雅思阅读5-multiple choice题型解读
雅思阅读中的选择题是雅思与其它英语考试(如托福、四六级等)的⼀个相同题型.但是由于雅思考试偏重细节,其出题思路和做题⽅法也和其它考试有所不同.在⽬前的雅思阅读考试中,选择题占的⽐重⽐过去有所增加,故这种题⽬是考⽣在复习备考中必须重视的题型之⼀.本⽂将就雅思选择题的⼀些技巧和⼴⼤考⽣探讨. 雅思阅读中的选择题有两种主要形式:⼀种是四选⼀,即传统概念上的"单项选择题",(Multiple choice)另⼀种是"多选多"(Pick from a list),即通常所理解的"多项选择题",它的选择项⾄少为5个,选出的答案⾄少有2个.虽然形式有所不同,但这两种题型的做题⽅法的技巧都是⼀样的. ⾸先,我们⼀起来看⼀下选择题的题型特点: 1. 考察内容多为细节 除了通常位于⽂章末尾的Global multiple choice 题型考察考⽣对全⽂⼤意的理解之外,其余的都是要建⽴在对⽂章细节的理解之上的.做这种题型时,考⽣没有必要对全⽂进⾏通读进⾏理解,⽽只需要对⽂章的⼀句话或者是⼏句话进⾏理解便可. 2. 多项选择题答案集中 纵观雅思所有的真题,不难发现绝⼤多数多项选择题的答案都是出现在1-2个⼩段之内(最多不超过4段),⽽不是分散在全⽂.考⽣只要定位到了相关的段落并进⾏略读,根据语⾔转换便不难找到答案. 3. 选择项都有较⼤的同义转换 雅思阅读在很⼤程度上就是考察考⽣的语⾔⽔平,⽽这⼀步是通过题⽬跟⽂章的语⾔转换进⾏的.语⾔转换主要通过同义词和同义句型来实现,⽽在选择题中,由于选项绝⼤多数都是⼀个短语,不是完整的句⼦,因此语⾔转换主要是通过同义词来进⾏的. 4. 题⽬间有顺序原则 跟绝⼤多数题型⼀样,选择题的题号之间都基本遵循顺序原则.这意味着⼀旦⼀道题⽬定位不出来,可以根据相邻的题⽬,把范围推出来. 现在我们就来⼀起看⼀下选择题的做题步骤. I. 阅读指令(Instruction) 这⼀步骤主要是针对多项选择⽽⾔的.单项选择题的指令没有任何作⽤,可以忽略不看.⽽在多项选择题中,指令中会提⽰正确选项的数量.在誊写答题卡的时候,⼀定要注意多项选择题的题号,⼀个正确选项占⽤⼀个题号.这⼀点对于初次接触雅思的考⽣来说要特别引起注意. II. 阅读题⼲,划出定位词 由于选择题考察细节的特点,故题⼲中的词往往能够提供定位,⽅便考⽣在⽂章中把所对应的句⼦或段落找出来.我们以⼀道真题为例: In the first paragraph the writer makes the point that blind people (剑4,Test 1, Q27) 这道题⽬中,明显有两处定位:⼀处是first paragraph,另⼀处是blind people,故只需要在第⼀段找到blind people,就能找出题⽬所对应的句⼦了. 再以⼀道多项选择题的为例: The list below gives some of the tasks of an archaeologist. (剑4,Test 4, Q22-23) 很明显,这⾥的定位词是tasks of an archaeologist,通过略读⽂章每段的⾸句,就很容易找到题⽬所在的段落范围. 但并不是所有的多项选择题都会明确地告知范围.⽐如: Which THREE of the following statements are true of Johnson's Dictionary? (剑5 Test 1 Q1-3) 因为⽂章的题⽬就叫Johnson's Dictionary,故这道题⽬根本没有定位词.那么这种题⽬很难下⼿,建议放到最后来做.把其它的题⽬都做完之后,再根据其选项⼤致推测出所在⽂章的范围. III. 阅读选项,划出核⼼词 在寻找正确答案之前,⼀定要事先通读选项,因为选项提供了对原⽂正确或者是错误的同义转换.但是由于选项较长,不可能⼀次性全部记住,所以有必要把选项⾥的核⼼词划出来,这样可以减轻记忆负担,并且更加有针对性地做题. IV. 找到相关句⼦段落,摆脱⼲扰找到答案 这是做题的最后⼀个步骤,也是最重要的步骤.由于选择项的⼲扰性往往很强,所以对找到的相关句⼦或段落⼀定要进⾏仔细阅读,排除错误选项.甄别⼲扰项这⼀步骤是考⽣解题的关键,很多考⽣在往往对⼏个选项犹豫不决,经常跳进题⽬的陷阱.⼀般说来,⼲扰项有如下⼏个类别: a. 数字陷阱 选择题的特点便是选项进⾏深度的同义转换.但是如果个别选项中出现了数字,往往意味着这个数字直接来源于⽂章,没有进⾏任何同义替换.这种⼲扰选项对于根本读不懂原⽂的考⽣有着致命的诱惑⼒,因为只有数字是熟悉的,其它的单词都读不懂.数字选项中,数字在⽂章中都有提及,但经常是通过移花接⽊的形式出现的,以⼲扰考⽣的注意⼒.⽐如: 3. The four divisions A. each employed a staff of 500 clerks B. each had equal levels of productivity C. had identical patterns of organisation D. were randomly chosen for the experiment(剑3, Test 4, Q29) 原⽂中,数字500的确有所提及,但原⽂讲的是The study covered 500 clerical employees in four parallel divisions. 500名员⼯是实验所包含的总⼈数. b. 相似陷阱 同理,如果题⽬中出现的个别单词与原⽂中的⽤词⼀模⼀样,尤其是⼀些经常被同义替换掉的动词、形容词等,这个选项往往就是⼲扰选项.⽐如例3中的D选项,很多同学误选了D就是因为random这个词在原⽂中出现过.但是同样,原为是说The four divisions were assigned to two experimental programmes on a random basis. 四个部门被随机分配到两个实验项⽬中去,⽽不是四个部门是被随机挑选的.再举⼀例: The writer was surprised because the blind woman A. drew a circle on her own initiative. B. did not understand what a wheel look like. C. included a symbol representing movement. D. was the first person to use lines of motion. (剑4, Test 1, Q28) A选项⼏乎与原⽂⼀样.但是通过仔细阅读便会发现,作者吃惊的原因并不是因为盲⼈妇⼥⾃⼰画了⼀个圈,⽽是因为To show this motion, she traced a curve inside the circle.为了显⽰这种运动,她在圈⾥⾯画了⼀个曲线.正确选项C选项与⽂章⼏乎没有相同之处,但仔细⽐对却包含了很多同义词转换:traced – included; curve – symbol; show – representing; movement –motion. c. 偷换概念陷阱 有时候选项中虽然与⽂中有对应的词,但选项中偷换了关键性的成分(如谓语部分),使得答案错误.如: From the experiment described in Part 1, the writer found that the blind subjects A. had good understanding of symbols representing movement. B. could control the movement of wheels very accurately. C. worked together well as a group in solving problems. D. got better results than the sighted undergraduates. (剑4, Test 1, Q29) 这道题⽬⾥⾯,很多考⽣会选C选项,因为原⽂⾥有这么⼀句话:… the blind not only figured out meanings for each line of motion, but as a group they generally came up with the same meaning at least as frequently as did sighted subjects. 但是C选项偷换了group的概念,把blind subjects说成是组队来⼀起解决问题,这显然是⽂章中没有交代的. 再举⼀个例⼦: According to information in the text, intake of nicotine encourages A. blood circulation through the body. B. activity of other toxins in the blood. C. formation of blood clots. D. an increase of platelets in the blood.(剑3, Test 1, Q16) 其中的D选项很具有迷惑性,因为很多同学看到了platelets这个词在原⽂中有出现.但是原⽂中是activate small blood cells called platelets, 题⽬中却把activate 这个词偷换成了increase,变成了错误选项了. d. 搭配不当陷阱 这是有诱惑性的选项.这种选项的特点是:选项本⾝是正确的,但是跟题⼲却不能形成搭配关系.很多考⽣看到选项和原⽂内容相似,甚⾄还有同义转换,便毫不犹豫地选择了这样的⼲扰项.如上例中,选项A就在原⽂中出现.但是原⽂中说的是… thereby affecting blood circulation throughout the body. 题⼲中的谓语动词是encourage, 不能形成搭配关系.再看⼀个例⼦: The experiment was designed to(剑3, Test 4, Q28) A. establish whether increased productivity should be sought at any cost B. show that four divisions could use the same technology C. perfect a system for processing accounts D. exploit the human organisation of a company in order to increase profits 笔者在教学实践中发现,在⼀些没有讲解这个陷阱的班级⾥,⼏乎全部的学⽣都⼀致选了D选项.D选项乍⼀看是对的,原⽂中有相关的描述,但是原⽂中exploit the human organisation of a company的主语是a manager,⽽题⽬中的主语变成了experiment.⽽正确选项A对原⽂进⾏了⾼度的概括归纳,不仔细理解,是选不出来的. 往往要经历了以上陷阱的"诱惑"和"磨难"之后,考⽣才能选出正确的选项.当然,有些试题并没有这么复杂的陷阱,尤其是⼀些多项选择题,它们的选项只有⼀些语⾔上的同义转换,只要识别出相应的同义转换,那么便不难找到正确答案.。
例如,剑桥雅思4第三套题第三篇文章中的配对题28题,题目是the importance of taking notes of body language,文中对应的句子却是the recording has to be supplemented by the observer’swritten comments of the non-verbal behavior of the participants. 这两个句子没有一个词是一样的,但细心的同学能发现很明显的三组同义替换那就是重要性、肢体语言、做笔记。
在雅思阅读中,我们并没有⾜够的时间仔细阅读全⽂,那么怎样才能快速的在⽂中找到答案呢? 这篇⽂章会告诉⼤家如何在做阅读题⽬中快速浏览全⽂,并找到答案。
Identifying the question type 确定问题类型 在阅读⽂章前,我们⾸先要将问题浏览⼀遍,⼤致了解我们需要重点阅读的部分。
浏览问题的题⼲就会发现,有些⼈名会被经常提到,例如James Alan Fox, John J. DiIulio, Michael Tonry,因此我们看⽂章时就要特别留意这些⼈名。
Underline / highlight key words 划出/标出关键词 阅读⽂章时,⼤家应该养成良好的习惯,把你觉得重要的或是可能是答案的词标出来。
IELTS Reading Multiple Choice Questions 雅思阅读中的选择题 雅思阅读中问题的顺序跟⽂章的顺序相同,找到⼀题的答案,下⼀题的答案就在下⽂。
Reading in detail 仔细阅读答案所在段落 第⼀次阅读⽂章时,应重点看主题句,跳过其⾮重点段落。
让我们做⼀个练习吧! IELTS Reading Multiple Choice - Practice NOW FOR THE BAD NEWS: A TEENAGE TIME BOMB Para. 1 They are just four, five and six years old right now, but already they are making criminologists nervous. They are growing up, too frequently, in abusive or broken homes, with little adult supervision and few positive role models. Left to themselves, they spend much of their time hanging out on the streets or soaking up violent TV shows. By the year 2005 they will be teenagers--a group that tends to be, in the view of Northeastern University criminologist James Alan Fox, "temporary sociopaths-impulsive and immature." If they also have easy access to guns and drugs, they can be extremely dangerous. Para. 2 For all the heartening news offered by recent crime statistics, there is an ominous flip side. While the crime rate is dropping for adults, it is soaring for teens. Between 1990 and 1994, the rate at which adults age 25 and older committed homicides declined 22%; yet the rate jumped 16% for youths between 14 and 17, the age group that in the early '90s supplanted 18- to 24-year-olds as the most crime-prone. And that is precisely the age group that will be booming in the next decade. There are currently 39 million children under 10 in the U.S., more than at any time since the 1950s. "This is the calm before the crime storm," says Fox. "So long as we fool ourselves in thinking that we're winning the war against crime, we may be blindsided by this bloodbath of teenage violence that is lurking in the future." Para. 3 Demographics don't have to be destiny, but other social trends do little to contradict the dire predictions. Nearly all the factors that contribute to youth crime-single-parent households, child abuse, deteriorating inner-city schools-are getting worse. At the same time, government is becoming less, not more, interested in spending money to help break the cycle of poverty and crime. All of which has led John J. Dilulio Jr., a professor of politics and public affairs at Princeton, to warn about a new generation of "superpredators," youngsters who are coming of age in actual and "moral poverty," without "the benefit of parents, teachers, coaches and clergy to teach them right or wrong and show them unconditional love." Para. 4 Predicting a generation's future crime patterns is, of course, risky, especially when outside factors (Will crack use be up or down? Will gun laws be tightened?) remain unpredictable. Michael Tonry, a professor of law and public policy at the University of Minnesota, argues that the demographic doomsayers are unduly alarmist. "There will be a slightly larger number of people relative to the overall population who are at high risk for doing bad things, so that's going to have some effect," he concedes. "But it's not going to be an apocalyptic effect." Norval Morris, professor of law and criminology at the University of Chicago, finds Dilulio's notion of superpredators too simplistic: "The human animal in young males is quite a violent animal all over the world. The people who put forth the theory of moral poverty lack a sense of history and comparative criminology." Para. 5 Yet other students of the inner city are more pessimistic. "All the basic elements that spawn teenage crime are still in place, and in many cases the indicators are worse," says Jonathan Kozol, author of Amazing Grace an examination of poverty in the South Bronx. "There's a dramatic increase of children in foster care, and that's a very high-risk group of kids. We're not creating new jobs, and we're not improving education to suit poor people for the jobs that exist." Para. 6 Can anything defuse the demographic time bomb? Fox urges "reinvesting in children": improving schools, creating after-school programs and providing other alternatives to gangs and drugs. Dilulio, a law-and-order conservative, advocates tougher prosecution and wants to strengthen religious institutions to instill better values. Yet he opposes the Gingrich-led effort to make deep cuts in social programs. "A failure to maintain existing welfare and health commitment for kids," he says, "is to guarantee that the next wave of juvenile predators will be even worse than we're dealing with today." Dilulio urges fellow conservatives to think of Medicaid not as a health-care program but as "an anticrime policy." 695 Words (Source: Time Magazine) IELTS Reading Multiple Choice Questions 1. Young children are making criminologists nervous because (a) they are committing too much crime. (b) they are impulsive and immature. (c) they may grow up to be criminals. 2. The general crime rate in the US is (a) increasing (b) decreasing (c) not changing 3. The age group which commits the highest rate of crime is (a) 14 - 17. (b) 18 - 24. (c) 24 +. 4. James Fox believes that the improvement in crime figures could (a) make us complacent in the fight against crime. (b) result in an increase in teenage violence. (c) result in a decrease in teenage violence. 5. According to paragraph 3, the government (a) is doing everything it can to solve the problem. (b) is not interested in solving the problem. (c) is not doing enough to solve the problem. 6. In comparison with James Fox, Michael Tonry is (a) more pessimistic. (b) less pessimistic. (c) equally pessimistic. 7. Jonathan Kozol believes that (a) there is no solution to the problem. (b) employment and education are not the answer. (c) employment and education can improve the situation. 8. Professor DiIulio thinks that spending on social programs (a) should continue as it is (b) should be decreased. (c) is irrelevant to crime rates.。
雅思阅读答题方法ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ析:多重选择题型 二、多重选择题型
IELTS阅读测试中多重选择题型与TOEFL测试中的多重选择题型虽然类似,但实质上差别很大。IELT阅读测试中的多重 选择题型更多侧重于对文章的.理解,而非强调语法、词法的运用。 多重选择题答题步骤: 1. 详细阅读答题指引,尽量找出相关答题信息。 2. 按所给问题顺序答题。 3. 首先剔出例句答案所在部分,紧随其后从上至下开始答题。 4. 在问句中找出关键词语。 5. 在所给选择答案中找出关键词语。 6. 依次将问句及选择答案中的关键词语与文章中的相关词语进行匹配。 7. 依据三点相符原则确定答案。但有些题只需一点或两点相同即可找出答案。 注意多重选择题型下列情况: 1. All of the above. (上述全部) 2. Either a. or b. or c. or above. (或者上面的a.或b.或c.) 3. It depends on. (视 …… 而定) 如果出现上述三种情况,就要对所有的选择答案进行分析对比。 【雅思阅读答题方法解析:多重选择题型】相关文章: 06-15 06-05 06-09 07-27 06-26 06-22 06-13 11-07 05-10 06-26
雅思阅读最难题型讲解:Heading,Multiple,Summary本文帮大家带来详细的雅思阅读题型讲解,分别是Heading,Multiple Choice,Summary,这些通常都被认为阅读中比较有难度的题型。
一.Headings(找小标题)1. 题型要求:文章由若干段话组成,要求给每段话找个小标题。
本题型不是让你写出每段话的小标题,而是要求从选项列表( list of headings)中选择。
在考试中,该题型 A 类每次必考一组,共 5 题左右。
G 类不是每次必考,考的时候,一般只考一组,共五题左右。
有时,这类题目的要求中有这样一句话: You may use any heading more than once(你可以使用任何小标题超过一次)。
一、雅思阅读题型之list of heading(标题对应题)⑴根据topic sentence解题是比较重要的方法之一。
因而要注意阅读每一段落的topic sentence.(句首、句中或句尾。
⑵与summary题一样,雅思阅读list of heading中的备选项一般多于答案的数量,这就意味着一个段落可以有几个符合的备选项,同样先把符合这个段落的备选项挑出来,缩小选择的范围,再从中选择会容易一些。
⑶与雅思阅读multiple choice题一样,雅思阅读list of heading题的正确答案一定包含文章的要点(关键词、中心词),因为题目考查的就是段落的大意。
⑷文章段落中所给的example绝对不会是雅思阅读题型之list of heading题的答案,因为它们只是对段落中主要观点的解释说明,并不全面系统,是片面的。
新东方尊贵 VIP雅思阅读 multiple choices
![新东方尊贵 VIP雅思阅读 multiple choices](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6348ef5850e2524de5187edd.png)
Page 9
C3 (P17,P46, P50, P68, P71, P87, P90, P95 )
C5 (P22, P27, P42, P74) C6 (P96 ) C7 (P28, P43, P52, P73, P77, P98)
Page 6
Signal Words
表示次序关系 递进关系:also, apart from, besides, moreover,
furthermore 时间先后:now, later, before, after, since, when, first,
second, next, at last, eventually/ultimately, finally 排列顺序:another, the second, even more, the most, the
best, the least. 表示因果关系 As, because, for, since, owing to, thanks to, lead to, as a
result, result in, therefore, thus, hence, as, cause, contribute to , breed, cause.
Page 3
Brainstorming (multiple choices 题目特点)
前,中(题目一般为细节题目);后 (主旨大意题目)
快速阅读能力,定位能力,同义替换能 力,抗干扰能力,概括能力。
最近复苏趋势,题量增多 题量8Qs左右。难度系数 ★★★
雅思阅读题技巧:Multiplechoice雅思阅读题技巧:Multiple choiceTask deionIn this question type you will be given a 'stem' which may be an incomplete sentence or a question. The stem will be followed by three or four options - one will be correct (the answer) and three may seem possible but are in fact incorrect in some way (the distracters).In tackling this type of question, it is very important to read the stem carefully. Candidates often make careless mistakes when they misread the stem and so choose the wrong option.What is being testedMultiple choice questions can be designed to test a wide variety of reading skills. The questions may require you to have an overall understanding of the main points of the text as in Question 1 of the sample task, in which case you will need to be able to read for gist. Or they may require you to have a detailed understanding of particular points as in questions 2 and 3 of the Sample Task, in which case you will need to be able to read for specific details. Multiple choice questions may also ask you to identify facts or opinions in the text.How to approach summary completion questionsStep 1: Read the instructions carefullyStep 2: Skim all the questions briefly to get an idea of the topics for which you will be searching when reading the text.Step 3: Read the first question again more carefully. Decide what you will need to read to answer the question. Is the question asking you for a particular detail that you need to find in the text?Or is the question asking you for an answer which requires a global understanding of the whole text?Step 4: Once you have decided the best strategy for dealing with the question (as above), you will need to proceed to read the text in the appropriate manner, for example reading for gist, reading for detail etc.。
以下是多选题的一些特点:1. 选项数量较多:多选题通常给出4-6个选项,其中有一个或多个是正确答案。
2. 答案选项相似:多选题的选项往往会在表达上非常相似,仅有细微差别。
3. 考点混合:多选题涉及各种考点,包括细节题、推断题、态度题等。
二、多选题解题技巧1. 留意题干关键词:在阅读多选题的题干时,要仔细留意关键词,确定题目的主题和要求。
2. 通读全文:在阅读文章时,要全面理解文章的主旨,并注意各段落之间的逻辑关系。
3. 分析选项:仔细分析每个选项,注意选项之间的细微差别,进一步理解选项的含义。
4. 排除干扰选项:根据细节和判断题干要求,排除与题干不相关或错误的选项。
5. 使用定位词:留意定位词,如时间、地点、人物等,有助于在文章中快速找到相关信息。
6. 多角度思考:考虑文章中的不同观点和态度,以多角度思考的方式找到正确答案。
三、多选题解析思路1. 寻找明确信息:根据题干的关键词,在文章中找到明确的信息支持。
2. 推断与推理:根据文章的意思和逻辑,进行推断与推理,找到可能的答案。
3. 考虑整体意义:在全文理解的基础上,综合考虑选项的整体意义,选择最合适的答案。
4. 分析选项关系:将选项之间进行对比和分析,进一步理解选项的异同和相关性。
5. 注意否定词和转折词:留意否定词和转折词的使用,这些词语常常提示正确答案的选择。
6. 选项间逻辑关系:留意选项之间的逻辑关系,有助于进一步理解选项的含义和选择正确答案。
雅思阅读题型大解析雅思阅读题型之list of heading依照topic sentence解题是很常见的做题方式。
因而要注意分析每一段落的topic sentence.(一般句首的主题句比较偏多,很多文章都是句首点明观点)。
与summary题相同,雅思阅读list of heading中的备选项一般多于答案的数量,这就意味着一个段落可以有几个符合的备选项,同样先把符合这个段落的备选项挑出来,缩小选择的范围,再从中选择会容易一些。
文章段落中所给的example绝对不会是雅思阅读题型之list of heading题的答案,因为它们只是对段落中主要观点的解释说明,并不全面系统,是片面的。
IELTS Reading - Multiple Choice
![IELTS Reading - Multiple Choice](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/42dc3761561252d380eb6e44.png)
按所给问题的顺序答题(如有例句,首先剔除例句答案所在部分,紧随 其后从上至下开始答题)
► ► ► ►
在问句中找出Key Words 在所给选择答案中找出Key Words 依次将问句及选择答案中的Key Words与原文中的相关词进行Match 依据三点相符原则确定答案: 3个逻辑上相同点-答案正确无疑;
Multiple Choice 多选多
► 需要根据题目中的Key
Words 在原文中找相
Question 39 Choose FIVE letters, A-K.
Write the correct letters in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.
Multiple Choice
By Kelly
Multiple Choice – 多重选择题
出题概率几乎70%,难度中,一般3-6题 出题方式: •
• •
多选1 多选多 (很少出)
Multiple Choice – 多选1
► 出题位置:第一题
or 最后一题
Question 1-3 Write the correct letter, A, B, C, D, or E. Write the correct letter in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.
NB Your answers may be given in any order. What FIVE of these beliefs are reported by the writer of the text?
Multiple Choice – 答题步骤
雅思阅读第五讲 判断题和多选题全
![雅思阅读第五讲 判断题和多选题全](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/27ab7e87cf2f0066f5335a8102d276a201296059.png)
Two, million…
All, almost, only, except, a part of…
Already, once, will, in the past/future…
在题目中划出关键词。 据关键词找到原文中对应的位置。可能是一句
话也可能是几句话 与原文观点一致TRUE/YES,对立或者相反
Networking is not a modern idea. People fall into two basic categories. All teachers are cynics. The first piece of Hesse’s art has little effect on
must, should, have to
sometimes, always,seldom, once in a while…
题目与原文的一句话基本相同或者是重述 题目的含义隐含在是原文多句话中(较难),
需要归纳或者概括 补充的一点是,所谓选TRUE,并不意味着题
例题 比例和数量无关
【题目】The majority of teachers get satisfaction from their work.
【原文】Many teachers find their jobs very rewarding.
题干中出现“绝对词”时,多为FALSE/NO 题干出现比较级
雅思阅读 选择题 技巧Multiple Choice
![雅思阅读 选择题 技巧Multiple Choice](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e686ebbcf12d2af90342e62e.png)
It helps to know how the examiners try and trap you. The way they do this is fairly predictable. Let’s look at another example:
What were the findings of the research in Scotland: 1. anti-smoking legislation was more effective in the USA 2. advertising of tobacco products had less effect on oldl speed 2. Only scan for names or numbers 3. Skip any difficult questions, get to the end
There will be synonyms used in the reading the words in the IELTS multiple choice questions may not be exactly the same as in the text
According to the author, the attraction of reading for young people is: 1. they find out about other countries 2. different from other generations 3. escaping into another world 4. foolish
雅思 Multiple ChoicePPT课件
![雅思 Multiple ChoicePPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/519b179927284b73f3425093.png)
One hundred and thirteen million Americans have at least one bank-issued credit card. They give their owners automatic credit in stores, restaurants, and hotels, at home, across the country, and even abroad, and they make many banking services available as well. More and more of these credit cards can be
mask with two dots will produce a smile. Significantly, a real
human face with eyes covered will not motivate a smile, nor will
the sight of only one eye when the face is presented in profile.
sequence and at a constant age, but there are cases where
speech has started late in a child who eventually turns out to be
of high IQ.
Q: If a child starts to speak later than others, he
IMPLY 型 The author implies that… 给出线索中心词,通常是名词主语, 要求选谓语 CONCLUSION 型 We can draw the conclusion from the passage that …
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
13 The storeys of a Japanese pagoda are
linked only by wood. fastened only to the central pillar. fitted loosely on top of each other. joined by special weights.
Tip 1 : 相似错原则: 怀疑与原文看似一致的选项
剑4 28. A. drew a circle on her own initiative 文: a blind woman…decided on her own initiative to draw a
单选: 4选1 答案一题一段 多选:
7选3 11选5
A.纯细节题 B.选项同义词转换 C.题目间顺序性
1.题干粗定位 2.选项细定位 3.比较KW,解题
剑 4 P29 Question 27 In the first paragraph the writer makes the point that
2.选项细定位 3.比较KW,解题
Tip: 注意相似结构
要求: 划出题目中的考点词,并在文
剑7 P26 Educating Psyche
剑8 P89 Land of the Rising Sun
剑8 P70 The Nature of Genius
C. included a symbol representing movement 文 : To show this motion, she traced a curve inside the
Tip 2: True/False/Not Given的技巧
blind people…
剑4 P95 Questions 22 and 23 The list below gives some of the tasks of an
archaeologist. Which TWO of these tasks are mentioned by the writer of the text?
文章末句: Thus, we concluded that the blind
interpret abstract shapes as sighted people do.
解题技巧: 1.题干粗定位 2.选项细定位 3.比较KW,解题
解题技巧: 文章首末句,找kw 读文章首二句的目的:找 topic 读文章末句 的目的:找 aim/conclusion
首句: Adults and children are frequently confronted with
statements about the alarming rate of loss of tropical rainforests. 末句: Environmental education offers an arena in which these skills can be developed, which is essential for these children as future decision-makers.
Tip 3 twins 原则
Tip 4 数字选项 (单选题仅有一个选项包含数
剑3 Test 4 Question 29
The four divisions A. each employed a staff of 500 clerks B. each had equal levels of productivity C. had identical patterns of organisation D. were randomly chosen for the experiment