中国餐桌礼仪英文版 PPT
麻烦你传一下 …
Seating 座位
• Name tag 姓名牌 • Open the chair for the lady who sits on your right hand side
• Sit on her left hand side
用餐完毕, 把用过的餐巾放在摆设的左手边
Utensils 餐具
• Knife, fork, spoon 刀, 叉, 勺儿 • Work from outside in 由外到内 • Resting – separate the knife and fork on the plate, blades facing in
• Unfold the napkin and fold it half before putting it on your lap
打开餐巾, 对叠, 放在大腿上
• Use the napkin to gently wipe your mouth. Don’t blow your nose into your napkin
• Red meat (pork, beef …) 红肉 (猪, 牛 …)
• Don’t add ice on the above 以上酒类不要加 冰
• Brandy, whisky, de(中s英s文e对r照t)餐w桌礼in仪e …
Napkin (2) 餐巾
• Place the napkin on the arm/back of the chair if you need to be excused
Seating 座位
• Name tag 姓名牌 • Open the chair for the lady who sits on your right hand side
• Sit on her left hand side
用餐完毕, 把用过的餐巾放在摆设的左手边
Utensils 餐具
• Knife, fork, spoon 刀, 叉, 勺儿 • Work from outside in 由外到内 • Resting – separate the knife and fork on the plate, blades facing in
• Unfold the napkin and fold it half before putting it on your lap
打开餐巾, 对叠, 放在大腿上
• Use the napkin to gently wipe your mouth. Don’t blow your nose into your napkin
• Red meat (pork, beef …) 红肉 (猪, 牛 …)
• Don’t add ice on the above 以上酒类不要加 冰
• Brandy, whisky, de(中s英s文e对r照t)餐w桌礼in仪e …
Napkin (2) 餐巾
• Place the napkin on the arm/back of the chair if you need to be excused
Don’t spit the fishbone or litter it everywhere ,you should take it out with your hands ,then put it on the napkin or your empty plate
Timeiy taking can enliven the atmosphere of mwaltimes
Had better not pick your teeth. If you must do it ,you should screen your mouth with napin or your hands
Leave the feast
When you leave the feast,you should show your thank to the master , or invite the master to your house here after.
Qing Dynasty by the impact of Western food, some Western rituals have also been introduced. Such as sub-dishes, on the soup, into the wine, etc, because of reasonable health way, it was introduced into the Chinese etiquette.
Chinese and Western food culture exccientific and reasonable.
Manners of seating
Lead the guest to the seat of honor,then lead the senior to the seae next to the guest
Timeiy taking can enliven the atmosphere of mwaltimes
Had better not pick your teeth. If you must do it ,you should screen your mouth with napin or your hands
Leave the feast
When you leave the feast,you should show your thank to the master , or invite the master to your house here after.
Qing Dynasty by the impact of Western food, some Western rituals have also been introduced. Such as sub-dishes, on the soup, into the wine, etc, because of reasonable health way, it was introduced into the Chinese etiquette.
Chinese and Western food culture exccientific and reasonable.
Manners of seating
Lead the guest to the seat of honor,then lead the senior to the seae next to the guest
greater than the use of a knife and fork.
Tablespoon, teaspoon, spoon divides;
Cup type are more, tea cup, coffee cup and
saucer; for porcelain, glass, glass for glass
up and move; if there is anything to greet to the master.
•• 入Sea座ted后p姿ost式ure端c正orr,ect脚, a踏foo在t i本n m人y s座ea位t, n下ot,arb不itr可ary任意 伸ext直ens,io手n, e肘lbo不w得sh靠ou桌ld n缘ot,rely或on将th手e e放dg在e o邻f t座he椅tab背le,上or。 hand on the adjacent seat backs.。
The western table manners
1 Table manners
1 入座的礼仪 2 Dining etiquette 2 进餐时的礼仪 3 The absence of etiquette 可编辑课件PPT 3 离席时的礼仪 2
入座的礼仪 Table manners
Seating position入座的位置
中方 • • In客Ch齐in后a 导客入席,以左为上,视为首席,相对首座为二座, • Cu首st座om之er下ho为mo三ge座neo,us二gu座id之e g下ue为st t四o, 座to 。the left, as the chief, • 西rIne方lWateivsete'rsnfirst two, first under three, two under four. • • G一ene般ra说lly来sp,eak面in对g, t门he的fac离e 门of 最the远do的or那of个th座e fa位rt是hes女t f主rom人t的he ,do与or
Thank you!
dishes ,tableware or behavior . Only recognizing these cultural differences ,can we promote the development of Chinese
civilization and survive abroad.
The Order Of Serving
In China
The first dishes are cold dishes,beverage and wine
next staple food
then hot dishes
at last the sweets and fruit
Some tips:
bowl and so on...3...
In the banquet,water glass is on the left of the dishes and wine glass is on the right.Chopstick and soup spoon can be put on the special seat or in the paper sleeve.And the toothpick and ashtray is necessary.
those dishes.
In West
Western serving steps are usually that:bread and butter,cold dishes,soup,main course,dessert,coffee and fruit.
bread and butter
cold dishes
Thank you!
dishes ,tableware or behavior . Only recognizing these cultural differences ,can we promote the development of Chinese
civilization and survive abroad.
The Order Of Serving
In China
The first dishes are cold dishes,beverage and wine
next staple food
then hot dishes
at last the sweets and fruit
Some tips:
bowl and so on...3...
In the banquet,water glass is on the left of the dishes and wine glass is on the right.Chopstick and soup spoon can be put on the special seat or in the paper sleeve.And the toothpick and ashtray is necessary.
those dishes.
In West
Western serving steps are usually that:bread and butter,cold dishes,soup,main course,dessert,coffee and fruit.
bread and butter
cold dishes
Chinese table manle manners 2 Dining etiquette 3 Leaving the etiquette
Chinese table manners
• One seat etiquette. First call the guests seated on the seats, please turn seated next to the seated guests for the elderly, the seat from the chair on the left to enter. Admission Dongkuaizi not after, not to come to beep, and do not get up walk.
如果要给客人或长辈布菜.最好 用公筷.也可以把离客人或长辈远的 菜肴送到他们跟前,按我们中华民族 的习惯.菜是一个一个往上端的.如 果同桌有领导,老人,客人的话.每当 上来一个新菜时就请他们先动筷子. 或着轮流请他们先动筷子.以表示对 他们的重视.
Eat the fish head and bones, bones and other things, not to spit out, also don't want to still on the ground. To slowly to their dishes by hand, or placed in close to the table or on the prepared sheet.
入座的礼仪。先请客人入 座上席,在请长者入座客 人旁依次入座,入座时要 从椅子左边进入。入座后 不要动筷子,更不要弄出 什么响声来,也不要起身 走动。
Seated posture straight, feet on my seat, not arbitrary straight, elbows shall not rely on the table, or put the hand on the next to the seat.
Do not start eating in a hurry or make noise
Do not stand up and move Inform the master when you having something urgent After take seats ,keep a proper postue Keep your feet under your seat
Qing Dynasty by the impact of Western food, some Western rituals have also been introduced. Such as sub-dishes, on the soup, into the wine, etc, because of reasonable health way, it was introduced into the Chinese etiquette. Chinese and Western food culture exchange, making the food etiquette more scientific and reasonable.
Leave the feast
When you leave the feast,you should show your thank to the master , or invite the master to your house here after.
Ask the vistor and the elder to move the chopsticks first
The hosts should help the guests to the food or ask them to help someslves
Do not stand up and move Inform the master when you having something urgent After take seats ,keep a proper postue Keep your feet under your seat
Qing Dynasty by the impact of Western food, some Western rituals have also been introduced. Such as sub-dishes, on the soup, into the wine, etc, because of reasonable health way, it was introduced into the Chinese etiquette. Chinese and Western food culture exchange, making the food etiquette more scientific and reasonable.
Leave the feast
When you leave the feast,you should show your thank to the master , or invite the master to your house here after.
Ask the vistor and the elder to move the chopsticks first
The hosts should help the guests to the food or ask them to help someslves
what you need to do is just to pay attention to some common social courtesies and lay a lot of stress on dish appreciation.
Third: Leave the feast
when leave the feast, you should show your thank to the master; or invite the master to your house hereafter .
your food.
Had better not pick your teeth with a toothpick. If you must do it, you should screen your mouth with napkin or your hands.
Definitude the primary mission of the meal. If it is a business meal, let the main negotiators seat together to communicate with each other. However if it is only to make friendly contacts,
₪take the seat from left; ₪ don’t start eating in a hurry or make any noise; ₪don’t stand up and move; ₪ inform the master when you have something urgent.
€ after take the seat, keep a proper posture; € keep your feet under your seat, don’t straighten or step under others’ seats; € don’t keep your elbows(肘部)to the edge of the table or put your hands on another chair’s back .
Third: Leave the feast
when leave the feast, you should show your thank to the master; or invite the master to your house hereafter .
your food.
Had better not pick your teeth with a toothpick. If you must do it, you should screen your mouth with napkin or your hands.
Definitude the primary mission of the meal. If it is a business meal, let the main negotiators seat together to communicate with each other. However if it is only to make friendly contacts,
₪take the seat from left; ₪ don’t start eating in a hurry or make any noise; ₪don’t stand up and move; ₪ inform the master when you have something urgent.
€ after take the seat, keep a proper posture; € keep your feet under your seat, don’t straighten or step under others’ seats; € don’t keep your elbows(肘部)to the edge of the table or put your hands on another chair’s back .
+ The Japanese used to pour wine for each other, not helped himself.
In Japan
Make noise
It shows that you like the food.
In Japan Point at someone with the chopsticks is impolite
Do not touch your feet , unbend(伸直双腿) or apart your legs when you sit cross-legged fixed(盘腿席地而坐).
Western table manners
Western tableware
Serving order
Japanese food Sushi 寿司
+ In Japan, at the beginning of the meal people will be very piously say itadakimasu (我要开始用餐了), after eating they say gochisosama (承蒙款待了).
3、命运给你一个比别人低的起点是想告 诉你, 让你用 你的一 生去奋 斗出一 个绝地 反击的 故事, 所以有 什么理 由不努 力!
4、心中没有过分的贪求,自然苦就少。 口里不 说多余 的话, 自然祸 就少。 腹内的 食物能 减少, 自然病 就少。 思绪中 没有过 分欲, 自然忧 就少。 大悲是 无泪的 ,同样 大悟无 言。缘 来尽量 要惜, 缘尽就 放。人 生本来 就空, 对人家 笑笑, 对自己 笑笑, 笑着看 天下, 看日出 日落, 花谢 花开, 岂不自 在,哪 里来的 尘埃!
In Japan
Make noise
It shows that you like the food.
In Japan Point at someone with the chopsticks is impolite
Do not touch your feet , unbend(伸直双腿) or apart your legs when you sit cross-legged fixed(盘腿席地而坐).
Western table manners
Western tableware
Serving order
Japanese food Sushi 寿司
+ In Japan, at the beginning of the meal people will be very piously say itadakimasu (我要开始用餐了), after eating they say gochisosama (承蒙款待了).
3、命运给你一个比别人低的起点是想告 诉你, 让你用 你的一 生去奋 斗出一 个绝地 反击的 故事, 所以有 什么理 由不努 力!
4、心中没有过分的贪求,自然苦就少。 口里不 说多余 的话, 自然祸 就少。 腹内的 食物能 减少, 自然病 就少。 思绪中 没有过 分欲, 自然忧 就少。 大悲是 无泪的 ,同样 大悟无 言。缘 来尽量 要惜, 缘尽就 放。人 生本来 就空, 对人家 笑笑, 对自己 笑笑, 笑着看 天下, 看日出 日落, 花谢 花开, 岂不自 在,哪 里来的 尘埃!
中西方餐桌礼仪 英文介绍 (课堂PPT)
使用刀子切食物,先将刀子轻轻推向前, 再用力拉回并向下切,这样就不会发出刺耳 声音了。
• 主食该怎么切?
无论是香肠或排类,要切成 一口大小食用,由左至右切, 且要吃时再切。
• 吃到不好吃的东西或骨头, 该怎么办?
谢谢您的热情招待, 欢迎您及家人有空到 我家做客。
Thanks for your attention !
如果要给客人或长辈布 菜.最好用公筷.也可以把离 客人或长辈远的菜肴送到 他们跟前,按我们中华民族 的习惯.菜是一个一个往上 端的.如果同桌有领导,老人, 客人的话.每当上来一个新 菜时就请他们先动筷子.或 着轮流请他们先动筷子.以 表示对他们的重视.
吃到鱼头,鱼刺,骨头等 物时,不要往外面吐,也不 要往地上仍.要慢慢用手 拿到自己的碟子里,或放 在紧靠自己餐桌边或放 在事先准备好的纸上
Break the bread with your fingers into small piece small enough for one bite, butter it
Had better not pick your teeth. If you must do it ,you should screen your mouth with napinfeast
When you leave the feast,you should show your thank to the master , or invite the master to your houd up and move Inform the master when you having something urgent After take seats ,keep a proper postue Keep your feet under your seat Do not keep your elbows to the edge of the table or put your hands on another chair’s back
The hosts should help the guests to the food or ask them to ttle noise and movement
Help people to dish the serving chopsticks ,centiliter
eseThe background
Tabel manners精品21.Background
Tabel manners has a long history. According to the literature,at least in zhou dynasty ,it was formed a perfet system .
Don’t spit the fishbone or litter it everywhere ,you should take it out with your hands ,then put it on the napkin or yong can enliven the atmosphery by the impact of Western food, some Western rituals have also been introduced. Such as sub-dishes, on the soup, into the wine, etc, because of reasonable health way, it was introduced into the Chinese etiquette.
When you leave the feast,you should show your thank to the master , or invite the master to your houd up and move Inform the master when you having something urgent After take seats ,keep a proper postue Keep your feet under your seat Do not keep your elbows to the edge of the table or put your hands on another chair’s back
The hosts should help the guests to the food or ask them to ttle noise and movement
Help people to dish the serving chopsticks ,centiliter
eseThe background
Tabel manners精品21.Background
Tabel manners has a long history. According to the literature,at least in zhou dynasty ,it was formed a perfet system .
Don’t spit the fishbone or litter it everywhere ,you should take it out with your hands ,then put it on the napkin or yong can enliven the atmosphery by the impact of Western food, some Western rituals have also been introduced. Such as sub-dishes, on the soup, into the wine, etc, because of reasonable health way, it was introduced into the Chinese etiquette.
中国餐桌礼仪英文版 (2)优秀课件
Chinese and Western food culture exchange, making the food etiquette more scientific and reasonable.
Manners of seating
Lead the guest to the seat of honor,then lead the senior to the seae next to the guest
Take the seat from left
Do not start eating in a hurry or make noise
Do not stand up and move Inform the master when you having something urgent After take seats ,keep a proper postue Keep your feet under your seat Do not keep your elbows to the edge of the table or put your hands on anothethe fishbone or litter it everywhere ,you should take it out with your hands ,then put it on the napkin or your empty plate
Timeiy taking can enliven the atmosphere of mwaltimes
Had better not pick your teeth. If you must do it ,you should screen your mouth with napin or your hands
• 2.After dinner, the other guests should leave after the host, the hostess, the customer or the leader leaving the table.
• 2.When toasting, the glass should be lower than the glass of the person to be toasted, higher than subordinates and younger generations
• 3.When the master stands up to toast the guests, all guests should stand up and return toast. This is the basic etiquette.
• 1.The etiquette of the seat • The seat facing the main entrance is the upper seat. • The middle seat is the main seat • The man sitting on the right has a high rank. • Special principles
• 1.Taboo for the using of chopsticks: Don't knock on the bowl with chopsticks Do not cross the chopsticks Don't stick your chopsticks in the rice. Don't fight with chopsticks. Don't wave chopsticks
• 2.When toasting, the glass should be lower than the glass of the person to be toasted, higher than subordinates and younger generations
• 3.When the master stands up to toast the guests, all guests should stand up and return toast. This is the basic etiquette.
• 1.The etiquette of the seat • The seat facing the main entrance is the upper seat. • The middle seat is the main seat • The man sitting on the right has a high rank. • Special principles
• 1.Taboo for the using of chopsticks: Don't knock on the bowl with chopsticks Do not cross the chopsticks Don't stick your chopsticks in the rice. Don't fight with chopsticks. Don't wave chopsticks
yourself. And may not bolt down(狼吞虎咽)
your food.
Had better not pick your teeth with a toothpick. If you must do it, you should screen your mouth with napkin or your hands.
You may not slurp(出声地吃喝)your soup.
Help people to dish with serving chopsticks, centiliter(公勺), and never help people to dish with chopsticks or your used ladle(长柄 勺).
1 Take the seats 2 Have meals 3 Leave from the feast
First: the manners of taking seats
₪lead the guest to the seat of honor, then lead the senior to the seat next to the guest;
Don’t spit the fishbone or litter it everywhere, you should take it out with your hands, then put it on the napkin or your empty plate.
Timely talking can enliven the atmosphere of the mealtimes. So do not think of nobody but
Thanks for your entertainment!
your food.
Had better not pick your teeth with a toothpick. If you must do it, you should screen your mouth with napkin or your hands.
You may not slurp(出声地吃喝)your soup.
Help people to dish with serving chopsticks, centiliter(公勺), and never help people to dish with chopsticks or your used ladle(长柄 勺).
1 Take the seats 2 Have meals 3 Leave from the feast
First: the manners of taking seats
₪lead the guest to the seat of honor, then lead the senior to the seat next to the guest;
Don’t spit the fishbone or litter it everywhere, you should take it out with your hands, then put it on the napkin or your empty plate.
Timely talking can enliven the atmosphere of the mealtimes. So do not think of nobody but
Thanks for your entertainment!
Hale Waihona Puke Toasting(敬酒)
Propose a toast after the host has toast to all guests. 主人先敬酒。 Don’t toast to many people one time.不要一次向很多 人同时敬酒。 For different level, the height of goblets is different when they touch ( Your goblet should lower the your boss or customer ).碰杯时候酒杯高度应因人而异,你 的杯子应低于别人。 You can toast to every one by the order of seat if there is no special person.如果没有特殊宾客,你可以 按座位顺序敬酒。
Dinner seat(座位安排)
Order dishes(点菜)
During dinner (用餐) Toasting (敬酒)
Dinner seat(座位安排)
Dinner seat (座位安排)
The host or hostess usually sits towards the door.主人座位对门而坐。 The left seat next to the host is for the most important guest.主人左侧安排最重要的客人就座。 The right seat next to the host is for the second important guest.右侧座位可以留给次重要客人。 Other seats can be arranged by the host or chosen by guests themselves.其他座位可由主人 安排或客人自己选择。
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Had better not pick your teeth、 If you must do it ,you should screen your mouth with napin or your hands
Leave the feast
When you leave the feast,you should show your thank to the master , or invite the master to your house here after、
Qing Dynasty by the impact of Western food, some Western rituals have also been introduced、 Such as sub-dishes, on the soup, into the wine, etc, because of reasonable health way, it was introduced into the Chinese etiquette.
Chinese table manners
Tabel manners has a long history. According to the literature,at least in zhou dynasty ,it was formed a perfet system .
Dining etiqutte
Don’t eat until everyone is there,don’t reach to get the food on the opposite
Ask the vistor and the elder to move the chopsticks first
The hosts should help the guests to the food or ask them to help someslves
大家有疑问的,可以noise and movement
Help people to dish the serving chopsticks ,centiliter ,not use yours
Don’t spit the fishbone or litter it everywhere ,you should take it out with your hands ,then put it on the napkin or your empty plate
Timeiy taking can enliven the atmosphere of mwaltimes
Chinese and Western food culture exchange, making the food etiquette more scientific and reasonable.
Manners of seating
Lead the guest to the seat of honor,then lead the senior to the seae next to the guest
Take the seat from left
Do not start eating in a hurry or make noise
Do not stand up and move Inform the master when you having something urgent After take seats ,keep a proper postue Keep your feet under your seat Do not keep your elbows to the edge of the table or put your hands on another chair’s back
Leave the feast
When you leave the feast,you should show your thank to the master , or invite the master to your house here after、
Qing Dynasty by the impact of Western food, some Western rituals have also been introduced、 Such as sub-dishes, on the soup, into the wine, etc, because of reasonable health way, it was introduced into the Chinese etiquette.
Chinese table manners
Tabel manners has a long history. According to the literature,at least in zhou dynasty ,it was formed a perfet system .
Dining etiqutte
Don’t eat until everyone is there,don’t reach to get the food on the opposite
Ask the vistor and the elder to move the chopsticks first
The hosts should help the guests to the food or ask them to help someslves
大家有疑问的,可以noise and movement
Help people to dish the serving chopsticks ,centiliter ,not use yours
Don’t spit the fishbone or litter it everywhere ,you should take it out with your hands ,then put it on the napkin or your empty plate
Timeiy taking can enliven the atmosphere of mwaltimes
Chinese and Western food culture exchange, making the food etiquette more scientific and reasonable.
Manners of seating
Lead the guest to the seat of honor,then lead the senior to the seae next to the guest
Take the seat from left
Do not start eating in a hurry or make noise
Do not stand up and move Inform the master when you having something urgent After take seats ,keep a proper postue Keep your feet under your seat Do not keep your elbows to the edge of the table or put your hands on another chair’s back