
1现代化学发展的特点1.1发展速度不断加快以汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)基本科学指标数据库(ESI)公布的2004-2014世界各国在各个化学领域发表的期刊,统计出排名前20的国家在10年间化学论文的发表数量超过1.9万篇;再如新化合物的产生量,几乎每天都有上万种新物质诞生。
以化学分析探测为例,人们借助扫描隧道显微镜,已经能够清晰的观察到原子、分子以及DNA 分子双螺旋结构;在测定物质原子核磁学特性上,傅里叶变换的测定手段,使测量的灵敏度及分辨率在不断提升,随着技术的不断完善,检测结果已经从以往的二维展示转变为三维展示,这充分表明化学实验水平在不断提升。

大数据(big data)泛指巨量的数据集,它实质上是一种从各种海量数据中快速获有价值信息的能力。

Thomson PharmaThomson Pharma是面向制药和生物技术公司的动态信息化解决方案的平台。
Thomson Pharma通过门户网站的方式提供用户浏览、检索和分析多种数据的功能。
通过Thomson Pharma用户可以方便地整合所有可获得的药物相关的资源信息,并建立以下七大核心领域的动态报告:药物知识产权文献和新闻公司(财务金融,新闻,股市,药物注册信息等)靶标化学基因序列使用Thomson Pharma,用户可以:评估潜在的市场开展世界级的研究工作进军新的药物研发领域取得市场领先地位更快更好地决策有关汤姆森(Thomson)公司汤姆森公司是全球专业信息服务和出版领域最大、最领先的跨国企业,为全球130 多个国家二千多万用户提供服务,协助他们更好、更快地决策和发展。
汤姆森公司由汤姆森法律与条例信息集团、汤姆森金融信息集团、汤姆森学习出版集团、以及汤姆森科技与医疗卫生信息集团组成,在全球拥有38,000 名雇员,在46 个国家和地区设有分支机构与办事处,2004 年全年营业收入81 亿美元,位居福布斯全球500 强企业榜。
相关报道Thomson Pharma是Thomson在医药领域的一个旗舰级产品。
自2005年1月上市以来已有100 多家机构选择Thomson Pharma 作为他们在医药领域的信息化解决方案。
最初购买Thomson Pharma 的公司之一是总部设在新泽西州上萨德尔河的Davos化学公司——Davos是制药业客户化API 和cGMP 媒介的供应商。
“我们的客户是新兴和跨国的制药公司,客户的要求差异很大,从生产供潜伏期研究使用的克数量活性配料(API)到成吨的后期投放市场的产品而各不相同,” Davos Chemical 公司副总裁Brian Robins称。

1. Bloomberg
2. Thomson Reuters Eikon
Thomson Reuters Eikon是一款全球金融市场信息综合查询软件,提供包括新闻、分析、价格信息、股票数据、外汇、原油、期货等各种金融信息服务。
3. Datastream
4. Wind
Web of Science在科研中的应用与价值

…引文索引的今天 …
• Web of science
– Science Citation Index Expanded, 6, 934种 – Social Sciences & Humanities Citation Index, 1,170种 – Current Chemical Reactions, 1百万条化学反应 – Index Chemicus, 260万个化合物 – CPCI-S (原ISTP ) 1900195619751840199319901990-
• “Less is More”: • 收录各学科领域中最重要、最有影响力的学术期刊
Web of Science – 科学研究与科研管理的重要工具之一
• 收录超过10,000种高质量的学术期刊
– – – – – – Science Citation Index Expanded (7,000 + 期刊) Social Sciences Citation Index (2,000 + 期刊) Arts & Humanity Citation Indexes (1,100 + 期刊) Century of Science文档回溯100年的重要科技文献 所有作者,所有作者地址 所有参考文献
Dr. Eugene Garfield
Founder & Chairman Emeritus ISI, Thomson Scientific “Our ultimate goal is to extend our retrospective coverage of the scientific literature back to the twentieth century. The Century of Science initiative makes that dream come true.”
Derwent World Patents Index( DWPI)_20111130

• • •
Ireland (1963-69,1995-pres.)
Israel (1975-present) Italy (1966-69,1978-present) Japan (1963-present)
• DWPI的记录与特定的发明相关而不是某一专利
• 每一条记录被标识一个唯一的符号称为存取号 • 该记录的标题、摘要和索引与汤森路透收到的第一 份文件相关 (称为基本专利)
• 家族成员级数据
– 原始专利标题、摘要和首要权利要求及代理人详细信息
• DWPI 改进的标题:
– 无论数据来源的语言是什么语种,都用英语表示 – 比原始文献提供更多的信息 – 利用特定的格式写作从而保证轻松浏览大量的网络记录 – 通常长度在 110 - 200字符之间
• DWPI标题包括范围、用途和发明的新颖之处
Luxembourg (1984-present)
• • • • •
Mexico (1997-present)
Netherlands (1963-present) New Zealand (1993-present) Norway (1974-present) PCT (WIPO) (1978-present) Philippines (1994-present)
– 范围(Scope): 主要权利主张的领域 – 用途(Use): 该发明的一般用途 – 新颖(Novelty): 同现有发明相比的改进之处
Testing apparatus Enhanced DWPI Title: Wind tunnel testing apparatus for e.g. soccer ball, has sensor detecting forces upon ball in two planes, where one plane corresponds with direction between leading edge and trailing edge Original Patent Title:

QRG-102 [RP]PASSWORDSYour password for is the same for all Thomson Reuters Investment Banking products, including Thomson Reuters Spreadsheet Link, Thomson Reuters Presentation Link, and Thomson Reuters Deal Analytics. To change your password1. Go to , and type your Username and Password.2. Select Change your password .3. If prompted, select Set Up Security Questions , and complete the security questions. Once completed, click Continue .4. Enter and confirm your new password. This action will terminate the active session and you will have to login again with the new password.5. Check the I Agree checkbox and click either Save and Return to Thomson One Login or Save . To log on when you have forgotten your password 1. On the logon page, click Forgot Your Password? 2. In the Username field, type your user name. 3. In the Characters Shown in Image field, type the characters that you see in the image. 4. Click Next .5. Type the e-mail address associated with your account.6. Click Send Email .7. When you receive an e-mail from Thomson Reuters, open the e-mail, click the link to reset your password, and follow the instructions for Change your Password .LOOKING UP AN INSTRUMENTEntity Manager has three broadcast boxes for entering a symbol, watchlist, or market. When you enter a value into a broadcast box, services that have related content populate with data on that value. Click to look up commodities, interest rates and other instrument types.1. From the security identifier drop-down, select the type of identifier (Symbol/Name, All Companies, CUSIP, SEDOL, ISIN, or PERMID) that best describes the security you are entering.2. Type a symbol or company name in the search box and click Go .3. If the company symbol is not known, click .4. To search for publicly traded companies and instruments:a. In the Qualifiers row, click the links to select an instrument or exchange/country.b. T o include results outside the primary exchange, clear the Primary Exchange Only check box. 5. To search for private or inactive companies:a. Select the Private Companies/Other check boxb. T o include Inactive Companies in your results, select the check box.6. In the Search row, select a search type from the drop-down, type the search terms in the text box, and click Search .7. Click a result to select it in the Entity Manager. 8. To add the selected item to your watchlist, click.You can set up your preferences so private companies are automatically included in a search: Go to Customize > Preferences > Identifier and Price > Company NameSearch. Click the Private Company Automatically Included check box, and click Save.SETTING AND ORGANIZING FAVORITESWhen you set up a service as a Favorite, it appears under for easy access. To add a service to your Favorites, open the page, click, and then select Add to Favorites . To organize your favorites1. Click , and select Organize Favorites .2. If you want to create and name folders, click Create Folder , and type in a name.3. Drag a favorite into any folder, or click up or down arrows to move it to a different place in the list.4. Click OK .To set any page as your Home Page• Click , and select Set as Home .To return to your home page at any time• Click .AUTOMATIC SYMBOL ENTRY OR“LISTENING”When a symbol (e.g., IBM-US) appears in the broadcast box, automatically applies this symbol(“Listens”) when you switch to a different page and populates it with related data.To turn off automatic symbol entry• Click the yellow icon in the service title bar so that it turnsgray (indicating “Not Listening” to the broadcast box).You may want to turn off automatic symbol entry when you want to freeze content on a page.MONITORING A COVERAGE LISTFlex Monitor allows you to create and save an unlimited number of symbol lists so you can easily monitor the latest quotes data. Each symbol list can include up to 1024 stocks, bonds, options, commodities, market indexes, and statistics. To create a Symbol Watchlist• Click , and give your list a name. Click OK .To add a symbol to Flex Monitor• Left-click within a Flex Monitor cell, and type a symbol. Click outside the entry field to activate. To delete a symbol from Flex MonitorSelect a symbol in your list, right-click it, and then choose Delete .To sort columns in Flex Monitor• Right-click the column head that you want to use as the sortcriterion, choose Sort and then choose Ascending or Descending . You can also work with your coverage list under Tools & Tips > My Watchlists . Select a watchlist (My Watchlists, Shared Watchlists, Market Indexes, or Industry Lists) from the View drop down and then click Go .Access Watchlist Views > Watchlist Activity to view News, Research, Deals, Events, and Filings headlines; as well as Transcripts and Briefs, Estimates Guidance, and the ability to download research on the coverage watchlist.To select a watchlist (personal or shared), an Index or an Industry Classification, go to Watchlist Views and select a watchlist from the Watchlist dropdown in the top toolbar.SETTING ALERTSYou can set alerts on Price & Volume, News, and Filings.When an alert is triggered, you have the option of viewing the alert in your inbox, receiving an e-mail, or showing a pop-up alert indicator.To set alerts1. You can access the Alert Manager by: • Clicking Alerts in Flex Monitor.• Tools & Tips > My Alerts > Alert Manager.• My Pages > Alert Inbox > Go to Alert Manager2. Select the content set and criteria for your alerts (Price & Volume, News, and/or Filings).3. Select a company or a watchlist.4. Set your delivery options.5. Click Save . To access alertsGo to one of the following: • My Pages > Alert Inbox .• Tools & Tips > My Alerts > Alert Manager- Click Go to Inbox .You can also receive e-mail notices on Events, Briefs,Transcripts and Delta Reports based on a time period you determine. Go to Tools & Tips > My Alerts > Event Alerting .USING THE DRILL DOWN CAPABILITYDrill down fields are the underlined fields in Flex Monitor that link to other windows, known as target windows. Clicking a drill down field activates the target window and retrieves a display for the symbol selected. To create/edit a drill down1. Right-click in Flex Monitor, and select Drill Downs .2. Select a field from the Fields box.3.Select a service to link to from the Available Services tolink to box.4.Click Link to create a link or Unlink to disable a link.5.Click OK.USING MY PAGESMy Pages allows you to configure and customize a set of pages of your own choosing in your workspace. It has been pre-set with the following:•My Thomson ONE – Contains useful information including the latest enhancements, hints and tips.•My News – A sample (set to A/) shows all news. Another sample (set to N/TMN) shows news on acquisitions, andmergers & takeovers. You can change these displays byentering codes for your preferred settings. These components are set to “Not Listen” to the broadcast box so they willmaintain your current settings.To set up and manage your custom pages1.Click Customize, and choose Organize Workspace.2.To add a group or page to My Pages, select My Pages, andclick Add Group or Add Page. the page, and then drag a service from the InsertOption menu. You can add multiple services to a page. 4.To change the order of a page, right-click it and chooseMove Up or Move Down.5.To move a group or page into a different group, click it,and then drag it to the target group. MODIFYING THE APPEARANCE OF A PAGEYou can change the appearance of the Market Views > Market Monitor page and the My Pages page by rearranging and resizing the service.•To move a service section, click its title bar and drag it to a new location.•To resize a service, use the cursor to drag the bottom (or top) border of the service to shrink or expand its viewing area. •To hide the title bar of a service, right-click within the service and choose Hide Titlebar.FLOATING SERVICESFloating services are services that are displayed in separate browser windows while is running, even when it is minimized. To add a new floating service•Right-click within a service in your workspace, and click Open as Floating.To view a menu of your floating services•Click .To access a floating service•Click , and then click the service.SETTING PREFERENCESYou can set navigation and user preferences for several pages including Advanced Filings, Deals, Estimates, Private Equity and Watchlist Activity.To set preferences1.Click .2.Click Preferences.COMMONLYUSED NEWS SYMBOLSCommonly Used Industry CodesEXCHANGE SPECIFIC QUOTESTo access a quote from a specific exchange, type a symbol-exchange qualifier as a suffix to a symbol(e.g., IBM-P, for IBM trading on ArcaEx).FREQUENTLY USED INDICES AmericasFREQUENTLY USED RATESUS RatesONLINE HELP & CUSTOMER SUPPORTClick to open the Help/Supportmenu:•Help Contents – Opens Help forthe currently displayed feature andother help topics.•Customer Support –Contains support e-mail address and contact phonenumbers for global customer support.Clickhttps:///kccontactus/tele phone.aspx. Select Former Thomson Financial Products and then the country to locate the correct number forsupport.。

ESI数据库内容及功能介绍ESI数据库是指全球最大的科学引文数据库之一,全名为"Essential Science Indicators",是由汤森路透公司(Thomson Reuters)所创建和维护的科学数据库。

Tree Search 目录树检索
在目录树检索中包括11 种路径: (1) Main Details (2) Company/ Status (3) Activity Data (4) Pharmacokinetics (5) Chemical Data (6) Patent Data (7) Country Data (8) Ratings (9) Major Events (10) Alert Service (11) Latest change
(2) Company/ Status Data (共11个单项)
World Status Company Company R&D pipeline Company research focus Originator Originator Country Originator Status Licensee Licensee Country Licensee Status Licensed-Outing Drug 通过公司及药品市场状况检索某公司的情况或者某一特定的市场 被批准的所有药物。
2 Pharmaprojects 光盘数据库检索方法 打开光盘阅览室主界面, 选中“Pharmaprojects”,双击鼠标左键,出现界面。
左栏里列出了8 个检索途径,分别为: Tree Search 目录树检索 Browse Search 索引检索 Form Search 分子式检索 Structure Search 结构检索 Trend Analysis 趋势分析 Company Profile 公司信息 Therapy Profile 治疗信息

QRG-102 [RP]PASSWORDSYour password for is the same for all Thomson Reuters Investment Banking products, including Thomson Reuters Spreadsheet Link, Thomson Reuters Presentation Link, and Thomson Reuters Deal Analytics. To change your password1. Go to , and type your Username and Password.2. Select Change your password .3. If prompted, select Set Up Security Questions , and complete the security questions. Once completed, click Continue .4. Enter and confirm your new password. This action will terminate the active session and you will have to login again with the new password.5. Check the I Agree checkbox and click either Save and Return to Thomson One Login or Save . To log on when you have forgotten your password 1. On the logon page, click Forgot Your Password? 2. In the Username field, type your user name. 3. In the Characters Shown in Image field, type the characters that you see in the image. 4. Click Next .5. Type the e-mail address associated with your account.6. Click Send Email .7. When you receive an e-mail from Thomson Reuters, open the e-mail, click the link to reset your password, and follow the instructions for Change your Password .LOOKING UP AN INSTRUMENTEntity Manager has three broadcast boxes for entering a symbol, watchlist, or market. When you enter a value into a broadcast box, services that have related content populate with data on that value. Click to look up commodities, interest rates and other instrument types.1. From the security identifier drop-down, select the type of identifier (Symbol/Name, All Companies, CUSIP, SEDOL, ISIN, or PERMID) that best describes the security you are entering.2. Type a symbol or company name in the search box and click Go .3. If the company symbol is not known, click .4. To search for publicly traded companies and instruments:a. In the Qualifiers row, click the links to select an instrument or exchange/country.b. T o include results outside the primary exchange, clear the Primary Exchange Only check box. 5. To search for private or inactive companies:a. Select the Private Companies/Other check boxb. T o include Inactive Companies in your results, select the check box.6. In the Search row, select a search type from the drop-down, type the search terms in the text box, and click Search .7. Click a result to select it in the Entity Manager. 8. To add the selected item to your watchlist, click.You can set up your preferences so private companies are automatically included in a search: Go to Customize > Preferences > Identifier and Price > Company NameSearch. Click the Private Company Automatically Included check box, and click Save.SETTING AND ORGANIZING FAVORITESWhen you set up a service as a Favorite, it appears under for easy access. To add a service to your Favorites, open the page, click, and then select Add to Favorites . To organize your favorites1. Click , and select Organize Favorites .2. If you want to create and name folders, click Create Folder , and type in a name.3. Drag a favorite into any folder, or click up or down arrows to move it to a different place in the list.4. Click OK .To set any page as your Home Page• Click , and select Set as Home .To return to your home page at any time• Click .AUTOMATIC SYMBOL ENTRY OR“LISTENING”When a symbol (e.g., IBM-US) appears in the broadcast box, automatically applies this symbol(“Listens”) when you switch to a different page and populates it with related data.To turn off automatic symbol entry• Click the yellow icon in the service title bar so that it turnsgray (indicating “Not Listening” to the broadcast box).You may want to turn off automatic symbol entry when you want to freeze content on a page.MONITORING A COVERAGE LISTFlex Monitor allows you to create and save an unlimited number of symbol lists so you can easily monitor the latest quotes data. Each symbol list can include up to 1024 stocks, bonds, options, commodities, market indexes, and statistics. To create a Symbol Watchlist• Click , and give your list a name. Click OK .To add a symbol to Flex Monitor• Left-click within a Flex Monitor cell, and type a symbol. Click outside the entry field to activate. To delete a symbol from Flex MonitorSelect a symbol in your list, right-click it, and then choose Delete .To sort columns in Flex Monitor• Right-click the column head that you want to use as the sortcriterion, choose Sort and then choose Ascending or Descending . You can also work with your coverage list under Tools & Tips > My Watchlists . Select a watchlist (My Watchlists, Shared Watchlists, Market Indexes, or Industry Lists) from the View drop down and then click Go .Access Watchlist Views > Watchlist Activity to view News, Research, Deals, Events, and Filings headlines; as well as Transcripts and Briefs, Estimates Guidance, and the ability to download research on the coverage watchlist.To select a watchlist (personal or shared), an Index or an Industry Classification, go to Watchlist Views and select a watchlist from the Watchlist dropdown in the top toolbar.SETTING ALERTSYou can set alerts on Price & Volume, News, and Filings.When an alert is triggered, you have the option of viewing the alert in your inbox, receiving an e-mail, or showing a pop-up alert indicator.To set alerts1. You can access the Alert Manager by: • Clicking Alerts in Flex Monitor.• Tools & Tips > My Alerts > Alert Manager.• My Pages > Alert Inbox > Go to Alert Manager2. Select the content set and criteria for your alerts (Price & Volume, News, and/or Filings).3. Select a company or a watchlist.4. Set your delivery options.5. Click Save . To access alertsGo to one of the following: • My Pages > Alert Inbox .• Tools & Tips > My Alerts > Alert Manager- Click Go to Inbox .You can also receive e-mail notices on Events, Briefs,Transcripts and Delta Reports based on a time period you determine. Go to Tools & Tips > My Alerts > Event Alerting .USING THE DRILL DOWN CAPABILITYDrill down fields are the underlined fields in Flex Monitor that link to other windows, known as target windows. Clicking a drill down field activates the target window and retrieves a display for the symbol selected. To create/edit a drill down1. Right-click in Flex Monitor, and select Drill Downs .2. Select a field from the Fields box.3.Select a service to link to from the Available Services tolink to box.4.Click Link to create a link or Unlink to disable a link.5.Click OK.USING MY PAGESMy Pages allows you to configure and customize a set of pages of your own choosing in your workspace. It has been pre-set with the following:•My Thomson ONE – Contains useful information including the latest enhancements, hints and tips.•My News – A sample (set to A/) shows all news. Another sample (set to N/TMN) shows news on acquisitions, andmergers & takeovers. You can change these displays byentering codes for your preferred settings. These components are set to “Not Listen” to the broadcast box so they willmaintain your current settings.To set up and manage your custom pages1.Click Customize, and choose Organize Workspace.2.To add a group or page to My Pages, select My Pages, andclick Add Group or Add Page. the page, and then drag a service from the InsertOption menu. You can add multiple services to a page. 4.To change the order of a page, right-click it and chooseMove Up or Move Down.5.To move a group or page into a different group, click it,and then drag it to the target group. MODIFYING THE APPEARANCE OF A PAGEYou can change the appearance of the Market Views > Market Monitor page and the My Pages page by rearranging and resizing the service.•To move a service section, click its title bar and drag it to a new location.•To resize a service, use the cursor to drag the bottom (or top) border of the service to shrink or expand its viewing area. •To hide the title bar of a service, right-click within the service and choose Hide Titlebar.FLOATING SERVICESFloating services are services that are displayed in separate browser windows while is running, even when it is minimized. To add a new floating service•Right-click within a service in your workspace, and click Open as Floating.To view a menu of your floating services•Click .To access a floating service•Click , and then click the service.SETTING PREFERENCESYou can set navigation and user preferences for several pages including Advanced Filings, Deals, Estimates, Private Equity and Watchlist Activity.To set preferences1.Click .2.Click Preferences.COMMONLYUSED NEWS SYMBOLSCommonly Used Industry CodesEXCHANGE SPECIFIC QUOTESTo access a quote from a specific exchange, type a symbol-exchange qualifier as a suffix to a symbol(e.g., IBM-P, for IBM trading on ArcaEx).FREQUENTLY USED INDICES AmericasFREQUENTLY USED RATESUS RatesONLINE HELP & CUSTOMER SUPPORTClick to open the Help/Supportmenu:•Help Contents – Opens Help forthe currently displayed feature andother help topics.•Customer Support –Contains support e-mail address and contact phonenumbers for global customer support.Clickhttps:///kccontactus/tele phone.aspx. Select Former Thomson Financial Products and then the country to locate the correct number forsupport.。

编辑出版bianji chuban- 27 -国际著名期刊出版机构和服务平台介绍胡苇玮[摘 要] 期刊国际化发展已成为科技期刊出版界面临的重要问题,提升科技期刊国际影响力也成为许多期刊出版单位的重要任务。
[关键词] 期刊出版机构;期刊服务平台;国际化[作 者] 胡苇玮,《石油勘探与开发》编辑部编辑。
一、国际著名期刊出版机构(一)Springer德国斯普林格公司(Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co.KG,简称Springer)是世界上最大的科技出版企业之一,创立于1842年[1]。
Springer是最早进行期刊数字化出版的出版商,读者通过Springer Link平台可以检索电子期刊论文,还能下载部分论文全文。
Springer在全球多个国家和地区与当地期刊出版机构开展合作,由对方提供期刊论文内容,再由Springer借助Springer Link平台进行数字化出版。

医学信息检索有着自己的特色和特点,主要表现在以下几个方面:1. 多源性:医学信息来源广泛,包括医学期刊、医学图书、医学会议、医学数据库等。
2. 高度专业化:医学是一门高度专业化的学科,医学信息检索需要掌握医学领域的基础知识和专业术语,以便于准确理解医学文献和信息资源,并能够为医学工作者提供有针对性的信息检索服务。
3. 高效性:医学工作者在日常工作中,需要迅速获取大量的医学信息,因此医学信息检索需要具备高效性,即能够迅速找到目标信息,并提供实用的检索结果。
4. 临时性和更新性:医学领域的知识在不断更新和演进,因此医学信息检索也需要具备一定的临时性和更新性,及时获取最新的医学信息,为医学工作者提供最有价值的信息资源。
以下是一些常见的医学专业数据库:1. PubMed:由美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的国家医学图书馆(NLM)开发和维护的免费数据库,收录了来自全球医学期刊的抄录文摘和全文,涵盖了医学、生物医学和相关领域的众多学科。
2. Embase:由赛诺菲公司开发的药学和相关学科数据库,收录了包括期刊文章、会议论文、报告、专利等在内的各种文献类型,涵盖了药理学、药物学、临床医学等多个领域。
3. Medline:由美国国家医学图书馆(NLM)开发和维护的数据库,是PubMed的核心数据源之一,收录了来自生命科学、医学和相关领域的期刊文章。
4. Web of Science:由汤森路透公司(Thomson Reuters)开发和维护的学术文献检索工具,涵盖了包括医学在内的多个学科领域,具有较高的权威性和综合性。

它代表着Journal Citation Reports,即期刊引证报告。
JCR是由知名的学术出版社汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)开发的一套数据库和评估工具,用于评估和比较不同期刊的影响力。
其中最著名的指标之一是期刊影响因子(Journal Impact Factor)。
PubMed与Web of Science的区别

PubMed与Web of Science的区别1出身PubMed:是由美国国立医学图书馆辖下的国家生物技术中心(NCBI)进行研制开发。
WOS:1963年美国科技信息研究所(Institute of Science Information,ISI)出版了科学引文索引(Science Citation Index,SCI),收录论文及其所引用的参考文献,如今是权威的科技文献检索和分析评估工具。
1997年Web of Science发布,该数据库集成了SCI,SSCI和A&HCI,在线提供全球近9,000 种高质量学术期刊的引文索引信息。
PubMed vs. WOS:平局解读:PubMed是美国国家政府行为,公开、免费、覆盖范围广、数据量庞大,是生物医药人士最常用的数据库之一。
有美国政府做为后台,PubMed 毫无疑问的成为最大的生物医药检索平台。
而WOS是大型跨国公司汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)旗下的数据库,由于是收费的,很多功能和体验更加人性化。
PubMed vs. WOS:WOS小胜解读:单从数据库类型来讲,引文数据库包含更多的信息,提供了文章间引用和被引的关系,可以计算基本科学指标(Essential Science Indicator, ESI)、杂志影响因子(Impact Factor)等。

在众多的外文数据库中,有三个具有广泛影响力和重要价值的数据库,分别是 Web of Science、Scopus 和 Elsevier ScienceDirect。
Web of Science 是全球知名的权威学术数据库,由美国汤姆森路透公司(Thomson Reuters)开发。
Web of Science 最突出的特点之一是其严格的文献筛选机制。
通过 Web of Science,研究者可以方便地跟踪某一研究领域的前沿动态。
此外,Web of Science 还提供了丰富的分析工具,帮助用户对检索结果进行深入的分析,如作者合作网络分析、机构产出分析等,为科研管理和决策提供了有力支持。
Scopus 是全球最大的文摘和引文数据库,由爱思唯尔(Elsevier)公司推出。
与 Web of Science 相比,Scopus 的收录范围更加广泛,涵盖了更多的期刊和会议文献。
Scopus 的一个显著优势是其快速的更新频率。
同时,Scopus还提供了详细的期刊评价指标,如 CiteScore 等,帮助用户评估期刊的影响力。

岳卫平 博士
Ranking – 排名
Benchmarking: 对比分析
基于全球视野,有效开展机构和学科间的定标比超分析 和标杆管理 与国际某学科的平均水平进行对比
论文的产出 引文影响力 篇均影响力 被引用的百分比
与中国某学科的平均水平进行对比 与世界范围内的对应大学/机构对比分析 进行同年度同学科的对比
世界领先的自然科学、社会科学、艺术和人文领域的 权威学术引文数据库
SCI/SSCI/A&HCI 只收录高质量的学术期刊
2. 选择文献类型、领域定义和数据年份
文献类型: 标准做法是利用 文献类型为文章、评注和 综述 articles, notes, reviews 领域定义: ESI, SCI, OECD 数据年份: 引文的累计需要 时间, 建议使用至少五年的 论文和引文数据
InCites: 强大的科研管理分析评估工具
InCites提供各层次的机构研究成果 深入分析报告: • 机构总体学术论文产出分析 • 学术带头人分析 • 机构的全球科研合作网络 • 学科重点与优势分析 • 机构发展趋势分析 • 学术影响力分析
InCites: 机构中的学术带头人分析
科研人员的 h指数
使用者需要反复检查收集的数据,并按检查所有数据 时所持有的科学怀疑态度来查看这些数据:
– 数据与原本需要解决的问题是否相关? – 从数据中得出的结论是否会被事实驳倒? – 结论是否超出收集数据的限制范围?
定量分析评估的结果是对同行评议的补充! 定量分析评估的结果是对同行评议的补充!
Relevant 相关… Relevant 相关… Reasonable合理? Reasonable合理?
汤森路透Cortellis 药物研发的综合情报平台介绍

wlccCortellis™ for Competitive Intelligence药物研发的综合情报平台是Thomson Reuters Pharma的升级平台,底层数据与Pharma一致。
而Cortellis™ for Competitive Intelligence便是直接以报告的方式提供信息。
深入的药物报道通过Cortellis™ for Competitive Intelligence,科研工作者可以了解在研药物和已批准药物从开发、临床试验到上市和销售的各个阶段重要的科研、专利、商业和金融信息。
通过药物报告可以获取以下信息:w w.i n ki n fo.o m.nccw w.i n ki n fo.o m.nwlc c其中“Development Profile”和“SWOT Analysis”是由业界专家根据收集的所有信息撰写的总结和竞争分析。
“Literature Review”是由业界专家根据收集的药物相关文献撰写的文献评论。
“Change History”可对药物的信息更新进行跟踪,详细了解药物不同时段的研发进展情况。

二、常用的医学文献检索工具常用的医学文献检索工具包括PubMed、Embase、Web of Science等。
其中,PubMed是由美国国家医学图书馆(NLM)开发和维护的一个免费公开的医学文献数据库,收录了大量的医学期刊文章;Embase是由爱思唯尔(Elsevier)公司开发和维护的一个综合性医学文献数据库,收录了超过8000种医学期刊;Web of Science是由汤森路透公司(Thomson Reuters)开发和维护的一个综合性学术文献数据库,涵盖了包括医学在内的各个学科领域。

汤姆森三大数据库功能简介1Thomson Reuters Pharma®是一个整合了汤森路透提供的所有科学、医疗卫生和金融信息数据库的工作流工具。
Thomson Reuters Pharma允许您自由地浏览重要的市场情报,这些经过深加工的信息整合在由我们的行业专家团队所撰写的独一无二的摘要、总结、评论及分析报告中。
通过Thomson Reuters Pharma®,您能够:及时掌握最新的药物、试验、新闻报道及专利信息获取重大的公司新闻,并链接至全文报告和新闻发布稿查看会议报告在各种内容中交互链接汇集众多来源的数据定制检索,过滤内容∙Thomson Reuters Pharma提供∙40,162个药物专论(每月增加300个以上)∙7,600多个详尽的公司报告(共涵盖75,867 个机构)∙7,636个会议报告(每年增加约500个会议报告)∙11,000个医学期刊和100个有机化学期刊∙3,889,193个核心专利报告(覆盖87个专利授权机构)∙3,505,665种化合物(每月增加约5,000种)∙26,578个交易报告∙70,861个临床方案报告(每月增加800个以上新的临床方案)∙28,204个临床结果报告(每月增加200个以上新的临床结果报告)∙24,000个药物靶标为何选择Thomson Reuters Pharma®?∙权威性:Thomson Reuters Pharma®涵盖药物发现和开发流程全过程–最新药物、化合物、基因序列和靶标、临床试验、专利、期刊、会议、学术文章等∙∙相关性:直观的引导式检索可提供您所需要的情报个性化:个性化地定制您的检索条件,满足您不同的实际需求市场意识:有深度的竞争情报,包含涉及超过7,500家制药和生物科技公司的详细研发流程、财务及营销概况以用户为中心:易于使用的个人信息中心,与您的日常工作流需求整合在一起协作:直观的工作流和导出工具帮助您与团队进行数据共享,推动创新。

CTCI指数(Clarivate Analytics Citation Indexes)是指汤森路透公司(Thomson Reuters)发布的一系列引文索引,包括科学引文索引(SCI)、社会科学引文索引(SSCI)、艺术与人文科学引文索引(AHCI)等。
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Thomson Reuters Pharma整合性信息平台功能与价值
Thomson Reuters Pharma 是世界领先的综合医药信息平台,客户遍及全球Top100药企及国内各大新药研发企业及单位。
Thomson Reuters Pharma 提供10个面向的信息,包括:药物;专利;公司;化学;临床试验方案;临床试验报告;靶标;
Thomson Reuters Pharma 直接以报告的方式提供以上10个方面的信息,其中每一份报告都由专业人员围绕主题将所有相关信息进行了整合和综合,并附有业界专家撰写的综述和评论,并且十大报告之间可以很好的相互链接。
通过Thomson Reuters Pharma 可以帮助山东绿叶制药集团:✓制定公司的战略决策;