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J . W. Britnell : he send out excellent lists of his large and ever-changing collection. And these lists are very important to Mr. Williams. So it means Mr. Williams buys the mezzotints from Mr. Britnell.
Dr. Binks: he is one of the friends of Mr. Williams and
they work in the same university.
Nisbet: he is the neighbour of Mr. Williams. He is a
Garwood: he is the friend of Mr. Williams ,too.
Old Green: he is the oldest member of the college, and
he travelled a great deal parts of England.
And his friends , Dr.Binks, Dr .Garwood , his
nerghbour , Nisbet and his servant ,Robert ,they all see the changing of the mezzotint . So he asks old Green whom is the old member of college . Old Green tells them a story between Authur Francis and Gawdy . At the last , they don’t find the result of the changing. And the picture is now in the Ashleian Collection.
1.Who always sends the lists of
collection to Mr. Williams? 2.Who tells the story of the picture?
Thank you !
Gawdy: he was the last member of a very old family.
As usual , Mr. Britnell sends the lists of
collection to Mr. Williams .But there is one thing different that is Mr. Britnell asks Williams to pay attention Number 978 in the lists. That mezzotint is not specially exciting and the price seems high. So Mr. Williams wants to send it back. Before he sent it back, something happened. Mr. Williams sees the mezzotint changing.
M .R. James
蒙塔古· 罗兹· 詹姆斯(Montague Rhodes
James, 作家。生于英国肯特郡。先后担任过剑 桥大学的国王学院及伊顿公学院长。他 以写作鬼怪故事闻名,这些故事问世后 便深受欢迎。 作品: The Unquiet Grave《不平静的坟墓》
Ghost Stories《鬼故事全集》
Robert: he is the William's servant. He is known for his
Байду номын сангаас
excellent manners.
Arthur Francis: he was very severe with any man whom
he suspected of hunting on his island.
蒙塔古· 罗兹· 詹姆 1862.8.1-1936.6.12)英国著名学者、斯
Mr. Williams: he was a regular customer of the well-
known London art dealer , his job involved adding to his university's collection of prints and drawings.