

美国风俗礼仪 (课堂PPT)

美国风俗礼仪 (课堂PPT)
• 用餐前,你要简单梳妆一下自己,既不要 太正统,也不要太随便。
• 用餐时,把碗碟、刀叉平放好,左手用叉, 右手用刀。
• 美国人习惯喝点加冰的饮料、葡萄酒,大 型宴会喝鸡尾酒。一般不喝烈性酒。喝酒, 不能大口大口的喝,不能发出响声。同样 吃饭时也尽量不要发出响声。否则,他们 认为是不雅观的行为。
• 用餐结束时,要把你用过的餐具整理好, 放在你原来的位置上,并把剩下的东西收 拾干净。
格言:In God We Trust(英语:我们信仰上帝,1956年—今)
• 1.美国人的信条是“忘记过去展望未来”。认为过去了的 事情已经没有实在意义,只有目前和将来的事情才值得花 时间去做。
• 2.个人之间没有剪不断的恩恩怨怨,他们不赞成“君子报 仇十年不晚”、“躲得过初一躲不过十五”的说法。
人权利,因此拜访美国朋友须预先约好。 • 准备好话题,谈完事就告辞。 • 客人没有得到主人的同意不能参观房间。 • 美国人不喜欢串门,而4
在与美国人接触时,会发现美国人喜欢运用手势或其 他体态语来表达自己的情感。但是要注意四个不要用:
• 美国人在日常交往中比较随便,朋友之间见面通常只打招 呼,较少握手。美国人一般只同那些不常见面的朋友握手, 而不同经常见面的熟人握手。人多时不要交叉握手。
• 女士优先。出入门、上下电梯、上车、上楼时女士在先, 下车下楼时男士在先,以方便照顾女士。进餐时,要请女 士先点菜,等等。
• 讲究礼貌语言。例如,请、谢谢,对不起。 • 美国人很珍惜时间,浪费他们的时间等于侵犯了他们的个
• 一般就在办公地点,不要贸然登门拜访。赴约要准时,不迟到不早退。 万一临时有事不能赴约,一定要尽早通知



注:印第安人的岩画。 据说描述了一场婚礼
Indian wedding with a strong ethnic color.(浓厚的民族色彩)
婚礼的主持人是酋长和两位长老,根据印 第安人传统习惯,新郎婚前要设法猎获一头 糜鹿,用鹿肉加野米熬成汤,婚礼上分给大 家喝。按照古老惯例,印第安人婚礼上吃玉 米饼时,还应吃烤野牛肉,但今天的野牛成 为保护动物,所以许多人婚礼上的烤野牛肉 便用美国的”肯德基炸鸡”代替了。
婚礼可以隆重,也可以简约,没 有攀比,量力而行 )
美国的婚礼习俗,“something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue”。
something old 某样东西是旧的,象征着新娘的家庭和过 去。
something new 某样东西是新的,象征新的生活。 something borrowed某样东西是借来的,通常是指要从 已婚的幸福夫妇那里踩踩气、借借光。 something blue某样东西是蓝色的,表示纯洁纯真的 爱情(purity, fidelity and love),就像圣
Over time this has changed from wearing a blue dress to wearing just a blue band around the bottom of the bride's wedding dress to modern times where it is commonplace for the bride to wear a blue garter. silver sixpence最后要在左鞋子里放 六便士的银币,表明财富与幸运会源源不断 地到来。


They hold service job and manual job. They have very low pay and substandard housing.
Getto :
3th of five of negros live in the inner-city of metropolis called "problem districts",where there are unemployment, crime, single parent families social problems
In the past like Irish tne most chinese do menial job such as cleaner and cook. Their dream is to run a restaurant or a grocery . Now the situation has changed a lot ,the new goodeducationed generation gain respect and admit.
Their original religion is worship of nature. now Indians have been assimilated by the Christian faith in Europe, the United States today, the majority of Indians believe in Christ.
It’s a very special place which has various meaning to different people,a breeding bed for old chinese ,gathering place for new immigrant and a ingroup(小集团) in American’s eyes.


中国都有哪些传统节日? • 春节
Spring Festival
• 元宵节
Lantern Festival
• 清明节
Ching Ming Festival
久远的历史,醇厚的民俗风情,独特的 民族意蕴,使得端午节的文化影响跨越了地 域条件和民族文化的种种差异,被东亚许多 国家地区广为接受。例如,韩国的“江陵端 午祭”便是来源于中国的端午节。
源于纪念屈原 源于纪念伍子胥 源于纪念孝女曹娥 源于古越民族图腾祭
•悬挂菖蒲、艾草:端午节期间,家家户户 都会在家门上悬挂菖蒲和艾蒿借以避邪。
复活节彩蛋—Easteregg,象征着生命的开 始与延续
复活节兔子 复活节的另一象征是小兔子,原因 是它具有极强的繁殖能力,人们视 它为新生命的创造者
过去,在多数西方国家里,复活节一般要举行盛大的宗教游行。游行者身穿 长袍,手持十字架,赤足前进。他们打扮成基督教历史人物,唱着颂歌欢庆 耶稣复活。
stilt walk(踩高跷)
• 清明节是我国的二十四节气之一,也是我国传统节日, 也是最重要的祭祀节日,是祭祖和扫墓的日子。
• 又叫踏青节,按阳历来说,它是在每年的4月4日至6日 之间,正是春光明媚草木吐绿的时节,也正是人们春游 (古代叫踏青)的好时候,所以古人有清明踏青,并开 展一系列体育活动的的习俗。
• 相传圣诞老人是罗马帝国东部小亚细亚每拉城(今土耳其 境内)的主教圣尼古拉的化身。17世纪荷兰移民把圣诞 老人的传说带到了美国。美国英语中的圣诞老人为“圣塔? 克劳斯”(Santa Claus),在荷兰语中原为“圣尼古 拉”。圣尼古拉主教生前乐善好施,曾暗地里赠送金子给 一农夫的三个待嫁的女儿作嫁妆,将一袋金子从烟囱扔进 去,恰好掉在壁炉上的一只长统袜中。所以现在在圣诞夜 有不少天真的孩子都把袜子口朝上小心翼翼地吊在壁炉旁 或床头,期待圣诞老人送来礼物。



Danish culture

• The North Americans ''OK'' gesture can be interpreted as an insult in Denmark.
• When ascending a flight of stairs,men precede women.When descending,women prescend men. • When talking to a Dane,stand at least two arms lengths away to give him or her enough distance. • It is considered rude to get too friendly with someone with whom you have only a casual acquaintance and to ask personal questions about he or
Stereotypes of the Germans
• They wear ''Lederhouse n''and silly hats. • Poper Germans are blond,quite tall and have blue eyes.
• German men drink beer all the time and not only at the world famous Oktoberfest. • They live on sausages with''sauekra ut''

Three Threes in Britain


The origin of Spring Festival is associated with the traditional Chinese lunar calendar and the solar terms. It usually falls between January 21 and February 20 according to the Gregorian calendar.
Playing cards is another popular traditional game during the Spring Festival. It can be played with two to four people and involves matching cards of the same rank or suit. The game is fast-paced and requires quick thinking and decision-making skills.There are many different variations of playing cards, including gambling games and non-gambling games. In gambling games, stakes can be high, but in non-gambling games, the focus is more on fun and skill. Playing cards is a great way to pass the time with family and friends during the Spring Festival.



Eating union dinner
The union dinner is an important part of the Spring Festival All family members will come together to have a big meal on this day
The sweeping cost is usually done in the morning, and people of wear red clothes to symbolize good luck and happiness
After sweeping the dust, families will then prepare New Year's goods, including food, clothing, and other necessities
Setting off firetrackers also has the meaning of scaling away bad luck and welcoming good luck It is a traditional custom that has been passed down from generation to generation
The Spring Festival is a time for family reunion, as many Chinese people will return home to celebrate with their families
It is a time for giving red envelopes (hongbao) and making New Year's wishes


They provide an opportunity for people to come together, strengthening community bonds, and share in the joy and camaraderie of the event
The origin of traditional festivals is often rooted in any conditions and beliefs, such as academic festivals or festivals to celebrate a Harvest or a specific event
Summary: A Harvest Festival cellular in China, the Mid Autumn Festival is a time for moon gazing, eating mooncakes, and giving gifts of boxes containing mooncakes and fruits.
Summary: A festival that commentates on the ancient Chinese poetry Qu Yuan, the Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by Dragon Boat races, eating zongzi, and hanging calories on doors
They are an important part of a country's cultural heritage and provide a means for communities to come together and rate their shared history and values



Spring Festival couplet 春联
Before the big dinner, people offer sacrifices(祭品) to their ancestors(祖先) to express respect and missing.
What do we do on New year’s eve ?
Take part in some activities on the street
What do you like best in Spring Festival? What do you dislike in Spring Festival?
What do you like best at Christmas? What do you dislike at Christmas?
People usually clean house and streets carefully because they want to sweep away bad luck.
People usually decorate the doors and windows with red paper cuts, because red means good luck.
What do we eat in Spring Festival?
Tangyuan dumplings
The Christmas food.
Smoked ham(烟熏火腿)
The Christmas pudding
Pumpkin pie
What do we do before Spring Festival?



• 圣保罗大教堂是世界著名的宗教圣地,世界第五大教堂,英 国第一大教堂,教堂也是世界第二大圆顶教堂,位列世界五 大教堂之列 圣保罗大教堂最早在604年建立,后经多次毁 坏、重建,由英国著名设计大师和建筑家克托弗.雷恩爵士 (Sir Christopher Wren)在17世纪末完成这伦敦最伟大 的教堂设计,整整花了45年的心血。圣保罗教堂另一个建筑 特色,是少数设计、建筑分别仅由一人完成,而非历经多位 设计、建筑师的教堂之一,目前教堂内还有一个雷恩的墓碑, 上书“If you seek his monument, just look around”。
Drinking:Most men have the habit of dringking beer ,wine and tee. Tiping:The tip depend on the tipe and extent of the service you have received.
Three royal traditions • playing the flute; • the changing of the Queen's guard; • the British Queen makes a parliamentary speech.
• If you're invited to dinner,you can sent roses to the hostess.Be sure you don't give white roses. • Follow the lead of the host,hostess,and other guests when eating and drinking. • Expect to remain at a table



• Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty
1: popularity
• ascend a height mountain or town
• Eat Double Ninth cake flowers cake five color cakes chrysanthemum cakes
| INFO@ | +12 34 567 890 | LONG STREET 12345, CITY, COUNTБайду номын сангаасY
lantern riddles
①what man cannot live in a house? ②What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers? ③What question can you never answer "Yes" to? ④It has a head ,but no neck.It has a body,but no warmth.NO feet,but can travel?
| INFO@ | +12 34 567 890 | LONG STREET 12345, CITY, COUNTRY
Guessing lantern riddles
Guessing lantern riddles is an essential part of the Festival. Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns. If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer. If they are right, they will get a little gift. The activity emerged during people's enjoyment of lanterns in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has become popular among all social strata.



Next is the TULIP
In 1593 tulips were brought from Turkey and introduced to the Dutch. The tulip nonfatal virus known as Mosaic, which didn't kill the tulip population but caused them to come in a wide variety of situations, Increasing the rarity of the an already unique flower. Thus, tulips, which were already shot at a premium, began to rise in price, "according to how their virus get alterations were valued. The or desired. Everyone began to deal in bulbs, essentially speculating on the tulip market, which was believed to have no limits.It was the turks who first introduced their famous tulips to the Dutch, and then led to tulip fever in England and Holland. Tulip bulbs shipped from Istanbul to Vienna in the 16th century were so popular that in 1634 the Dutch called them "tulip mania." At that time, people invested their money in tulips just like modern people invested in stocks. In 17th century Turkey, this is an elegant and interesting history, known as the "tulip age".

英语PPT 中西礼仪与习俗

英语PPT 中西礼仪与习俗

The west: It is not appropriate to drink too much alcohol. Westerners usually drink only a small sip when toasting.
China: Chinese food is generally very simple, but the dishes are more complex and artistic, but also very delicious.
Etiquette and custums
目 录
01 Marriage and Family 02 Festival 03 Diet
04 Taboo and Fondness
Marriage and Family
Marriage and Family
Inspect by all kinds of instruments
In China, if we have a dinner, we will invite many people. We usually think the more the better, because we think it will be more lively. On the other hand, if the host respects you, he will offer you a seat first and sit in the left chair.
The west: Western dinner is more elegant, the food may be untasty, but it is convenient.



Returning to Work
After the extended Spring Festival holiday, people return to their daily routines and work schedules This transition marks the end of the positive season and the beginning of a new year of hard work and productivity
Historical Development
Over time, Spring Festival evolved to include various traditions and customs, reflecting China's rich cultural heritage The festival was officially recognized by the government during the Han Dynasty and has since been celebrated as a national holiday
Introduction to Spring Festival
பைடு நூலகம்
The Origin and History of Spring Festival
Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year, has its roots in Anhui China's agricultural society It initially marked the end of winter and the beginning of the spring planning season
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2. Three kinds of book (三书) 3. A dowry (嫁妆) b my hair (上头) 5. Brace umbrella (撑红伞) 6.Ann bed(安床) 7. bawdy (闹洞房)

分别为“纳采”——俗称说媒,即男方家请媒人 去女方家提亲,女方家应议婚后,男方家备礼前 去求婚:“问名”——俗称合八字,托媒人请问 女方出生年月日和姓名,准备合婚的仪式“纳 吉”——即男方家卜得吉兆后,备礼通知女方家, 婚事初步议定“纳征”——又称过大礼,男方选 定吉日到女方家举行订婚大礼:“请期”——择 吉日完婚,旧时选择吉日一般多为双月双日,不 喜选三,六,十一月,三有散音,不选六是因为 不想新人只有半世姻缘,十一月隐含不尽之意。 “亲迎”——婚礼当天,男方带迎书亲自到女方 家迎娶新娘。

。意喻新人早生贵子。抬床的人。铺床的 人以及撒喜果的人都是精挑细选出来的 “好命人”——父母健在,兄弟姐妹齐全, 婚姻和睦。儿女成双,自然是希望这样的 人能给新人带来好运。

早时规定,新郎的同辈兄弟可以闹新房, 老人们认为“新人不闹不发,越闹越发,” 并能为新人驱邪避讯,婚后如意吉祥。
Weddings in the United States can be grand, can also be contracted ,Our strengths (在美国举办
Over time this has changed from wearing a blue dress to wearing just a blue band around the bottom of the bride's wedding dress to modern times where it is commonplace for the bride to wear a blue garter. silver sixpence最后要在左鞋子里放 六便士的银币,表明财富与幸运会源源不断 地到来。
婚礼可以隆重,也可以简约,没 有攀比,量力而行 )
美国的婚礼习俗,“something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue”。
something old 某样东西是旧的,象征着新娘的家庭和过 去。
something new 某样东西是新的,象征新的生活。 something borrowed某样东西是借来的,通常是指要从 已婚的幸福夫妇那里踩踩气、借借光。 something blue某样东西是蓝色的,表示纯洁纯真的 爱情(purity, fidelity and love),就像圣

男女双方都要旱灾行的婚前仪式。也是择 定良辰吉日,男女在各自的家中由梳头婆 梳头,一面梳,一面要大声说:一梳梳到 尾,二梳梳到白发齐眉,三梳梳到儿孙满 地,四梳梳到四条银笋尽标齐。 Nhomakorabea
迎亲的当天,由新娘的姐妹或伴娘搀扶中 娘家门,站在露天的地方,姐妹或伴娘在 新娘头顶撑开一把红伞,意为“开枝散 叶”,并向天空及伞顶撒米。
注:印第安人的岩画。 据说描述了一场婚礼
材料2班 606寝室制作
1.Chinese Customs
2.American Customs 3. Indian Customs(印度)
4. Denmark's Customs 5. Russia's Customs 6. Indian Customs(印第安人)
1. Six kinds of etiquette (六礼)

分别是“聘书”——订亲之书,在订婚时 交换:“礼书”—礼物清单,当中祥列礼 物种类及数量,过大礼时交换:“迎 书”—— 迎娶新娘之书,结婚当日接新娘 过门时用。

主要是一些象征好兆头的东西,如剪刀, 寓意蝴蝶双飞:痰盂,又称子孙桶:花瓶, 寓意花开富贵:鞋,寓意白头偕老:尺, 寓意良田万顷等等。当然各地的风俗语和 讲究都不一样。
Indian wedding with a strong ethnic color.(浓厚的民族色彩)
婚礼的主持人是酋长和两位长老,根据印 第安人传统习惯,新郎婚前要设法猎获一头 糜鹿,用鹿肉加野米熬成汤,婚礼上分给大 家喝。按照古老惯例,印第安人婚礼上吃玉 米饼时,还应吃烤野牛肉,但今天的野牛成 为保护动物,所以许多人婚礼上的烤野牛肉 便用美国的”肯德基炸鸡”代替了。
让我们感到奇怪的是,筹办 婚姻会好几天,可却是秘密 进行的,因为公开筹办会触 怒鬼怪或引起他们的嫉妒。 在婚庆快要结束的时候,人 们把一大坛啤酒抬到园子里。 新郎新娘的手握在酒坛上方, 然后酒坛被打得粉碎。在场 的适婚女子会把碎片捡起来, 捡到最大的碎片的女子注定 会第一个结婚,而捡到最小 的注定会终生不嫁。
婚宴上会 有人大喊 “苦啊! 苦啊!” 每当有人 带头喊时, 在场的所 有人便会 齐声附和, 这时新人 便会站起 来,当众深 情地一吻。 没过几分 钟,又会有 人大声叫 “苦”
•,新郎新娘便 又站起来,再 次用甜蜜的吻 来平息亲友们 的叫“苦”声 这样的“程序” 在婚宴上至少 要重复十几次 亲友们才会罢 休。原来,按 照俄罗斯人的 说法,酒是苦 的,不好喝,应 该用新人的吻 把它变甜。

In the Hindu view, the primary purpose of marriage is to complete a variety of religious duties, and sacrifice is the most important(在印度教徒看来,结婚的首 要目的是完成种种宗教职责,其中祭祀最为重要 ) 男子必须结婚生儿子才有资格向祖宗供奉祭品。 因此,在 结婚仪 式上,夫妇 双方为 此念咒、 祈祷、 发誓,并 且丈夫 以妻子 明确说 道:我为 了得到 儿子才同 你结婚。 祭司等人 也为此而 祝愿他们。