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before long与long before的区别
before long “很快,不久”, 用于各种时态。
(1) Before long, he went to America. 不久,他就去了美国。
(2) I hope to see you before long. 我希望不久后再见到你。 long before “很久以前”,一般用在过去时或过去完成时的句 子里。
It+be+时间+before/since/when/that 句型辨析 I. since It is/has been+时间段+since sb did sth 自...起已经....(多久了)
eg:It is/has been three years since he finished the work. 自从他完成这项工作已经三年了.
1. It was two years ________he realized the truth. 2. It will be two years ________ the economic situation improves. 3. It was two years later ________ he realized the truth. 4. It is /has been two years ________ he lived here. 5. It was midnight ________ he arrived home. 6. It was at midnight ________ he arrived home. 7. It was not until midnight _______ he arrived home.
(1)They were talking when the teacher came in. 他们正在讲话,这时老师进来了。 (2)I was about to wash my face when he came back. 当他回来的时候我正要去洗脸。 (3)I had just finished the homework when the telephone rang. 电话铃响的时候我刚好写完了作业。 was/were on the point of doing...... when....
II.before. 1.It was/will be+时间段+before... 过了多久才... eg:It was three years before he finished the work来自百度文库他花了三年才完成这项工作. It will be three years before he finishes the work.他得花三年才能完成这项工作. 2.It won't be/take long before...不久就会… eg:It won't be long before he finishes the work.他不久就会完成这项工作.
(3) She said she had read the novel long before. 她说她很久以前就读过这部小说。
(4) That happened long before. 那件事发生在很久以前。
was/were doing ...... when.... be about to do.....when.... had just done......when....