Elektronische Bauelemente01-Jun-2002 Rev. A Page 1 of 8REF . REF .MillimeterMillimeterElektronische BauelementePage 2 of 8Block DiagramFEEDBACKPin FunctionPIN#FUNCTION1 This is the positive input supply for the IC switching regulator. A suitable input must be present at this pin to minimize voltage transients and to supply the switching needed by regulator.2 Internal switch. The voltage at this pin switches between (+V IN – V SAT ) and approximately -0.5V, with a duty cycle of approximately V OUT /V IN . To minimize coupling to sensitive circuit, the PC board copper area connected to this pin should be keep to a minimum.3 Circuit ground4Senses the regulated output voltage to complete the feedback loop12VUnregulated680332201N5824680S5ULM2596-5.0 DC InputPage 3 of 801-Jun-2002 Rev. A Page 4 of 8Normalized Output Voltage Line RegulatorEfficiency Switch Saturation VoltageSwitch Current Limit Dropout Voltage/ Any changing of specification will not be informed individual 01-Jun-2002 Rev. A Page 5 of 8Elektronische BauelementeOperating Quiescent Current Shutdown Quiescent Current Minimum Operating Supply Voltage ON/OFF Threshold VoltageON/OFF Pin Current (Sinking)Switching Frequency/ Any changing of specification will not be informed individual 01-Jun-2002 Rev. A Page 6 of 801-Jun-2002 Rev. A Page 7 of 8tp:/// Any changing of specification will not be informed individual Elektronische BauelementeFeedback Pin BiasContinuous Mode Switching Waveforms Horizontal Time Base: 2 sDiscontinuous Mode Switching Waveforms Horizontal Time Base: 2 sLoad Transient Response for Continuous Mode100 sHorizontal Time Base: 200 s /dLoad Transient Response for Discontinuous Mode Horizontal Time Base:01-Jun-2002 Rev. A Page 8 of 8Elektronische BauelementeV out=VREF*(1+R2/R1) Where VREF=1.23V R2=R1*(Vout/VREF-1)Select R1 to be approximately 1k , use a 1% resistor for best stability. Cin-- 470uF, 50V , Aluminum Electrolytic Cout-- 220uF, 35V Aluminum Electrolytic D1-- 5A, 40V Schottky Rectifer, 1N5825 L1-- 68uH Figure 2 Standard Test Circuits and Layout GuidesCin-- 470uF, 50V , Aluminum Electrolytic Cout-- 220uF, 25V Aluminum Electrolytic D1-- 5A, 40V Schottky Rectifer, 1N5825 L1-- 68uHS5ELM2596。
LM2596S-3.3, LM2596S-5.0,LM2596S-12, LM2596S-ADJ为TO-263封装(SMT)。
LM2596□—5.0 (见注 14)
5.0 7V≤VIN≤40V, 0.2A≤ILOAD≤3A
3.168/3.135 3.432/3.465
V V(min) V(max) %
4.800/4.750 5.200/5.250
2 30
A A(min) A(max) μA(max) mA mA(max)
见注 9
5 10
mA mA(max)
ON/OFF 脚=5V(OFF)(9)
μA(max) 3
LM2596 开关电压调节器 SEPTEMBER, 2004
ILOAD=500mA。 (见注 14)
361 符号
cu 器件参数
.m Ib
典型值(2) 极限值(3)
※ 3.3V、5V、12V 的固定电压输出和可调电压输出 ※ 可调输出电压范围 1.2V~37V±4% ※ 输出线性好且负载可调节 ※ 输出电流可高达 3A ※ 输入电压可高达 40V ※ 采用 150KHz 的内部振荡频率,属于第二代开关电压调节器,功耗小、效率高 ※ 低功耗待机模式,IQ 的典型值为 80μA ※ TTL 断电能力 ※ 具有过热保护和限流保护功能 ※ 封装形式:TO-220(T)和 TO-263(S) ※ 外围电路简单,仅需 4 个外接元件, 且使用容易购买的标准电感
脚输入电压Biblioteka -0.3~25“反馈”脚电压
静电释放(人体放电 1)
气流焊(60 秒)
红外线焊接(10 秒)
波峰焊/电烙铁焊接(10 秒)
3.168/3.135 3.432/3.465
V V(min) V(max) %
4.800/4.750 5.200/5.250
V V(min) V(max) %
LM2596 开关电压调节器 SEPTEMBER, 2004
LM2596□—12 (见注 14)
D1----5A/40V IN5825 L1---68μH
LM2596 开关电压调节器LM2596-ADJ 是3A 电流输出降压开关型集成稳压芯片 ,它内含固定频率振荡器(150KHZ ),和基准稳压器(1.23v ),并具有完善的保护电路:电流限制、热关断电路等。
该器件还有其他一些特点:在特定的输入电压和输出负载的条件下,输出电压的误差可以保证在±4%的范围内,振荡频率误差在±15%的范围内;可以用仅 80μA 的待机电流, 实现外部断电;具有自我保护电路(一个两级降频限流保护和一个在异常情况下断电的过温完全保护电路)可调输出调节器的设计步骤条件:VOUT 为可调节的输出电压,VIN (max )为最大直流输入电压,ILOAD (max )为最大负载电流,F=开关频率(为固定值 150KHz )步骤:1. 输出电压值的计算(即选择图 1中的 R1和 R2)利用以下的公式来选择适当的电阻值,V out= Vref ( +1 )这里的 VREF=1.23V ,在 240Ω和 1.5KΩ之间为 R1 选择一个适当的阻值。
低阻值使敏感的反馈脚的噪声容限降到最小(选用精度为 1%金属膜电阻,可以使温度系数降低,随时间的稳定度最好)。
R2 = R1 ( — 1 )2. 电感的选择(L1)A. 可以通过以下的公式计算电感电压与微秒的乘积 E·T其中 VSAT 为内部开关饱和电压,且 VSAT=1.16VVD 为二极管正向压降,VD=0.5V 。
B. 用前面公式中所得的 E·T 的值,从图 7的纵坐标上找一个相匹配的电感序号。
C. 由 E·T 值和最大的负载电流值的交叉处确定一个电感区域,每个区域都由一个电感值和一个电感序号(LXX )表征。
D. 从图 8所列的 4个生产厂家的元件号中选一个适当的电感,最好使用磁屏蔽结构的电感器。
3. 输出电容的选择(COUT )A. 在大多数的使用中,使用 82μF ~820μF 之间的低等效电阻(Low ESR )的电解电容或固态钽电容效果最好,电容要靠近 IC ,管脚要短,连接的铜线要短。
典型值(2) 极限值(3)
88 1.230
73 90
11.52/11.40 12.48/12.60
V V(min) V(max) %
1.193/1.180 1.267/1.280
气流焊(60 秒)
红外线焊接(10 秒)
波峰焊/电烙铁焊接(10 秒)
工 作条 件
温度范围 电源电压
注 1:人体放电模式相当于一个 100PF 的电容通过一个 1.5K 的电阻向每个管脚放电。
说明:标准字体对应的项目适合于 TJ=25℃时,带下划线的粗斜体字对应的项目适合于整个温度范围; 系统参量(4) 测试电路见图 1
LM2596□—3.3 (见注 14)
3.3 4.75V≤VIN≤40V,
2 30
mA mA(max)
5 10
mA mA(max)
μA(max) ˏ
VOUT 调为 3V, 电路图见图 1
典型值(2) 极限值(3)
88 1.230
73 90
11.52/11.40 12.48/12.60
※ 3.3V、5V、12V 的固定电压输出和可调电压输出 ※ 可调输出电压范围 1.2V~37V±4% ※ 输出线性好且负载可调节 ※ 输出电流可高达 3A ※ 输入电压可高达 40V ※ 采用 150KHz 的内部振荡频率,属于第二代开关电压调节器,功耗小、效率高 ※ 低功耗待机模式,IQ 的典型值为 80μA ※ TTL 断电能力 ※ 具有过热保护和限流保护功能 ※ 封装形式:TO-220(T)和 TO-263(S) ※ 外围电路简单,仅需 4 个外接元件, 且使用容易购买的标准电感
TO-263 封装(S)尺寸图
TO-220 封装(T)尺寸图
条件:VOUT=3.3(或 5 、或 12)V , VIN(max)为最大直流输入电压, ILOAD(max)为最大负载电流 步骤: 1. 电感的选择(L1) A. 要根据图 4、图 5 和图 6 所示的数据选择电感的适当值(分别对应输出电压为 3.3V、5V 和 12V),对于所有的
见注 9
5 10
mA mA(max)
ON/OFF 脚=5V(OFF)(9)
ON/OFF 控制 ( 测试电路见图 1)
TO-220 或 TO-263 TO-263(10) TO-263(11) TO-263(12) TO-263(13)
V V(max)
最大工作周期(ON) DC
见注 7 见注 8
4.5 3.6/3.4
A A(min)
输出为 0V(6,8)
2 30
mA mA(max)
※ 3.3V、5V、12V 的固定电压输出和可调电压输出 ※ 可调输出电压范围 1.2V~37V±4% ※ 输出线性好且负载可调节 ※ 输出电流可高达 3A ※ 输入电压可高达 40V ※ 采用 150KHz 的内部振荡频率,属于第二代开关电压调节器,功耗小、效率高 ※ 低功耗待机模式,IQ 的典型值为 80μA ※ TTL 断电能力 ※ 具有过热保护和限流保护功能 ※ 封装形式:TO-220(T)和 TO-263(S) ※ 外围电路简单,仅需 4 个外接元件, 且使用容易购买的标准电感
ON/OFF 脚逻辑输入
元器件交易网3.0A, 150Khz, Step-Down Switching RegulatorFEATURES3.3V, 5.0V, 12V, 15V, and Adjustable Output Versions Adjustable Version Output Voltage Range, 1.23 to 37V +/- 4%. Maximum Over Line and Load Conditions Guaranteed 3.0A Output Current Wide Input Voltage Range Requires Only 4 External Components 150Khz Fixed Frequency Internal Oscillator TTL Shutdown Capability, Low Power Standby Mode High Efficiency Uses Readily Available Standard Inductors Thermal Shutdown and Current Limit Protection Moisture Sensitivity Level(MSL) Equals1 TO-263(D2) TO-220V TO-220LM2596ApplicationsSimple High-Efficiency Step-Down(Buck) Regulator Efficient Pre-Regulator for Linear Regulators On-Card Switching Regulators Positive to Negative Converter(Buck-Boost) Negative Step-Up Converters Power Supply for Battery Chargers1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vin Output Ground Feedback On/OffDESCRIPTIONThe LM2596 series of regulators are monolithic integrated circuits ideally suited for easy and convenient design of a step-down switching regualtor(buck converter). All circuits of this series are capable of driving a 3.0A load with excellent line and load regulation. These devices are available in fixed output voltages of 3.3V, 5.0V,12V, 15V, and an adjustable output version.ORDERING INFORMATIONDevice LM2596T-X.X LM2596TV-X.X LM2596R Marking LM2596T-X.X LM2596T-X.X LM2596R-X.X Package TO-220 TO-220V TO-263These regulatiors were designed to minimize the number of externalcomponents to simplify the power supply design. Standard series of inductors optimized for use with the LM2576 are offered by several different inductor manufacturers. Since the LM2596 converter is a switch-mode power supply, its efficiency is significantly higher in comparison with popular three-terminal limear reguators, especially with higher input voltages. In many cases, the power dissipated is so low that no heatsink is required or its size could be reduced dramatically. A standard series of inductors optimized for use with the LM2596 are available from several different manufacturers. This feature greatly simplifies the design of switch-mode power supplies. The LM2596 features include a guaranteed +/- 4% tolerance on output voltage within specified input voltages and output load conditions, and +/-15% on the oscillator frequency (+/- 2% over 0oC to 125 oC). External shutdown is included, featuring 80 uA(typical) standby current. The output switch includes cycle-bycycle current limiting, as well as thermal shutdown for full protection under fault conditions.HTC1Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorTypical Application (Fixed Output Voltage Versions)LM2596LM2596-5.033 uH680 uF1N5824220 uFFigure 1. Block Diagram and Typical ApplicationABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.)Power DissipationTO-220, 5-LeadThermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-caseTO-263Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-caseHTC2Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorLM2596OPERATING RATINGS (Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is intended to befunctional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics.)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS / SYSTEM PARAMETERS ([Note 1] Test Circuit Figure 2) (Unless otherwise specified, Vin = 12 V for the 3.3 V, 5.0 V, and Adjustable version, Vin = 25 V for the 12 V version, and Vin = 30 V for the 15 V version. ILoad = 500 mA. For typical values TJ = 25°C, for min/max values TJ is the operating junction temperature range that applies [Note 2], unless otherwise noted.)LM2596-3.3 ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 )73 LM2596-5.0 ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 ) 180 LM2596-12 ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 )90 LM2596-15 ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 )98 LM2596-ADJ ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 )73HTC3Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS / Device ParametersLM2596(Unless otherwise specified, Vin = 12 V for the 3.3 V, 5.0 V, and Adjustable version, Vin = 25 V for the 12 V version, and Vin = 30 V for the 15 V version. ILoad = 500 mA. For typical values Tj = 25°C, for min/max values Tj is the operating junction temperature range that applies [Note 2], unless otherwise noted.)10 0 127 110 15050 100 173 1731.16 01.4 1.53.6 3.4100 4.5 6.9 7.5 50 30 1002 5 00 2 0 2.0 2.0 2 V LOGIC = 2.5V (Regulator OFF) V LOGIC = 0.5V (Regulator ON) 5 0.02 1.3 1.32500.6 0.6 15 5.001. External components such as the catch diode, inductor, input and output capacitors can affect switching regulator system performance. When the LM2596 is used as shown in the Figure 1 test circuit, system performance will be as shown in system parameters section . 2. Tested junction temperature range for the LM2596 : TLOW = –0°C THIGH = +125°C 3. The oscillator frequency reduces to approximately 18 kHz in the event of an output short or an overload which causes the regulated output voltage to drop approximately 40% from the nominal output voltage. This self protection feature lowers the average dissipation of the IC by lowering the minimum duty cycle from 5% down to approximately 2%. 4. Output (Pin 2) sourcing current. No diode, inductor or capacitor connected to output pin. 5. Feedback (Pin 4) removed from output and connected to 0 V. 6. Feedback (Pin 4) removed from output and connected to +12 V for the Adjustable, 3.3 V, and 5.0V ersions, and +25 V for the 12 V and15 V versions, to force the output transistor “off”. 7. Vin = 40 V.HTC4Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorTYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Circuit of Figure 2)LM2596HTC5Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorTYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Circuit of Figure 2)Feedback Pin Bias CurrentLM2596HTC6Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorTest Circuit and Layout GuidelinesLM2596Figure 2. Typical Test Circuits and Layout GuideAs in any switching regulator, layout is very important. Rapidly switching currents associated with wiring inductance can generate voltage transients which can cause problems. For minimal inductance and ground loops, the wires indicated by heavy lines should be wide printed circuit traces and should be kept as short as possible. For best results, external components should be located as close to the switcher lC as possible using ground plane construction or single point grounding. If open core inductors are used, special care must be taken as to the location and positioning of this type of inductor. Allowing the inductor flux to intersect sensitive feedback, lC groundpath and COUT wiring can cause problems. When using the adjustable version, special care must be taken as to the location of the feedback resistors and the associated wiring. Physically locate both resistors near the IC, and route the wiring away from the inductor, especially an open core type of inductor.HTC7Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorLM2596PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Symbol 1VinDescription This pin is the positive input supply for the LM2596 step–down switching23 45regulator.In order to minimize voltage transients and to supply the switching currents needed by the regulator, a suitable input bypass capacitor must be present .(Cin in Figure 1). Output This is the emitter of the internal switch. The saturation voltage Vsat of this output switch is typically 1.5 V. It should be kept in mind that the PCB area connected to this pin should be kept to a minimum in order to minimize coupling to sensitive circuitry. Circuit ground pin. See the information about the printed circuit board layout. Gnd Feedback This pin senses regulated output voltage to complete the feedback loop. The signal is divided by the internal resistor divider network R2, R1 and applied to the non–inverting input of the internal error amplifier. In the Adjustable version of the LM2596 switching regulator this pin is the direct input of the error amplifier and the resistor network R2, R1 is connected externally to allow programming of the output voltage. ON/OFF It allows the switching regulator circuit to be shut down using logic level signals, thus dropping the total input supply current to approximately 80 mA. The threshold voltage is typically 1.4 V. Applying a voltage above this value (up to +Vin) shuts the regulator off. If the voltage applied to this pin is lower than 1.4V or if this pin is left open, the regulator will be in the "on" conditionHTC8Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorLM2596PACKAGES DIMENSION : TO220-5LHTC9Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorPACKAGES DIMENSION : TO220V-5LLM2596HTC10Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorLM2596PACKAGES DIMENSION : TO263-5LHTC11Oct 2004 - Rev 0。
LM2596Product Preview3.0 A, Step-Down Switching RegulatorThe LM2596 regulator is monolithic integrated circuit ideally suited for easy and convenient design of a step−down switching regulator (buck converter). It is capable of driving a 3.0 A load with excellent line and load regulation. This device is available in adjustable output version and it is internally compensated to minimize the number of external components to simplify the power supply design.Since LM2596 converter is a switch−mode power supply, its efficiency is significantly higher in comparison with popular three−terminal linear regulators, especially with higher input voltages. The LM2596 operates at a switching frequency of 150 kHz thus allowing smaller sized filter components than what would be needed with lower frequency switching regulators. Available in a standard 5−lead TO−220 package with several different lead bend options, and D2PAK surface mount package.The other features include a guaranteed $4% tolerance on output voltage within specified input voltages and output load conditions, and $15% on the oscillator frequency. External shutdown is included, featuring 80 m A (typical) standby current. Self protection features include switch cycle−by−cycle current limit for the output switch, as well as thermal shutdown for complete protection under fault conditions.Features•Adjustable Output Versions 1.23 V − 37 V •Guaranteed 3.0 A Output Load Current•Wide Input V oltage Range up to 40 V•150 kHz Fixed Frequency Internal Oscillator•TTL Shutdown Capability•Low Power Standby Mode, typ 80 m A•Thermal Shutdown and Current Limit Protection •Internal Loop Compensation•Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) Equals 1•Pb−Free Packages are AvailableApplications•Simple High−Efficiency Step−Down (Buck) Regulator •Efficient Pre−Regulator for Linear Regulators•On−Card Switching Regulators•Positive to Negative Converter (Buck−Boost)•Negative Step−Up Converters•Power Supply for Battery ChargersThis document contains information on a product under development. ON Semiconductor reserves the right to change or discontinue this product without notice.See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 11 of this data sheet.ORDERING INFORMATIONTO−220TV SUFFIXCASE 314BHeatsink surface connected to Pin 3TO−220T SUFFIXCASE 314DPin 1.V in2.Output3.Ground4.Feedback5.ON/OFFD2PAKD2T SUFFIXCASE 936A Heatsink surface (shown as terminal 6 incase outline drawing) is connected to Pin 35See general marking information in the device marking section on page 11 of this data sheet.DEVICE MARKING INFORMATIONFigure 1. Block Diagram and Typical Application8.0 V - 40 V Unregulated DC InputTypical Application (Adjustable Output Voltage Versions)Representative Block Diagram and Typical ApplicationMAXIMUM RATINGSRatingSymbol Value Unit Maximum Supply Voltage V in 45V ON/OFF Pin Input Voltage−−0.3 V ≤ V ≤ +V inV Output Voltage to Ground (Steady −State)−−1.0VPower DissipationCase 314B and 314D (TO −220, 5−Lead)P D Internally LimitedW Thermal Resistance, Junction −to −Ambient R q JA 65°C/W Thermal Resistance, Junction −to −Case R q JC 5.0°C/W Case 936A (D 2PAK)P D Internally LimitedW Thermal Resistance, Junction −to −Ambient R q JA 70°C/W Thermal Resistance, Junction −to −Case R q JC 5.0°C/W Storage Temperature RangeT stg −65 to +150°C Minimum ESD Rating (Human Body Model: C = 100 pF, R = 1.5 k W )− 2.0kV Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds)−260°C Maximum Junction TemperatureT J150°CStresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability.PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONPin Symbol Description (Refer to Figure 1)1V in This pin is the positive input supply for the LM2596 step−down switching regulator. In order to minimize voltage tran-sients and to supply the switching currents needed by the regulator, a suitable input bypass capacitor must bepresent (C in in Figure 1).2Output This is the emitter of the internal switch. The saturation voltage V sat of this output switch is typically 1.5 V. It should be kept in mind that the PCB area connected to this pin should be kept to a minimum in order to minimize coupling tosensitive circuitry.3GND Circuit ground pin. See the information about the printed circuit board layout.4Feedback This pin is the direct input of the error amplifier and the resistor network R2, R1 is connected externally to allow pro-gramming of the output voltage.5ON/OFF It allows the switching regulator circuit to be shut down using logic level signals, thus dropping the total input supply current to approximately 80 m A. The threshold voltage is typically 1.4 V. Applying a voltage above this value (up to+V in) shuts the regulator off. If the voltage applied to this pin is lower than 1.4 V or if this pin is left open, the regulatorwill be in the “on” condition.OPERATING RATINGS (Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is intended to be functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics.)Rating Symbol Value Unit Operating Junction Temperature Range T J−40 to +125°C Supply Voltage V in 4.5 to 40VSYSTEM PARAMETERSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Specifications with standard type face are for T J = 25°C, and those with boldface type apply over full Operating Temperature Range −40°C to +125°CCharacteristics Symbol Min Typ Max Unit LM2596 (Note 1, Test Circuit Figure )Feedback Voltage (V in= 12 V, I Load = 0.5 A, V out = 5.0 V, )V FB 1.217 1.23 1.243VFeedback Voltage (8.0 V ≤ V in≤ 40 V, 0.5 A ≤ I Load≤ 3.0 A, V out = 5.0 V)V FB 1.1931.181.2671.28VEfficiency (V in= 12 V, I Load = 3.0 A, V out = 5.0 V)η−73−% Characteristics Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Feedback Bias Current (V out = 5.0 V)I b25100200nAOscillator Frequency( Note 2)f osc135120150165180kHzSaturation Voltage (I out = 3.0 A, Notes 3 and 4)V sat 1.5 1.82.0V Max Duty Cycle (ON) Note 4DC95%Current Limit (Peak Current Notes 2 and 3)I CL 6.97.5AOutput Leakage Current (Notes 5 and 6) Output = 0 VOutput = −1.0 V I L0.56.02.020mAQuiescent Current (Note 5)I Q 5.010mAStandby Quiescent Current (ON/OFF Pin = 5.0 V (“off”)) (Note 6)I stby50200250m AON/OFF PIN LOGIC INPUTThreshold Voltage 1.6VV out = 0 V (Regulator OFF)V IH 2.22.4VV out = Nominal Output Voltage (Regulator ON)V IL 1.00.8V ON/OFF Pin Input CurrentON/OFF Pin = 5.0 V (Regulator OFF)I IH−1530m A ON/OFF Pin = 0 V (regulator ON)I IL−0.01 5.0m A 1.External components such as the catch diode, inductor, input and output capacitors can affect switching regulator system performance.When the LM2596 is used as shown in the Figure 15test circuit, system performance will be as shown in system parameters section.2.The oscillator frequency reduces to approximately 30 kHz in the event of an output short or an overload which causes the regulated outputvoltage to drop approximately 40% from the nominal output voltage. This self protection feature lowers the average dissipation of the IC by lowering the minimum duty cycle from 5% down to approximately 2%.3.No diode, inductor or capacitor connected to output pin.4.Feedback (Pin 4) removed from output and connected to 0 V.5.Feedback (Pin 4) removed from output and connected to +12 V to force the output transistor “off”.6.V in = 40 V.I Q , Q U I E S C E N T C U R R E N T (m A )V o u t , O U T P U T V O L T A G E C H A N G E (%)V o u t , O U T P U T V O L T A G E C H A N G E (%), S T A N D B Y Q U I E S C E N T C U R R E N T (T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)I O , O U T P U T C U R R E N T (A )T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)V in , INPUT VOLTAGE (V)V in , INPUT VOLTAGE (V)I N P U T - O U T P U T D I F F E R E N T I A L (V )T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 2. Normalized Output Voltage T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 3. Line RegulationFigure 4. Dropout Voltage Figure 5. Current LimitFigure 6. Quiescent Current Figure 7. Standby Quiescent CurrentμA ) s t b yV s a t , S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E (V ) b , F E E D B A C K P I N C U R R E N T (n A ), S T A N D B Y Q U I E S C E N T C U R R E N T (μA )I s t b y , I N P U T V O L T A G E (V )T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)SWITCH CURRENT (A)N O R M A L I Z E D F R E Q U E N C Y (%)T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 8. Standby Quiescent Current V in , INPUT VOLTAGE (V)Figure 9. Switch Saturation VoltageFigure 10. Oscillator FrequencyFigure 11. Minimum Operating VoltageFigure 12. Feedback Pin Current2001801401201008060402001. J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)100806040200-20-40-60-80-100125100755025-25-50160V i n −9.0−8.0−7.0−6.0−5.0−4.0−3.0−2.0−−2.0 A 00ABC 100 m s/DIV2 m s/DIVFigure 13. Switching WaveformsFigure 14. Load Transient ResponseVout = 15 VA: Output Pin Voltage, 10 V/DIV B: Inductor Current, 2.0 A/DIVC: Inductor Current, 2.0 A/DIV, AC −CoupledD: Output Ripple Voltage, 50 mV/dDIV, AC −Coupled Horizontal Time Base: 5.0 m s/DIV50 V 04.0 A 2.0 A 100 mV OutputVoltageChange03.0 A2.0 A 1.0 A4.0 A - 100 mVLoad CurrentDFigure 15. Typical Test CircuitAdjustable Output Voltage Versionsout ref R2R1ǓR2+R1ǒV out V ref 1.0ǓWhere V ref = 1.23 V, R1 between 1.0 k and 5.0 kPCB LAYOUT GUIDELINESAs in any switching regulator, the layout of the printed circuit board is very important. Rapidly switching currents associated with wiring inductance, stray capacitance and parasitic inductance of the printed circuit board traces can generate voltage transients which can generate electromagnetic interferences (EMI) and affect the desired operation. As indicated in the Figure 15, to minimize inductance and ground loops, the length of the leads indicated by heavy lines should be kept as short as possible.For best results, single −point grounding (as indicated) or ground plane construction should be used.On the other hand, the PCB area connected to the Pin 2(emitter of the internal switch) of the LM2596 should be kept to a minimum in order to minimize coupling to sensitive circuitry.Another sensitive part of the circuit is the feedback. It is important to keep the sensitive feedback wiring short. To assure this, physically locate the programming resistors near to the regulator, when using the adjustable version of the LM2596 regulator.DESIGN PROCEDUREBuck Converter BasicsThe LM2596 is a “Buck” or Step −Down Converter which is the most elementary forward −mode converter. Its basic schematic can be seen in Figure 16.The operation of this regulator topology has two distinct time periods. The first one occurs when the series switch is on, the input voltage is connected to the input of the inductor.The output of the inductor is the output voltage, and the rectifier (or catch diode) is reverse biased. During this period, since there is a constant voltage source connected across the inductor, the inductor current begins to linearly ramp upwards, as described by the following equation:I L(on)+ǒV IN *V OUT Ǔt onLDuring this “on” period, energy is stored within the core material in the form of magnetic flux. If the inductor is properly designed, there is sufficient energy stored to carry the requirements of the load during the “off” period.Figure 16. Basic Buck ConverterR LoadPower The next period is the “off” period of the power switch.When the power switch turns off, the voltage across the inductor reverses its polarity and is clamped at one diode voltage drop below ground by the catch diode. The current now flows through the catch diode thus maintaining the load current loop. This removes the stored energy from the inductor. The inductor current during this time is:I L(off)+ǒV OUT *V D Ǔt offLThis period ends when the power switch is once again turned on. Regulation of the converter is accomplished by varying the duty cycle of the power switch. It is possible to describe the duty cycle as follows:d +ton T, where T is the period of switching.For the buck converter with ideal components, the duty cycle can also be described as:d +V outV inFigure 17 shows the buck converter, idealized waveforms of the catch diode voltage and the inductor current.Figure 17. Buck Converter Idealized WaveformsPROCEDURE (ADJUSTABLE OUTPUT VERSION:LM2596)PROCEDURE (ADJUSTABLE OUTPUT VERSION:LM2596) (CONTINUED)ORDERING INFORMATIONDevicePackage Shipping †LM2596TADJG TO −220(Pb −Free)50 Units / Rail LM2596TVADJG TO −220 (F)(Pb −Free)50 Units / Rail LM2596DSADJG D 2PAK (Pb −Free)50 Units / Rail LM2596DSADJR4GD 2PAK (Pb −Free)2500 / Tape & Reel†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.A = Assembly Location WL = Wafer Lot Y = YearWW = Work WeekG= Pb −Free PackageTO −220TV SUFFIX CASE 314B1MARKING DIAGRAMS5TO −220T SUFFIX CASE 314DD 2PAK D2T SUFFIX CASE 936ALM2596T −ADJ AWLYWWGLM2596T −ADJ AWLYWWGLM2596D2T −ADJ AWLYWWG1515LM2596−ADJ AWLYWWG 15TO −220TV SUFFIX CASE 314B −05ISSUE LM0.10 (0.254)PMT NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.3.DIMENSION D DOES NOT INCLUDEINTERCONNECT BAR (DAMBAR) PROTRUSION.DIMENSION D INCLUDING PROTRUSION SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.043 (1.092) MAXIMUM.DIM MIN MAX MIN MAX MILLIMETERSINCHES A 0.5720.61314.52915.570B 0.3900.4159.90610.541C 0.1700.180 4.318 4.572D 0.0250.0380.6350.965E 0.0480.055 1.219 1.397F 0.8500.93521.59023.749G 0.067 BSC 1.702 BSC H 0.166 BSC 4.216 BSC J 0.0150.0250.3810.635K 0.900 1.10022.86027.940L 0.3200.3658.1289.271N 0.320 BSC 8.128 BSC Q 0.1400.153 3.556 3.886S ---0.620---15.748U 0.4680.50511.88812.827V ---0.735---18.669W0.0900.1102.286 2.794TO −220T SUFFIX CASE 314D −04ISSUE FMQM0.356 (0.014)T SEATING PLANEDIM MIN MAX MIN MAX MILLIMETERSINCHES A 0.5720.61314.52915.570B 0.3900.4159.90610.541C 0.1700.180 4.318 4.572D 0.0250.0380.6350.965E 0.0480.055 1.219 1.397G 0.067 BSC 1.702 BSC H 0.0870.112 2.210 2.845J 0.0150.0250.3810.635K 0.977 1.04524.81026.543L 0.3200.3658.1289.271Q 0.1400.153 3.556 3.886U0.1050.1172.667 2.972NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.3.DIMENSION D DOES NOT INCLUDEINTERCONNECT BAR (DAMBAR) PROTRUSION.DIMENSION D INCLUDING PROTRUSION SHALL NOT EXCEED 10.92 (0.043) MAXIMUM.B10.3750.4159.52510.541DETAIL A −AD 2PAK D2T SUFFIX CASE 936A −02ISSUE C5 REF NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.3.TAB CONTOUR OPTIONAL WITHIN DIMENSIONS A AND K.4.DIMENSIONS U AND V ESTABLISH A MINIMUM MOUNTING SURFACE FOR TERMINAL 6.5.DIMENSIONS A AND B DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH OR GATE PROTRUSIONS. MOLD FLASH AND GATE PROTRUSIONS NOT TO EXCEED 0.025(0.635) MAXIMUM.DIM A MIN MAX MIN MAX MILLIMETERS 0.3860.4039.80410.236INCHES B 0.3560.3689.0429.347C 0.1700.180 4.318 4.572D 0.0260.0360.6600.914E 0.0450.055 1.143 1.397G 0.067 BSC 1.702 BSC H 0.5390.57913.69114.707K 0.050 REF 1.270 REF L 0.0000.0100.0000.254M 0.0880.102 2.235 2.591N 0.0180.0260.4570.660P 0.0580.0781.473 1.981R 5 REF S 0.116 REF 2.946 REF U 0.200 MIN 5.080 MIN V0.250 MIN6.350 MIN__SCALE 3:1ǒmm inchesǓ*For additional information on our Pb −Free strategy and solderingdetails, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages.“Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur.Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries,affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION。
三、工作电压:输入电压小于42V,输出电压 5V 另有12V,3.3V可选。
11、工作湿度 40% ~ 80%RH
lm2596中文资料1. 概述lm2596是一款高效率开关电源稳压器芯片,广泛应用于电子设备中对直流电压进行稳定调整的场合。
2. 特性•宽输入电压范围:4V-40V•可调输出电压范围:1.23V-37V•高效率:可达到92%•最大输出电流:3A•过热保护功能3. 工作原理lm2596采用了开关稳压器的工作原理,通过周期性地开关和断开电流流通路径,将输入电压转换为稳定的输出电压。
4. 应用场景lm2596广泛应用于各种需要稳定直流电压的场合,以下是lm2596常见的应用场景:4.1 电子设备稳压电源lm2596可以根据需要调整输出电压,可以在电子设备中作为稳压电源芯片使用。
4.2 LED照明由于lm2596具有高效率和可调输出电压的特性,非常适合用于LED照明应用。
4.3 高频电源lm2596的高效率和宽输入电压范围,使其非常适合用于高频电源应用。
5. 使用注意事项在使用lm2596时,请注意以下事项:1.输入电压不要超过40V,否则可能导致芯片过载损坏。
元器件交易网3.0A, 150Khz, Step-Down Switching RegulatorFEATURES3.3V, 5.0V, 12V, 15V, and Adjustable Output Versions Adjustable Version Output Voltage Range, 1.23 to 37V +/- 4%. Maximum Over Line and Load Conditions Guaranteed 3.0A Output Current Wide Input Voltage Range Requires Only 4 External Components 150Khz Fixed Frequency Internal Oscillator TTL Shutdown Capability, Low Power Standby Mode High Efficiency Uses Readily Available Standard Inductors Thermal Shutdown and Current Limit Protection Moisture Sensitivity Level(MSL) Equals1 TO-263(D2) TO-220V TO-220LM2596ApplicationsSimple High-Efficiency Step-Down(Buck) Regulator Efficient Pre-Regulator for Linear Regulators On-Card Switching Regulators Positive to Negative Converter(Buck-Boost) Negative Step-Up Converters Power Supply for Battery Chargers1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vin Output Ground Feedback On/OffDESCRIPTIONThe LM2596 series of regulators are monolithic integrated circuits ideally suited for easy and convenient design of a step-down switching regualtor(buck converter). All circuits of this series are capable of driving a 3.0A load with excellent line and load regulation. These devices are available in fixed output voltages of 3.3V, 5.0V,12V, 15V, and an adjustable output version.ORDERING INFORMATIONDevice LM2596T-X.X LM2596TV-X.X LM2596R Marking LM2596T-X.X LM2596T-X.X LM2596R-X.X Package TO-220 TO-220V TO-263These regulatiors were designed to minimize the number of externalcomponents to simplify the power supply design. Standard series of inductors optimized for use with the LM2576 are offered by several different inductor manufacturers. Since the LM2596 converter is a switch-mode power supply, its efficiency is significantly higher in comparison with popular three-terminal limear reguators, especially with higher input voltages. In many cases, the power dissipated is so low that no heatsink is required or its size could be reduced dramatically. A standard series of inductors optimized for use with the LM2596 are available from several different manufacturers. This feature greatly simplifies the design of switch-mode power supplies. The LM2596 features include a guaranteed +/- 4% tolerance on output voltage within specified input voltages and output load conditions, and +/-15% on the oscillator frequency (+/- 2% over 0oC to 125 oC). External shutdown is included, featuring 80 uA(typical) standby current. The output switch includes cycle-bycycle current limiting, as well as thermal shutdown for full protection under fault conditions.HTC1Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorTypical Application (Fixed Output Voltage Versions)LM2596LM2596-5.033 uH680 uF1N5824220 uFFigure 1. Block Diagram and Typical ApplicationABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.)Power DissipationTO-220, 5-LeadThermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-caseTO-263Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-caseHTC2Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorLM2596OPERATING RATINGS (Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is intended to befunctional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics.)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS / SYSTEM PARAMETERS ([Note 1] Test Circuit Figure 2) (Unless otherwise specified, Vin = 12 V for the 3.3 V, 5.0 V, and Adjustable version, Vin = 25 V for the 12 V version, and Vin = 30 V for the 15 V version. ILoad = 500 mA. For typical values TJ = 25°C, for min/max values TJ is the operating junction temperature range that applies [Note 2], unless otherwise noted.)LM2596-3.3 ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 )73 LM2596-5.0 ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 ) 180 LM2596-12 ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 )90 LM2596-15 ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 )98 LM2596-ADJ ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 )73HTC3Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS / Device ParametersLM2596(Unless otherwise specified, Vin = 12 V for the 3.3 V, 5.0 V, and Adjustable version, Vin = 25 V for the 12 V version, and Vin = 30 V for the 15 V version. ILoad = 500 mA. For typical values Tj = 25°C, for min/max values Tj is the operating junction temperature range that applies [Note 2], unless otherwise noted.)10 0 127 110 15050 100 173 1731.16 01.4 1.53.6 3.4100 4.5 6.9 7.5 50 30 1002 5 00 2 0 2.0 2.0 2 V LOGIC = 2.5V (Regulator OFF) V LOGIC = 0.5V (Regulator ON) 5 0.02 1.3 1.32500.6 0.6 15 5.001. External components such as the catch diode, inductor, input and output capacitors can affect switching regulator system performance. When the LM2596 is used as shown in the Figure 1 test circuit, system performance will be as shown in system parameters section . 2. Tested junction temperature range for the LM2596 : TLOW = –0°C THIGH = +125°C 3. The oscillator frequency reduces to approximately 18 kHz in the event of an output short or an overload which causes the regulated output voltage to drop approximately 40% from the nominal output voltage. This self protection feature lowers the average dissipation of the IC by lowering the minimum duty cycle from 5% down to approximately 2%. 4. Output (Pin 2) sourcing current. No diode, inductor or capacitor connected to output pin. 5. Feedback (Pin 4) removed from output and connected to 0 V. 6. Feedback (Pin 4) removed from output and connected to +12 V for the Adjustable, 3.3 V, and 5.0V ersions, and +25 V for the 12 V and15 V versions, to force the output transistor “off”. 7. Vin = 40 V.HTC4Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorTYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Circuit of Figure 2)LM2596HTC5Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorTYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Circuit of Figure 2)Feedback Pin Bias CurrentLM2596HTC6Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorTest Circuit and Layout GuidelinesLM2596Figure 2. Typical Test Circuits and Layout GuideAs in any switching regulator, layout is very important. Rapidly switching currents associated with wiring inductance can generate voltage transients which can cause problems. For minimal inductance and ground loops, the wires indicated by heavy lines should be wide printed circuit traces and should be kept as short as possible. For best results, external components should be located as close to the switcher lC as possible using ground plane construction or single point grounding. If open core inductors are used, special care must be taken as to the location and positioning of this type of inductor. Allowing the inductor flux to intersect sensitive feedback, lC groundpath and COUT wiring can cause problems. When using the adjustable version, special care must be taken as to the location of the feedback resistors and the associated wiring. Physically locate both resistors near the IC, and route the wiring away from the inductor, especially an open core type of inductor.HTC7Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorLM2596PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Symbol 1VinDescription This pin is the positive input supply for the LM2596 step–down switching23 45regulator.In order to minimize voltage transients and to supply the switching currents needed by the regulator, a suitable input bypass capacitor must be present .(Cin in Figure 1). Output This is the emitter of the internal switch. The saturation voltage Vsat of this output switch is typically 1.5 V. It should be kept in mind that the PCB area connected to this pin should be kept to a minimum in order to minimize coupling to sensitive circuitry. Circuit ground pin. See the information about the printed circuit board layout. Gnd Feedback This pin senses regulated output voltage to complete the feedback loop. The signal is divided by the internal resistor divider network R2, R1 and applied to the non–inverting input of the internal error amplifier. In the Adjustable version of the LM2596 switching regulator this pin is the direct input of the error amplifier and the resistor network R2, R1 is connected externally to allow programming of the output voltage. ON/OFF It allows the switching regulator circuit to be shut down using logic level signals, thus dropping the total input supply current to approximately 80 mA. The threshold voltage is typically 1.4 V. Applying a voltage above this value (up to +Vin) shuts the regulator off. If the voltage applied to this pin is lower than 1.4V or if this pin is left open, the regulator will be in the "on" conditionHTC8Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorLM2596PACKAGES DIMENSION : TO220-5LHTC9Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorPACKAGES DIMENSION : TO220V-5LLM2596HTC10Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorLM2596PACKAGES DIMENSION : TO263-5LHTC11Oct 2004 - Rev 0。
中文资料 LM2596电源降压调整器
![中文资料 LM2596电源降压调整器](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d18e676baf1ffc4ffe47acb3.png)
LM2596电源降压调整器(150KHz,3A)英文文章名:LM2596 SIMPLE SWITCHER® Power Converter 150 kHz3A Step-Down Voltage Regulator文章出处:版本号:DS012583 日期:2002年5月摘录人:黄明强摘录日期:2007年5月3日是否好买估计:生产中心正在使用价格:概述:LM2596系列开关电压调节器是降压型电源管理单片集成电路,能够输出3A的驱动电流,同时具有很好的线性和负载调节特性。
特征:※ 3.3V、5V、12V的固定电压输出和可调电压输出※可调输出电压范围1.2V~37V,±4%※封装形式:TO-220(T)和TO-263(S)※保证输出负载电流3A※输入电压可高达40V※仅需4个外接元件※很好的线性和负载调节特性※150KHz固定频率的内部振荡器※TTL关断能力※低功耗待机模式,I Q的典型值为80μA※高转换效率※使用容易购买的标准电感※具有过热保护和限流保护功能应用:※简易高效率降压调节器※在卡上的开关电压调节器※正到负电压转换器专利号:5382918典型电路(固定输出电压版本):封装和型号:※弯曲交叉的引脚,通孔封装,5脚TO-220 (T)订货型号:LM2596T-3.3, LM2596T-5.0,LM2596T-12 or LM2596T-ADJ ※表面贴封装,5脚TO-263 (S)订货型号:LM2596S-3.3, LM2596S-5.0, LM2596S-12 or LM2596S-ADJ 极限条件:最大供电电压45VON /OFF 管脚输入电压-0.3≤V≤+25V反馈脚电压-0.3≤V≤+25V输出电压到地(稳态)-1V功率消耗内部限定储存温度-65°C 到+150°CESD易感性(人体模式)2KV焊接温度T封装(锡焊, 10秒) +260°C最大结温+150°C运行条件:温度范围-40°C≤T J≤+125°C供电电压 4.5V 到40VLM2596-3.3电参数说明:标准字体对应的项目适合于TJ=25℃时,粗体字对应的项目适合于全温度范围LM2596-5.0电参数说明:标准字体对应的项目适合于TJ=25℃时,粗体字对应的项目适合于全温度范围LM2596-12电参数所有输出电压版本电参数说明:标准字体对应的项目适合于TJ=25℃时,带下划线的粗斜体字对应的项目适合于整个温度范围。
为了产生不同的输出电压,通常将比较器的负端接基准电压(1.23V),正端接分压电阻网络,这样可根据输出电压的不同选定不同的阻值,其中R1=1kΩ(可调-ADJ时开路),R2分别为1.7 kΩ(3.3V)、3.1 kΩ(5V)、8.84 kΩ(12V)、11.3 kΩ(15V)和0(-ADJ),上述电阻依据型号不同已在芯片内部做了精确调整,因而无需使用者考虑。
元器件交易网3.0A, 150Khz, Step-Down Switching RegulatorFEATURES3.3V, 5.0V, 12V, 15V, and Adjustable Output Versions Adjustable Version Output Voltage Range, 1.23 to 37V +/- 4%. Maximum Over Line and Load Conditions Guaranteed 3.0A Output Current Wide Input Voltage Range Requires Only 4 External Components 150Khz Fixed Frequency Internal Oscillator TTL Shutdown Capability, Low Power Standby Mode High Efficiency Uses Readily Available Standard Inductors Thermal Shutdown and Current Limit Protection Moisture Sensitivity Level(MSL) Equals1 TO-263(D2) TO-220V TO-220LM2596ApplicationsSimple High-Efficiency Step-Down(Buck) Regulator Efficient Pre-Regulator for Linear Regulators On-Card Switching Regulators Positive to Negative Converter(Buck-Boost) Negative Step-Up Converters Power Supply for Battery Chargers1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vin Output Ground Feedback On/OffDESCRIPTIONThe LM2596 series of regulators are monolithic integrated circuits ideally suited for easy and convenient design of a step-down switching regualtor(buck converter). All circuits of this series are capable of driving a 3.0A load with excellent line and load regulation. These devices are available in fixed output voltages of 3.3V, 5.0V,12V, 15V, and an adjustable output version.ORDERING INFORMATIONDevice LM2596T-X.X LM2596TV-X.X LM2596R Marking LM2596T-X.X LM2596T-X.X LM2596R-X.X Package TO-220 TO-220V TO-263These regulatiors were designed to minimize the number of externalcomponents to simplify the power supply design. Standard series of inductors optimized for use with the LM2576 are offered by several different inductor manufacturers. Since the LM2596 converter is a switch-mode power supply, its efficiency is significantly higher in comparison with popular three-terminal limear reguators, especially with higher input voltages. In many cases, the power dissipated is so low that no heatsink is required or its size could be reduced dramatically. A standard series of inductors optimized for use with the LM2596 are available from several different manufacturers. This feature greatly simplifies the design of switch-mode power supplies. The LM2596 features include a guaranteed +/- 4% tolerance on output voltage within specified input voltages and output load conditions, and +/-15% on the oscillator frequency (+/- 2% over 0oC to 125 oC). External shutdown is included, featuring 80 uA(typical) standby current. The output switch includes cycle-bycycle current limiting, as well as thermal shutdown for full protection under fault conditions.HTC1Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorTypical Application (Fixed Output Voltage Versions)LM2596LM2596-5.033 uH680 uF1N5824220 uFFigure 1. Block Diagram and Typical ApplicationABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.)Power DissipationTO-220, 5-LeadThermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-caseTO-263Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-caseHTC2Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorLM2596OPERATING RATINGS (Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is intended to befunctional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics.)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS / SYSTEM PARAMETERS ([Note 1] Test Circuit Figure 2) (Unless otherwise specified, Vin = 12 V for the 3.3 V, 5.0 V, and Adjustable version, Vin = 25 V for the 12 V version, and Vin = 30 V for the 15 V version. ILoad = 500 mA. For typical values TJ = 25°C, for min/max values TJ is the operating junction temperature range that applies [Note 2], unless otherwise noted.)LM2596-3.3 ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 )73 LM2596-5.0 ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 ) 180 LM2596-12 ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 )90 LM2596-15 ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 )98 LM2596-ADJ ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 )73HTC3Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS / Device ParametersLM2596(Unless otherwise specified, Vin = 12 V for the 3.3 V, 5.0 V, and Adjustable version, Vin = 25 V for the 12 V version, and Vin = 30 V for the 15 V version. ILoad = 500 mA. For typical values Tj = 25°C, for min/max values Tj is the operating junction temperature range that applies [Note 2], unless otherwise noted.)10 0 127 110 15050 100 173 1731.16 01.4 1.53.6 3.4100 4.5 6.9 7.5 50 30 1002 5 00 2 0 2.0 2.0 2 V LOGIC = 2.5V (Regulator OFF) V LOGIC = 0.5V (Regulator ON) 5 0.02 1.3 1.32500.6 0.6 15 5.001. External components such as the catch diode, inductor, input and output capacitors can affect switching regulator system performance. When the LM2596 is used as shown in the Figure 1 test circuit, system performance will be as shown in system parameters section . 2. Tested junction temperature range for the LM2596 : TLOW = –0°C THIGH = +125°C 3. The oscillator frequency reduces to approximately 18 kHz in the event of an output short or an overload which causes the regulated output voltage to drop approximately 40% from the nominal output voltage. This self protection feature lowers the average dissipation of the IC by lowering the minimum duty cycle from 5% down to approximately 2%. 4. Output (Pin 2) sourcing current. No diode, inductor or capacitor connected to output pin. 5. Feedback (Pin 4) removed from output and connected to 0 V. 6. Feedback (Pin 4) removed from output and connected to +12 V for the Adjustable, 3.3 V, and 5.0V ersions, and +25 V for the 12 V and15 V versions, to force the output transistor “off”. 7. Vin = 40 V.HTC4Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorTYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Circuit of Figure 2)LM2596HTC5Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorTYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Circuit of Figure 2)Feedback Pin Bias CurrentLM2596HTC6Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorTest Circuit and Layout GuidelinesLM2596Figure 2. Typical Test Circuits and Layout GuideAs in any switching regulator, layout is very important. Rapidly switching currents associated with wiring inductance can generate voltage transients which can cause problems. For minimal inductance and ground loops, the wires indicated by heavy lines should be wide printed circuit traces and should be kept as short as possible. For best results, external components should be located as close to the switcher lC as possible using ground plane construction or single point grounding. If open core inductors are used, special care must be taken as to the location and positioning of this type of inductor. Allowing the inductor flux to intersect sensitive feedback, lC groundpath and COUT wiring can cause problems. When using the adjustable version, special care must be taken as to the location of the feedback resistors and the associated wiring. Physically locate both resistors near the IC, and route the wiring away from the inductor, especially an open core type of inductor.HTC7Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorLM2596PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Symbol 1VinDescription This pin is the positive input supply for the LM2596 step–down switching23 45regulator.In order to minimize voltage transients and to supply the switching currents needed by the regulator, a suitable input bypass capacitor must be present .(Cin in Figure 1). Output This is the emitter of the internal switch. The saturation voltage Vsat of this output switch is typically 1.5 V. It should be kept in mind that the PCB area connected to this pin should be kept to a minimum in order to minimize coupling to sensitive circuitry. Circuit ground pin. See the information about the printed circuit board layout. Gnd Feedback This pin senses regulated output voltage to complete the feedback loop. The signal is divided by the internal resistor divider network R2, R1 and applied to the non–inverting input of the internal error amplifier. In the Adjustable version of the LM2596 switching regulator this pin is the direct input of the error amplifier and the resistor network R2, R1 is connected externally to allow programming of the output voltage. ON/OFF It allows the switching regulator circuit to be shut down using logic level signals, thus dropping the total input supply current to approximately 80 mA. The threshold voltage is typically 1.4 V. Applying a voltage above this value (up to +Vin) shuts the regulator off. If the voltage applied to this pin is lower than 1.4V or if this pin is left open, the regulator will be in the "on" conditionHTC8Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorLM2596PACKAGES DIMENSION : TO220-5LHTC9Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorPACKAGES DIMENSION : TO220V-5LLM2596HTC10Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorLM2596PACKAGES DIMENSION : TO263-5LHTC11Oct 2004 - Rev 0。
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单位 V V V V -℃ V ℃ ℃ ℃ ℃ ℃ V
说明:标准字体对应的项目适合于 TJ=25℃时,带下划线的粗斜体字对应的项目适合于整个温度范围; 系统参量(4) 测试电路见图 1
LM2596□—3.3 (见注 14)
3.3 4.75V≤VIN≤40V,
※ 高效率降压调节器 ※ 单片开关电压调节器 ※ 正、负电压转换器
LM2596 开关电压调节器 SEPTEMBER, 2004
ON/OFF 脚逻辑输入
低(调节器开) 高(调节器关)
ON/OFF 脚输入电流 IL
VLOGIC=2.5V(调节器关) VLOGIC=0.5V(调节器开)
典型值(2) 极限值(3)
LM2596 开关电压调节器
LM2596 开关电压调节器
LM2596 开关电压调节器是降压型电源管理单片集成电路,能够输出 3A 的驱动电流,同时具有很好的线性和 负载调节特性。固定输出版本有 3.3V、5V、12V, 可调版本可以输出小于 37V 的各种电压。
该器件内部集成频率补偿和固定频率发生器,开关频率为 150KHz,与低频开关调节器相比较,可以使用更小 规格的滤波元件。由于该器件只需 4 个外接元件,可以使用通用的标准电感,这更优化了 LM2596 的使用,极大地 简化了开关电源电路的设计。
LM2596□—5.0 (见注 14)
5.0 7V≤VIN≤40V, 0.2A≤ILOAD≤3A
3.168/3.135 3.432/3.465
V V(min) V(max) %
注:反馈线要远离电感,电路中的粗线一定要短,最好用地线屏蔽,调节输出电压的电阻 R1、R2 要靠近 LM2596 的 4 脚。
, 其中 VREF=1.23V,
,为了确保输出稳定, R1 选用标称阻值为 1KΩ,精度为 1%的电阻。
CIN---470μF/50V COUT----220μF/35V
见注 9 ON/OFF 脚=5V(OFF)(9)
典型值(2) 极限值(3)
50/100 150
nA(max) KHz
6.9/7.5 50
LM2596 开关电压调节器 SEPTEMBER, 2004
注:反馈线要远离电感,电路中的粗线一定要短,最好用 地线屏蔽。
CIN---470μF/50V COUT----220μF/25V D1----5A/40V IN5825 L1---68μH,L38
ESR)钽电容值在 10μF 到 470μF 之间效果最好。电容应该靠近 IC,同时,电容的管脚要短,连接的铜线也 要短,电容值不要大于 820μF。 B. 为了简化电容选择步骤,请参阅表 2 所示的电容快速选择,这个表包含了最好的设计方案所需的不同的输入电 压、输出电压、负载电流、不同的电感和输出电容。 C. 电解电容的耐压至少应是输出电压的 1.5 倍,为了得到纹波更低的输出电压,需要更高耐压值的电容器。 3. 吸纳二极管的选择(D1) A. 吸纳二极管的最大承受电流能力至少要为最大负载电流的 1.3 倍,如果设计的电源要承受连续的短路输出,则 吸纳二极管的最大承受电流能力要等于 LM2596 的极限输出电流。对吸纳二极管来说,最坏的情况是过载或输 出短路。 B. 吸纳二极管的反向耐压至少要为 最大输入电压的 1.25 倍。 C. 吸纳二极管必须是快恢复的且必须靠近 LM2596,此二极管的管脚要短,连接的铜线也要短。由于所需的二极 管开关速度快、正向压降低,所以,肖特基二极管是首选,同时,它的性能和效率都很好,特别是在低输出电 压情况下更是如此。使用超快恢复或高效整流二极管效果也很好。超快恢复二极管的典型恢复时间为 50ns 或更 快,象 IN5400 系列的整流二极管速度很慢,通常不用。 4. 输入电容的选择(CIN) 为了防止在输入端出现大的瞬态电压,在输入端和地之间要加一个低等效电阻的铝或钽电容作为旁路电容,这 个电容要靠近 IC。另外,输入电容电流的均方根值至少要为直流负载电流的一半。要确保所选的电容的这个参数不 能低于直流负载电流的一半。几个不同的铝电解电容的典型均方根电流值所对应的曲线如图 13 所示。对铝电解电 容,其耐压值要为最大输入电压的 1.5 倍。必须注意的是,如果使用了钽电容,则它的耐压要为输入电压的 2 倍, 推荐使用生产厂家测试过浪涌电流的电容。使用瓷片电容为输入旁路电容时要特别小心,因为这可能会在输入脚处 引起非常严重的噪声。
VOUT 调为 3V, 电路图见图 1
典型值(2) 极限值(3)
88 1.230
73 90
11.52/11.40 12.48/12.60
V V(min) V(max) %
1.193/1.180 1.267/1.280
V V(min) V(max)
% %
说明:标准字体对应的项目适合于 TJ=25℃时,带下划线的粗斜体字对应的项目适合于整个温度范围。除非特别说 明,VIN=12V 对应于 LM2596□ —3.3、 LM2596□ —5.0、LM2596□ —ADJ,VIN=24V 对应于 LM2596□ —12. ILOAD=500mA。 (见注 14)
A(max) μA(max)
10 80
mA(max) μA
பைடு நூலகம்
μA(max) 3
LM2596 开关电压调节器 SEPTEMBER, 2004
ON/OFF 控制 ( 测试电路见图 1)
TO-220 或 TO-263 TO-263(10) TO-263(11) TO-263(12) TO-263(13)
4.800/4.750 5.200/5.250
V V(min) V(max) %
LM2596 开关电压调节器 SEPTEMBER, 2004
LM2596□—12 (见注 14)
15V≤VIN≤40V, 0.2A≤ILOAD≤3A
LM2596□—ADJ (见注 14)
注 2: 典型值是指在 25℃下的数值,代表最常见的情况。 注 3: 所有的极限参数都必须适合于室温(用正常字体表示)和极限温度(用带下划线的粗斜体字表示),所有室
温下的极限参数都是经过测试得出的,所有的极限温度下的极限参数都可以通过使用相关的标准静态质量控 制方法来加以保证。 注 4:二极管、电感、输入和输出端的电容以及调节输出电压的电阻等外接元件可能会影响开关调节器的系统性 能。当 LM2596 用在如图 1 所示测试电路中时,其系统性能如电气特性中系统参量所示。 注 5:当第二级电流极限功能启动时,开关频率会有所下降, 下降的程度取决于过电流的严重程度。 注 6:输出管脚不连接电感、电容或二极管。 注 7:把反馈管脚和输出管脚断开,把反馈管脚连到 0V,以强制输出开关晶体管导通。 注 8:把反馈管脚和输出管脚断开,把反馈管脚连到 12V(当 VOUT=3.3V、5V 或 ADJ 时)或 15V(当 VOUT=12V 时), 以强制输出开关晶体管截止。 注 9:VIN=40V 注 10:环境热阻(不外加散热片)是指 TO-220 封装的 LM2596 垂直焊接在覆盖有面积约为 1 平方英寸铜箔的 PCB 上所对应的值。 注 11:TO-263 封装的 LM2596 垂直焊接在覆盖有面积约为 0.5 平方英寸铜箔的单面 PCB 上所对应的环境热阻。 注 12:TO-263 封装的 LM2596 垂直焊接在覆盖有面积约为 2.5 平方英寸铜箔的单面 PCB 上所对应的环境热阻。 注 13:TO-263 封装的 LM2596 垂直焊接在覆盖有面积约为 3 平方英寸铜箔的双面 PCB 上所对应的环境热阻,而 PCB 的另一面覆盖有面积约为 16 平方英寸铜箔。 注14: LM2596T-3.3, LM2596T-5.0, LM2596T-12, LM2596T-ADJ为TO-220封装(DIP); LM2596S-3.3, LM2596S-5.0,LM2596S-12, LM2596S-ADJ为TO-263封装(SMT)。