新概念1 L57-58ppt课件

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dust the make the cupboard bed
shave his beard
listen to the stereo
clean the go to bed blackboard
wash the dishes
type some letters
drink some watch television
Does Jimmy have lunch at home ?
3.My father usually reads newspapers in
the morning.(对划线部分提问)
What does your father usually do in the morning?
Who usually reads newspapers in the morning? 4.She often does her homework at night.(改 否定句) She doesn’t often do her homework at night? 4
read her
eat her lunch newspaper 8
Fill in the blanks and try to retell the story.
The Sayers live at _8_7_K_i_n_g_S_tr_e_et__. In the morning, Mr. Sawyer _g_o_e_s_to__w_o_rk____.The children __g_o_t_o_s_ch_o_o_l _. Mrs. Sawyer __st_a_y_s _a_t h_o_m_e____and _d_o_es_t_h_e_h_o_u_se_w_o_r_k.
Johnl_iv_e_s_(live) in a small city. He i_s__(be) a Student. He g_e_t_s_(get) up early in the morning every day, at seven o’clock, and g_o_e_s_(go) to school by bus. He_li_k_e_s(like) English best. Hep_l_a_ys (play) football at school. He g_e_t_s_(get) home at four o’clock in the afternoon. Then hed_o_e_s_(do) his homework before dinner, andw_a_t_c_h_e_s(watch) TV after dinner in the evening. He usually_g_o_e_s _ (go) to bed at nine o’clock .
children _ar_r_iv_e_h_o_m_e__ early. Mr. Sawyer _a_rr_iv_e_s_home late. At night, the children
alwaysd_o__th_e_ir_h_o_m_e_w_o_r_k_. Then
they___g_o_t_o_b_e_d___ Mr. Sawyer usually__re_a_d_s _
his newspaper.Sometimes he and his
wife__w_a_t_c_h ___.
1.My sister often goes to school on foot. (对 划线部分提问) How does your sister go to school?
2.Jimmy has lunch at home.(改成一般疑问句)
At noon, Mrs. Sawyer _e_a_t_s _lu_n_ch__at home.
In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
usually_s_ee_s_h_e_r_fr_ie_n_d_s_. They
often__d_ri_n_k_te_a__together. In the evening, the
Declan emphasizes over and over again “I don‘t understand, when so many need somebody, we don’t give a helping hand. Declan反复质问:我实在是无法理解 为什么有那
有能有是怎么办 not 加在它后面 无能无是怎么办 添加 don’t doesn’t 是
关键 后面动词用原形
肯定句变疑问 有能有是怎么办 我搬能是到前面 无能无是怎么办 do 和does 句首站
后面动词用原形 能 (can,may, must等情态动词) 是(be动词)
and asks Can someone tell us why we can not just be friends?谁能告诉我,为什么我们不能友好
相处? So boys and girls, we should try our best to care about people around us, including our family, friends, co-workers and even strangers in order to make a better world.
1 The children (go) go to school in the morning. 2 Their father (take) takes them to school at 8. 3 Mrs. Sawyer (stay) stays at home on
Sundays. 4 She (do) does the housework after supper. 5 She always (eat) eats her lunch at noon.