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Listening Part(听力部分)

I. Listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的单词。)

( )1. A. tonight B. tomorrow C. today D. together

( )2. A. bookstore B. library C. museum D. hospital

( )3. A. subway B. bus C. bike D. ship

( )4. A. trip B. traffic C. train D. travel

( )5. A. far B. fast C. car D. ask

II. Listen and choose(听问句,选择恰当的答语。)

( )1. A. I’m going to buy a book. B. I go to school on foot. ( )2. A. By bus. B. No, I don’t.

( )3. A. It’s near the hospital. B. This afternoon.

( )4. A. Yes, here they are. B. Yes, it is.

( ) 5. A. It’s east of the cinema. B. On foot.

III. Listen and judge(听对话,判断下列句子的正误, 对的在括号内写T, 错的在括号内F.) ( ) 1. John is going to buy a toy bus on Saturday.

( ) 2. John is going to buy a toy car for his friend.

( ) 3. John is going to the post office on Sunday.

( ) 4. John is going to post a letter on Sunday morning.

( ) 5. John is going to the post office by subway.

IV. Listen and fill in the blanks.(听录音,把句子补充完整。)

A: What are you going to do _____ school?

B: I want to ______ a book . is the bookstore?

A: It’s _________ the shoe store.

B: How can I _______ to the shoe store?

A: You can go by the No. 15 bus. Get off at the cinema. Then

and walk _______ for three minutes . The shoe store is on the ______.

Writing Part(笔试部分)

I. Read and choose(读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个)

( )1. A. post office B. cinema C. bookstore D. left

( )2. A. ship B. taxi C. train D. foot ( )3. A. evening B. tonight C. next week D. see a film ( )4. A. turn B. slow C. office D. stop ( )5. A. what B. when C. where D. with

II. Read and choose(读一读,选出正确的答案)

( ) 1.Slow down and stop ____ a red light.

A. in

B. on

C. at

( ) 2. I _____ go to school by bike. But sometimes I go by bus.

A. sometimes

B. usually

C. today

( ) 3. I go to the park ____ foot.

A. by

B. on

C. in

( ) 4. --Let’s to the cinema. –Great.

A. go

B. to

C. goes

( ) 5. -- do you go to school every day?--By bike.

A. What

B. How

C. When

( ) 6. --What are you going to do tomorrow?

--I’m going to have art lesson.

A. a

B. an C the

( ) 7. I’m going to the supermarket my sister.

A. of

B. with

C. and

( ) 8. -- are you going to the bookstore? --This afternoon.

A. How

B. What

C. When

( ) 9. —What are you going to tomorrow ? —A comic book..

A. buy

B. do

C. be

( ) 10. —What are you going to be when you grow up? -- .

A. I’m a teacher.

B. I’m a writer.

C. I’m going to be a doctor.

III. Read and choose (读句子,选出正确的答语。)

( ) 1. Where are you going ? A. You are welcome.

( ) 2. Thank you very much. B. By bus.
