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Training 序号 NO、题目 TOPIC 内容 CONTENTS general (1)禁止打架斗殴 No fighting in the site、(2)非生活区工作人员(送水的、保洁员等)不要进入中国员工生活区,喝水到指定饮水点处取水、The workers who dont belong to living area shouldnt enter into living area、 Please drinking water at appointed position、1 施工现场 Site (1)工地上基本个人防护设备 Site Personal Protective Equipment Requirements 安全帽 Hard Hat 带钢头的安全鞋 Safety Shoes 护目镜、goggles 其他附加设备:听力保护装备,防护手套,安全带、呼吸器等。P ossible Additions: Hearing Protection, Work Gloves, Safety harness, Respiratory Protection (2)现场穿着基本要求 SITE CLOTHING (minimum requirements)

必须具备公司统一着装 Company uniform is a must、穿带衣领的长袖衬衫和长裤 long trousers and long sleeved shirts with a collar be worn 工作服必须带反光条或反光马甲 work suit with reflective strip or reflective vest、(3)现场施工人员要熟知本工种的安全技术操作规程,在现场作业时应坚守工作岗位 ,严禁酒后上岗作业。W orkers on site should be familiar with safely technical operating regulations for their own specialty、 Workers should hold ones position during working、 Working after drunk is strictly forbad、(4)电工、焊工、起重工、起重机司机、架子工、司炉工和场内机动车辆司机属特种作业人员,必须经过专门培训考核取证后,方准独立操作。S pecial workers, such as electrician, welder, lifting worker, crane driver, scaffolding erector, stoker, and drivers of motor vehicles within plant, must be trained specially and then can operate separately after get the certificate、(5)禁止任何非工作人员靠近正在运输或卸货的车辆。I t is forbidden that any one who dont work at the area close with vehicle for transport or unloading、(6)使用手锤、大锤,锤柄、锤头上不得有油污,打大锤时,甩转方向不得有人。W hile using chip ping hammer and mall hammer, there should not be oil stain on handle and head of hammer、 While using mall hammer, no one should be

at the turning directions、2 高空作业从事高空作业人员经医生诊断凡患有高血压、心脏病、贫血病、癫痫病以及不适合于高空作业的,不得从事高空作业。W ork at height Workers for high up work have been confirmed to get hypertension, heart disease, anemia and falling sickness by the doctor as well as the ones who are not fit for high up works, could not carry out the works of high above the ground、高空作业运输材料时,应遵守所用运输机械的安全规定,所有材料均应放置牢固,严禁向下投扔物体。高空作业人员随手工具应放入工具袋内,严禁用抛掷方法传递物件。W hen transport materials during working in high up, safety regulations for the concerned vehicles should be followed、 All materials should be placed firmly、 Any thing is forbid to be thrown down、 The tools that are carried by the workers of high up should be put into the tool bag, and strictly prohibit to pass articles by throwing、遇有恶劣天气(如风力在六级以上、大雨、大雾等天气)影响安全时,禁止露天高空、起重作业。W hen there are bad weathers (such as wind force is above6 degree, heavy rain, thick fog, etc、) which will influence safety, high up works and lifting works in the open air are prohibit、高空作业使用活扳手时,要用绳子栓牢,防止脱落。W hen using active spanner in high up work, the spanner should be tied firmly with rope to avoid falling down、行动五步骤 5 Step Process 首先尽量在地面完成工作以规避风险。F irst you should try to bring the job to ground level so that there is no risk of falling、加装护板和护手。P ut up a solid barrier or handrail so you cant fall、使用脚手架或者升降平台。U se a platform to work from such as a scaffold or an elevated work platform (EWP)、使用限位器。U se a fall RESTRAINT system such as a purposely designed fixed length lanyard for that job that will stop you reaching the edge (note: some restraint systems may have energy absorbers fitted)

使用安全带等防坠落捕捉器。U se a fall ARREST system such as harness and lanyard with energy absorber that will arrest you should you fall and
