傲慢与偏见的电影台词1) 女人必须找一个自己尊敬的人做丈夫,这样她才能获得幸福。
《傲慢与偏见》2) 男女恋爱大都免不了要借重于双方的感恩图报之心和虚荣自负之感,听其自然是很难成其好事的。
-《傲慢与偏见》3) 大凡家境不好而又受过相当教育的青年女子,总是把结婚当作仅有的一条体面的退路. 尽管结婚并不一定会叫人幸福,但总算给她自己安排了一个最可靠的储藏室,日后可以不致挨冻受饿。
-《傲慢与偏见》4) 自私自利就是谨慎,糊涂大胆就等于幸福有了保障。
-《傲慢与偏见》5) 如果不是你戳穿了我的虚荣心,我也许会原谅你的傲自尊大。
《傲慢与偏见》6) 如果智慧真的高人一等,傲慢也就不会太过分。
《傲慢与偏见》7) 这种只顾情欲不顾道德的结合,实在很难得到永久的幸福。
-《傲慢与偏见》8) The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and everyday confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of my little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of either merit or sense. --Jane Austen 《Pride and Prejudice》9) 从不改变主意的人要特别主意,一开始就要拿对主意。
-《傲慢与偏见》10) 要是他没有触犯我的骄傲,我也很容易原谅他的骄傲。
-《傲慢与偏见》关于傲慢与偏见的电影台词1) 骄傲多半不外乎我们对我们自己的估价,虚荣却牵涉到我们希望别人对我们的看法。
-《傲慢与偏见》2) 偏见让我无法去爱别人,傲慢让别人无法来爱我。
Darcy:Miss Elizabeth. I have struggled in vain and can bear it no longer. These past months have been a torment.I came to Rosings only to see you .I have fought against judgement, my family's expectation, the inferiority of yourbirth, my rank. I will put them aside and ask you to end my agony.伊丽莎白小姐,我实在没有办法撑下去了,这几个月对于我来说是一种折磨.我来罗新斯只是为了见你,理智的想法和家族的期望阻挠着我,你卑微的出身和我爵位的悬殊也令我迟疑不决,但我要把这一切统统抛开,请你终结我的痛苦Lizzie:- I don't understand. .-我不明白你在说什么Darcy:- I love you - Most ardently. Please do me the honour of accepting my hand.我爱你,最真挚的爱,请赐予我荣幸,接受我的手吧Lizzie:Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through, and I am very sorry to have caused you pain ,It wasunconsciously done.先生,我感激你的挣扎,很抱歉引起你的痛苦,我完全是无心的Darcy:- Is this your reply?这就是你的回复?Lizzie:- Yes, sir.- -是的,先生Darcy:- Are you laughing at me?你是在嘲笑我吗?Lizzie:- No.- -不Darcy:Are you rejecting me?你是在拒绝我?Lizzie :Darcy :Might I ask why with so little civility I am thus repulsed?我能否问问,为什么我竟会遭受如此无礼的拒绝?Lizzie :I might enquire ,why you told me you liked me against your better judgement?那么我能否问问为什么你说喜欢我是违背了你自己的理智?Darcy :If I was uncivil, then that is some excuse若说我是无礼的,那这就是我无礼的理由之一吧Lizzie :But you know I have other reasons. -但我还有别的理由-Darcy :- What reasons?什么理由?Lizzie :Do you think anything might tempt me to accept the man who has ruined, the happiness of a most belovedsister? Do you deny that you separated a young couple who loved each other,exposing your friend to censure for capriceand my sister to derision for disappointed hopes,involving them both in acute misery一个毁了我最亲爱的姐姐幸福的人,怎么会打动我的心去爱他呢?你能否认你拆散了一对相爱的恋人.让你的朋友被大家指责为朝三暮四,让我的姐姐被大家嘲笑为奢望空想?让他们双方都受尽了痛苦?Darcy:- I do not deny it.我并不否认Lizzie:- How could you do it?- -你怎么能做出这样的事情?Darcy:I believed your sister indifferent to him. I realised his attachment was deeper than hers.我认为你姐姐觉得他无关紧要,我觉得他的爱要比她更多Lizzie:That's because she's shy!那是因为她害羞!Darcy:Bingley was persuaded she didn't feel strongly.我说服彬格莱认为,她的感觉并不强烈Lizzie:- Because you suggested it. - For his own good. My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me . I supposehis fortune had some bearing?-那都是你说的-我这样做是为了他好.我姐姐连对我都不吐露她的心声.我想你是担心她是看上了他的钱吧?Darcy:I wouldn't do your sister the dishonour. - It was suggested.我无意使你姐姐难堪,有迹象表明..Lizzie:What was?-. -什么?Darcy:It was clear an advantageous marriage...这门婚事明显是为了谋取利益的... -我姐姐给你那种印象?-不!Lizzie:- Did my sister give that impression?Darcy:: - No! No. There was, however, your family你姐姐没然而你的家人Lizzie:... Our want of connection?你以为我们是为了攀高枝... ?Darcy:No, it was more than that. -不,比那更甚-Lizzie:- How, sir?-怎样更甚,先生?Darcy:The lack of propriety shown by your mother, younger sisters and your father. Forgive me. You and yoursisterImustexcludefromthis.你母亲、你妹妹们还有你父亲有失身份的表现,请原谅我,你和你姐姐当然没有Lizzie:And what about Mr Wickham?那韦翰先生又是怎么回事?Darcy:Mr Wickham?韦翰先生?Lizzie:What excuse can you give for your behaviour?你对他的所作所为,又能给出什么借口?Darcy:You take an eager interest.你对他倒是十分关心Lizzie:He told me of his misfortunes.他告诉了我他的不幸遭遇Darcy:- Oh, they have been great. - You ruin his chances-哦,他的确太不幸啦-你毁了他Lizzie:yet treat him with sarcasm.现在还讥讽他Darcy:So this is your opinion of me?Thank you. Perhaps these offences might have been overlooked had not your pride been hurt by my scruples aboutour relationship .I am to rejoice in the inferiority of your circumstances?这就是你对我的看法?.谢谢,只怪我老老实实地把我以前一误再误、迟疑不决的原因说了出来.所以伤害了你的自尊心.否则你也许就不会计较我得罪你的这些地方了难道你指望我会为你那些微贱的亲戚而欢欣鼓舞吗?Lizzie:And those are the words of a gentleman.? Your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelingsof others. made me realize ,you were the last man in the world I could ever marry.这像是个绅士说的话吗?你十足狂妄自大、自私自利、看不起别人,我早就想好了哪怕天下男人都死光了,我也不愿意嫁给你Darcy:Forgive me, madam, for taking up so much of your time.请原谅,小姐,耽搁了你这么多时间。
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.2、You must know .Surely you must know it was all for you.你必须知道,你一定要知道,这一切都是为了你所做的。
3、pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us. 骄傲多半涉及我们自己怎样看待自己,而虚荣则涉及我们想别人怎样看我们4、Where there is a real superiority of mind,pride will be always under good regulation.5、Bagger cant be a chooser.乞丐没有权利挑三拣四。
6、Misery can be caused by someone being just weak and indecisive. 一个人仅仅因为软弱无能或优柔寡断就完全可能招致痛苦7、Not all of us can offord to be romantic.并不是我们所有的人都会拥有浪漫。
8、There are few people whom I really love, and even fewer of whom I think well.我真心爱的人不多看得起的人更少9、I knew she did not be so beautiful for nothing. 我一向认为她不会白白生得这样好看。
10、f your feelings are still what they were last April,tell me so at once. My affections and wishes have not changed. But one word from you will silence me forever. 如果你的心意仍与四月时一样,马上告诉我。
darcy: (cont'd) i came to rosings with the single object of seeing you...i had to see youlizzie: me?darcy: i've fought against my better judgement, my family's expectation. . . (pause)darcy: (cont'd) the inferiority of your birth. . .my rank and circumstance.. (stumblingly) all those things...but i'm willing to put them aside...and ask you to end my agony...lizzie: i don't understand...darcy: (with passion) i love you. most ardently.lizzie stares at him.darcy: (cont'd) please do me the honour of accepting my hand.a silence. lizzie struggles with the most painful confusion of feeling. finally she recovers.lizzie: (voice shaking) sir, i appreciate the struggle you have been through, and i am very sorry to have caused you pain. believe me, it was unconsciously done.a silence. gathering her shawl, she gets to her feet.darcy: (stares) is this your reply?lizzie: yes, sir.darcy: are you laughing at me?lizzie: no!darcy: are you rejecting me?lizzie: (pause) i'm sure that the feelings which, as you've told me, have hindered your regard, will help you in overcoming it.a terrible silence, as this sinks in. neither of them can move. at last, darcy speaks. he is very pale.darcy: might i ask why, with so little endeavour at civility, i am thus repulsed? lizzie: (trembling with emotion) i might as well enquire why, with so evident a design of insulting me, you chose to tell me that you liked me against your better judgement. if i was uncivil, that was some excuse -darcy: believe me, i didn't mean.lizzie: but i have other reasons, you know i have!darcy: what reasons?lizzie: do you think that anything might tempt me to accept the man who has ruined, perhaps for ever, the happiness of a most beloved sister?silence. darcy looks as if he's been struck across the face.lizzie: (cont'd) do you deny it, mr darcy? that you've separated a young couple who loved each other, exposing your friend to the censure of the world for caprice, and my sister to its derision for disappointed hopes, and involving them both in misery of the acutest kind?darcy: i do not deny it.lizzie: (blurts out) how could you do it?darcy: because i believed your sister indifferent to him.lizzie: indifferent?darcy: i watched them most carefully, and realized his attachment was much deeper than hers.lizzie: that's because she's shy!darcy: bingley too is modest, and was persuaded that she didn't feel strongly for him.lizzie: because you suggested it!darcy: i did it for his own good.lizzie: my sister hardly shows her true feelings to me! (pause, takes a breath) i suppose you suspect that his fortune had same bearing on the matter?darcy: ( sharply) no! i wouldn't do your sister the dishonour. though it was suggested (stops)lizzie: what was?darcy: it was made perfectly clear that...an advantageous marriage... (stops) lizzie: did my sister give that impression?darcy: no!。
Darcy:Miss Elizabeth.I have struggled in vain and can bear it nolonger.These past months have been a torment.I came to Rosings o nly to see you.I have fought against judgement,my family's expe ctation,the inferiority of your birth,my rank.I will put them aside and ask you to end my agony.伊丽莎白小姐,我实在没有办法撑下去了,这几个月对于我来说是一种折磨.我来罗新斯只是为了见你,理智的想法和家族的期望阻挠着我,你卑微的出身和我爵位的悬殊也令我迟疑不决,但我要把这一切统统抛开,请你终结我的痛苦Lizzie:-I don't understand..-我不明白你在说什么Darcy:I love you Most ardently.Please do me the honour of accep ting my hand。
我爱你,最真挚的爱,请赐予我荣幸,接受我的手吧Lizzie:Sir,I appreciate the struggle you have been through,an d I am very sorry to have caused you pain,It was unconsciously do ne.先生,我感激你的挣扎,很抱歉引起你的痛苦,我完全是无心的Darcy:-Is this your reply?这就是你的回复?Lizzie:-Yes,sir.--是的,先生Darcy:-Are you laughing at me?你是在嘲笑我吗Lizzie:-No.--不Darcy:Are you rejecting me?你是在拒绝我?Lizzie:I'm sure the feelings which hindered your regard will h elp you overcome it我确信,你心中阶级的门槛会帮助你克服痛苦Darcy:Might I ask why with so little civility I am thus repulsed? 我能否问问,为什么我竟会遭受如此无礼的拒绝?Lizzie:I might enquire,why you told me you liked me against your better judgement?那么我能否问问为什么你说喜欢我是违背了你自己的理智?Darcy:If I was uncivil,then that is some excuse若说我是无礼的,那这就是我无礼的理由之吧Lizzie:But you know I have other reasons.-但我还有别的理由-Darcy:-What reasons?什么理由?Lizzie:Do you think anything might tempt me to accept the man who has ruined,the happiness of a most beloved sister?Do you deny that you separated a young couple who loved each other,exposing your friend to censure for caprice and my sister to derision for d isappointed hopes,involving them both in acute misery一个毁了我最亲爱的姐姐幸福的人,怎么会打动我的心去爱他呢?你能否认你拆散了一对相爱的恋人.让你的朋友被大家指责为朝三暮四,让我的姐姐被大家嘲笑为奢望空想?让他们双方都受尽痛苦?Darcy:-I do not deny it.我并不否认Lizzie:-How could you do it?--你怎么能做出这样的事情?Darcy:I believed your sister indifferent to him.I realised his attachment was deeper than hers.我认为你姐姐觉得他无关紧要,我觉得他的爱要比她更多Lizzie:That's because she's shy!那是因为她害羞!Darcy:Bingley was persuaded she didn't feel strongly.我说服彬格莱认为,她的感觉并不强烈Lizzie:Because you suggested it.For his own good.My sister har dly shows her true feelings to me.I suppose his fortune had some bearing?-那都是你说的-我这样做是为了他好.我姐姐连对我都不吐露她的心声.我想你是担心她是看上了他的钱吧?Darcy:I wouldn't do your sister the dishonour.-It was suggested.我无意使你姐姐难堪,有迹象表明..Lizzie:What was?-.-什么?Darcy:It was clear an advantageous marriage...这门婚事明显是为了谋取利益的...Lizzie:-Did my sister give that impression?-我姐姐给你那种印象?-Darcy::-No!No.There was,however,your family不!你姐姐没然而你的家人Lizzie:...Our want of connection?你以为我们是为了攀高枝...?Darcy:No,it was more than that.-不,比那更甚-Lizzie:-How,sir?-怎样更甚,先生?Darcy:The lack of propriety shown by your mother,younger siste rs and your father.Forgive me.You and your sister I must exclud e from this.你母亲、你妹妹们还有你父亲有失身份的表现,请原谅我,你和你姐姐当然没有Lizzie:And what about Mr Wickham?那韦翰先生又是怎么回事?Darcy:Mr Wickham?韦翰先生?Lizzie:What excuse can you give for your behaviour?你对他的所作所为,又能给出什么借口?Darcy:You take an eager interest.你对他倒是十分关心Lizzie:He told me of his misfortunes.他告诉了我他的不幸遭遇Darcy:-Oh,they have been great.-You ruin his chances-哦,他的确太不幸啦-你毁了他Lizzie:yet treat him with sarcasm.现在还讥讽他Darcy:So this is your opinion of me?Thank you.Perhaps these offences might have been overlooked hadnot your pride been hurt by my scruples about our relationship.I am to rejoice in the inferiority of your circumstances?这就是你对我的看法?.谢谢,只怪我老老实实地把我以前一误再误、迟疑不决的原因说了出来.所以伤害了你的自尊心.否则你也许就不会计较我得罪你的这些地方了难道你指望我会为你那些微贱的亲戚而欢欣鼓舞吗?Lizzie:And those are the words of a gentleman.?Your arrogance a nd conceit,your selfish disdain for the feelings of others.made me realize,you were the last man in the world I could ever marry .这像是个绅士说的话吗?你十足狂妄自大、自私自利、看不起别人,我早就想好了哪怕天下男人都死光了,我也不愿意嫁给你Darcy:Forgive me,madam,for taking up so much of your time.请原谅,小姐,耽搁了你这么多时间最后经典的结局:E:I couldn't sleep.-:我无法入睡。
傲慢与偏见优美句子中英对照1. 傲慢与偏见书中的经典句子中英文对照Your mother insists upon you marrying Mr Collins.From this day onward,you must be a stranger to one of your parents.Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr Collins,and I will never see you again if you do.(你妈妈要你嫁给柯林斯先生。
2. 寻找英文版《傲慢与偏见》中的精美语句Elizabeth Bennet: I thought you were in London.伊丽莎白:我原以为你在伦敦。
Mr. Darcy: No。
No. I'm not.达西:不。
Jane Bennet: Yes. A thousand times yes.简:是的,一千次说是的。
Caroline Bingley: I can't help thinking that at some point someone is going to produce a piglet and we'll all have to chase it.卡罗琳:我忍不住不去想在某个地方某人也许会弄出一直小猪来,我们都必须去追逐它。
Caroline Bingley: Goodness, did you walk here Miss Bennet?卡罗琳:谢天谢地,你是在这儿散步吗本尼特小姐?Elizabeth Bennet: I did.伊丽莎白:是的。
Caroline Bingley: Charles. You cannot be serious.卡罗琳:查尔斯。
傲慢与偏见 经典对话
![傲慢与偏见 经典对话](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b9261e89d0d233d4b14e69b1.png)
第一段:L: I couldn't sleep.D: Nor I. My aunt…L: Yes, she was here.D: How can I ever make amends for such behaviour?L: After what you've done for Lydia and, I suspect, for Jane,it is I who should be making amends.D: You must know.Surely you must know it was all for you.You are too generous to trifle with me.You spoke with my aunt last night and it has taught me to hope as I'd scarcely allowed myself before.If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once.My affections and wishes have not changed.But one word from you will silence me for ever.If, however, your feelings have changed……I would have to tell you,you have bewitched me,body and soul,and I love…I love…I love you.I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.L: Well, then.Your hands are cold.第二段:P: Good Lord.I must pay him back.L: No.You mustn't tell anyone.He wouldn't want it.We misjudged him, Papa.Me more than anyone. In every way.Not just in this matter.I've been nonsensical.But he's been a fool about Jane,about so many other things.But then, so have IYou see, he and I are…He and I are so similar.We're both so stubborn.Papa, l...P: …You really do love him, don't you…L: Very much.P: I cannot believe that anyone can deserve you.…But it seems I am overruled.So I heartily give my consent.I could not have parted with you,my Lizzie, to anyone less worthy.L: Thank you.P: If any young men come for Mary or Kitty,for heaven's sake, send them in. I'm quite at my leisure.。
《傲慢与偏见》经典中英对照语录1、It is a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.有钱的单身汉总要娶位太太,这是一条举世公认的真理。
4、Perhaps that is not possible for any one. But it has been the study of my life to avoid those weaknesses which often expose a strong understanding to ridicule.Such as vanity and pride.或许谁都还会有这些弱点,否那么可真糟了,绝顶的聪明也要招人嘲笑了。
5、 My good opinion once lost is lost for ever.我对于某个人一旦没有了好感,就永远没有好感。
9、Married life is happiness, pletely is a chance to question.婚姻生活是否幸福,完全是个时机问题。
10、A pair of lovers premarital understand each other well or character special similar, this does not mean that after their marriage can be happy. They are often get later distance farther and farther, each other troubles. Since you have with this person for life, to his faults know as little as possible.一对爱人婚前彼此非常理解或性格特别相似,这并不能说明他们婚后会幸福。
《傲慢与偏见》经典语录中英对照Some people even did not intend to do bad things, can in fact it can still do wrong, misery consequences. Every careless and don't see other people's well-intentioned, and the lack of a decisive person, all similar to harm them.有些人即使没有存心做坏事,可事实上事情仍会做错,引起不幸的后果。
Pretend modesty often is nonsense, sometimes just is the beat around the bush boast假装谦虚往往就是信口开河,有时候简直是拐弯抹角的自夸。
Married life is happiness, completely is a chance to question.婚姻生活是否幸福,完全是个机会问题。
A pair of lovers premarital understand each other well or character special similar, this does not mean that after their marriage can be happy. They are often get later distance farther and farther, each other troubles. Since you have with this person for life, to his faults know as little as possible.一对爱人婚前彼此非常了解或性格特别相似,这并不能说明他们婚后会幸福。
傲慢与偏见台词经典对白傲慢与偏见台词经典对白1. There are not many people I really love and fewer people I can look up to.我真心爱的人不多,看得起的人更少。
2. Like ordinary people, beautiful young people also have to have food and clothing.美少年和凡夫俗子一样,也得有饭吃有衣穿。
3. I will never regret losing the attention of others. Sometimes it takes a lot of money to get too much attention.我绝不会因为失去他人的重视而遗憾,太受人重视有时需要付出很大的代价。
4. I have been walking in the woods for some time, just hoping to meet you.我在树林里已经走了一段时间了,就是希望能够遇到你。
5. It is a universally acknowledged truth that a rich bachelor must marry a wife.一个富有的单身汉,一定得娶一位妻子,这已是一条举世公认的真理。
6. Once happiness is rejected, it is not worth seeing again.幸福一经被拒绝,就不值得我们再去看中它了。
7. When a woman falls in love with a man, as long as the woman doesnt deliberately hide it, the man will be able to see it.一个女人爱上一个男人,只要女方不有意隐瞒,男方准能看得出来。
傲慢与偏见经典台词 中英版
![傲慢与偏见经典台词 中英版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a388decb9ec3d5bbfd0a749f.png)
- 不。 有,然而,你的家人... - 我们对社交的渴求? - 不,比那更甚。 - 怎样更甚,先生? - 你母亲,你妹妹们,你父亲有失身份的表现……请 原谅我,你和你的姐姐当然排除在外……
judgement. If I was uncivil, that was some excuse DARCY: Believe me, I didn't mean. LIZZIE: But I have other reasons, you know I have嘲笑我吗? -不 - 你是在拒绝我? -我相信,你心中阶级的门槛会帮助你克服痛苦。 - 我能否问你,为什么我竟会遭受如此无礼的拒绝? - 那么我能否问你,为什么你说喜欢我是违背了你自 己的判断力?要是我果真是无礼的,那么,这还不 够作为我无礼的理由吗? - 相信我,我不是那个意思。 - 但你知道我还有别的理由。
- 这几个月对于我来说是一种折磨,我来罗新斯只是 为了见你。 - 我? - 我在与世俗的看法,与我家族的期望对抗,与你的 身世,与我的阶级对抗,我要把他们统统抛开,让你 终结我的痛苦。 - 我不明白你在说什么。
DARCY: (cont'd) Please do me the honour of accepting my hand. A silence. Lizzie struggles with the most painful confusion of feeling. Finally she recovers. LIZZIE: (voice shaking) Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through, and I am very sorry to have caused you pain. Believe me, it was unconsciously done. A silence. Gathering her shawl, she gets to her feet.
1. “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”众所周知,一个有钱的单身汉一定需要一个妻子。
2. “I have been used to consider poetry as the food of love.”我一直认为诗歌是爱情的食粮。
3. “Angry people are not always wise.”愤怒的人并不总是明智的。
4. “I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago.I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.”我无法确定是哪个时刻、哪个地点、哪个表情或者哪段话奠定了基础,太久以前了。
5. “It is happy for you that you possess the talent of flattering with delicacy. May I ask whether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment, or are they the result of previous study?”你拥有巧妙恭维的天赋,这对你来说是一种幸福。
我可以问一下,这些令人愉快的关注是来自一时兴起的冲动,还是前期的研究成果? 6. “I have faults enough, but they are not, I hope, ofunderstanding. My temper I dare not vouch for. It is, I believe, too little yielding— certainly too little for the convenience of the world. I cannot forget the follies and vices of other so soon as I ought, nor their offenses against myself.”我有足够的缺点,但我希望它们不是智力上的问题。
A Conversational Analysis of Pride and Prejudice ——Take the Example of Darcy's Confession in the
作者: 高攀[1]
作者机构: [1]广东理工学院外国语学院,广东肇庆526114
出版物刊名: 山西大同大学学报:社会科学版
页码: 91-95页
年卷期: 2020年 第6期
Darcy : Miss Elizabeth. I have struggled in vain and can bear it no longer. These past months have been a torment.I came to Rosings only to see you .I have fought against judgement, my family's expectation, the inferiority of your birth, my rank. I will put them aside and ask you to end my agony.伊丽莎白小姐, 我实在没有办法撑下去了, 这几个月对于我来说是一种折磨. 我来罗新斯只是为了见你,理智的想法和家族的期望阻挠着我, 你卑微的出身和我爵位的悬殊也令我迟疑不决,但我要把这一切统统抛开,请你终结我的痛苦Lizzie: - I don't understand. .- 我不明白你在说什么Darcy : - I love you - Most ardently. Please do me the honour of accepting my hand.我爱你, 最真挚的爱,请赐予我荣幸,接受我的手吧Lizzie : Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through, and I am very sorry to have caused you pain ,It was unconsciously done.先生,我感激你的挣扎,很抱歉引起你的痛苦, 我完全是无心的Darcy :- Is this your reply? 这就是你的回复?Lizzie: - Yes, sir.- - 是的,先生Darcy: - Are you laughing at me? 你是在嘲笑我吗?Lizzie: - No.- - 不Darcy: Are you rejecting me?你是在拒绝我?Lizzie : I'm sure the feelings which hindered your regard will help you overcome it.我确信,你心中阶级的门槛会帮助你克服痛苦Darcy : Might I ask why with so little civility I am thus repulsed?我能否问问,为什么我竟会遭受如此无礼的拒绝?Lizzie : I might enquire ,why you told me you liked me against your better judgement?那么我能否问问为什么你说喜欢我是违背了你自己的理智?Darcy : If I was uncivil, then that is some excuse若说我是无礼的,那这就是我无礼的理由之一吧Lizzie : But you know I have other reasons. - 但我还有别的理由 -Darcy :- What reasons? 什么理由?Lizzie :Do you think anything might tempt me to accept the man who has ruined, the happiness of a most beloved sister? Do you deny that you separated a young couple who loved each other,exposing your friend to censure for capriceand my sister to derision for disappointed hopes,involving them both in acute misery一个毁了我最亲爱的姐姐幸福的人,怎么会打动我的心去爱他呢?你能否认你拆散了一对相爱的恋人.让你的朋友被大家指责为朝三暮四,让我的姐姐被大家嘲笑为奢望空想?让他们双方都受尽了痛苦?Darcy: - I do not deny it. 我并不否认Lizzie: - How could you do it?- - 你怎么能做出这样的事情?Darcy:I believed your sister indifferent to him. I realised his attachment was deeper than hers.我认为你姐姐觉得他无关紧要, 我觉得他的爱要比她更多Lizzie: That's because she's shy!那是因为她害羞!Darcy: Bingley was persuaded she didn't feel strongly.我说服彬格莱认为,她的感觉并不强烈Lizzie: - Because you suggested it. - For his own good. My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me . I suppose his fortune had some bearing?- 那都是你说的 - 我这样做是为了他好.我姐姐连对我都不吐露她的心声. 我想你是担心她是看上了他的钱吧?Darcy: I wouldn't do your sister the dishonour. - It was suggested.我无意使你姐姐难堪,有迹象表明..Lizzie: What was?-. - 什么?Darcy: It was clear an advantageous marriage...这门婚事明显是为了谋取利益的... - 我姐姐给你那种印象? - 不!Lizzie: - Did my sister give that impression?Darcy:: - No! No. There was, however, your family你姐姐没然而你的家人Lizzie: ... Our want of connection? 你以为我们是为了攀高枝... ?Darcy: No, it was more than that. -不,比那更甚 -Lizzie: - How, sir?- 怎样更甚,先生?Darcy: The lack of propriety shown by your mother, younger sisters and your father. Forgive me. You and your sister I must exclude from this.你母亲、你妹妹们还有你父亲有失身份的表现,请原谅我,你和你姐姐当然没有Lizzie: And what about Mr Wickham?那韦翰先生又是怎么回事?Darcy: Mr Wickham?韦翰先生?Lizzie: What excuse can you give for your behaviour?你对他的所作所为,又能给出什么借口?Darcy: You take an eager interest. 你对他倒是十分关心Lizzie: He told me of his misfortunes.他告诉了我他的不幸遭遇Darcy: - Oh, they have been great. - You ruin his chances- 哦,他的确太不幸啦 - 你毁了他Lizzie: yet treat him with sarcasm.现在还讥讽他Darcy: So this is your opinion of me?Thank you. Perhaps these offences might have been overlooked had not your pride been hurt by my scruples about our relationship .I am to rejoice in the inferiority of your circumstances?这就是你对我的看法?.谢谢,只怪我老老实实地把我以前一误再误、迟疑不决的原因说了出来.所以伤害了你的自尊心.否则你也许就不会计较我得罪你的这些地方了难道你指望我会为你那些微贱的亲戚而欢欣鼓舞吗?Lizzie: And those are the words of a gentleman.? Your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others. made me realize ,you were the last man in the world I could ever marry.这像是个绅士说的话吗?你十足狂妄自大、自私自利、看不起别人,我早就想好了哪怕天下男人都死光了,我也不愿意嫁给你Darcy: Forgive me, madam, for taking up so much of your time.请原谅,小姐,耽搁了你这么多时间。
Caroline: Entertaining the rustics is not as difficult as I feared. 招持这些乡下人并不像我担心的那么困难 Caroline: Any simple childish games seems to amuse them excessively. 任何简单幼稚的游戏似乎都非常令他们开心 Kitty: Stop swinging! I'm going to fall! 别拉扯了 我快要掉下去啦 Lydia: You are not going to fall, dummy! 你不会掉下去的 笨蛋 Collins: Miss Elizabeth! 伊丽莎白小姐 Collins: Miss Elizabeth! 伊丽莎白小姐 Collins: Miss Elizabeth! 伊丽莎白小姐 Collins: Miss Elizabeth! 伊丽莎白小姐 Collins: Miss Elizabeth! 伊丽莎白小姐 Collins: Miss Elizabeth! Miss Elizabeth! 伊丽莎白小姐 伊丽莎白小姐 Collins: Well, I say sir! Sir! I beg your pardon, sir! 哎 我说先生 先生 对不起 先生 Collins: Do you -- do you happen to know Miss Elizabeth Bennet? 你 你认不认识伊丽莎白 班奈特小姐啊 Darcy: I do, sir. 我认识 先生 Collins: Has she -- has she passed this way, may I ask? 请问她 她从这儿过了吗 Darcy: No, sir. She has not passed this spot. 没有 先生 她没从这儿过 Darcy: I suggest that you try the other side of the lake, sir. 我建议你去湖那边找找看 先生 Collins: I'm obliged to you, sir. 感谢你 先生 Darcy: All clear. 没事了 Lizzy: Thank you, Mr. Darcy. 谢谢你 达西先生 Lizzy: You saved me from one of the most dangerous bores in the country. 你把我从本郡一个最危险的无聊者那儿解救出来了 Darcy: If the dragon returns, then, George will know how to deal with him. 若是这恶棍再回来 乔治知道怎么对付他的 Darcy: Meanwhile, what do you say to a little target
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Darcy: Miss Elizabeth. I have struggled in vain and can bear it no longer. These past months have been a torment. I came to Rosings with the single object of seeing you. I had to see you. I have fought against my better judgment, my family's expectation, the inferiority of your birth, my rank, all these things, and I'm willing to put them aside and ask you to end my agony.
Elizabeth: I don't understand.
Darcy: I love you. Most ardently. Please do me the honor of accepting my hand. Elizabeth: Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through, and I am very sorry to have caused you pain. Believe me, it was unconsciously done.
Darcy: Is this your reply?
Elizabeth: Yes, sir.
Darcy: Are you... are you laughing at me?
Elizabeth: No.
Darcy: Are you rejecting me?
Elizabeth: I'm sure the feelings which, as you've told me have hindered your regard will help you in overcoming it.
Darcy: Might I ask why with so little endeavor at civility I am thus repulsed? Elizabeth: And I might as well enquire with so evident a design of insulting me you chose to tell me that you liked me against your better judgment?
Darcy: No, believe me...
Elizabeth: If I was uncivil, then that is some excuse! But I have other reasons. You know I have.
Darcy: What reasons?
Elizabeth: Do you think anything might tempt me to accept the man who has ruined perhaps forever the happiness of a most beloved sister? Do you deny it Mr. Darcy, that you separated a young couple who loved each other, exposing your friend to center of the world for caprice and my sister to its derision for disappointed hopes and involving them both in misery of the acutest kind?
Darcy: I do not deny it.
Elizabeth: How could you do it?
Darcy: Because I believed your sister's indifferent to him.
Elizabeth: Indifferent?
Darcy: I watched them most carefully and realized his attachment was deeper than hers.
Elizabeth: That's because she's shy!
Darcy: Bingley, too, is modest and was persuaded she didn't feel strongly for him. Elizabeth: Because you suggested it.
Darcy: I did it for his own good.
Elizabeth: My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me. I suppose you suspect that his fortune had some bearing?
Darcy: No! I wouldn't do your sister the dishonor, though it was suggested... Elizabeth: What was?
Darcy: It was made perfectly clear that an advantageous marriage...
Elizabeth: Did my sister give that impression?
Darcy: No! No. No. There was, however, I have to admit, the matter of your family... Elizabeth: Our want of connection? Mr. Bingley didn't seem to vex himself about that.
Darcy: No, it was more than that.
Elizabeth: How, sir?
Darcy: It was the lack of propriety shown by your mother, your three younger sisters and even, on occasion, your father. Forgive me. You and your sister I must exclude from this.
Elizabeth: And what about Mr. Wickham?
Darcy: Mr. Wickham?
Elizabeth: What excuse can you give for your behavior towards him?
Darcy: You take an eager interest in that gentleman's concerns.
Elizabeth: He told me of his misfortunes.
Darcy: Oh, yes, his misfortunes have been very great indeed.
Elizabeth: You ruin his chances and yet you treat him with sarcasm.
Darcy:So this is your opinion of me? Thank you for explaining so fully. Perhaps these offences might have been overlooked had not your pride been hurt by my honesty...
Elizabeth: My pride?
Darcy: ...in admitting scruples about our relationship. Could you expect me to rejoice in the inferiority of your circumstances?
Elizabeth: And those are the words of a gentleman. From the first moment I met you, your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realize that you were the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry.
Darcy: Forgive me, madam, for taking up so much of your time.。