










再汇报一下读书成果,一年完成三门主修课,挂了一门主修“金融风险管理”--PS:要重修5000米呢,我的银子呀,目前正在耕耘最后一门Legal Risk in Finance,上帝保佑过!过!过!应用金融硕士包括5门主修课,分别是:Financial Instruments 金融工具;Investments 投资学;Corporate Finance 公司财务;Financial Risk Management 金融风险管理;Legal Risk in Finance 金融法律风险。


--子曰:路漫漫兮~~Financial Instruments 金融工具:这门课的惨烈指数我这个门外汉在各种option,bonds,futures中完全晕了,第一次期中考试完全以低于平均分的超低分告终,他**滴,不信死磕还有磕不过的道理。




Investments 投资学:这门课的惨烈指数很热情的鬼佬,教学也比较灵活,有学生参与的过程,上课的内容也比较实用,各种计算。


下面是其官网信息,我稍作翻译供您参考。 大一文凭结束后,成绩合符学校要求,直接进入大二,孩子可以选择的方向: Bachelor of Commerce 商科学士 (with majors in Accounting, Applied Econometrics, Business Demographics, Commercial Law, Economics, Finance, Human Resources, International Business, Marketing 主要专业可选择:会计学、应用经济学、业务统计、商业法、经济学、 金融学、人力资源管理、国际经济与贸易、市场营销。) Bachelor of Economics 经济学学士 Bachelor of Commerce – Professional Accounting 商科学士-注册会计师方向 Bachelor of Applied Finance 应用金融学学士 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies 精算学学士 Bachelor of Business Administration 管理学学士学位 Core Units 主修课程 Academic Communication in Business and Economics 商业和经济学 Accounting Information for Decision Making 财务信息及决策制定 Techniques and Elements of Finance 融资 Principles of Management 管理学原理 Microeconomic Principles 微观经济学原理 Introduction to Human Resources 人力资源管理入门 Marketing Fundamentals 市场营销基础 Introductory Statistics 统计学



360教育集团介绍,麦考瑞大学(Macquarie University)建于1964年,以拥有“The Father of Australia”之称的Lachlan Macquarie总督命名。

其高质量的教学和科研水准受到了QS WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKINGS八个项目的5星认证,并且为澳洲大学学术排名前8.翻译硕士课程MASTER OF ARTS IN TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETING翻译(笔译和口译)是语言学系的一门著名的专业学科,课程设置严谨而不乏灵活,富有挑战性。












澳洲留学择校 麦考瑞大学酒店管理工商管理学士课程信息简介

澳洲留学择校 麦考瑞大学酒店管理工商管理学士课程信息简介




下面为同学们介绍麦考瑞大学酒店管理工商管理学士专业酒店管理工商管理学士Bachelor of Business Administration in Hospitality Management澳大利亚麦考瑞大学酒店管理工商管理学士专业描述:该专业为工商管理中酒店管理方向,为想成为餐饮和酒店等商务休闲类产业的管理者而开设。



每位学生须修满 72个学分后方可毕业。






























麦考瑞大学商学硕士专业基本信息:开设学位MS学费$33,600申请截止日期1月16日TOEFL要求83GPA要求75%可申请学期第一、二学期IELTS要求 6.5GRE要求Required工作经验要求Not Required 注:(1)商学硕士项目每年平均学费是AUD $33,600,每个课时学分是AUD $1,050。


申请说明立思辰留学360介绍,麦考瑞大学商学硕士项目(Master of Commerce):属于授课型硕士项目,学制2年,每年分两个学期开学,第一学期开学时间是2月份,第二学期开学时间是7月份。


项目名称项目英文名GPA要求学位类型专业背景平均薪资会计Master of Commerce with a specialisation inAccounting2.7授课型会计、商学、其他$55,000精算研究Master of Commerce with a specialisation inActuarial Studies2.7授课型精算、统计学$56,175商业与组织管理Master of Commerce with a specialisation inBusiness Management and Organisations2.7授课型管理、其他$90,000企业管理Master of Commerce with a specialisation inCorporate Governance2.7授课型其他经济学Master of Commerce with a specialisation inEconomics2.7授课型其他$72,000金融Master of Commerce with a specialisation inFinance2.7授课型金融、经济、会计、数学、统计学金融犯罪与管理Master of Commerce with a specialisation inFinancial Crime and Governance2.7授课型其他人力资源管理Master of Commerce with a specialisation in HumanResource Management2.7授课型其他市场营销Master of Commerce with a specialisation inMarketing2.7授课型其他注:平均薪资数据来源于PayScale,此处的GPA要求主要对应的是美国GPA,换算成澳洲本科百分比是75%。











托福:总分 83,写作21,口语18,阅读13,听力12。
































澳大利亚留学麦考瑞大学商科硕士课程推荐学校名称:澳洲麦考瑞大学 Macquarie University所在位置:澳洲,Balaclava Road,North Ryde,NSW,2109 学费:2900011月26日报道,《澳大利亚留学麦考瑞大学商科硕士课程推荐》资讯内容由收集整理.商科在澳洲留学专业选择中属于热门,每年有很多学生赴澳洲留学就读商科课程。











麦考瑞大学商科硕士课程介绍1、麦考瑞大学商科硕士课程的专业设置麦考瑞大学的商学院全称为Faculty of Business and Economics,在授课型商科硕士方面,目前主要提供11个方向的专业选择,包括Accounting(会计)、Actuarial Studies(精算学)、Applied Finance(应用金融)、Business Administration(工商管理)、Business Studies(商业学)、Economics(经济学)、Finance(金融)、Human Resources(人力资源)、International Business(国际商务)、Management(管理)、Marketing(市场营销)。






麦考瑞大学教学项目基本信息:QS排名51-100学费$28,992申请截止日期1月16日TOEFL要求105本科均分要求-可申请学期第一、二学期IELTS要求7.5GRE要求Not Required工作经验要求见具体专业说明注:(1)此处的排名是2015年QS教育学专业排名。





项目设置教学项目(Education and Teaching)开设的研究生学位项目有:教学硕士项目(Master of Teaching (Birth to Five Years))特殊教育硕士项目(Master of Special Education)教学领导硕士项目(Master of Educational Leadership)学校教育(Master of Educational Leadership with a specialisation in School Education)早教(Master of Educational Leadership with a specialisation in Early Childhood)教育学硕士项目(Master of Education)信息通讯技术(ICT)教育(Master of Education with a specialisation in ICT in Education)教学高级实践项目(Master of Education with a specialisation in Advanced Practices in Learning and Teaching)高等教育(Master of Education with a specialisation in Higher Education)早教硕士项目(Master of Early Childhood)应用语言学与语言教学(TESOL)项目(Master of Applied Linguistics and TESOL)特殊教育文凭项目(Graduate Diploma of Special Education)英语教学研究生证书项目(Graduate Certificate of TESOL)注:教育学硕士项目下开设的专业方向具体申请要求见教育学硕士项目申请说明。



2018.06 总第502期自然科学· 118 ·一、教材中的MKT成分分析1. 苏教版《函数的概念和图像》苏教版的数学教材相对简洁明了,对于教学重点有针对性地进行例题的设置、概念的引入、知识的完善,这也使得在教师教学和学生学习的时候有一定的挑战性。

CCK (面向学生):理解函数概念的专业性表述以及定义域、值域的概念。

SCK (指向教师):选取现实生活中的三个例子与函数专业性概念建立联系,引出定义域和值域,在促进理解的基础上能够进行计算。

HCK :能从现实生活的实例中抽离出函数这一模型,能充分理解函数概念中的核心“唯一对应”,能理解函数的三要素(对应法则、定义域和值域),能进行函数相关知识的判别和计算等,HCK 具体依课程教学与学生理解程度而定。

KCS :在初中函数知识的前提下,经过现实生活中的三个例子分析理解函数的概念,并进一步理解和计算定义域和值域。

KCT :直接利用现实生活中三个有指向性的例子规范函数这一概念,在此基础上进一步规定定义域和值域的概念,引导学生进行简单的分析和计算。

2. 湘教版《对应、映射和函数》不同于苏教版的简洁明了,湘教版在叙述函数概念时相对完整,从对应到映射再到函数,层层递进。




CCK :理解映射的定义,进而建立映射与函数的联系,理解函数的定义。

SCK :运用名字间的对应与映射建立联系,引出“函数是一类特殊的映射”,直接定义函数的定义及其三个要素。

HCK :能从实际问题的对应中抽离出映射这一概念,能将映射概念运用到相应的例子中进行判断与分析,建立映射与函数的联系,能在映射的基础上理解函数及其三个要素等。








面对面教学的时间并不固定,但一般每周上课时间为 26 到29个小时。

我们建议您在正式课程以外,每周花 10 到 20 个小时自学。



您可以灵活地选择在 2 月、6 月或 10 月入学。



学习预科课程期间,您可以从 50 多门麦考瑞大学本科课程中作出选择。

学期设置:预科课程分两个学期(8 个月)或三个学期(12 个月),以您最近的高中成绩决定。






快速课程(8 个月)包含 208 小时的英语授课时间,并提供最少 100 小时的定期、指导和自主学习时间。

澳洲留学大学 麦考瑞大学留学优势介绍

澳洲留学大学 麦考瑞大学留学优势介绍

麦考瑞大学(Macquarie University)建于1964年,以拥有“The Father of Australia”之称的Lachlan Macquarie 总督命名。

其高质量的教学和科研水准受到了QS WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKINGS八个项目的五星认证,并且为澳洲大学学术排名前8.学校位于悉尼市中心西北部,离市中心20公里,约25分钟的路程。

麦考瑞大学占地135公顷,在澳大利亚一流的高科技园中心,紧挨着Lane Cove国家公园。







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MKTG806 Applied Marketing StrategySemester 2, 2012Room: C5C 209Monday 12 – 3 pm Department of Marketing and ManagementMACQUARIE UNIVERSITYFACULTY OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICSUNIT GUIDEYear and Semester: S2, 2012Unit convenor: Professor Scott KoslowPrerequisites: MKTG696 or admission to MCom or MintBus or MEc orMActPrac prior to 2011Credit points: FourStudents in this unit should read this unit guide carefully at the start of semester. It contains important information about the unit. If anything in it is unclear, please consult one of the teaching staff in the unit.A BOUT THIS UNIT∙This is a capstone unit that takes students through the whole marketing strategy process, such as identifying options, evaluating and assessing competitivepositioning, and choosing how and where to compete, and assessing performance.Students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge to the commercialenvironment. Students will build upon their marketing knowledge gained in market research, consumer behaviour, marketing communications and marketingmanagement, and participate in case discussions to develop strategic initiatives for real world commercial businesses.∙The applied orientation of the unit is to help build a bridge between the theoretical knowledge they have gain in their course and the real world applications students will face once they graduate.T EACHING STAFF∙Lecturer: Lawrence Potter (lawrencep@.au; 0418 408 931)C ONTACTING STAFF∙Consultation times: BY ARRANGEMENT ONLY. Planned Consultations can be scheduled for a Monday (prior to midday) or Tuesday. Location at MQ to beconfirmed.∙You are encouraged to seek help in person during regular consultation hours. In special circumstances, an appointment may be made outside regular consultation hours. Staff will not conduct consultations by email.∙Students experiencing significant difficulties in the unit must seek assistance immediately.C LASSES∙Number and length of classes: 3 hours face-to-face teaching per week for 13 weeks, consisting of lectures and student presentations∙The timetable for classes can be found on the University web site at: .au/∙Students are expected to participate in lectures. Attendance will be taken in class. ∙Warning: You MUST attend a minimum 11 of the 13 classes. Failure to do so will lead to a major deduction in your overall marks.∙To avoid incurring a penalty, medical certificates must be provided if you are not able to attend a class. Work-related reasons are NOT accepted for your absence. ∙You are expected to arrive on time and not to leave until the class ends.∙If you have a recurring problem that makes you late, or forces you to leave early, have the courtesy to discuss this with your lecturer.∙Mobile phones must be turned off and not simply set to “silent”. Students whose phones make audible sounds (whether by tone or vibration), will owe an apology to the class for wasting their time. Part of that apology is to bring a nice snack for the next period. For example, Tim Tams or other “nice” bickies are acceptable,providing 1-2 cookies per student in the unit (plus the lecturer!). Tasty home baked snacks are preferred. Failure to provide an appropriate apology for your noisy electronics means you are not welcome in class.∙Laptops MAY NOT BE USED in the class unless specified.P RIZES∙NoneR EQUIRED AND R ECOMMENDED TEXTS AND/OR MATERIALS∙Required text: Aaker, David A. (2011), Strategic Market Management, John Wiley & Sons.∙Aaker text can be purchased from the Macquarie University Co-op Bookshop.∙Required cases: Eleven cases total, see weekly schedule for listing (ten cases are discussed during the term and one is used in the exam).∙Copyrights for use of cases have been purchased directly from Harvard Business School Publishing by the Faculty of Business and Economics. This is major coup for students in holding down their unit materials costs. Relevant Cases will be available via i-Learn on the Tuesday following class.T ECHNOLOGY U SED AND R EQUIRED∙Normal technology requirementsU NIT WEB PAGE∙Course material is available on the learning management system (iLearn)L EARNING OUTCOMESThe learning outcomes of this unit are:1. Learn how to analyse, synthesise and evaluate marketing strategies.2. Understand and analyse the complexities of the business environment andhow these influence marketing strategy.3. Understand how to use market segmentation concepts and generatepotential segmentation schemata.4. To understand and apply core marketing strategy concepts like competitiveadvantage, synergies, positioning and brandingG RADUATE C APABILITIESThis unit contributes to this by developing the following graduate capabilities:1. Discipline Specific Knowledge and Skills*2. Critical, Analytical and Integrative Thinking3. Creative and Innovative4. Capable of Professional and Personal Judgement and InitiativeL EARNING AND T EACHING A CTIVITIES∙This unit is taught through: lectures, case studies, readings, reflective activities and self-directed learning.∙Students will spend about half the classroom time listening to lectures and discussing the content. Students need to read the appropriate portions of thetextbook before coming to class.∙Students will spend the other half of classroom time on case discussion.Students are expected to have the cases read and analysed prior to class and be able to write out brief assessments of their views in class. Case discussions will include some small group discussions, but also discussion within the whole class.∙Where there is a case, the typical break down in time will be the first 90min to two hours of the class time spent on the case with the reminder on the lecture ∙When no case is discussed, all whole three-hour session will be lecture and discussion.R ESEARCH AND P RACTICE∙T his unit uses research from external sources (see Harvard Business School cases listed in the weekly schedule)∙T his unit gives you practice in applying research findings in your assignments R ELATIONSHIP BETWEEN A SSESSMENT AND L EARNING O UTCOMES∙Extension will not be granted.∙Late submissions will not be accepted. Weekly Schedule – Monday Class DatesASSESSMENT TASKSAssessment 1: Case Study - 6 in total over the Weeks 2-7 inclusive (30%)Marking is made up of participation and journal marks assessed as follows: ∙PARTICIPATION MARKSThe case participation method of assessment is composed of the lecturer‟sweekly assessment of your oral contributions to case discussions. Please note that a participation mark assesses the QUALITY of input not the QUANTITY!That is, oral case comments that provide fresh insights, give analysis andsynthesis of case material, and provoke further thought and discussion arerewarded highly, whereas comments that simply repeat case facts withoutgoing any further are not rewarded. Also, participants often misunderstand that their participation mark is based on their best contributions, not their averagecontribution. For example, after each case discussion, participants who make high quality comments are recorded as having …high‟ or …very high‟ levels ofperformance. Usually, not more than 25% of the class receives a …high‟ or …very high‟ mark in any particular week. However, it only takes a few …high‟ or …veryhigh‟ marks to gain a high overall mark for participation.∙JOURNAL MARKSAnother method of assessing your learning is the use of journals. At thebeginning of case discussions, record in your journal your personal analysis of that week‟s case. You should come to case discussions prepared to write ashort evaluation of the case issues. The first few minutes in class will beallowed for writing these thoughts in your journals. You are not allowed to refer to the case at this time, but you may refer to notes. At the end of class, you will write in your journal again, this time noting how your opinion of the case haschanged since your first entry. The focus of the second entry is on what kinds of learning have taken place during the case discussion. Then the journals are returned to the lecturer who will keep them until the next week. Participantjournals are marked on how well higher level thinking skills (analysis, synthesis and evaluation) and demonstrated in case discussions One third weighting ison the first half of the journal, and two thirds on the second half.∙COMBINING MARKSNote that journal marks are used as a check on participation and vice versa. If your journal mark is low enough that the lecturer questions whether you readthe case, your participation mark will fall. If your journal comments on what youlearned don‟t match what you said in case discussion, this will be taken intoaccount as well. For most students most of the time, journals and participation will have 50:50 weightings, not always will this be the case. Sometimesstudents will receive the lower of the two marks, but sometimes the higher ofthe two.Assessment 2: Group Project – Indigenous Program for Schools OR Tourism (30%)Working with Muru Mittigar (.au) groups are to develop a strategic marketing program for one of the two initiatives Schools Program or Tourism Program. The program will be assigned to the Groups in Week 1 of the Semester and will culminate in a Strategic Report and Presentation.A peer review will be conducted at the completion of this project, the result of which will help to determine individual scores for the group project. The peer review form is attached in Appendix I in the end of this unit outline.In developing the Marketing Plan you are to complete the following criteria below.∙Remember this is to be a real business and therefore you will need to assess exactly what is happening and develop strategies that are realistic andformulated on the current and previous performance.∙The group is to assume the role of Marketing Manager and demonstrate knowledge of the market/industry, identify relevant marketing theories anddevelop practical marketing strategies for the business, and clearlydemonstrate how those marketing theories apply.ESSENTIAL Aspects of the Marketing Report∙Product and Service Offering: what is the product offer and experience, USP‟s and key product benefits of the Muru Mittigar experience.∙IMC Program: what is the appropriate message and communication strategy for the business.∙Social Media Strategy: Evaluate the current strategy and develop a social media strategy and calendar for the ensuing 12 month period (Jan – Dec2013).∙Market Expansion Program: develop a domestic market strategy targeting key distribution channels (this may include hotels, tourism partners, schoolspartnerships and cultural entities depending on the assigned project),promotional opportunities (advertising, sponsorship etc.), and awarenessprogram.The Group Presentation will be to a Board Presentation and as such you will be evaluated on the whole groups‟ ability to present and answer questions in relation to your Marketing Plan. Each group will be allocated 30 minutes for their presentation time of which you will need to allow 10 minutes for questions in relation to the strategies presented.MARKETING REPORT STRUCTURE:As a guide (ONLY) the Plan could cover the following sections. You will need to work through which aspects are the most important to your plan and concentrate on those areas that are relevant:∙Executive Summary – a summary of your findings and recommendations.∙Current Situation and Market Overview – an assessment as to what is currently happening. An evaluation of the internal and external environmental factorsthat are likely to impact on the industry and on the products and services ofyour organisation.∙Positioning Statement – What does your business stand for what are the marketing initiatives that you will undertake to gain business. What services will you offer, what facilities are required, is space and issue? This will includeidentifying your key market target and defining how you want them to perceive your products or services relative to competition. State the core concept used to position the product (brand) in the eyes and mind of the targeted buyer. The positioning statement should describe: (1) What criteria or benefits thecustomer when buying a product along with the level of importance, (2) Whatwe offer that differentiates our product from competition, and (3) The limitations of competitive products.∙Marketing Mix Strategy for each market target.o Product strategy – Identify the key benefits the product offers to meet stakeholder/customer needs. Other issues that may be addressedwould be new product suggestions, adjustments in the mix of existingproducts, and new product options.o Price strategy – The overall pricing strategy (i.e. competitive, premium priced etc.) should be identified along with a cost/benefit analysis ifapplicable. Identify what role you want price to play. What is thebreakeven position based on the pricing strategy.o Distribution Strategy- Describe specific distribution strategies for each market target. Issues to be addressed are intensity of distribution(market coverage), how distribution will be accomplished either direct orvia a partner network. The role of the sales force, and external partiesmay also need to be considered.o Promotion Strategy – Promotion strategy is used to initiate and maintain a flow of communication between company and the target market. Toassist in developing the communications program, the attributes andbenefits of your product or service should be identified for each markettarget. How the product differs from competition (competitive advantage)should be listed. Strategies should be listed for personal selling,advertising, sales promotion, and public relations activities.Develop projected Customer acquisition targets and a marketing budget – Based on the size and potential growth of the market, estimate potential sales for the product, market share and the marketing expenditure required to achievemarketing objectives over a three year period.KEY MILESTONE DATES:Week 5 – Key Issues Report & IN CLASS Presentation (10 mins):Key findings from research and conclusions inrelation to strategy. Project aims, objectives andtimeline. Max 5 pages (5%).Week 11 – FINAL Report: submission of the FINAL Report. Report Details willbe delivered in class (Weeks 1 and 2) and theReport Framework available on i-Learn from Week 3. The FINAL Report is to display academic theory and commercial application to the task and demonstrated balance will be required using the appropriate business models. Max 15 pages 20%.Week 11/12 – Presentation: Groups will present the key findings andconclusions of the report. This will be a 20 minutePresentation and delivered in class. ALL STUDENTS are expected to attend these two weeks. MARKS will be deducted for non- attendance. Max 15 slides in TOTAL.PowerPoint Slides are to be printed and submitted for marking at the conclusion of the Presentation. Combined Mark is (5%)Assessment 3: FINAL Exam (40%)A final examination is included as an assessment task for this unit to provideassurance that:i) the product belongs to the student andii) the student has attained the knowledge and skills tested in the exam.A 3 hour final examination for this unit will be held during the UniversityExamination period.The University Examination period in Second Half Year 2012 is from Monday 12 November to Friday 30 November 2012.The exam will ask questions based on a Case Study. The relevant Case Study will be supplied in Week 9. Students are expected to be highly familiar with the case prior to the exam. However, students are not allowed to refer to a print out of the case, nor notes on the case, during the examination. Any relevant documentation for the Examination will be supplied as part of the Examination Paper.You are expected to present yourself for examination at the time and placedesignated in the University Examination Timetable. The timetable will beavailable in Draft form approximately eight weeks before the commencement of the examinations and in Final form approximately four weeks before thecommencement of the examinations.http:// .au/The only exception to not sitting an examination at the designated time is because of documented illness or unavoidable disruption. In these circumstances you may wish to consider applying for Special Consideration. The University‟s policy on special consideration process is available at.au/policy/docs/special_consideration/policy.htmlIf a Supplementary Examination is granted as a result of the Special Consideration process the examination will be scheduled after the conclusion of the officialexamination period. (Individual Faculties may wish to signal when the Faculties‟ Supplementary Exams are normally scheduled.)The Macquarie university examination policy details the principles and conduct of examinations at the University. The policy is available at:.au/policy/docs/examination/policy.htmA CADEMIC H ONESTYThe nature of scholarly endeavour, dependent as it is on the work of others, binds all members of the University community to abide by the principles of academic honesty. Its fundamental principle is that all staff and students act with integrity in the creation, development, application and use of ideas and information. This means that: ∙all academic work claimed as original is the work of the author making theclaim∙all academic collaborations are acknowledged∙academic work is not falsified in any way∙when the ideas of others are used, these ideas are acknowledged appropriately.Further information on the academic honesty can be found in the Macquarie University Academic Honesty Policy at.au/policy/docs/academic_honesty/policy.htmlGRADESMacquarie University uses the following grades in coursework units of study:HD - High DistinctionD - DistinctionCR - CreditP - PassF - FailGrade descriptors and other information concerning grading are contained in the Macquarie University Grading Policy which is available at:.au/policy/docs/grading/policy.htmlG RADING A PPEALS AND FINAL EXAMINATION SCRIPT VIEWINGIf, at the conclusion of the unit, you have performed below expectations, and are considering lodging an appeal of grade and/or viewing your final exam script please refer to the following website which provides information about these processes and the cut off dates in the first instance. Please read the instructions provided concerning what constitutes a valid grounds for appeal before appealing your grade..au/new_and_current_students/undergrad uate_current_students/how_do_i/grade_appealsS PECIAL C ONSIDERATIONThe University is committed to equity and fairness in all aspects of its learning and teaching. In stating this commitment, the University recognises that there may be circumstances where a student is prevented by unavoidable disruption from performing in accordance with their ability. A special consideration policy exists to support students who experience serious and unavoidable disruption such that they do not reach their usual demonstrated performance level. The policy is available at: .au/policy/docs/special_consideration/policy.htmlS TUDENT S UPPORT S ERVICESMacquarie University provides a range of Academic Support Services. Details of these and other services for students can be accessed at.au.The Faculty of Business and Economics also provides specific support in the form of BESS, Room, PAL, and E4B Consultation Room.IT C ONDITIONS OF U SEAccess to all student computing facilities within the Faculty of Business and Economics is restricted to authorised coursework for approved units. Student ID cards must be displayed in the locations provided at all times.Students are expected to act responsibly when using University IT facilities. The following regulations apply to the use of computing facilities and online services:∙Accessing inappropriate web sites or downloading inappropriate material is not permitted. Material that is not related to coursework for approved units is deemed inappropriate.∙Downloading copyright material without permission from the copyright owner is illegal, and strictly prohibited. Students detected undertaking such activities will face disciplinary action, which may result in criminal proceedings.Non-compliance with these conditions may result in disciplinary action without further notice.Students must use their Macquarie University email addresses to communicate with staff as it is University policy that the University issued email account is used for official University communication.Appendix IYour Name: ____________________________Your Group: ____________________________FBE version 13 6/1/12 1Other comments: (about your group, the subject, your topic, etc.)possible for different members of the same group to be awarded different marks due to the scores received in the individual assessment. Please also note that if a group member appeals, the contribution forms of other group members may be shown to justify marks. If you are going to award a group member a lower percentage contribution you may be required to supply evidence to justify your actions.THIS IS AN INDIVIDUAL contribution and is required to be submitted via email no later than the Friday after the presentation in Week 11 or 12 as allocated.FBE version 13 6/1/12 2。
