journey down the mekong公开课

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Reading skill
1. title - topic of the article 2. subtitle - main idea of each part
travel journal
Part I: the dream and the plan
Reading skill
1. title - topic of the article 2. subtitle - main idea of each part 3. key words - for details
1) You can do anything once you understand the basics.
2) As soon as I hit the bed, she is up screaming at me.
Different attitude towards the plan.
Wang Kun
★although/though引导让步状语从句, 不能和but, and, however同时连用, 但可以和副词yet, still连用。
★insist + 宾语从句(常用虚拟语气) insist that sb (should) do sth.
2. She gave me a determined look ---the kind that said she would not change her mind.
★ ---- 破折号(补充说明) ★ the kind(同位语) ★ that said …(定从) ★ said (that) she would not …(宾从)
3. Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.
★once“一旦…就…”, (as soon as)
detailed _i_n_fo__rm__a_t_i_o_n__ about it.
Para1: Dream
Since middle school
Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.
Two years ago
She is planning our schedule for the trip.
Para 1:
Para 1 mainly talks about Wang Kun and
Wang Wei’s _d__re_a__m_ and _p_l_a_n_ of the
Wang Wei
source too far altitude too high
a determined look ; wouldn’t change her mind
be excited about
be hard to air breathe; an interesting experience
Wang Kun and Wang Wei.
3. Who made the plan?
Wang Wei.
4. What did they do before the trip?
They went to the library to find more
information about the Mekong River.
She bought an expensive mountain bike and persuaded me to buy one.
Last year
She visited our cousins.
After graduating from college
We finally got the chance to take a bike trip.
(Mother river) the Yellow River
(The longest river in China) the Yangtze River
(in Guangdong Province) The Pearl River
(in Egypt) ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduhe Nile River
(in Brazil ) the Amazon River
1. What were the dream and the plan?
Taking a great bike trip and cycling along
the entire Mekong River. 2. Who had the dream?
Wang Kun and Wang Wei.
这是一个强调句 强调句的结构是:
It was/is + 强调成分 + that/who分句
1. What were the dream and the plan?
Taking a great bike trip and cycling along
the entire Mekong River. 2. Who had the dream?
Wang Kun and Wang Wei.
3. Who made the plan?
Wang Wei.
4. What did they do before the trip?
L13: It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River …
A book with good _m__a__p_s_ that shows
details of world geography.
More details about the Mekong River
Pay attention the following words:
At first … Then … Sometimes … After … As … At last …
The LanCang
The Mekong
It flows through six countries.
Reading skill
1. title - topic of the article
North South Travel from where it begins to where it ends.
Para 3:
1. What did they do to prepare for the trip?
They went to the _li_b_r_a__r_y_ to look up some _d__e_t_a_i_l_s_ about the Mekong.
2. What is an atlas?
t_a_k__in__g__a_b__ik__e_t_r_i_p_, and Wang Wei had the idea to __c_y_c_l_e__a_l_o_n_g___ the
Mekong River. Before the trip, they
went to the __li_b_r_a_r_y___ to find more
3. What does “stubborn” mean? • Underline the sentence with
• Underline the words that make you think so.
1. Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she oshrgoaunldizoertghaentirzipe pthreoptreirplyp.roperly.
3. Who made the plan?
Wang Wei.
4. What did they do before the trip?
They went to the library to find more
information about the Mekong River.
The passage tells us that Wang Kun and Wang Wei had dreamed about
The passage tells us that __________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
main idea of the article
1. What were the dream and the plan?
Taking a great bike trip and cycling along the entire Mekong River.
2. Who had the dream?
What does the Mekong look like?
Then it begins to move quickly. It becomes rapids as it passes through _d_e_e_p__v_a_l_le__y_s_.
What does the Mekong look like?
Sometimes it enters wide valleys and
becomes _w__a_t_e_r_f_a_l_ls__.
What does the Mekong look like?
When it runs through low valleys to the
p_la_i_n_s_, it makes wide bends or meanders.
Mountains in Qinghai
South China sea
• Read and circle the words of landforms in the text.
What does the Mekong look like?
The Mekong River begins in glacier on a mountain in Qinghai. At first, the river is very small, and the water is clear and cold.
Para 2:
Para 2 mainly talks about Wang Kun and
Wang Wei’s different _a__tt_i_t_u_d_e_ towards the plan and finally Wang Wei _p_l_a_n_n__e_d_ _t_h_e__t_ri_p_.
What does the Mekong look like?
At last, the river d__e_l_ta_ enters the South
China sea.
Para 3:
Para 3 mainly talks about the
Unit 3
Travel Journal
There are many great rivers in the world.
Look at the following pictures and try to guess
the names of the rivers.
Para 2:
1. What is Wang Kun’s attitude towards Wang Wei?
Wang Kun _i_s_f_o__n_d__o__f his sister.
2. Which kind of person is Wang Wei?
Wang Wei can be really _s_t_u_b__b_o__r_n_.