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第七节 Steve的首轮面试Steve's First Round Interview


有些时候招聘是HR部门为主导,例如Cindy参加的校园招聘流程。但像Steve这样有经验的人员,一般就不用招聘专员来面试了。这样的职位通常是用人部门的主管来面试Sometimes the HR department plays a leading role in recruitment, such as it did during Cindy's campus recruitment process. However, in cases such as Steve, where the hire is an experienced employee, there may not be any need to be interviewed by HR specialists. In situations such as these, interviews are usually performed by the heads of those departments that are looking for new staff.

Linda是公司笔记本事业部的大客户销售总监,是该销售职位的直接上司,她将首先面试Steve, Steve销售业绩不错,这些年也积累了很多经验。有了这些基础,他能够与Linda 进行了深入的沟通,并赢得未来领导的信任

Linda, who will be performing Steve's interview, is the Key Account Sales Director of the Notebook Computer Division, and also the direct supervisor of Steve's future post. Steve has a solid performance record and has accumulated rich experience over the years. Given his assets. Steve is able to communicate with Linda in depth and wins her trust.


Linda: 欢迎你Steve,我负责笔记本事业部的销售,我叫Linda

Linda: Welcome, Steve. I am in charge of Sales in the Notebook Division. My name is Linda.

Steve: 很荣幸见到你Linda

Steve: A pleasure to meet you, Linda

Linda: 我听Vivian说你在目前的公司做得很优秀,为什么决定放弃目前的工作呢?Linda: Vivian has told me that you've done excellent work in your current company. Why have you decided to leave your present job?

Steve: 我很喜欢现在的工作,而且与同事保持着良好的关系

Steve: Well, I do like my current work and I get along well with my colleague


But I think it's a good time for me to make a change.


You see, I like work that is challenging, and I think I am ready for more challenging work.

Linda: 能不能告诉我你喜欢与哪一类人一起工作?

Linda: Could you tell me what types of people you like to work with?

Steve: 说实话,我能和各种各样的人合作

Steve: To tell you the truth, I can cooperate with a wide range of people.


I'm naturally an easygoing person, and I especially enjoy working with people who are responsible, friendly and helpful.

Linda: 接下来,请介绍一下你做销售的经历吧

Linda: Next, I'd like to know about your sales experience.

Steve: 到现在为止,我已经在两家公司做了七年的销售工作

Steve: I've been in Sales for seven years now, with two different companies.


The first one was a small audio components manufacturer.


I had been working there for three years, and during that period our sales increased by an average rate of 50%per year.


At that time I was responsible for Sales in the Northwest Region.

Steve: 三年后,我认为自己有能力应付更大的挑战,于是我跳槽到一家系统集成商Steve: After three years, I felt I was ready for a bigger challenge, so I switched a systems integration company


I am currently in charge of Sales in the Northeast Region.

Linda: 很好,人们现在热衷于谈论“团队”。你能描述一下你在销售团队里的角色吗?Linda: Sounds good. Everyone is talking about teams these days. Can you describe your role as a member of a sales team?

Steve: 我把自己当作一个鼓励者

Steve: I see myself chiefly as an inspirer.


Sales can be quite competitive and some people in this field adopt a dog –
