Travelling around the World课件(PPT)5-3

early the next morning before sunrise hike down the air… a few stars…
A few other people , come up the trail
We wondered why…
【病员】名部队、机关、团体中称生病的人员。 【病原】名①病因。②指病原体。 【病原体】名能引起疾病的微生物和寄生虫的统称,如细菌、真菌、病度、 支原体、衣原体、立克次体、螺旋体、螨类等。 【病源】名发生疾病的根源。 【病院】名专治某种疾病的医院:精神~|传染~。 【病灶】名机体上发生 病变的部分。如肺的某一部分;哪里有公司账户 / 哪里有公司账户;被结核菌破坏,这部分就是肺结核病灶。 【病征】名表现在身 体外面的显示出是什么病的征象。 【病症】名病?:专治疑难~。 【病株】名发生病害的植株。 【病状】名病象。 【摒】排除:~除|~弃。 【摒除】动 排除;除去:~杂念。 【摒挡】〈书〉动料理;收拾:~公务|~行李|~一切。 【摒绝】动排除:~妄念|~应酬。 【摒弃】动舍弃:~杂务,专心学 习。 【拨】(撥)①动手脚或棍棒等横着用力,使东西移动:~门|~船◇~开云雾。②动分出一部分发给;调配:~粮|~款|~两个人到锻工车间工作。 ③动掉转:~头便往回走。④(~儿)量用于成批的人或物:工人们分成两~儿干活|大家轮~儿休息。 【拨打】动打(电话):~国内长途|~投诉电话。 【拨发】动分出一部分发给:所需经费由上级统一~。 【拨付】动调拨并发给(款项):~经费。 【拨号】∥动按照要通话的电话号码,拨动拨号盘中的数 字(现多采用按动数字键的方式)。 【拨款】①(-∥-)动(政府或上级)拨给款项:拨了一笔款|~万元。②名政府或上级拨给的款项:军事~|预算 的支出部分是国家的~。 【拨拉】?ɑ〈口〉动拨?:~算盘子儿。 【拨浪鼓】?ɑ(~儿)名玩具,带把儿的小鼓,来回转动时,两旁系在短绳上的鼓槌击鼓 做声。也作波浪鼓。 【拨乱反正】治理混乱的局面,使恢复正常。 【拨弄】?动①用手脚或棍棒等来回地拨动:~琴弦|他用小棍儿~火盆里的炭。②摆布: 他想~人,办不到!③挑拨:~是非。 【拨冗】动客套话,推开繁忙的事务,抽出时间:务希~出席。 【拨云见日】拨开乌云,看见太阳。比喻冲破黑暗, 见到光明。 【拨子】?①名一种用金属、木头、象牙或塑料等制成的薄片,用以弹奏月琴、曼德琳等弦乐器。②名高拨子的简称。③量拨?:刚才有一~人从 这里过去了。 【波】①波浪:~纹|随~逐流。②名振动在介质中的传播过程。波是振动形式的传播,介质质点本身并不随波前进。最常见的有机械波和电 磁波。通常也可分为横波和纵波。③比喻事情的意外变化:风~|一~未平,一~又起。④()名姓。 【波长】名沿着波的传播方向,相邻的两个波峰或
《Travelling Around》Listening and Speaking PPT【优秀课件】

/w/ wh
mbBiblioteka /m/wr/r/
while,whether,where whole,whose,whom
thing,sing,swing quiet,quit,queen guard,guide,guest light,fight,slight knife,knock,knee bomb,thumb,comb wrong,wrap,wrinkle
1.签证 签证(Visa)是一国政府机关依照本国法律规定为申请入出或通过本国的外 国人颁发的一种许可证明。 根据国际法原则,任何一个主权国家,有权自主决定是否允许外国人入出 其国家,有权依照本国法律颁发签证、拒发签证或者对已经签发的签证宣 布吊销。
2.法国埃菲尔铁塔 埃菲尔铁塔矗立在塞纳河南岸法国巴黎的战神广场,于1889年建成,是世 界著名建筑、法国文化象征之一、巴黎城市地标之一、巴黎最高建筑物, 被法国人爱称为“铁娘子” 。
[合作探究] 体会apply的用法和意义 He has applied for a position in a native company. 他已在本地的一家公司申请了一个职位。 Jack has applied to join the Chinese nationality.杰克已申请加入中国国籍。 The new technology was applied to farming.这项新技术被应用于农业。 We applied our minds to finding a solution to our problem. 我们绞尽脑汁寻求解决问题的办法。
travel 旅行全英文PPT演示课件

derives much of its income from tourism.
• No time,no vacation,no money,no mood,are the reasons most people use to refuse travel.
• A person who really loves to travel,needs no reason,just pack and go.
• Grand Bassin is located in the south of Mauritius.
• a natural lake, which is formed by a volcano eruption
recognized as a sacred lake by the local people the place where Mauritius India believers worship
Let's travel
Would you like to take an island trip?
Phuket Island
Phuket is Thailand’s largest island. The island is connected to mainland Thailand
by two bridges. It is situated off the west coast of Thailand in the Andaman Sea.

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A sudden journey
说 走 就 走 的 旅 行
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Paris has long inspired opinionated outbursts, from delusional to denouncing, but on one matter travelers remain in agreement: it‘s among the most stimulating cities in the world.
Eiffel Tower
Victoria Harbour is located in between Hong Kong island and Kowloon, separating the two region. Central business district is distributed in both sides of the port.
Quit your job to travel the world
1315000133费佳仪 1315000131 李韫沁 1315000132姚思晨 1315000522 林凤
letter of resignation went viral online these days for its feeling of romantics, reading that, "The world is so big that I want to have a look". ●The letter was written by a psychology teacher who began working at a middle school . ● The photo of the letter spread quickly and widely after the teacher posted it in the "Cycle of Friends" of Wechat, a Chinese social networking application.

• Hawaiian Islands are one of the most beautiful places on earth
•Golden beaches and golden People, Sun, sand, sea, and surf... It is a paradise(天堂)
Royal Palace Madrid
•Royal Palace Madrid was Built in the middle of 18th Century
•It’s famous for its Magnificent
•Cervantes statue is located oห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ the opposite of it
Statue of Liberty
Out of all of America's symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty.
Wall Street Bull
•It is the symbol of strength and courage •It means that stock market will be prosperity forever, if the bull is there
Spain is in the southwest of Europe
Bullfighting is the most popular sport in Spain
Royal Palace Madrid is one of the three largest European palace

D. To show the different people.
4. Who discovered the tomb?
A. The researchers.
B. The s farmers.
Study the organisation and Language features.
2. 【原句】Revise your draft according to your partner’s comments. comment n. 评论;议论 vi. & vt. 发表意见;评论
【归纳】 comment on / about sth. / sb. make comments on sth. / sb. no comment
write again soon and send photos
Travel Around the World环游世界英文 ppt课件

Culture Notes
Where were they built? Most of the pyramids can be found on the western side of the Nile River, just into the dry desert.
Department of College English
II. Group discussion: “What is your purpose of traveling?
Department of College English
What is your purpose of
Unit Six
Travel Around the World
Department of College English
➢ Lead-in
Name and Introduce some Places Group Discussion Culture Notes
➢ Passage A
Warm-up Activities Text Analysis Language Points Difficult Sentences Summary Follot
Department of College English
Ⅰ. Look at the following pictures and discuss with your partner: where is the place and what do you know about it?

Natural landscapes
Mountains, beaches, national parks, and other natural wonders are popular tourist destinations.
Monuments, museums, ancient cities, and other cultural heritage attractions draw visitors from around the world.
Unveiled on October 23, 1886, the statue is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world and a symbol of New York City.
statue of liberty
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a medieval tower located in Piazza del Duomo in Pisa, Italy. It was built between 1173 and 1372 and leans at an angle of 4 degrees due to soft ground beneath its foundation.
Historical and cultural sites
Theme parks and attractions
Sporting events and activities
Diversity of tourist attractions
Famous Asian attractions

2023年外研版小学英语六年级环球旅游知识课件Welcome to the 2023 World Travel Knowledge Course for Grade 6 Students!Introduction:In this course, we will explore various fascinating destinations around the world. From historical landmarks to natural wonders, we will delve into the rich culture, geography, and attractions that make each place unique. Join us as we embark on an exciting journey across the globe!1. Europe: A Tapestry of CulturesEurope, known for its diversity and rich history, offers a plethora of cultural experiences. From the magnificent Colosseum in Rome to the stunning Eiffel Tower in Paris, there is something for everyone. Explore the intricate maze of canals in Venice or visit the impressive Acropolis in Athens. Discover the enchanting castles of Germany or marvel at the breathtaking beauty of the Swiss Alps. Europe is a treasure trove of wonders waiting to be explored!2. Asia: Where Tradition Meets ModernityAsia is a captivating continent, blending ancient traditions with modern advancements. Visit the Great Wall of China or admire the majestic Taj Mahal in India. Immerse yourself in the bustling streets of Tokyo or savor the delicious street food in Bangkok. Discover the tranquil beauty of Bali'slush landscapes or stand in awe of the futuristic cityscape of Singapore. Asia offers a kaleidoscope of cultures, flavors, and history.3. Africa: Home of Wildlife and Natural WondersAfrica is a continent of unparalleled natural wonders and breathtaking wildlife. Embark on a safari in the vast Serengeti National Park or witness the mesmerizing migration of wildebeest. Explore the ancient pyramids of Egypt or relax on the pristine beaches of Zanzibar. Be captivated by the majestic Victoria Falls or go on a thrilling adventure to spot the "Big Five" in South Africa. Africa is a land of unparalleled beauty and adventure.4. North America: From Cityscapes to National ParksNorth America boasts iconic cities and awe-inspiring landscapes. Discover the vibrant streets of New York City or experience the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. Visit the historic landmarks of Washington, D.C., or soak up the vibrant music scene in New Orleans. Explore the natural wonders of the Grand Canyon or hike through the majestic Rocky Mountains. North America offers a diverse range of experiences for every traveler.5. South America: Land of Diversity and Natural MarvelsSouth America is a continent of staggering beauty and cultural diversity. Marvel at the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru or explore the vibrant streets of Buenos Aires. Embark on a thrilling Amazon rainforest adventure or wander through the colorful streets of Cartagena. Experience the exhilarating energy of Rio de Janeiro or visit the awe-inspiring Iguazu Falls. South America is a true paradise for adventure seekers and nature lovers.In conclusion, the world is a vast and enchanting place, waiting to be discovered. Through this course, we hope to ignite your sense of curiosity and inspire you to embark on your own global adventures. Whether it's exploring Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, or South America, each destination has something unique to offer. Let's dive into the wonders of our world and broaden our horizons together. Happy travels!。
高中英语人教版必修一《Unit 2 Travelling Around (40张PPT)课件

Language Learning
We’re leaving for Shanghai tomorrow. =We will leave for Shanghai tomorrow.
The plane is arriving in 10 minutes. =The plane will arrive in 10 minutes.
visit. Melin: Oh, that's nice! So what's the weather like there? Paul: It should be pleasant during the day, but it might be cold at
night, so I am taking a few light sweaters and a coat. Meilin: What are you planning to see there?
Paul: Hey, Meilin! So what are you doing for the coming holiday?
Meilin: I am travelling around Europe for two weeks with my aunt and uncle.
Paul: Europe? Oh, I've always wanted to go there! Meilin: Yes, me, too. I'm so excited. I am planning to
Choose a travel destination and think about what you would do to prepare to travel there. Then share your travel plans with a partner.
Travel Around the World环游世界英文课件 PPT

➢ Lead-in
Name and Introduce some Places Group Discussion Culture Notes
➢ Passage A
Warm-up Activities Text Analysis Language Points Difficult Sentences Summary Follow-up Activity Assignment
2. What do you think are the good qualities of a taxi driver? (pair work)
Text Analysis
My first meeting with the woman taxi driver:
➢ who, when, where, and how
2) the act of getting nearer
➢ The approach of the spring brings warmth and flowers.
Language Points
4. efficient a. working or operating quickly and effectively in an organized way
➢ I first saw her (Nagat) outside Cairo’s airport in the middle of a night.
➢ “I feel a firm hand holding my left arm. “You want taxi, follow me,” the woman says. She doesn’t ask, she simply pulls me through the crowd. I follow her willingly”.

Do you know them?
Places of interest
What’s this?
the Great Wall
Where is it? (in Beijing, China )
What can people do there? climb the Great Wall, take photos, enjoy its beauty
• Will Eddie have a happy holiday? Why?
No, he won’t.Because he has to carry a heavy bag.
• Read the dialogue.
Act it out
Go to South Hill
have been there before /join
3.乔冠华是个从不设防的人,他能够 在国际 舞台上 叱咤风 云,却 无法应 对政治 生活中 的阴谋 和陷阱 ,最后 付出的 宝贵的 生命为 代价。
4.国庆假日是人们休闲的大好机会, 那段时 间里, 我市解 放路上 到处都 是游玩 购物的 人,直 到深夜 ,大街 上还是 不绝如 缕,热 闹极了
5.高中语文学习一定要多读多思多积 累,只 有打好 基础, 才能实 现自己 高远的 目标; 如果毫 无知识 储备, 在激烈优秀课件
11.“ 怡 ” 有 和 悦愉 快之意 。中国 茶道雅 俗共赏 ,不拘 一格。 一方面 ,突出 体现了 道家“ 自恣以 适己” 的随意 性,同 时,不 同地位 、信仰 和文化 层次的 人对茶 道有不 同的追 求。王 公贵族 讲茶道 ,意在 炫耀权 贵,附 庸风雅 ;
12.中华文明的演进过程,是多种文明 因素的 整合。 整合的 模式是 以华夏 文明为 核心, 核心向 周围扩 散,周 围向核 心趋同 ,核心 与周围 互相补 充、互 相吸收 、互相 融合。 汉族和 汉族以 外的少 数民族 ,都为 中华文 明作出 了重要 的贡献 。
人教版高中一年级英语必修一 《Travelling Around》PPT课件(第1课时)

Focus on pronunciation
Listentothesentencesbelow. Noticethepronunciationof thelettersinbold.
5q) 6u)
IIt'qmsuhbiotuueyldinbgewhapLleijawwisahhaneangtntgduuirdineihggbtohofnelkidigtgaohhydt,tabyu, taictmtuiaglhlytb. ecoldatnight
g u
5 Speak
A:Hi, Mike! Doyouhaveanyplansfortheholiday? B:Hi, WangLei! Yes, I’mplanningtotraveltoJiuzhaigou.
how Frwanhcye
2) Howisshegowinhgetogetthere?how
A. ByseaB. ByainrC. Bytrain
Listen ideas
1. PaulandMeilinaretalkingaboutthecomingholiday.
Wheredokeywordstendtoa ppear?

2.To learn about the special flavor of a certain culture
You will have the chance to taste food from all corners of the globe. Do you like eating Chinese, Thai or Indian food? You will enjoy the food even more when you eat it from the place it originated.
4.To escape from a monotonous lifestyle
Tourism can bring us out of plain and bored life ,and give us wonderful surprises and pleasure. Travel can help us to experience something unfamiliar, and inspired our curiosity to the world. And the curiosity arises our interests to life. So we can escape from a boring lifestyle by travel, and I believe when we come back from a travel we will feel refreshed, energetic and have more passion to life and work.
5.To expect a miracle in life
环游世界 英文 ppt Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿

Famous Sights In Europe
Arch of Triumph Elysee Palace Kolner Dom,Koln Colosseum in Rome Parthenon Red Square in Moscow Hyde Park London Tower Bridge Westminster Abbey The Mediterranean
km2 Population: 731,000,000 First Language: English Countries:50 Pop. Density:70/km2
Big Ben is the main building in England.It is the nickname for the great bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London. It is 3.9m long, weighs 300 kg and beats every 2 seconds.
Pyramid 金字塔
Cape of Good Hope 好望角
Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠
Asia is the world‘s largest and most populous continent. It covers [‘kʌvə]包括 8.6% of the Earth’s total [’təutəl]全部的 surface [‘sə:fis] area表面积 (or 29.4% of its land area) and, with over 4 billion people, it contains [kən’tein] 包含 more than 60% of the world‘s current [‘kʌrənt] 现在的 Human Population人口. Given its size and diversity [dai’və:səti] 多样性,
Lesson6 A trip around the world课件优秀版

1.Next week they____ (take) a trip in Sydney, the capit来自l of Australia.
2.We will ____(visit) the Eiffel Tower next Sunday.
3.China is one of the____(large) countries in the world.
Lesson 6
A trip around the world
词 汇:
大本钟 旅行 加拿大 悉尼 结束 为……做好准备 海边的 一定的 俄罗斯
学期 意大利 假期 首都 法国 莫斯科 多伦多 罗马 长城
…… name …… I’m …… I live …… My …… coming. …… and I ……trip……
应词) visit(单三) visit(名词) large(最高级) stay(单三) stay(现分)
sure(同义词) visit(现分) climb(单三) beautiful(同义词) city(复数) get(现分) cold(反义词) watch(复数) picture(同义词)
洁心与大熊在进入高中的第一天相识,两人都是大个子,分座位的时候,老师让男女生各排一队,一队一个次第走到座位上,最后一排有六张桌子,洁心谦虚地站到一个比自己矮一点 点的女生前面,与大熊成了同桌
1.We’ll go to Paris by plane.( 提问 )
2.Tony is going to stay in Moscow for three days. (提问)
3.They’ll fly back to London tomorrow.(同义句)
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Summer Palace
Summer Palace颐和园
• 颐和园是我国现存规模最宏大、最完好、的古代 园林。位於北京市海淀区境内,距天安门20餘公 裡,佔地290公顷。颐和园包括万寿山、昆明湖 两大部门,园内山水秀美,建筑雄伟。全园有各 式建筑3000餘间,园内布局可分為政治、糊口、 游览叁个区域。政治流动区,以仁寿段為中央, 是过去慈禧太后和光绪天子办理朝事、会见朝臣、 使节的地方。糊口栖身区,以玉澜堂、宜芸馆、 乐寿堂為主体,是慈禧、光绪及后妃栖身之地。 风景游览区,以万寿山前山、后山、后湖、昆明 湖為主, 是全园的主要组成部门。
小组成员: 李婷婷、李亚年、王玲、蒋 露、汪倩倩、李伟、黄传森、
travel around the world
travel around the world
• 1、Summer Palace颐和园 • 2、Pyramids of Egypt埃及 金字塔 • 3、Brasilia (Brazil) 巴西利亚 • 4、 Hawaii夏威夷 • 5、 Paris巴黎
Brasilia (Brazil)
• 巴西利亚又译巴西里亚,是巴西的首都,位于巴 西高原海拔1158米处。1956年,由巴西总统儒塞 利诺·库比契克力主张,耗费巨资历时41个月建成。 该城市以新市镇、城市规画方式规划兴建,也以 飞机状的大胆设计及快速增长的人口而著名。巴 西利亚气候宜人,四季如春,人均绿地100平方 米,是世界上绿地最多的都市。自1960年4月21 日,巴西将首都从里约热内卢迁至巴西利亚后, 其发展一直受到政府严格的控制,并把繁荣带到 了巴西中西部,贯通了巴西南部与北部,带动了 整个国家一起发展进步。
• 夏威夷,是夏威夷群岛中最大的岛屿,地 处热带,气候却温和宜人,是世界上旅游 工业最发达的地方之一,拥有得天独厚的 美丽环境,风光明媚,海滩迷人 。
• 巴黎,市中心位于北纬48度52分0秒,东经 2度19分59秒,是法国的首都和最大城市, 也是法国的政治文化中心。巴黎同时也是 法国的第75省,属于法兰西岛大区。巴黎UTIFUL
Pyramids of Egypt
埃及Pyramids of Egypt
• 古埃及金字塔是奴隶制帝王的陵墓,最宏 大的当为吉萨三座大金字塔。塔基呈方形, 每边长230米,高146米,用230余万块巨 石(每块平均重达2.5吨)垒成,国王墓室用 一块400吨重的石板垒成。整体规模雄伟壮 观,设计科学,构造复杂,历时30年建成。 古希腊时即被称为世界七大奇迹之一, 1980年列入世界遗产名录。