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1.从Fedora官网上下载DVD ISO放在/home/user/f16文件夹下(注意:镜像不能改名,不能解压)说明:user为保存ISO文件的用户名,也就是在该用户主目录下新建f16文件夹,将ISO文件放在里面并且不能改名、不能解压。从磁盘实用程序中查看home分区的设备位置。如下图(例)



2.将DVD ISO镜像/isolinuz文件夹中的vmlinuz和initrd.img文件放到f16文件夹中,并将iso中的images文件夹解压到f16中;

3.重启计算机,按e键,直至出现,grub的启动菜单,使用上下键,选中第2项按e编辑:gurb>kernel (hd0,4)/user/f15/vmlinuz linux repo=hd:/dev/sda x:/user/f16回车;

说明:/dev/sda x为你的home分区的设备位置,从linux 中的磁盘实用程序中查看。

/user/f16文件夹是你的DVD ISO镜像文件放置的位置为/home/user/f16文件夹。



以下是fedora Installation Guide的说明(英文的)



What type of installation method do you wish to use? The following installation methods are available:


If you have a DVD drive and the Fedora DVD you can use this method. Refer to Section 8.3.1, “Installing from DVD”, for DVD installation instructions.

If you booted the installation from a piece of media other than the installation DVD, you can specify the DVD as the installation source with the linux askmethod or linux repo=cdrom:device:/device boot option, or by selecting Local CD/DVD on the Installation Method menu (refer to Section 8.3, “Installation Method”).

CD set

If you have a CD drive and the set of Fedora CDs you can use this method. Refer to Section 8.3.1, “Installing from DVD” for CD installation instructions.

If you booted the installation from a piece of media other than the set of installation CDs, you can specify the CD as the installation source with the linux askmethod or linux repo=cdrom:device:/device boot option, or by selecting Local CD/DVD on the Installation Method menu (refer to Section 8.3, “Installation Method”).

Live CD

If you have a CD drive and the Fedora live CD you can use this method. The live CD desktop includes an icon labeled Install to Hard Drive. Refer to Section 8.3.1, “Installing from DVD” for CD installation instructions. Hard Drive

If you have copied the Fedora ISO images to a local hard drive, you can use this method. You need a boot CD-ROM (use the linux askmethod or linux repo=hd:device:/path boot option), or by selecting Hard

drive on the Installation Method menu (refer to Section 8.3, “Installation Method”). Refer to Section 8.3.2,

“Installing from a Hard Drive”, for hard drive installation instructions.


If you are installing from an NFS server using ISO images or a mirror image of Fedora, you can use this method.

You need a boot CD-ROM (use the linux askmethod or linux repo=nfs:server:options:/path boot option, or the NFS directory option on the Installation Method menu described in Section 8.3, “Installation

Method”). Refer to Section 8.3.4, “Installing via NFS” for network installation instructions. Note that NFS

installations may also be performed in GUI mode.


If you are installing directly from an HTTP (Web) server or FTP server, use this method. You need a boot CD-

ROM (use the linux askmethod, linux repo=ftp://user:password@host/path, or linux

repo=http://host/path boot option, or the URL option on the Installation Method menu described

in Section 8.3, “Installation Method”). Refer to Section 8.3.5, “Installing via FTP or HTTP”, for FTP and HTTP

installation instructions.

If you booted the distribution DVD and did not use the alternate installation source option askmethod, the next stage loads automatically from the DVD. Proceed to Section 8.6, “Language Selection”.

DVD Activity

If you boot from a Fedora installation DVD, the installation program loads its next stage from that disc. This happens regardless of which installation method you choose, unless you eject the disc before you proceed. The installation program still downloads package data from the source you choose.

Select the partition containing the ISO files from the list of available partitions. Internal IDE, SATA, SCSI, and USB drive device names begin with /dev/sd. Each individual drive has its own letter, for example /dev/sda. Each partition on a drive is numbered, for example /dev/sda1.

Also specify the Directory holding images. Enter the full directory path from the drive that contains the ISO image files. The following table shows some examples of how to enter this information:

Table 8.2. Location of ISO images for different partition types

VFAT D:\D:\Downloads\F16/Downloads/F16

ext2, ext3, ext4/home/home/user1/F16/user1/F16
