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例句 Shall I take your message to her? 要我把你的信捎给她吗?
message (1) __le_a_v_e__sb__. _a_m__e_ss_a_g_e_____ 给某人留言 (2) __t_a_k_e_a__m_e_s_s_a_g_e_f_o_r_s_b_.__ 替某人捎口信 (3) _s_e_n_d__a_m__e_s_sa_g_e__to__s_b_. ___ 给某人发信息 (4) _r_ec_e_i_v_e_a_m__e_s_sa_g_e__fr_o_m__s_b_. 收到某人的信息
again /ə'ɡen/ adv. 再一次;又一次
例句 He kissed her again. 他再一次吻了她。
again (1) _a_g_a_i_n_a_n__d_a_g_a_i_n__________ 再三地;反复地 (2) _o_n__ce__a_g_a_in_______________ 再次 (3) _s_e_e_y_o_u__a_g_a_i_n____________ 再次见到你 (4) _t_h_a_n_k__y_o_u__a_g_a_in__________ 再次谢谢你
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
(1)(2018乐山改编)To sing an English song correctly, I listen to the CD _ag_a_i_n__a_n_d_a_g_a_i_n__(反复地), and check every word in the dictionary. (2)小学毕业后,我总是期盼能再见到我的同学们。 After graduating from primary school, I'm always looking forward to _s_e_e_in_g__m_y__c_la_s_s_m__a_te_s_a_g_a_i_n_____ .
bad 词块搭配 (4) _b__a_d_w__e_a_th_e_r_______ 糟糕的天气 (5) _b__a_d_h_a_b_i_t_________ 坏习惯 (6) _b__a_d_b_e_h_a_v_i_o_r______ 不良行为 (7) _h__a_v_e_a_b__a_d_c_o_l_d____ 患有重感冒 (8) __b_e_b_a_d__fo_r_._.._______ 对……有害 (9) _g_o__b_a_d____________ 腐坏;变质
could /kʊd/ modal v. 能;可以
例句 I could swim when I was a kid. 我小时候会游泳。
back /bæ k/ adv. 回来;回原处
回(back)家路过银行(bank), 里面传出了狗叫(bark)。
例句 He went back home late. 他回家很晚。
park /pɑːk/ n. 公园
晚上公园(park)很黑(dark), 还有狗叫(bark)。
例句 He sat down on a park bench. 他在公园的长椅上坐了下来。
message /'mesɪdʒ/ n. 信息;消息
这段(passage)文字的信息 (message)量很大。
Unit7 SectionA 语境法讲解单词
rain /reɪn/ v. 下雨 n. 雨水
四月主要的(main)天气就是下 雨(rain)。
例句 It's going to rain. 快要下雨了。
windy /'wɪndɪ/ adj. 多风的
词根记忆 wind(风)+y(形容词后缀,表示 ……的)→有风的
(1)Every time when I _c_o_m__e_b_a_c_k__h_o_m__e_(回家)early, I always help my mother do some housework. (2)回顾我在这里度过的时光,我认为我取得了很大的进步。 When I __lo_o_k__b_a_c_k_____ on my time here, I think I have made much progress. (3)在春天,万事万物似乎复苏了。 Everything seems to __c_o_m__e_b_a_c_k__to__li_f_e__ in spring. (4)当父母教育孩子时,孩子不应该顶嘴,因为那是极不礼貌的。 Kids are not supposed ___to__ta_l_k__b_a_c_k___ when their parents educate them, because it's very impolite. (5)We should be thankful for those who always support us.(改为同义句) We should be thankful for those _w__h_o_a_r_e__al_w__ay__s _a_t_o_u_r_b__a_ck__s _.
problem /'prɒbləm/ n. 困难;难题
难题(problem)很可能(probably) 解决不了。
口语 No problem. 没问题。
problem (1) __q_u_e_s_ti_o_n________________ 近义词(问题) (2) _h_a_v_e_p_r_o_b_le_m__s_w__it_h_/(_i_n_) _d_o_in_g__s_th_. 做某事有困难 (=have trouble with/(in)doing sth.) (3) __N_o__p_r_o_b_le_m__. ____________ 没问题。(常用于 回答请求等场景中) (4) __so_l_v_e_t_h_e_p__ro_b__le_m__s_______ 解决问题 (5) _t_h_e_s_o_l_u_ti_o_n_t_o__th_e__p_r_o_b_le_m__ 问题的解决方法 (6) _w__it_h_o_u_t_a_n__y_p_r_o_b_l_e_m______ 没有任何问题 (7)W__h_a_t_'s__th__e_p_r_o_b_l_em___w_i_th__y_o_u_?_ 你怎么了?
back /bæ k/ adv. 回来;回原处
①If you go to sleep on your back, you’re a very open person.
②I hope you will back my thought.
支持 ③He backed against the wall, terrified.
后退 ④Her back garden was filled with beautiful flowers.
back (1) _g_o__b_a_c_k_t_o_______________ 回去;追溯到 (2) _t_a_l_k_b_a_c_k________________ 回嘴;顶嘴 (3) _l_o_o_k__b_a_c_k_______________ 回顾 (4) _a_t__o_n_e_'s_b_a_c_k_____________ 支持某人 (5) _a_t_/_in__th__e_b_a_c_k__o_f._..________ 在……的后部 (6) __c_o_m_e__b_a_c_k_t_o_l_i_fe_________ 苏醒过来;恢复健康 (7) _c_o_m__e_b_a_c_k__h_o_m__e_________ 回家 (8) __b_a_c_k_t_o_b__a_ck_____________ 背靠背;背对背
bad 拓展词块搭配 (10) d__o_b_a_d_l_y_i_n_._..____ 在某方面做得不好 (11) _W__h_a_t'_s_w__o_r_se_/_e_v_en__w__o_rs_e__ 更槽糕的
(1) ( 2019临沂) Our team lost the game because we played very _____b_a_d_l_y_(bad). (2)(2014盐城)Milie tried her best but did ___w_o_r_s_t______(bad)among all the members in the team. (3)(2018兰州改编)In summer, food will __g_o_b__a_d___(变质)quickly unless we put it into a fridge. (4)We greeted each other and talked about the __b_a_d_w__e_a_th_e_r__(坏天气). (5) (2018扬州改编)糖果含糖太多,对我们的牙齿有害。 There is too much sugar in candy, and it __i_s_b_a_d__f_or____ our teeth. (6) 离我远一点,我患重感冒了。 Stay away from me, I _h_a_v_e_a__b_a_d_c_o_l_d__ . (7) 我做饭不太好,所以我一直在学习。 I __d_o_b_a_d_l_y_i_n___ cooking, so I kept studying it.
比较记忆 无论天气(weather)是否(whether) 晴朗,我们都要去野餐。(weather和 whether读音相同)
例句 The weather was bad. 天气很糟。
cook /kʊk/ v. 做饭
我看见(look)厨师(cook)拿着 一本烹饪书(book)。
例句 Today it's my turn to cook. 今天该我做饭了。
例句 It was very windy here. 春天这里风很大。
cloudy /'klaʊdɪ/ adj. 多云的
词根记忆 cloud(云)+y(形容词后缀,表示 ……的)→多云的
例句 It was cloudy yesterday. 昨天是阴天。
sunny /'sʌnɪ/ adj. 晴朗的
天气 sunny(晴朗),电影 funny(有趣)
例句 It's a lovely sunny day. 今天太阳很好。
snow /snəʊ/ v. 下雪 n. 雪
例句 Snow began falling again. 雪又开始下了。
weather /'weðə(r)/ n. 天气
bad /bæ d/ adj. 坏的;糟的
例句 You are not such a bad person. 你不是那么坏的人。
bad 词形变化 (1) _b__a_d_ly__________ 副词 (2) __w_o_r_s_e_________ 比较级 (3) _w__o_r_s_t _________ 最高级