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Last weekend I interviewed eye-doctor, Professor Wang. The interview took place in the hospital. The topic was our country’s middle school students’ short-sightedness. Wang told me the basic information of it. There are about 50% of middle school students who suffer from short-sightedness. The number is NO.1 in the world. Wang consider it difficult to explain the reasons for short-sightedness. He advised us not to overuse our eyes but do more outdoor activities.
四、双宾语结构: 主语+及物动词+间接 宾语(人)+直接宾语(事物) He brings me cookies every day. He brings cookies to me every day. She made me a beautiful dress. She made a beautiful dress for me.
常见结构:主语+谓语+it+宾补+真正宾语(不 定式/从句),如: think / consider / find / feel / make it +宾补 + to do sth / that从句
I found it very pleasant to be with your family.
She made it clear to me that she wanted to compete with me.
1.昨晚我写了一封信。 I wrote a letter last night. 2.今天下午我想同你谈谈。 I want to talk with you this afternoon. 3.这本书他读过多次了。 He has read this book many times. 4.他们成功地完成了计划。 They have carried out the plan successfully. 5.那位先生能流利地说三种语言。 That gentleman can speak three languages
Last weekend I interviewed eye-doctor, Professor Wang. The interview took place in the hospital. The topic was our country’s middle school students’ short-sightedness. Wang told me the basic information of it. Unluckily, there are about 50% of middle school students who suffer from shortsightedness. The number is NO.1 in the world. However, Wang consider it difficult to explain the reasons for short-sightedness. In his opinion, he advised us not to overuse our eyes but do more outdoor activities.
二、主谓结构: 主语+ 不及物动词
1. The red sun rises in the east. 2. We got up early so as to catch the first
bus. 3. She sat there alone, reading a novel. 想一想:这是什么句型?
another way.
六、There be 句型 此句型是由 “there+be+主语(+状语)” 构
成,用以表达“存在”关系,可以称 “……有……”。
be 与其后的主语在人称和数量上一致, 有时态和情态变化。如:
现在有 there is/are … 过去有 there was/were… 将来有 there will be…;there is /are going
三、主谓宾结构: 主语+ 及物动词+ 宾语
1. Tom made a hole in the wall. 2. They haven’t decided where to go next. 3. She stopped teaching English two
years ago. 4. Mother promises to give me a present. 开动脑筋:这是什么句型?
一、主系表结构: 主语+系动词+表语
Our English teacher is thirty years old. The cake tastes delicious. The tree leaves turn red in autumn. 思考:这是什么句型?
系动词可分成三大类: 1.表示特征和存在状态的:be, feel, appear,
look, smell, taste, sound, seem
2.表示状态延续的:keep, remain, stay, continue, stand
3.表示状态变化的:become, get, turn, go, run, fall, come, grow
1.冬季白天短,夜晚长。 In winter, the days are short and the nights are
disaster. 归纳:有某人做某事
There be sb who do / did sth. 有某事物如何如何
There be sth which do / did sth
There was only a well in the village. 2.天气预报说下午有大风。
The weatherman says there’ll be a strong wind in the afternoon.
The light is on. There must be someone in the office.
There used to be a cinema here before the war.
to be …
There was an old man lived in the village. There were nearly 200 people died in this
disaster. 想一想:这样的句子正确吗?
There was an old man who lived in the village. There were nearly 200 people who died in this
to be...
现在已经有 there has / have been…
可能有 there might be... 肯定有 there must be … 过去曾经有 there used to be … 似乎有 there seems/seem/seemed to
be …
碰巧有 there happen/happens/happened
(需借助for 的)buy, call, cook, choose, draw, find, get, make, order, sing, save, spare等。
1.Johnson 先生去年教我们德语。 Mr Johnson taught us German last year. 2.奶奶昨晚给我讲了一个有趣的故事。 Grandma told me an interesting story last
long. 2.十五岁他就成为有名的钢琴家了。 At the age of fifteen, he became a famous pianist. 3.孩子们很少保持安静。 Children seldom keep quiet. 4.她的工作是在幼儿园里照看儿童。 Her job is to look after the children in the nursery. 5.他失业了。 He is out of work.
1.我们叫她Alice. We call her Alice. 2.我们大家都认为他是诚实的。 All of us considered him honest. 3.他们把小偷释放了。 They have set the thief free. 4.我要你把真相告诉我。 I want you to tell me the truth. 5. 我认为有可能用另一种方法解题。 I feel it possible to work out the problem in
试一试:用学过的简单句基本句型写一段话。 内容如下:
上周末我采访了眼科医生王教授。采访在医 院进行。主题是我国中学生的近视问题。 王教授告诉了我中学生近视的基本信息。 有大约50%的中学生患近视。人数为世界 第一。王教授认为很难解释近视的原因。 他建议中学生们不要过度用眼而要多参加 户外活动。
用to侧重指动作的方向,表示朝着,向着, 对着某人。
用for 侧重指动作的受益者,表示为了某人, 替某人。
常跟双宾语的动词有:(需借助to的)bring, give, lend, hand, offer, pass, pay, promise, return, send, show, teach, tell, write, ask等;
She went home very late yesterday evening.
The meeting will last two hours. 3.在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了
Great changes have taken place in my home town in the past ten years.
night. 3.请把那本字典递给我好吗? Would you please pass me the dictionarห้องสมุดไป่ตู้? 4.他把车票给列车员看。 He showed the ticket to the conductor. 5.我替你叫辆出租汽车好吗? Shall I call you a taxi?
五、复合宾语结构: 主语+及物动词+宾语 +宾语补足语
The sun keeps us warm. They made Tom monitor. The boss made them work day and night. I heard him singing. You must get your hair cut.