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1. There is _______ picture of _______ elephant on _______ wall.

2. This is _______ useful book. I've read it for _______ hour.

3. _______ elephant is much heavier than _______ horse.


4. _______ doctor told him to take _______ medicine three times _______ day.

5. Let's go out for _______ walk.

6. It's too hot. Open _______ door,please.

7. There is _______ woman over there. _______woman is Meimei's mother.

8. _______ sun rises in _______ east.


9. _______ Changjiang River is _______ longest river in _______ China.

10. Are you going to do it _______ second time

11. Washington is _______ capital of _______ USA.

12. _______ Turners are living at the end of _______ Turner Street.

13. He joined the army in _______ spring of _______ 1995.

14. _______ old man is _______ teacher. He likes playing _______ basketball after _______ supper.

I had _______ quick breakfast,I hurried to school.

16. Are _______ sheep kept by _______ farmers for producing _______ wool and _______ meat

went to _______ People's Park,but we both went to _______ People's Cinema yesterday.

18. I often watch _______ TV in _______ evening.

19. _______ day of _______ December 20,1999 is Monday.

20. Tomorrow is _______ Christmas Day and my father and I went to choose _______ Christmas tree today.

21. I think _______ maths is more important than any other subject.

22. He often goes to _______school by _______ bike.

does this _______ word mean,_______ Father

24. What _______ important news!


1.— Does Jim have _______ ruler

—Yes,he has _______ .

A.an; some

B. a; one

C. a;/

D. any; one

2. There is _______ old bike. _______ old bike is Mr Zhao's.

A. an; The

B. the; An

C. a; The

D. the; The

3. _______ apple a day keeps the doctors away.

A. The C. An D. Two

4.—How many books do you have

—I have _______ book. That's _______ English book.

A.a; an

B. a; one

C. one; an

D. one; one

5. At that time Tom was _______ one-year-old baby.

A. a C. the D./

6. _______ tiger is _______ China.


A. The; a

B. A; the

C. The; from

D. The; the

can't see _______ sun at _______ night.

A. the; the ; / ; / D./ ; /

8. _______ useful book it is!

A. What an a C. What a D. What

9. One afternoon he found _______ handbag.

There was _______ “s”on the corner of _______ hand bag.
