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I.Listening. (30%)

i. Sentence.(16%)


例如:1.A. What B. How C. When

录音内容为:What do you do on the weekend?


( )1.A.here B.how C.where

( )2.A.at B.on C.in

( )3.A.and B.then C. but

( )4.A.help B.she C. go

( )5.A.robot B.looking C. look

( )6.A.market B.park C. shop

( )7.A.rest B.good C. great

( )8.A.there B.three C.mall


( )9.A.Go straight. B.It's next to the bookstore. C. I’ll ask.

( )10.A.It's near the market. B.Turn left on the museum. C. It’s near the park. ( )11.A.Thank you! B.It's over there? C. Sure.

( )12.A.Yes, there is. B.Yes, it is. C.No, there is.

ii. Dialogu.(14%)


( )13.Where is the museum shop?

A.It's near the door.

B.It's next to the bookstore.

C. He don’t know. ( )14.What does Mike want to buy?



C. Door.

( )15.Where is the post office?

A.It's near the hospital.

B.It's next to the museum.

C. Turn right.


( )16.What does Wu Yifan’s grandpa give Robin?



C. New.

( )17.What can Robin do?

A.See a movie.

B.Find the restaurant.

C.Find the cinema.

( )18.Where is the Italian restaurant?

A.Go straight and turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right and right again!

B.Go straight and turn left at the hospital. Then turn right and right again!

C.Go straight and turn left at the bookstore. Then turn left and left again!

( )19. Is it far?

A. Yes.

B. No, it is.

C. No.



( )20.下列关于感叹句表达错误的一项是______。

A. What a great museum!

B. What an interesting film!

C. What an handsome boy!

( )21.There is a Fu Di Supermarket ______ our city.

A. at

B. in

C. on

( )22. I ______ eat pizza, but Tom ______ apple.

A. like; has

B. like; have

C. likes; has

( )23. There ______ two books on the desk.

A. am

B. is

C. are

( )24. I ______ to send it today morning.

A. went

B. want

C. wants


( )25. A.Palace Museum B.London Eye C.Thames

( )26. A.follow B.far C.tell

( )27. A.send B.talking C.work

( )28. A.map B.finally pass

( )29. A.behind B.beside C.but


A. science museum/

B. cinema/

C. bookstore/

D. post office/

E. hospital
