各国餐桌礼仪详解 英文版
2019年各国的餐桌礼仪英语-word范文模板 (5页)

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Now it's time to learn how to eat. Here are some of the very specific dining do's and don't's from around the world.现在就来学学如何吃饭吧。
SlurpSlurp your food.吃东西时砸吧嘴。
In Japan, most commonly when eating noodles and soups, slurping shows your appreciation of the food to the chef. The louder thebetter! You may also drink directly from the soup bowl -- spoons are uncommon. Furthermore, never cross your chopsticks, lick your chopsticks, or stick your chopsticks vertically into a bowl of rice. It's considered very rude in Japan and many other Asian countries, including China.在日本,吃面喝汤极其寻常,发出啧啧声是对厨师食物的肯定。
table manner

不同国家的餐桌礼仪(英语)(America)General Behavior∙Chew with your mouth closed.∙Do not talk with food in your mouth.∙Do not talk at an excessively loud volume.∙Refrain from coughing, sneezing or blowing nose at the table.∙Never tilt back your chair while at the table. Sit in a relaxed and comfortable position, but do not "slouch."∙Do not "play with" your food, or with your table utensils.∙Do not make loud or unusual noises while eating.∙Do not point out poor manners of others.∙It is generally acceptable to rest your forearms on the table, though you should take care to never rest your elbows on the table.∙Say "Excuse me," or "Excuse me. I'll be right back," before leaving the table. Do not state that you are going to the restroom.∙Do not stare at anyone while he or she is eating.∙Never talk on your phone or text a friend at the table. If an urgent matter arises, apologize, excuse yourself, and step away from the table soyour conversation does not disturb the others.∙Do not slurp your food or eat loudly.∙If food must be removed from the mouth for some reason, it should be done so in the same manner it was conveyed, e.g. with a fork, by hand, or with a spoon. Do not spit food into your napkin.∙Burping or sneezing at the table should be avoided. If you do so, say, "Excuse me."∙Never tell people what to do other than someone you are responsible for, such as a child.∙Men should not wear a hat at the dinner table. Hostesses should also not wear hats inside their own homes.∙Before asking for additional helpings, always consume the food on your plate first.∙Never wave or point your silverware while talking or sitting at the dinner table.∙Give your dinner partners on both sides equal opportunities for conversation.∙Wait until your hostess picks up her fork or spoon before starting to eat. ∙Gentleman should stand when a lady leaves or rejoins the table in formal social settings.∙The gentlemen stand behind their chairs until the women are all seated before sitting down to a formal meal.∙Keep your napkin on your lap. At more formal occasions all diners will wait to place their napkins on their laps until the host or hostess places his or her napkin on his or her lap. While sitting at the table, do notremove your napkin. When leaving the table, some place the napkin on their chair, while others place it to the left of the plate. Etiquette does not have a fixed rule on this matter.∙When eating barbecue or other very messy foods such as cracked crab in an informal setting which must be eaten with fingers and createssplashing or flying food particles, a 'bib' napkin may be provided for and used by adults. Wet wipes or paper napkins should be provided to clean the hands. In formal settings, bibs of any sort are improper, and food should be prepared so that it may be eaten properly with the provided utensils.∙Hosts should always provide cloth napkins to guests. When paper napkins are provided, they should be treated the same as cloth napkins, and therefore should not be balled up or torn.Utensils∙The fork is used to conveysolid food to the mouth. Donot use your fingers unlesseating foods customarilyeaten as such, such as bread,asparagus spears, chicken wings, pizza, etc.∙The fork may be used either in the American (use the fork in your left hand while cutting; switch to right hand to pick up and eat a piece) or the Continental (fork can be in the left or right hand) -- either is acceptable.∙The knife blade should be placed on the edge of your plate when not in use. The blade should always face inward.∙When you have finished eating soup from a bowl or large "soup plate,"the spoon should be placed on the flat plate beneath, if one is present.∙As courses are served, use your silverware from the outside moving inward toward the main plate. Dessert utensils are either above themain plate or served with dessert.∙Never use a knife or spoon when a fork will do.∙Be sure to match the size of the spoon with the size of the bowl. Often the soup spoon is too small and the spoon for the cup or bowl is toolarge.At the end of the mealWhen you have finished your meal, place all used utensils onto your plate together, on the right side, pointed down, so the waiter knows you have finished. Do not place used utensils on the table.Except in a public restaurant, do not ask to take some of your uneaten food home, and never do so when attending a formal dinner.When you have finished your meal, it is considered impolite to leave a dirty napkin on your dinner plate. Some apply the standard that you should fold it loosely and leave to the left of your plate when you leave at the end or during a meal. Others believe it is appropriate to leave the napkin on the chair.Wait for your host or hostess to rise before getting up from a dinner party table. Thank your host and/or hostess when leaving a dinner party.Once dessert, after-dinner coffee, or the equivalent is served, be wary not overstay your welcome. The party who first wishes to end the event should rise and say something like, "This has been such a nice evening. We hope we can see you again soon."British table mannersThe fork is held in your left hand and the knife is held in your right when used at the same time.You should hold your knife with the handle in your palm and your fork in the other hand with the prongs pointing downwards.If you’re eating a dessert, your fork (if you have one) should be held in the left hand and the spoon in the right.When eating soup, you should hold your spoon in your right hand and tip the bowl away from you, scooping the soup in movements away from yourself.It is not acceptable to use your fingers at the table to eat or push food onto your fork. You may, however, eat some foods such as fruit, sandwiches, burgers, crisps, chips or pizza with your fingers.If there are a number of knives or forks, then you should start from the outside set working your way in as each course is served.Drinks should always be to the right of your plate with the bread roll to the left. When eating bread rolls, break off a piece before buttering. Use your knife only to butter the bread, not to cut it.You should not start eating before your host does or instructs you to do so. At larger meals, it is considered okay to start eating once others have been served.When you’re finished, place your knife and fork together at six o’clock with your fork on the left (tines facing up) and knife on the right, with the knife blade facing in. This signals that you are finished.Your napkin should never be screwed up. Nor should it be folded neatly as that would suggest that your host might plan to use it again without washing it - just leave it neatly but loosely.Never blow your nose on your napkin. Place it on your lap and use it to dab your mouth if you make a mess.It is considered rude to answer the telephone at the table. If you need to take an urgent call, excuse yourself and go outside.Always ask for permission from the host and excuse yourself if you need to leave the table. You should place your napkin on your seat until you return.If you must le ave the table or are resting, your fork should be at eight o’clock and your knife at four o’clock (with the blade inwards). Once an item of cutlery has been used, it should not touch the table again.The food should be brought to your mouth on the back of the fork; you should sit straight and not lean towards your plate.Dishes should be served from the right, and taken away from the right. Unless the food is placed on your plate at the table, then it should arrive from the left. Drinks should be served from the right.Never lean across somebody else’s plate. If you need something to be passed, ask the person closest to it. If you have to pass something, only pass it if you are closest to it and pass it directly to them if you can.Salt & pepper should be passed together.Do not take food from a neighbor’s plate and don’t ask to do so.You must not put your elbows on the table.If pouring a drink for yourself, offer to pour a drink for your neighbors before serving yourself.If extra food is on the table, ask others first if they would like it before taking it yourself.When chewing food, close your mouth and only talk when you have swallowed it. Working class or regional British etiquette is not to converse at all, unless it is necessary.Swallow all food before eating more or having a drink.Do not slurp your food or eat loudly.Never pick food out of your teeth with your fingernails.Try to eat all the food you are served.Wine glasses should be held by the stem in the case of white wines, and by cupping the bowl in the case of red winesIf Port is served after the meal, then the decanter or bottle should be passed to the person on your left and never passed to the right.Always remember “regular” manners. Remember to say "please" and "thank you".Chinese table mannersThese are mostly concerned with the use of chopsticks.Otherwise generally Chinese table manners are rathermore informal compared to Western cultures, such astalking with the mouth full, which may be acceptable butbetter not to do so.Do not start making the first move until the elderly orguest of honor have done so, as a sign of respect. Alsosometimes dishes are passed to the elderly first beforethe dinner starts (part of the Confucian tradition ofrespecting seniors).In meals primarily conducted as business socializing or business meetings, it is best not to eat until fully filled if you are invited as a guest for business purposes.Leave the best food in a dish to the elderly, children, or the guest of honor, even if they are your favorite food items.Chopsticks must always be held in the correct manner. It should be held between the thumb and fingers of the right hand,Chopsticks are traditionally held in the right hand only, even by the left-handed. Although chopsticks may now be found in either hand, a few still considerleft-handed chopstick use improper etiquette. One explanation for the treatment of such usage as improper is that this can symbolize argument, as the chopsticks may collide between the left-handed and right-handed user.When communal chopsticks are supplied with shared plates of food, it is considered impolite to use your own chopsticks to pick up the food from the shared plate or eat using the communal chopsticks. An exception to this rule is made in intimate family dinners where family members may not mind the use of one's own chopsticks to transfer food.It is considered impolite to use the blunt end of the chopsticks to transfer food from a common dish to your own plate or bowl. Use the communal chopsticks instead.Never wave your chopsticks around as if they were an extension of your hand gestures, bang them like drumsticks, or use them to move bowls or plates.Decide what to pick up before reaching with chopsticks. Do not hover around or poke looking for special ingredients.Pick the food on the dish that is at the top and nearest to you in distance. Never rummage through the dish or pick from the far side for your favorite food.In general, the more conservative Chinese frown upon the practice of picking more than one or two bites of food in your bowl or serving plate as if you were eating in the Western way. Most Chinese would understand the practice during infectious disease epidemics, or if the person is from the West.If both a serving bowl - separate from rice bowl - and plate are provided, never put any food items to be eaten onto the serving plate. This rule is relaxed if the person is from the West.After you have picked up a food item, do not put it back in the dish.When picking up a piece of food, never use the tips of your chopsticks to poke through the food as if you were using a fork. Exceptions include tearing larger items apart such as vegetables. In informal use, small, difficult to pick-up items such as cherry tomatoes or fish balls may be stabbed but this use is frowned upon by traditionalists.If noodle soup is served, many consider a more elegant way to eat by picking the noodle into a serving spoon first, and eating from the spoon, rather than slurping directly from the bowl into mouth using chopsticks.Chopsticks can be rested horizontally on one's plate or bowl to keep them off the table entirely. A chopstick rest can also be used to keep the points off the table.Never stab chopsticks into a bowl of rice, leaving them standing upwards. Any stick-like object facing upward resembles the incense sticks that some Asians use as offerings to deceased family members. This is considered the ultimate faux pas on the dining table.Chinese traditionally eat rice from a small bowl held in the left hand. The rice bowl is raised to the mouth and the rice pushed into the mouth using the chopsticks. Some Chinese find it offensive to scoop rice from the bowl using a spoon. If rice is served on a plate, as is more common in the West, it is acceptable and more practical to eat it with a fork or spoon. The thumb must always be above the edge of the bowl.It is acceptable to transfer food to people who have a close relation with you (e.g. parents, grandparents, children or significant others) if you notice they are having difficulty picking up the food.Traditionally, it is polite for the youngest members of the table to address each and everyone of the elderly members of the table before a meal starts and literally tell them to "eat rice", which means "go ahead and start the meal", to show respect.The host should always make sure the guests drinks are sufficiently full. One should not pour for ones self, but should (if thirsty) offer to pour for a neighbor. When your drink is being poured, you should say "thank you" and/or tap your fingers on the table to show appreciation. The story behind the finger tapping can be found here.When people wish to clink drinks together in the form of a cheer, it is important to observe that younger members should clink the edge of their drink below the edge of an elder to show respect.When eating food that contains bones, it is customary that the bones be spat out onto the table to the right of the dining plate in a neat pile.The eldest person present, or the guest of honor, is given a seat facing the door.。

中西方餐桌礼仪英文Table manners in the East and WestTable manners play an important role in social interactions, reflecting cultural values and norms. In this essay, we will explore the table manners of both the East and the West, focusing on China and the United States as representatives of each culture.In China, table manners are deeply rooted in traditions and customs that have evolved over thousands of years. One key aspect of Chinese table manners is the seating arrangement. The most respected person is typically seated at the head of the table, facing the door. In contrast, Western table manners are more casual, with no specific seating order based on hierarchy.The way food is shared and served is also different between these two cultures. In China, food is often served family-style, with a variety of dishes placed in the center of the table for everyone to share. It is polite to take small portions of each dish and to leave some food on the plate to show that one is satisfied. In the Western culture, particularly in the United States, individual plates are served, and each person is responsible for their own portion. It is not necessary to leave food on the plate as a sign of satisfaction.In addition to these specific customs, there are general table manners that apply to both cultures. For example, it is important to chew with your mouth closed, avoid talking with food in your mouth, and use a napkin to wipe your mouth. These manners are universal and are considered polite in any situation.Furthermore, respecting personal space is essential in both cultures. In China, it is customary to use serving utensils or the other end of your chopsticks when taking food from shared dishes to avoid touching it with your own chopsticks. Similarly, in the United States, it is considered impolite to reach across the table to take someone else's food. Instead, it isappropriate to politely ask for something to be passed.In conclusion, table manners in the East and West have distinct characteristics that reflect the cultural values and traditions of each region. Understanding and respecting these differences can greatly contribute to successful cross-cultural interactions. By observing and adapting to the table manners of the host culture, one can show respect and appreciation fortheir customs while also enjoying shared meals.。

十条重要的西方餐桌礼仪(中英)1.Whenhelpingawomanpullherchairtothetable,holditandguideit. Don;;tshoveitagainstthebackofherlegs.1.为女士拉椅子的时候,要把椅子抓住了,留个角度,让女士好走过去。
2.Ifyou;;reseatedatatablewitheightorfewerguests,waitforever yonetobeservedandforthehostesstobegineatingbeforeyoudigin.A talongbanquettable,it;;sOKtostartwhenseveralpeopleareseated andserved.2.如果就餐人数少于等于八人,那就等所有人都坐好了,女主人开始用餐了,再开动。
3.Allthingsnothavingtodowithfoodshouldremainoffthetable:key s,clutchbags,cigarettepacks,sunglasses,BlackBerrys.3.一切和食物无关的东西都不应该出现在餐桌上,包括:钥匙、手袋、烟盒、墨镜还有手机。
4.Don;;tsnapyournapkinopenorunfurlitshowilylikeit;;sanOlymp icflag.4.不要把餐巾展开,看起来像是在展示奥林匹克会旗一样。
5.Ifyouprefernottohavewinewhilediningout,don;;tturnyourglas supsidedown,anddon;;tmakeabigdealofsayingyoudon;;tdrink.Sim plyplaceyourfingertipsontherimoftheglassandsayNottoday,than ks.5.如果在用餐时你不想饮酒,不要把酒杯倒过来放,也不要很在意地宣布你不喝酒。

Many things in life are not that we can't do it, but that we don't believe it can be done.精品模板助您成功!(页眉可删)关于餐桌礼仪的英语餐桌礼仪英文版DIFFERENT TABLE MANNERS IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIESTable Manners We will define 7 different countriess table manners table manners means your politeness and behavior when you have dinner with others.They include how to handle knives, forks and spoons and how to eat in a polite manner.To behave well abroad, you are to know some Table mannersIn Russia, it is considered polite to rest your wrists on the edge of the table -not on your lap.Also, keep your fork in your left hand and knife in your right.Russian is enthusiastic, when the owner hands you a glass of vodka, u can not refuse it out of politeness, men have to drink off,and its unnecessary for women.if u refuse it, the owner may feel u dont take him as a friend.and When u propose a toast, ur eyes should look into each other.kvass is a drink for children.this kind of drink is also in Harbin .If ur bread left, it will be regarded as a matter for dismay and wasting.Also,the sauce and gravy in food should be finished off.When you are eating in Britain.The British generally pay a lot of attention to good table manners.First, we should learn how to use a fork and knife.How to hold a fork and a knife ? The fork is held in the left hand and the knife on the right.If you have a knife in one hand, it is wrong to have a fork in the other with the prongs pointed up.When people finish eating, place your knife and fork together.How to eat desserts To eat dessert, break the dessert with the spoon, one bite at a time.Push the food with the fork into the spoon.Eat from the spoon.(Fork in left hand; spoon in right.) In the English, the platters and bowls of food are placed in front of the table “host”, along with a stack of dinner plates.The host carves and serves the meat and side dishes, and passes the filled plates around the table to the hostess and the guests.Sometimes the hostess assists with the serving.Condiments, rolls, relishes, etc.are usually found elsewhere on the table and passed around family style.Stack of Plates Main course Hostess Host serves from here Rolls Relishes Correctly, no person would start eating until everyone has received their plate.The host serves himself last.Vegetable dish Table manners French when the Meat (such as steak) should start cutting corners, finished a further cut off a piece.Do not eat or encountered some of the side dishes, it just moved to the side dish.A quick glance at the table setting OK, here are some more tips to keep in mind ? if there is something to spit out his mouth, lips Didao should take a fork or your fingers out, and then moved to the edge of the plate.The whole process should not be cited as much as possible to pay attention to other people, after the meal can be naturally.to clean hands after eating Mozui avoid rubbing vigorously with napkins, napkin with attention to the deportment of the iceberg and India to gently on the lips or fingers can be greasy.each finished Diecai, such as knife and fork to release four sides, or to fight cross-leave around, very ugly.The right way is to discharge the plate and knife and fork, the fork up teeth.Australia Table manners用餐礼仪 ?Dining etiquette The seat ? General host sits at the nearest position from the kitchen, the rest of the people is the host assigned seat.Sometimes the host said " Sit where you like." this is allowed to sit.If you are a man, in the fall to sit the front to see your right hand, whether already sat down, if shes not into a sitting chair, you should help her.The conversation ? Dont be involved in personal.About political, religious talk must be careful, otherwise you might accidentally offend others.The best way is to wait for others to open the topic and talk about it.To be a guest ? If you go to someone s house, when he brings you food, say no is not polite.Chinese pay attention to dont eat clean, while in western countries in the opposite.You should try to put the plate, if you have some, will be considered impolite.Special foods Table manners in China 1.If you are the guest, wait to be seated as hierarchy is involved .(The left means superior.The left guest sit beside the host was the most respected guest.)2.Eating usually begins once the host offers the first drink.3.Let older people eat first, or if you hear an elder say "lets eat", you can start to eat.4.When helping yourself to the dishes, you should take food first from the plates in front of you rather than those in front of others.In China Lay … on… Put up the bowl Do not stick chopsticks vertically into your food, especially not into rice, as this will make Chinese think of funerals.In China Dont do these Slurp when drinking soup or eating noodles 喝汤和吃面条时发出声音 +Keep the spoon inside the bowl or cup 勺儿留在汤碗或茶杯里 Talk with your mouth full 满口食物时讲话 Chew with your mouth opened 咬食物时把嘴巴张开 In China, as with any culture, there are rules and customs that surround what is appropriate and what is not when dining, whether it is in a restaurant or in someones home.Learning the appropriate way to act and what to say will not only help you feel like a native, but will also make those around you more comfortable, and able to focus on you, instead of your interesting eating habits.It is rude to not eat what you are given.If you are offered something you absolutely cant stomach, finish everything else, and leave the rest on your plate.Leaving a little food generally indicates that you are full.Hold the chopsticks in your right hand between the thumb and index finger, and when eating rice, place the small bowl in your left hand, holding it off the table.You should say “Itadakimasi!(いただきます)”before meal,that means you love this meal;say“Go-chiso-samadeshita!(ごちそうさまでした)”after meal,that means your thankfulness to this meal.▲Dont stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl,lay them on your dish.▲It is polite to make noise when you have ameal,especially when you eat noodles.▲Take sushi by hand instead of chopsticks.When eating sushi, dip in with fish sauce.Use the thumb and middle finger gently take sushi.天妇罗 Tempur a Table manners in koreaIn korea1.Do not touch the chopsticks until the elderly begin to eat.2.While on the table,do not point at others with chopsticks.3.Make sure the chopsticks are neatly placed on the table when dinner is over.Whats more4.Incessant talks are not suitable on Korean tables.5.It is also a shamful behavior to make too loud noises while eating.6.When a dinner is housed at home, both the host and the guests are sitting crosslegged around a shot-legged table,in such circumstances,never touch your feet with hands,strech out your legs,or splay apart your legs.(餐桌礼仪英文版相关单词)(中英文对照)餐桌礼仪Table Manners 餐桌礼仪。

餐桌礼仪英文版different table manners in different countriestable manners we will define 7 different countriess table manners table manners means your politeness and behavior when you have dinner with others.they include how to handle knives, forks and spoons and how to eat in a polite manner.to behave well abroad, you are to know some table mannersin russia, it is considered polite to rest your wrists on the edge of the table -not on your lap.also, keep your fork in your left hand and knife in your right. russian is enthusiastic, when the owner hands you a glass of vodka, u can not refuse it out of politeness, men have to drink off,and its unnecessary for women.if u refuse it, the owner may feel u dont take him as a friend.and when u propose a toast, ur eyes should look into each other. kvass is a drink for children.this kind of drink is also in harbin .if ur bread left, it will be regarded as a matter for dismay andwasting.also,the sauce and gravy in food should be finished off.when you are eating in britain.the british generally pay a lot of attention to good table manners. first, we should learn how to use a fork and knife.how to hold a fork and a knife ? the fork is held in the left hand and the knife on the right.if you have a knife in one hand, it is wrong to have a fork in the other with the prongs pointed up.when people finish eating, place your knife and fork together. how to eat desserts to eat dessert, break the dessert with the spoon, one bite at a time.push the food with the fork into the spoon.eat from the spoon.(fork in left hand; spoon in right.) in the english, the platters and bowls of food are placed in front of the table “host”, along with a stack of dinner plates.the host carves and serves the meat and side dishes, and passes the filled plates around the table to the hostess and the guests. sometimes the hostess assists with the serving.condiments, rolls, relishes, etc.are usually found elsewhere on the table and passed around familystyle.stack of plates main course hostess host serves from here rolls relishes correctly, no person would start eating until everyone has received their plate.the host serves himself last.vegetable dish table manners french when the meat (such as steak) should start cutting corners, finished a further cut off a piece.do not eat or encountered some of the side dishes, it just moved to the side dish.a quick glance at the table setting ok, here are some more tips to keep in mind ? if there is something to spit out his mouth, lips didao should take a fork or your fingers out, and then moved to the edge of the plate.the whole process should not be cited as much as possible to pay attention to other people, after the meal can be naturally.to clean hands after eating mozui avoid rubbing vigorously with napkins, napkin with attention to the deportment of the iceberg and india to gently on the lips or fingers can be greasy.each finished diecai, such as knife and fork to release four sides, or to fight cross-leave around, very ugly.the right way is to discharge the plate and knife and fork, the fork up teeth.australia table manners用餐礼仪?dining etiquette the seat ? general host sits at the nearest position from the kitchen, the rest of the people is the host assigned seat.sometimes the host said sit where you like.this is allowed to sit.if you are a man, in the fall to sit the front to see your right hand, whether already sat down, if shes not into a sitting chair, you should help her.the conversation ? dont be involved in personal.about political, religious talk must be careful, otherwise you might accidentally offend others.the best way is to wait for others to open the topic and talk about it.to be a guest ? if you go to someone s house, when he brings you food, say no is not polite.chinese pay attention to dont eat clean, while in western countries in the opposite.you should try to put the plate, if you have some, will be considered impolite.special foods table manners in china 1.if you are the guest, wait to be seated as hierarchy is involved . (the left means superior.the left guest sit beside the host was themost respected guest.)2.eating usually begins once the host offers the first drink.3.let older people eat first, or if you hear an elder say lets eat, you can start to eat.4.when helping yourself to the dishes, you should take food first from the plates in front of you rather than those in front of others.in china lay on put up the bowl do not stick chopsticks vertically into your food, especially not into rice, as this will make chinese think of funerals.in china dont do these slurp when drinking soup or eating noodles 喝汤和吃面条时发出声音+keep the spoon inside the bowl or cup 勺儿留在汤碗或茶杯里talk with your mouth full 满口食物时讲话chew with your mouth opened 咬食物时把嘴巴张开in china, as with any culture, there are rules and customs that surround what is appropriate and what is not when dining, whether it is in a restaurant or in someones home.learning the appropriate way to act and what to say will not only help you feel like a native, but will also make those around you more comfortable, and able to focus on you, instead of your interesting eating habits.it is rude to not eat what you are given.if you are offered something you absolutely cant stomach, finisheverything else, and leave the rest on your plate.leaving a little food generally indicates that you are full.hold the chopsticks in your right hand between the thumb and index finger, and when eating rice, place the small bowl in your left hand, holding it off the table.you should say “itadakimasi!(いただきます)”before meal,that means you love this meal;say “go-chiso-samadeshita!(ごちそうさまでした)”after meal,that means your thankfulness to this meal. ▲dont stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl,lay them on your dish.▲it is polite to make noise when you have a meal,esp ecially when you eat noodles.▲take sushi by hand instead of chopsticks.when eating sushi, dip in with fish sauce.use the thumb and middle finger gently take sushi.天妇罗tempur a table manners in koreain korea1.do not touch the chopsticks until the elderly begin to eat.2.while on the table,do not point at others with chopsticks.3.make sure the chopsticks are neatly placed on the table when dinner is over.whats more4.incessant talks are not suitable on korean tables.5.it is also a shamful behavior to make too loud noises while eating.6.when a dinner is housed at home, both the host and the guests are sitting crosslegged around a shot-legged table,in such circumstances,never touch your feet with hands,strech out your legs,or splay apart your legs.(餐桌礼仪英文版相关单词)(中英文对照)餐桌礼仪table manners 餐桌礼仪。
【2018最新】礼仪英语各国餐桌礼仪大盘点-实用word文档 (5页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==礼仪英语各国餐桌礼仪大盘点下面是为您提供的是礼仪英语各国餐桌礼仪大盘点,需要的朋友请您对下文进行参考。
Don’t arrive on time, never look at someone else’s dinner and always kissyour bread if it is dropped on thefloor.切勿准时赴宴;切勿紧盯他人食物;面包落地,得赶紧捡起来亲上一口……These are just some of the table manners travellers willencounter incountries and regions including Mexico, the Middle East and Afghanistan,according to a new infographic.是不是听得你大吃一惊?出国在外,你就可能遇上各种奇奇怪怪的餐桌礼仪。
Not knowing how to slurp your ramen in Japan or how many flowersto bringyour date in Russia can cause embarrassment or even offend locals – but thisguide has compiled several warnings to help tourists avoid a faux pas when theysit down fordinner.平时,你可不会在吃拉面时咂吧下嘴,送花时也从没在意过枝数。
各国餐桌礼仪详解 英文版ppt课件

How to eat desserts
To eat dessert, break the dessert with the spoon, one bite at a time. Push the food with the fork into the spoon. Eat from the spoon. (Fork in left hand; spoon in right.)
Host serves from here
Stack of Plates
Correctly, no person would start
eating until everyone has
received their plate. The host
serves himself last.
Rolls Relishes Vegetable dish
English style table manners...
In the English, the platters and bowls of food are placed in front of the table “host”, along with a stack of dinner plates. The host carves and serves the meat and side dishes, and passes the filled plates around the table to the hostess and the guests. Sometimes
Table manners
Russian Table manners
Russian table manners...

东西方餐桌礼仪英文版东西方餐桌礼仪英文版东西方餐桌礼仪英文版BackgroundAlong with the development of global economy, cross-culture communication has become more and more frequent, and the differences between Chinese and western culture have become more obvious, especially the differences of table manners.全球经济的发展,跨文化交际日益频繁,中西文化差异变得更加明显,特别是餐桌礼仪的差异。
In ChinaGenerally, seats that closer to the top table take precedence. For example, on the wedding party, family members of the bride or the leaderships are arranged to the table that closest to the top table. Hosts show their reverences to the guests by arranging seats by this way.一般来说,座位接近顶部表优先。
Seats at one table also have different meanings. In Chinese table manner, the seat opposite to the door is the honor seat, which is for chief guests or elders; the seats beside are the second honor seat which are for other guests; the seats that opposite to the honor seat are the inferior seat. Inferior seats are for the host and hostess.在中国餐桌文化中,位于门对面的位置是最尊贵的,这个位置是给高贵的客人或者长者。

餐桌礼仪英文版different table manners in different countriestable manners we will define 7 different countriess table manners table manners means your politeness and behavior when you have dinner with others.they include how to handle knives, forks and spoons and howto eat in a polite manner.to behave well abroad, you are to know some table mannersin russia, it is considered polite to rest your wrists on the edge of the table -not on your lap.also, keep your fork in your left hand and knife in your right.russian is enthusiastic, when the owner hands you a glass of vodka, u can not refuse it out of politeness, men have to drink off,and its unnecessary for women.if u refuse it, the owner may feel u dont take him as a friend.and when u propose a toast, ur eyes should look into each other.kvass is a drink for children.this kind of drink is also in harbin .if ur bread left, it will be regarded as a matter for dismay andwasting.also,the sauce and gravy in food should be finished off.when you are eating in britain.the british generally pay a lot of attention to good table manners.first, we should learn how to use a fork and knife.how to hold a fork and a knife ? the fork is held in the lefthand and the knife on the right.if you have a knife in one hand, it is wrong to have a fork inthe other with the prongs pointed up.when people finish eating, place your knife and fork together.how to eat desserts to eat dessert, break the dessert with the spoon, one bite at a time.push the food with the fork into the spoon.eat from the spoon.(fork in left hand; spoon in right.) in the english, the platters and bowls of food are placed in frontof the table“ host” , along with a stack of dinner plates.the host carves and serves the meat and side dishes, and passes the filled plates around the table to the hostess and the guests.sometimes the hostess assists with the serving.condiments, rolls, relishes, etc.are usually found elsewhere on the table and passed around familystyle.stack of plates main course hostess host serves from here rolls relishes correctly, no person would start eating until everyone has received their plate.the host serves himself last.vegetable dish table manners french when the meat (such as steak) should start cutting corners, finished a further cut off a piece.do not eat or encountered some of the side dishes, it just moved to the side dish.a quick glance at the table setting ok, here are some more tips to keep in mind ? if there is something to spit out his mouth, lips didao should take a fork or your fingers out, and then moved to the edge of the plate.the whole process should not be cited as much as possible to pay attention to other people, after the meal can be naturally.to clean hands after eating mozui avoid rubbing vigorously with napkins, napkin with attention to the deportment of the icebergand india to gently on the lips or fingers can be greasy.each finished diecai, such as knife and fork to release four sides,or to fight cross-leave around, very ugly.the right way is to discharge the plate and knife and fork, the forkup teeth.australia table manners用餐礼仪 ?dining etiquette the seat ? general host sits at the nearest position from the kitchen, the rest of the people is the host assigned seat.sometimes the host said sit where you like.this is allowed to sit.if you are a man, in the fall to sit the front to see your right hand, whether already sat down, if shes not into a sitting chair, you should help her.the conversation ? dont be involved in personal.about political, religious talk must be careful, otherwise youmight accidentally offend others.the best way is to wait for others to open the topic and talk about it.to be a guest ? if you go to someone s house, when he brings you food, say no is not polite.chinese pay attention to dont eat clean, while in western countries in the opposite.you should try to put the plate, if you have some, will be considered impolite.special foods table manners in china 1.if you are the guest, wait to be seated as hierarchy is involved .(the left means superior. the left guest sit beside the host was themost respected guest.)2.eating usually begins once the host offers the first drink.3.let older people eat first, or if you hear an elder say lets eat, you can start to eat.4.when helping yourself to the dishes, you should take food first from the plates in front of you rather than those in front of others.in china lay on put up the bowl do not stick chopsticks vertically into your food, especially not into rice, as this will make chinese think of funerals.in china dont do these slurp when drinking soup or eating noodles 喝汤和吃面条时发出声音 +keep the spoon inside the bowl or cup勺儿留在汤碗或茶杯里talk with your mouth full满口食品时讲话 chew with your mouth opened 咬食品时把嘴巴张开 in china, as with any culture, there are rules and customs that surround what is appropriate and what is not when dining, whether it is in a restaurant or in someones home.learning the appropriate way to act and what to say will not only help you feel like a native, but will also make those around you more comfortable, and able to focus on you, instead of your interesting eating habits.it is rude to not eat what you are given.if you are offered something you absolutely cant stomach, finisheverything else, and leave the rest on your plate.leaving a little food generally indicates that you are full.hold the chopsticks in your right hand between the thumb and index finger, and when eating rice, place the small bowl in your left hand, holding it off the table.you should say“ itadakimasi!(いただきます)” before meal,thatmeans you love this meal;say -chiso“-gosamadeshita!(ごちそうさまでした ) ”after meal,that means your thankfulness to this meal.▲dont stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl,lay them onyour dish.▲it is polite to make noise when you have a meal,especiallywhen you eat noodles.▲take sushi by hand instead of chopsticks.when eating sushi, dip in with fish sauce.use the thumb and middle finger gently take sushi.天妇罗 tempur a table manners in koreain korea1.do not touch the chopsticks until the elderly begin to eat.2.while on the table,do not point at others with chopsticks.3.make sure the chopsticks are neatly placed on the table whendinner is over. whats more4.incessant talks are not suitable on korean tables.5.it is also a shamful behavior to make too loud noises while eating.6.when a dinner is housed at home, both the host and the guests are sitting crosslegged around a shot-legged table,in such circumstances,never touch your feet with hands,strech out your legs,or splay apart your legs.(餐桌礼仪英文版有关单词)(中英文比较 )餐桌礼仪table manners 餐桌礼仪。
各国餐桌礼仪详解 英文版(课堂PPT)

drink off,and it's unnecessary for women.if u refuse it, the owner may feel u don't
Host serves from here
Stack of Plates
Correctly, no person would start eating until everyone has
received their plate. The host serves himself last.
Rolls Relishes
when you have dinner with others.
They include how to handle knives,
forks and spoons and how to eat in
a polite manner. To behave well
abroad, you are to know some
Table manners
Russian Table manners
Russian table manners...
In Russia, it is considered polite to rest your wrists on the edge of the table -not on your lap. Also, keep your fork in your left hand and knife in your right.

[例1] 上海世博会曾吸引了大批海内外人士利用各种
• YOU should have a good posture.
•入座后姿式端正,脚踏在本人座位下,不可任意伸 直,手肘不得靠桌缘, 或将手放在邻座椅背上。
客齐后导客入席,以左为上,视为 首席,相对首座为二座,首座之下 为三座,二座之下为四座。
一般说来,面对门的离门最远的那个座位是女主人的,与 之相对的是男主人的座位。女主人右手边的座位是第一主宾 席,一般是位先生;男主人右边的座位是第二主宾席、一般 是主宾的夫人。女主人左边的座位是第三主宾席,男主人的 左边的座位是第四主宾席。
如果要给客人或长辈布 菜.最好用公筷.也可以把离 客人或长辈远的菜肴送到 他们跟前,按我们中华民族 的习惯.菜是一个一个往上 端的.如果同桌有领导,老人, 客人的话.每当上来一个新 菜时就请他们先动筷子.或 着轮流请他们先动筷子.以 表示对他们的重视.
吃到鱼头,鱼刺,骨头等 物时,不要往外面吐,也不 要往地上仍.要慢慢用手 拿到自己的碟子里,或放 在紧靠自己餐桌边或放 在事先准备好的纸上

In the West
It is likely the young lady who
is first served because of their
Ladies First tradition
Sources of “Ladies First”
Christianity: Maria is respected as embodying
Step 3 Make sure everyone has a drink and that glasses are filled before you begin your toast.
Step 4
Get the group’s attention by standing up--if that's what you've chosen to do--and saying: “Your attention, please,” or “I’d like to make a toast.” Give them time to focus on you. Step 5 Face the person you’re honoring. Look directly at her and begin speaking . As your complete your remarks, look the honoree in the eye, raise your glass and say “To Sarah.” Then take a sip. The rest of the group should follow along. #
• The host (hostess) will generally let you order first; his or her order will be taken last. Sometimes, however, the server will decide who orders first. Often, women’s orders are taken before men’s. What‟s the difference with us ?

英国的餐桌礼仪、法国的餐桌礼仪(中英对照)[一: 法国的餐桌礼仪(中英对照)]French Table Manners法国的餐桌礼仪(How to put your hands)You should place your napkin in your lap immediately after being seated.坐下后你应该立即把你的餐巾放在腿上.Once the lady of the house places her napkin in her lap, other guests should follow suit. 一旦女主人把餐巾放在膝盖上,其他客人可以效仿。
(]Règles de Bienséance 礼节(Bread)Your bread should go in the upper left edge of your plate. 要将你的面包放在你的盘子的左上角边缘。
Bread is placed directly on the tablecloth, unless it is a formal meal in which bread plates are used. 面包是直接放置在桌布上,除非是正式宴会,才用装面包的盘子。
Code de la Politesse 礼貌的秘诀(Aperitif and toast 开胃酒和烤面包)When the aperitif is served, you wait for the host to give the toast before drinking. 在喝开胃酒之前,你应该等待主人为你送上烤面包You should wait for the host to lead the way, whether an aperitifor dinner course. Once everyone has been served a drink, the host will generally make a short toast after which the glass-clinking begins. It is polite to make eye contact as you say, “Santé.”无论是喝开胃酒或是吃晚餐,你都应该等着主人来为你引导。

Table manners 1 入座的礼仪 2 Dining etiquette 2 进餐时的礼仪
The absence of etiquette
3 离席时的礼仪
入座的礼仪 Table manners
• To please the guests seated on the seats, then please elderly 先请客人入座上席,再请长者入座客人旁依次入座; • 入座时要从椅子左边进入,入座后不要动筷子,更不要弄 guests are seated beside the table; When seated to the left to enter from the chair at the table, do 出什么响声来,也不要起身走动;如果有什么事要向主人打 not 。 招呼 move chopsticks, not to get what the noise, also don't get
Dining etiquette进餐的礼仪
Please请客人、长者动筷子。夹菜时每次少一些,离自己远的菜就少吃 • the guests, elders move chopsticks. Food every time less, far from the food on their own to eat less. Do not eat out sound; when soup is not sound, using 一些。吃饭时不要出声音;喝汤时不要出声响,用汤匙一小口一小 a spoon SIP one drink, should not take the bowl to the mouth to drink, soup is not 口地喝,不宜把碗端到嘴边喝,汤太热时不要一边吹一边喝,等凉 blowing while drinking, such as the cold after the drink. Some people like to eat 了以后再喝。有的人吃饭喜欢用咀嚼食物.特别是使劲咀嚼脆食物, with chewing food. Especially hard crisp chewing food, a very clear voice. This is 发出很清晰的声音来.这种做法是不合礼仪要求的,特别是和众人一 not etiquette demands, special and everyone is eating together, as far as possible 起进餐时,就要尽量防止出现这种现象。 to prevent the occurrence of this phenomenon. Don't burp when eating, do not appear in other voices. If sneezing, bowel, can't • 进餐时不要打嗝,也不要出现其他声音。如果出现打喷嚏、肠鸣 help sound, it is necessary to say "I feel shy"," sorry"," please forgive" and the like, 等不由自主的声响时,就要说一声“真不好意思”、“对不起”、 to apologize.

各国的餐桌礼仪英文版Japan日本Lonely Planet: It is “perfectly” okay to slurp when you eat noodles.“孤独星球”:吃面时“滋滋”出声是“完全”没有问题的。
Tradition: Unlike making big noises, slurping mildly is not rude but is a compliment to thechef. Japanese also say it tastes better if you slurp.文化传统:不同于制造高分贝噪音,吃面时自然地发出轻微的声音非但不粗鲁,反而是种对厨师的赞美。
What else to watch: It’s important to say traditional phrases of thanks before and after ameal.其他注意事项:饭前饭后说些感谢客套话是很有必要的。
Eat sushi whole. Dip the fish part rather than the rice into soy sauce.寿司要一口吃掉。
Russia俄罗斯Lonely Planet: Your wrists should be placed on the edge of the table while eating, fork in lefthand, knife in the right.“孤独星球”:用餐时手腕要放在桌子边缘,左手拿叉,右手拿刀。
Tradition: Keep your hands in sight. It is not good manners to rest them on your lap. Keepyour elbows off the table.文化传统:双手要保持在别人的视线内。

餐桌礼仪英文版餐桌礼仪英文版英文版的西餐餐桌礼仪Eating in American(II)美国人吃饭用刀叉,而且他们的用餐方式是很有讲究的。
Eating Custom and Practice 用餐习惯American eating is funny.They eat almost everything with a fork,and it appears that holding a knife in one's right hand longer than a few seconds is considered to be against good table manners.The system is that if it is absolutely necessary to use a knife,people take the fork in their left hand,and cut off a piece of meat or whatever it is in the normal manner.Then they put the knife down,transfer the fork to their right hand,and only then do they transport the food to their mouth.This is clearly ludicrous(滑稽可笑),but it is considered good manners.There are several results of this system.First,if it is not absolutely necessary to use a knife,Americans don't use one,because obviously this greatly complicates(使复杂化)things,and you will therefore see them trying to cut things like potatoes,fish and even bacon(熏猪肉)with a fork.Second,towardsthe end of a course,since only one implement(器具)is being used,food has to bo chased around the plate with the fork —and for the last mouthful the thumb has to be used to keep the food in place,although one is not supposed to do this.Third,tables are generally laid with one knife and two forks,the outside fork being for the salad.There is no need for foreign visitors to follow the American system and try to eat the salad with only a fork,but if you do use your knife,remerber to save it for the meat course.Even desserts(甜食)(except ice cream)are eaten with a fork if at all possible,and the spoon you see by your dessert is meant to be for coffee (but if you use it for your dessert no one will say anything).Some Breakfast Dishes 早餐食谱Breakfast in a restaurant is a very enjoyable experience.If you order eggs in a restaurant,the waiter/waitress will ask you how you want them .You can reply that you want them "scrambled(炒)"or "boiled".It is not sufficient,however,to ask for them "fried"you will have to specify whether you would prefer them "sunny-side-up"(煎一面),"over"(两面煎),"over-easy/easy-over"(两面煎,但蛋黄仍然呈流体状).American sausage(香肠)comes in slices and is quite spicy.But you can also have link sausage.American bacon comes in small strips,can be rather fat,and is served crispy.It is usually very tasty,and you can eat it with your fingers."Hash brows"(油炸土豆片)are shredded(切成碎片的)and fried potatoes.They are wonderful,especially with fried eggs and ketchup(蕃茄酱)."Pancakes",sometimes called "hot cakes",are made with baking power.They are normally served in a pile,and you aresupposed to put butter and syrup(果浆)on them."Jelly"(果子冻)is jam and includes grape jelly,which is very tasty.Toast is often served already buttered."English muffins(松饼)"are like small crumpets(烤饼)without the holes and are served toasted.You put jam on them.A "biscuit"(软饼)is a snall,scone-like bread roll,often served hot.Orange juice and coffer are often serced with breakfast.不可不知的10条餐桌礼仪1. When helping a woman pull her chair to the table, hold it and guide it. Don’t shove it against the back of her legs.1.为女士拉椅子的时候,要把椅子抓住了,留个角度,让女士好走过去。

各国的餐桌礼仪英语各国的餐桌礼仪英语 每个国家都各有其餐桌上的礼仪,那么各国的餐桌英语礼仪是怎样的呢?下⾯由yjbys⼩编为⼤家整理的各国的餐桌礼仪英语,希望可以帮到⼤家! Dining while abroad can feel as though you are tiptoeing around a minefield of unfamiliar rules. Table manners are the ultimate way to show respect (or some accidental disrespect) to your gracious host. 在国外吃饭,宛如蹑⼿蹑脚的游⾛在⼀堆不熟悉的规则中间。
Now it's time to learn how to eat. Here are some of the very specific dining do's and don't's from around the world. 现在就来学学如何吃饭吧。
Slurp Slurp your food. 吃东西时砸吧嘴。
In Japan, most commonly when eating noodles and soups, slurping shows your appreciation of the food to the chef. The louder the better! You may also drink directly from the soup bowl -- spoons are uncommon. Furthermore, never cross your chopsticks, lick your chopsticks, or stick your chopsticks vertically into a bowl of rice. It's considered very rude in Japan and many other Asian countries, including China. 在⽇本,吃⾯喝汤极其寻常,发出啧啧声是对厨师⾷物的肯定。
各国餐桌礼仪详解 英文版

When you are eating in Britain...
The British generally pay a lot of attention to good table manners.
First, we should learn how to use a fork and knife.
A quick glance at the table setting
OK, here are some more tips to keep in mind
• if there is something to spit out his mouth, lips Didao should take a fork or your fingers out, and then moved to the edge of the plate. The whole process should not be cited as much as possible to pay attention to other people, after the meal can be naturally.
Put up the bowl Do not stick chopsticks vertically into your food, especially not into rice, as this will make Chinese think of funerals.
In China Don’t do these
How to eat desserts
To eat dessert, break the dessert with the spoon, one bite at a time. Push the food with the fork into the spoon. Eat from the spoon. (Fork in left hand; spoon in right.)
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How to hold a fork and a knife
• The fork is held in the left hand and the knife on the right. • If you have a knife in one hand, it is wrong to have a fork in the other with the prongs pointed up. • When people finish eating, place your knife and fork together.
English style table manners...
In the English, the platters and bowls of food are placed in front of the table “host”, along with a stack of dinner plates. The host carves and serves the meat and side dishes, and passes the filled plates around the table to the hostess and the guests. Sometimes
. gravy in food should be finished off.
Beatiful RuEngland
When you are eating in Britain...
The British generally pay a lot of attention to good table manners.
Russian is enthusiastic, when the owner hands you a glass of vodka, u can not refuse it out of politeness, men have to
drink off,and it's unnecessary for women.if u refuse it, the owner may feel u don't
Host serves from here
Stack of Plates
Correctly, no person would start
eating until everyone has
received their plate. The host
serves himself last.
Rolls Relishes Vegetable dish
Table manners
when the Meat (such as steak) should start cutting corners, finished a further cut off a piece. Do not eat or encountered some of the side dishes, it just moved to the side dish.
the hostess assists with the serving. Condiments, rolls, relishes, etc. are usually found elsewhere on the table and passed
around family style.
Hostess Main course
Table Manners
We will define 7 different countries’s table manners
table manners means your politeness and behavior
take him as a friend. and When u propose a toast, ur eyes should look into each other. kvass is a drink for children. this
kind of drink is also in Harbin . If ur bread left, it will be regarded as a matter for dismay and wasting.Also,the sauce and
How to eat desserts
To eat dessert, break the dessert with the spoon, one bite at a time. Push the food with the fork into the spoon. Eat from the spoon. (Fork in left hand; spoon in right.)
Table manners
Russian Table manners
Russian table manners...
In Russia, it is considered polite to rest your wrists on the edge of the table -not on your lap. Also, keep your fork in your left hand and knife in your right.
when you have dinner with others.
They include how to handle knives,
forks and spoons and how to eat in
a polite manner. To behave well
abroad, you are to know some