仁爱英语初三年第一轮总复习(教材梳理)Book 1 U5-6

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一、考点扫描------交际用语 考点扫描------交际用语
• • • • • • • • • 还可以用下面的句子指路: 还可以用下面的句子指路: It’s over there. It’s about 400 meters from here. You can’t miss it. You’ d better take a taxi. 7.距离 . How far is it from here? It’s about 5 kilometers away from here./ It’s 2 hours by bike/by bus---
• 1.Michael goes to school on foot.迈克尔步行上学。 迈克尔步行上学。 迈克尔步行上学 • on foot步行 表方式,come/go(to---)on foot相当于 步行,表方式 步行 表方式, 相当于 walk(to---)”走路 去---)”。 走路(去 走路 。 • 如:Sometimes I go to school on foot. • 有时我步行去学校. 有时我步行去学校 • =Sometimes I walk to school. • 链接 He is going there by plane. • 他将要乘飞机去那里 • by+交通工具,意为“乘坐 交通工具, 骑自行车, 交通工具 意为“乘坐-----”.by bike 骑自行车, by bus乘公共汽车,by car乘或驾驶小汽车, 乘公共汽车, 乘或驾驶小汽车, 乘公共汽车 乘或驾驶小汽车 • by taxi乘出租车,by train乘火车,by ship乘轮船, 乘出租车, 乘火车, 乘轮船, 乘出租车 乘火车 乘轮船 by subway乘地铁 乘地铁。 乘地铁
一、考点扫描------交际用语 考点扫描------交际用语
• • • • • • • • • • • 6.问路 . Excuse me,is there a/an ---near here? Yes.Go up this street to the end and--Excuse me,how can I get to ---?/Could you tell me how to get to ---? Go along ---and turn left at the first street. Excuse me,could you tell me the way to---?/Where is ---? Go along this road until you get to--Excuse me,which is the way to ---? Sorry,I don’t know. I’m new here. Excuse me,which bus goes to ---? You can take bus No.103.
一、考点扫描------目标短语 考点扫描-----• • • • • • • • • • right now • get to • turn left/right • on the corner of • across from --go along/up--• wait for one’s turn • keep quiet • be late for • 立即, 立即,马上 到达 向左/ 向左/右转 ---拐角处 在---拐角处 ---对面 在---对面 沿着-------走 沿着----走 等着轮到某人 保持安静 迟到
一、考点扫描------重点句型 考点扫描-----• • • • • • • • • • 7.---What time does the class begin? ---At ten o’clock. 8.How many lessons does he have every day? 9.—What do you think of English? ---It’s difficult and boring. 10.---Why do you like it? ? ---Because it’s easy and interesting. 11.I love playing on the computer in the study. 12.---What’s your home like? ---It’s an apartment building./---
一、考点扫描------交际用语 考点扫描------交际用语
• • • • • • • • • • • 4.存在/不存在 .存在 不存在 There is/isn’t a small garden in front of my house. ---Is there a computer in your study? ---Yes, there is./Nno,there isn’t. ---Are there any shoes under the bed? ? ---Yes,there.are/No,there are. ---How many pairs are there? ---There are two pairs. ---What’s on the desk? ---There are some model planes on it. There aren’t any/are no books in the schoolbag.
仁爱英语初三年第一轮总复习(教材梳理) 仁爱英语初三年第一轮总复习(教材梳理)
Book I
Unit 5-6
train,weekday,early,walk,never,park,American, clean,twice,borrow,keep,return,pleasure,plan, attention,news,between,show,exercise, wonderful,geography,period,meeting,lesson, easy,interesting,difficult,boring,subject,useful,kit chen,table,under,beautiful,countryside,month, quiet,neighbor,supermarket,station,hear,child, cost,along,miss,public,hurt,rule,ticket,speed, careful
一、考点扫描------目标短语 考点扫描-----• • • • • • • • • • be friendly to--• and so on learn---from--- • in front of--- • • put away at noon • at the end of • a lot of • close to • 对---友好 等等 从---中学习 在---前面 将---收起来;把---放回原处 在中午 在---尽头 许多,大量 在----附近
一、考点扫描------语法精粹 考点扫描------语法精粹
• • • • • • 1.学习一般现在时和现在进行时的用法。 .学习一般现在时和现在进行时的用法。 2.学会使用频度副词 . 3.掌握以 .掌握以wh--开头的特殊疑问句 开头的特殊疑问句 4.学习和掌握 .学习和掌握there be 5.掌握部分介词短语的用法。 .掌握部分介词短语的用法。 6.掌握部分祈使句的用法。 .掌握部分祈使句的用法。
一、考点扫描------目标短语 考点扫描-----• • • • • • • • • at the moment/now of course look for in the center of on the left/right of next to at the back of swimming pool between---and--• • • • • • • • • 此刻,现在 当然 寻找 在------中心 在---左边/右边 在---近旁,紧邻----在---后面 游泳池 在----两者之间
一、考点扫描------交际用语 考点扫描------交际用语
• • • • 5.位置/方位 .位置 方位 ---Where is Deling? ---It’s to the east of Yongling. It’s in the east/south/north/northeast/southeast/southwest/n orthwest of the Ming Tombs. • Where is+名词(名词短语)/代词 名词(名词短语) 代词? 名词 代词 • It’s on/at/in/above/under/beside/near/behind/next to/across from/---+名词(名词短语)/代词 名词( 代词. 名词 名词短语) 代词
一、考点扫描------重点句型 考点扫描-----• 13 I’m afraid it’s too loud. • 14 ---What’s the matter/the trouble/wrong? • ---The line is bad. • 15.There is something wrong with my kitchen fan. =Something is wrong with my kitchen fan. • 16 The cost of living is high. • 17.Wait for your turn when the lights are red. • 18.Be careful! • 19.Don’t play on the street!
一、考点扫描------交际用语 考点扫描------交际用语
• 3.借物 . • ---Excuse me,may/can/could I borrow this book? • ---Sure./Certainly./Of course. • ---How long can I keep it/them? • ---Two weeks.And you must return it /them on time.
一、考点扫描------目标短语 考点扫描-----• • • • • • • • • • come on • on foot • take a bus/by bus on weekdays • by plane • have a short break • in one’s free/spare time • twice a week • for a little while • 快点儿;加油;来吧 步行 乘公共汽车 在工作日 乘飞机 短暂的休息 在业余时间 一星期两次 一小会儿
一、考点扫描------交际用语 考点扫描------交际用语
• • • • • • 1.方式 . ---How do you usually come to school? ---I usually come to school by subway. 2.频度 . ---How often do you go to the library? ---Once/Twice/Three times a week/Every day/Very often/Never/Seldom/Usually---
一、考点扫描------重点句型 考点扫描-----• • • • • • • • • 1.The same to you. 2.The early bird catches the worm. 3.Maria sometimes goes home by subway./ Maria sometimes takes the subway home. 4.Work must come first! 5.---What does Kangkang like doing best? ---He likes playing soccer best. 6.---What day is it today? ---It’s Wednesday/Sunday/---