



Exercises to Linguistics外语系黄永亮Chapter 1 Invitation to Linguistics1.Define the following terms:Langue: Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members ofa speech community.Parole:parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use.Prescriptive: Prescriptive and descriptive represent two different types of linguistic study. if the linguistic study aims to lay down rules for “correct andstandard”behaviour in using language, i.e. to tell people what they shouldday and what they should not say, it is said to be prescriptive.Descriptive: Prescriptive and descriptive represent two different types of linguistic study. If a linguistic study aims to describe and analyze the language peopleactually use, it is said to be descriptive;competence: Chomsky defines competence as the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language.Performance: Chomsky defines performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.Synchronic: The description of a language at some point of time in history is a synchronic study;Diachronic: The description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study.Linguistics:Linguistics may be defined as the systematic (or scientific) study of language.language: Language is a form of human communication by means of a system of symbols principally transmitted by vocal sounds.”2.Does the traffic light system have duality, why?No. No discrete units on the first level that can be combined freely in the second level to form meaning. There is only simple one to one relationship between signs and meaning, namely, re-stop, green-go and yellow-get ready to go or stop.munication can take many forms, such as sign, speech, body language and facialexpression. Do body language and facial expression share or lack the distinctive properties of human language?Less arbitrary, lack duality, less creative, limited repertoire, emotional-oriented.4.Why is competence and performance an important distinction in linguistics?According to Chomsky, a language user’s underlying knowledge about the system of rules is called his linguistic competence. And performance refers to the actual enables a speaker to produce and understand an indefinite numbers of sentences and to recognize grammatical mistakes and ambiguities. A speaker’s competence is stable but his performance is often influenced by psychological and social factors. Thus, Chomsky proposed that linguists should focus on the study of competence, not performance. The distinction of the two terms “competence and performance”represents the orientation of linguistic study. So we can say competence and performance is an important distinction in linguistics.5.In what basic ways does modern linguistics differ from traditional grammar?Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar in the following basic ways: Firstly, priority is given, as mentioned earlier, to spoken language. Secondly, focus is on synchronic study of language, rather than on diachronic study of language. Thirdly, modern linguistics is descriptive rather than prescriptive in nature. Linguists endeavor to state objectively the regularities of a language. They aim at finding out how a language is spoken: they do not attempt to tell people how it should be spoken. Fourthly, modern linguistics is theoretically rather than pedagogically oriented. Modern linguists strive to construct theories of language that can account for language in general. These features distinguished modern linguistics from traditional grammar. The two are complementary. Not contradictory. Knowledge of both is necessary for a language teacher: knowledge of the latter is necessary for a language learner.Chapter 2 Phonetics1. Give the description of the following sound segments in English1)[❆] voiced dental fricative2)[☞] voiceless alveolar fricative3)[☠] velar nasal4)[♎] voiced alveolar stop5)[☐] voiceless bilabial stop6)[ ] voiceless velar stop7)[●] (alveolar) lateral8)[♓] high front lax unrounded vowel9)[◆:] high back tense rounded vowel10)[ ] low back lax rounded vowel2. How is the description of consonants different from that of vowels?Consonants are described according to manner and place of articulation while vowels are described with four criteria: part of the tongue that is raised; extent to which the tongue rises in the direction of the palate; kind of opening made at the lips; position of soft palate.3. Which sound may be described asa voiced bilabial plosive [♌]a voiced labio-dental fricative [ ]a voiceless velar plosive [ ]4. Why might a photographer ask the person she is photographing to say cheese?The vowel of the word cheese [♓:] is produced with the lips spread, this resemblinga smile.5.Account for the difference in articulation in each of the following pairs of words:coast ghost; ghost boastboast most; ghost mist;The words coast and ghost are distinguished by the fact that the initial segment is voiceless in the case of the former and voiced in the case of the latter.The word ghost and boast are distinguished by the place of articulation of the initial segment, [♑] being velar while [♌] is bilabial.Boast and most are distinguished by the manner of articulation of the initial segment, [❍] being nasal.Most and mist are distinguished by the fact that the former has a rounded back vowel shile the latter has a spread front vowel.Chapter 3 Phonology1.Define the following termsPhonology: Phonology is concerned with the sound system of languages. It is concerned with which sounds a language uses and how the contribution of sounds to thetask of communication.Phone: A phone is a phonetic unit or segment. The speech sounds we hear and produce during linguistic communication are all phonesPhoneme: Phoneme is the abstract element of sound, identified as being distinctive ina particular language.Allophone: Allophone refers any of the different forms of a phoneme is an allophone of it in English. Compare the words peak and speak, for instance. The /☐/ in peak is aspirated; phonetically transcribed as [☐♒] while the /☐/ in speak is unaspirated, phonetically [☐= ]. [☐,☐♒] are two different phones and are variants of the phoneme /☐/. Such variants of a phoneme are called Allophone of the same phoneme.Suprasegmental features:.The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segment are called Suprasegmental features. Suprasegmental features include: stress, tone and intonation.2.Transcribe the realization of the past tense morpheme for each of the following words:Waited waved wiped waded. account for the differences.[id] in “waited”and “waded”follows another alveolar plosive. [d] in “waved”follows voiced consonants.[t] in “wiped” follows voiceless consonants, there being voicing assimilation. 3. which of the following would be phonologically acceptable as English words?Thlite grawl dlesher shlink tritch sruck stwondle“grawl” and “tritch”4.Why can we not use the sequence [☠kl] in twinkle as an example of a consonant cluster?The sequence [☠kl] bridges two syllables.5.For each of the following pairs compare the position of the stress. Comment.Economy/economic wonder/wonderfulBeauty/beautiful acid/acidicIn adjectives ending in –ic the stress moves to the following syllable, in adjectives ending in –ful it does not.6.Explain why somebody might choose to stress the following utterances as indicated bythe bold type:a) John want ed to do this today. b) John wanted to do this today. c) John wantedto do this to day.The first utterance implies that John was unable to do what he wanted.The second implies that he was only able to do something else.The third implies that he was only able to do it some other day.Chapter 4 Morphology1.Define the following terms:Morpheme: the smallest unit of language in terms of relationship between expression and content, a unit that can not be divided into further small units without destroying or drastically altering the meaning, whether it is lexical or grammatical.Compound:Polymorphemic words which consist wholly of free morphemes, such as classroom, blackboard, snowwhite, etc.Allomorph: any of the different form of a morpheme. For example, in English the plural morpheme -‘s but it is pronounced differently in different environments as /s/ in cats, as /z/ in dogs and as /iz/ in classes. So /s/, /z/, and /iz/ are all allomorphs of the plural morpheme.Bound morpheme: an element of meaning which is structurally dependent on the word it is added to, e.g. the plural morpheme in “dogs”.Free morpheme: an element of meaning which takes the form of an independent word.plete the words with suitable negative prefixesa. ir removable g. in humanb. in formal h. ir relevantc. im practicable i. un evitabled. in sensible j. im mobilee. in tangible k. il legalf. il logical l. in discreet3. “Morpheme” is defined as the smallest unit in terms of relationshipbetween expression and content. Then is morpheme a grammatical conceptor a semantic one? What is its relation to phoneme?Since morpheme is defined as the smallest unit in terms of relationship between expression and content, it at the same time covers the grammatical and semantic aspect of linguistic unit. A morpheme may overlap with a phoneme, such as I, but usually not, as in pig, in which the morpheme is the whole word, i.e. and independent, free morpheme, but the phonemes are /p/, /i/ and /g/.4. Identify in the following sentence four bound morphemes. State the function ofeach and say whether each is derivational or inflectional.The teacher’s brother considered the project impossible.The –er and the –‘s of teacher’s are bound morphemes, the former being derivational, as it produces a lexeme that denotes the person who does an action, the latter being an inflectional morpheme, as it indicates possession.The –ed of considered is inflectional, indicating that the action took place in the past. The im- of impossible is derivational, producing a new lexeme that denotes the opposite of possible.Chapter 5 Syntax1.Define the following terms:Category: parts of speech and functions, such as the classification of words in terms of parts of speech, the identification of functions of words in term of subject,predicate, etc.Concord:also known as agreement, is the requirement that the forms of two or more wordsin a syntactic relationship should agree with each other in terms of somecategoriesSyntagmatic relation:. Syntagmatic relation is a relation between one item and others in a sequence, or between elements which are all present. Paradigmatic relation: a relation holding between elements replaceable with each other at a particular place in a structure, or between one element presentand the others absent.Deep structure: is defined as the abstract representation of the syntactic properties of a construction, i. e. the underlying level of structural relationsbetween its different constituentsSurface structure: is the final stage in the syntactic derivation of a construction, which closely corresponds to the structural organization of aconstruction people actually produce and receive.Theme: The Theme is the first constituent of the clause.Rheme: All the rest of the clause is simply labeled the Rheme.2.Why is it important to know the relations a sign has with others, such as syntaxgmaticand paradigmatic relations?As the relation between a signifier and signified is arbitrary, the value of a sign can not be determined by itself. To know the identity of a sign, the linguist will have to know the signs it is used together with and those it is substitutable for.The former relation is known as syntagmatic and the latter paradigmatic.3.In what ways is IC analysis better than traditional parsing?In traditional parsing, a sentence is mainly seen as a sequence of individual words, as if it has only a linear structure. IC analysis, however, emphasizes the hierarchical structure of a sentence, seeing it as consisting of word groups first.In this way the internal of structure of a sentence is shown more clearly, hence the reason of some ambiguities may be revealed.4.What are the problems in IC analysis?There are some technical problems caused by the binary division and discontinuous constituents. But the main problem is that there are structures whose ambiguities cannot be revealed by IC analysis, e.g. the love of God. In terms of both the treediagram and the label, there is only one structure, but the word God is in two different relations with love, i.e. either as subject or object.5.Clarify the ambiguity in the following sentence by tree diagrams:Old teachers and priests fear blackbirds.SNP VPAdj. NP V NOld fear blackbirds.N Conj. Nteachers and priestsSNP VPNP Conj. N V NAdj. N and priests fear blackbirds.Old teachersChapter 6 Semantics1. defining the following terms:semantics: The subject concerning the study of meaning is called semantics. More specifically, semantics is the study of the meaning of linguistics units,words and sentences in particular.Denotation: the core sense of a word or a phrase that relates it to phenomena in the real world.Connotation: a term in a contrast with denotation, meaning the properties of the entitya word denotes.Sense: the literal meaning of a word or an expression, independent of situational context.Reference: the use of language to express a proposition, i.e. to talk about things in context.Synonymy: is the technical name for the sameness relation.Antonymy: is the name for oppositeness relation:hyponymy: a relation between two words, in which the meaning of one word (the superordinate) is included in the meaning of another word (the hyponym) semantic component: a distinguishable element of meaning in a word with two values,e.g. [+human].2. Some people maintain that there are no true synonyms. If two words mean really thesame, one of them will definitely die out. An example often quoted is the disuse of the word “wireless”, which has been replaced by “radio”. Do you agree? In general what type of meaning we are talking about when we say two words aresynonymous with each other?It is true that there are no absolute synonyms. When we say two words are synonymous with each other, we usually mean they have the same conceptual meaning.3. For each of the following pairs of words, state the principal reason why they maynot be considered to be synonyms:man boy toilet loo determined stubbornpavement sidewalk walk runThe words man and boy are principally distinguished be age, the words walk and run by speed. The principal distinction between the words toilet and loo is one of social register. Determined and stubborn are largely distinguished by attitude—a person reluctant to give up is described as determined by those who sympathize and as stubborn by those who do not. The difference between the words pavement and sidewalkis a matter of geography, the former being used in Britain and the latter in America.Chapter 7 Pragmantics1. defining the following terms:Performative:an utterance by which a speaker does something does something,as apposed toa constative, by which makes a statement which may be true or false. Constative:an utterance by which a speaker expresses a proposition which may be true or false.Locutuonary act: the act of saying something; it’s an act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon, and phonology. Namely, the utterance of asentence with determinate sense and reference.Illocutuonary act: the act performed in saying something; its force is identical with the speaker’s intention.Perlocutionary act: the act performed by or resulting from saying something, it’s the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance. Cooperative principle:in making conversation, there is, as Grice holds, a general principle which all participants are expected to observe. He calls this guidingprinciple the Cooperative Principle, CP for short.. It runs as follows:"make your conversational contribution such as is required, at thestage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of thetalk exchange in which you are engaged.”Conversational implicature: the extra meaning not contained in the literal utterances,understandable to the listener only when he shares the speaker’sknowledge or knows why and how he violates intentionally one ofthe four maxims of the Cooperative Principle (CP)2. Consider the following dialogue between a man and his daughter. Try to explain the illocutionary force in each of the utterances.[The daughter walks into the kitchen and takes so e popcorn.]Father: I thought you were practicing your violin.Daughter: I need to get the violin stand.Father: Is it under the popcorn?The illocutionary force of “I thought you were practicing your violin”is a criticism of the daughter for her not practicing the violin. That of the daughter’s answer is a defense for herself—I’m going to do that. And that of the father’s retort is a denial of the daughter’s excuse.3.If you ask somebody “Can you open the door?”he answered “Yes”but does not actuallydo it, what would be your reaction? Why? Try to see it in the light of speech act theory.I would be angry with him. “Can you open the door”is normally a request of the hearer to do it rather than a question about his ability. The fact that he answers “Yes” but does not actually do it shows that he declines my request.4. A is reading the newspaper. When B asks “What’s on television tonight?” he answers “Nothing.” What does A mean in normal situations? Think of two situations in which this interpretation of “Nothing” will be cancelled.Normally “Nothing” here means “Nothing interesting”. If A adds after “Nothing” “The workers are on strike today” or “There’s going to be a blackout tonight”, then the interpretation of “Nothing interesting’ will be cancelled.。



胡壮麟《语言学教程》(修订版)测试题——第五章:意义Chapter 5 Meaning1~5 ABDDB 6~10 CACDAI. Choose the best answer. (20%)1. The naming theory is advanced by ________.A. PlatoB. BloomfieldC. Geoffrey LeechD. Firth2. “We shall know a word by the company it keeps.” This statement represents _______.A. the conceptualist viewB. contexutalismC. the naming theoryD. behaviorism3. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form.B. Sense is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form.C. Sense is abstract and decontextualized.D. Sense is the aspect of meaning dictionary compilers are not interested in.4. “Can I borrow your bike?”_______ “You have a bike.”A. is synonymous withB. is inconsistent withC. entailsD. presupposes5. ___________ is a way in which the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components, called semantic features.A. Predication analysisB. Componential analysisC. Phonemic analysisD. Grammatical analysis6. “Alive” and “dead” are ______________.A. gradable antonymsB. relational antonymsC. complementary antonymsD. None of the above7. _________ deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.A. ReferenceB. ConceptC. SemanticsD. Sense8. ___________ refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form.A. PolysemyB. SynonymyC. HomonymyD. Hyponymy9. Words that are close in meaning are called ______________.A. homonymsB. polysemiesC. hyponymsD. synonyms10. The grammaticality of a sentence is governed by _______.A. grammatical rulesB. selectional restrictionsC. semantic rulesD. semantic featuresIV. Explain the following terms, using examples. (20%)31. Entailment: It is basically a semantic relation (or logical implication), and it can be clarified with the following sentences:a. Tom divorced Jane.b. Jane was Tom’s wife.In terms of truth value, the following relationships exist between these two sentences: when A is true, B must be also true; when B is false, A must also be false. When B is true, A may be true or false. Therefore we can say A entails B.32. Proposition: It is the result of the abstraction of sentences, which are descriptions of states of affairs and which some writers see as a basic element of sentence meaning. For example, the two sentences “Caesar invaded Gaul” and “Gaul was invaded by Caesar” hold the same proposition.33. Compositional analysis: It defines the meaning of a lexical element in terms of semantic components, or semantic features. For example, the meaning of the word boy may be analyzed into three components: HUMAN, YOUNG and MALE. Similarly girl may be analyzed into HUMAN, YOUNG and FEMALE.34. Reference:It is what a linguistic form refers to in the real world; it is a matter of the relationship between the form and the reality.V. Answer the following questions. (20%)35. What are the sense relations between the following groups of words?Dogs, cats, pets, parrots; trunk, branches, tree, roots (青岛海洋大学,1999)Hyponymy, metonymy or part-whole relationship36. What are the three kinds of antonymy? (武汉大学,2004)VI. Analyze the following situation. (20%)37. For each group of words given below, state what semantic property or properties are shared by the (a) words and the (b) words, and what semantic property or properties distinguish between the classes of (a) words and (b) words.(1) a. bachelor, man, son, paperboy, pope, chiefb. bull, rooster, drake, ram(2) a. table, stone, pencil, cup, house, ship, carb. milk, alcohol, rice, soup(3) a. book, temple, mountain, road, tractorb. idea, love, charity, sincerity, bravery, fear (青岛海洋大学,1999)answer: (1) The (a) words and (b) words are male.The (a) words are human, while the (b) words are non-human.(2) The (a) words and (b) words are inanimate.The (a) words are instrumental, while the (b) words are edible.(3) The (a) words and (b) words are worldly or conceptual.The (a) words are material, while the (b) words are spiritual.。



英语语言学第五单元课后答案1、You can borrow my book, _____ you promise to give it back to me by the end of this month. [单选题] *A.even ifB. as long as(正确答案)C. in caseD. even though2、The children are playing wildly and making a lot of?_______. [单选题] *A. cryB. voicesC. noises(正确答案)D. music3、The black coal there shows a sharp()white snow. [单选题] *A. contract withB. content withC. contact toD. contrast to(正确答案)4、They returned successfully from ______ moon to _____ earth. [单选题] *A. /; /B. /; theC. the; the(正确答案)D. the; /5、You must pay more attention to your pronunciation. [单选题] *A. 词汇B. 拼写C. 发音(正确答案)D. 语法6、( ) Do you have any difficulty _____ these flowers?I’d like to help you if you need.[单选题] *A in planting(正确答案)B for plantingC with plantingD to plant7、Although the story is written for children, it can be read by adult, _____. [单选题] *A. alsoB. eitherC. as wellD. too(正确答案)8、Don’t swim in the river. It’s too _______. [单选题] *A. interestingB. easyC. difficultD. dangerous(正确答案)9、—These shoes look cool. ______ are they?—They are on sale, only $()[单选题] *A. How much(正确答案)B. How longC. How manyD. How soon10、Sometimes only()10 out of 500 or more candidates succeed in passing all the tests. [单选题] *A. as many asB. as few as(正确答案)C. as much asD. as little as11、I got caught in the rain and my suit____. [单选题] *A. has ruinedB. had ruinedC. has been ruined(正确答案)D. had been ruined12、77.–Hey! Any idea about learning abroad? --You ()google the College Board to learn the names of college you ____ be interested in [单选题] *A. may;needB. can; might (正确答案)C. will; shouldD. shall; must13、His mother’s _______ was a great blow to him. [单选题] *A. diedB. deadC. death(正确答案)D. die14、I had _______ egg and some milk for breakfast this morning. [单选题] *A. aB. an(正确答案)C. theD. /15、You can buy some pieces of bread from "_______". [单选题] *A. Bakery(正确答案)B. Travel AgencyC. LaundryD. Ticket Office16、He has two sisters but I have not _____. [单选题] *A. noneB. someC. onesD. any(正确答案)17、Her ()for writing was that she wished women to get the right to higher education. [单选题] *A. motivation(正确答案)B. motivateC. effectD. concentration18、My brother is _______ actor. He works very hard. [单选题] *A. aB. an(正确答案)C. theD. one19、The boy lost his()and fell down on the ground when he was running after his brother. [单选题] *A. balance(正确答案)B. chanceC. placeD. memory20、There is something wrong with my teeth. I’ve had?a _______. [单选题] *A. toothache(正确答案)B. headacheC. stomachacheD. heartache21、Mr. Bliss became the first person to die in a car accident. [单选题] *A. 事故(正确答案)B. 竞赛C. 检阅D. 交易22、-We’ve spent too much money recently–well,it isn’t surprising. Our friend and relatives_______around all the time [单选题] *ingB. had comeC. were comingD have been coming(正确答案)23、26.There’s some fruit in the kitchen. We ________ buy any. [单选题] *A.need toB.needn’t toC.don’t needD.don’t need to(正确答案)24、( ). The old man enjoys ______ stamps. And now he has1300 of them [单选题] *A. collectB. collectedC. collecting(正确答案)D. to collect25、Both Mary and Linda don't care for fish. [单选题] *A. 喜欢(正确答案)B. 关心C. 照料D. 在乎26、_____ to wait for hours,she brought along a book to read. [单选题] *A. ExpectedB. Expecting(正确答案)C. ExpectsD. To expect27、Then the speaker _____the various factors leading to the economic crisis. [单选题] *A.went onB.went afterC.went into(正确答案)D.went for28、The book is very _______. I’ve read it twice. [单选题] *A. interestB. interestedC. interesting(正确答案)D. interests29、—______ pencils are these?—They are Tony’s.()[单选题] *A. WhatB. WhereC WhoD. Whose(正确答案)30、2.The villagers want to have a bridge. Can this dream ________? [单选题] * A.come outB.get awayC.come true(正确答案) D.get out。



英语语言学测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "phoneme" refers to:A. A single soundB. A unit of soundC. A letter of the alphabetD. A combination of sounds答案:B2. The study of language change over time is known as:A. PhoneticsB. PhonologyC. Historical LinguisticsD. Syntax答案:C3. Which of the following is a branch of linguistics that deals with the meaning of words?A. SemanticsB. PragmaticsC. MorphologyD. Syntax答案:A4. The smallest unit of meaning in a language is called:A. A wordB. A morphemeC. A syllableD. A phoneme答案:B5. The process of forming words by combining smaller units is known as:A. SyntaxB. MorphologyC. SemanticsD. Phonology答案:B6. The study of the rules governing the structure of sentences is called:A. SyntaxB. SemanticsC. PragmaticsD. Morphology答案:A7. The branch of linguistics that deals with the social context in which language is used is:A. SociolinguisticsB. PsycholinguisticsC. NeurolinguisticsD. Computational Linguistics答案:A8. The study of how language is processed in the brain is known as:A. PsycholinguisticsB. NeurolinguisticsC. SociolinguisticsD. Computational Linguistics答案:B9. The process of acquiring a first language is called:A. Second language acquisitionB. Foreign language learningC. Language learningD. First language acquisition答案:D10. The concept that language is arbitrary means that:A. It is randomB. It is meaninglessC. There is no necessary connection between the form of a word and its meaningD. It is always logical答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The study of speech sounds is called ____________.答案:Phonetics2. The branch of linguistics that examines how language is used in social contexts is ____________.答案:Sociolinguistics3. The smallest meaningful unit of language is known as the ____________.答案:Morpheme4. The process of combining morphemes to form words is known as ____________.答案:Morphology5. The study of the way language is structured and organized is called ____________.答案:Linguistics6. The branch of linguistics that deals with the rules governing the formation of words is ____________.答案:Morphology7. The study of the way meaning is conveyed in language is known as ____________.答案:Semantics8. The branch of linguistics that deals with the rules governing the formation of sentences is ____________.答案:Syntax9. The study of the way language is used in everyday life is called ____________.答案:Pragmatics10. The study of the way language is processed in the brain is known as ____________.答案:Neurolinguistics三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. Explain the difference between phonetics and phonology.答案:Phonetics is the study of speech sounds and theirproduction, while phonology is the study of the sound system of a language, including the rules governing the use of these sounds.2. What is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?答案:The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis suggests that the language a person speaks influences the way they perceive the world and think.3. Describe the role of sociolinguistics in understanding language.答案:Sociolinguistics helps us understand how language varies with different social contexts, such as class, gender, ethnicity, and age, and how these variations influence language use.4. How does first language acquisition differ from second language acquisition?答案:First language acquisition is the process of learning a native language during early childhood, while second language acquisition is the process of learning a new language after the age of language development. The process of second language acquisition is influenced by the learner's first language and cognitive abilities.。



上外英语辅修语言学第三章测试题Class:___________ Name: ____________ Score: _____________I. There are four choices following each statement. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement: (30%)1. The morpheme “vision” in the common word “television” is a(n) ______.A. bound morphemeB. bound formC. inflectional morphemeD. free morpheme2. The compound word “looking-glass” means “opposite to what is normal”. This indicates that the meaning of a compound __________.A. is the sum total of the meaning of its componentsB. can always be worked out by looking at the meanings of morphemesC. is the same as the meaning of a free phrase.D. None of the above.3. Words like pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, articles are __________items.A. open-classB. closed-classC. neither open-class nor closed-classD. both open-class and closed-class4. Bound morphemes do not include ___________.A. rootsB. prefixesC. suffixesD. words5.Which of the following words are formed by blending?A. girlfriendB. televisionC. smogD. bunch6. “-s” in the word “books” is_______.A. a derivative affixB. a stemC. an inflectional affixD. a root7. A suffix is an affix which appears ___________.A. after the rootB. before the rootC. in the middle of the rootD. below the root8. ____ modify the meaning of the stem, but usually do not change the part of speech of the original word.A. PrefixesB. SuffixesC. RootsD. Affixes9. The meaning carried by the inflectional morpheme is _______.A. lexicalB. morphemicC. grammaticalD. semantic10.The word UN is formed in the way of ____________.A. acronymB. abbreviationC. compoundingD. blendingII. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False: (12%)1. Nouns, verbs and adjectives are open-class items. ( )2. Roots and affixes can be free morphemes. ( )3. Allomorphs can be defined as the variant forms of a morpheme. ( )4. The four words “go, goes, going, gone” are related to one another by process of derivation.( )III. Divide the following words into their separate morphemes by placing “+” between each morpheme and the next: (18%)1) magician2) psychoanalysis3) fellowship4) telecommunication5) foreground6) predigestion7) befriendment8) goalkeeper9) submarineIV. Define the following terms and give one or two examples for each: (24%)1)morpheme2)bound morpheme3)compounding4)open-class wordsV. Answer the following question: (16%)1. What are the four main features of the English compounds?KeyI. 1-5 DDBDC 6-10 CAACAII. 1-4 TFTFIII. 1) magic+ian2) psycho+analysis3) fellow+ship4) tele+communicat(e)+ion5) fore+ground6) pre+digest+ion7) be+friend+ment8) goal+keep+er9) sub+marineIV. 1. morphemethe smallest meaningful unit of language that carries information about lexical or grammatical meaningeg. exercise-scare-less2. bound morphemea morpheme that must be attached to at least one other morpheme; cannot occur aloneeg. unimportant; valuable/doc/fa1203718.html,poundingthe combination of two or sometimes more than two words to create new wordseg. cutthroat takeover brainwash4. open-class wordsa class of words whose membership is in principle infinite or unlimitedeg. nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbsV. 1. What are the main features of the English compounds?Orthographically a compound can be written as one word, two separate words with or without a hyphen in between. Syntactically, the part of speech of a compound is determined by the last element. Semantically, the meaning of a compound is idiomatic, not calculable from the meanings of all its components. Phonetically, the word stress of a compound usually falls on the first element.。




Exercise 51. We had great hopes of his success only ______ later.A.to disappointB. disappointingC. to be disappointedD. being disappointed2. ______ in the election, he went back to his native town, ______ with hard work.A. To be defeated…being worn outB. Being defeated…to be worn outC. Defeated…worn outD. Defeating…w earing out3. He turned his energies to ______ a better way of curing the disease.A. find outB. search forC. findD. looking for4. She felt like ______, but she managed ______ back her tears before others.A. crying…to keepB. crying…keepingC. to cry…to keepD. to cry…keeping5. It was most thoughtful ______ me the reference book I needed for my research.A. your sendingB. for you to sendC. of you to sendD. that you send6. I have told you all I know but you look as if you ______ by my words.A. were hurtB. should be hurtC. had been hurtD. are hurt7. The tower has been rebuilt so that it looks as it ______ during the 12thcentury.A. couldB. used to beC. wasD. did8. Only ______ he would succeed in the end.A. Jane believeB. Jane believedC. believed JaneD. did Jane believe9. You can’t have him go to the party with you. He h as ______ things to do.A. good manyB. a lotC. manyD. a good many10. He is the man ______ he used to be.B. whoC. whomD. which11. You didn’t let me drive. If we ______ in turn, you ______ so tired.A. drove…didn’t getB. drove…wouldn’t getC. were driving…didn’t getD. had driven…couldn’t have got12. Not a singly reply ______ from my cousin who lives abroad.A. I receiveB. received IC. have I receivedD. I have received13. ______ many times, but he still couldn’t understan d it.A. Having been toldB. Though he had been toldC. He had been toldD. Having told14. It is the ability to do the job ______ matters not where you come from or what you are.A. oneB. thatC. whatD. it15. ______ in London, Marx spent most of his time in the library.A. AsB. WhenD. During16. If we can ______ our present difficulties, everything will be all right.A. get ridB. get awayC. get pastD. get over17. ______ to go to the show because we had a lot of work to do.A. All of us didn’t wantB. No one of us wantedC. None of us wantedD. We all didn’t want18. In order to improve English, ______.A. Jenny’s father bought her a lot of tapes.B. Jenny bought a lot of tapes for herself.C. a lot of tapes were bought by Jenny.D. a lot of tapes were bought by Jenny’s father19. ----How do you like the work here?----I’m used to ______.A. doingB. be hereC. itD. being done20. We must raise more funds for our research, ______?A. shall weB. don’t weC. must weD. needn’t we21. The policeman soon picked out the person ______ be thought might be the thief.A. whichB. whoC. whomD. that22. ----Are you coming to Jeff’s party?----I’m not sure. I ______ go to the concert instead.A. mustB. wouldC. shouldD. might23. This is an excellent exhibition, I like it better ______ I have seen.A. than anyB. than any otherC. than thatD. than all24. If you ______ that late movie last night, you wouldn’t be sleepy.A. haven’t watchedB. didn’t watchC. hadn’t watchedD. wouldn’t have watched25. I think parents should provide their children ______ decent food and clothing.A. byB. forC. toD. with26. The team looked good because the coach had them ______ every day.A. practiceB. to practiceC. practicedD. being practiced.27. ______ the best of my knowledge, the speech contest was sponsored by several schools.A. ByB. ToC. InD. With28. Without a computer he ______ 10 years experimenting to learn the same thing he has learned so far.A. ought to spendB. must have spentC. would spendD. might have spent29. The fact is that ______ great contributions, he remains very modest.A. though hisB. he madeC. for all hisD. however his30. What time do you expect the meeting we are going to attend to ______?A. break inB. break outC. break offD. break up31. The fish you bought in the market are ______ small.A. fairlyB. rather tooC. quite tooD. pretty too32. ----Who did you spend last weekend with?----______ .A. Palmer’sB. The Palmers’C. The PalmersD. The Palmer’s33. ----Waiter!----______----I can’t eat this. It’s too salty.A. Yes, sir?B. What?C. All right?D. Pardon?34. ----Will you stay for lunch?----Sorry ______. My brother is coming to see me.A. I mustn’tB. I can’tC. I needn’tD. I won’t35. John ______ himself, even though he was a little boy.A. should behaveB. didn’t behaveC. might behaveD. should have behaved36. I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some______.A. at lastB. in caseC. once againD. in time37. ______ a pity you missed the lecture given by the famous professor from California University.A. That’sB. It’sC. There’sD. What’s38. ----Isn’t the conclusion they came to very important?----______.A. No, it isB. Yes, it isn’tC. There’sD. What’s39. Have you asked her the reason ______ may explain her absence?A. thatB. whyC. becauseD. for which40. ----You ought to have come to see Steve win the match.----Yes, I know I ______.A. ought toB. oughtC. should haveD. both A and C41. ______ it rains or snows, I will go tonight.A. WhatB. WhateverC. WhetherD. If42. I was looking for the key ______ I thought I might have put it.A. whichB. thatC. wheneverD. wherever43. Have you noticed that there ______ showers every day so far this week?A. areB. will beC. have beenD. would be44. We appreciate ______ the full the teacher’s help.A. toB. atC. inD. on45. He will be more than glad to help you. Here “more than “means ______.A. overB. muchC. not onlyD. very46. The distance ______ light travels in one second is 300,000 kilometres.A. thatB. at whichC. by whichD. in which47. People can ______ the law if they want to correct an injustice.A. turn downB. turn offC. turn toD. turn up48. ----Will you be able to finish the work today?----______.A. I don’t know soB. I can’t answer soC. I’m not sure soD. I don’t expect so49. He would not be defeated in the next match so long as he ______ practicing.A. keptB. would keepC. had keptD. was keeping50. He is still weak ______ his illness.A. forB. withC. fromD. of51. The project of increasing the size of the harbor is ______ this year.A. to carry outB. to be carried outC. carrying outD. carried out52. “Li Ming is no cleverer than Zhang Hua.” This sentence means ______.A. Li Ming is as clever as Zhang HuaB. Li Ming is more clever than Zhang HuaC. Li Ming is not clever than Zhang Hua D Li Ming is as stupid as Zhang Hua53. Is there any reasonable doubt ______ he will win the prize in the contest?A. thatB. whetherC. whichD. if54. If you want to change for a double room you’ll have to pay ______ $15.A. anotherB. otherC. moreD. each55. Sorry, I can’t ______ you ______ my assistant.A. receive … asB. accept … a sC. take on … likeD. get … like56. There is a bridge ______ the river.A. overB. throughC. crossD. above57. The road ______ trees leads to the museum.A. lined withB. lining withC. to line withD. which lines with58. Water is ______ the growth of crops.A. must toB. important ofC. necessary atD. essential to59. The greenhouses on the farm each ______ a glass roof.A. hasB. is equipped withC. haveD. are equipped60. ______ you require of your son should be to his benefit.A. ThatB. HowC. HoweverD. Whichever61. ______ I suggest, he always disagrees.A. WhatB. HowC. WhateverD. However62. Some people tend to speed while driving, ______ the danger to themselves and others.A. withoutB. howeverC. no matter howD. regardless of63. Jason ______ that job when it was offered, therefore he missed a golden opportunity.A. shall takeB. should takeC. shall have takenD. should have taken64. ______ the big crowd watching the procession, we avoided the main streets.A. Owing toB. BecauseC. Due toD. As65. Darkness ______, Helen kept wandering through the stores, hoping to get ideas for a birthday present.A. set inB. setting inC. was setting inD. had set in66. They searched ______ the books on the shelf to find a book by Dickens.A. forB. throughC. overD. across67. It is desirable that automation equipment ______ turning as much of the time as possible.A. keepsB. could be keptC. be keptD. must keep68. George did not do well in the class because______.A. he studied badB. he was not good studyingC. he was a badly studentD. he failed to study properly69. You have improved your spoken English greatly ______ this year.A. inB. by farC. so longD. so far70. The long run Bill took left him ______ breath.A. out ofB. was out ofC. withoutD. short71. I saw him in the club ______ yesterday.A. sometimeB. sometimesC. some timeD. some times72. The line was busy. Someone______the phone.A. usedB. should have usedC. must useD. must have been using73. Have you travelled by sea ______?A. lastB. laterC. lateD. lately74. Nancy _______ a rich merchant since she graduated from college.A. has marriedB. was married withC. marriedD. has been married to75. She looked quite young _______ her age.A. atB. ofC. byD. for76. She can’t stand _______ when she goes to see the dentist.A. to waitB. keeping waitingC. to keep waitingD. being kept waiting77. _______ the girls in town, Betty is the friendliest.A. From allB. All amongC. Of allD. All of78. I came across Margaret on my way to work this morning,I t was the first time I _______ her in months.A. seeB. sawC. have seenD. had seen79. They had to sell their house _______ they could pay offtheir father’s gambling debts.A. becauseB. thatC. unlessD. so80. Do you know the number of the boxers that _______ in the past ten years?A. have been injuredB. bas been injuredC. has injuredD. have injured81. A number of problems _______ to be solved though we have had the meeting.A. remainB. remainedC. leftD. leave82. _______ their stay in China, the foreigners visited many places.A. InB. DuringC. OnD. By83. He is looking forward _______ a chance to travel a lot in foreign countries.A. havingB. to haveC. to havingD. have84. _______ programs are beginning this morning.A. Several Chinese radio very goodB. Several very good Chinese radioC. Several very good radio ChineseD. Several very Chinese good radio85. By next summer we _______ in the same department at this college for three years.A. will studyB. have studiedC. will be studyingD. will have been studying86. The singer and dancer _______ a concert in the coming week.A. is going to giveB. are going to holdC. are givingD. are to give87. ----Brown used to live with his cousin when he was at college.----Oh, _______ he?A. didn’tB. useC. didD. usedn’t88. His language is not fit _______ because it is too full of swear words.A. to be repeatedB. repeatingC. repeatedD. being repeated89. To me his new book does not _______ so good as his earlierbook on this subject.A. appearB. lookC. appear to beD. both A and C90. They reduced the man who made a slip of the tongue _______ by laughing at him.A. to silenceB. to be silentC. being silentD. to being silent91. Henry, one of the guests, _______ after the party when everyone had left.A. turned inB. turned upC. turned outD. turned off92. The driver applied the brakes, and the bus _______ sharply at the traffic lights.A. pulled upB. pulled inC. pulled downD. pulled on93. I said _______ as that in my speech last night.A. no such a thingB. not such thingC. not a thingD. no such thing94. He has always liked _______ machinery since he left school.A. to work onB. working outC. working withD. worked at95. My elder brother is older than I _______ two years.A. forB. byC. ofD. in96. Her aunt has left Beijing and does not live there. _______ my aunt.A. Neither doesB. So it is withC. So doesD. So has97. What was it _______ he hunted for?A. whichB. whatC. whereD. that98. The supermarket is ten miles _______ my home.A. for awayB. far fromC. far away fromD. away from99. The washing machine is out of order. Can you _______ it _______?A. get … goB. have … goneC. have … to goD. get … going100. The skirt made of pure silk _______ well.A. is n’t washedB. doesn’t washC. can’t be washedD. mustn’t be washedKeys:1-5CCDAC 6-10DDBDA 11-15DCCBC 16-20DCBCD 21-25BDBCD26-30ABDCD 31-35BCABD 36-40BBCAC 41-45CDCAD 46-50ACDAC51-55BDAAB 56-60AADCD 61-65CDDAB 66-70BCDDA 71-75ADDDD76-80DCDBA 81-85ABCBD 86-90ACADA 91-95BADCB 96-100BDDDB。



上海外国语大学英语语言文学语言学全真模拟题I.Define each of the following concepts and theories: (36 points)1.IPA2.Duality3.Vowel glideplementary distribution5.Illustrate root and stem6.Illustrate the NUMBER issue with both English and Chinese lexical items.putational linguisticsurence Horn’s Q-and R-principles.9.List at least four components of a communicative syllabus.II.Fill in the blanks with the words that are most appropriate in the given context.(16 points)1.In Austin’s How to Do Things with word, he first distingu ishes ________ and______. Later on Austin made a fresh start to distinguish ______, _______ and ________.2._______ is a branch of linguistics which is the study of psychological aspectsof language. As an ______ academic field, it investigates the following major subjects:________, _______ and _______.3.Words can be classified as _______ and ______words; _____ words and______words, ______-class words and _____-class words.III.Answer the following questions. (24 points)1.Describe with tree diagrams the transformations involved in forming thequestion “Does John like the book?”2.State and interpret the sense relations with examples.IV.Answer the following questions and try to elaborate the points indicated in questions with the knowledge you have acquired. (24 points)Explain the differences between the Chinese and English cultures by illustrating one aspect of life, which is rich in Chinese but limited in English, and vice versa.Ⅴ. Discuss the following question with examples (50 points)1. What are the methods for the addition of new words in the English language?2. When a teacher says “it’s hot in here” during a class, what does she probablymean? Refer to the theory of pragmatics when you analyze the situation.ReferencesⅠDefine each of the following concepts and theories: (36 points)1. IPA refers to the acronym of the International Phonetic Association (1897) whose first title was Phonetic Teachers Association established by a small group of language teachers in France in order to popularize their teaching practice or methods.(2分) It also stands for the International Phonetic Alphabet (the IPA chart) first proposed by the Danish grammarian and phonetician Otto Jesperson in1886, whose first version was published in 1888.(2分)(本题主要考查语音学中国际音标的起源)2.Duality: the structural organization of language into two abstract levels: meaningful units (e.g. words) and meaningless segments (e.g. sounds, letters).(3分) It is one of human language’s design features. (1分)(本题考查人类语言设计特征的二重性)3.Vowel glide: vowel that involve a change of quality,(2分) including diphthones, when a single movement of the tongue is made, and triphthones, where a double movement is perceived. (2分)(本题主要考查滑元音,包括双元音滑元音和三元音滑元音)4. Complementary distribution: when two sounds never occur to the same environment, they are in complementary distribution.(3分) For example, the aspirated English plosives never occur after [s], and unaspirated ones never occur initially. (1分)(本题考查音位学的互补分布特征的本质)5.Root refers to the base form of a word that cannot be further analyzed without loss of identity. For example, it is that part of the word which is left when all the affixes are removed.(1分) In the word internationalism, after the removal of inter-, -al, -ism, the part left is the root nation. Apparently, all words contain a root morpheme. And roots can be further classified into free root morpheme and bound root morpheme. (1分)Stem is any morpheme or combinations of morphemes to which an inflectional affix can be added.(1分) For instance, friend- in friends, and friendship in friendships are both stems. The former shows that a stem may be the same as a root, whereas the latter shows that a stem may contains a root and one, or more than one,derivational affix. In another word, friendship is a stem, but not a root.(1分) (本题考查词根和词干的定义及其异同)6. In English the NUMBER lexical items are regular and popular suffix which can be added to the verbs and nouns that distinguish the singular number (one or one group or part), plural form (more than one). In English nouns, we have book/books, pen/pens, hero/heroes, each of the former indicating the singular form (with no suffix or zero suffix), while the latter refers to the plural form, with the suffix (e)s. There are irregular forms in English pronouns, such a I/we, me/us, my/us,so on, indicating the distinction between the singular form and plural form. English verb has present tense the third person singular, for instance,Mary works, Mary teaches French. English verbs also has the irregular, for instance, have/has, am/is/are, which are not large in amount but fixed in usage.(2分)In Contrast, Chinese has few lexical items to indicate the grammatical category NUMBER, such as students (学生们),children(孩子们),workers (工人们), indicating human beings’ plural forms, or prof essions. This seldom occurs to the nouns referring to non-human things, such as 桌子们,椅子们with the exception that they are used in scientific fiction or children’s fairies. Chinese has singular and plural distinction in pronouns for example, 我/我们, 他/他们,你/你们.In Chinese, we have a few expressions DUAL in terms of units, such as 一双,一副,一对,一套. In contrast, English has only “a pair of”, “a couple” .There is no distinction in the number of Chinese verbs.(2分)(本题考查句法学中的汉语和英语在语法范畴“数”的异同及其各自的特点)7. Horn’s Q-principle: The Q-principle (Hearer-based):MAKE YOUR CONTRIBUTION (cf. Quantity1)SAY AS MUCH AS YOU CAN ( given R) (2分)R-principle: The R-principle (Speaker-based):MAKE YOUR CONTRIBUTION NECESSARY (cf. Relation, Quantity2 Manner)SAY NO MORE THAN YOU MUST (given Q) (2分)(本题主要考查语用学理论的新发展——后格赖斯时期理论)8. Computational linguistics is a branch of applied linguistics, dealing with computer processing of human language. (2分) It includes programmed instruction, speech synthesis and recognition, automatic translation, and computer mediated communication. (2分)(本题考查应用语言学中计算语言学的定义)municative syllabus aims at the learners’ communicative competence. (1分) This syllabus was summarized by Yalden (1983) with ten components as follows: (1分)(1). as detailed a consideration as possible of the purposes for which the learnerswish to acquire the target language.(2). some idea of the setting in which they will want to use the target language(physical aspects need to be considered, as well as social setting); (1分)(3). the socially defined role the learners will assume in the target language, aswell as the roles of their interlocuters.(4).the communicative events in which the learners will participate: everydaysituations, vocational or professional situations, academic situations, and soon. (1分)(5). the language functions involved in these events, or what the learner willneed to be able to do with or through the language;(6). the notions involved, or that the learner will need to be able to talk about;(7). the skills involved in the “knitting together” of discourse: discourse andrhetorical skills.(8). the variety or varieties of the target language that will be needed, and thelevels in the spoken and written language which the learners will need toreach;(9). the grammatical content that will be needed;(10). the lexical content that will be needed.(本题考查应用语言学中语言教学中交际教学大纲的特征,选择4种就得满分4分)Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the words that are most appropriate in the given context.(16 points)1.performatives, constatives, locutionary act, illocutionary act, perlocutionary act. (5分)(本题考查语用学中言语行为理论的起源及奥斯汀对自己的理论的提出及其阐述)2.psycholinguistics, interdisciplinary, acquisition, production, production (5分)(本题考查应用语言学中心理语言学的定义及其特征)3.variable, invariable, grammatical (functional/structural),lexical(content/notional), open, closed (6分)(本题考查从不同角度出发对词类进行的不同分类,属于词汇学或形态学范畴)ⅢAnswer the following questions and try to elaborate the points indicated in questions with the knowledge you have acquired. (24 points)1.Describe with tree diagrams the transformations involved in forming thequestion “Does John like the book?”1. The first diagram is shows the D-structure and the second the S-structure.CPC SNP VPV NPDet. NJohn does like the book?”(12分)(本题考查树型图在转换生成语法理论的地位及其对句子结构和句子成分之间的关系)2 State and interpret the sense relations with examples.There are three sense relations: sameness relation, oppositeness relation and inclusiveness relation. (4分)Synonymy is the technical name for the sameness relation. English is rich in synonyms. e.g. buy/purchase; world/universe; wide/broad, autumn/fall. (1分) In Chinese, “父亲”和“爸爸”,“打死”,“搞死”,“整死”,“弄死”,“掐死”,“玩死”and so on, total synonymy is rare. (1分)Antonymy is the name for oppositeness relation whose three main sub-types are gradable antonymy (old/young; long/short);complementary antonymy (alive/dead, pass/fail, odd/even) and converse antonymy (husband/wife, parent/child, over/under ) (4分)The notion of inclusiveness can be seen in the following example. The meaning of desk is included in that of furniture. Hyponymy is a matter of class membership.The upper term in this sense relation, the class name, is called SUPERORDINANT, and the lower terms, the members, hyponyms. Another classical example is, flower/ poeny, tulip, violet, carnation. (2分)(本题考查词汇学或语义学知识,从同义关系,反义关系和上下义关系三个角度解释了主要意义关系,这里主要解释了词或词组之间的关系;而句子之间的关系也是一种意义关系,只是更加复杂,例如,同义反复关系,e.g. War is war.; 前提关系,矛盾关系,衍推关系等等,更复杂)ⅣAnswer the following questions and try to elaborate the points indicated in questions with the knowledge you have acquired. (24 points)Explain the differences between the Chinese and English cultures by illustrating one aspect of life, which is rich in Chinese but limited in English, and vice versa.Different culture feature—be they environmental, material, or social—produce different linguistic features. (4分) 1) One aspect of life which is rich in Chinese but limited in English is the kinship terms. The kinship field is generally built around the lexical differentiation of three fundamental human family relations:filiations, consanguinity and spouseship. In English different words are used primarily to distinguish the set of kin relations, e.g. “brother” and “sister”, “aunt” and “uncle”, etc., but in Chinese distinction is also made lexically between members of kin who are older or younger than the speaker, or his/her parents, who are on the maternal side or on the paternal side, and who are in-laws or not. Thus, for the English “aunt,” we have in Chinese “gu”(father’s sister), “shen”(wife of father’s younger brother), “bomu”(wife of father’s elder brother), “yimu”(mother’s siter) and “jiuma”(wife of mothers’ brother).(8分)2) One aspect of life which is rich in English but limited in Chinese is the horse words. (4分) The fact that English boasts a large number of horse words is a ready explanation in the important part horse plays in the life of the English people. Besides the most common word “horse”, there are “gee” (a term for horse used by children), “horseflesh”(ho rse considered as a group, especially for driving, riding, or racing),“steed” (a spirited horse), “mare”(a young female horse), “foal” (the young offspring of a horse), “colt”(a young male horse), “filly”(a young female horse), “pony” (horse small in size when full grown), “thoroughbred” (a purebred or pedigree horse), and “bay” (a reddish brown horse). (8分)(本题主要考查中英文化差异,文化学习是外语学习的一个重要课题)Ⅴ1What are the methods for the addition of new words in the English language?New words are created through the following processes:a. Invention. It is a word-formation process related to the developingeconomic activities. New lexical items come directly from the consumer items, their producers or their brand names, such as “Coke”, “nylon”, “Kodak” and so on.b. Blending: It is a relatively complex form of compounding, in which twowords are blended by joining the initial part of the first word and the final part of the second word, or by joining the initial parts of the two words; such as smog (smoke + fog), digicom (digital + computer).c. Abbreviation: The process of abbreviation refers to that a new word couldbe created by cutting the final part, or cutting the initial part, or cutting both the initial and final parts accordingly.Such as ad, (advertisement), van (caravan) , flu (influenza).d. Acronym. It is made up from the first letters of the name of anorganization, which has a heavily modified headword, such as WTO, UNESCO.e. Backformation. It refers to an abnormal type of word-formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an imagined affix from a longer form already in the language. For example, “edit” is a word generated from “editor.”f. Analogical creation. Roughly speaking, this process is one whereby wordsare created in imitation of other words. For example, the appearance of the word “talkathon” is created on the model of “marathon.”g. Borrowing. It refers to the fact that Eng1ish has borrowed words fromother language. For example, the word “cancer” and “tumor” were borrowed from Latin.h. Derivation. New words can be created by the addition of derivational affixes, such as “national”, which is originated from the word “nation”.i. Compound. It refers to the creation of new words by joining two separate words, such as “ice-cream” and “sunrise”.(这里主要考查社会语言学的基本知识。



英语语言学第五章练习题英语语言学第五章通常涉及语音学和音系学的内容,以下是一些练习题供学生练习:练习题一:音标识别1. 请识别下列单词的音标,并写出它们的国际音标(IPA)符号。

- cat- dog- book- car练习题二:音素对比2. 比较下列单词中的元音音素,并指出它们在发音上的不同。

- sheep / ship- meet / meat练习题三:音节划分3. 将下列单词划分音节,并标注每个音节的重音。

- beautiful- international练习题四:同化和异化现象4. 给出英语中同化和异化现象的例子,并解释它们是如何发生的。

- 同化(Assimilation):- 异化(Dissimilation):练习题五:连读和失爆5. 描述英语中的连读(Liaison)和失爆(Epenthesis)现象,并给出例子。

- 连读:- 失爆:练习题六:音位变体6. 解释什么是音位变体,并给出英语中的音位变体例子。

- 音位变体(Allophone):练习题七:最小对立组7. 列出英语中的最小对立组,并说明它们是如何区分意义的。

- 例如:/ p / 和 / b / 在 "pat" 和 "bat" 中的区别。

练习题八:音系规则8. 描述音系规则的概念,并给出一个英语中的音系规则例子。

练习题九:音位和音素9. 解释音位(Phoneme)和音素(Phone)的区别,并给出例子。

练习题十:语音变化10. 讨论英语中的几种语音变化现象,如元音的缩短和延长,并给出例子。






以下是一些可能的练习题:1. 音素识别:- 列出英语中的元音音素和辅音音素。

- 区分英语中的短元音和长元音。

2. 音节结构:- 解释什么是音节,并给出三个英语单词的例子,每个单词包含一个音节、两个音节和三个音节。

3. 重音:- 描述英语中的重音模式,并给出两个单音节词和两个多音节词的例子,指出每个词的重音位置。

4. 音素对立:- 给出英语中至少三对最小对立词(minimal pairs),并解释它们之间的音素差异。

5. 音位规则:- 描述英语中的一个音位规则,并给出例子说明这个规则如何影响单词的发音。

6. 连音和同化:- 解释连音和同化现象,并给出英语中的例子。

7. 音位分布:- 描述英语中某些音素倾向于出现在特定位置的模式,例如,某些辅音不出现在词首或词尾。

8. 音位变体:- 讨论英语中音位的自由变体和条件变体,并给出例子。

9. 音位转录:- 给出一个英语句子,并使用国际音标(IPA)转录其发音。

10. 语音合成:- 描述语音合成的过程,并讨论其在语言学研究中的应用。

11. 语音识别:- 解释语音识别技术如何工作,并讨论其在现代技术中的应用。

12. 方言和口音:- 讨论英语方言和口音的多样性,并比较两种不同的英语口音。

13. 语音学与社会语言学:- 探讨语音特征如何与社会身份和群体认同相关联。

14. 语音学实验:- 设计一个简单的实验来研究英语中的一个语音现象,例如元音的长短差异。

15. 语音学软件应用:- 列出一些可以用来分析语音的软件工具,并简要描述它们的功能。




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祝大家学习快乐!考试顺利!Examination Items考试题型上海外国语大学继续教育学院2014年第1学期英语本科五年级和专升本科三年级“语言学”期末试卷考试时间:60分钟班级____________ 学号____________ 姓名____________I. Fill in the blanks with suitable terms. (30%)II. Judge if the following statements are true or false. (30%)III. Choose any two of the following questions to answer. (40%)Questions for Reference参考问答题1. In what basic ways does modern linguistics differ from traditional grammar? (P6)2. Please differentiate the following pairs of terms.voicing and voiceless (P16)vowels and consonants (P18) aspirated and unaspirated (P18)phones and phonemes (P23)3. Give a brief account of the kinds of morphemes in English language with examples. (P33-36)4. Why is English rich in synonyms? And how can we classify them? (P66-68)Exercises and Key 课堂练习及其答案Practice 1 Introduction1.Linguistics is the scientific study of __________.2.__________ linguistics studies language change over various periods of time andat various historical stages while __________ linguistics studies language at one particular point of time.3.The __________ study of language studies the historical development of languageover a period of time, and it is a historical study.4.__________ and __________ are the two major media of linguisticcommunication.5.The distinction between __________ and parole was made by the Swiss linguist F.de Saussure in the early 20th century while the distinction between competence and _________ was proposed by the American linguist N. Chomsky in the late 1950s.6.Chomsky uses the term __________ to refer to the actual realization of a languageuser’s knowledge of the rules of his language in linguistic communication.7.Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar in several different ways.Firstly, linguistics is __________ while traditional grammar is __________;Secondly, modern linguistics regards the spoken language as __________, not the written; Thirdly, modern linguistics differ from traditional grammar also in that it does not force languages into a _________-based framework.8.As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actuallyuse, and not to lay down rules for “correct” linguistic behavior, it is said to be __________.9.The defining properties of human language are: creativity, __________,__________, __________, __________.10.The fact that different languages have different words for the same object is goodproof that human language is __________.11.Generally speaking, three main functions are often recognized of language: thedescriptive functions, the expressive function, and the __________ function. 12.According to the British linguist Halliday’s simpler system of language functions,the ideational function is to organize the speaker or writer’s experience of the real or imaginary world, and the __________ function is to indicate, establish, or maintain social relationship between people while the __________ function is to organize written or spoken texts in such a manner that they are coherent within themselves and fit the particular situation in which they are used.Practice 2 Introduction1.Modern linguistics regards the written language as primary, not the spoken.2.Speech and writing are the two major media of language. All languages in theworld today can be both spoken and written.3.The writing system of a language is always a later invention used to record speech;thus there are still many languages in today’s world that can only be spoken, but not written.4.Modern linguistics is mostly prescriptive, but sometimes descriptive.5.With their respective distinction between langue and parole, and competence andperformance, both Saussure and Chomsky present the view that only the abstract structure of language can be studied systematically, but not its use.6.The distinction between langue and parole was proposed by the Swiss linguist F.de Saussure. Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community while parole refers to the concrete use of conventions and rules, thus varying from person to person.7.An important difference between traditional grammarians and modern linguists intheir study of language is that the former tended to over-emphasize the written form of language and encourage people to imitate the “best authors” for language usage.nguage can be studied both synchronically and diachronically. The twoapproaches are equally favored by modern linguists.nguage is entirely arbitrary.10.Human capacity for language has a genetic basis, i.e. we are all born with theability to acquire language and the details of a language system are genetically transmitted.1.Phonetics is the study of the phonic medium of language. It has three branches:__________, __________ and auditory phonetics.2.The study of how people use their speech organs to produce speech sounds is ofgreat interest to those working in __________ phonetics.3.The articulatory apparatus of a human being contains three important areas(cavities): __________, __________ and nasal cavity.4.Of all the speech organs, the __________ is the most flexible.5.V oicing as a quality of speech sounds is caused by the vibration of __________ .6. A sound is __________ when its production is accompanied by a puff of breath.This is characteristic of the English voiceless stops in initial position, e.g. [pi:l]. 7.__________ transcription is the one required and used by the phoneticians in theirstudy of speech sounds.8.In terms of the place of articulation, the following sounds [t] [d] [s] [z] [n] sharethe feature __________.9.All the back vowels in English are pronounced with rounded lips except__________.10.__________ are produced by moving from one vowel position to another throughintervening positions.11.The orthographic representation of speech sounds with diacritics is normally notused in dictionaries and teaching textbooks.12.V oicing is a feature of all consonants and some vowels.13.In producing a vowel the air stream coming from the lungs meets with noobstruction whatsoever while in the production of a consonant it is obstructed in one way or another.14.The English stops include [p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g] [f] [v].15.All the English nasal consonants are voiced.16.With no exception all the front vowels in English are unrounded.17.With no exception all the back vowels in English are rounded.18.In English, long vowels are also tense vowels because when we pronounce a longvowel such as /i:/, the larynx is in a state of tension.19.Although the [l] sound is represented by the same symbol in the two combinationsof [li:f] and [fi:l], it is actually pronounced differently.20.If a Chinese speaker pronounces the /l/ sound in /fi:l/ not as a dark [], but as aclear [l], he will be misunderstood by a native speaker as saying something else.1.[p], and [p] are the __________ of the same phoneme /p/.2.The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segment are calledsuprasegmental features. They include __________, __________ and intonation.3.The tone, defined as pitch variation, is an important suprasegmental feature oftone languages such as __________.4.The negative prefix “in-” in English, when added to the adjective “possible”, isactually pronounced /im/, and spelt as “im-”. This is the result of the __________ rule at work.5.To form the present tense, 3rd person singular, of the verb “teach”, we have to add“-es”, instead of just “-s” to it. This is required by the __________rule of English.6. A general difference between phonetics and phonology is that phonetics is focusedon the production of speech sounds while phonology is more concerned with how speech sounds distinguish meaning.7. A phone is a phonetic segment while a phoneme is a phonological unit.8.Clear [l] and dark [] form the relation of complementary distribution for theyoccur in the same position in sound combinations and also distinguish meaning.9./p/ and /b/ in [ pit ] and [ bit ] are in contrastive distribution.10.Phonological rules are not language specific, i.e. once proved to be valid, they canbe applied to all languages.11.In English, if a word begins with a [l] or a [r], the next must be a vowel.12.The three voiceless stops /p/, /t/, /k/ are aspirated when preceded by /s/ andfollowed by a vowel.ually in the two-syllable words, the noun has the stress on the first syllable andthe corresponding verb has the stress on the second syllable.14.Stress is a suprasegmental feature that is exclusively used with words, not withsentences.15.Chinese is often cited as examples of typical tone language because tone plays animportant role in distinguishing meaning.1.is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of wordsand the rules by which words are formed.2.The morpheme “-vision” in the common word “television” is a(n)________morpheme.3.There are different types of morphemes. “-ed” in the word "lea rned" is known asa(n)__________ morpheme.4.The words that contain only one morpheme can be called ________ morphemes.5.The morphemes that cannot be used by themselves, but must be combined withother morphemes to form words are called morphemes.6.In English, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions make up the largestpart of the vocabulary. They are open classes.7.Such endings as “-ed”and “-ing” are called derivational morphemes because newgrammatical forms are derived by adding them to existing words.8.The meaning of a compound is not always the sum of the meanings of its parts.9. A compound is the combination of only two words.10.The word “carelessness” is a three-morpheme word formed by a free morpheme“care” + affix “-less” + affix “-ness”.11.The meaning of a compound is often idiomatic, not always being the sum total ofthe meanings of its components.12.The compound word “bookstore” is the place where books are sold. This indicatesthat the meaning of a compound is the sum total of the meanings of its components.13.Only words of the same parts of speech can be combined to form compounds.14.The part of speech of the compound is always determined by the part of speech ofthe second element, without exception.15.A compound can be written as one word with or without a hyphen between itscomponents, or as two separate words. It is simply a matter of convention.1.Historically, different views have been suggested concerning the study of meaning.In our textbook, some views on semantics have been exemplified. They are naming things, __________, __________, __________ and mentalism.2.The naming theory was proposed by __________.3.Of the views concerning the study of meaning, the one in which meaning isexplained in terms of observable stimuli and responses made by participants in specific situations is referred to as __________.4.__________ is concerned with the inherent meaning if the linguistic form. It is thecollection of all the features of the linguistic form; it is abstract and decontextualized. __________ means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.5.Synonyms that are mutually substitutable under all circumstances are called__________ synonyms.6.C omplete Synonyms are classified into several kinds. The kind to which “girl”and “lass” belong is called __________ synonym.7.Antonyms are divided into several kinds. They are gradable antonyms,__________ antonyms and __________ opposites.8.“Cold” and “hot” are called __________ antonyms.9.__________ refers to a paradigmatic relation between a more specific, orsubordinate, lexeme and a more general, or superordinate, lexeme. This can be exemplified by such pairs as cow: animal; rose: flower.10.__________ refers to the phenomenon that the same word may have a set ofdifferent meanings. For example, “mouth” means “organ of body”, “entrance of cave” etc.11.“Lead” (metal) and “lead” (dog’s lead) are spelt in the same way, but pronounceddifferently. This is called __________.12.“Can I borrow your bike?”__________ “You have a bike.”13.__________ is an approach adopted by structural semanticists in describing themeaning of words.14.Predication analysis is a way to analyze __________ meaning.15.In terms of predication analysis, the utterance “Is it going to snow this afternoon?”is a __________ -place predication.1.Semantics can be simply defined as the study of meaning.2.The conceptualist view of meaning holds that there is no direct link between asymbol and reference, i.e. between language and thought.3.Linguistic forms having the same sense may have different references in differentsituations while linguistic forms with the same reference always have the same sense.4.“Site” and “sight”, “meat”and “meet”, “sow” and “sew” are in relationship ofhomography.5.English is rich in synonyms for historical reasons but complete synonyms, i.e.synonyms that are mutually substitutable under all circumstances, are rare.6.Dialectal synonyms can often be found in different regional dialects such asBritish English and American English, but cannot be found within the variety itself, for example, within British English or American English.7.There are different kinds of antonyms because words opposite in meaning do notcontrast each other only on a single dimension.8.The important criteria to distinguish polysemy from homonymy are the etymologyof the words in question and the closeness of the relationship between the meanings in question.9.An important difference between presupposition and entailment is thatpresupposition, unlike entailment, is not vulnerable to negation. That is to say, if a sentence is negated, the original presupposition is still true.10.A grammatically well-formed sentence is always semantically well-formed.Key to ExercisesPractice 1 Introduction1. language or languages in general2. Diachronic, synchronic3. diachronic4. Speech, writing5. langue, performance6. performance7. descriptive, prescriptive; primary; Latin8. descriptive9. arbitrariness, duality; displacement, cultural transmission10. arbitrary11. social12. interpersonal, textualPractice 2 Introduction1. F;2. F;3. T;4. F;5. T6. T;7. T;8. F;9. F; 10. FPractice 3 Phonetics1. articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics2. articulatory3. pharyngeal cavity, oral cavity4. tongue5. vocal cords6. aspirated7. Narrow8. alveolar9. []10. Diphthongs11. T; 12. F; 13. T; 14. F; 15. T16.T; 17. F; 18. T; 19. T; 20. FPractice 4 Phonology1. allophones2. stress, tone3. Chinese4. assimilation5. sequential6. T;7. T;8. F;9. T; 10. F11. T; 12. F; 13.T; 14. F. 15. TPractice 5 Morphology1. Morphology2. free3. inflectional4. free or root5. derivational;6. F;7. F;8. T;9. F; 10. T11. T; 12. F; 13. F; 14. F; 15. TPractice 6 Semantics1. conceptualism, contextualism, behaviorism2. Plato3. behaviorism4. Sense, Reference5. complete6. dialectal7. complementary, relational8. gradable9. Hyponymy10. Polysemy11. homonymy or homography12. presupposes13. Componential analysis14. sentence15. noPractice 7 Semantics1. T;2. F;3. F;4. F;5. T6. F;7. T;8. T;9. T; 10. F。




Travel writing describes a tragic arc:…The earliest travelers went to see marvels, to admire the wonderful diversity of the worldbut the latest travelers are like visitors sitting at the bedside of dying cultures. …and today’s travelers do something like this, too. 游记所描绘的是悲剧的弧线:它开场时兴高采烈,落幕时 心情低落。最早的游客。出国看奇观,去赞赏世界的丰富 多彩——而当下的游客好比是坐在垂死文化床边的访客; 早期的游客对陌生之地一见钟情——而现在我们只有在最 后一眼、死前最后一吻、最后一息之际才懂得爱。在古代 有些社会中,儿子要吸入父亲去世前最后一口气,其中含 有他父亲将要离体的魂魄,如今的游客也做着类似的事情。
Main idea We travel for so many different reasons. Travel writing is like a suitcase into which the writer tries to stuff everything. The earliest travelers went to see amazing things, but we are going to catch a last sight of what is disappearing .We are not grateful for what we h ave until we lose it.

(完整word版)语言学 第5章练习(word文档良心出品)

(完整word版)语言学 第5章练习(word文档良心出品)

Chapter 5 Semantics1. What are the major views concerning the study of meaning?答:(1) The naming theory proposed by the ancient Greek scholar Plato. According to this theory, the linguistic forms or symbols, in other words, the words used in a language are simply labels of the objects they stand for. So words are just names or labels for things.(2) The conceptualist view has been held by some philosophers and linguists from ancient times. This view holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to (i. e., between language and the real world); rather, in the interpretation of meaning they are linked through the mediation of concepts in the mind.(3) The contextualist view held that meaning should be studied in terms of situation, use, context –– elements closely linked with language behaviour. The representative of this approach was J.R. Firth, famous British linguist.(4) Behaviorists attempted to define the meaning of a language form as the “situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer.” This theory, somewhat close to contextualism, is linked with psychological interest.2. What are the major types of synonyms in English?答:The major types of synonyms are dialectal synonyms, stylistic synonyms, emotive or evaluative synonyms, collocational synonyms, andsemantically different synonyms.Examples(略)3. Explain with examples “homonymy”, “polysemy”, and “hyponymy”.答:(1) Homonymy refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form, i.e., different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both.When two words are identical in sound, they are homophones.When two words are identical in spelling, they are homographs. When two words are identical in both sound and spelling, they are complete homonyms(2) While different words may have the same or similar meaning, the same one word may have more than one meaning. This is what we call polysemy, and such a word is called a polysemic word. There are many polysemic words in English, The fact is the more commonly used a word is, the more likely it has acquired more than one meaning.(3) Hyponymy refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word. The word which is more general in meaning is called the superordinate, and the more specific words are called its hyponyms. Hyponyms of the same superordinate are co-hyponyms to each other. Hyponymy is a relation of inclusion; in terms of meaning, the superordinate includes all its hyponyms.Examples(略)4. How can words opposite in meaning be classified? To which category does each of the following pairs of antonyms belong?north/south vacant/occupied literate/illiterate above/below doctor/patient wide/narrow poor/rich father/daughter答:They can be gradable antonyms, complementary antonyms and relational oppositeGradable antonyms: wide /narrow poor/richComplementary antonyms: vacant/occupied literate/illiterateRelational opposite: north/south, doctor/patient, father/daughter, above/below5. Identify the relations between the following pairs of sentences:Tom's wife is pregnant. My sister will soon be divorced'Tom has a wife. My sister is a married woman.He likes seafood, They are going to have another baby.He likes crabs. They have a child.答:“Tom's wife is pregnant”presupposes “Tom has a wife.”“My sister will soon be divorced” presupposes “My sister is a married woman.”“He likes seafood” is entailed by “He likes crabs.”“They are going to have another baby” presupposes “They have a child.”6. In what way is componential analysis similar to the analysis ofphonemes into distinctive features?答:They both base on the belief that the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components.7. What is grammaticality? What might make a grammatically meaningful sentence semantically meaningless?答:Grammaticality refers to the grammatical well-formedness of a sentence. The violation of the selectional restrictions, i.e., constrains on what lexical items can go with what others, might make a grammatically meaningless.8. Try to analyze the following sentences in terms of predication analysis:The man sells ice-cream. Is the baby sleeping?It is snowing. The tree grows well.答:The man sells ice-cream.MAN, ICE-CREAM (SELL)Is the baby sleeping?BABY (SLEEP)It is snowing.(SNOW)The tree grows well.TREE (GROW)。



上海外国语大学双语学校2022年高二英语测试题含解析一、选择题1. The house rent is expensive. I’ve got about half the space I had at home and I am payinghere.A.as three times much B.as much three timesC.much as three times D.three times as much参考答案:D略2. You don’t have to _______your son; he knows the importance of learning and always works hard at his lessons.A. pushB. drawC. pullD. rush参考答案:A略3. There are many tall old trees____ in and around our school.A. stoodB. to standC. standingD. being standing参考答案:C4. They had no sooner arrived at the bus station than the bus .A. had leftB. will leaveC. leftD. is leaving参考答案:C5. I’m very sorry, I really don’t _________ you.A. mean harmB. mean to harmC. mean harmingD. mean to be harmed参考答案:B6. ________,I lost heart in English learning, but my teacher often said to me, “Keep on working hard, you'll succeed________.”A. At a time; in timeB. At a time; on timeC. At one time; in timeD. At one time; on time参考答案:Cat one time“曾经”;at a time“一次;同时”;in time“及时;迟早”;on time“按时”,故只有C项符合题意。



英语语言学导论知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新西安外国语大学第一章测试1.Which feature incorporates the capacity to talk messages that are unrelatedto here and now. ()参考答案:Displacement;ually grammar is divided into the components of().参考答案:phonetics and phonology;;morphology and syntax;;semantics.3.Although languages are different in many respects, such as sound patterns,vocabulary, word order, there are important grammatical principles andfeatures that hold commonly in all human languages. ( )参考答案:对4.What enables us to identify well-formed sentences from non-sentences is ourgood linguistic performance in that language other than linguisticcompetence. ( )参考答案:错5.The fact that a parrot can be taught to reproduce some human speech soundsproves that human language is not unique to us. ( )参考答案:错第二章测试1.How many morphemes are there in the word “frightening”? ( )参考答案:three2.Which of the following two-term sets shows the feature of complementarity?( )参考答案:single/married3.The word “man” is an alyzed as comprising the semantic features of[+human,+adult,+male]. ( )参考答案:对4.“-tain” in words like “maintain”, “sustain”, “retain” is a ( ).参考答案:bound root5.Tree diagrams are used to represent the linear structure of words. ( )参考答案:错第三章测试1.Phrase structure rules allow us to better understand _____________. ( )参考答案:All of the above.2.The sentence structure is ________. ( )参考答案:both linear and hierarchical3.The syntactic rules of any language are ____ in number. ( )参考答案:finite4.In English syntactic analysis, four phrasal categories are commonlyrecognized and discussed, namely, noun phrase, verb phrase, infinitivephrase, and auxiliary phrase. ( )参考答案:错5.What is actually internalized in the mind of a native speaker is a complete listof words and phrases rather than grammatical knowledge. ( )参考答案:错第四章测试1.Reflected meaning arises in cases of multiple conceptual meanings, when onesense is associated with another sense. ( )参考答案:对2.The lexical relationship between “bear” and “bare” is hyponymy. ( )参考答案:错3.The sentence It is hot is a one-place predication. ( )参考答案:错4.Pragmatics is the study of language meaning. ( )参考答案:错5.According to John Searle’s classification of speech acts, “he promises to cometomorrow” is ( ).参考答案:representative第五章测试1.Which one is different from the others according to place of articulation? ( )参考答案:[n]2.Which of the following is NOT a front vowel? ( )参考答案:[u:]3.[z] is a voiceless, alveolar fricative consonant while [j] is a palatalapproximant. ( )参考答案:错4.[p] is a voiced bilabial stop. ( )参考答案:错5.Perceptual phonetics is concerned with the perception of speech sounds. ( )参考答案:对第六章测试1.Distinctive features can be found running over a sequence of two or morephonemic segments. The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments are called ( ).参考答案:suprasegmental features2.How many morphemes are there in the word “discharged”? ( )参考答案:33.Which of the following statements about allophone is NOT correct? ( )参考答案:Allophones distinguish meaning.4. A phoneme in a language is a distinctive sound which is capable ofdistinguishing one word or one shape of a word from another. ( )参考答案:对5.Phonology is concerned with how the sounds can be classified into differentcategories. ( )参考答案:错第七章测试pared with langue, parole is chaotic and therefore impossible to study. ( )参考答案:错2.The common types of language variation are variation. ( )参考答案:all of above3.William Labov’s New York Department Store study is basically about regionalvariation of language. ( )参考答案:错nguage contact could lead to the death of a language. ( )参考答案:对5.When speakers from different languages interact with each other, one of thenative languages of the speakers could be used as a lingua franca. ()参考答案:错第八章测试1.There are five major stages in the history of English language change. ( )参考答案:对2.Who is the editor of Dictionary of the English language? ( )参考答案:Samuel Johnson3.The lexical change includes: ( )参考答案:borrowing or Loan Words;the addition of new words;change in lexical category;loss of words4.The word change from “bathe” to “bath” is syntactic change ( )参考答案:错5.Changes in a language are changes in the grammars. ()参考答案:错第九章测试1.Traditional behaviourists view language as a kind of behaviour and believethat language learning is simply a matter of imitation and habit formation. ( ) 参考答案:对2.Chomsky proposed that human beings are born with an innate ability knownas _______. ( )参考答案:Language Acquisition Device, or LAD3.Unlike L1 acquisition, which is uniformly successful across children andlanguages, adults vary considerably in their ability to acquire an L2completely. ( )参考答案:对4.What are the three interacting factors in determining language transfer insecond language learning? ( )参考答案:A learner’s perception of native-target language distance.;A learner’s actual knowledge of the target language.;A learner’s psychology, how a learner organizes his or her nativelanguage.5.The native language influences not only occur as direct linguistic reflexes atphonological, lexical, semantic, syntactical or discoursal levels but alsodirectly reflect underlying organizational principles of languages at thecognitive level. ( )参考答案:对第十章测试1.Which area of linguistics studies the cognitive processes of how we use ourlinguistic competence in speech production and comprehension? ( )参考答案:Psycholinguistics2.In psycholinguistic experiments which of the following is frequently used asan important measurement of how quick a person responds to linguisticsignals. ( )参考答案:Response time (RT)3. A central problem of speech perception is to explain how listeners carve upthe continuous speech signal into meaningful unit. This is referred to as the segmentation problem. ( )参考答案:对4.In Top-down processing listeners move step-by-step from the incomingsignal, to phonemes, morphemes, words and phrases and ultimately tosemantic interpretation. ( )参考答案:错5. A listener will respond faster at making lexical decision on related wordssuch as doctor and nurse than if he just heard unrelated word such as doctor and flower. This is possibly because words in the first pair are semantically related. ( )参考答案:对第十一章测试1.Many people use the search features of the Internet to find information.Typically, one enters a keyword, or perhaps several, and magically thecomputer returns the location of Web sites that contain information relatingto that key-word. This process is an example of ( ).参考答案:information retrieval2.Many crimes involve anonymous recorded messages in which it is importantto identify the speaker. ______ is the use of computers to assist in such a task,as opposed to ear witnessing, which relies on the judgment of humanlisteners. ( ).参考答案:Speaker identification3.The field of computational lexicography is concerned not only with themaking of standard dictionaries but also with the building of electronicdictionaries specifically designed for computational linguists. ( )参考答案:对4.Speech synthesis is a two-step process in which a text-to-speech programfirst converts text to phones or other basic units such as words or syllables. ( ) 参考答案:对5.The computational linguistics of speech understanding and speechgeneration has the subfields of computational phonetics and phonology,computational morphology, computational syntax, computational semantics, and computational pragmatics. ( )参考答案:对第十二章测试1.The history of writing includes____. ( )参考答案:Cuneiform Writing;pictograms and ideograms;from hieroglyphics to the Alphabet writing;the Rebus principle2.ʘrepresents the sound “___” ( )参考答案:sun3.The current English is a kind of picture system. ( )参考答案:错4.The Phoenician living in the area from hieroglyphics to the Alphabet writing.( )参考答案:对5.“cat cats cat’s cats’”have four morphemes. ( )参考答案:错第十三章测试1.The Prague School is a school of linguistic thought and analysis established inPrague in the 1920s by Mathesius. ()参考答案:对2.The major linguistic schools include ( )参考答案:The Formalism;The Functionalism;The Structuralism;The cognitivism3.The major scholars mentioned in American Structuralism are ( )参考答案:Franz Boas;Leonard Bloomfield;Edward Sapir4.The famous linguistic work Metaphors We live By is composed by RonaldLangacker。



上海外国语大学2019年语言学试卷1. We shall know a word by the company it keeps.” This statement represents _______.A. the conceptualist view意念论B. contextualism语境主义C. the naming theory命名论D. behaviorism行为主义2. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form.B. Sense is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form.C. Sense is abstract and decontextualized.脱离语境的D. Sense is the aspect of meaning dictionary compilers are not interested in.3. ___________ is a way in which the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components called semantic features.A. Predication analysis述谓结构分析B. Componential analysis成分分析C. Phonemic analysis 音位分析D. Grammatical analysis语法分析4.Alive” and“dead” are ___________.A. gradable antonymsB. relational antonymsC. complementary antonyms 互补反义词D. None of the above5. ________ deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.A. ReferenceB. ConceptC. SemanticsD. Sense6. _________ refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form.A. Polysemy一词多义B. Synonymy同义词C. Homonymy同音异义D. Hyponymy下义关系7. Words that are close in meaning are called ___________.A. homonyms同音异义词B. polysemies一词多义C. hyponyms下义词D. synonyms同义词8. The grammaticality of a sentence is governed by _______.A. grammatical rulesB. selectional restrictions选择限制,选限结构C. semantic rulesD. semantic features9. The pair of words “lend” and “borrow” are ___A. gradable oppositesB. relational opposites关系反义词C. co-hyponyms并列下义词D. synonyms同义词10.The semantic components of the word “gentleman” can be expressed as __.A. +animate,+male,+human,-adultB. +animate,+male,+human,+adultC. +animate,-male,+human,-adultD. +animate,-male,+human,+adult11. Cold and hot are called ____ antonyms.A. complementaryB. gradable 可分类的C. reversalD. converse12. “I bought some roses” ____ “I bought some flowers”.A. entailsB. presupposes假定,预料,以…为先决条件C. is inconsistent with与…不一致D. is synonymous with和…同义13. Of the following linguists, ____ should be grouped into Prague School.布拉格学派A. Bloomfield布罗姆菲尔德B. Saussure索绪尔C. Jakobson雅各布森D. Firth弗思14. According to Krashen克拉申(美国语言学家), ____ refers to the gradual and subconsciousdevelopment of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicativesituations.A. learningB. competenceC. performanceD. acquisition15. As a type of linguistic system in L2 learning, ____ is a product of L2 training, mother tongueinterference, overgeneralization of the target language rules, and learning and communicative strategies of the learner.A. interlanguage中介语B. interferenceC. language transferD. linguistic relativity16. The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis萨丕尔—沃尔夫假说has two thrusts: ____ and ____.A. Linguistic description, Linguistic determinismB. Linguistic determinism, Linguistic relativity (语言决定论,语言相对论)C. Linguistic relativity, Linguistic descriptionD. Linguistic determinism, Linguistic performance17. A special language variety that mixes or blends languages and used by people who speakdifferent language for restricted purpose is ____.A. pidgin洋泾宾语B. creoleC. dialectD. blends18. ____ is a principle of scientific method, based on the belief that the only things valid enough toconfirm or refute o scientific theory are interpersonally observable phenomena, rather than people’s introspections or intuitions.A. MentalismB. Functional grammarC. Case grammar格文法D. Behaviorism19. ____ is the language that a learner constructs at a given stage of SLA.A. InterlanguageB. IdeologyC. DialectD. Interference20. “There is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to”. This is the ____ view concerning the study of meaning.A. naming theoryB. conceptualist概念论者C. contextualist语境主义者D. behaviorist21. ____ covers the study of language use in relation to context, and in particular the study of linguistic communication.A. SemanticsB. SociolinguisticsC. Pragmatics语用学D. Linguistics22. Modern synchronic linguistics共时语言学traditionally dates from the ____ of Swiss scholar Ferdinand de Saussure.A. Syntactic structureB. Cours de Linguitique GeneralC. De Lingua LatinaD. Language and Mind23.According to the strong version of the ____ hypothesis, language determines speakers’perceptions and patterns their way of life.A. Sapir WhorfB. inputC. GrimD.Innateness24. ____ theorized that acquisition of language is an innate process determined by biological factors which limit the important period for acquisition of a language from roughly two years of age to puberty.青春期A. Input hypothesisB. Interaction hypothesisC. Critical period hypothesis关键期假说D.Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis25. According to Chomsky, the child is born with a built – in set of rules, which have the specific function of enabling her to construct the grammar of her mother tongue. This view is to be seen as ____.A. Input hypothesisB. X-theoryC. Language acquisition device语言习得机制D.Universal grammar26. “Old” and “Young” are a pair of ____ opposites.A. complementaryB. relationalC. converseD. gradable27. Systemic-Functional Grammar系统功能语法, one of the most influential linguistic theories in the 20th century, is put forward by ____.A. ChomskyB. Halliday哈利迪C. FirthD.Malinowski28. From Halliday’s viewpoint, language is a form of realization of ____ rather than a form of realization of______.A. knowing, doingB. thinking, knowingC. doing, thinkingD.doing, knowing29. Negative transfer in learning a second language is known as .A. interferenceB. interlanguageC. fossilizationD. acculturation30. What is the meaning relationship between the two words “furniture/bed”? ____A. polysemyB. hyponymy下义关系C. homonymyD. antonymy31. Which description of componential analysis for the word “woman” is right? ____A. +human,-adult, -maleB. +human, + adult, -maleC. +human, + adult, +maleD. +human, -adult, +male32. The type of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation is a ____.A. regional dialectB. registerC. fieldD. repertoire33. In structural grammar, distributional analysis is used to define ____, which are taken as the basic building blocks.A. morphemesB. wordsC. syllableD. phonemes音素,音位34. “Speech Act T heory” was proposed by ____ in 1962.A. SaussureB. ChomskyC. Jane AustinD. John Austin35. The major new development in linguistics in 20th century was ____ grammar.A. speculativeB. traditionalC. structuralD. transformational-generative36. The study of how we do things with utterance is the study of ____, the nature of which isdetermined by context.A. contextB. pragmaticsC. speech actD. semantics37. In many societies of the world, we find a large number of people who speak more than one language. As a characteristic of societies, ____ inevitably results from the coming into contact of people with different cultures and different languages.A. transferB. bilingualismC. diglossiaD. inter-language38. Pragmatics differs from traditional semantics in that it studies meaning not in isolation, but in ____.A. relationshipB. dependenceC. sentenceD. context39. ---TRUTH.---Do not say what you believe to be false.---Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.Those can be defined as the features of ____ of Gricean maxims.A. maxim of quantityB. maxim of quality 质量准则C. maxim of relationD. maxim of manner40. In the sentence “The angry man went furiously through the rooms.” The first division into immediate constitute should be between ____.A. angry and manB. man and wentC. furiously and throughD. The and angry41. ____ refers to the effect of the utterance.A. Illocutionary act 言外形为B. Locutionary act言内行为C. Perlocutionary act言后行为D. Speech act言语行为42. According to the author our brain is divided into two hemispheres. Language functions are mainly located in ____.A. right hemispheresB. front hemispheresC. left hemispheresD.back hemispheres43. “A language pattern which occurs in all known language” is called ____.A. a phonemic representationB. a phonetic representationC. a language universalD. language change44. In the sentence-------“The child found the puppy”, ____ is not a constituent.A. The childB. found the puppyC. found theD. the puppy45. What is the relationship between the two words “flower / rose”? ____A. Homonymy同音异义B. Antonymy反义词C. hyponymy下义关系D. Polysemy一词多义46. The function of the sentence “How are you?” ____A. directiveB. informativeC. performativeD. phatic交际性的,交流感情的47. Homonyms同音异义词____.A. are words that share the same phonetic features and the same semantic featuresB. are words that share the same semantic features but have different sets of phonetic featuresC. are words that share the same phonetic features but have different sets of semantic featuresD. are two words that all but one of semantic features in common48. In the following dialogue, the maxim of ____ is not observed.A. What time is it?B. It’s terribly cold in here.A. qualityB. quantityC. relevanceD. manner49. ____ are linguistic units larger than sentences.A. MovesB. DiscoursesC. TopicsD. Tendencies50. Which of the following two-term sets shows the feature of complementarity? __A. single/marriedB. big/smallC. hot / coldD. old /young51. Usually ____ refers to the use of linguistic research in language teaching, but linguistics is used in other areas, as well.A. applied linguisticsB. theoretical linguisticsC. contextual linguisticsD. general linguistics52. “Love” and “hate” are ____.A. binary antonymsB. complementary pairsC. gradable antonymsD. relational opposites53. ____ refers to sentences not only describe or report information, but also help speakers accomplish things.A. Speech actB. DiscourseC. ContextD. Communication54. The feature that distinguishes “hotdog” and “hot dog” is ____.A. toneB. stressC. intonationD. aspiration55. Of the following linguists, ____ should be grouped into London school.A. FirthB. BloomfieldC. BoasD. Trubetzkoy56. The study of the linguistic meaning of words, phrases, and sentences is called ____.A. semanticsB. pragmaticsC. syntaxD. language change57. In making conversation, the general principle that all participants are expected to observe is called the ____ principle proposed by J. Grice.A. comprehensiveB. generativeC. discourseD. cooperative58. “Autumn” and “fall” are used respectively in Britain and America, but refer to the same thing. The words are ____ synonyms.A. collocationalB. dialectalC. completeD. stylistic59. ____ is the abstract syntactic representation of a sentence, namely, the underlying level of structural organization which specifies all the factors governing the way the sentence should be interpreted.A. surface structureB. syntactic ambiguityC. syntactic componentD. deep structure60. ____ is a personal dialect of an individual speaker that combines elements regarding regional, social, gender, and age variations.A. DialectB. Idiolect 个人习语C. Ethnic dialectD. Linguistic repertoire答案BBBCA ADBBB BACDA BADAB CBACC DBDAB BBDDD CBDBB CCCCC DCCBA ACABA ADBDB。

上海上海外国语大学西外外国语学校初中英语七年级上册Unit 5经典练习卷

上海上海外国语大学西外外国语学校初中英语七年级上册Unit 5经典练习卷

一、选择题1.The music(音乐)is _______ . I like it.A.well B.relaxingC.boring D.bad B解析:B【详解】句意: 这首音乐很令人放松, 我很喜欢它。

well副词, 好地; relaxing令人放松的;形容词;boring令人厌烦的; 形容词; bad坏的,形容词;根据is后用形容词作表语,排除A;根据I like it.;故选B。

2.Does she have two _______?A.baseball bats B.baseballs bats C.baseball bat D.baseballs bat A解析:A【详解】句意:她有两个棒球拍吗?baseball bats棒球拍;baseballs bats形式错误,baseball名词作定语,不用复数形式;baseball bat棒球拍,单数;D选项形式错误。

由空格前的two可知此处用baseball bat的复数形式baseball bats。


3._______ your sister have a baseball?A.Do B.Does C.Are D.Is B解析:B【详解】句意:你的姐姐有一个棒球吗?Do助动词,用于一般现在时,主语为复数时;Does用于主语为第三人称单数时;Are系动词,主语为复数或第二人称you;Is系动词,主语为单数。

主语your sister是第三人称单数,谓语动词是实意动词,因此用助动词does构成一般疑问句。


4.Bob often helps _______ at school. _______ must thank him.A.we;We B.we;Us C.us;Us D.us;We D解析:D【详解】句意:在学校Bob经常帮助我们。




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Class:___________ Name: ____________ Score: _____________ Quiz:I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to complete the sentences. 30%1. _____________deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and thenon-linguistic world experience.2. “Charge” and “accuse” are said to be ___________ synonyms.3. The theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refersto, or stands for, is known as the ______________ theory.4. The hyponyms under the same superordinate are called _____________.5. Predication analysis is to break down predications into their constituents:__________ and _____________.6. _____________ is the technical name for the sameness relation.7. The words “husband” and “wife” are ____________ antonyms.8. There are two aspects of sentence meaning: _______________________and_______________________.II. There are four choices following each statement. Choose the answer that can best complete the statement and put down your answer before each statement: (15%)______1. “John killed Bill but Bill didn’t die” is a(n) ______________.A. entailmentB. presuppositionC. anomalyD. contradiction______2. “He succeeded” is a case of _______________.A. one-place argumentB. one-place predicationC. two-place argumentD. two-place predication______3. The pair of words __________ are gradable antonyms.A. good and badB. male and femaleC. present and absentD. buy and sell______4. Term s like “apple”, “banana” and “pear” are ______________of the term “fruit”.A. hyponymsB. synonymsC. antonymsD. homonyms______5. The sense relation between “John plays the piano” and “John plays a musical instrument” is _____________.A. inconsistencyB. synonymyC. entailmentD. anomalyIII. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) 30%1._________The grammatical form of the sentence affects the semantic predicationof the sentence.2._________The two words “borrow” and “lend” are antonyms but the twosentences “Jane lent some money to Jack” and “Jack borrowed some money from Jane” are synonymous.3._________Every word has a sense and a reference.4._________“Bird” and “cuckoo” have the sense relation of polysemy.5._________ Conceptualists maintain that there is no direct link between alinguistic form and what it refers to.6.__________ Two sentences using the same words may mean quite differently.7.__________ The linguistic context considers the probability of one word’sco-occurrence or collocation with another.8.__________ Componential analysis is based on the belief that the meaning of aword cannot be dissected into meaning components.9.__________ Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form.10.__________A pair of complementary antonyms is characterized by the featurethat the denial of one member implies the assertion of the other.IV. Define the following terms and give one or two examples for each: 10%1.homonymy2. hyponymyV. Question: 15%What are major types of synonyms in English? Offer at least one example for each type.Key:I. 1.Reference2. collocational3. naming/ referential4. co-hyponyms5. argument, predicate6. Synonymy7. converse8. grammatical meaning; semantic meaningII. 1-5 DBAACIII. 1-5 FTFFT 6-10 TTFTTIV. 1. homonymyIt refers to the phenomenon that different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both1) two words identical in sound (homophones) sun, son2) two words identical in spelling (homographs) tear, tear3) two words identical in both sound and spelling (complete homonyms)fast adj. moving quicklyv. eat little or no food for a period of time2. hyponymyIt refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word. Household appliances include refrigerators, televisions, dishwashers and air conditioners. The relation between household appliance and refrigerator is hyponymy.V. 1) Dialectal synonyms---- synonyms used in different regional dialectse.g. pavement – sidewalk2) Stylistic synonyms----synonyms differing in stylee.g. give sb. the sack, fire, dismiss3)Emotive synonymssynonyms expressing different emotions of the userslender/ slim; skinny4) Collocational synonymsSynonyms differing in collocation, the words they go together withpretty, handsome5) Semantic synonymsSynonyms differing slightly in what they meanamazing, appalling。
