新概念英语第二册 二十三课 23课 Lesson 23 L23 A new house

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lives in Nigeria had a letter yesterday house was completed work on it sister had begun
will go to England
sister left 5 months
C 8.Could you tell me ____? He is wanted by the head teacher. –Sorry, I ‘ ve no idea. But he ___ here just now. A. where Tim was; was B. where is Tim ; was C. where Tim is; was D. where Tim is; is D 9.Everyone should know____ to save themselves when a fire breaks out. A. whether B. what C. when D. how 10. Did Mrs. King leave a message? Yes. She wants to know _____ this Sunday. B A. who you would go shopping B. If you would go shopping with her C. that you will go shopping D. when will you go shopping with her
C 5 Linda said the moon___ round the earth. A. travelled B. has travelled C. travells D. had travelled
A 6. Could you tell us _________? A. when you will send the fridge to our house B. when will you send the fridge to our house C. when you would send the fridge to our house D. when would you send the fridge to our house
She said that she missed me very much.
She said that she would come to England from Nigeria.
What did I say in my letter?
1. If you come, you will get a surprise.
2. We are living in a beautiful new house in the country! 3. The house was completed five months ago! 4. The house has many large rooms and there is a lovely garden. I said that if she came, she would get a surprise. I said that we were living in a beautiful house in the country.
example: 它摸起来感觉很柔软。 It feels soft. 你今天看起来很精神。 You look so good today.
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
1. 这个主意听起来不错。 2. 这个菜尝起来味道很好。 3. 啊,这朵花闻起来很糟糕。 4. 这摸起来很光滑。 5. 他看起来挺有钱的。
• completely adv. 完全地 • 最后,噪音完全消失了。 • Finally, the noise disappeared completely. • complete adj.彻底的 ,完完全全的 • 他对我来说是完完全全的陌生人。 • He is a complete stranger to me.
She said that we 1.We haven’t hadn’t seen each seen each other other for a long time. for a long time!
2.I miss you very much! 3.I will come to England from Nigeria!
• modern adj. 新式的, 与 以往不同的, 现代的 • modern life • 现代生活 • Shanghai is a modern city. • 广州也是个现代化城市。
• strange adj. 奇怪的, 陌生的 He is a strange person. • be strange to sth. • 对……不习惯, 对……陌生 • I’m strange to computer. • stranger : 陌生人 • She is a stranger to me.
Thank You For Listening!
I said that the house had been completed five months before.
I said that the house had many large rooms and there was a lovely garden.
feel(感觉/摸起来) look(看起来), sound(听起来), taste(吃起来/味道)tasty smell(闻起来/气味)smelly stinky
L23 A New House 新 居
Where do you want to live?
•Now let’s have a look at a modern house…
dining room
living room
bathro om
bedro om
New words
• • • • • • • • 完成 现代的 奇怪的 地区 用餐间 厨房 起居室 卧室
• • • • • • • •
complete modern strange district dining room kitchen living room bedroom
• New words • complete v. 完成 (喜欢与建筑工程连用) • They will complete the work in two days. • Mission completed! • Complete the exercises
In her letter, she said that she would come to England next year.
I will come to England from N
课文精讲 receive 1.Ihav ____ just _______ e d my a letter from brother , Tim. ( Lesson receiving 4) 2.My daughter , Jane never dreamed of ________ a letter from
D 7. Mr. King didn't know ______yesterday evening. A. when does his son come home B. when his son comes home C. when did his son come home D. when his son came home
D 2 Catherine said that she ___ to Guangzhou. A. has never gone B. had never gone C. has never been D. had never been B 3. —Do you know _________ I could pass the exam?
•district n. 地区 •area 地段
This area is very expensive.
Listening had a letter my sister 1.I________ from_______ yesterday. She in _ _ _ _ l i v e s _ _ _Nigeria _ _ . I n h e r l e t t e r, s h e that she would come to England said_________________________ next year. will get a surprise If she comes, she_____________. 2.We are now living in a beautiful new house in the country. ______________ had Work on it_____ begun before she left. The was completed ago house___________ five months____. In my letter, I told her that__________________. she could stay with us many large rooms 3.The house has_____________ and there is modern a lovely garden. It is a very_______ house, so it looks strange ______ some people .It to must be district ________the only modern house in the____.
next year
live in England and the house has many large rooms and a lovely garden. It's modern
1. When I went to have the bill,I realized I had B my wallet at home. A.forgotten B.left C.had D.taken
I had a letter from my sister yesterday. She lives in Nigeria. receive a letter from sb. have a letter from sb. get a letter from sb. hear from sb.
—Sorry, I've no idea. A. that B.whether C.what D.which
C 4. Do you know _________ during the coming summer holiday? A. what will Tom do B.what did Tom do D.what Tom did C. what Tom will do