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Content:The late Ming and early Qing society had been known as the "days of de-collapse" era .When the civilized and splendid country was occupied by a small and slow tribe ,it is causing people's shock .As a result, the literati started to launch a heart-searching and critique of China's invasion .Zongxi Huang、Yanwu Gu、Fuzhi Wang and others conducted a reflection to Science from a different point. People started to criticize and summarize about Science. On this basis, Emperor Kangxi study and practice the Neo-Confucianism. The other background of Emperor Kangxi’s learning Science was conflict and integration between the Manchu culture and Chinese culture. As the second generation of the Aristocratic political power of minorities after Manchu’s invita tion, Emperor Kangxi convinced that Chinese-Manchu would make the regime more stability in the process of domination. So, Emperor Kangxi study hard Science and practice it.

As the heir of Emperor Shun Zhi, who loves Chinese culture, Emperor Kangxi follows his father, and assiduously studies the

Confucian classics. When Emperor Kangxi is a child, he lost his parents. Kangxi’s grandmot her brings up him, and guides him to Chinese culture. After Emperor Kangxi’s chikamasa , his teachers Cilv Xiong、Bin Tang、Zaifeng Sun and others instructed hard him .So Kangxi make a progressive, love Science, convince Neo-Confucianism and began to seek the standard of the true Science.

Emperor Kangxi makes atural science as the world's ontological and the source of ethics .He advocates from the world of experience to look for discipline. Emperor Kangxi emphasizes Yin and Yang, and publicizes sage’s great. The destiny view of respecting nature and doing human affairs has been formed.Emperor Kangxi slims and governs the country by science’s way. Emperor Kangxi trains his bosom and diathesis with the Neo-Confucianism cultivation of physical. In particular, Emperor Kangxi promotes reading. As a person who believes in Neo-Confucianism, Emperor Kangxi respects sage and loves his person, who is the best in this field. He could see himself as a real person, and refuse pleasing of the appellation.Emperor Kangxi’s practice of Neo-Confucianism make a great achievement, which is to improve the official management by the truth science. Emperor Kangxi sets an example in filial piety、thrift、hard-working, and encourage them in the whole society. So that the chaotic early Qing immoral society had een made any difference. Emperor Kangxi respects Neo-Confucian who excludes Buddhism and Taoism, but Emperor Kangxi thinks that is not feasible. He also allows the free dissemination of Christianity in China. This is the result of the practice of Emperor Kangxi of Science and tolerant mind.

We say that Emperor Kangxi was the monarch of Neo-
