlimited MileageWarranty On New Car *Years or 160,000kmWarranty On PHEV Battery *58VOLVO CAR MALAYSIA SDN BHD (482430-K) • Authorised Dealers:• KUALA LUMPUR • FEDERAL AUTO CARS (Federal Highway 03-2260 1411) • SISMA AUTO (Jalan Bukit Bintang 03-2166 5155) • SELANGOR • FEDERAL AUTO CARS (Glenmarie 03-5569 4880) • INGRESS SWEDE AUTOMOBILE (Mutiara Damansara 03-7732 9666) • SIME DARBY SWEDISH AUTO (Ara Damansara 03-7623 3200) • PENANG • FEDERAL AUTO CARS (Jalan Sungai Pinang 04-281 7300) • WESTERN CIRCLE (Juru 04-508 0888) • PERAK • iROLL IPOH (Jalan Raja Permaisuri Bainun 05-246 1618) •MELAKA • SEONG HOE MOTORS (Melaka 06-282 2653)• JOHOR • AJ PREMIUM MOTORS (Batu Pahat 07-431 2222) • PEKIN AUTO (Johor Bahru 07-562 6011) • SABAH • SEBANGGA MITSINBO(Kota Kinabalu 088-309 888) • SARAWAK • FOTROENDE AUTOMOBILE (Kuching 082-572 009)。



Q U I C K G U I D E恭喜您拥有全新沃尔沃汽车!本文件夹包含您的汽车中最常用的功能。









移动应用程序可从苹果应用商店 (App Store) 或谷歌市场 (Google play) 下载至移动设备。

另外,更多有关您的汽车的信息,请登录 温度系统控制器大灯开关组合仪表板Infotainment 系统电话互联网外部声音设备中控台中的按钮菜单系统的设置维修中心/预订保养ECO*调节座椅调节方向盘电动尾门*03 您的驾驶环境重新添加燃油车辆维护储物区域AUX/USB 端口和 12 V 插座04 汽车中的功能05 提示起动/停止功能*行人保护系统*02 汽车中的驾驶员支持系统遥控钥匙Keyless*锁止系统起动和关闭发动机驻车制动器雨刮器轮胎压力监测*01 起动和驾驶遥控钥匙如何工作?01解锁车门和尾门并解除警报。

该功能可在MY CAR(我的汽车)中进行设定。
















w e b e d i t i o n q u i c k g u i d eVälkommen!本快速指南为您介绍新 Xc90 twin engine 汽车的一系列功能。



车主手册还可以应用程序的形式在智能手机和平板电脑上查看,以及在 网站上查看。

支持页面对于大多数市场可用,并包含有关您的 Xc90 twin engine 汽车的进一步信息和帮助。


01. 入门指南您可在此处找到可帮助您熟悉您的沃尔沃车辆中的一些基本功能的信息。



02. 混合动力相关信息除其他信息以外,您还会在此处找到有关如何开始和结束混合动力蓄电池充电的信息。

03. 驾驶和驾驶员支持系统您会在此处找到有关车内驾驶模式以及诸如巡航控制系统、自动泊车辅助系统 (PAP)*、盲点信息 (bliS)* 和 city Safety 等不同驾驶员支持功能的信息。

04. 仪表与控制器您在此处可找到有关如何控制灯光和雨刮器以及如何使用行车电脑和语音控制的信息。

05. 联网、娱乐与支持从您的沃尔沃车辆中,您就可以与外面的世界互联,获得信息、娱乐和支持功能。


06. 特殊文本请务必阅读警告、重要及注意事项。


长按一下可同时关闭全景天窗* 和所有侧窗。







长按一下至少 3 秒钟或在 3 秒钟内按下两次可启用方向指示灯和喇叭。



安装组件 清洁组件 麦克风
零部件编号30775 306-1 零部件编号30775 498-6 零部件编号9192 678-2 零部件编号30775 929-0
• 带有语音拨号控制功能(此功能为附件的蓝牙独有) 目前仅支持英语,今年稍后将有中文语音控制。 •当有电话进入时,车上导航,音响系统将自动静音。 •在2007年内会提供中文的语音控制功能。
城市包零部件编号9481 327-6 运动包 零部件编号9481 379-7 滑冰靴包零部件编号9481 324-3 航海包 零部件编号9481 321-9
零部件编号8641 489-3 •一个非常实用的安装在第三排的分割网 •带有三个挂钩,可以方便悬挂包袋 •如果不使用,可以横置在后备箱中 •分隔网的颜色是完全同内饰相匹配的 •注意小动物有可能通过分隔网的空隙进入 客舱
VOLVO中文导航系统提供了强大的功能: •精确的引导:靠近交叉路口或岔口时,将用声 音提示和放大图进行精确引导。 •能够检索行驶上所需的设施。并能够将检索结 果用图标标示在地图上,为此,当途中发生缺油 情况或需要用餐等时候会感到极为方便。 •若设定了目的地,导航系统将检索推荐的路线 表示在画面上。 •利用设施名称,电话号码等一点点线索,便可 迅速地查出目的地。 •由于采用了大容量的DVD,所以一张碟片就能 够存储庞大的地图数据,覆盖全国4个直辖市和 16个省 另外,可以通过VOLVO导航系统寻找到VOLVO 经销商的各种信息。
•当速度低于15公里/小时,系统将被激活 •系统启动后,收音机和音响自动静音 •警示音会通过前部音响系统提示车主 •障碍物在离开前保险杠80厘米处出现提示音,当达到30厘米时,警示音将转换为连续鸣叫。 •为了区分前后障碍物,所以前/后警示音分别通过前后不同的音响系统来以示区别 •如果在交通阻塞和困难的行驶条件下,前驻车辅助系统可以通过中控台的按钮关闭, •如果外界音频率同传感器一致,外界的尖锐嘈音会激活驻车辅助系统,诸如:高音喇叭, 湿滑的轮胎摩擦沥青路面,气压制动,赛车尾气管的巨响 •不可以同辅助照明设备同时使用,在有无前保险杠的情况下,都可以使用
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