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1) When a light passenger plane flew off course some time ago flow off course, 飞离航线。

off 表示“偏离”,为介词:

Our office is off the main street. 我们的办公室不靠大街。

During the storm, the ship went off course. 在暴风雨中,船驶离了航线。

some time ago 不久前

long time ago 很久前

2) crash v. 使某物猛撞,撞毁

crash (sth) into (sth)

He crashed his car into the wall. 他把汽车撞到墙上crash out 在临时床铺上睡觉

Do you mind if I crash out on your floor tonight ?你介意我今晚在你家打地铺吗?a crashing bore 讨厌鬼crash barrier 防护栅栏

n.(常用于单数)坠落声,撞击声,破裂声The tree fell with a great crash 倒了。


3)her two baby daughters 她的两个女婴。

baby 在这里是形容词,指“幼小的”。

a baby boy/girl 男婴/ 女婴

be one's baby 归某人管的事物

It's your baby,you must deal with it. 这是你干的应该由你来处理

4)unhurt 不受伤


unreliable (不可靠)

unambitious (胸无大志)

unfair (不公平的)

5)Snow lay thick on the ground


lie 表示“处于某种状态”时,后面常跟形容词或分词:

When I saw her yesterday, she lay ill in bed. 昨天我见到她时,她正卧病在床。

I'd rather use my money than leave it lying in the bank. 我宁可把钱花了也不想存在银行lie 说谎

She lies about her age 她谎抱年龄

He is lying 他在说谎

lying smile 假笑(不可信,给人以假象)

lie in one's teeth/throat 撒弥天大谎/睁着眼睛说瞎话

lie vi. 平躺

Don't lie in bed all morning 不要整天都躺在床上。

lie on one's back(side/front)仰卧,侧卧,俯卧

与lay 区别(laid )放置vt.

lay a book on the table 把书放在桌上lay eggs 产蛋

lay 外行的lay opinion 外行的意见speaking as a lay person 说外行话layman 门外汉

6)turn into

turn sb/sth (from A )to/into B

The witch turned the prince into a frog. 女巫把王子变成了青蛙。

turn away 走开;把脸转过去

turn one's back on 不理睬turn out 生产;驱逐;翻转turn on 开,旋开(电灯等) turn off 关(水源等);拐弯turn into 进入;使变成,使成为turn in 转身进入;拐入;交出;上床睡觉turn down 关小,调低;拒绝turn sb's blood cold 使毛骨悚然turn aga in st对…采取敌对态度by turns 轮流,交替take turns 依次,轮流on the turn 正在转变中turn back (使)折回;(使)往回走turn around/round 转变,(使)转好in turn 依次,轮流;转而,反过来

turn up 出现;找到;证明是,调高音量

turn to 变成;求助于;着手;查阅

turn over ( 机器等)运转;翻过来;仔细考虑

7) The woman kept as near as she could to the children 这位妇女尽可能地靠近孩子as...as one/could 和as...as possible 同义,都表示尽可能 .....

eg.Please come to see me as soon as you can 请你尽快来见我。

I promised to get there as early as I could .= I promised to get there as ear

-ly as possible .我保证尽可能早的到那儿

8) 表示感觉和心理状态的动词,如hear,feel,find,listen to,look

at,watch,notice,observe,smell see 等词的宾语可以用现在分词作宾语补足语。分清过去分词作补语与现在分词作补语的区别。一般说来,过去分词作补语表示“被动”和“完成”的意义;现在分词作补语表示“主动”和“进行”的意义。

I found the young trees watered .我发现这些小树已经浇过水了。

I found them watering young trees .我发现他们正在给小树浇水。

9) She stamped out the letters 'SoS in the她在雪.地上踩出了"SOS"这3 个字母。
