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2. Can you imagine what kind of car we _w_il_l_b_e_d__ri_v_in_g___in 2020. (drive)
3. Iw_i_ll_b_e__ta_k_ianngexam at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon, so I can’t go skating with you. (take)
4. “Can you attend the party tonight?” “No,_____ the boss about something urgent.”
A I see
B I shall have seen
C I’ll be seeing D I can see
1. 下个月的这个时候我们将飞往巴黎。
1. What____ you _____ this time tomorrow?
A will…do
B will…have done
C will…be done D will…be doing
2. I feel so excited! At this
time tomorrow morning I _____to Shanghai.
3.I shall be thinking of you.
将来进行时用法之三: 表示有礼貌地询问对方的Biblioteka Baidu算,还可表示亲切或委 婉的语气.
Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs.
1. From Monday to Friday, he will be traveling ___________along the Yangtze River. (travel)
I will be seeing you next week.
We shall be going to London next month.
将来进行时用法之二: 表示根据计划,安排或预测要发生的动作, 此时一般要有具体的时间状语.
1. Will you be having some tea?
2.When will you be seeing Mr. White?
When the party starts, she will be singing.
1.(a) We’ll see you next week. 下周我来看你。
(b) We’ll be seeing you next week. 我定于下周来看你。
A. will be flying
B. will fly
C. have been flying D. have flown
3. I ____ my grandmother at three this
A shall be visiting B shall have visited
C shall be visited D will visit
to express the simple future tense
wiwll / sihlla/llsdohall do be going to do be to do be about to do be doing
this time next week
What will he be doing this time next week? He will be fishing (this time next week).
一般将来时与将来进行时区别之二: 一般将来时通常表示主语愿意或不愿意做什么,带
有感情色彩,而将来进行时表示按照计划安排一 定会发生的事情.
第三讲 高压电气设备试验
目前我国10kV为配电系统最高电压,接轨后的配电最高系 统为20—35kV。现在10kV系统标准依然沿用,对变压器 试验项目10kV标准继续执行。 1.工程施工交接试验现场对变压器的试验项目 (1) 变压器线圈直流电阻测试; (2) 变压器变比测试; (3) 变压器接线组别试验; (4) 变压器线圈绝缘电阻及吸收比试验; (5) 变压器油耐压试验; (6) 变压器交流耐压试验; (7) 变压器吊芯检查试验。
判断线圈内部接头、引线与线圈接头、分接开关与引线的 焊接质量,分接开关各个分接位置及载流部分有无开路和短路情 况。
测量使用的仪器: 测试变压器线圈直流电阻采用电桥法,对于小于100电阻
的多采用双臂电桥,也称为凯尔文桥;大于100电阻的采用单臂 电桥,又称惠斯登电桥。
一般将来时只是对将来事情的一般陈述,而将来进 行时表示将来某个时刻正在发生正在进行的动作,或 表示按计划、安排等必然会发生的事情.
1. I feel very tired now ,so I won’t go shopping with you tomorrow.
2. Tom will be speaking at the meeting at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon because he is the chairman of the meeting.
We will be flying to Paris at this time next month.
2. 明天晚上七点钟他们将要观看足球比赛。
They will be watching football match at 7 o’clock tomorrow evening.
3. 当聚会开始的时候,她将要唱歌。
注意:在变压器初次投运时要做全压冲击合闸试验,对电 缆变压器共进行五次冲击,然后进行24小时的变压器空载 运行。
2.其他 对于大容量的变压器还要做绝缘套管及油的介质损失角
试验。如有特种变压器和对变压器有特殊要求时,按交接验收 规范标准规定项目进行变压器试验。
1.变压器线圈直流电阻测试(简称为直流电阻测试) 作用: