
I:根据JCR分类的期刊的影响因子、全称相关的问题,练习使用JCR和作者查询;5%--5道题II:根据Web of Science搜索作者+单位+领域得到的文章及被引次数的问题;5%--5道题III:一篇Title+Abstract的划分几部分,每部分分别到哪里相关的问题;P20810%--5道题Reversion of advanced Ebola virus disease in nonhuman primates with ZMapp. AbstractWithout an approved vaccine or treatments,Ebola outbreak management has been limited to palliative care and barrier methods to prevent transmission.These approaches,however,have yet to end the2014outbreak of Ebola after its prolonged presence in West Africa./Here we show that a combination of monoclonal antibodies(ZMapp),optimized from two previous antibody cocktails,is able to rescue 100%of rhesus macaques when treatment is initiated up to5days post-challenge./High fever,viraemia and abnormalities in blood count and blood chemistry were evident in many animals before ZMapp intervention.Advanced disease,as indicated by elevated liver enzymes,mucosal haemorrhages and generalized petechia could be reversed,leading to full recovery.ELISA and neutralizing antibody assays indicate that ZMapp is cross-reactive with the Guinean variant of Ebola./ZMapp exceeds the efficacy of any other therapeutics described so far,and results warrant further development of this cocktail for clinical use.Questions:11.Among the eight types of titles,which type does this title belong to?A:noun phrase and prepositional phrase.12.How many parts can you divide the abstract into Name each part?A:Four parts.1.Background,2.objective,3.Methods and Reults,4.Conclusion.13.What is the objective of the study?A:Here we show that…up to5days post-challenge.14.What are the results?A:Advanced disease…with the Guinean variant of Ebola.15.In the sentence,”Advanced disease,as indicated by elevated liver enzymes,mucosal haemorrhages and generalized petechia could be reversed,leading to full recovery.”Please translate the term“generalized petechia”into Chinese?A:全身瘀斑IV:最后一次课,无PPT一篇Introduction+Reference Title:P21720%--10道题IntroductionEbola virus(EBOV)infections cause severe illness in humans,and after an incubation period of3to21days,patients initially present with general flu-like symptoms beforea rapid progression to advanced disease characterized by hemorrhage,multi-organ failure and a shock-like syndrome1.In the spring of2014,a new EBOV variant emerged in the West African country of Guinea2,an area in which EBOV has not been previously reported.Despite a sustained international response from local and international authorities including the Ministry of Health(MOH),World Health Organization(WHO)and Médecins Sans Frontières(MSF)since March2014,the outbreak has yet to be brought to an end after five months.As of15th August2014, there are2127total cases and1145deaths spanning Guinea,Sierra Leone,Liberia and Nigeria3.So far,this outbreak has set the record for the largest number of cases and fatalities,in addition to geographical spread4.Controlling an EBOV outbreak of this magnitude has proven to be a challenge and the outbreak is predicted to last for at least several more months5.In the absence of licensed vaccines and therapeutics against EBOV,there is little that can be done for infected patients outside of supportive care,which includes fluid replenishment,administration of antivirals,and management of secondary symptoms6,7.With overburdened personnel,and strained local and international resources,experimental treatment options cannot be considered for compassionate use in an orderly fashion at the moment.However,moving promising strategies forward through the regulatory process of clinical development has never been more urgent.Over the past decade,several experimental strategies have shown promise in treating EBOV-challenged nonhuman primates(NHPs)after infection.These include recombinant human activated protein C(rhAPC)8,recombinant nematode anticoagulant protein c2(rNAPc2)9,small interfering RNA(siRNA)10,positively-charged phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers(PMO plus)11,the vesicular stomatitis virus vaccine(VSVΔG-EBOVGP)12,as well as the monoclonal antibody(mAb)cocktails MB-003(consisting of human or human-mouse chimeric mAbs c13C6,h13F6and c6D8)13and ZMAb(consisting of murine mAbs m1H3,m2G4and m4G7)14.Of these,only the antibody-based candidates have demonstrated substantial benefits in NHPs when administered greater than24hours past EBOV exposure.Follow-up studies have shown that MB-003is partially efficacious when administered therapeutically after the detection of two disease“triggers”15,and ZMAb combined with an adenovirus-based adjuvant provides full protection in rhesus macaques when given up to72hours after infection16.The current objective is to develop a therapeutic superior to both MB-003and ZMAb, which could be utilized for outbreak patients,primary health-care providers,as well as high-containment laboratory workers in the future.This study aims to first identify an optimized antibody combination derived from MB-003and ZMAb components, before determining the therapeutic limit of this mAb cocktail in a subsequent experiment.In order to extend the antibody half-life in humans and to facilitate clinical acceptance,the individual murine antibodies in ZMAb were first chimerized with human constant regions(cZMAb).The cZMAb components were then producedin Nicotiana benthamiana17,using the large-scale,cGMP-compatible Rapid Antibody Manufacturing Platform(RAMP)and magnICON vectors that currently also manufactures the individual components of cocktail MB-003,before efficacy testing in animals.References1.Bausch DG,Sprecher AG,Jeffs B,Boumandouki P.Treatment of Marburg and Ebola hemorrhagic fevers:a strategy for testing new drugs and vaccines under outbreak conditions.Antiviral Res.2008;78:150–161.doi:10.1016/j.antiviral.2008.01.152.[PubMed][Cross Ref]2.Baize S,et al.Emergence of Zaire Ebola Virus Disease in Guinea-Preliminary Report.N Engl J Med.2014doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1404505.[PubMed][Cross Ref]3.WHO.int.WHO-Ebola virus disease(EVD)2014<http://www.who.int/csr/don/archive/disease/ebola/en/>..Chronology of Ebola Hemorrhagic FeverOutbreaks.2014</vhf/ebola/resources/outbreak-table.html>.5.Reliefweb.int.W.African Ebola epidemic‘likely to last months’:UN.2014<http://reliefweb.int/report/guinea/w-african-ebola-epidemic-likely-last-mo nths-un>.6.Clark DV,Jahrling PB,Lawler JV.Clinical management of filovirus-infected patients.Viruses.2012;4:1668–1686.doi:10.3390/v4091668.[PMC freearticle][PubMed][Cross Ref]7.Guimard Y,et anization of patient care during the Ebola hemorrhagic fever epidemic in Kikwit,Democratic Republic of the Congo,1995.J InfectDis.1999;179(Suppl1):S268–273.doi:10.1086/514315.[PubMed][Cross Ref]8.Hensley LE,et al.Recombinant human activated protein C for the postexposure treatment of Ebola hemorrhagic fever.J Infect Dis.2007;196(Suppl2):S390–399.doi: 10.1086/520598.[PubMed][Cross Ref]9.Geisbert TW,et al.Treatment of Ebola virus infection with a recombinant inhibitor of factor VIIa/tissue factor:a study in rhesus ncet.2003;362:1953–1958. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(03)15012-X.[PubMed][Cross Ref]10.Geisbert TW,et al.Postexposure protection of non-human primates against a lethal Ebola virus challenge with RNA interference:a proof-of-conceptncet.2010;375:1896–1905.doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60357-1.[PubMed][Cross Ref]Questions:16.What is the difference between abstract and introduction?A:There are no references in the abstract and no results in introduction.17.How many parts can you divide the introduction into?Name each part?A:Four Parts.Background,Conclusion,Objective,Method18.What problem is posed on this article?A:The current objective is to develop a therapeutic superior to both MB-003and ZMAb,which could be utilized for outbreak patients,primary health-care providers, as well as high-containment laboratory workers in the future.19.In the first paragragh,what does“supportive care”refer to?A:It includes fluid replenishment,administration of antivirals,and management of secondary symptoms20.What style of referencing system does it belong to?A:Citation order system.21.How many authors are listed in item1?A:Four.22.Where is the article published in Item2?A:New England Journal of Medicine.23.What kind of the reference source does item3belong to?24.What type does the title belong to in item10?A:Title and subtitle25.Please translate the Chinese title“肝素疗法的前瞻性随机研究:into English by using the same method as Item10.A:Heparin therapy:Prospective randomized studyVI:Journal Instruction for authors:10%--11道题General InformationJAMA Internal Medicine is an international peer-reviewed journal providing innovative and clinically relevant research for practitioners in general internal medicine and internal medicine subspecialities. The Editor of JAMA Internal Medicine is Rita F.Redberg,MD,MSc,University of California San Francisco School of Medicine,San Francisco,California.The journal is published online every Monday and in print each month.Authorship Criteria and Conditions and Authorship FormEach author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content.One or more of the authors should take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole,from inception to published article.1,2According to the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors(ICMJE),as revised in2013,2authorship credit should be based on the following4criteria:(1)substantial contributions to conception or design of the work,or the acquisition,analysis,or interpretation of data for the work;and(2)drafting of the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content;and(3)final approval of the version to be published;and(4)agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. Each author should be accountable for the parts of the work he or she has done.In addition,each author should be able to identify which coauthors are responsible for specific other parts of the work and should have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of any coauthors.Changes in AuthorshipAuthors should determine the order of authorship among themselves and should settle any disagreements among themselves before submitting their manuscripts.Changes in authorship(ie,order,addition,and deletion of authors)should be discussed and approved by all authors.Any requests for such changes in authorship after initial manuscript submission and before publication should be explained in writing to the editor in a letter or email from all authors.1(pp134-135)Manuscript SubmissionManuscripts should be submitted online via the online manuscript submission and review system.At the time of submission,complete contact information(affiliation,postal/mail address,e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers)for the corresponding author is required.First and last names,e-mail addresses,and institutional affiliations of all coauthors are also required.Manuscripts submitted through the online system should not also be submitted by mail or e-mail.After the manuscript is submitted,the corresponding author will receive an acknowledgment confirming receipt and a manuscript number.Authors will be able to track the status of their manuscripts via the online system. After manuscript submission,all authors of Letters to the Editor and Invited Commentaries will be sent an Authorship Form to complete and submit(see sample Authorship Form).All authors of all other manuscripts will receive an Authorship Form at the time of request for/receipt of a revision to their manuscript.See Manuscript Checklist,Manuscript Preparation and Submission Requirements,1,2and other details in these instructions for additional requirements.Manuscript StyleManuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the AMA Manual of Style,10th edition,1and/or the ICMJE Recommendations for the Conduct,Reporting,Editing,and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals.TitleTitles should be concise,specific,and informative and should contain the key points of the work.1(p8) Please limit the length of titles to150characters for reports of research and other major articles and 100characters for Editorials,Viewpoints,Commentaries,and Letters.For scientific manuscripts, overly general titles are not desirable and questions and declarative sentences should be avoided.For reports of clinical trials,meta-analyses,and systematic reviews,include the type of study as a subtitle (eg,A Randomized Clinical Trial,A Meta-analysis,A Systematic Review).For reports of other types of research,do not include study type or design in the title or subtitleReferencesAuthors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the references and for their correct text citation.Cite all references in the text or tables.Number references in the order they appear in the text;do not alphabetize.In text,tables,and legends,identify references with superscript arabic numerals.When listing references,follow AMA style1(pp39-79)and abbreviate names of journals according to the journals list in PubMed.List all authors and/or editors up to6;if more than6,list the first3followed by“et al.”Note:Journal references should include the issue number in parentheses after the volume number.Examples of reference style:1.Garbutt JM,Banister C,Spitznagel E,Piccirillo JF.Amoxicillin for acute rhinosinusitis:a randomized controlled trial.JAMA.2012;307(7):685-692.2.Centers for Medicare&Medicaid Services.CMS proposals to implement certain disclosure provisions of the Affordable Care Act./apps/media/press/factsheet.asp?Counter=4221.Accessed January30,2012.3.McPhee SJ,Winker MA,Rabow MW,Pantilat SZ,Markowitz AJ,eds.Care at the Close of Life: Evidence and Experience.New York,NY:McGraw Hill Medical;2011.Questions:25.What kinds of articles does JAMA provide?A:They provide innovative and clinically relevant research for practitioners in general internal medicine and internal medicine subspecialities.26.How many criteria are the authorship credit based on?A:There are4criteria.27.What is required if there are changes in authorship?A:Any requests for such changes in authorship after initial manuscript submission and before publication should be explained in writing to the editor in a letter or email from all authors28.Can authors submit their articles via mail or e-mail?A:No29.How do authors know the status of their manuscript?A:Authors will be able to track the status of their manuscripts via the online system30.What is the requirement for the title of reports of research and other major articles?A:Please limit the length of titles to150characters for reports of research and other major articles 31.Structured abstract can be further divided into two kinds.What are they?A:The first kind is divided into five parts:Background,Objective,Methods,Results and Conclusion and the other one is divided into four parts:Objective,Methods,Results and Conclusion.32.In test,tables,and legends,how are the references identified?A:In text,tables,and legends,identify references with superscript arabic numerals.33.If the authors are more than six,how to list the authors’name?A:if more than6,list the first3followed by“et al.”34.In reference Item3,what is“Care at the Close of Life:Evidence and Experience”?A:The name of the cited book.35.In reference Item3,NY:McGraw Hill Medical is publisher.。

A: This picture illustrates a child and an old man enjoy their lives. But a young man has to bear with many burden, such as hard work, little exercise and intaking too much energy. I think it means that the young men have to do too much work for home. What do you think of the reasons for it?B: I think the most important cause of it is aging(老龄化). In another words, a young man need to maintain too many old men. You know, in nowadays, a young man’s parents and grandparents are all lived commonly. That means he has six old man to feed. A: I think more combative situation for children is another reason. Many parents have to send their children to education institutes which will take them much money. Do you have any solutions for it?B: In social part, the most important solution is increasing the economy. Only the development of economy can rise the level of lives. Providing security for old men is another effective measure. It can decrease young men’s pressure.A: That is government’s work. What can ourselves do?B: The only thing we can do is working hard. There is no shortcut to good life. I have an uncle was poor before. He also has many old men to feed. But he worked very hard and his income increased every year. Now he has a comfortable life.A: Yes, ourselves’ effort is key to solve the problem.1、一个男人在深夜还在工作,他看上去非常累2、是呀,他几乎要睡着了,但似乎手头上的工作还没有做完3、这种现象不仅发生在工作党,在我们学生党中更是常见,你说呢?4、是呀,自从来到了同济,我经常熬夜加班,忙学习忙科研,睡眠时间根本不够。

They say America is parched by a climate of hatred and they do not know what they are talking about, but they are right anyway. The real hatred in America is the hatred between the desk-diner, who distinctly ordered the cheeseburger with ketchup, not mustard, and the mumbling delivery boy who doesn't give a damn. Or between the man who needs change for a phone call and the merchant who not only refuses but refuses with a deliberation that suggests he has waited years for precisely this opportunity. Ponder the relationship between the man waiting outside a pay phone booth and the man snuggled up inside. The dialogue is silent but savage. If you like gratitude in unexpected spurts, try opening the door of the phone booth when it is yours, smiling at the person waiting and saying "I'll just be another minute." or "This call may take a while. Sorry to make you wait." The impact is as galvanic as if the Vietcong were to wake a sleeping GI patrol and say, "Fellow, we've just got our radio working. Would you like to come over and listen to the superbowl?" Americans used to ask themselves, "How nice can I be without seeming ridiculous?" Now we ask, "How rude can I be and still get away with it?" People don't accept apologies anymore. They simply enjoy the sweet string of hostility. If you want to spread some happiness, try hailing the next off-duty cab driver, whether you want him or not. That Cossack brush-off he waves you does not betoken apology or regret. It is pure thrill. People crave triumph, and if they cannot get it through personal victory, they'll get it through personal viciousness. Most people have never known any triumph higher than looking out the window of an express train as it zips past a local. Now, this actually happened. A furious woman with a nasal whine shrill enough to break glassware banged on the door of the apartment above hers and began one of those yelping threat-laden routines about shower curtains and seeping water and falling plaster and lawsuits and witnesses and full damage and everything. The sleeping man who answered waited until the crescendo peaked, then smiled and said, "How much?" The woman twitched. Her face retained color -- iridescent in fact -- and her hands kept flailing, but her audios was completely cut off. The man went to his coat, pull out his checkbook, returned to the door, and repeated, "How much?" The woman went back to her own apartment in defeat. She'd been robbed of her fun. Here she had her whole case unassailably built, and the fight was over before she


同济大学考博英语模拟真题及其解析Technically,any substance other than food that alters our bodily or mental functioning is a drug.Many people mistakenly believe the term drug refers only to some sort of medicine or an illegal chemical taken by drug addicts.They don't realize that familiar substances such as alcohol and tobacco are also drugs.This is why the more neutral term substance is now used by many physicians and Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi psychologists. The phrase substance abuse is often used instead of drug abuse to make clear that substances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully misused as heroin and cocaine.We live in a society in which the medicinal and social use of substances(drugs)is pervasive:an aspirin to quiet a headache,some wine to be sociable,coffee to get going in the morning,a cigarette for the nerves.When do these socially acceptable and apparently constructive uses of a substance become misuses?First of all,most substances taken in excess will produce negative effects such as poisoning or intense perceptual distortions.Repeated use of a substance can also lead to physical addiction or substance dependence. Dependence is marked first by an increased tolerance,with more and more of the substance required to produce the desired effect,and then by the appearance of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when the substance is discontinued.Drugs(substances)that affect the central nervous system and alter perception,mood,and behavior are known as psychoactive substances.Psychoactive substances are commonly grouped according to whether they are stimulants,depressants,or hallucinogens. Stimulants initially speed up or activate the central nervous system, whereas depressants slow it down.Hallucinogens have their primary effect on perception,distorting and altering it in a variety of ways including producing hallucinations.These are the substances often called psychedelic(from the Greek word meaning mind-manifestation) because they seemed to radically alter one‘s state of consciousness.59.Substances abuse(line5,paragraph1)is preferable to drug abuse in that________.(A)substances can alter our bodily or mental functioning if illegally used(B)drug abuse is only related to a limited number of drugtakers(C)alcohol and tobacco are as fatal as heroin and cocaine(D)many substances other than heroin or cocaine can also be poisonous60.The word pervasive(line1,paragraph2)might mean________.(A)widespread(B)overwhelming(C)piercing(D) fashionable61.Physical dependence on certain substances results from________.(A)uncontrolled consumption of them over long periods of time(B)exclusive use of them for social purposes(C)quantitative application of them to the treatment of diseases(D)careless employment of them for unpleasant symptoms62.From the last paragraph we can infer that________.(A)stimulants function positively on the mind(B)hallucinogens are in themselves harmful to health(C)depressants are the worst type of psychoactive substances(D)the three types of psychoactive substances are commonly used in groups答案及试题解析59.(D)意为:除海洛因或可卡因外,许多其他物质也是有害的。

听力理解(Listening Comprehension)1、测试要求:(a)能听懂日常交际场合中的各种英语会话和交谈。
2、测试形式:(a)本部分采用多项选择题形式,分两节:Section A与Section B,共20题。
(b) Section A (Listening Conversations) 由10个对话组成,共10题,题后有10秒间隙。
(c) Section B (Listening Passages) 由3篇短文组成,每篇长度约250单词,共10题,题后有10秒间隙。

同济大学博士研究生入学英语考试样题I V ocabulary (10%)For each of the following sentences there are four choices. Choose the best one to complete the sentence.1. The directions were so ____ that it was impossible to complete the assignment.A) ingenious B) ambitious C) notorious D) ambiguous2. Our ________ host always enjoys having friends to share his Lucullan suppers.A) cursive B)martial C) fractious D) convivial3. Recently a number of cases have been reported of young children ____a violent act previously seen on television.A) modifying B) stimulating C) accelerating D) duplicating4. This kind of material can _____heat and moisture.A) delete B) compel C) repel D) constrain5. The damage to his car was ____; therefore, he could repair it himself.A) considerable B) appreciable C) negligible D) invisible6. The ____of a cultural phenomenon is usually a logical consequence of some physical aspect in the life style of the people.A) implementation B) expedition C) demonstration D) manifestation7. One of the responsibilities of the Coast guard is to make sure that all ships _______ follow traffic rules in busy harbors.A) cautiously B) dutifully C) faithfully D) skillfully8. The Eskimo is perhaps one of the most trusting and considerate of all Indians but seems to be _______ the welfare of his animals.A) critical about B) indignant at C) indifferent to D) subject to9. The chairman of the board _______ on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ.A) compelled B) posed C) pressed D) tempted10. Using extremely different decorating schemes in adjoining rooms may result in _______ and lack of unity in style.A) conflict B) confrontation C) disturbance D) disharmony11. Corrupt politicians who condone the activities of the gamblers are equally _______.A) cryptic B)esoteric C)culpable D)occult12. I don’t know the details for I just gave your manuscript only a(n) _______ gl ance.A) cursory B)cumbrous C)onerous D)obscure13.the Red Cross society helped _________ families to survive the war in the Persian Gulf.A) demure B)destitute C)assiduous D)sedate14. the man felt ________ when the girl turned down his proposal of marriage.A) despondent B) fabulous C)dilapidated D)fortuitous15. the boy gave a ______ look at his classmate’s test paper when the teacher turned.A) frivolous B)furtive C)frenetic D)frigid16. Rubber boots are ___________ to water.A) imperious B)impetuous C)impervious D)impeccable17. Missiles were mounted at various points to _______ the enemy aircrafts.A) integrate B)jeopardize C)intercept D)interrogate18. Being careless, she had her arm _____ by the barbed wire.A) lacerated B)lamented C)juggled D)bemoaned19. The wrestler’s _______ maneuvers made it difficult for his opponent to obtain a hold.A) hermetic B)protean C)titanic D)procrustean20. Psychoanalysis can help a patient recall long-forgotten experiences lost in the ______ recess of his mind.A) labyrinthine B)chimerical C)iridescent D)mercurialII Reading Comprehension (50%)Passage 1There is widespread belief that the emergence of giant industries has been accomplished by an equivalent surge in industrial research. A recent study of important inventions made since the turn of the century reveals that more than half were the product of individual invent-ors working alone, independent of organized industrial research. While industrial laboratories contributed such important products as nylon and transistors, independent inventors developed air conditioning, the automatic transmission, the jet engine, the helicopterminsulin, and streptomycin. Still other inventions, such as stainless steel, television, silicons, and plexiglass were developed through the combined efforts of individuals and laboratory teams.Despite these findings, we are urged to support monopoly power on the grounds that such power creates an environment supportive of innovation. We are told that the independent inventor, along with the small firm, cannot afford to undertake the important research needed to improve our standard of living while protecting our diminishing resources; that only the prodigious assets of the giant corporation or conglomerate can afford the kind of expenditures that can produce the technological advances vital to economic progress. But when we examine expenditures for research, we find that of the more than $ 35 billion spent each year in this country, almost two-thirds is spent by the federal government. More than half of this government expenditure is funneled into military research and product development, accounting for the enormous increase in spending in such industries as nuclear energy, aircraft, missiles, and electronics. There are those who consider it questionable that these defense-linked research projects will account for an improvement in the standard of living or, alternately, do much to protect our diminishing resources. Recent history has demonstrated that we may have to alter our longstanding conception of the process actuated by competition. The price variable, once perceived as the dominant aspect of the competitive process is now subordinate to the competition of the new product, the new business structure, and the new technology. While it can be assumed that in a highly competitive industry not dominated by a single corporation, investment in innovation--a risky and expensive budget item--might meet resistance from management and stockholders who might be more concerned with cost-cutting, efficient organization, and large advertising budgets, it would be an egregious error to assume that the monopolistic producer should be equated with bountiful expenditures for research. Large-scale enterprises tend to operate more comfortably in stable and secure circumstances, and their managerial bureaucracies tend to promote the status quo and resist the threat implicit in change. Furthermore, the firm with a small share of the market will aggressively pursue new techniques and different products, since with little vested interest in capital equipment or plant it is not deterred from in-vestment in innovation. In some cases, where inter-industrycompetition is reduced or even entirely eliminated, the industrial giants may seek to avoid capital loss resulting from obsolescence by deliberately obstructing technological progress.The conglomerates are not, however, completely exempt from strong competitive pressures; there are instances in which they, too, must compete, as against another industrial Goliath, and then their weapons may include large expenditures for innovation.16. According to the passage, important inventions of the twentieth century ________.A. are not necessarily produced as a result of governmental support for military weapons research and development.B. came primarily from the huge laboratories of monopoly industries.C. were produced at least as frequently by independent inventors as by research teams.D. have greater impact on smaller firms than on conglomerates.17. It is the author"s belief, as expressed or implied in the passage, that________.A. monopoly power creates an environment supportive of innovation.B. governmental protection for military research will do much to protect our dwindling resources.C. industrial giants, with their managerial bureaucracies, respond more quickly to technological change.D. firms with a small share of the market will aggressively pursue innovations because they are not locked into old capital equipment.18. Management and stockholders might be deeply concerned with cost cutting rather than innovation if _______.A. their company is faced with strong competition in a field not dominated by one of the industrial giants.B. they are very stable and secure and hold a monopoly position in their industry.C. they are part of the military-industrial complex and are the recipients of federal funds for product development.D. they have produced some of the important inventions of this century.19. Which of the following statements is neither expressed nor implied in the passage?A. Important inventions have been produced, in the past, by individuals as well as by corporate teams.B. The federal government"s research funds are funneled into pure research as well as military research.C. The development of the automatic transmission is not credited to organized industrial research.D. Industrial giants may deliberately suppress innovations to avoid capital loss resulting from obsolescence.20. The author"s purpose in this passage is to____.A. advocate an increase in governmental support of organized industrial research.B. point out a common misconception about the relationship between the extent of industrial research and the growth of monopolistic power in industry.C. describe the inadequacies of small firms in dealing with the important matter of research and innovation.D. show that America"s strength depends upon individual ingenuity and resourcefulness.III Translation from English into Chinese (20%)Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the verge of despair.I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy---ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what at last I have found.With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward reward the heavens(这句话似乎不完整). But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberated in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a haled burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and I would gladly live it again if the chance were offered to me.有三种简单却强烈的情感支配着我的生活,它们分别是:对爱的渴望,对知识的探求,以及对人类的苦难不可抑制的怜悯。

博士英语考试要点总结(完美版) 整合博士英语复习资料分数组成:卷面80分+出勤10分+口试10分卷面:一. 听力选择(放2遍):1分*10=10分二. 给出后缀,要求写出它的意思,并以此后缀造词并写出中文意思:分*10=5分三、单复数的变化四. 选择正确的解释并将所选选项翻译成中文(神经系统、消化系统、心血管系统、呼吸系统、药理):本题出自各章课后习题Multiple choice部分:1分*10=10分五. 2段英翻中(医学科普):5分*2=10分2段中翻英(一般为中医):内容包括证、病机、症状、治则的翻译,书中以肺为例,考试中可以变为脾等脏。
详见《博士生医学英语教材》中的IX、X、XI:10分*2=20分六. 给一段中文科普文章,翻译成80字左右的英文摘要七. 作文:Economic Growth and Environment(80字) A4纸手写、不能从网上下,夹在卷子里:10分一.复数形式(教科书P42~43)Ampulla—Ampullae 尾突(另有一意思为壶腹)Corona—Coronae 冠状Vertebra—Vertebrae 脊椎Bronchus—Bronchi 支气管Capillus—Capili 毛发Fungus—Fungi 真菌Omphalos—Omphali 脐Genus—Genera 属Stercus—Stercora 粪Gonad—Gonades 性腺Testis—Testes 睾丸Diagnosis—Diagnoses 诊断Psychosis—Psychoses 精神病Epididymis—Epididymides 附睾Thorax—Thoraces 胸部Appendix—Appendices 阑尾Pollex—Pollices 拇指Meninx—Meninges 脑脊膜Caries—Caries龋齿Derma—Dermata 真皮,皮肤Sarcoma—Sarcomata 肉瘤Stoma—Stomata 口Flagellum—Flagella 鞭毛Labium—Labia 唇Protozoon—Protozoa 原生动物格(p17~p20)及课后练习题I的所有单词。


同济大学考博英语-2(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}Part Ⅰ Reading Comprehension{{/B}}(总题数:4,分数:40.00){{B}}Passage One{{/B}}The study of social science is more than the study of the individual social sciences. Although it is true that to be a good social scientist you must know each of those components, you must also know how they interrelate. By specializing too early, many social scientists can lose sight of the interrelationships that are so essential to understanding modern problems. That's why it is necessary to have a course covering all the social sciences. In fact, it would not surprise me if one day a news story such as the one above should appear.The preceding passage placed you in the future. To understand how and when social science broke up, you must go into the past. Imagine for a moment that you're a student in 1062, in the Italian city of Bologna, site of one of the first major universities in the western world. The university has no buildings. It consists merely of a few professors and students. There is no tuition fee. At the end of a professor's lecture, if you like it, you pay. And if you don't like it, the professor finds himself without students and without money. If we go back still earlier, say to Greece in the sixth century B. C., we can see the philosopher Socrates walking around the streets of Athens, arguing with his companions. He asks them questions, and then other questions, leading these people to reason the way he wants them to reason (this became known as the Socratic method). Times have changed since then; universities sprang up throughout the world and created colleges within the universities. Oxford, one of the first universities, now has thirty colleges associated with it, and the development and formalization of educational institutions has changed the roles of both students and faculty. As knowledge accumulated, it became more and more difficult for one person to learn, let alone retain it all. In the sixteenth century one could still aspire to know all there was to know, and the definition of the Renaissance man (people were even more sexist then than they are now) was of one who was expected to know about everything.Unfortunately, at least for someone who wants to know everything, the amount of information continues to grow {{U}}exponentially{{/U}} while the size of the brain has grown only slightly. The way to deal with the problem is not to try to know everything about everything. Today we must specialize. That is why social science separated from the natural sciences and why it, in turn, has been broken down into various subfields, such as anthropology and sociology.(分数:10.00)(1).What is the main idea of this text?(分数:2.00)A.Social science is unified. √B.Social science is a newborn science.C.What is social science.D.Specialization in social science is not good.解析:[解析] 文章第1句即为题旨所在:“The study of social science is more than the study of the individual social sciences.”(2).What can we learn from the second paragraph?(分数:2.00)A.Socrates can be regarded as the first social scientist in the western world.B.The universities in Italy have no buildings.C.Socrates created the "Socratic method". √D.Greece is not as civilized as Italy.解析:[解析] Socratic method以苏格拉底的名字命名,并且为他所第一个使用。

2017年医学博士英语统考真题及答案Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (30% )Section ADirections: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said.The question will be read only once. After you hear the question, read thefour possible answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer andmark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Listen to the following example.You will hear:Woman: I feel faint.Man : No wonder. You haven't had a bite all day.Question : What's the matter with the woman?You will read :A.She is sick.B.She was bitten by an ant.C.She is hungry.D.She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answer.1.A. To have a coffee. B.To hold her teddy bear.C.T o take her medicine.D.T o talk with the doctor.2.A.They are ill-tempered.B.They rarely listen to him.C.They often give a wrong diagnosis.D.They always prescribe wrong medications.3.A. His lovely voice. B.His Italian background.C.His attraction appearance.D.His patience with patients.4.A. 2 30 pm today. B.2:00 pm today.C.2 : 30 pm tomorrow.D.2 : 00 pm tomorrow.5.A. He should take one pill 13 minutes before sleep for 30 days.B.He should take one pill 13 minutes before sleep for 13 days.C.He should take one pill 30 minutes before sleep for 13 days.D.He should take one pill 30 minutes before sleep for 30 days.6.A. Go to the cinema. B.Eat out in a restaurant.C.Have a drink or bite in a bar.D.T ake a walk down the High Street.7.A. Thursday, the 16th. B.Friday, the 17th.C.Sunday, the 19th.D.Monday, the 20th.8.A. Mark De Weck B.Mark Te WeckC.Marc De WeckD.Marc T e Weck9.A. It could be three days.B.It could be three months.C.That's an easy question to answer.D.That's an impossible question to answer.10.A. The woman herself. B.The woman's mother.C.The woman's husband.D.The woman's sister-in-law.11.A. It’s a benign tumor. B.It’s a malignant tumor.C.It’s a inherited disease.D.It’s on the man’s right shoulder.12.A. He is a hematologist. B.He is a hepatologist.C.He is a psychologist.D.He is a neurologist.13.A. Because his wife, Sally, wants him to do so.B.Because his company has asked him to do so.C.Because he suspects that he might be infected.D.Because he is applying for emigration to Australia.14.A. She used to handle her own luggage, but not anymore.B.She wants to take her luggage to the car by herself.C.She loves hauling her luggage around herself.D.She needs a hand from the man.15.A. Shocked. B.Nervous.C.Annoyed.D.Contented.Section BDirections: In this section you will hear one dialogue and two passages. After each one, you will hear five questions. After each question read the four possibleanswers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter ofyour choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Dialogue16.A. A difficult case. B.A trivial illness.C.A deadly disease.D.A serious condition.17.A. Cough . B.Fever.C.Stuffed nose.D.Sore throat.18.A. A cold. B.Allergy.C.Sinusitis.D.Pneumonia.19.A. Whether the man should seek a second opinion.B.Whether the doctor’s diagnosis is correct or not.C.Whether the doctor should prescribe an antibiotic.D.Whether CompliCare should cover the man’s expenses.20.A. Nice and patient. B.Rushed and impatient.C.Rational and eloquent.D.Conservative and stubborn.21.A. Simply from the contents of their texts.B.Just from the number of texts they send.C.Merely from the books they read at leisure.D.Right from the way they spell certain words.22.A. 2, 030 sociology students.B.2, 300 sociology students.C.2, 030 psychologist students.D.2, 300 psychologist students.23.A. Spiritual life. B.Image and wealth.B.Academic success. D.Morality and aesthetics.24.A. 30% of the survey-takers texted more than 300 times a day.B.30% of the survey-takers texted more than 400 times a day.C.12% of the survey-takers texted at least 300 times a day.D.12% of the survey-takers texted at least 400 times a day.25.A. T oo much texting can make you shallow.B.Texting is nothing but a wonder of Technology.C.T exting has more disadvantages than advantages.D.T oo much texting results in poorly performing students.Passage Two26.A. Effective weight loss. B.Enhanced appetite.C.Improved healthD.Brain fitness.27.A. A 12-week weight loss program.B.A 12-month weight loss program.C.A 12-week aerobic exercise program.D.A 12-month aerobic exercise program.28.A. Exercise sometimes is just futile and not beneficial.B.Exercise should be encouraged, weight loss less emphasized.C.Aerobic exercise can do good to people both mentally and physically.D.Poor weight loss can inevitably result in disappointment and low self-esteem.29.A. T o control weight.B.To live well and longC.T o be together with friends.D.T o enjoy the marvelous feeling of exercise.30.A. Exercise: Value beyond Weight Loss.B.Exercise: the Way to Well-being.C.Exercise for a Better LifeD.Exercise for Weight LossPart Ⅱ Vocabulary (10%)Section ADirections: In this section all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked A B, C and D, are given beneath each of them. You are to choose the word or phrasethat best completes the sentences. Then, mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.31.Chronic high-dose intake of vitamin A has been shown to have_______ effects on bones.A.adverseB.prevalentC.instantD.purposeful32.Drinking more water is good for the rest of your body, helping to lubricate joints and _____ toxins and impurities.A.screen outB.knock outC.flush outD.rule out33.Rheumatologist advises that those with ongoing aches and pains first seek medical help to ______ the problem.A.affiliateB.alleviateC.aggravateD.accelerate34.Generally, vaccine makers_____ the virus in fertilized chicken eggs in a process that can takefour to six months.A.penetrateB.designateC.generateD.exaggerate35.Danish research shows that the increase in obese people in Denmark is roughly______ to the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.A.equivalentB.temporaryC.permanentD. relevant36.T ed was felled by a massive stroke that affected his balance and left him barely able to speak______.A.bluntlyB.intelligiblyC.reluctantlyD. ironically37.In a technology-intensive enterprise, computers______ all processes of the production and management.A.dominateB.overwhelmC.substituteD.imitate38.Although most dreams apparently happen______, dream activity may be provided by external influences.A.homogeneouslyB. instantaneouslyC.spontaneouslyD. simultaneously39.We are much quicker to respond, and what we respond far too quickly by giving______ to our anger.A.ventB.impulseC.temperD.offence40.By maintaining a strong family_____, they are also maintaining the infrastructure of society.A.biasB.honorC.estateD.bondSection BDirections: Each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the word or phrase which canbest keep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlinedpart. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.rm the manager if you are on medication that makes you drowsy.A.uneasyB.sleepyC.guiltyD.fiery42.Diabetes is one of the most prevalent and potentially dangerous diseases in the world.A.crucialB.virulentC.colossalD.widespread43.Likewise , soot and smoke from fire contain a multitude of carcinogens.A.a matter ofB.a body ofC.plenty ofD.sort of44.Many questions about estrogen’s effects remain to be elucidated, and investigations are seeking answers through ongoing laboratory and clinical studies.A.implicatedB.impliedC.illuminatedD.initiated45.A network chatting is a limp substitute for meeting friends over coffee.A.accomplishmentB.refreshmentplementD.replacement46.When patients spend extended periods in hospital, they tend to become overly dependent and lose interest in taking care of themselves.A.extremelyB.exclusivlyC.exactlyD.explicitly47.Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion.A.amelioratedB.aggregatedC.deterioratedD. duplicated48.It was reported that bacteria contaminated up to 80% of domestic retail raw chicken in the United States.A.inflamedB.inflictedC.infectedD.infiltrated49.Researchers recently ran the numbers on gun violence in the United States and reportedthat right-to-carry-gun laws do not inhibit violent crime.A.curbB.induceC.lessenD.impel50.Regardless of our uneasiness about stereotypes, numerous studies have shown clear difference between Chinese and western parenting.A.specificationsB.sensationsC.conventionsD.conservationsPart Ⅲ Cloze (10%)Directions: In this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks. For each blank, thereIt was the kind of research that gave insight into how flustrains could mutate so quickly. The same branch of researchto humans. Parsing ( 分析provide clues to ___52___ the next potential superflu, whichalready has a name: H5N1, also known as avian flu or bird flu.This potential killer also has a number: 59%. According to WHO, nearly three-fifths of the people who ___53___ H5N1since 2003 died from the virus, which was first reported___54___ humans in Hong Kong in 1997 before a more serious___55___ occurred in Southeast Asia between 2003 and 2004. Some researchers argue that those mortality numbers are exaggerated because WHO only ___56___ cases in whichvictims are sick enough to go to the hospitals for treatment.___57___, compare that to the worldwide mortality rate of the 1918 pandemic; it may have killed roughly 50 million people, but that was only 10% of the number of people infected, according to a 2006 estimate.H5N1's saving grace--and the only reason we're not2003. But ___58___ its lethality, and the chance it could tuminto something far more transmissible, one might expectH5N1 research to be exploding, with labs ___59___ the virus'sanimals and___60___ to humans, and hoping to discover avaccine that could head off a pandemic.参考答案:1听力Section A Short Conversations1.A. To have a coffee.2.B. They rarely listen to him.3.D. His patience with patients.4.A. 2:30 pm today.5.D. He should take one pill 30 minutes before sleep for 30 days.6.C. Have a drink or bite in a bar.7.D. Monday, the 20th.8.C. Marc De Weck.9.D. That's an impossible question to answer.10.D. The woman's sister-in-law.11.A. It's an benign tumor.12.A. He is a hematologist.13.D. Because he is applying for emigration to Australia.14.B. She wants to take her luggage to the car by herself.15.C. Annoyed.Section BLong Conversation 16.B. Atrivial illness.17.C. Stuffed nose.18.A. A cold.19.C. Whether the doctor should prescribe an antibiotic.20.A. Nice and patient.Passage One21.B. Just from the number of texts they sent.22.D. 2,300 psychology students.23.B. Image and wealth.24.C. 12% of the survey-takers texted at least 300 times a day.25.A. Too much texting can make you shallow.Passage Two26.C. Improved health.27.C. A 12-week aerobic exercise program.28.B. Exercise should be encouraged, weight loss less emphasized.29.D. To enjoy the marvelous feeling of exercise.30.A. Exercise: Value beyong Weight Loss.2词汇Section A31.A adverse32.C. flush out33.B. alleviate34.C. generate35.A. equivalent36.B. intelligibly37.A. dominate38.C. spontaneously39.A. vent40.D. bond Section B41.B. sleepy42.D. widespread43.C. plenty of44.C. illuminated45.D. replacement46.A. extremely47.C. deteriorated48.C. infected49.A. curb50.C. conventions51.A. interface52.B. stopping53.D. contracted54.A. in55.D. outbreak56.A. counts57.D. still58.A. given59.C. parsing60.C. potentially阅读理解答案Passage One61.A. warn us against the rampant abuse of antibiotics everywhere62.A. the pre-antibiotic era will return63.A. has developed resistant bacteria worldwide64.B. the existing increasingly ineffectual drugs in the market65.D. helplessnessPassage Two66.C. stay in the forefront of science67.B. the question period after each talk全国统一报名咨询电话:4008-835-98168.A. does not change with times69.B. expose themselves to novel ideas and new approaches70.C. How to design scientific meetingsPassage Three71.D. the human tendency to underestimate the harmful effects on the planet72.D. the definite huge uncertainties about the climatic effects73.A. the successors are also damaging74.D. to explore solar energy and its storage75.B. humanity's energy suppliesPassage Four76.A. how to facilitate their creativity77.B. the evidence-based preliminary results for grant application78.D. benefited from the system he advocates79.C. to encourage starting scientists to be innovative80.C. are independent doing innovative sciencePassage Five81.D82.A. leads to an enquiry by the FDA83.D. the surgical robot is not problematic but safe84.D. a lack of sufficient training on the part of surgeons85.A. Four Arms Better Than Two?Passage Six86.A. their financial status87.B. have no idea about what medical problem they are having88.D. feel a sense of accomplishment in treating the patient89.B. struggled with their survival, let alone with their medical care90.B. Sympathy。

Part ⅠListening Comprehension (30% )Section ADirections: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said.The question will be read only once. After you hear the question, read thefour possible answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer andmark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Listen to the following example.You will hear:Woman: I feel faint.Man : No wonder. You haven't had a bite all day.Question : What's the matter with the woman?You will read :A. She is sick.B. She was bitten by an ant.C. She is hungry.D. She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answer.1. A. T o have a coffee. B. To hold her teddy bear.C. T o take her medicine.D.T o talk with the doctor.2.A.They are ill-tempered.B.They rarely listen to him.C.They often give a wrong diagnosis.D.They always prescribe wrong medications.3.A. His lovely voice. B. His Italian background.C. His attraction appearance.D. His patience with patients.4. A. 2 30 pm today. B. 2:00 pm today.C. 2 : 30 pm tomorrow.D. 2 : 00 pm tomorrow.5.A. He should take one pill 13 minutes before sleep for 30 days.B.He should take one pill 13 minutes before sleep for 13 days.C.He should take one pill 30 minutes before sleep for 13 days.D.He should take one pill 30 minutes before sleep for 30 days.6.A. Go to the cinema. B. Eat out in a restaurant.C. Have a drink or bite in a bar.D. T ake a walk down the High Street.7.A. Thursday, the 16th. B. Friday, the 17th.C. Sunday, the 19th.D. Monday, the 20th.8.A. Mark De Weck B. Mark Te WeckC. Marc De WeckD. Marc T e Weck9.A. It could be three days.B. It could be three months.C. That's an easy question to answer.D. That's an impossible question to answer.10. A. The woman herself. B. The woman's mother.C. The woman's husband.D. The woman's sister-in-law.11.A. It’s a benign tumor. B. It’s a malignant tumor.C. It’s a inherited disease.D. It’s on the man’s right shoulder.12.A. He is a hematologist. B. He is a hepatologist.C. He is a psychologist.D. He is a neurologist.13.A. Because his wife, Sally, wants him to do so.B. Because his company has asked him to do so.C. Because he suspects that he might be infected.D. Because he is applying for emigration to Australia.14. A. She used to handle her own luggage, but not anymore.B. She wants to take her luggage to the car by herself.C. She loves hauling her luggage around herself.D. She needs a hand from the man.15. A. Shocked. B. Nervous.C. Annoyed.D. Contented.Section BDirections: In this section you will hear one dialogue and two passages. After each one,you will hear five questions. After each question read the four possibleanswers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter ofyour choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Dialogue16.A. A difficult case. B. A trivial illness.C. A deadly disease.D. A serious condition.17. A. Cough . B. Fever.C. Stuffed nose.D. Sore throat.18. A. A cold. B. Allergy.C. Sinusitis.D. Pneumonia.19.A. Whether the man should seek a second opinion.B. Whether the doctor’s diagnosis is correct or not.C. Whether the doctor should prescribe an antibiotic.D. Whether CompliCare should cover the man’s expenses.20.A. Nice and patient. B. Rushed and impatient.C. Rational and eloquent.D. Conservative and stubborn.21.A. Simply from the contents of their texts.B. Just from the number of texts they send.C. Merely from the books they read at leisure.D. Right from the way they spell certain words.22.A. 2, 030 sociology students.B. 2, 300 sociology students.C. 2, 030 psychologist students.D. 2, 300 psychologist students.23. A. Spiritual life. B. Image and wealth.B. Academic success. D. Morality and aesthetics.24. A. 30% of the survey-takers texted more than 300 times a day.B. 30% of the survey-takers texted more than 400 times a day.C. 12% of the survey-takers texted at least 300 times a day.D. 12% of the survey-takers texted at least 400 times a day.25. A. T oo much texting can make you shallow.B. Texting is nothing but a wonder of Technology.C. T exting has more disadvantages than advantages.D. T oo much texting results in poorly performing students.Passage Two26. A. Effective weight loss. B. Enhanced appetite.C. Improved healthD. Brain fitness.27. A. A 12-week weight loss program.B. A 12-month weight loss program.C. A 12-week aerobic exercise program.D. A 12-month aerobic exercise program.28.A. Exercise sometimes is just futile and not beneficial.B. Exercise should be encouraged, weight loss less emphasized.C. Aerobic exercise can do good to people both mentally and physically.D. Poor weight loss can inevitably result in disappointment and low self-esteem.29.A. T o control weight.B. To live well and longC. T o be together with friends.D. T o enjoy the marvelous feeling of exercise.30.A. Exercise: Value beyond Weight Loss.B. Exercise: the Way to Well-being.C. Exercise for a Better LifeD. Exercise for Weight LossPart ⅡVocabulary (10%)Section ADirections: In this section all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked AB, C and D, are given beneath each of them. You are to choose the word or phrasethat best completes the sentences. Then, mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.31.Chronic high-dose intake of vitamin A has been shown to have_______ effects on bones.A. adverseB. prevalentC. instantD.purposeful32. Drinking more water is good for the rest of your body, helping to lubricate joints and _____toxins and impurities.A. screen outB. knock outC. flush outD.rule out33.Rheumatologist advises that those with ongoing aches and pains first seek medical help to______ the problem.A. affiliateB. alleviateC. aggravateD. accelerate34.Generally, vaccine makers_____ the virus in fertilized chicken eggs in a process that can takefour to six months.A. penetrateB. designateC. generateD. exaggerate35. Danish research shows that the increase in obese people in Denmark is roughly______ to the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.A. equivalentB. temporaryC. permanentD. relevant36. T ed was felled by a massive stroke that affected his balance and left him barely able to speak______.A. bluntlyB. intelligiblyC. reluctantlyD. ironically37.In a technology-intensive enterprise, computers______ all processes of the production and management.A. dominateB. overwhelmC. substituteD. imitate38.Although most dreams apparently happen______, dream activity may be provided by external influences.A. homogeneouslyB. instantaneouslyC.spontaneouslyD. simultaneously39.We are much quicker to respond, and what we respond far too quickly by giving______ to our anger.A. ventB. impulseC.temperD. offence40. By maintaining a strong family_____, they are also maintaining the infrastructure of society.A. biasB.honorC. estateD. bondSection BDirections: Each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. There are fourwords or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the word or phrase which canbest keep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlinedpart. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.41. Inform the manager if you are on medication that makes you drowsy.A. uneasyB.sleepyC. guiltyD.fiery42. Diabetes is one of the most prevalent and potentially dangerous diseases in the world.A. crucialB. virulentC. colossalD.widespread43. Likewise , soot and smoke from fire contain a multitude of carcinogens.A. a matter ofB. a body ofC. plenty ofD. sort of44.Many questions about estrogen’s effects remain to be elucidated, and investigations are seeking answers through ongoing laboratory and clinical studies.A. implicatedB. impliedC. illuminatedD. initiated45.A network chatting is a limp substitute for meeting friends over coffee.A. accomplishmentB.refreshmentplementD.replacement46. When patients spend extended periods in hospital, they tend to become overly dependent and lose interest in taking care of themselves.A.extremelyB.exclusivlyC.exactlyD. explicitly47.Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion.A. amelioratedB.aggregatedC.deterioratedD. duplicated48. It was reported that bacteria contaminated up to 80% of domestic retail raw chicken in theUnited States.A. inflamedB. inflictedC.infectedD. infiltrated49. Researchers recently ran the numbers on gun violence in the United States and reportedthat right-to-carry-gun laws do not inhibit violent crime.A.curbB.induceC.lessenD.impel50.Regardless of our uneasiness about stereotypes, numerous studies have shown clear difference between Chinese and western parenting.A.specificationsB.sensationsC.conventionsD.conservationsPart ⅢCloze (10%)Directions: In this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks. For each blank, thereChoose the best answerANSWER SHEET.It was the kind of research that gave insight into how flu strains could mutate so quickly. The same branch of research concluded in 2005 that the 1918 flu started in birds before passing to humans. Parsing ( 分析) this animal-human___ 51 ___ could provide clues to ___52___ the next potential superflu, which already has a name: H5N1, also known as avian flu or bird flu.This potential killer also has a number: 59%. According to WHO, nearly three-fifths of the people who ___53___ H5N1since 2003 died from the virus, which was first reported___54___ humans in Hong Kong in 1997 before a more serious___55___ occurred in Southeast Asia between 2003 and 2004. Some researchers argue that those mortality numbers are exaggerated because WHO only ___56___ cases in whichvictims are sick enough to go to the hospitals for treatment.___57___, compare that to the worldwide mortality rate of the 1918 pandemic; it may have killed roughly 50 million people, butthat was only 10% of the number of people infected, according to a 2006 estimate.H5N1's saving grace--and the only reason we're not2003. But ___58___ its lethality, and the chance it could tumresearch to be exploding, with labs ___59___ the virus's molecular components to understand how it spreads between animals and___60___ to humans, and hoping to discover a vaccine that could head off a pandemic.。

Model TestName St. No. ScoreI. Read the following and answer the questions. (10%)2007 JCR Science Edition Journals from: subject categories MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNALSorted by:I m pact Fact orJournals 1 - 20 (of 100)[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ] Page 1 of 5Ranking is based on your journal and sortselections.Rank Abbreviated JournalTitle(linked to journalinformation)ISSNTotalCitesImpactFactorImmediacyIndexArticlesCitedHalf-life1 NEW ENGL J MED0028-4793 186402 52.589 11.962 343 7.02 LANCET0140-6736 135949 28.638 8.636 305 7.73 JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC0098-7484 103620 25.547 7.965 229 6.84 ANN INTERN MED0003-4819 40783 15.516 4.056 162 8.65 ANNU REV MED0066-4219 3829 13.415 2.879 33 6.16 PLOS MED1549-1277 3725 12.601 2.705 166 1.97 BRIT MED J0959-8146 62151 9.723 6.210 210 8.28 ARCH INTERN MED0003-9926 30282 8.391 1.734 278 7.29 CAN MED ASSOC J0820-3946 8324 7.067 3.053 94 6.410 ANN MED0785-3890 3143 5.779 0.593 54 6.11.What is the option of this journal citation report?2.What is the subject category?3.How is the list sorted?4.What is the Impact Factor of New England Journal of Medicine?5.What is the full title of BRIT MED J?II. Read the following and answer the questions. (10%)Web of Science®ResultsSubject Heading=(LIFE SCIENCES BIOMEDICINE) AND Author=(WANG SY) AND Institution=(HUAZHONG UNIV SCI TECHNOL)Timespan=All Years. Databases=IC, SCI-EXPANDED, CCR-EXPANDED [back to 1840], SSCI.1. Zhang ZH, Wang SY, Li Q, et al.Capillary leak syndrome in children with C4A-deficiency undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass: a double-blind, randomised controlled studyLANCET 366 (9485): 556-562 AUG 13 2005Times Cited:02. Zhang SH, Wang SY, Yao SLEvidence for development of capillary leak syndrome associated withcardiopulmonary bypass in pediatric patients with the homozygous C4A nullphenotypeANESTHESIOLOGY 100 (6): 1387-1393 JUN 2004Times Cited:43. Zhang SH, Wang SY, Yao SLAntioxidative effect of propofol during cardiopulmonary bypass in adultsACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA 25 (3): 334-340 MAR 2004Times Cited:46.What is the website you can use to find the SCI collection?7.What is the subject heading?8.Where is Wang SY from?9.How many articles of Wang SY are collected by SCI?10.How many times are his articles cited?III. Read the following and answer the questions. (20%)J. Biol. Chem., Vol. 278, Issue 18, 15541-15549, May 2, 2003Induction of Prothrombinase fgl2 by the Nucleocapsid Protein of Virulent Mouse Hepatitis Virus Is Dependent on Host Hepatic Nuclear Factor-4Qin Ning, Sophia Lakatoo, Mingfeng Liu, Weiming Y ang, Zhimo Wang, M. James Phillips, and Gary A. LevyFibrinogen-like protein 2/fibroleukin (Fgl2) plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of both experimental and human fulminant hepatic failure. We have reported recently that the nucleocapsid(N) protein from strains of murine hepatitis virus (MHV-3, MHV-A59),which cause massive hepatocellular necrosis but not from strains(MHV-JHM, MHV-2) which do not produce serious liver disease, induces transcription of fgl2. The purpose of the present study was to characterize both viral and host factor(s) necessary for viral induced transcription of fgl2. Mutation of residues Gly-12, Pro-38,Asn-40, Gln-41, and Asn-42 within domain 1 of the N protein of MHV-A59 to their corresponding residues found in MHV-2 abrogated fgl2 transcription, whereas mutation of other N protein domains,including a protein expressed from an internal reading frame (I protein), did not affect fgl2 gene transcription. We then examined the 372 to 306 sequence within the 1.3-kb fgl2promoter region upstream from the transcription start site that was previously identified as necessary for N protein-induced gene transcription.We demonstrated that the 331/325 HNF4 cis-element and its cognate transcription factor, HNF4, are necessary for virus-induced fgl2gene transcription. In uninfected macrophages and macrophages infected with MHV-2, an unidentified protein occupies the HNF4cis-element. Following stimulation with MHV-A59, it was shown by electrophoretic mobility shift assay that HNF4binds the HNF4 cis-element in the fgl2promoter. We further report the unprecedented presence of HNF4in peritoneal macrophages. Collectively, the results of this study define both viral and host factors necessary for induction of fgl2prothrombinase gene transcription in MHV infection and may provide an explanation for the hepatotrophic nature of MHV-induced fulminant hepatic failure.11.How many parts can you divide the abstract into? each part?13.Which sentence is the purpose of the study?14.Which sentence is the conclusion?IV. Read the following and answer the questions. (20%)15.How many parts can you divide the introduction into? each part?17.Which sentence is the purpose of the study?18.Which sentence is the conclusion?V. Read the following and answer the questions. (20%)References and Notes1. State Council AIDS Working Committee Office, U.N. Theme Group on HIV/AIDS in China, A Joint Assessment of HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment and Care in China (Beijing, 2004).2. J. Watts, Lancet362, 1983 (2003).3. Ministry of Health of China, UNAIDS, and WHO, 2005 Update on the HIV/AIDS Epidemic and Response in China[Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC), Beijing, 2006].4. M. J. Rotheram-Borus, P. A. Newman, M. A. Etzel, J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr.25 (suppl.2), S105 (2000).5. The Voluntary HIV-1 Counseling and Testing Efficacy Study Group, Lancet356, 103 (2000).6. S. Allen et al., AIDS17, 733 (2003).7. H. Amaro, A. C. Morrill, J. Dai, J. Health Psychol.10, 287(2005).8. M. E. Bentley et al., AIDS12, 1869 (1998).9. R. Fox, N. J. Odaka, R. Brookmeyer, B. R. Polk, AIDS1, 241 (1987).10. J. A. Inciardi, H. L. Surratt, S. P. Kurtz, J. C. Weaver, AIDS Care17 (suppl. 1), S88 (2005).11. R. R. Robles, T. D. Matos, H. M. Colon, C. A. Marrero, J. C. Reyes, Drugs Soc. (New York) 9,173 (1996).12. A. Erikson et al., Correspondent15, 24 (2006).13.T. Frieden et al., N. Engl. J. Med.353, 2397-2402 (2005).14. R. Bayer, N. Engl. J. Med.334, 1540 (1996).15. L. B. Leveton, H. C. Sox, M. A. Stoto, Eds. HIV and the Blood Supply: An Analysis of CrisisDecision-Making (Institute of Medicine, National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 1995).16. Chinese Ministry of Health, U.N. Theme Group on HIV/AIDS in China, The ThirdConference on HIV/AIDS International Cooperation Projects in China, Kunming, 3 to 4 September 2005.17. UNAIDS-WHO, "Policy statement on HIV testing"(www.who.int/entity/rpc/research_ethics/hivtestingpolicy_en_pdf.pdf).18. Ministry of Health Expert Consultation Committee, "Report on HIV screening among keypopulations in Henan province" (Ministry of Health, Beijing, 2005).19. Ministry of Health Expert Consultation Committee, "Report on HIV screening among keypopulations in Yunnan Province" (Ministry of Health, Beijing, 2005).20. HIV-positive mothers are given the options of abortion or ART perinatally, cesarean delivery(where available), and free formula milk for 12 months.21. State Council Regulations on AIDS Prevention and Treatment, Articles 3, 10, 39, 41, 55, 56.22. The Infectious Diseases Control Act of the People's Republic of China, Articles 12, 16, 68, 69.We thank S. Korenman, Associate Dean for Ethics at the UCLA School of Medicine, for reviewing this manuscript, W. W. Cao for review of relevant publications, and W. Aft for editorial assistance.19.What kind of the reference source does the first reference belong to?20.What kind of the reference source does the second reference belong to?21.What kind of the reference source does Reference 15 belong to?22.What kind of the reference source does Item 20 belong to?VI. Read the following and answer the questions. (10%)SCI Impact Factor 1.677Acta Pharmacologica Sinica Information For Authors GENERAL1 Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, published monthly in English, is the official journal of the Chinese Pharmacological Society and Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Shanghai Institutes of Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica is listed in Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, CSA Medical Biotechnology, CSA Bioengineering, CSA Neuroscience, Current Contents/Life Sciences, Excerpta Medica, FSTA, Global Health, IndexCopernicus, Index Medicus, Kagaku Gijutsu Bunken Sokuho, MEDLINE, Рефератнвныйжурнап, Research Alert, Science Citation Index, SciSearch, Scopus, Tropical Diseases Bulletin, and many other abstracting and indexing services.Acta Pharmacologica Sinica welcomes current Original articles on all aspects of the life sciences and related areas, both experimental and clinical, from any part of the world. Reviews based primarily on authors?own research of internationally important topics are also welcome. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication" as presented at /.2 Prior or duplicate publications are not accepted. All manuscripts, especially data, must not be published or submitted for publication elsewhere. English translations of published articles are not acceptable. The authors should make a full statement on submission about all submissions and previous reports that might be regarded as redundant or duplicate publications of the same or very similar work.The source of financial grants and other funding must be acknowledged, including a frank declaration of the authors' industrial links and affiliations. The contribution of colleagues or institutions should also be acknowledged.…23.What is the SCI Impact Factor of Acta Pharmacological Sinica?24.What kinds of original article are welcomed by Acta Pharmacological Sinica?25.What is the website presenting the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted toBiomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication"?26.Does Acta Pharmacological Sinica accept English translations of published articles?27.What must be acknowledged if an article is accepted to be published in Acta PharmacologicalSinica?。

同济大学继续教育学院2017学年秋季学期期终考试专升本复习卷Part I. Reading Comprehension (30%)Passage OneFor the most part, rapid economic development has been a boon. But there is a down side to development – health problems such asoverweight are all becoming more prevalent, as more people take taxis to work instead of riding their bicycles, and other labor-saving devices become more popular.An increasing fast pace of life makes it difficult for people to spend time working out or playing sports. “I know exercise is good f or your health,” a young lady said. “But after a busy work week, the only thing I want to do is watch some TV and go to sleep.” That attitude may explain the results of a recent nationwide study, which suggested 15 percent of urban adults I China are overweight, a large number of people over the age of 40 suffer from high blood pressure and cardiac ailments.Local researchers found that 31.2 percent of elderly respondents were getting enough exercise, but less than 9 percent of youngsters and the middle-aged got an adequate amount of physical activity.Elderly people understand the importance of protecting their health. The young people, however, are busy working and use this as an excuse to avoid exercise. In fact, physical exercise doesn’t require much t ime,money or a special gymnasium. People can make use of any time and any place at their convenience to take part in sports. Walking quickly, cycling, climbing the stairs and dancing are all helpful methods to enhance one’s health.The benefits of adding a little more activity to your lift are priceless. “There is no need to be an athlete, however,” a local doctor said. People should walk for 30 minutes a day and take part in other physical activity three to five times a week. He warns, however, that people in poor physical shape should start slowly, and build up over time.China has taken the need for more exercise to heart, with the government running several activities last Sunday, which was the designated World Health Day. Pamphlets and posters based on the theme “Move for Health” were distributed nationwide, encouraging people to develop a positive and healthy lifestyle.1. Rapid economic development has resulted in all the following except ____.A. an increasing number of taxi passengersB. the wide use of labor-saving devicesC. an increasingly fast pace of lifeD. people’s awareness of the importance of exercise2. Some people are getting overweight because ____.A. they are too busy to have any time for exerciseB. they are ignorant of the benefits of exerciseC. they are too weak to participate in physical activityD. they are short of money to pay for different exercises3. According to the passage, who need regular daily exercise most?A. People taking taxis to work.B. Urban adults with full-time jobs.C. Elderly people suffering from high blood pressure.D. Youngsters dreaming of becoming professional athletes.4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph but one?A. Many people are still unable to afford the cost of physical exercises.B. Nobody should take part in physical activity in order to be an athlete.C. Moderate physical exercise is usually enough for ordinary people.D. Old or sick people should only take part in physical exercisesof the slowest type.5. By refe rring to rapid economic development as “a boon” at the beginning of the passage, the author means that ____.A. it has benefited the general public greatlyB. it has done harm to people’s health nationwideC. it is going faster than anyone could have imaginedD. it has helped to establish a positive and health lifestyle of the publicPassage TwoFor Roy Johnson, a senior magazine editor, the latest indignity came after a recent dinner at a fancy restaurant in the wealthy New York City suburb where he and his family live. First the parking valet handed him the keys to his Jaguar instead of fetching the car. Then an elderly white couple came out and handed hi the keys to their black Mercedes-Benz. “It took them a while to realize that I was not a valet,” says Johnson. “It didn’t matter that I was dressed for dinner and had paid a handsome price for the meal, just as he had. What mattered was that I didn’t fit his idea of someone who could be equal to him.”Such incidents, which are depressingly familiar to African-Americans of all ages, incomes and social classes, help explain why black and white attitudes often differ so completely. A recent survey found that 68 percent of blacks believe racism is still a major problem in America. Only 38 percent of whites agreed.。

2017年医学博士考试《外语》真题(总分100, 考试时间90分钟)Section A1. Rheumatologist advises that those with ongoing aches and pains first seek medical help to______ the problem.A affiliateB alleviateC aggravateD accelerate答案:B解析:风湿病学家建议,那些持续疼痛和痛苦的人首先应该借助医疗来缓解问题。
2. An allergy results when the body have a(n)______reaction to certain substances introduced to it.A spontaneousB negativeC adverseD prompt答案:C解析:当身体对某种外来物质产生不良反应时,就会出现过敏现象。
在有关过敏的语境里,一般"不良反应"用an adverse reaction,而不用negative,正确答案为C。
3. Diabetes is one of the most______and potentially dangerous diseases in the world.A crucialB virulentC colossalD prevalent答案:D解析:糖尿病是世界上最普遍的潜在危险疾病之一。

三、免修免考规定符合下列条件之一者可申请免修免考博士生英语课程:1、获全日制英语专业硕士学位;2、在英语国家(仅限英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰)学习一年以上,并获硕士学位;3、TOEFL成绩新托福96分(满分120分)(2年内有效);4、IELTS成绩6.5分(2年内有效);5、PETS 5级考试笔试80分,口试3分(2年内有效);6、GRE成绩 1280分(满分1600分);新GRE成绩289分(满分340分)(2年内有效)。

同济大学管理科学与工程博士英语考试真题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Tongji University PhD in Management Science and Engineering English ExamIntroduction:The PhD in Management Science and Engineering at Tongji University is a prestigious program that attracts top scholars and researchers from around the world. To gain admission to this program, candidates must pass a rigorous English exam that tests their language proficiency and academic writing skills. This article will provide a sample of the types of questions that may be included in the exam.Sample Exam Questions:1. Essay Question:Write an essay discussing the impact of technological advancements on the field of management science and engineering. Consider how innovations in artificial intelligence, data analytics, and automation are shaping the future of thisdiscipline. Provide examples of companies or organizations that have successfully implemented these technologies to improve their operations.2. Reading Comprehension:Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:"Supply chain management plays a critical role in the success of modern businesses. By optimizing the flow of goods and services from suppliers to customers, companies can reduce costs, improve efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction. However, disruptions in the supply chain can have serious consequences, leading to delays, stockouts, and lost revenue."a. What is the importance of supply chain management in modern businesses?b. How can disruptions in the supply chain impact a company's operations?3. Case Study Analysis:Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow:"Company X is a manufacturing firm that produces electronic devices. Due to increased competition and changing consumer preferences, the company is facing declining sales and profitability. As a management consultant, how would you advise Company X to improve its performance and regain its competitive edge?"a. Identify the challenges facing Company X.b. Propose a strategic plan to help Company X overcome these challenges.Conclusion:The English exam for the PhD in Management Science and Engineering at Tongji University is designed to assess candidates' ability to communicate effectively and analyze complex information. By practicing with sample questions like the ones provided in this article, applicants can better prepare themselves for success in the program.篇2Tongji University Management Science and Engineering PhD English ExamInstructions:1. This exam consists of four parts: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, writing, and speaking.2. Total exam time is 4 hours.3. Students are required to bring their own pens, pencils, and erasers. No electronic devices are allowed during the exam.Part 1: Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)1. Listen to the recording and answer the following questions.a) What is the main topic of the conversation?b) Who are the two speakers and what is their relationship?c) What are the three main points discussed in the conversation?Part 2: Reading Comprehension (60 minutes)Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Passage: In today's highly competitive business world, effective leadership is crucial for the success of any organization. Leaders must possess a combination of skills, including excellent communication, strategic thinking, and the ability to motivateand inspire their team members. Without strong leadership, a company is unlikely to survive in the long run.Questions:1. Why is effective leadership important in business?2. What skills must a leader possess to be successful?3. How can a leader motivate and inspire team members?Part 3: Writing (90 minutes)Choose one of the following topics and write an essay of 500-700 words.1. The impact of technology on modern business2. The importance of diversity in the workplace3. Strategies for improving employee productivityPart 4: Speaking (30 minutes)Students will be given a topic to discuss for 5-10 minutes. The topic will be related to current management issues or trends. The student will be evaluated on their fluency, vocabulary, coherence, and critical thinking skills.Good luck to all students taking the exam! Remember to stay calm and focused, and do your best.篇3Tongji University Doctoral Program in Management Science and EngineeringPhD English Exam Sample QuestionsWelcome to the Tongji University Ph.D. Program in Management Science and Engineering English exam. This exam is designed to assess your English proficiency and readiness for advanced study in the field of management science and engineering. Please read each question carefully and provide detailed responses in English.Section 1: Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Passage:Recent studies have shown that companies that prioritize sustainability and social responsibility tend to perform better financially in the long run. This is because consumers are increasingly looking for environmentally friendly and sociallyconscious products and services. Companies that fail to meet these expectations risk losing market share to more responsible competitors. In addition, sustainable practices can also lead to cost savings and efficiency improvements within the organization.Questions:1. What is the relationship between sustainability and financial performance according to recent studies?2. Why do companies that prioritize sustainability have a competitive advantage in the market?3. How can sustainable practices benefit organizations beyond just social responsibility?Section 2: WritingWrite an essay of 500-600 words on the following topic:"In your opinion, what are the key challenges facing businesses in the 21st century in terms of sustainability and social responsibility? How can companies overcome these challenges and achieve long-term success?"Section 3: Oral PresentationPrepare a 10-minute oral presentation on a topic related to management science and engineering. You will be assessed on your ability to communicate clearly and effectively in English.Good luck with your exam! We look forward to welcoming you to the Tongji University Ph.D. Program in Management Science and Engineering.。

2017年医学博士英语统考真题及答案Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (30% )Section ADirections: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said.The question will be read only once. After you hear the question, read thefour possible answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer andmark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Listen to the following example.You will hear:Woman: I feel faint.Man : No wonder. You haven't had a bite all day.Question : What's the matter with the woman?You will read :A. She is sick.B. She was bitten by an ant.C. She is hungry.D. She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answer.1. A. To have a coffee. B. To hold her teddy bear.C. T o take her medicine.D.T o talk with the doctor.2.A.They are ill-tempered.B.They rarely listen to him.C.They often give a wrong diagnosis.D.They always prescribe wrong medications.3.A. His lovely voice. B. His Italian background.C. His attraction appearance.D. His patience with patients.4. A. 2 30 pm today. B. 2:00 pm today.C. 2 : 30 pm tomorrow.D. 2 : 00 pm tomorrow.5.A. He should take one pill 13 minutes before sleep for 30 days.B.He should take one pill 13 minutes before sleep for 13 days.C.He should take one pill 30 minutes before sleep for 13 days.D.He should take one pill 30 minutes before sleep for 30 days.6.A. Go to the cinema. B. Eat out in a restaurant.C. Have a drink or bite in a bar.D. T ake a walk down the High Street.7.A. Thursday, the 16th. B. Friday, the 17th.C. Sunday, the 19th.D. Monday, the 20th.8.A. Mark De Weck B. Mark Te WeckC. Marc De WeckD. Marc T e Weck9.A. It could be three days.B. It could be three months.C. That's an easy question to answer.D. That's an impossible question to answer.10. A. The woman herself. B. The woman's mother.C. The woman's husband.D. The woman's sister-in-law.11.A. It’s a benign tumor. B. It’s a malignant tumor.C. It’s a inherited disease.D. It’s on the man’s right shoulder.12.A. He is a hematologist. B. He is a hepatologist.C. He is a psychologist.D. He is a neurologist.13.A. Because his wife, Sally, wants him to do so.B. Because his company has asked him to do so.C. Because he suspects that he might be infected.D. Because he is applying for emigration to Australia.14. A. She used to handle her own luggage, but not anymore.B. She wants to take her luggage to the car by herself.C. She loves hauling her luggage around herself.D. She needs a hand from the man.15. A. Shocked. B. Nervous.C. Annoyed.D. Contented.Section BDirections: In this section you will hear one dialogue and two passages. After each one, you will hear five questions. After each question read the four possibleanswers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter ofyour choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Dialogue16.A. A difficult case. B. A trivial illness.C. A deadly disease.D. A serious condition.17. A. Cough . B. Fever.C. Stuffed nose.D. Sore throat.18. A. A cold. B. Allergy.C. Sinusitis.D. Pneumonia.19.A. Whether the man should seek a second opinion.B. Whether the doctor’s diagnosis is correct or not.C. Whether the doctor should prescribe an antibiotic.D. Whether CompliCare should cover the man’s expenses.20.A. Nice and patient. B. Rushed and impatient.C. Rational and eloquent.D. Conservative and stubborn.21.A. Simply from the contents of their texts.B. Just from the number of texts they send.C. Merely from the books they read at leisure.D. Right from the way they spell certain words.22.A. 2, 030 sociology students.B. 2, 300 sociology students.C. 2, 030 psychologist students.D. 2, 300 psychologist students.23. A. Spiritual life. B. Image and wealth.B. Academic success. D. Morality and aesthetics.24. A. 30% of the survey-takers texted more than 300 times a day.B. 30% of the survey-takers texted more than 400 times a day.C. 12% of the survey-takers texted at least 300 times a day.D. 12% of the survey-takers texted at least 400 times a day.25. A. T oo much texting can make you shallow.B. Texting is nothing but a wonder of Technology.C. T exting has more disadvantages than advantages.D. T oo much texting results in poorly performing students.Passage Two26. A. Effective weight loss. B. Enhanced appetite.C. Improved healthD. Brain fitness.27. A. A 12-week weight loss program.B. A 12-month weight loss program.C. A 12-week aerobic exercise program.D. A 12-month aerobic exercise program.28.A. Exercise sometimes is just futile and not beneficial.B. Exercise should be encouraged, weight loss less emphasized.C. Aerobic exercise can do good to people both mentally and physically.D. Poor weight loss can inevitably result in disappointment and low self-esteem.29.A. T o control weight.B. To live well and longC. T o be together with friends.D. T o enjoy the marvelous feeling of exercise.30.A. Exercise: Value beyond Weight Loss.B. Exercise: the Way to Well-being.C. Exercise for a Better LifeD. Exercise for Weight LossPart Ⅱ Vocabulary (10%)Section ADirections: In this section all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked A B, C and D, are given beneath each of them. You are to choose the word or phrasethat best completes the sentences. Then, mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.31.Chronic high-dose intake of vitamin A has been shown to have_______ effects on bones.A. adverseB. prevalentC. instantD.purposeful32. Drinking more water is good for the rest of your body, helping to lubricate joints and _____ toxins and impurities.A. screen outB. knock outC. flush outD.rule out33.Rheumatologist advises that those with ongoing aches and pains first seek medical help to ______ the problem.A. affiliateB. alleviateC. aggravateD. accelerate34.Generally, vaccine makers_____ the virus in fertilized chicken eggs in a process that can takefour to six months.A. penetrateB. designateC. generateD. exaggerate35. Danish research shows that the increase in obese people in Denmark is roughly______ to the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.A. equivalentB. temporaryC. permanentD. relevant36. T ed was felled by a massive stroke that affected his balance and left him barely able to speak______.A. bluntlyB. intelligiblyC. reluctantlyD. ironically37.In a technology-intensive enterprise, computers______ all processes of the production and management.A. dominateB. overwhelmC. substituteD. imitate38.Although most dreams apparently happen______, dream activity may be provided by external influences.A. homogeneouslyB. instantaneouslyC.spontaneouslyD. simultaneously39.We are much quicker to respond, and what we respond far too quickly by giving______ to our anger.A. ventB. impulseC.temperD. offence40. By maintaining a strong family_____, they are also maintaining the infrastructure of society.A. biasB.honorC. estateD. bondSection BDirections: Each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the word or phrase which canbest keep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlinedpart. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.41. Inform the manager if you are on medication that makes you drowsy.A. uneasyB.sleepyC. guiltyD.fiery42. Diabetes is one of the most prevalent and potentially dangerous diseases in the world.A. crucialB. virulentC. colossalD.widespread43. Likewise , soot and smoke from fire contain a multitude of carcinogens.A. a matter ofB. a body ofC. plenty ofD. sort of44.Many questions about estrogen’s effects remain to be elucidated, and investigations are seeking answers through ongoing laboratory and clinical studies.A. implicatedB. impliedC. illuminatedD. initiated45.A network chatting is a limp substitute for meeting friends over coffee.A. accomplishmentB.refreshmentplementD.replacement46. When patients spend extended periods in hospital, they tend to become overly dependent and lose interest in taking care of themselves.A.extremelyB.exclusivlyC.exactlyD. explicitly47.Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion.A. amelioratedB.aggregatedC.deterioratedD. duplicated48. It was reported that bacteria contaminated up to 80% of domestic retail raw chicken in the United States.A. inflamedB. inflictedC.infectedD. infiltrated49. Researchers recently ran the numbers on gun violence in the United States and reportedthat right-to-carry-gun laws do not inhibit violent crime.A.curbB.induceC.lessenD.impel50.Regardless of our uneasiness about stereotypes, numerous studies have shown clear difference between Chinese and western parenting.A.specificationsB.sensationsC.conventionsD.conservationsPart Ⅲ Cloze (10%)Directions: In this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks. For each blank, thereIt was the kind of research that gave insight into how flustrains could mutate so quickly. The same branch of researchto humans. Parsing ( 分析provide clues to ___52___ the next potential superflu, whichThis potential killer also has a number: 59%. According to WHO, nearly three-fifths of the people who ___53___ H5N1since 2003 died from the virus, which was first reported___54___ humans in Hong Kong in 1997 before a more serious___55___ occurred in Southeast Asia between 2003 and 2004. Some researchers argue that those mortality numbers are exaggerated because WHO only ___56___ cases in whichvictims are sick enough to go to the hospitals for treatment.___57___, compare that to the worldwide mortality rate of the 1918 pandemic; it may have killed roughly 50 million people, but that was only 10% of the number of people infected, according to a 2006 estimate.H5N1's saving grace--and the only reason we're not2003. But ___58___ its lethality, and the chance it could tumresearch to be exploding, with labs ___59___ the virus'sanimals and___60___ to humans, and hoping to discover avaccine that could head off a pandemic.参考答案:1听力Section A Short Conversations1. A. To have a coffee. 2. B. They rarely listen to him. 3. D. His patience with patients. 4. A. 2:30 pm today. 5. D. He should take one pill 30 minutes before sleep for 30 days. 6. C. Have a drink or bite in a bar. 7. D. Monday, the 20th. 8. C. Marc De Weck. 9. D. That's an impossible question to answer. 10. D. The woman's sister-in-law. 11. A. It's an benign tumor. 12. A. He is a hematologist. 13. D. Because he is applying for emigration to Australia. 14. B. She wants to take her luggage to the car by herself. 15. C. Annoyed. Section BLong Conversation 16. B. Atrivial illness.17. C. Stuffed nose.18. A. A cold.19. C. Whether the doctor should prescribe an antibiotic.20. A. Nice and patient.Passage One21. B. Just from the number of texts they sent.22. D. 2,300 psychology students.23. B. Image and wealth.24. C. 12% of the survey-takers texted at least 300 times a day.25. A. Too much texting can make you shallow.Passage Two26. C. Improved health.27. C. A 12-week aerobic exercise program.28. B. Exercise should be encouraged, weight loss less emphasized.29. D. To enjoy the marvelous feeling of exercise.30. A. Exercise: Value beyong Weight Loss. 2词汇Section A31. A adverse32. C. flush out33. B. alleviate34. C. generate35. A. equivalent36. B. intelligibly37. A. dominate38. C. spontaneously39. A. vent40. D. bondSection B41. B. sleepy42. D. widespread43. C. plenty of44. C. illuminated45. D. replacement 46. A. extremely47. C. deteriorated48. C. infected49. A. curb50. C. conventions51. A. interface52. B. stopping53. D. contracted54. A. in55. D. outbreak56. A. counts57. D. still58. A. given59. C. parsing60. C. potentially阅读理解答案Passage One61. A. warn us against the rampant abuse of antibiotics everywhere62. A. the pre-antibiotic era will return63. A. has developed resistant bacteria worldwide64. B. the existing increasingly ineffectual drugs in the market65. D. helplessnessPassage Two66. C. stay in the forefront of science67. B. the question period after each talk68. A. does not change with times69. B. expose themselves to novel ideas and new approaches70. C. How to design scientific meetingsPassage Three71. D. the human tendency to underestimate the harmful effects on the planet72. D. the definite huge uncertainties about the climatic effects73. A. the successors are also damaging74. D. to explore solar energy and its storage75. B. humanity's energy suppliesPassage Four76. A. how to facilitate their creativity77. B. the evidence-based preliminary results for grant application78. D. benefited from the system he advocates79. C. to encourage starting scientists to be innovative80. C. are independent doing innovative sciencePassage Five81. D82. A. leads to an enquiry by the FDA83. D. the surgical robot is not problematic but safe84. D. a lack of sufficient training on the part of surgeons85. A. Four Arms Better Than Two?Passage Six86. A. their financial status87. B. have no idea about what medical problem they are having88. D. feel a sense of accomplishment in treating the patient89. B. struggled with their survival, let alone with their medical care90. B. Sympathy。

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The Two CulturesThe separation between the literary and scientific has been getting deeper; there is now precious little communication between the two cultures, but only different kinds of incomprehension and dislike between them.The traditional culture literary is rapidly declining-standing on its precarious dignity, because the traditional culture is conservative and intolerant, whereas the scientific culture which is not restrictive and confident is expansive.There are a good many scientists indistinguishable from literary persons, and vice versa. Nevertheless, as a first approximation, the scientific culture is real enough, and so is its difference from the traditional culture.The scientists are on the up and up, they have the strength of a social force behind them, both the young scientist and old scientists work in dignity in their universities, concentrating on their research.There is a touch of the frontier qualities about the whole scientific culture, and the climate of personal relations is singularly bracing. Although both the scientists and the cultures are egotisms, the difference between them is that unlike the cultures, the scientists’ egotisms are driven by a common purpose.It is hard to describe the how much the traditional culture gets through literary culture. Although a good many scientists have the tastes of literary persons, the literary culture infiltration is much less.Compared with other forms of arts, such as graphic, poetry and novels, music may be the only one art which is cultivated among scientist.The prestige of the traditional culture is high enough for some of them to make a gallant shot at the younger rank-and-file of scientists for they do not read at all. The novelist’ name to the traditional culture is a token of esotery literary excellence, but most technicians do not think so.The different attitudes toward novelist is a measure of the incommunicability of the two cultures, the tradition culture think the scientists are losing a great deal, but the some of that loss is inevitable.The scientists believe that one can’t comprehend the world unless you know the structure of science; probably it is true, because without any scientific understandingmay miss a whole body of experience.so the intellectual of science is penetrating deeper.The greatest enrichment the scientific culture gives us is a moral one. The scientific culture is almost totally immune from the particular temptation made up of moral vanity, self-indulgence and material benefits. But because the two cultures scarcely touch, the tradition culture lack of those moral.On Self-RespectFrom retrospection that the writer once held an opinion that innocence ends when one is stripped of the delusion that one likes oneself, the writer introspects misplaced self-respect.When the writer was a nineteen-year-old girl, she failed to be elected to Phi Beta Kappa, which she had already predicted, but she still couldn’t stand it when the result came.The writer defines the essence of self-respect, she deems that self-respect has nothing to do with approval of others and reputation, because the people with courage can be self-respect without approval of others and reputation.Doing things without self-respect is just like an unwilling audience to an interminable documentary that details his failings over and over again; while the self-respect one has the courage of their mistakes.Happiness or not depends on whether one respect themselves.It is improper for some people deem that one leads a cozy life must own self-respect, the self-respect has nothing to do with superstition which can offer guard to against danger. Self-respect concerns a separate peace, a private reconciliation.People with self-respect have the courage of their mistakes, they known the price of things, they don’t complain unduly of the unfairness, and they exhibit certain toughness, a kind of moral nerve. So self-respect stems from the willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life.When our grandparents were young, they had instilled the sense that one lives by doing things one does not particularly want to do, they had to put fears and doubts to one side, and had to weigh immediate interests and long-term interests. Thus, whether or not they had self-respect, they knew all about what is self-respect.Self-respect person can recognize that anything worth having its price. They are always willing to accept the risk and willing to invest something of themselves, they may not play at all, but when they do play, they know the odd.Self-respect can be equalized to a discipline, a habit of mind which can be developed, trained and coaxed forth, but can never be faked out.Self-respect is a kind of ritual, helping us to remember who and what we are. So in order to remember who and what we are, we must have known what self-respect is.People will possess everything such as the ability of discriminating, loving, and to remain indifference if they are armed of the intrinsic worth which constitutes self-respect.If we are alienation from ourselves, we will easily despise others and remain blind to our fatal weaknesses, also, we are peculiarly in thrall to everyone we see. So self-respect frees us from the expectations of others, give us back to ourselves, and enrich our interior abundance.On Self-RespectEvery one of us maybe misunderstand the essence of self-respect, especially in vigorous youth or earlier days. It is normal that feeling of less confident occurred often when the young man suffered light or serious setback. There was about the persevering young man at times a certain strain of tenderness, evoked by experiences, disappointments, and hardships in his own life. We will never be mature and happy if we care much about what people thought in our times.The dismal fact is that self-respect has nothing wo do with both the approvals of others and reputation. Just only we respect ourselves can we no longer lies down the notoriously uncomfortable bed the one we make ourselves. Self-respect has nothing to do with the face of things, but concerns instead a separate peace, a private reconciliation. People with self-respect have the courage of their mistakes. Parents with self-respect can set up a good example for their children especially when they are childish.The kind of self-respect is a discipline, a habit of mind that can never be faked but can be developed, trained, coaxed forth. But, those small disciplines are valuable only insofar as they represent longer ones. To have the sense of one`s intrinsic worthwhich constitutes self-respect is potentially to have everything: the ability to discriminate, and to remain indifferent. To lack self-respect is to be looked within oneself., paradoxically incapable of either love or indifference.Only the man who has self-respect can be freed from the expectations of others and give them to themselves. It is just the power of self-respect.作文模版现象解释型Nowadays, there are more and more…….in……, especially the…….it is estimated that…….why have there so many……?may be the reasons can be listed as follows:The first one is…….besides,…..the third one is…..to sum up, the main cause of …..is due to…….It is high time that something were done upon it. for one thing,…..on the other hand,…..all these measures will certainly reduce the number of…..不同观点列举型There is a widespread concern over the issue that …….but it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. A majority of people think that In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, ___原因一_______.Furthermore, in the second place, ___原因二_____. So it goes without saying that ___观点一_____.People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter. Some people hold the idea that ___观点二_______. In their point of view, on the one hand,___原因一____. On the other hand, __原因二___. Therefore, there is no doubt that ___观点二______. As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that __观点一或二______. It is not only because ________, but also because _________. The more _______, the more利弊型的议论文Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)___作文题目______. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in __题目议题_____. Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects asfollows.Firstly, ___优点一______. And secondly ___优点二_____. Just As a popular saying goes, "every coin has two sides", __讨论议题______ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, ___缺点一______. In addition, ____缺点二______. To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of __讨论议题____ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the ____讨论议题___.答题性议论文Currently, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)__作文题目_______ .It is really an important concern to every one of us. As a result, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem. As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem. First of all, __途径一______. In addition, another way contributing to success of the solving problem is ___途径二_____. Above all, to solve the problem of _作文题目, we should find a number of various ways. But as far as I am concerned, I would prefer to solve the problem in this way, that is to say,方法谚语警句性议论文It is well known to us that the proverb: " ___谚语_______" has a profound significance and value not only in our job but also in our study. It means ____谚语的含义_______. The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows. ( also theoretically ) A case in point is ___例子一______. Therefore, it is goes without saying that it is of great of importance to practice the proverb ____谚语_____. With the rapid development of science and technology in China, an increasing number of people come to realize that it is also of practical use to stick to the saying: ____谚语_____. The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, the more benefits we will get in our daily study and job.图表作文的框架As is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage in thetable(graph/picture/pie/chart), ___作文题目的议题_____ has been on rise/ decrease (goesup/increases/drops/decreases),significantly/dramatically/steadilyrising/decreasing from______ in _______ to ______ in _____. From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that ________. There are at least two good reasons accounting for ______. On the one hand, ________. On the other hand, _______ is due to the fact that ________. In addition, ________ is responsible for _______. Maybe there are some other reasons to show ________. But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that _______. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded。
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7. Bank of America, holding company for the San Francisco -- based Bank of America, was once unchallenged as the nation's biggest banking organization. 美国银行,持有位于旧金山的美国银行,全国最大的银行机构的地位受到挑战。 has been making efforts to conquer the markets of Bank of America 一直在努力征服美洲银行市场 Its deposit rate was higher than that of other banks. 其存款利率高于其他银行 its large amount of branches 大量的分支机构 higher deposit rate 更高的存款利率 The profit of the Bank of America has been reducing since the 1980s. 自 80 年代以来,在美国银行的利润减少了
9. Moviegoers may think history is repeating itself this weekend. 观众可能会认为本周末历史重演 The movie Titanic and the on-show movie Pearl Harbor. 电影泰坦尼克号,及正上映的电影-珍珠港 To cost a lot. 代价很大 Titanic is the most successful film in history 泰坦尼克号是历史上最成功的电影 both are documentary movies of historical events 都是历史事件的纪录片电影 The Battle of Waterloo. 滑铁卢之战
8. Volcanic fire and glacial ice are natural enemies. 火山火灾和冰川是天然的敌人 The steam caves of Mount Rainier's. 雷尼尔山的蒸汽洞穴 destruction 销毁 a glacier 冰川 Fumaroles 喷气孔 eliminate 消除
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6. Western nations initially ignored Russia's ruthless military campaign in Chechnya to gain Moscow's support for the war on terrorism. 西方国家最初忽视了俄罗斯在车臣的残暴的军事行动,以获得莫斯科对反恐战争 的支持 they wanted to gain Russia's support for the war on terrorism 他们希望得到俄罗斯的反恐战争的支持 inventing 发明 In the western nation's opinion, the war in Chechnya is similar to that in Afghanistan. 西方国家认为,在车臣的战争类似于在阿富汗的 Western nations will blame Russia for its ruthlessness in Chechnya 西方国家指责俄罗斯在车臣的无情 sympathetic
11. To these indirect presumtions that our sensations, following the mutations of our capacity for feeling, are always undergoing an essential change, must be added another presumption, based on what must happen in the brain. 这些间接假设,我们的感觉,下面我们对感觉能力的突变,往往发生本质的变化, 必须要加上一条推定,什么必须发生在大脑的。 the brain changes 大脑变化 not a young man 不是一个年轻人 Our mental processes are characterized by change 我们的心理过程的特点是变化 our reality changes as we change 我们的现实随着我们改变而改变 without interesting qualities 不感兴趣的素质
4. The mental health movement in the United States began with a period of considerable enlightenment.在美国心理卫生运动开始一段相当的启示。 provide an historical perspective on problems of mental health care 对于精神健康关怀的问题,提供历史的视角 understanding and sympathetic 了解和同情 conditions in mental hospitals might have escaped judicial scrutiny 精神病医院的情况可能逃避司法审查 cautiously optimistic 谨慎的乐观 active young lawyers in the 1960s
红色字是文章第一句话, 及答案的英文中文对照版
1. Drunken-driving sometimes called America's socially accepted form of murder -- has become a national epidemic. 酒后驾车有时被称为美国社会所接受的谋杀形式,这已成为一个国家的流行 答案: drinking is a socially accepted habit in America 饮用水是在美国社会所接受的习惯 The news media have highlighted ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱhe problem 新闻媒体突出问题 the legal drinking age should be raised 法定饮酒年龄应提高 resulted in fewer serious accidents 造成重大事故的减少 Legislation alone is not sufficient 仅仅立法是不够的
1 月 15 日周一 13:30--15:30 笔试, 15:45--17:45 口试, 请各位同学尽快自行在教务系统中查找自己的考试地点,千万别错过 考试时间
听力 25 分,(听力材料有答案及文字版,缺 5 6 7 8 单元的文字版) 阅读 25 分,(30 篇之几,已整理文章首句,及答案的中英文对照版) 写作 25 分,(考 Unit3The two cultures 两种文化、Unit4On self-respect 自尊,估计是读后感或这两篇文章的心得体会,待确定) 口语 25 分(两人一组,看图说话)
20 世纪 60 年代的活跃年轻律师
5. What will it mean to know the complete human genome.那意味着知道完整 的人类基因 they can be used to explain every phenomenon in their own fields 它们可以用来解释在各自领域的一切现象 the human genome 人类基因组 they want to have a clever child 他们希望有一个聪明的孩子 short people may also be looked down upon in future 在未来,矮小的的人也可能被瞧不起 objective 客观的
对于人类而言,是时候更有效地主宰和处理高速发展的科技了 the human world is on the edge of an exceeding danger 人类世界在危险边缘 Pessimistic 悲观
3. The study of philosophies should make our own ideas flexible.对哲学的研究 会让我们自己的思想变得灵活 The importance of learning philosophies, especially the history of philosophy 学习哲学的重要性,特别是哲学史 the development of science really can solve a great many of the problems on which philosophers still argue 科学的发展确实可以解决很多的哲学家仍有争论的问题 The future 未来 All of the above 以上所有
2. Los Angeles-Bill Joy is not a Luddite. 洛杉矶比尔乔伊不是卢德主义者 答案: the name of a party which protest at developing science 反对发展的政党的名称 humans are facing a fatal situation that the machines are out of control gradually and the machines will overwhelm the whole world 人类正面临着一个致命的情况, 就是逐渐失控的机器将淹没整个世界 It is right time for humans to dominate the high developing technology effectively and handle it skillfully