第二章-fuzzy control basic

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3. A fuzzy controller has four main components: (1) . (2)

. (3) . And (4) .

4. The general form of the linguistic rules is If Then


5. 解(去)模糊的两大类方法是____________________和__________________________。

6.The membership function of a Singleton fuzzification is

. The membership function of a crisp set is


7.Fuzzy control system design essentially amounts to (1)

, (2)

, and (3)


8.If a fuzzy system has three inputs and single output, we have 7 membership functions on each universe of discourse, then there are possible rules.

9.are the language of conventional control, and

are the language of fuzzy control.

10. If a fuzzy system has three inputs and single output, we have 9 membership functions on each universe of discourse, then there are possible rules. 二、选择

1模糊控制器一般由下列基本单元组成( )

(A)知识库、推理机、模糊化接口和模糊判决接口 (B)知识库、推理机、传感器和解释器 (C)知识库、推理机、模糊数据库和接口 (D)知识库、推理机、模糊决策和解释器

2、模糊控制是以模糊集合为基础的。提出模糊集合的科学家是:( ) (A )N ·J ·Nilson (B)L ·A ·Zadeh (C )A ·Turing (D )H ·A ·Simon

3、若对误差、误差变化率论域X 、Y 中元素的全部组合计算出相应的控制量变

化ij u


m n ij u ⨯,一般将此矩阵制成( )。

A .输入变量赋值表

B .输出变量赋值表

C .模糊控制器查询表

D .模糊控制规则表

4、若模糊集合A ~表示模糊概念“老”,则模糊概念“极老”相当于A ~乘以模糊算

子λH ,其中λ=( )。 A .2

B .4

C .1/2

D .1/4

5、模糊控制只是在一定程度上模仿人的模糊决策和推理,用它解决较复杂问题时,还需要建立数学模型。() A 对 B 错

6、在模糊集合的向量表示法中,隶属度为0的项必须用0代替而不能舍弃。( ) A 对 B 错

7、在模糊控制中,为把输入的确定量模糊化,需要建立模糊控制规则表。() A 对 B 错

8、从模糊控制查询表中得到控制量的相应元素后,乘以比例因子即为控制量的变化值。( ) A 对 B 错

9、模糊控制器的核心部件是() A 模糊化 B 推理机 C 规则库 D 解模糊

10、以下几种方法中不属于模糊关系表达法的是() A 模糊集表示法 B 函数说明法 C 矩阵表示法 D 模糊图表示法

11、图1中划横线部分是__ ____的直观表示。

A. A λ

B. A λ

C. A λλ

D. A λ



A. 自反性和对称性

B. 对称性和传递性

C. 自反性和传递性

D. 自反性、对称性和传递性

13、设计模糊控制器的内容和原则主要有: 选择模糊控制器的结构 以及()ABC A 选取模糊控制规则

B 确定模糊化的解模糊策略,制定控制表

C 确定模糊控制器的参数

D 确定模糊集合


A 模糊控制规则的完整性

B 模糊控制器的鲁棒性

C 模糊控制器的可控性

D 模糊控制器的灵敏性 15、以下关于模糊控制的特点,不正确的是()C

A 设计系统时不需要建立被控对象的数学模型,只要求掌握现场操作人员或者有关专家的经验、只是或者操作数据;

B 模糊控制不可用于模型确定的对象

C 系统的鲁棒性强,尤其适用于非线性时变、滞后系统的控制

D 、对于较为复杂的系统,很难得到较为完善的控制规则; 三、简答


2.Please specify some set-theoretic and logical operations on fuzzy sets (at least 4 kinds ).

3. Please specify 4 types of membership functions for the error suppose it is negsmall.


5. What is a functional fuzzy system?

6. 简述模糊系统的缺点,给出克服其缺点的两种方法。

7. Please specify some set-theoretic and logical operations on fuzzy sets (at least four kinds )

8. 模糊控制是否需要对象的模型?为什么?

9. Please draw the membership functions which were defined by the following descriptions:

(a )Someone may be able to argue that we are absolutely certain that any value of e(t) near

2πis still “possmall ” and only when you get sufficiently far from 2


do we lose our confidence that it is “possmall ”;

(b )For other applications you may not readily accept values far away from 3


as being “poslarge ”;

(c )We represent that we believe that as e(t) moves to the left of



we are very quick to reduce our confidence that it is “possmall ” ,but if we move to the right of



our confidence that e(t) is “possmall ” diminishes at a slower rate. 10. Please write out the proper rules which can capture the expert ’s knowledge about how to control the inverted pendulum to balance the pendulum in the upright position (i. e., 0r =) when it is in the three positions shown in the Figure 1.
