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【2015福建福州】第三节短文填词(共10小题,每小题 1 分,满分10分)


The Silk Road is a historically important international trade route(路线)between China and the Mediterranean(地中海). It began 86 (在……期间)the Western Han Dynasty and has been a 87b between East and West for over 2,000 years.

The ancient road started from Chang’an(now Xi’an)

and ended in Eastern 88 , near today’s

Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea. It was about 6,500

kilometers long and went across one-fourth of the planet.

The Silk Road got its name 89b Chinese silk used

to be carried along this road. Silk, jade, ceramics and iron

90w west to Rome. And from the west came glass,

gems and food like carrots and sesame.

The Silk Road was very important to both China and the rest of the world. It was 91 than an ancient international trade route. Besides trade, 92 about arts,

science and literature, as well as crafts(工艺)and technologies was 93 (分享)across the Silk Road. In this way, languages and cultures _94 (发展)and influenced each other.

Today, along the Silk Road there’re many places of 95 , such as the Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an and Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. Now a new train line runs from Beijing across the Silk Road.

86. during87. bridge88. Europe89. because 90.went91. more92. knowledge 93. shared94. developed 95. interest


Do you want to be a popular guest who gets invited back? Read our 56 (六)top tips for being a good guest.

Clothes—if you are in a formal situation, dress smartly: a suit and tie for men, a 57 (裙子) and jacket for women.

Gifts—if you are going to stay in someone’s house, 58 (带来) a small gift; if you are staying for a 59 (短的) period of time, a bigger gift for longer periods. 60 (昂贵的) chocolate works in most situations. Don’t arrive empty-handed.

Greetings-to shake hands or to 61 (亲吻)? Wait to see what your host does.

Food-always accept it when offered.Try to eat all of it and say it 62 (品尝)good whether it looks terrible or delicious. Most people are 63 (自豪的) of their cooking even if they shouldn’t be. Don’t hurt their feelings.

Titles-in formal situations, don’t use first 64 (名字). Always use titles (Doctor, Professor, Chairperson) until the person tells you not to.

Leaving-the most important tip for being a good guest is to know when to say goodbye.The 65 (秘密) is to leave while the host is still enjoying your company and wants you to stay longer.

56. six57. skirt/dress 58. bring/take59. short60. Expensive/Dear61. kiss62. tastes63. proud64. names
