人教版高中英语选修七 Unit1 Living well-词汇篇(教师版)

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第1讲Living well 词汇篇

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一. 重点词汇

1. ambition (n.) 雄心


ambitious adj. 志向远大的;有雄心壮志的;有野心的

be ambitious for [power,social position,etc.] 极欲获得[权力,社会地位等]

be ambitious of success渴望成功

be ambitious to serve the people一心想为人民服务


1) Her ambition is the presidency. 她的抱负是成为一名总统

2) After several hours’ work,she had no ambition to go dancing. 没有精力去跳舞了

3) The prince was attracted by the girl’s beauty,and ambitious to marry her.


2. beneficial (adj.) 有益的


benefit v. &n.有助于;受益;利益,好处

be beneficial to sth./sb. 对……有益

be of benefit to 对……有益

for the benefit of 为了……(的利益)

benefit from 从……中受益


1) A temperate climate is beneficial to the health. 温和气候有利于健康.

2) Sunshine is beneficial to plants. 阳光对植物有益。

3) I hope what I have written will be of benefit to someone else who may feel the same way.


4) Both sides have benefited from the talks.双方都从和谈中受益。

3. adapt (v.) 使适应;改编


adapt (oneself) to sth. 适应某物

adapt…to… 使……适应……

adapt sth. for sth. from sth. 根据某事将……改编成……

be adapted from… 由……改编


1) You should adapt yourself to the new environment. 你应该适应新环境。

2) The makers adapted the cartoons film for children from the Russian original.


4. conduct (n.) 行为(v.) 指挥


conductor n. 领导者,经理,

a bad conduct 恶劣行为

under the conduct of 在......指导[管理]下


1) The chairperson conducted the hearing. 主席先生主持了这个听证会。

2) His conduct of the business was very successful. 他的事业进展得相当顺利。

3) The curator conducted the visitors round the museum. 馆长领着游客们在博物馆中参观。

5. resign (v.) 辞职;委托,把......交托给(to,into)


resign one’s position (as secretary) 辞去(秘书)职务

resign office 辞职

resign oneself to 听任(某种影响);只好(做某事)

resign oneself to one’s fate 听天由命

resign... to... 把......托付给


1) In order to look after her sick mother,Mary decided to resign her position as a manager in the company. 为了照顾生病的母亲,Mary决定辞去公司经理的职务。

2) I resign my children to your care. 我把孩子们委托你来照顾。

6. companion (n.) 同伴


make companions of 与......作伴,与......为友

companions in arms 战友

a faithful companion 忠实伴侣


1) His companion is Jim,a black slave who has also run away.


2) His brother is not much of a companion for him. 他兄弟与他情趣不甚相投。

7. access n.(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性

