简单就是幸福 simplicity is happiness

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Simplicity is happiness

Before the reform and opening up, the whole family lived in a remote countryside and there were there brothers and one sister in this family. My father was the youngest son. I heard that when my father was seven years old, his mother died from an unexpected accident. From then on, my grandpa shouldered the overall responsibility to make money to support the whole family and take good care of these young children. Although my father was very young, he had to try his best to do some housework.

Many years later, my father married a plain and diligent woman, that is, my mom. They lived a wretched but happy life at those times. Later, mom gave birth to me and looked after me. Gradually, I healthily grew under the meticulous care of my parents. When I was six years old, my family was still very poor so that we just did not buy new clothes and good food at the Spring Festival. Up to today, the unforgettable experience I could remember was that my mom had no money to buy new clothes for me and I cried, compared with other small partner’s family. At my hometown, before the New Year’s coming, numerous people often went shopping to buy some commodities for the festival. While my family just made some cakes and cleaned up the house to welcome the New Year. On the first day morning of New Year, my mom helped me to put on the usual and shabby coat.

After eating my breakfast, I went out playing with my good friend Xiao ling. After joyfully playing shuttlecock together in the backyard, we took a break at the chair. Xiao ling took some sugars and New Year’s money out of the beautiful clothes’ pocket, and she gave me some sugars to me. At this moment, I looked at myself “put on the old coat, have no money and no sugars and I felt grieved. I cried to run home and asked mom “other people have everything like sugars, beautiful clothes and red bag money, but I have nothing.”Mom said nothing, just accompanied to me. Later, my father came back and gave me a beautiful dress. Mom helped me to put it on and I smiled. Then, I played with my friend in the yard.

When I grow up, I learnt that the money which bought the coat was borrowed from other relatives and my father did not see me unhappy. Now I think about this thing, I feel myself naive and not considerate about my parents. However, when we are young, we think that happiness is just simple, for we just have a strong desire of sugars and gorgeous dress. After we have become adults, we are able to purchase beautiful clothes and delicious food at any time and not worried about the huger any longer. At this moment, we find that simplicity is happiness, for it is not easy for us to have a quiet feeling in this competitive and worldly society.

09 级英师一班

