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My name is John Smith. I am _____________________
iannceoxmppeuriteenrcHeadrdenwgairneeearnd Networking(网络技术ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้. I am
__________ from Novell Inc. USA in cNerettiwfieodrking
Intensive Reading
Background Information
This self-introduction is from NASA’s website, which aimed at the general public to provide information about its programs. As a crew member of NEMO 6, the writer Tara Ruttley tells us how she came to work for NASA, what kind of work she does, providing a general profile of an NASA engineer.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tara_Ruttley)
Intensive Reading
How to do reading?
Intensive Reading
阅读的目的是为了理解。通过分析文章 的结构是了解文章内容最快和最有效的 方式。
文章结构和内容 Basic information
Fast Reading
Reference key:
1. The letter is written by ____R_._H_o_o, dwho wants to apply for the position of ____________a_d_v_e_rt_i_s_in_g_.manager 2. The letter is written to M__r._D__. _F_in_e___, who is the ___C_o_r_p_o_r_a_te__M_a_n_a_g_e_r___ of _______P__re_t_ty_g__o_o_d. PLC 3. In order to show his qualification, the writer sent his ______, ___C_V______a_p_p__li_c_a,tioannfdor_m_____________r_e_q_u_ir_edtoingfeotrhmear tiwonith the letter.
8. skill
h. 资格;资质
9. employ
i. 证书
10. responsibility
j. 目前的职位
C. John put a message on a job-hunting site to find a position in
Beijing. Listen to his self-introduction and fill in the blanks below.
1. qualification
a. 教育
2. education
b. 雇用,聘用
3. experience
c. 能力
4. certificate
d. 经历;经验
5. capability
e. 责任;责任感
6. current position
f. 技能
7. available
g. 可用的;可以得到的
Technologies. Now, I am looking for a suitable ___________
in Beijing. If you are an ____________ oepmepnlionyger, please
________ me at ___________i_n_t_e_re_s_t_e_d__, or call me at
Fast Reading
Reference key:
4. The writer is currently working for _A_ja_x__W__in_d_o_w__s_I_n_c_ as ____S_e_n_i_o_r_V_i_c_e_P_r_e_s_id__e.nt 5. The writer wants to leave the company for both __________ and __c_a_r_e_e_r_ reasons. personal 6. The writer highlights two points of his qualification. First he has ________________1_1_ yienartsheexapdevrieernticseing industry. Second, he has done some successful ___________________________. independent advertising work
_________c_o_n_t_a_c.t I am immedijaothenlysm__it_h_@__y_a_h_o_o.fcoormwork in
Suppose now you are in a job fair looking for a position. What would you say about yourself?
Unit 1
IPNrTaRcOtDicUaCl IENGngSlOisMhEfOoNrE Master of Engineering
A. Match the words in the left column with their definitions in the right column: