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intra- within, inside intravenous (inside, within a vein) ex- away from,outside

peri- surrounding

trans- though across beyond

in- in into not


meso- middle

ab- from ,away from

tacky- fast rapid

brady- slow

hemi- half

hemo- same similar

syn- together joined

epi- on upon over above

hypo- below incomplete deficient


sub- under below

dys- difficult labored painful abnormal

para- beside around beyond

-pexy surgical fixation

-clesis block narrowness


-ptosis dropping sagging rlapse

-pnea breathing

-pepsia digestion

-rraphy surgical suture

-centesis surgical puncture to aspirate fluid

-plasty plastic or surgical repair

-scopy instrument used for visual examination

-stomy cut

-ectomy excision or surgical removal


-stenosis construction narrowing

-ectasis stretching out dilatation

-sis state of disease

-opathy to view

-megaly enlargement

-itis inflammation

-genic producing originating causing

-spasm sudden involuntary muscle contraction

-ology study of

COPD chronic respiratory obstructive condition

URL respiratory infection of the upper airways

FEV volume used in pulmonary function tests

LUL a lobe of the lung

RDS respiratory condition seen most often in newborns

FVC forced vital capacity

ABG arteria blood gas

ARDS adult respiratory distress syndrome

DNR do not rescue

CABG surgery to create a shunt around a blocked vessel

PVC generation of an extra heartbeat

AED defibrillation device

CAD disease of the heart`s vessels

CHD coronary artery heart disease

ECG study of the electrical activity of the heart

Mon- one ,uni- one ,hemi- half;one side,semi-half;partical,bi- two;twice,di- two;twice,dipl/o double,tri- three,quadr/l-four, tetra-four,penta- five,multi- many,poly- many;much,a-an- not;without, anti- against,contra- against,opposite,de- removal;without,;separation,in-im- not,non- not,un- not,hyper- over;excess;abnormally high;increased,hypo- under;below,olig/o few;scanty,over-excess,under- deficiency,pan- all,super- above;excess,micro- small,neo- new,normo- normal,pseudo- false,ante- before;in front of,pre- before;in front of,pro- bofore;in front of,post- end/o in;within,mes/o middle,syn-sym- together,arthro- joint,cardio- -cardium heart;upper opening of stomach,cysto- urinary bladder,cholecysto- gall bladder,entero- -entery intestine,gastro- stomach hepate-liver,myo-muscle nephro- reno- kidney,pancreato- pancreas ,pulmo- pneumo- lung,spleno- lieno- spleen ,-algia -dynia pain,carcino- cancer,dys- difficultly;disorder,-emia blood disorder,-itis inflammation,-lith -lithiasis stone;stone disease,mal- bad,-oma onco- tumour,-rrhafia -rrhage -staxis bleeding,-rrhea flow;discharge,-pnea breathing,-pxia level of oxygen,-capnia level of carbon dioxide,-phonia voice,nas/o nose,rhin/o nose,pharyng/o pharynx,laryng/o larynx,trache/o trachea,bronch/o bronch/i bronchus,bronchiol bronchiole,phren/o diaphragm,phrenic/o phrenic nerve,pleur/o pleura,pulm/o pulmon/o lungs,pneum/o lung,pneum/o pneumat/o air;gas;also respiration;lung,spir/o breathing,cardi/o heart,atri/o atrium,ventricul/o cavity;ventricle,valv/o valvul/o valve,angi/o vessel,vas/o vascul/o vessel duct,arter/o arteri/o artery,arteriol/o arteriole,aort/o aorta,ven/o ven/i vein phleb/o vein,lymph/o lymph;lymophatic system,lymphaden/o lymphatic vessel,splen/o spleen thym/o thymus gland,tonsill/o tonsil,
