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《远大前程》英文读后感【一】 With so many famous masterpieces on the booklist, it is really a pretty hard job to chooseone to read first. After much hesitation and deeply thought, I finally decided to borrowGreat Expectations from the small library.

Great Expectations is about love, family, and rejection as Pip and Miss Havisham have bothbeen rejected in certain ways. Pip is a boy around 13 years old,easy to fright,and goesthrough his life suffering lots of sadness. He is in love with a girl named Estella and wantsher to find his love, but for him being shy and not showing himself to her, it makes it veryhard for him.

Great Expectations was the penultimate novel pleted by the most popular novelist ofVictorian England, Charles Dickens. Born in Kent, England, in

1812 to a family of modestmeans but great pretensions,Dickens’s early life was marked by both humiliation andambition. Dickens never forgot the period of financial crisis during his childhood, whenfollowing his father’s bankruptcy, he was taken out of school and forced to work in ashoepolish warehouse.

Pip meets an escaped convict,Magwitch,and gives him food, in an encounter that is tohaunt both their lives.When Pip receives riches from a mysterious benefactor he snobbishly abandons his friendsfor London society and his“great expectations”.

I set up my mind to select it for the reason that I have read a brief introduction of thismasterpiece in my high school English textbook before. In addition,a Tale of Two Citieswhich is also written by Charles Dickens, the outstanding and special English writer,left mea wonderful and deep impression, when I finished reading the marvelous story.

Of course, Great Expectations didn’t let me down,either. What’s more, the whole structureof the novel is well and elaborately designed. The plot is extremely attractive and full ofunexpected twists. Quite a few

characters have a distinguishable personality. Moreover, thosewords and sentences are so beautiful and meaningful that I even took them down carefully inmy notebook. By reading them no less than three times,I have learned not only some newphrases and sentences,but also a philosophy of life.

Among the characters, which impressed me most are not Pip and Estella who should be regardedas the leading roles, but Joe and Magwitch. I feel awfully sorry that I was not brave enoughto read the original edition that is as thick as a brick. Otherwise, I may appreciate Joe andMagwitch more.

Yes, they are not the main characters in the novel. However, what they saidand what they did deeply touched me. It’s interesting, isn’t it? They are quite theopposite guys. One is a totally good man without the least bit of wickedness while the otheris a prisoner who is believed to have mitted every evil.

I believe that everyone who reads the book is to like Joe. When he talked about his heavydrinking father who hit him a lot, he said he had a lot of love. Faced with his rude wife, hewould rather seem a bit weak or
