C字母开头单词、词组单词:cabbage /'kæbidʒ/ n.卷心菜;洋白菜巧记1:我用出租车(cab)拉了很多白菜(b)给妈妈冬天储存,她年纪(age)大了.巧记2:菜(c)园里真丰富,阿爸(ab)一会就摘了八(ba)个(ge)卷习菜.单词:café /'kæfei;(u)kæ'fei/ n.小餐馆;咖啡厅巧记1:钙(ca)铁(fe)都有的饮料是咖啡,在那咖啡厅出售.巧记2:星巴克咖啡店在店庆,每个人可(c)喝(a)杯免费(fe)的哦.单词:cage /keidʒ/ n笼(子);鸟笼巧记1:钙片(ca)给鸟笼里哥哥(ge)的那只百灵鸟喂点吧.巧记2:卡(ca)车的笼子上装了8(g)只鹅(e)仔和12只鸭仔.巧记3:把这个笼子擦(ca)干净些,再给它包装下,回头买一对鸽(ge)子放进去,送给爷爷玩玩.单词:Cairo /'kaiərəu/ n.开罗(埃及首都)巧记1茶(c)叶放在空气(air)中,到开罗后可以用来煮茶叶蛋(o).巧记2:这么菜(Cai)的人(r)也想去开罗举办个人演唱会,真担心人会把全世界的臭鸡蛋(o)砸向他.单词:cake /keik/ n.蛋糕;饼;糕巧记1:大年初一(c),用蛋糕招待一个(a)客(ke)人.巧记2:擦(ca)好桌子,端上蛋糕,招待客(ke)人.巧记3:宝贝,先擦(ca)一下桌子,客人(ke)来了咱们就可以切蛋糕了.巧记4:这蛋糕含钙(ca)成分高,轩轩你别吃那么多,留些客人(ke)吃.巧记5:擦(ca)干净了双手,为客(ke)人拿蛋糕.单词:Californian n.加利福尼亚号(船名)巧记1:钙(Ca)一个(l)为(for)了你(ni)和俺(an)在加利福尼亚号上流浪.巧记2咖喱(cali)鸡是我在加利福尼亚号上为(for)你(ni)买的,全世界只有一(an)只哦.单词:call /kɔ:l/ v.称呼;叫喊;打电话给……n.电话;通话;叫喊巧记1:中秋的月亮(c)出来了,赶紧打电话给咱家所有人(all)都出来赏月.巧记2:经理打电话给保安,为什么大厅金鱼缸(c)里所有(all)的金鱼都不见了.巧记3:八月十五晚上,躲在半个月亮(c)后面的嫦娥突然挖出了脑袋,所有(all)在场的人都不由喊叫起来.单词:camera /'kæmərə/ n.照相机巧记1;刚才来(came)的那个人(r)买走了一(a)部照相机.巧记2:这是穿着戏(ca)服的我(me)在日头(ra)下用照相机拍的相片.巧记3擦(ca)完照相机我(me)热(r)得满头(a)是汗.巧记4:碳元素(c)阿妈(am)的干儿子(er)带着照相机给我们照金字塔(a)来啦.巧记5:小金鱼缸(c)牌照相机是(am)新时代(ear)的照相机的品牌巧记6:刚才来(came)的那个人(r)买走了一部(a)照相机.单词:can /kæn,kən/ v.aux.能;会巧记1:补钙(ca)能让咱象牛(n)一壮吗?巧记2:半月(c)吃一(an)次这样的药,你就会发胖的.巧记3:大年初一(c),一顶帽子(a)放在门上(n)就能得到一听罐头.巧记4:大年初一(c),一(a)只青蛙跳到门(n)前,它以为这样就能够得到一听罐头.单词:Canada /'kænədə/ n. 加拿大巧记1:看(can)首领(a)上飞机去加拿大,我们祝她顺利到达(da).巧记2:能(can)在这一(a)局打(da)败加拿大,我们就可以拿到冠军.单词:Canadian /kə'neidjən/ n.加拿大人巧记1:能(can)设想这样一个广告(ad)吗?加拿大人点燃烟(i),轻轻的将轻烟吐向旁边的一个(an)美女,这时候加拿大人和美女变黑直至灰烬.巧记2:能(can)教青蛙(a)放电(dian)的一定是加拿大人.单词:cancer /'kænsə/ n.癌症巧记1:癌症能(can)在半月(c)内将嫦娥(t)的园丁(r)带走.巧记2:我能(can)用仪器测(ce)这棵枯黄的树(r),看看它是不是得癌症了.单词:candle /'kændl/ n.蜡烛巧记1:能(can)不能为我点燃生日的第(d)一(l)根蜡烛呢(e)?巧记2:点燃蜡烛吧,能(can)让弟弟(b)快乐(le).巧记3:吹来蜡烛之后,我们能(can)否真的达到愿望,要看我们为此付出了多大(c)的努力了(le),没有人能随便成功.巧记4:你会(can)在蜡烛晚会上得(d)到快乐(le)的.单词:canoe /kə'nu:/ v.乘独木舟巧记1:你能(can)把那个轮胎(o)给我当独木船来乘去找嫦娥(e)么?巧记2:你今天能够(can)把轮胎(o)和鹅(e)给我吗?我明天乘独木船去冒险.巧记3:在月(c)光下我乘一条(cn)独木船把鸡蛋(o)和鹅(e)送给远方的亲人.单词:Canon /'kænən/ n. 佳能(照相机品牌)巧记1:能(can)量和质量都是上(on)乘的,这就是佳能照相机.巧记2:快把戏(cn)台上的那个男人(n)给我用佳能照相机拍下来,我好把他的照片挂在我的床头上(on).巧记3:佳能能够(can)拍出非常清晰的照片,上(on)次照的都挂上墙了.巧记4:佳能品牌能(can)用一流的质量取胜是上(on)策.单词:can’t /ka:nt/ 不能巧记1:罐头(can)和雨伞(t)不能放在一起,必须分开.单词:cap /kæp/ n.便帽;军帽巧记1:你居然用军帽来擦(ca)桌子,上面印有五星红旗(p)呢,你怎么可以这样?巧记2:大年补一(c),用一(a)面红旗(p)作军帽.巧记3:擦(cn)洗脏皮(p)军帽.词组:Cape Town n.开普敦(南非共和国港口城市)单词:capital /'kæpitəl/ n.首都巧记1:战士们戴着帽子(cap)站在(i)首都北京天(t)安(a)门前一(l)动也不动地站岗.巧记2:一个国家的首都就像一个帽子(cap),它(it)是所有(al)装饰品中最引人注目的地方.巧记3:琦琦走进首都的一家名皮店,正在擦(ca)桌子的皮(bi)匠看到他进来热情的递给他(ta)一支香烟(l),看来首都的人都是很热情的.巧记4:那个戴帽子(cap)的姑娘爱(i)她(t)从首都买来的所有(al)饰品.单词:captain /'kæptin/ n. (足球队等)队长巧记1:队长踢进了一球,队员们挥舞帽子(cap)把他抬(tai)进了球门(n).巧记2:擦桌子(ca)对我们来说是一件再普通(p)不过的事了,但那个足球队长真是太(tai)牛(n)了,竟然擦一张桌子给打碎十个玻璃杯.巧记3:这顶帽子(cap)可是队长的最爱,是他(t)爱人(ai)奖励他进球门(n)的第一个球.单词:car /ka:/ n.汽车;小汽车巧记1:都半月(c)了,我爱人(ar)还没学会汽车,狂晕.巧记2:这辆半月(c)型的小汽车,好可爱,我爱人(ar)一定喜欢.巧记3:鱼缸(c)里放着我爱人(ar)一辆小汽车.巧记4:小汽车里的鱼缸(c)里放着一朵(a)花(r).单词:card /ka:d/ n.纸牌;卡片巧记1:汽车(car)上放着一张宝定卡片,那是打算提前送给孕妇(d)的.巧记2:汽车(car)底(d)下铺满了纸牌,不知谁那么浪费.巧记3:纸牌是一种好玩游戏(ca),隔壁肉店(rd)老板娘轩轩最爱玩了.巧记4:有车(car)的(d)人会做名片.巧记5:据说有小汽车(car)的(d)人才有名片.单词:care /kɛə/ n.小心;照料;保护;v.介意;在乎;关心巧记1:正在擦(ca)桌子的阿姨(re)要我临时帮她照料一下孩子.巧记2:菜(c)要小心地端是(are)不会洒掉的.巧记3:小车(car)上是否坐着嫦娥(e)才是他所关心的.单词:careful /'kɛəful/ adj.小心的;仔细的巧记1:你关心(care)过我吗,我真是服了(ful)你,我这么仔细的打扮了一整天,你瞧都没瞧一眼.巧记2:我看到正在擦(ca)桌子的阿姨(re)是那仔细的擦桌子,她做任何事情都是那么认真细致,我真佩服(tu)她.巧记3:小汽车(car)里装满了鹅(e),父(fu)亲小心的开着车,1(l)点钟我们准时到达了奶奶家.巧记4:大年补一(ca)阿姨(re)不服气(ful),因为她做的很仔细.单词:carefully /'keəfuli/ adv. 小心地;仔细地巧记1:我在擦(ca)桌子,阿姨(re)过来仔细地检察我的工作,真服了(ful)她,她居然说我们家都要出去旅游(ly)了,家里的家具要擦干净,要不然我们旅游回来家具也发霉了.巧记2:小汽车(car)连鹅(e)都会开,真是服(ful)了.一个老外(ly)小心地说.巧记3:小心地照顾(care)这间婴儿室的全部(ful)婴儿,因为老外(ly)知道孩子是祖国的花朵,是未来的希望.单词:careless /'kɛəlis/ adj.粗心的;大意的巧记1:小心保护(care)一(l)只鹅(e)和两位粗心大意的美女(ss).巧记2:照料(care)一(l)只天鹅(e)的美女(ss)粗心的把自己的手表弄丢在了湖边.单词:carrot /'kærət/ n.胡萝卜巧记1:汽车(car)上放着胡萝卜,你拿过来一起炒肉(ro),这可是你特(t)别爱吃怕菜哟.巧记2:这漂亮的胡萝卜形状饰品挂在车(car)上,还是(ro)反着挂在房间的挂钩(t)上好看呢?单词:carry /'kæri/ vt. 携带;搬运;运送巧记1:我的汽车(car)上带了盆草花(r),咱们一起到外(y)面去搬运一下.巧记2:汽车(car)上放着花草(r)和树苗(y),咱们去搬运下来.巧记3:霏霏新买的小汽车(car)被人猿(ry)一只手就携带走了,快去报警.巧记4:今天村里运来一大汽车(car)花草(y).准备养在池子里,给这群鸭子(y)建新家.巧记5:车(car)真方便,可帮人(r)搬好多东西呀(y).词组:carry on .坚持下去;继续下去.单词:cat /kæt/ n.猫巧记1:月亮(c)下面,猫在(at)我家阳台上蹲着呢.巧记2:看,月亮(c)上有一(a)个打雨伞(t)的小花猫,好可爱.巧记3:猫在鱼缸(c)里放着一(a)把雨伞(t),准备钓鱼.单词:catch /kætʃ/ v.捉;抓住巧记1:猫(cat)在长椅(ch)下面抓住了一只老鼠.词组:catch up with .赶上;追上单词:cause /kɔ:z/ v. 引起巧记1:半个月(c)形的金(au)器在地下埋了近千年还色(se)彩鲜艳,引起了大家发出阵阵称奇声.巧记2:钙片(ca)引起了大家注意,被广泛使用(use),是因为它对骨骼生长有好处.词组:CD player .激光唱机单词:CD n.激光唱片(缩写词)巧记1:连续摁下键盘上的CD两个键,激光唱片就发出悦耳的歌声.巧记2:半个月(c)亮被后羿用弓(D)射下了,掉下一张(CD)唱片.单词:celebrate /'selibreit/ v.庆祝巧记1:测(ce)算快乐(le)指数不(b)是看你的得分等极(rate)高低,而是看你每天露出多少笑容,一个人时时都能保持着微笑,是值得大家学习和庆祝的事.巧记2:庆祝时不要喝太多可乐(cele),不然(br)会兴奋得很疯(ate).单词:cent /sent/ n.(货币)分巧记1:厕(ce)所门(n )外掉了一分钱,他(t)马上捡起来交给警察叔叔.巧记2:他家的厕所(ce)门(n)上的挂钩(t)都是用金子做的,如果它的价值以人民币来兑现的话,应该有三百万分钱.单词:centre /'sentə/ (center) n.中心巧记1:在厕(ce)所里搞卫生的那个人(n)是他(t)的阿姨(re),今天从劳务中心请来的.巧记2:国家发出通知,从四月份起分币(cent)不再流通,阿姨(re)带着家里的分币到兑换中心去兑换.单词:century /'sentʃuri,-tʃəri/ n. 世纪;百年巧记1:这已经是上百年的图了,曾(cen)经图(tu)上描绘了花(r)和树苗(y),现在已经模糊不清了.单词:certainly /'sə:tənli/ adv.当然巧记1:我说的是确实的事情(cert):景点金字塔(a)在(in)我们去旅游(ly)期间是免费开放的.当然你也可以选择不相信我的话.单词:chair /tʃɛə/ n.椅子巧记1:长长(ch)的椅子上面什么都没有,只有空气(air),你是不是眼睛花了.巧记2:早晨你要是坐在长河(ch)岸的椅子上,呼气清新的空气(air).一定会精神抖擞.巧记3:大年初一(c),椅子上有一盒(ha)香烟(i)和一朵玫瑰花(r).单词:chance /tʃa:ns/ n. 机会巧记1:干将曾在长虹(ch)做了一(a)个史上最牛(n)的商业策(ce)化书而获得了上调总部担任CEO的机会.巧记2:长(ch)椅子坐着一个(an)从侧面(ce)上看起来漂亮极了的美女,希望这是上天给我的一个机会.单词:change /tʃəindʒ/ v. 变换;变更;改变巧记1:坐在长椅子(ch)上的是我的一个(an)哥哥(ge),他离开家乡这么多年也没有改变乡音.巧记2:八戒长(chang)时间没有和嫦娥(e)在一起,所以嫦娥改变了对八戒的忠心.单词:channel /'tʃænl/ n.海峡;航道;(广播的)频道;波段巧记1:长河(ch)里有一条(an)航道能(n)让恶棍(el)从这里逃走.巧记2:长椅(ch)上坐着一个(an)男(n)人是被广播的频道经常说的那个恶棍(el).巧记3:长长(ch)的海峡上面站着一个(an)哪吒(ne)拿着一根棍子(l).单词:chat v.聊天巧记1:宝贝,吃(ch)完晚饭你在(at)聊天啊.单词:cheap /tʃi:p/ adj. 便宜的巧记1:车上(che)坐着的阿婆(ap),最喜欢买便宜的东西.巧记2:这车上(che)的轮胎有一个破的(ap),再便宜的价钱我也不买.巧记3:我们常常(ch)一起去买鹅头(ea)吃,因为便(p)宜嘛.巧记4:这辆车(che)一(a)爬(p)坡变熄火,真是便宜没好货.巧记5:车(che)虽然有一(a)点儿破(p),但还是很便宜的.单词:check /tʃek/ vt. 检查;核对;批改巧记1:检查车(che)上的刺客(ck).巧记2:坐在车(che)上的刺客(ck)在核对资料.巧记3:开车(che)前要检查车子,别外,车库(ck)也要以常通风.巧记4:所有的车(che)辆经过出口都要接受检查.巧记5:车(che)上有人在检查是否有刺客(ck).词组:check one’s homework 批改作业;词组:check-out n.(购货时的) 结账台;收银台单词:cheese /tʃi:z/ n.乳酪巧记1:长椅(ch)上,二姨(ee)正在给乳酪着色(se).巧记2:长椅(ch)上的他瞪着两只眼睛(ee)聚精会神地看着那美女(s)嫦娥(e)小姐.可人家根本就不注意他,一心一意地吃着她的乳酪.单词:chemistry /'kemistri/ n. 化学巧记1:车(che)上MIS(mis)竟然在试(try)做化学实验.巧记2:长虹(ch)公司的恶魔(em)是(is)用化学物品多次试验(try)成功出来的.单词:chess /tʃes/ n. 国际象棋巧记1:房车(che)里面坐着一对美女(ss)在下国际象棋呢.巧记2:在繁华的大街上,停着辆豪华车子(che),车上有两位美女(ss)在下国际象棋,引来了很多围观的人.巧记3:车(che)上,有两个美女(ss)在下棋.巧记4:看!(che)上的两个美女(ss)在下棋.单词:chicen /'tʃikin/ n.鸡;鸡肉巧记1:我看着蔺蔺一边吃(chi)鸡肉一边喝茶(c),那美美的样子肯(ken)定是味道好极了.巧记2:小鸡(chick)不会嗯嗯(en)啊啊地叫妈妈,只会叽叽喳喳.巧记3:鸡翅(chi)虽然好吃(c),可啃(ken)起来真麻烦.巧记4:吃(chi)鸡肉在初一(c)的晚上,还可以用嘴啃(ken).巧记5:酷爱吃(chi)鸡,常(c)啃(ken)鸡肉.单词:child /tʃaild/ n. 小孩巧记1:翅膀(chi)硬了,现在不是小孩了,老大(ld)也管不住你了.巧记2:长虹(ch)门口玩着直尺(i)的小孩不是老大(ld)的儿?词组:Children’s Day 儿童节单词:children /'tʃildrən/ (child的复数形式)巧记1:那里好多小孩(child)在表演节目,人(ren)们都围在旁边看.巧记2:今天有个捡破烂的小孩吃(chi)了老大的(ld)那份快餐,也把阿姨(re)的好吃牛(n)肉也吃了.他真的饿坏了.单词:chimney /'tʃimni/ n.烟囱;烟筒巧记1:吃了(chi)妈妈(m)做的饭,哪吒(ne)看着烟囱里袅袅升起的像树叉(y)样的炊烟感觉家是如此温馨.巧记2:长河(ch)落日圆,大漠孤烟直.是我(i)们(m)最壮观的影像,你一(e)个老外(y)跟你说了也不懂.单词:China /'tʃainə/ n. 中国;瓷器;陶瓷巧记1:在中国你可以随便吃(chi),可是不能随便拿(na)哦.巧记2:听说中国长河(ch)周边一带在(in)公元零一年期间经常有恐龙(a)出入.巧记3:长白山天池(Chi)在哪(na)呀:中国呀,这都不懂!巧记4:中国风味的小吃(chi),已经传入加拿(na)大.巧记5:中国瓷器弛(chi)名海外,已经传入加拿(na)大.单词:Chinese /'tai'ni:z/ adj. 中国的;中国人的N.中国人;汉语巧记1:中国的吃(chi)可是很名(n)气的,像烧鹅(e),你一看那着色(se),就让你饱眼福.巧记2:中国人对吃(chi)是很讲究的,就拿(ne)菜色(se)来说吧,真可谓是五彩缤纷,各色各样,让人看着都不舍得吃了.巧记3:边吃(chi)边在门口(n)两眼看美女(ese)这是中国臭男人的习惯.巧记4:口吃(chi)的哪(ne)吒学中国汉语,面带羞涩(se)结结巴巴.单词:chips /tʃips/ n(pl.) (口语)炸土豆儿条巧记1:唐诗炸土豆儿条啦,大家赶紧吃(chi)呀.呆会就怕(p)美女(s)把它胶吃光了.巧记2:如果说吃(ch)炸土豆儿条的话,附加(ps)上蕃茄酱味道好极了.单词:chocolate /'tʃɔkəlit/ n.巧克力;巧克力糖巧记1:长河(ch)上有一个戒指(o),李玟(co)来的太迟(late)没捡到戒指,只捡到一盒巧克力.巧记2:昨天我和宝贝在长虹(ch)商场为圆圆(o)买了一桶巧克力,让她回公司(co)后一(l)个人在(at)办公室里吃,嫦娥(e)姐姐夸我真会哄女孩子开心.单词:choose /tFu:z /chose /tʃəuz/ v.选择;挑选巧记1:长椅(ch)的眼镜(oo),正是我挑选的颜色.巧记2:我坐在长椅(ch)上,戴着眼镜(oo)在选择蛇(s)和鹅(e)的玩具,准备送给宝宝.单词:chopsticks /'tʃɔpstiks/ n.(通常用复数)筷子巧记1:用筷子夹出(ch)戒指(o)后,他整理了一下蓬松(ps)头发,提(ti)起行李到车站出口(ck)去追那个丢戒指的美女(s).巧记2:哥哥将竹子砍(chop)成碎段,是国为街道上(st)那卖IC(ic)卡(k)美女(s)家没有筷子用了,哥哥为了讨其欢心,把自家的竹子也砍了.单词: Christmas /'krisməs/ n.圣诞节巧记1:基督(Christ)在圣诞节那天让天下所有的妈妈(ma都打扮成美女(s).巧记2:吃(ch)的稻草人(r),是圣诞节那一天在街道(st)上妈妈(ma)和一位美女(s)捡来的.巧记3;坐在长椅(ch)上的人(r)是(is)她(t)妈妈(ma)请来参加圣诞节跳舞的美女(s).巧记4:在圣诞节这一天,吃(ch)玫瑰花(r)只有是(is)他妈妈(ma)这样的美女(s)才能享受到的.单词;church /tʃə:ʃ/ n.教会;教堂巧记1:我走出(chu)教堂,在园子(r)长(ch)椅上坐了会儿.巧记2:索菲娅大教堂除(chu)了花(r),还有长(ch)椅可以坐.单词:cinema /'sinimə/ n.电影院;电影巧记1;昨晚月亮(c)升起的时候,我进入(in)电影院把被子(e)拿回给妈妈(ma)洗.巧记2:辞(ci)典呢(ne)?妈妈(ma)带到电影院去了.巧记3:这次(ci)那(ne)吒他妈(ma)也来电影院了.单词:circle /'sə:k/ v.环绕;绕行&n.圆;圈子巧记1:在这次厦门举行的马拉松赛里市民(cir)从(c)比赛一开始就快乐(le)地跟着运动员们一起跑了几圈.巧记2:词(ci)人唐诗送了一朵小花(r)给健身妹妹,把正在喝茶(c)的妹妹乐(le)坏了恨不得抱着唐诗环绕三圈.巧记3:磁(ci)铁被人(r)粗鲁cl)地扔到鹅(e)圈子里去了.巧记4:初一(c)的晚上小人(i)用花(r)环绕着克隆(cl)鹅(e).单词:city /'siti/ n.城市,市;都市巧记1:月亮(c)它(it)挂在城市面的树叉(y)上,像妈妈那慈祥的眼睛.巧记2:磁铁(ci)讨厌(ty)城市.巧记3:初一(c)的晚上小人(i)讨厌(ty)呆在城市.巧记4:市长(ci)来是代表哈尔滨和我们签定姐妹城市条约(ty)的.巧记5:在这个城市里,我们在月亮(c)下见证,我(i),她(t),你(y)永远是最好的朋友.巧记6:此(ci)次去法规规定,在城市的公众场合脱衣(ty),属于不文明行为.单词:class /kla:s/ n.课巧记1:粗鲁(cl)的一对(a)双胞胎美女(ss)在同一个班级的课堂上课.巧记2:全班同学尝(c)辣(la)椒,试(s)试(s)哪个会害怕.巧记3:这次(c)班里可来(l)了一对(a)美女(ss).巧记4:晕,这一对粗鲁(cl)的美女(ass)居然分在我们班.单词:class /kla:s/ n.(学校里的)班级;年级,同时班级的学生巧记1:真倒霉!这粗鲁(cl)的一对美女(ass)居然分在我们班.巧记2:粗鲁(cl)的一对(a)双胞胎美女(ss)在同一个班级的课堂里上课.巧记3:半月(c)前,班级里面1(l)个大头(a)美女(s)杀死了另一个美女(s).巧记4:出路(cl)口有一对连蛇(ass),咱们年级的人全跑去看了.巧记5:我们班的出路(cl)口竟然盘旋着连体蛇(ass)怪吓人的,学生们都好怕.巧记6:你们学校时的那对粗鲁(cl)美女(ass)是哪个班级的?巧记7:出路口(cl)站着一对(a)美女(ss),听说是他同一个班级的学生.单词:classmate /'kla:smeit/ n.同班同学巧记1:是一个班(class)的,又是同学(mate),你们都是同班同学还在吵架,好意思吗?巧记2:二年级(class)的马(ma)太医(te)曾和我是同班同学.单词:classroom /'kla:srum/ n.教室巧记1:上课(class)的屋子(room)就是教室.巧记2:这本来是三年级(class)举办生日聚会的场所(room),因今年招收的新生比往年多,要被改为一年级的教室了.巧记3:上课了,你们班(class)在左边第二间屋子(room),快进教室吧.单词:clean /kli:n/ vt.弄干净;打扫卫生,v.擦干净,adj.清洁的巧记1粗鲁(cl)的鹅(e)被安(an)排打扫卫生.巧记2:一扇门被粗鲁(cl)的鹅头(ea)清理干净了,门(n)显得格外干净.巧记3:把出路(cl)口放着的名牌衣帽(ea)拿进来擦干净,然后挂到门(n)上.巧记4:她竟然粗鲁(cl)的把男人的衣帽(ea)扔出门(n)外,再把房子打扫干净.巧记5:都半月(c)了,你一个人(l)应该把这些干净的衣(ea)整理出来,拿到门(n)外去晒晒.巧记6:她粗鲁(cl)的把这些干净的衣帽(ea)朝对面的那个(n)人扔去.词组:clean up .清除;收拾干净单词:cleaner /'kli:nə/ n.清洁工巧记1:今天花园这么干净的(clean),是清洁工的儿子(er)一起帮忙打扫的.巧记2:清洁工正打算清洁(clean)屋子的时候,她儿了(er)从屋外跑进来.单词:clear /kliə/ adj.清晰的;清楚的;明亮的巧记1:在七月十五的月(c)光下,人民一(l)个个的竖起耳朵(ear)想清楚的听到牛郎织女的对话.巧记2:我指的出路(cl)已经是很清晰的了,你还不拿上衣帽(ea)和照相机脚架(r)出去?如果说到了晚上就年示清路了.巧记3:在晴朗的天气里,粗鲁(cl)的烤鹅(e)也喜欢带着尖帽(a)拿着小花(r)装斯文.巧记4粗鲁(cl)的人耳朵(ear)没好使,未清楚地了解情况就开始破口大骂.巧记5:坐在大树下乘凉(cl)的老人已经80岁了,但是耳朵(ear)很灵,我们的谈话他听的一清二楚.巧记6:要想听清楚,可(c)立(l)起耳朵(ear)听.单词:clearly /'kliəli/ adv.清楚地巧记1:她粗鲁(cl)地拉拉他的耳朵(ear)清楚地告诉他他将和他一起去旅游(lyr).巧记2:我清楚地看到那个粗鲁(cl)地吃着鹅头(ea)的,坐在树(r)旁的是个老外(ly).巧记3:我老过看到那个警察粗鲁(cl)地揪着一个人的耳朵(ear),近前一年才清楚地看到,那人是个老外(ly),竟然在中国作奸犯科真是无耻.巧记4:陈(c)先生专心(l)用耳朵(ear)听一(l)位老爷爷(y)讲话,以便清楚地知道爷爷需要什么帮助.单词:clever /'klevə/ adj.聪明的;机灵的巧记1:母新做好饭菜(c)后,盛了(le)一大碗()给她聪明的儿(er)子.巧记2:机灵的猴子,粗鲁(cl)地对着面前的人脸(eve),突然转身跳到树苗(r)上去了.巧记3:粗鲁(cl)的脸(eve)上,难以看出人(r)们的聪明的智慧,真是头脑简单,四肢发达.单词:click /klik/ n.卡嗒声 v.发出卡嗒声巧记1:粗鲁(cl)的矮人(i)讨厌刺客(ck)家的钟发出卡嗒的声音,把它摔坏了.巧记2:从(c)一(l)开始IC(ic)电话就可(k)以说是一种错误,因为在通话过程中它老是发出卡嗒声.单词:clinb /klaim/ v.爬;攀登巧记1:出路(cl)就在前方,但那果靠我(i)们(m)去把(b)握机遇,要有勇于攀登高峰的勇气和信心.单词:clock /klɔk/ n.钟巧记1:晚上十点钟,菜市(c)场已经锁(lock)门,看来又要吃泡面解决温饱问题啦.巧记2:这个商店时钟广告语居然是:可(c)乐(l)哦(o)可(c)口(k).巧记3:这可是你唯一的出路(cl),到零(o)点钟声敲响的时候,你还没抓到刺客(ck),你就死定了.巧记4:半夜2点钟,他沿着那条出路(cl)跑出去,刚好在井(o)旁边看到那个刺客(ck).巧记5:在没有月(c)光的夜晚,10个刺客(lo)把天安门广场止的时钟搬走了单词:close /kləuz/ n .关;闭.关关闭巧记1:我都找不到金鱼在哪了,把金鱼缸(c)里的五光十(lo)色(se)的灯关关了吧.巧记2:初一(c)听说社区里来了10个(lo)色(se)狼,请各户赶紧关好门窗,注意安全.巧记3:大年初一(c)我关闭房门时,把钥匙丢(lose)掉了,真倒霉.巧记4:打开窗户看见半个月亮(c),但一(l)看不是圆(o)的,月亮里有副图像,蛇(s)和(e)鹅正在打架,风一吹窗户被关闭了.单词:closed /kləuzd/ adj. 关着的巧记1:先别关(close)门呀,呆会弟弟(d)回来看门关着的就进不来了.巧记2:"什么关着的"?老师解释道,"就是大门被关(close)的(d)状态".单词:clothes /kləuðz/ n .(pl) 衣服巧记1:我敢保证这种布(cloth)做的衣服一定漂亮,穿起来像嫦娥(e)美女(s)似的.巧记2:天空挂着半月(c),只见10(lo)件衣服飘然天河(th)上,原来是嫦娥美女(es)在洗衣服.单词:cloud /klaud/ n.云巧记1:月亮(c)躲到云里面后,光线一下子暗了下来,正在后花园收拾的老师不小心把桌上的10(lo)个玻璃杯(u)都摔到了地(d)上.单词:cloudy /'klaudi/ adj. 多云的;下雨的巧记1:天气预报说今晚多云(cloud)转小雨,你还是带上雨衣(y)吧.巧记2:乌云(cloud)就像挂在那树枝(y)上一样,下雨的时候即将来临了.巧记3:半个月(c)的阴天,还有人吵闹(loud),真郁(y)闷.单词:club /klʌb/ n 。
加拿大英文作文介绍Canada is a vast and diverse country that has captured the hearts and imaginations of people around the world. As the world's second-largest country by total area, Canada boasts a rich tapestry of landscapes, cultures, and experiences that make it a truly unique and captivating destination. From the majestic Rocky Mountains in the west to the rugged coastlines of the east, Canada's natural beauty is truly breathtaking.One of the most striking features of Canada is its cultural diversity. As a country with two official languages, English and French, Canada is home to a wide range of ethnic and linguistic communities. This diversity is reflected in the vibrant cities, where you can find a melting pot of cuisines, arts, and traditions from around the world. Whether you're exploring the bustling streets of Toronto, the charming cafes of Montreal, or the vibrant neighborhoods of Vancouver, you'll be immersed in a rich cultural tapestry that celebrates the country's multicultural heritage.Beyond its cities, Canada is renowned for its stunning natural landscapes. From the towering peaks of the Rocky Mountains to the serene lakes and forests of the Canadian Shield, the country'swilderness areas offer endless opportunities for outdoor adventure. Whether you're hiking through pristine alpine meadows, canoeing down winding rivers, or skiing down powdery slopes, Canada's natural wonders will leave you awestruck and inspired.One of the most iconic natural wonders in Canada is the majestic Niagara Falls. Straddling the border between Ontario and New York, the falls have captivated visitors for centuries with their sheer power and beauty. Visitors can experience the falls up close by taking a boat tour or walking along the observation decks, and the surrounding region offers a wealth of other attractions, from wineries to historic sites.Another must-see destination in Canada is the stunning Banff National Park, located in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. This UNESCO World Heritage site is home to towering peaks, glacial lakes, and abundant wildlife, making it a prime destination for outdoor enthusiasts. Visitors can hike through the park's vast network of trails, explore the quaint town of Banff, or simply soak in the breathtaking scenery.Beyond its natural wonders, Canada is also renowned for its vibrant cultural scene. The country is home to a thriving arts community, with world-class museums, galleries, and performing arts venues showcasing the work of both established and emerging artists. Fromthe iconic Group of Seven paintings to the cutting-edge installations of contemporary artists, Canada's art scene is a true testament to the country's creative spirit.One of the most celebrated aspects of Canadian culture is its cuisine. Drawing on the country's diverse culinary traditions, Canadian cuisine offers a unique blend of flavors and influences. From the fresh seafood of the East Coast to the farm-to-table fare of the Prairies, Canadian food is a true celebration of the country's bountiful natural resources and rich cultural heritage.Overall, Canada is a country that offers a wealth of experiences and opportunities for travelers. Whether you're drawn to its natural beauty, cultural diversity, or vibrant urban centers, there is something for everyone in this vast and captivating land. So why not plan a trip to Canada and discover all that this incredible country has to offer。
MSDS-氟利昂-134aARKEMA(阿克玛)公司第一部分化学品及企业标识化学品中文名称:氟利昂-134a化学品英文名称:Freon-134a主要用途:企业名称:法国阿克玛(ARKEMA)公司地址:D. FLUORES ET OXYGEKES Cours Michelct - La Defense 10 92091 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX FRANCE电话:01 49 00 80 80传真:01 49 00 83 96企业应急电话:33 1 49 00 80 80技术说明书编码:00941生效日期:2003年9月3日国家应急电话:(0532)83889090第二部分危险性概述主要危害:----健康危害:基本无害爆燃危险:受热分解产生有毒和腐蚀性物质。
第三部分成分/组成信息化学品名称通用名CAS No EINECS 1,1,2,2-四氟乙卤代烃811-97-2212-377-0 烷第四部分急救措施吸入:移至空气新鲜处。
考研英语翻译必备:国家名和城市名欧阳家百(2021.03.07)America n.<美>美国,美洲(包括北美和南美洲)American n。
美国人,美洲人 adj。
美国的,美洲的Washington n。
华盛顿(美国首都)Australia n。
Australian n。
Canberra n。
堪培拉(澳大利亚首都)Sydney n. 悉尼Melbourne n. 墨尔本(澳大利大港市)Perth n。
珀斯(澳大利大城市)Austria n。
奥地利Austrian n. 奥地利人Vienna n。
维也纳(奥地利首都)Arab n。
阿拉伯人. adj。
阿拉伯的Arabia n。
阿拉伯半岛Argentina n。
阿根廷Argentine n。
阿根廷人Buenos Aires n. 布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都) Britain n。
英国British n。
英国人London n。
伦敦Brazil n. 巴西Brazilian n. 巴西人Brasilia n。
巴西利亚Rio De Janeiro n。
里约热内卢Sao Paulo n。
圣保罗Canada n。
加拿大Canadian n。
加拿大人 adj。
加拿大的Ottawa n。
渥太华(加拿大首都)Montreal n。
蒙特利尔Vancouver n。
温哥华(加拿大一港市)Toronto n。
多伦多Chile n. 智利Santiago n。
圣地亚哥(智利首都)Denmark n. 丹麦Danish n。
丹麦语Copenhagen n。
哥本哈根England n。
英格兰(英国的主要部分)(泛指)英格兰和威尔士(泛指)英国English n。
英国人,英语 adj。
英文的,英国人的,英格兰的Egypt n. 埃及Egyptian n。
埃及人Cairo n。
开罗(埃及首都)Finland n. 芬兰Finnish n。
2016年职称英语等级考试用书(理工类)阅读理解、完形填空Microchip Research Center CreatedA research center has been set up in this Far Eastern country to develop advanced microchip production technology. The center, which will start out with about US $14 million, will help the country develop its chip industry without always depending on imported technology.The center will make use of its research skills and facilities to develop new technology for domestic chip plants. The advent of the center will possibly free the country from the situation that it is always buying almost-outdated technologies from other countries, said the country’s flagship chipmaker.1 Currently, chip plants in this country are in a passive situation because many foreign governments don’t allow them to import the most advanced technologies, fearing they will be used for military purposes. Moreover, the high licensing fees they have to pay to technology providers are also an important reason for their decision of self-reliance2.As mainstream chip production technology shifts fromone generation to the next every three to five years3, plants with new technology can make more powerful chips at lower costs, while4 plants with outdated equipment, which often cost billions of dollars to build, will be marginalized by the maker.More than 10 chip plants are being built, each costing millions of US dollars.5 The majority of that money goes to overseas equipment vendors and technology owners — mainly from Japan and Singapore. Should the new center play a major role in improving the situation in the industry,6 the country admits the US $14 million investment is still rather small. This country is developing comprehensive technologies. Most of the investment will be spent on setting alliances with technology and intellectual property7 owners. 词汇: microchip / 5maIkrEJtFIp / n.微芯片marginalize /`mB:dVInLlaIz/ v.忽视,边缘化flagship /5flA^FIp/ n. (用作定语)首位,最好vendor /5vendC:/ n.卖主mainstream /5meInstri:m/ n.主流注释:微芯片研究中心成立为了开发先进的微芯片生产技术,这个远东国家建立了一个研究中心,该中心启动资金为一千四百万美元,可以帮助该国开发自己的芯片工业,不必总是依赖于进口技术。
九年级仁爱上册 1 -1-A 1a欧阳家百(2021.03.07)(长假之后,康康很高兴见到他的朋友们) 康康:嗨,简。
1-1-A 2aMichael:你好,玛利亚。
九年级仁爱上册 U1 T1 Section B 1a康康:你好,玛丽亚!我很久没有见过你了。
你在暑假期间参加一些志愿活动,是吗? 玛丽亚:是的。
康康:酷!你为残疾儿童打扫过房间吗? 玛丽亚:是的,我有。
康康:你曾经喂过他们吗? 玛丽亚:不,我没有。
康康:多么精彩的经历! 玛丽亚:是的,确实是。
我认为帮助别人使我开心. 康康:多有趣!你到过其他地方吗?玛利亚:不,我没有。
1-1-C 1a北京的变化我是康康。
为了这篇报道我采访了我的欧阳索引创编 2021.02.02奶奶。
Case Study 1 Age and Status两位同事的矛盾使一家数据处理公司的总经理遇到了麻烦。
一方是一位踌躇满志的法裔加拿大小伙子,另一方是一位有特许签证的年长的中国女性,而此前两人确实很好的合作伙伴…..Case description:A manager in a data-processing company was having difficulty dealing with a conflict between a young, ambitious French Canadian male and his co-worker, an older Chinese woman who was on a special visa from China. She had recently become uncooperative and had made it clear to the manager that she would not be willing to travel to the capital with her co-worker to hold discussion with legislators about a new product with great enthusiasm.When the manager asked her what the problem was, he received no clear explanation. When heasked her co-worker, the young man had noinsights to offer. The young French Canadian was clearly annoyed, however, that the Chinese woman was refusing to share her data with him. That meant he couldn’t make the presentation to the legislators because she had all the key data on her computer disks.The manager repeated questions to her but her “problem” got nowhere. So he changed his approach. He began explaining his concerns, as manger and as spokesperson for the company, about the upcoming meeting with legislators. His explanation about his position was unemotional. In that climate she then felt she could explain her position. She revealed she felt that that as an older, and to her mind, more senior person, she should not be sent to the capitol with a younger employee who would do the presentation of material she had worked hard to develop. That would diminish her status, she felt. The general manger knew the root of his headache.Questions:1.What do you think caused the conflict?2. What would you do to resolve the conflict if you were the general manager?矛盾冲突这位年长的中国女士投入极大的热情和精力开发产品.却在最后的关键时刻拒绝与年轻的同事一同去向议员做推介:当经理和同事问其原因.她并未做任何明确的回答:而当经理改变策略,不再直接询问原因,而是迂回地讲起自己的困境时,她才道出自己的顾虑。
英语(英国)en-gb 英语(全球)en-ww 英语(加拿大)en-ca 英语(澳大利亚)en-au 英语(爱尔兰)en-ie 英语(芬兰)en-fi 英语(丹麦)en-dk 英语(以色列)en-il 英语(南非)en-za 英语(印度)en-in 英语(挪威)en-no 英语(新加坡)en-sg 英语(新西兰)en-nz 英语(印度尼西亚)en-id 英语(菲律宾)en-ph 英语(泰国)en-th
西班牙语(墨西哥)es-mx 西班牙语(哥伦比亚)es-co 西班牙语(智利)es-cl
de-ch 芬兰语(芬兰)fi-fi
韩文(韩国)ko-kr 日语(日本)ja-jp
俄语(俄罗斯)ru-ru 意大利语(意大利)it-it 希腊语(希腊)el-gr 挪威语(挪威)no-no 匈牙利语(匈牙利)hu-hu 土耳其语(土耳其)tr-tr
捷克语(捷克共和国)cs-cz 斯洛文尼亚语sl-sl
Module 1 Wonders of the worldUnit 1: It’s more than 2000 years old.托尼:我们给《世界奇观》节目打电话,加入讨论吧。
贝蒂:那现在谁来拨打热线?Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big .自然界的一大奇观我到那里时是大清早,天下着雨。
最后,我向左右遥望,大峡谷向两边延伸, 长达200多英里。
ICH 三方协调指导原则 E6 ICH GCP指导原则INTRODUCTION前言Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international ethical and scientific quality standard for designing, conducting, recording and reporting trials that involve the participation of human subjects. Compliance with this standard provides public assurance that the rights, safety and well-being of trial subjects are protected, consistent with the principles that have their origin in the Declaration of Helsinki, and that the clinical trial data are credible.临床试验管理规范(GCP)是设计、实施、记录和报告设计人类对象参加的试验国际性伦理和科学质量标准。
The objective of this ICH GCP Guideline is to provide a unified standard for the European Union (EU), Japan and the United States to facilitate the mutual acceptance of clinical data by the regulatory authorities in these jurisdictions.ICH-GCP指导原则的目的是为欧盟、日本和美国提供统一的标准,以促进这些管理当局在其权限内相互接受临床数据。
Unit 1 (sectionB 3a)Dear Student,My name is Bob . I live in Toronto , Canada , and I want a pen pal in China . I think China is a interesting country . I’m 14 years old and my brithday is in November . I can sperk English and a littie Frenth . I have a brother , Paul , and a sister , Sarah . They have pen pals in the United Kingdom and Australia . I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports . My favorite subject in school is P.E . It’s fun . But I don’t like math. It’s too difficult!Can you wtite to me soon?Bob3bPEN PAL WANTEDMy name is Tom King . I’m 14 years old and I’m from Australia . I sperk English . I have abrother , Sam , and a sister , Lisa . I play soccer on weekengs . It’s my favorite sport . I like music at school . It’s fun! My favorite movte is The Long Weekend . Do you know it? It’s an action movie . Please write and tell me about yoursrlf.Unit 2 (sectionB 3a)Welcome to the Garden DistrictTurn left on First Avenue and enjoy the city’s quiet streets and smail parks . Take a walk through the park on Center Avenue . Across from the park is an old hotel . Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden . This is the benginning of the garden tour.3bCome to visit Bridge StreetBridge Street is a good place to have fun . it is a very busy street . you can play the guitar in the park . It’s there , between the restaurant and the post office . And if you’re hungry , you can buy some food in the supermarket . It’s across fromthe post office.Self Check 3Dear friend,I know you are arriving next Sunday . Let me tell you the way to ny house . Take a taxi from the airport . you pass a bank on your right and then go down Long Street . You go straight Sixth Avenue , Severth Avenue , and Eighth Avenue . When you see a big supermarket , turn left . Then go down Bridge Street and turn left at New Park . Go down Center Street and my house is on your right .I hope you have a good trip .Yours ,MikeUnit 3 (sectionB 3a)Molly:This is Molly. She is twelve years old. She is from Africa. She likes to play with her friends and eat grass.Ling Ling:This is Ling Ling. She’s five years old. She’s from China. She’s very beautiful. But she’s very shy, so please be quiet.Bill:This is Bill. Isn’t he cute? He is from Australia. He sleeps during the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves.3bThis is Larry. He’s from Africa. He is eight years old. He eats meat. Larry is lazy. He usually sleeps and relaxes 20 every day!Unit 4 (sectionA 3a)1:I work with people and money. People give me their money or get their money from me.2:I wear a white uniform and I help doctor. Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night. 3:My work is interesting but kind of dangerous. Thieves don’t like me.4:I work late. I’m very busy when people go out to dinners.5:I like talking to people. I meet interesting people every day and ask them questions.SectionB 3aWANTED:Do you like to work late? Do you like to work hard? Do you like tp meet people? If your answer is “yes “, then we have a job for you as a waiter. Call Alan’s Restaurant at 555-3937. SUMMER JOB:Do you like to talk with people? Do you like to write stories? Do you want to work for a magazine? Then come and work for us as a reporter. Please call Karen at 555-8823.HELP WANTED:Do you like to sing and dance? Do you like to work wieh other young people? Do uou want to be in the school play? Do you like to work evenings and weekends? We need an actor today! Call Frank at 555-2559.Self Check 3aHappy Children SchoolWe are an interantional school for children of 5-12. Our children are from Japan Canada andSingapore. We want a P.E teacher to teach soccer, volleyball and tennis. We also want a music teacher to teach guitar, piano and violi.Unit 5(sectionB 3a)Dear Linda,Thanks for your letter and the photos. Here are some of my photos. In the first photo, I’m piaying basketball at school. In the second photo, I’m swimming at the pool. In the next photo, you can see my family at home. We’re eating dinner. In the last photo, I’m with my sister Gina. She’s doing her homework—I’m watching TV.Unit 6 (sectionB 3a)Thank you for joining CCTV’S Around The World show. Today, We’re in Australia. It’s a beautiful, sunny day! There are many people here on vacation. Some are taking photos. Others are lying in the beach. Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball. They look cool! I’m surprised they can play in this heat. This is a vary interesting place. Thepeople are really vary relaxed!3bIt’s winter in France. The weather is windy and cold. People are wearing coats and saerfs. But everyone is having a good time. Friends are eating in restaurants. In a park, a mesician is playing the guitar and some boys are playing soccer. One man is taking a photo.Unit 7 (sectionA 3a)1:Wang Lin is the captain of the basketball team. He’s tall and he is of medium build. He has short straight hair. Wang Lin is very popular.2:Mary is thin and she is of medium height. She has short curly blonde hair. She’s good-looking but she’s a litter bit quiet.3:Xu Qian loves to tell jokes. She’s short and a litter bit heavy. She has beautiful long black hair. She never stops talking!4:Mike is a good student. He’s very tall. He has curly brown hair and is of medium build. He likesreading and playing chess.SectionB 3aJohnny Dean’s New Look!Do you remember Johnny Dean, the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair? Well, now he has a new look. He doesn’t have long curly hair. He has short straight hair. And he doesn’t wear glasses any more. But some peoplr don’t like his new look. “I don’t think he’s so grest,”says Ruth from New York. “But my mom does.”3bGloria Green, a pop singer, has a new look. She doesn’t have long hair now. She has short hair. And she doesn’t wear pants any more. She wears shirts now, and she wears glasses too. “It’s great,” she says, “I can go shopping, and nobady knows me.”Unit 8 (sectionB 3a)House of dumplingsAt the house of dumplings, we have some great specials! Special 1 has beef and onion, and is just 10RMB for 15 dumplings. Special 2 is only 8 RMB for 15, and has cabbage and mutton. Orange juice is only 2 RMB. The dumpling and soup lunch special is 10 RMB. Came and get your dumplings today!Unit 9 (sectionB 3a)How Did Kids Spend the Weekend?Yesterday, we asked ten students at No.3 Middle School what they did last weekend. For most kids, the weekend was fun. On Saturday morning, ten kids did their homework or studied. On Saturday afternoon, five kids went shopping, and three went to the library. Two kids also played computer games. On Sunday, two kids visited friends, nine kids cleaned their rooms, and five played sports.3bI had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I cleaned my room. In the afternoon, I did my homework. It was a litter difficult. On Saturday night, I visited my aunt. My aunt cooked dinner for me. On Sunday morning, I went to the library. I read a bookabout history. Then in the afternoon, I played soccer with my friends. On Sunday night, I watched TV. I saw an interesting talk show.Self Check 3Do you think everyone enjoys their weekends? Old Henry doesn’t. Last month, he went for a walk with Wang Wang, his cute dog. It was a nice day and Old Henry was happy. He sat down and watched Wang Wang play with a friendly black cat.Then it was time to go home. Old Henry looked for his dog. But Wang Wang wasn’t there.Now Old Henry is very sad. He has no dog and no family. He doesn’t want to do anything. Unit 10 (sectionB 3a)Monday:Great weather! It was sunny and hot all day. We went to a beautiful beach. We had great fun playing in the water. In the afteroon, we went shopping. The shops were too crowded, so I didn’t really enjoy it.Tuesday:Today it rained, so we went to a museum. Itwas kind of boring. I found a small boy crying in the corner. He was lost and I helped him find his father. That make me feel very happy. I didn’t have any money for a taxi, so I walked back to the hotel.I was reallu tired.Wednesday:Today the weather was cool, so we decided to play tennis. We played all morning. It was really fun. We had sichuan food for dinner. It was delicious!Unit 11 (sectionB 3a)What’s coolThis week, I asked students about fashion. I showed each studen six things and asked them each one. Some of their answers were interesting. Here are their likes and dislikes.Judy Smith likes the key ring. Her friend Jeff says he can’t stand the scarf. “It’s for moms!”he said. William Jones loves the wallet, and hia classmate Gina Taylor loves the watch. Her best friend Ann Rice doesn’t mind the watch, but shereally likes the sunglasses! Jerry Green also likes the sunglasses.And the coolest thing was the belt. Everyone loved it!Self Check 3I can’t stand the idea that old people can’t be beautiful. So I like rings, scarfs and sunglasses. I wear colorful clothes because I want to be young and beautiful. I enjoy nice worlds about my looks. And I don’t mind what young people think of me1Unit 12 (sectionB 3a)Dear Dr Know,I’m not happy, I have too many rules in my house.I have to get up at six o’clock every morning. I can’t meet my friends after school because I have to do my homework. I can’t watch TV on school nights. And I have to be in bed by ten o’clock. On weekends, I have to clean my room and wash my clothes. Then I have to help my mom make dinner. Later I have to go to the Childrens Palace to laernthe piano. I never have any fun. What can I do?。
oo组合的发音规律 (1)之欧阳育创编
![oo组合的发音规律 (1)之欧阳育创编](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f0bfdecded630b1c58eeb530.png)
有一首顺口溜,说给你听听:k ,d 之前发短 / u /,“面条”“食物”不同族;其余单词发长 / u: / ,“羊毛”和“脚”非重读。
一般情况下,字母k 和d 前面的oo 发短 / u / ,但是也有特殊情况,即面条 noodle ,食物 food ,这两个单词中的oo 发长 / u: /,所以说“不同族”。
其余单词中的oo 一般发长 / u: / ,但是羊毛 wool ,脚foot中的oo 发短 / u /,因为这两个单词中的oo 并不在k或d 之前,所以属于特殊情况,另外在一些复合词中,例如 classroom ,bedroom 等,本来oo 是发长 /u:/ 的,但是这类单词中的room 属于非重读音节,所以发短音。
(1)好、脚、k前不发长,(good,foot)[u]房间、正午、食物、凉(发长)[u:],room, noon food cool复合词-room中都读短[u],选择、扫帚、学校中读长[u:],choose broom schoolwood、动词过去式也读短[u],不久、月亮、也(太)亮必读长[u:]。
soon moon too(2)注:1.good foot football look cook book中要发[u]好脚踢球看菜谱(厨师书)2.room noon afternoon coolfood中发[u:]房间中午到下午凉凉爽爽吃食物3.classroom reading-room sitting-room 教室、阅览(室)坐着看吗!4.bedroom meeting-room dining-room中发[u]卧室会议室想吃饭5.choose broom school中发[u:]选择扫帚去学校6.wood took stood understood中发[u]拿起木料明白站(蛋)7.soon moon too中发[u:]很快中午也管饭下面就是一个关于oo发音规则的整理,和大家分享:字母组合oo的发音。
加拿大介绍英文高中生作文Canada is a country in North America. It is a very big country with lots of forests and lakes. The people in Canada are very friendly and polite. The weather in Canada can be very cold in the winter, but it is also verybeautiful with lots of snow.There are many famous cities in Canada, such as Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal. Toronto is the biggest city in Canada and it is very diverse with people from all over the world. Vancouver is a very beautiful city with mountainsand the ocean. Montreal is a city with a lot of history and it is also known for its delicious food.In Canada, there are many different kinds of food to try. Poutine is a popular dish made of french fries, cheese curds, and gravy. Maple syrup is also very famous in Canada and it is often used on pancakes and waffles. Canadiansalso love to eat seafood, especially salmon and lobster.One of the most popular sports in Canada is ice hockey. Canadians love to play and watch hockey, and it is a bigpart of their culture. Other popular sports in Canadainclude skiing, snowboarding, and curling. Canadians also enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and fishing.Canada is known for its beautiful natural scenery.There are many national parks and wildlife reserves where people can go to see animals like bears, moose, and beavers. The Rocky Mountains and Niagara Falls are also very famous natural attractions in Canada.In conclusion, Canada is a diverse and beautifulcountry with friendly people, delicious food, and stunning natural scenery. It is a great place to visit andexperience different cultures and activities.。
Canada,the second largest country in the world,is a land of vast forests,mountains, and lakes,and is known for its friendly people and multicultural diversity.Here is an introduction to this fascinating country through the lens of an English composition.Geography and ClimateCanada stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific and up to the Arctic Ocean in the north. Its geography is as diverse as its people,with the Rocky Mountains in the west,the Great Lakes in the center,and the Atlantic provinces in the east.The climate varies greatly from region to region.While the west coast enjoys a mild,rainy climate,the east can be harsh in winter with heavy snowfall.The Arctic regions are,as expected,extremely cold.History and CultureThe history of Canada is rich and complex,with indigenous peoples living on the land for thousands of years before European settlers arrived.The country has a strong French and British heritage,which is reflected in its bilingual status and the presence of both English and French in official documents and everyday life.Canadas multiculturalism is celebrated through various cultural festivals and events that take place throughout the year.Economy and IndustryCanada has a strong and stable economy,with key industries including natural resources, manufacturing,and technology.It is one of the worlds largest exporters of timber, minerals,and energy,particularly oil and natural gas.The service sector has also grown significantly,with a focus on finance,telecommunications,and tourism.Education and HealthcareThe Canadian education system is renowned for its quality and accessibility.Public education is free for all citizens,and the country boasts some of the top universities in the world.Healthcare in Canada is universal,with all citizens having access to medical services funded by the government.Political SystemCanada is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy,with Queen Elizabeth II as the head of state and a Prime Minister as the head of government.The country is divided into ten provinces and three territories,each with its own governmentand legislature.Lifestyle and RecreationCanadians are known for their love of sports,particularly ice hockey.The country also offers a wide range of recreational activities,from skiing and snowboarding in the winter to hiking and canoeing in the summer.The national parks and wilderness areas are popular destinations for outdoor enthusiasts.CuisineCanadian cuisine is as diverse as its population,with influences from indigenous,French, British,and other cultures.Traditional dishes include poutine,a combination of fries, cheese curds,and gravy,and butter tarts,a sweet pastry filled with a rich,buttery custard. Environment and ConservationCanada is committed to environmental conservation and has numerous protected areas, including national parks and wildlife reserves.The country is also a leader in renewable energy,with significant investments in hydroelectric,wind,and solar power.In ConclusionCanada is a country of contrasts and opportunities,offering a high quality of life,a strong economy,and a vibrant cultural scene.Its natural beauty,friendly people,and commitment to diversity make it an attractive destination for visitors and immigrants alike.Whether you are interested in exploring the great outdoors,experiencing a new culture,or simply enjoying the peace and tranquility of a safe and welcoming society, Canada has something for everyone.。
介绍加拿大的英语作文初二Canada, the Great White North, is a country that has captivated the hearts and minds of people around the world. As the world's second-largest country by total area, Canada boasts a diverse landscape that ranges from the majestic Rocky Mountains in the west to the rugged coastlines of the Atlantic Ocean in the east. It is a land of contrasts, where bustling cities and quiet rural communities coexist in perfect harmony.At the heart of Canada's identity is its official language, English. While French is also an official language in certain regions, particularly in the province of Quebec, English is widely spoken and understood throughout the country. This linguistic diversity is a testament to Canada's multicultural heritage and its commitment to embracing the richness of its cultural mosaic.One of the most remarkable aspects of Canada's English-speaking population is its sheer size. With a population of over 37 million people, Canada is home to a vast array of English speakers, from native-born Canadians to immigrants from all corners of the globe. This linguistic diversity has helped to shape the unique character of Canadian English, which has evolved to incorporate elements ofvarious regional dialects and cultural influences.Despite the prevalence of English in Canada, the country's education system places a strong emphasis on language learning. In many schools, students are encouraged to study both English and French, with the goal of fostering a bilingual and multicultural population. This commitment to language education not only strengthens the country's linguistic identity but also prepares young Canadians for the challenges of an increasingly globalized world.Beyond the classroom, the English language plays a vital role in Canadian society. It is the primary language of business, government, and media, with countless opportunities for English speakers to thrive in a wide range of professional and creative fields. From the bustling financial district of Toronto to the thriving tech hub of Vancouver, English-speaking Canadians are at the forefront of innovation and success.But the significance of English in Canada extends far beyond the practical considerations of daily life. The language has also become a powerful tool for cultural expression and identity. Canadian authors, poets, and artists have used the English language to share their unique perspectives and experiences with the world, creating a rich tapestry of literary and artistic works that reflect the diversity and complexity of the Canadian experience.Moreover, the prominence of English in Canada has also helped to strengthen the country's global connections. As a leading member of the Commonwealth of Nations and a key player on the international stage, Canada has used the English language to forge strong diplomatic and economic ties with countries around the world. This global reach has not only enhanced Canada's international influence but has also opened up countless opportunities for its English-speaking citizens to engage with the wider world.In conclusion, the role of English in Canada is a testament to the country's rich cultural heritage and its commitment to linguistic diversity and inclusion. From the bustling cities to the quiet rural communities, the English language has become a unifying force that binds Canadians together, fostering a sense of shared identity and purpose. As the world continues to evolve, the importance of the English language in Canada will only continue to grow, ensuring that this great nation remains a beacon of linguistic and cultural excellence for generations to come.。
必修三英语介绍加拿大作文Introduction to Canada。
Canada is a country located in North America, with a population of approximately 37 million people. It is the second-largest country in the world by land area, covering almost 10 million square kilometers. Canada is known forits diverse culture, natural beauty, and friendly people.Geography。
Canada is divided into ten provinces and three territories. The provinces are Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Manitoba, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Newfoundland and Labrador. The territories are Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. Canada is bordered by the United States to the south and northwest, and by the Arctic Ocean to the north.Climate。
Canada has a varied climate due to its large size and diverse geography. The northern regions of Canada have long, cold winters and short, cool summers. The southern regions have a temperate climate, with warm summers and cold winters. The coastal regions of British Columbia have mild temperatures year-round due to the influence of the Pacific Ocean.Culture。
Mega-citiesIn 1950, New York was the only city with more than10 million inhabitants. There are now 11cities housing over11 million people each. Tokyo alone has 17 million. In 1995, their combined population totaled 166 million; in 2015 it is forecast to be over 204 million.The world’s urban population, increasing at four times the rate of rural populations, will double in the period 1990-2025, to over five billion. Consequently, two-thirds of the people of the world will live in cities, some of which will be huge. Moreover, about 90% of the growth will be in developing countries. This growth, adding around 60 million people per year to city population, will be mainly in Southeast Asia and Africa. The consequences are dramatic. This is change on a scale never before experienced, bringing with it considerable challenges and opportunities.Why does this growth happen? Most of it results from internal migration rather than the international movement of people, and is caused by a variety of push and pull factors.One push factor is due to pressure on land availability. Improved health brings population growth, causing people to move out of rural areas. Others move because of climate change or poor farming methods which often result in deforestation and flooding. Such changes can alter the social structure, leading people to move. Furthermore, civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption, driving people out of rural areas.On the other hand, there are the pull factors. Cities attract people because of the demand for labor in the manufacturing and service industries. As a result, they offer a higher standard of living to the lucky ones. Cities also tend to offer greater personal freedom.The world economy has expanded five-fold since 1950, with the cities driving the expansion. Much of this economic expansion has been in the developing countriesof Southeast Asia. Therefore, most of the mega-cities of the future will be found there.题目1The combined total population of these 11 cities ________.选择一项:a. was 166 million in 1950b. was 17 million in 1995c. is 204 million nowd. will be over 204 million in 2015答案为D。
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CanadaCanadais a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world's second largest country by total area. Canada's common border with the United States to the south and northwest is the longest in the world.Canada occupies a major northern portion of North America, sharing the land borders with the contiguous United States to the south and the U.S. state of Alaska to the northwest, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west; to the north lies the Arctic Ocean.By total area (including its waters), Canada is the second-largest country in the world, after Russia. By land area, Canadaranks fourth.Canada has one third of the world's supply of freshwater. There are five great lakes in the south, and there are many others, especially in the north. Most of the electricity is produced by water. The country has a great deal of coal, oil and natural gas, and these are all exploited for energy. Much of the country is covered by forests, and wood is cut and sold all over the world. Canada is also the world's biggest producer of the kind of paper which is used for newspapers. Fishing is also very important for Canadians. Fish from east and west coasts is sold to many other countries.About 40% of the Canadian population are of British descent, while 27% are of French origin. Another 20% are of other European background, about 10% are Asian origin, and some 3% are of aboriginal or Métis (mixed aboriginal and European) background.Canada is a federation of ten provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan) and three territories (Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut). It isgoverned as aparliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state. One of the world's highly developed countries, Canada has a diversified economy that is reliant upon its abundant natural resources and upon trade—particularly with the United States, with which Canada has had a long and complex relationship. It is a member of the G7, G8, G20, NATO, OECD, WTO, Commonwealth, Francophonie, OAS, APEC, and UN. With the eighth-highestHuman Development Index globally, it has one of the highest standards of living in the world.The national flag of Canada, also known as the Maple Leaf, and l'Unifolié (French for "the one-leafed"), is a red flag with a white square in its centre, featuring a stylized 11-pointed red maple leaf. The width of the Maple Leaf flag is twice the height. The white field is a Canadian pale (a square central band in a vertical triband flag, named after this flag), and each bordering red field is exactly half its size. Canada's two official languages are English and French.English and French have equal status in federalcourts, Parliament, and in all federal institutions. Citizens have the right, where there is sufficient demand, to receive federal government services in either English or French, and official-language minorities are guaranteed their own schools in all provinces and territories.Ottawa is the capital of Canada, the second largest city in the Province of Ontario, and the fourth largest city in the country. Located in the Ottawa Valley, the city lies in the eastern portion of Southern Ontario on the Ottawa River, a major waterway forming the local boundary between the provinces of Ontario and Quebec.Toronto is the provincialcapital of Ontario and the largest city in Canada. It is located in Southern Ontario on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario. With over 2.5 million residents, it is the fifth most populous city in North America. Its metropolitan area with over 5 million residents is the seventh largest urban region in North America.The Niagara Fallsis the most powerful waterfalls in North America. These voluminous waterfalls are situatedon the Niagara River, which drains Lake Erie into Lake Ontario and forms the international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the U.S. state of New York. The Niagara Fallsis renowned both for their beauty and as a valuable source of hydroelectric power. Vancouveris a coastal harbor city inCanada. Located in the Lower Mainland, Greater Vancouver is the third-largestmetropolitan area in the country and most populous in Western Canada. While forestry remains its largest industry, Vancouver is well known as an urban centre surrounded by nature, making tourism its second-largest industry.Vancouver has ranked highly in worldwide "livable city" rankings for more than a decade according to business magazine assessments and it was also acknowledged by Economist Intelligence Unit as the first city to rank among the top-ten of the world's most livable cities for five straight years.It has hosted many international conferences and events.BanffNational Parkis Canada's oldest national park, established in 1885 in the Rocky Mountains. The park,located 110–180 kilometers west of Calgary in the province of Alberta, encompasses 6,641 square kilometers of mountainous terrain, with numerous glaciers and ice fields, dense coniferous forest, and alpine landscapes.。