ASTM D 56-02a 泰格密闭闪点试验器测定闪点的试验方法
ASTM D类最新标准目录( 一)D4-86(2004) 沥青含量试验方法D5-06e1 沥青材料的渗透性试验方法D6-95(2000)e1 油及沥青混合物加热损失试验方法D8-02 与道路和路面材料相关的术语D9-05 与木材相关的术语D12-88(1998) 未加工的桐油D13-02 松节油规范D16-03 与涂料、清漆、亮漆和有关产品相关的术语D20-03 路面焦油的蒸馏试验方法D25-99(2005) 圆木桩D29-98 虫胶树脂的抽样和试验方法D34-91(2003) 白颜料化学分析指南D36-95(2000)e1 沥青软化点试验方法(沥青软化点测定器)D38-94(2000)e1 木材防腐剂的抽样试验方法D41-05 铺屋面、防潮及防水用沥青底层D43-00 屋顶、防潮及防水材料用杂酚油底漆D49-83(2002) 铅丹的化学分析D50-90(2005) 含铁和锰的黄色、橙色、红色和褐色涂料的化学分析试验方法D56-05 泰格密闭闪点试验器测定闪点的试验方法D61-75(2004) 硬沥青的软化点的试验方法(水中方块试验法)D69-01 磨擦带的试验方法D70-03 半固态沥青材料的比重和密度的试验方法D71-94(2004) 固体硬沥青和地沥青的相对密度试验方法(变位法)D75-03 集料的抽样D76-99(2005) 纺织材料的抗拉试验机D79-86(2004) 氧化锌颜料D81-87(2003) 碱性碳酸盐铅白颜料D83-84(2002) 铅丹颜料D85-05 赭色颜料规范D86-05 大气压下石油产品蒸馏试验方法D87-04 石蜡熔点的试验方法(冷却曲线)D88-94(2005) 赛波特粘度的试验方法D91-02 润滑油的沉淀值试验方法D92-05a 用克利夫兰德开杯法测定石油产品的闪点和燃点的试验方法D93-02a 用潘斯基-马丁斯仪闭杯闪点测定器测定闪点的试验方法D94-02 石油产品的皂化值试验方法D95-05e1 蒸馏法测定石油产品及沥青材料中水的试验方法D97-05a 石油的倾点的试验方法D98-05 氯化钙D113-99 沥青材料的延展性的试验方法D115-02 电绝缘用含清漆试验溶剂的试验方法D116-86(2006) 电气设备用上釉陶瓷材料的试验D117-02 产自石油的电绝缘油的试验方法和规范导则D120-02a 橡胶绝缘手套D121-05 煤和焦炭术语D123-03 与纺织材料相关的术语D124-88(1998) 脱胶的豆油D126-87(2002) 含铬酸铅和氧化铬绿的黄、橙和绿色颜料的化学分析方法D127-05 石油蜡包括凡士林滴熔点的试验方法D128-98(2003)e1 润滑脂分析试验方法D129-00(2005) 石油产品中硫含量试验方法(通用氧弹法)D130-04e1 用铜条变色法检测石油产品对铜腐蚀性的测试方法D139-95(2001)e1 沥青材料浮选试验的检测方法D140-01 沥青材料的抽样D143-94(2000)e1 洁净木材小样品的试验D146-04 防水与屋面材料用沥青浸渍的油毡和编织物的抽样与试验方法D149-97a(2004) 固体电绝缘材料在工业电源频率下的介电击穿电压和介电强度的试验方法D150-98(2004) 固体电绝缘材料的(恒久电介质)的交流损耗特性和介电常数的测试方法D153-84(2003) 颜料比重测试方法D154-85(2001) 清漆试验D156-02e1 石油产品赛波特比测试方法(赛波特比色计法)D167-93(2004)e1 块焦比重和孔隙度的试验方法D168-94(2000) 杂酚油焦炭渣的测试方法D173-03 屋顶和防水材料用饱和沥青棉织物D176-00 电绝缘用固体充填化合物与浸渍剂的试验方法D178-01(2005) 橡胶绝缘垫子D185-84(1999 颜料,糊剂及涂料中粗颗粒的试验方法D187-94(2003)e1 煤油燃烧质量的测试方法D189-05 石油产品康拉孙残碳测试方法D197-87(2002) 粉煤的取样方法与细度试验方法D198-05a 结构尺寸木料静力试验法D202-97(2002)e1 电绝缘用未浸渍纸的抽样和试验方法D204-02 缝线的测试方法D209-81(2003) 灯黑颜料D210-05 骨炭颜料D211-67(2002) 铬黄和铬橙颜料D215-91(2002) 白色亚麻籽油涂料的化学分析D217-02 润滑剂针入度的测试方法D225-04 表面有矿物颗粒的沥青屋面板D226-06 铺顶和防水用沥青饱和有机毡D227-03 铺顶和防水用焦油沥青饱和有机毡D228-06 沥青屋面卷材,盖板和瓦的试验方法D229-01 电绝缘用硬质薄板及板材的试验方法D233-02 松脂的抽样和测试试验方法D234-82(1998) 生亚麻子油D235-02 矿物溶剂油(石油溶液油)(烃干洗溶液)规格D237-57(1997) 橙色紫胶和其他虫胶D240-02 弹式量热器测定液烃燃料燃烧热的试验方法D242-04 沥青铺路混合料用矿物填料D243-02 规定残渣渗透性测试方法D244-04 乳化沥青的测试方法D245-06 制定目测分等木材的结构等级及有关允许性能的规程D246-04 杂酚油和杂酚油-煤焦油溶液的蒸馏试验方法D256-06 塑料及电绝缘材料的抗冲击性的测试方法D257-99(2005) 绝缘材料的直流电阻或电导的试验方法D260-86(2001) 熟亚麻籽油D261-75(1999) 铁蓝颜料D262-81(1999) 群青蓝颜料D263-05 氧化铬绿颜料D267-82(2003) 黄青铜粉规格D268-01 涂料及其相关涂层和原料用挥发性溶剂及化学中间体的抽样和测试D269-97(2002) 松香和松香衍生物中不溶物的试验方法D276-00a 纺织品中纤维的鉴定方法(AATCC方法20)D279-02 颜料渗出的试验方法D280-01 颜料吸收的水份(及试验条件下挥发的其他物质)的测试方法D281-95(2002) 用刮刀磨损法测定颜料油吸附性的试验方法D283-84(1999) 一氧化铜和铜涂料化学分析试验方法D287-92(2006) 原油和石油产品API比重的试验方法(液体比重计法)D291-86(2002) 烟煤立方英尺重量的试验方法D293-93(2004) 焦炭筛析分析试验方法D295-99(2004) 电绝缘用棉质漆布的试验方法D297-93(2002)e2 橡胶制品的测试方法.化学方法D299-04e1 石棉纱的标准规范D301-95(2004) 可溶性硝化纤维素的试验方法D304-05 n-丁醇(丁醇)D305-84(2003) 黑色涂料中的溶剂萃取材料的试验方法D312-00 屋顶用沥青D315-95(2004)e1 机织石棉带的标准规范D319-04 合成的戊醇D322-97(2002)e1 蒸馏法测定汽油发动机废机油中汽油稀释剂的试验方法D323-99a 石油产品蒸气压力的测试方法D329-02 丙酮D330-93(2001) 2-丁氧基乙醇D331-05 2-乙氧基乙醇D332-87(2004) 白色颜料着色力的试验方法D333-01 透明漆和着色漆的试验方法D341-03 液体石油产品粘度-温度关系曲线图D344-97(2004) 用擦试外规评定法对涂料相对遮盖力的测试方法D345-02 道路和结构用氯化钙的抽样和试验方法D346-04e1 实验室分析用焦炭试样的收集和制备D347-97 杂酚油和煤焦油的体积和比重修正表D348-00 电绝缘用刚性管的测试方法D349-99(2004) 电绝缘用层压圆棒的试验方法D350-01 电绝缘用经处理软套管的试验方法D351-97(2003) 天然白云母块及薄片目检质量分级D352-97(2003) 电绝缘用涂浆云母的试验方法D358-98 涂料耐大气老试验用木片规格D360-89(2001) 紫胶清漆规范D363-90(2000) 磷酸三甲苯酯规格D365-01(2005) 可溶性硝酸纤维素基溶液的试验方法D367-94(2000)e1 杂酚油中苯不溶物的测试方法D368-89(2002) 杂酚油及油质防腐剂比重的试验方法D369-84(2002) 杂酚油馏份与残渣比重的测试方法D370-02e1 油质防腐剂脱水作用的试验方法D372-00(2006) 电绝缘用经处理的软套管规格D374-99(2004) 固体电绝缘厚度的测试方法D374M-99(2005) 固体电绝缘厚度的标准测试方法(米制)D375-95(2004)e1 石棉粗砂的标准规范D378-00 平型橡胶传送带的测试方法D380-94(2006) 橡胶软管的测试方法D381-04 用喷射蒸发法测定燃烧中原在胶的测试方法D387-00 使用机械研磨机测定有色颜料主色和着力色的试验方法D388-05 用排列法测定煤的分类D390-92(1999) 海上,陆地及淡水中用木桩,电杆和木材的防腐处理用煤柏油杂酚油规程D391-94(2000)e1 杂酚油-煤焦油溶液D395-03 橡胶压缩永久变形特性的试验方法D396-05 燃料油规范D402-02 稀释沥青产品蒸馏的测试方法 Standard Test Method for Distillationof Cut-Back Asphalt ic (Bituminous) ProductsD409-02 粉碎机法测定煤炭可磨性的试验方法 Standard Test Method for Grindabilityof Coal by t he Hardgrove-Machine MethodD411-98(2003) 电绝缘用紫胶片试验方法 Standard Test Methods for ShellacUsed for Electrical I nsulationD412-98a(2002)e1 硫化橡胶、热塑橡胶和热塑合成橡胶的拉伸试验方法 Standard Test Methods f or VulcanizedRubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers—TensionD413-98(2002)e1 橡胶特性-与软质基底粘附性的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for RubberPro perty—Adhesion to Flexible SubstrateD420-98(2003) 土壤粒度分析的测试方法 Standard Guide to SiteCharacterization for Engineering, Design, and ConstructionPurposesD421-85(2002) 土壤粒度分析试验方法 Standard Practice for Dry Preparationof Soil Samples for Particle-Size Analysis and Determination ofSoil ConstantsD422-63(2002)e1 土壤粒度分析试验方法 Standard Test Method forParticle-Size Analysis of Soils D425-88(2001) 土壤离心湿度当量试验方法 Standard Test Method for CentrifugeMoisture Equiva lent of SoilsD427-04 用水银法测量土壤收缩系数的测试方法 Test Method for Shrinkage Factors ofSoils by t he Mercury MethodD429-03e1 橡胶特性与硬质基底粘附性的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for RubberProperty—Adhesion to Rigid SubstratesD430-06 橡胶变质的动态疲劳试验方法 Standard Test Methods for RubberDeterioration-Dynamic FatigueD434-95 Standard Test Method for Resistance toSlippage of Yarns in Woven Fabrics Using a St andard SeamD440-86(2002) 煤的跌落粉碎试验 Standard Test Method of Drop ShatterTest for CoalD441-86(2002) 煤的滚筒试验 Standard Test Method of Tumbler Test for CoalD444-88(2003) 锌黄颜料(铬酸锌黄)的化学分析方法 Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Zinc YellowPigment (Zinc Chromate Yellow)D445-06 透明和不透明液体运动粘度的测试方法.(包括动态粘度的计算) Standard Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity ofTransparent and Opaque Liquids (and the Calculation of DynamicViscosity)D446-06 玻璃毛细管运动粘度计操作说明书和规范 Standard Specifications and OperatingInstructi ons for Glass Capillary Kinematic ViscometersD448-03a 道路和桥梁建筑的集料尺寸分类 Standard Classification for Sizes ofAggregate for Roa d and Bridge ConstructionD449-03 防潮和防水用沥青规范 Standard Specification for AsphaltUsed in Dampproofing and WaterproofingD450-96(2006) 铺屋面,防潮与防水用硬煤沥青 Standard Specification for Coal-TarPitch Used in Roofing, Dampproofing, and WaterproofingD451-91(2002) 沥青屋顶制品用粒状矿物铺面材料筛分分析试验方法 Standard Test Method for Si eveAnalysis of Granular Mineral Surfacing For Asphalt RoofingProductsD452-91(2002) 沥青层面制品表面修整用非粒状矿物的筛分试验方法 Standard Test Method for Si eveAnalysis of Surfacing for Asphalt Roofing ProductsD453-94(2000)e1 杂酚油-煤焦油溶液中焦油酸含量的测试方法 Standard Test Method for Tar Aci ds inCreosote-Coal Tar SolutionsD454-04 用加热及空气压力测定橡胶变质的试验方法 Standard Test Method for RubberDeteriorat ion by Heat and Air PressureD459-00 肥皂和其它洗涤剂的术语规范 Standard Terminology Relating toSoaps and Other Deter gentsD460-91(2005) 肥皂和其它洗涤剂粒度的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Samplingand Che mical Analysis of Soaps and Soap ProductsD464-05 松脂油产品包括妥尔油和其他相关产品的皂化值的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Saponification Number of Naval Store Products Including Tall Oil and Other Related ProductsD465-05 松脂制品包括妥尔油及其它相关产品酸值的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Acid N umberof Naval Stores Products Including Tall Oil and Other RelatedProductsD470-05 电线和电缆用交联绝缘与套管的测试方法 Standard Test Methods for CrosslinkedInsulati ons and Jackets for Wire and CableD471-98e2 液体对橡胶性能影响的测试方法 Standard Test Method for RubberProperty-Effect of LiquidsD473-02 萃取法测定原油和燃料油中沉积物的试验方法 Standard Test Method for Sediment inCr ude Oils and Fuel Oils by the Extraction MethodD476-00(2005) 二氧化钛颜料规范 Standard Classification for DryPigmentary Titanium Dioxide P roductsD478-02 锌黄(铬酸锌)颜料 Standard Specificationfor Zinc Yellow (Zinc Chromate) PigmentsD480-88(2003) 铝粉和铝粉浆的抽样和试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Samplingand Testin g of Flaked Aluminum Powders and PastesD482-03 石油产品灰分的测试方法 Standard Test Method for Ash fromPetroleum ProductsD483-04 石油制植物喷洒油不磺化残渣的试验方法 Standard Test Method for UnsulfonatedResidu e of Petroleum Plant Spray OilsD490-92(2005) 道路柏油 Standard Specification for Road TarD494-04 Standard Test Method for Acetone Extraction ofPhenolic Molded or Laminated Products Standard TestMethod for Acetone Extraction of Phenolic Molded or LaminatedProductsD495-99(2004) 固体电绝缘材料的耐高压低电流干电弧性能的测试方法 Standard Test Method for High-Voltage, Low-Current, Dry Arc Resistance of Solid ElectricalInsulationD500-95(2003) 磺化油和硫化油的化学分析和试验方法D501-03 碱性洗涤剂的抽样和化学分析试验方法D502-89(2003) 肥皂和其它洗涤剂粒度的试验方法D509-05 松香分级和抽样试验方法D511-03 水中钙镁离子的测试方法D512-04 测定水中氯离子含量的试验方法D513-02 水中二氧化碳溶解量和总量的试验方法D516-02 水中硫酸铁的试验方法D517-98(2003) 沥青厚板材D518-99 橡胶变质表面龟裂的试验方法D519-04 羊毛条中纤维长度的试验方法D520-00(2005) 锌粉颜料规范D521-02 锌粉(金属锌粉)的化学分析试验方法D522-93a(2001) 用锥形心轴仪测定涂覆有机涂层延伸率的试验方法D523-89(1999) 镜面光泽的试验方法D524-04 石油产品中兰氏残炭的试验方向D525-05 汽油氧化稳定性的试验方法(诱导期方法)D528-97(2002) 纸和纸板的机器定向试验方向D529-04 沥青材料的加速风化试验条件和程序的测试方法(碳弧法)D531-00(2005) 普西和琼斯橡胶压缩试验方法D542-00 透明有机塑料的折射指数的试验方法D543-06 塑料耐化学试剂性能的试验方法D545-99(2005) 混凝土用预制伸缩缝纫填料的试验方法(非挤压和弹性型)D546-05 道路和铺砌材料用矿物填料筛分的测试方法D548-97(2002) 纸张水溶解酸碱度的试验方法D555-84(1998) 干性油试验D558-04 土壤水泥混合物的水分与密度关系的试验方法D559-03 压实的掺土水泥混合物的湿润与干燥的试验方法D560-03 压实的掺土水泥混合物的冻融试验方法D561-82(2003) 涂料用炭黑颜料D562-01(2005) 斯氏粘度计测定涂料稠度的试验方法D563-88(1996)e1 醇酸树脂和树脂溶液中苯酐含量的试验方法D564-87(2002) 液体涂料催干剂的试验方法D565-99(2005) 白色矿物油中可碳化物质的试验方法D566-02 润滑脂滴点的试验方法D570-98(2005) 塑料吸水率的试验方法D572-04 用加热法和氧化法进行的橡胶变质的试验方法D573-04 在空气烤炉中作橡胶变质的试验方法D575-91(2001) 橡胶压缩特性的试验方法D578-05 玻璃纤维丝D579-04 原织物玻璃纤维D580-04 机织玻璃纤维带D581-99 机织玻璃纤维套管的编织D584-96(2005) 原毛中羊毛含量实验室测试方法D585-97(2002) 纸张、纸板、纤维板和相关产品的单批取样和验收方法D586-97(2002) 纸中灰分含量的试验方法D589-97(2002) 纸的不透明度的测试方法D590-93(2002) 纸中石油蜡的测试方法D596-01 水分析结果的报告D600-90(2001) 液体涂料催干剂D601-87(1998) 奥气油(永久液体)D602-81(2003) 硫酸钡颜料规范D605-82(2003) 硅酸镁颜料(滑石)D607-82(2003) 湿磨云母颜料D608-05 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯D609-00 涂料、油漆以及改性涂料与相关涂料产品的测试用冷轧钢板的制备D610-01 涂漆钢表面锈蚀程度评价的试验方法D611-04 石油产品和烃类溶剂苯胺点和混合苯胺点的试验方法D612-88(2004) 石蜡中可碳化物质的试验方法D613-05 十六烷法测定柴油燃料燃烧质量的试验方法D618-05 塑料及电绝缘材料的调理方法D619-99(2004) 电绝缘用硫化纤维的测试方法D622-99(2005) 汽车空气制动和真空制动系统用橡胶软管试验方法D623-99e1 橡胶特性-压缩中热的产生及挠曲疲劳的试验方法D624-00e1 橡胶的热塑性弹性的耐老化性的抗撕裂强度的试验方法D628-95(2004)e1 石棉套管的标准规范D629-99 纺织品定量分析试验方法D632-01 氯化钠D633-97(2005) 道路柏油的体积修正表D635-06 自承塑料在水平状态时的燃烧速率或者燃烧蔓延程度及燃烧时间的试验方法D638-03 塑料拉伸性能的试验方法D642-00(2005) 船用集装箱、组合件和单体加载的抗压缩能力的测试方法D643-97(2002) 用厦泊测试仪测试纸的折痕持久性的标准试验方法D644-99(2002) 用烘干法测定纸和纸板中水分的测试方法D645/D645M-97(2002) 纸和纸板厚度的测试方法D646-96(2001) 纸张及纸板的基本重量的试验方法(单位面积的重量)D648-06 在挠曲负荷下塑料的挠曲温度的试验方法D653-05 土壤、岩石和其内部所含液体的相关术语D660-93(2005) 外用漆龟裂程度评价方法D661-93(2005) 外用漆破裂程度评价的试验方法D662-93(2005) 外用漆侵蚀程度评价的试验方法D664-06 电位滴定法测定石油产品酸值的试验方法D665-06 水存在下抑制的矿物油防锈特性的试验方法D668-99(2004) 电绝缘用硬条和硬管尺度测量的测试方法D669-03 层压薄板与层压板的平行于层片的耗散系数和介电常数的试验方法D685-93(2002) 检测调理纸和纸制品D686-93(2002) 纸中矿物填料和矿物涂料的定性测试方法D689-03 纸张的内部耐撕裂的试验方法D692-00(2004) 沥青铺路砌混合用粗集料D693-03a 碎石路面用压碎集料D695-02a 硬质塑料抗压特性的试验方法D696-03 从-30摄氏度到30摄氏度的塑料线性热膨胀系数的试验方法D698-00ae1 实验室中用12000ft-lbt/ft(600KN-m/m)作用力测定土壤压力特性的试验方法D704-99(2004) 三氯氰胺甲醛模制化合物D705-99(2004) 脲甲醛模制化合物D706-05 乙酸纤维素模制和挤压化合物D707-05 醋酸丁酸纤维素模制与挤压料规格D709-01 层压热固材料D710-97(2002) 电绝缘用硫化纤维薄板、条和管D711-89(2004) 路标漆不粘着时间的试验方法D713-90(2004) 路标漆进行路面使用的试验方法D714-02e1 涂料起泡程度的试验方法D715-86(2003) 硫酸钡颜料分析的标准试验方法D716-86(2003) 评定云母颜料的标准试验方法D717-86(2003) 硅酸镁颜料分析的标准试验方法D718-86(2003) 硅酸铝颜料的分析标准试验方法D720-91(2004)e1 煤自由膨胀指数的试验方法D721-05 石油蜡含油量的试验方法D722-93(2002) 纸的抗油脂性标准试验方法D724-99(2003) 纸表面可湿性的测试方法(接触角法)D726-94(2003) 空气中无孔纸的透气性的测试方法D727-96(2001) 真空方法测定屋顶和地板油毡煤油值的试验方法D731-95(1999) 热固模塑料粉末的模塑指数的试验方法D732-02 用穿孔工具测量塑料剪切强度的测试方法D737-04 纺织纤维透气率的试验方法D740-05 丁酮规范D746-04 用冲击法测定塑料及弹性材料的脆化温度的试验方法D747-02 用悬臂梁法对塑料表观弯曲系数的测试方法D748-00(2005)e1 固定式云母介电电容器用天然云母块和云母薄片D750-00 用碳弧型装置和风化装置对橡胶变质的测试方法D751-06 涂层织物的测试方法D763-01 未加工棕土和焙烧棕土颜料D765-87(2003) 未加工黄土和焙烧黄土颜料技术规范D768-01 黄色氧化铁的水合物D769-01 黑色合成氧化铁D770-05 异丙醇规范D772-86(2005) 外部涂料剂落程度评价的试验方法D774/D774M-97(2002) 纸张抗破碎强度的测试方法D776-92(2001) 干热对纸和纸板特性的影响的试验方法D777-97(2002) 经过处理的纸和纸板易燃性的标准试验方法D778-97(2002) 纸萃液(热萃取和冷萃取法)氢离子浓度(pH)的标准试验方法D779-03 纸、纸板和其他印刷材料用干烧指示器法测试耐水性的测试方法D780-95(2003) 纸印刷油墨渗透性的测试方法(蓖麻油试验)D784-03 电绝缘材料用橙色紫胶和其他印度虫胶D785-03 塑料和电绝缘材料的洛氏硬度的测试方法D787-96(2003) 乙基纤维模制和挤压化合物D788-05 甲基丙烯酸酯模制和挤压化合物的分类系统D789-06 聚酰胺相对粘度,熔点和含水量的测试方法D790-03 未增强和增强塑料及电绝缘材料的挠曲性的试验方法D792-00 用位移法测定塑料密度和比重(相对密度)的标准试验方法D800-05 工业用金属除垢剂化学分析试验方法D801-02 二聚戊烯抽样和测试的试验方法D802-02 松油抽样和测试的试验方法D803-03 妥儿油的测试试验方法D804-02 松脂制品包括妥儿油及相关产品的术语D806-00(2006) 掺土水泥混合物中水泥含量的试验方法D807-05 工业锅炉用水引起脆裂倾向的评价方法(美国矿业局的脆变检查器方法)D808-05 新的和使用过的石油产品中氯含量的试验方法(氧弹法)D813-06 测定橡胶龟裂扩展的试验方法D814-95(2005) 橡胶特性挥发性液体蒸汽渗透性的试验方法D816-06 橡胶胶水的试验方法D817-96(2004) 乙酸丙酸纤维素和醋酸丁酸纤维素的试验方法D820-93(2003) 含合成洗涤剂肥皂的化学分析试验方法D822-01 用经过过滤明光碳弧灯和水中曝光装置对涂料及相关涂层和材料上做的导电试验D823-95(2001) 色漆,清漆,喷漆及有关产品制成厚度均匀漆膜试片的方法D824-94(2002) 用皱文纸测定吸水率的测试方法D828-97(2002) 纸和纸板拉力破坏强度的测试方法D829-97(2002) 纸和纸制品湿抗拉断裂强度的标准试验方法D831-94(2004) 电缆及电容器油的气体含量的测试方法D832-92(2001)e1 低温状态下的橡胶试验D841-02 甲苯的硝化定级D843-06 硝化二甲苯D847-04 苯,甲苯,二甲苯,溶剂石脑油和类似的工业芳烃酸度的试验方法D848-03 工业芳烃的酸洗颜色的标准试验方法D849-05 工业芳烃对铜条腐蚀的标准试验方法D850-03 工业芳轻及相关物质的蒸溜法D852-02 苯凝固点的试验方法D853-04 工业芳烃中硫化氢和二氧化硫含量(定性)的标准试验方法D854-06 土壤比重的试验方法D857-02 水中铝含量的测试方法D858-02 水中锰含量的试验方法D859-05 水中二氧化硅的测试方法D861-01a 用特克斯制命名纤维,纱的半制品,纱和其它纺织品线度D865-99(2005) 橡胶的空气中加热变质试验方法(试管法)D866-99(2004) 电线及电缆用丁苯合成橡胶套D868-85(2003) 路标漆渗色程度评价的试验方法D869-85(2004) 涂漆沉降程度评价试验方法D870-02 水浸渍法涂层耐水试验D871-96(2004) 测试乙酸纤维素的试验方法D873-02 航空燃料的氧化稳定性的测试方法D874-06 润滑油和添加剂中硫酸盐类灰分的测试方法D876-00 电绝缘用刚性氧化乙烯聚合物管的测试方法D877-02e1 用圆盘电极测定电绝缘液体介电击穿电压的试验方法D878-01e1 绝缘油中无机氯化物和硫酸盐的测试方法D880-92(2002) 船用集装箱的冲击试验的试验方法D882-02 塑料薄板材抗拉特性的试验方法D883-00 塑料相关术语D885-06 由人造有机纤维制成的轮胎帘子线,轮胎帘布和工业长纱线的测试D887-82(2003)e1 水沉积物抽样D888-05 水中溶解氧的试验方法D889-99(2004) 松香中油挥发性的试验方法D890-98(2003) 液体松脂中水含量的试验方法D891-95(2004) 液态工业化合物的比重,表观比重的测试方法D892-05 润滑油发泡特性的标准试验方法D893-05a 用过的润滑油中不溶物的试验方法D896-04 胶粘剂耐化学试剂粘法的试验方法D897-01e1 胶粘剂粘结力的抗拉性的测试方法D898-05 胶粘剂固体单位面积涂用重量的试验方法D899-00 单位面积涂用液体胶粘剂的重量的测试方法D902-00 电绝缘用挠性涂树脂玻璃布和玻璃布带的测试方法D903-98(2004) 胶粘剂粘结抗剥落或爆皮强度的试验方法D904-99(2005) 人造光(碳弧型)和自然光对胶粘剂试样的曝光D905-03 用压缩荷载法测定胶粘剂的抗剪切强度性能的试验方法D906-98(2004) 用拉力负荷法测定胶合板结构中胶粘剂剪切强度特性的试验方法D907-05e1 胶粘剂术语D909-01e1 增压进料法测定航空汽油抗震性的试验方法(联邦试验方法No.791b) D910-04a 航空汽油技术规范D912-81(1999) 防污涂料用氧化亚铜D913-03e1 路标漆耐磨程度的评价方法D914-00(2006) 乙基纤维的试验方法D918-99(2003) 纸和纸板的抗粘结性试验方法D919-97(2002) 纸和纸板的铜值测试方法D922-00a(2006) 非硬质聚氯乙烯管D923-97 电绝缘液体的抽样方法D924-04 电绝缘液体的损耗因数(或功率因数)和介电常数(电容率)的测试方法D925-06 橡胶特性.表面着色(接触、色移和扩散)的试验方法D926-04 用平行板法测量橡胶的塑性和弹性D928-03 碳酸氢钠D932-85(2002) 水和水沉积物中嗜铁细菌含量试验方法D933-84(2003) 水沉积物的检验和分析结果的报告方法D934-80(2003) 用X射线衍射法作水沉积物中结晶化合物的识别方法D937-04 石油脂的针入度试验方法D938-05 石油蜡(包括凡士林)凝固点的测试方法D942-02 氧弹法测定润滑脂氧化稳定性的试验方法D943-04a 防腐蚀矿物油氧化特性的试验方法D945-06 用机械示波器测定在压缩应力和剪切应力下橡胶特性的试验方法D946-82(2005) 路面建造用按贯入度级配的沥青膏D950-03 胶粘剂抗冲击强度的试验方法D951-99(2004) 用喷射法测定船运集装箱的耐水性的试验方法D952-02 薄板塑料和电绝缘材料粘结强度的试验方法D953-02 塑料支承强度的测试方法D955-00 模制塑料模型尺寸收缩率的测量方法D957-95(2006)e1 塑料生产用模型表面温度的测定D960-02a 生蓖麻油D961-86(2001) 脱水蓖麻油D962-81(2003) 涂料用铝粉和铝浆颜料D964-03 防污漆用铜粉D968-05 用落沙磨蚀法测定有机涂层耐磨性的试验方法D969-85(2003) 路标漆渗色程度的实验室试验方法D971-99a(2004) 环法测定油水界面张力的试验方法D972-02 润滑脂和润滑油蒸发损失的测试方法D974-04 用颜色指示剂滴定法测定酸碱值的标准试验方法D975-06 柴油技术规范D976-04be1 馏分燃料正十六烷指数的计算方法D977-05 乳化沥青D979-01(2006)e1 沥青铺面混合料的取样方法D982-05 Standard Test Method for Organic Nitrogen in Paper andPaperboard D984-97(2002)。
班级油储09- 姓名学号后两位实验时间同组实验者
1、掌握闭口闪点测定器(GB/T 261--1983(1991))的正确操作方法和有关计算;
闪点61 63 62 实验所得闪点值为:(61+63)/2=62℃
表1 同一操作者重复测定重复性要求
大于104 6
1.1.2对于液体的沥青用测试方法D1310 和D3143。
〔4〕样品测定功能画面图4 :单炉配置显示画面图5 :双炉配置显示画面图6 :三炉配置显示画面◆按“炉号〞键切换按键操作所对应的测试炉。
ASTM D类最新标准目录(一)
ASTM D类最新标准目录( 一)D4-86(2004) 沥青含量试验方法D5-06e1 沥青材料的渗透性试验方法D6-95(2000)e1 油及沥青混合物加热损失试验方法D8-02 与道路和路面材料相关的术语D9-05 与木材相关的术语D12-88(1998) 未加工的桐油D13-02 松节油规范D16-03 与涂料、清漆、亮漆和有关产品相关的术语D20-03 路面焦油的蒸馏试验方法D25-99(2005) 圆木桩D29-98 虫胶树脂的抽样和试验方法D34-91(2003) 白颜料化学分析指南D36-95(2000)e1 沥青软化点试验方法(沥青软化点测定器)D38-94(2000)e1 木材防腐剂的抽样试验方法D41-05 铺屋面、防潮及防水用沥青底层D43-00 屋顶、防潮及防水材料用杂酚油底漆D49-83(2002) 铅丹的化学分析D50-90(2005) 含铁和锰的黄色、橙色、红色和褐色涂料的化学分析试验方法D56-05 泰格密闭闪点试验器测定闪点的试验方法D61-75(2004) 硬沥青的软化点的试验方法(水中方块试验法)D69-01 磨擦带的试验方法D70-03 半固态沥青材料的比重和密度的试验方法D71-94(2004) 固体硬沥青和地沥青的相对密度试验方法(变位法)D75-03 集料的抽样D76-99(2005) 纺织材料的抗拉试验机D79-86(2004) 氧化锌颜料D81-87(2003) 碱性碳酸盐铅白颜料D83-84(2002) 铅丹颜料D85-05 赭色颜料规范D86-05 大气压下石油产品蒸馏试验方法D87-04 石蜡熔点的试验方法(冷却曲线)D88-94(2005) 赛波特粘度的试验方法D91-02 润滑油的沉淀值试验方法D92-05a 用克利夫兰德开杯法测定石油产品的闪点和燃点的试验方法D93-02a 用潘斯基-马丁斯仪闭杯闪点测定器测定闪点的试验方法D94-02 石油产品的皂化值试验方法D95-05e1 蒸馏法测定石油产品及沥青材料中水的试验方法D97-05a 石油的倾点的试验方法D98-05 氯化钙D113-99 沥青材料的延展性的试验方法D115-02 电绝缘用含清漆试验溶剂的试验方法D116-86(2006) 电气设备用上釉陶瓷材料的试验D117-02 产自石油的电绝缘油的试验方法和规范导则D120-02a 橡胶绝缘手套D121-05 煤和焦炭术语D123-03 与纺织材料相关的术语D124-88(1998) 脱胶的豆油D126-87(2002) 含铬酸铅和氧化铬绿的黄、橙和绿色颜料的化学分析方法D127-05 石油蜡包括凡士林滴熔点的试验方法D128-98(2003)e1 润滑脂分析试验方法D129-00(2005) 石油产品中硫含量试验方法(通用氧弹法)D130-04e1 用铜条变色法检测石油产品对铜腐蚀性的测试方法D139-95(2001)e1 沥青材料浮选试验的检测方法D140-01 沥青材料的抽样D143-94(2000)e1 洁净木材小样品的试验D146-04 防水与屋面材料用沥青浸渍的油毡和编织物的抽样与试验方法D149-97a(2004) 固体电绝缘材料在工业电源频率下的介电击穿电压和介电强度的试验方法D150-98(2004) 固体电绝缘材料的(恒久电介质)的交流损耗特性和介电常数的测试方法D153-84(2003) 颜料比重测试方法D154-85(2001) 清漆试验D156-02e1 石油产品赛波特比测试方法(赛波特比色计法)D167-93(2004)e1 块焦比重和孔隙度的试验方法D168-94(2000) 杂酚油焦炭渣的测试方法D173-03 屋顶和防水材料用饱和沥青棉织物D176-00 电绝缘用固体充填化合物与浸渍剂的试验方法D178-01(2005) 橡胶绝缘垫子D185-84(1999 颜料,糊剂及涂料中粗颗粒的试验方法D187-94(2003)e1 煤油燃烧质量的测试方法D189-05 石油产品康拉孙残碳测试方法D197-87(2002) 粉煤的取样方法与细度试验方法D198-05a 结构尺寸木料静力试验法D202-97(2002)e1 电绝缘用未浸渍纸的抽样和试验方法D204-02 缝线的测试方法D209-81(2003) 灯黑颜料D210-05 骨炭颜料D211-67(2002) 铬黄和铬橙颜料D215-91(2002) 白色亚麻籽油涂料的化学分析D217-02 润滑剂针入度的测试方法D225-04 表面有矿物颗粒的沥青屋面板D226-06 铺顶和防水用沥青饱和有机毡D227-03 铺顶和防水用焦油沥青饱和有机毡D228-06 沥青屋面卷材,盖板和瓦的试验方法D229-01 电绝缘用硬质薄板及板材的试验方法D233-02 松脂的抽样和测试试验方法D234-82(1998) 生亚麻子油D235-02 矿物溶剂油(石油溶液油)(烃干洗溶液)规格D237-57(1997) 橙色紫胶和其他虫胶D240-02 弹式量热器测定液烃燃料燃烧热的试验方法D242-04 沥青铺路混合料用矿物填料D243-02 规定残渣渗透性测试方法D244-04 乳化沥青的测试方法D245-06 制定目测分等木材的结构等级及有关允许性能的规程D246-04 杂酚油和杂酚油-煤焦油溶液的蒸馏试验方法D256-06 塑料及电绝缘材料的抗冲击性的测试方法D257-99(2005) 绝缘材料的直流电阻或电导的试验方法D260-86(2001) 熟亚麻籽油D261-75(1999) 铁蓝颜料D262-81(1999) 群青蓝颜料D263-05 氧化铬绿颜料D267-82(2003) 黄青铜粉规格D268-01 涂料及其相关涂层和原料用挥发性溶剂及化学中间体的抽样和测试D269-97(2002) 松香和松香衍生物中不溶物的试验方法D276-00a 纺织品中纤维的鉴定方法(AATCC方法20)D279-02 颜料渗出的试验方法D280-01 颜料吸收的水份(及试验条件下挥发的其他物质)的测试方法D281-95(2002) 用刮刀磨损法测定颜料油吸附性的试验方法D283-84(1999) 一氧化铜和铜涂料化学分析试验方法D287-92(2006) 原油和石油产品API比重的试验方法(液体比重计法)D291-86(2002) 烟煤立方英尺重量的试验方法D293-93(2004) 焦炭筛析分析试验方法D295-99(2004) 电绝缘用棉质漆布的试验方法D297-93(2002)e2 橡胶制品的测试方法.化学方法D299-04e1 石棉纱的标准规范D301-95(2004) 可溶性硝化纤维素的试验方法D304-05 n-丁醇(丁醇)D305-84(2003) 黑色涂料中的溶剂萃取材料的试验方法D312-00 屋顶用沥青D315-95(2004)e1 机织石棉带的标准规范D319-04 合成的戊醇D322-97(2002)e1 蒸馏法测定汽油发动机废机油中汽油稀释剂的试验方法D323-99a 石油产品蒸气压力的测试方法D329-02 丙酮D330-93(2001) 2-丁氧基乙醇D331-05 2-乙氧基乙醇D332-87(2004) 白色颜料着色力的试验方法D333-01 透明漆和着色漆的试验方法D341-03 液体石油产品粘度-温度关系曲线图D344-97(2004) 用擦试外规评定法对涂料相对遮盖力的测试方法D345-02 道路和结构用氯化钙的抽样和试验方法D346-04e1 实验室分析用焦炭试样的收集和制备D347-97 杂酚油和煤焦油的体积和比重修正表D348-00 电绝缘用刚性管的测试方法D349-99(2004) 电绝缘用层压圆棒的试验方法D350-01 电绝缘用经处理软套管的试验方法D351-97(2003) 天然白云母块及薄片目检质量分级D352-97(2003) 电绝缘用涂浆云母的试验方法D358-98 涂料耐大气老试验用木片规格D360-89(2001) 紫胶清漆规范D363-90(2000) 磷酸三甲苯酯规格D365-01(2005) 可溶性硝酸纤维素基溶液的试验方法D367-94(2000)e1 杂酚油中苯不溶物的测试方法D368-89(2002) 杂酚油及油质防腐剂比重的试验方法D369-84(2002) 杂酚油馏份与残渣比重的测试方法D370-02e1 油质防腐剂脱水作用的试验方法D372-00(2006) 电绝缘用经处理的软套管规格D374-99(2004) 固体电绝缘厚度的测试方法D374M-99(2005) 固体电绝缘厚度的标准测试方法(米制)D375-95(2004)e1 石棉粗砂的标准规范D378-00 平型橡胶传送带的测试方法D380-94(2006) 橡胶软管的测试方法D381-04 用喷射蒸发法测定燃烧中原在胶的测试方法D387-00 使用机械研磨机测定有色颜料主色和着力色的试验方法D388-05 用排列法测定煤的分类D390-92(1999) 海上,陆地及淡水中用木桩,电杆和木材的防腐处理用煤柏油杂酚油规程D391-94(2000)e1 杂酚油-煤焦油溶液D395-03 橡胶压缩永久变形特性的试验方法D396-05 燃料油规范D402-02 稀释沥青产品蒸馏的测试方法 Standard Test Method for Distillationof Cut-Back Asphalt ic (Bituminous) ProductsD409-02 粉碎机法测定煤炭可磨性的试验方法 Standard Test Method for Grindabilityof Coal by t he Hardgrove-Machine MethodD411-98(2003) 电绝缘用紫胶片试验方法 Standard Test Methods for ShellacUsed for Electrical I nsulationD412-98a(2002)e1 硫化橡胶、热塑橡胶和热塑合成橡胶的拉伸试验方法 Standard Test Methods f or VulcanizedRubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers—TensionD413-98(2002)e1 橡胶特性-与软质基底粘附性的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for RubberPro perty—Adhesion to Flexible SubstrateD420-98(2003) 土壤粒度分析的测试方法 Standard Guide to SiteCharacterization for Engineering, Design, and ConstructionPurposesD421-85(2002) 土壤粒度分析试验方法 Standard Practice for Dry Preparationof Soil Samples for Particle-Size Analysis and Determination ofSoil ConstantsD422-63(2002)e1 土壤粒度分析试验方法 Standard Test Method forParticle-Size Analysis of Soils D425-88(2001) 土壤离心湿度当量试验方法 Standard Test Method for CentrifugeMoisture Equiva lent of SoilsD427-04 用水银法测量土壤收缩系数的测试方法 Test Method for Shrinkage Factors ofSoils by t he Mercury MethodD429-03e1 橡胶特性与硬质基底粘附性的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for RubberProperty—Adhesion to Rigid SubstratesD430-06 橡胶变质的动态疲劳试验方法 Standard Test Methods for RubberDeterioration-Dynamic FatigueD434-95 Standard Test Method for Resistance toSlippage of Yarns in Woven Fabrics Using a St andard SeamD440-86(2002) 煤的跌落粉碎试验 Standard Test Method of Drop ShatterTest for CoalD441-86(2002) 煤的滚筒试验 Standard Test Method of Tumbler Test for CoalD444-88(2003) 锌黄颜料(铬酸锌黄)的化学分析方法 Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Zinc YellowPigment (Zinc Chromate Yellow)D445-06 透明和不透明液体运动粘度的测试方法.(包括动态粘度的计算) Standard Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity ofTransparent and Opaque Liquids (and the Calculation of DynamicViscosity)D446-06 玻璃毛细管运动粘度计操作说明书和规范 Standard Specifications and OperatingInstructi ons for Glass Capillary Kinematic ViscometersD448-03a 道路和桥梁建筑的集料尺寸分类 Standard Classification for Sizes ofAggregate for Roa d and Bridge ConstructionD449-03 防潮和防水用沥青规范 Standard Specification for AsphaltUsed in Dampproofing and WaterproofingD450-96(2006) 铺屋面,防潮与防水用硬煤沥青 Standard Specification for Coal-TarPitch Used in Roofing, Dampproofing, and WaterproofingD451-91(2002) 沥青屋顶制品用粒状矿物铺面材料筛分分析试验方法 Standard Test Method for Si eveAnalysis of Granular Mineral Surfacing For Asphalt RoofingProductsD452-91(2002) 沥青层面制品表面修整用非粒状矿物的筛分试验方法 Standard Test Method for Si eveAnalysis of Surfacing for Asphalt Roofing ProductsD453-94(2000)e1 杂酚油-煤焦油溶液中焦油酸含量的测试方法 Standard Test Method for Tar Aci ds inCreosote-Coal Tar SolutionsD454-04 用加热及空气压力测定橡胶变质的试验方法 Standard Test Method for RubberDeteriorat ion by Heat and Air PressureD459-00 肥皂和其它洗涤剂的术语规范 Standard Terminology Relating toSoaps and Other Deter gentsD460-91(2005) 肥皂和其它洗涤剂粒度的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Samplingand Che mical Analysis of Soaps and Soap ProductsD464-05 松脂油产品包括妥尔油和其他相关产品的皂化值的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Saponification Number of Naval Store Products Including Tall Oil and Other Related ProductsD465-05 松脂制品包括妥尔油及其它相关产品酸值的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Acid N umberof Naval Stores Products Including Tall Oil and Other RelatedProductsD470-05 电线和电缆用交联绝缘与套管的测试方法 Standard Test Methods for CrosslinkedInsulati ons and Jackets for Wire and CableD471-98e2 液体对橡胶性能影响的测试方法 Standard Test Method for RubberProperty-Effect of LiquidsD473-02 萃取法测定原油和燃料油中沉积物的试验方法 Standard Test Method for Sediment inCr ude Oils and Fuel Oils by the Extraction MethodD476-00(2005) 二氧化钛颜料规范 Standard Classification for DryPigmentary Titanium Dioxide P roductsD478-02 锌黄(铬酸锌)颜料 Standard Specificationfor Zinc Yellow (Zinc Chromate) PigmentsD480-88(2003) 铝粉和铝粉浆的抽样和试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Samplingand Testin g of Flaked Aluminum Powders and PastesD482-03 石油产品灰分的测试方法 Standard Test Method for Ash fromPetroleum ProductsD483-04 石油制植物喷洒油不磺化残渣的试验方法 Standard Test Method for UnsulfonatedResidu e of Petroleum Plant Spray OilsD490-92(2005) 道路柏油 Standard Specification for Road TarD494-04 Standard Test Method for Acetone Extraction ofPhenolic Molded or Laminated Products Standard TestMethod for Acetone Extraction of Phenolic Molded or LaminatedProductsD495-99(2004) 固体电绝缘材料的耐高压低电流干电弧性能的测试方法 Standard Test Method for High-Voltage, Low-Current, Dry Arc Resistance of Solid ElectricalInsulationD500-95(2003) 磺化油和硫化油的化学分析和试验方法D501-03 碱性洗涤剂的抽样和化学分析试验方法D502-89(2003) 肥皂和其它洗涤剂粒度的试验方法D509-05 松香分级和抽样试验方法D511-03 水中钙镁离子的测试方法D512-04 测定水中氯离子含量的试验方法D513-02 水中二氧化碳溶解量和总量的试验方法D516-02 水中硫酸铁的试验方法D517-98(2003) 沥青厚板材D518-99 橡胶变质表面龟裂的试验方法D519-04 羊毛条中纤维长度的试验方法D520-00(2005) 锌粉颜料规范D521-02 锌粉(金属锌粉)的化学分析试验方法D522-93a(2001) 用锥形心轴仪测定涂覆有机涂层延伸率的试验方法D523-89(1999) 镜面光泽的试验方法D524-04 石油产品中兰氏残炭的试验方向D525-05 汽油氧化稳定性的试验方法(诱导期方法)D528-97(2002) 纸和纸板的机器定向试验方向D529-04 沥青材料的加速风化试验条件和程序的测试方法(碳弧法)D531-00(2005) 普西和琼斯橡胶压缩试验方法D542-00 透明有机塑料的折射指数的试验方法D543-06 塑料耐化学试剂性能的试验方法D545-99(2005) 混凝土用预制伸缩缝纫填料的试验方法(非挤压和弹性型)D546-05 道路和铺砌材料用矿物填料筛分的测试方法D548-97(2002) 纸张水溶解酸碱度的试验方法D555-84(1998) 干性油试验D558-04 土壤水泥混合物的水分与密度关系的试验方法D559-03 压实的掺土水泥混合物的湿润与干燥的试验方法D560-03 压实的掺土水泥混合物的冻融试验方法D561-82(2003) 涂料用炭黑颜料D562-01(2005) 斯氏粘度计测定涂料稠度的试验方法D563-88(1996)e1 醇酸树脂和树脂溶液中苯酐含量的试验方法D564-87(2002) 液体涂料催干剂的试验方法D565-99(2005) 白色矿物油中可碳化物质的试验方法D566-02 润滑脂滴点的试验方法D570-98(2005) 塑料吸水率的试验方法D572-04 用加热法和氧化法进行的橡胶变质的试验方法D573-04 在空气烤炉中作橡胶变质的试验方法D575-91(2001) 橡胶压缩特性的试验方法D578-05 玻璃纤维丝D579-04 原织物玻璃纤维D580-04 机织玻璃纤维带D581-99 机织玻璃纤维套管的编织D584-96(2005) 原毛中羊毛含量实验室测试方法D585-97(2002) 纸张、纸板、纤维板和相关产品的单批取样和验收方法D586-97(2002) 纸中灰分含量的试验方法D589-97(2002) 纸的不透明度的测试方法D590-93(2002) 纸中石油蜡的测试方法D596-01 水分析结果的报告D600-90(2001) 液体涂料催干剂D601-87(1998) 奥气油(永久液体)D602-81(2003) 硫酸钡颜料规范D605-82(2003) 硅酸镁颜料(滑石)D607-82(2003) 湿磨云母颜料D608-05 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯D609-00 涂料、油漆以及改性涂料与相关涂料产品的测试用冷轧钢板的制备D610-01 涂漆钢表面锈蚀程度评价的试验方法D611-04 石油产品和烃类溶剂苯胺点和混合苯胺点的试验方法D612-88(2004) 石蜡中可碳化物质的试验方法D613-05 十六烷法测定柴油燃料燃烧质量的试验方法D618-05 塑料及电绝缘材料的调理方法D619-99(2004) 电绝缘用硫化纤维的测试方法D622-99(2005) 汽车空气制动和真空制动系统用橡胶软管试验方法D623-99e1 橡胶特性-压缩中热的产生及挠曲疲劳的试验方法D624-00e1 橡胶的热塑性弹性的耐老化性的抗撕裂强度的试验方法D628-95(2004)e1 石棉套管的标准规范D629-99 纺织品定量分析试验方法D632-01 氯化钠D633-97(2005) 道路柏油的体积修正表D635-06 自承塑料在水平状态时的燃烧速率或者燃烧蔓延程度及燃烧时间的试验方法D638-03 塑料拉伸性能的试验方法D642-00(2005) 船用集装箱、组合件和单体加载的抗压缩能力的测试方法D643-97(2002) 用厦泊测试仪测试纸的折痕持久性的标准试验方法D644-99(2002) 用烘干法测定纸和纸板中水分的测试方法D645/D645M-97(2002) 纸和纸板厚度的测试方法D646-96(2001) 纸张及纸板的基本重量的试验方法(单位面积的重量)D648-06 在挠曲负荷下塑料的挠曲温度的试验方法D653-05 土壤、岩石和其内部所含液体的相关术语D660-93(2005) 外用漆龟裂程度评价方法D661-93(2005) 外用漆破裂程度评价的试验方法D662-93(2005) 外用漆侵蚀程度评价的试验方法D664-06 电位滴定法测定石油产品酸值的试验方法D665-06 水存在下抑制的矿物油防锈特性的试验方法D668-99(2004) 电绝缘用硬条和硬管尺度测量的测试方法D669-03 层压薄板与层压板的平行于层片的耗散系数和介电常数的试验方法D685-93(2002) 检测调理纸和纸制品D686-93(2002) 纸中矿物填料和矿物涂料的定性测试方法D689-03 纸张的内部耐撕裂的试验方法D692-00(2004) 沥青铺路砌混合用粗集料D693-03a 碎石路面用压碎集料D695-02a 硬质塑料抗压特性的试验方法D696-03 从-30摄氏度到30摄氏度的塑料线性热膨胀系数的试验方法D698-00ae1 实验室中用12000ft-lbt/ft(600KN-m/m)作用力测定土壤压力特性的试验方法D704-99(2004) 三氯氰胺甲醛模制化合物D705-99(2004) 脲甲醛模制化合物D706-05 乙酸纤维素模制和挤压化合物D707-05 醋酸丁酸纤维素模制与挤压料规格D709-01 层压热固材料D710-97(2002) 电绝缘用硫化纤维薄板、条和管D711-89(2004) 路标漆不粘着时间的试验方法D713-90(2004) 路标漆进行路面使用的试验方法D714-02e1 涂料起泡程度的试验方法D715-86(2003) 硫酸钡颜料分析的标准试验方法D716-86(2003) 评定云母颜料的标准试验方法D717-86(2003) 硅酸镁颜料分析的标准试验方法D718-86(2003) 硅酸铝颜料的分析标准试验方法D720-91(2004)e1 煤自由膨胀指数的试验方法D721-05 石油蜡含油量的试验方法D722-93(2002) 纸的抗油脂性标准试验方法D724-99(2003) 纸表面可湿性的测试方法(接触角法)D726-94(2003) 空气中无孔纸的透气性的测试方法D727-96(2001) 真空方法测定屋顶和地板油毡煤油值的试验方法D731-95(1999) 热固模塑料粉末的模塑指数的试验方法D732-02 用穿孔工具测量塑料剪切强度的测试方法D737-04 纺织纤维透气率的试验方法D740-05 丁酮规范D746-04 用冲击法测定塑料及弹性材料的脆化温度的试验方法D747-02 用悬臂梁法对塑料表观弯曲系数的测试方法D748-00(2005)e1 固定式云母介电电容器用天然云母块和云母薄片D750-00 用碳弧型装置和风化装置对橡胶变质的测试方法D751-06 涂层织物的测试方法D763-01 未加工棕土和焙烧棕土颜料D765-87(2003) 未加工黄土和焙烧黄土颜料技术规范D768-01 黄色氧化铁的水合物D769-01 黑色合成氧化铁D770-05 异丙醇规范D772-86(2005) 外部涂料剂落程度评价的试验方法D774/D774M-97(2002) 纸张抗破碎强度的测试方法D776-92(2001) 干热对纸和纸板特性的影响的试验方法D777-97(2002) 经过处理的纸和纸板易燃性的标准试验方法D778-97(2002) 纸萃液(热萃取和冷萃取法)氢离子浓度(pH)的标准试验方法D779-03 纸、纸板和其他印刷材料用干烧指示器法测试耐水性的测试方法D780-95(2003) 纸印刷油墨渗透性的测试方法(蓖麻油试验)D784-03 电绝缘材料用橙色紫胶和其他印度虫胶D785-03 塑料和电绝缘材料的洛氏硬度的测试方法D787-96(2003) 乙基纤维模制和挤压化合物D788-05 甲基丙烯酸酯模制和挤压化合物的分类系统D789-06 聚酰胺相对粘度,熔点和含水量的测试方法D790-03 未增强和增强塑料及电绝缘材料的挠曲性的试验方法D792-00 用位移法测定塑料密度和比重(相对密度)的标准试验方法D800-05 工业用金属除垢剂化学分析试验方法D801-02 二聚戊烯抽样和测试的试验方法D802-02 松油抽样和测试的试验方法D803-03 妥儿油的测试试验方法D804-02 松脂制品包括妥儿油及相关产品的术语D806-00(2006) 掺土水泥混合物中水泥含量的试验方法D807-05 工业锅炉用水引起脆裂倾向的评价方法(美国矿业局的脆变检查器方法)D808-05 新的和使用过的石油产品中氯含量的试验方法(氧弹法)D813-06 测定橡胶龟裂扩展的试验方法D814-95(2005) 橡胶特性挥发性液体蒸汽渗透性的试验方法D816-06 橡胶胶水的试验方法D817-96(2004) 乙酸丙酸纤维素和醋酸丁酸纤维素的试验方法D820-93(2003) 含合成洗涤剂肥皂的化学分析试验方法D822-01 用经过过滤明光碳弧灯和水中曝光装置对涂料及相关涂层和材料上做的导电试验D823-95(2001) 色漆,清漆,喷漆及有关产品制成厚度均匀漆膜试片的方法D824-94(2002) 用皱文纸测定吸水率的测试方法D828-97(2002) 纸和纸板拉力破坏强度的测试方法D829-97(2002) 纸和纸制品湿抗拉断裂强度的标准试验方法D831-94(2004) 电缆及电容器油的气体含量的测试方法D832-92(2001)e1 低温状态下的橡胶试验D841-02 甲苯的硝化定级D843-06 硝化二甲苯D847-04 苯,甲苯,二甲苯,溶剂石脑油和类似的工业芳烃酸度的试验方法D848-03 工业芳烃的酸洗颜色的标准试验方法D849-05 工业芳烃对铜条腐蚀的标准试验方法D850-03 工业芳轻及相关物质的蒸溜法D852-02 苯凝固点的试验方法D853-04 工业芳烃中硫化氢和二氧化硫含量(定性)的标准试验方法D854-06 土壤比重的试验方法D857-02 水中铝含量的测试方法D858-02 水中锰含量的试验方法D859-05 水中二氧化硅的测试方法D861-01a 用特克斯制命名纤维,纱的半制品,纱和其它纺织品线度D865-99(2005) 橡胶的空气中加热变质试验方法(试管法)D866-99(2004) 电线及电缆用丁苯合成橡胶套D868-85(2003) 路标漆渗色程度评价的试验方法D869-85(2004) 涂漆沉降程度评价试验方法D870-02 水浸渍法涂层耐水试验D871-96(2004) 测试乙酸纤维素的试验方法D873-02 航空燃料的氧化稳定性的测试方法D874-06 润滑油和添加剂中硫酸盐类灰分的测试方法D876-00 电绝缘用刚性氧化乙烯聚合物管的测试方法D877-02e1 用圆盘电极测定电绝缘液体介电击穿电压的试验方法D878-01e1 绝缘油中无机氯化物和硫酸盐的测试方法D880-92(2002) 船用集装箱的冲击试验的试验方法D882-02 塑料薄板材抗拉特性的试验方法D883-00 塑料相关术语D885-06 由人造有机纤维制成的轮胎帘子线,轮胎帘布和工业长纱线的测试D887-82(2003)e1 水沉积物抽样D888-05 水中溶解氧的试验方法D889-99(2004) 松香中油挥发性的试验方法D890-98(2003) 液体松脂中水含量的试验方法D891-95(2004) 液态工业化合物的比重,表观比重的测试方法D892-05 润滑油发泡特性的标准试验方法D893-05a 用过的润滑油中不溶物的试验方法D896-04 胶粘剂耐化学试剂粘法的试验方法D897-01e1 胶粘剂粘结力的抗拉性的测试方法D898-05 胶粘剂固体单位面积涂用重量的试验方法D899-00 单位面积涂用液体胶粘剂的重量的测试方法D902-00 电绝缘用挠性涂树脂玻璃布和玻璃布带的测试方法D903-98(2004) 胶粘剂粘结抗剥落或爆皮强度的试验方法D904-99(2005) 人造光(碳弧型)和自然光对胶粘剂试样的曝光D905-03 用压缩荷载法测定胶粘剂的抗剪切强度性能的试验方法D906-98(2004) 用拉力负荷法测定胶合板结构中胶粘剂剪切强度特性的试验方法D907-05e1 胶粘剂术语D909-01e1 增压进料法测定航空汽油抗震性的试验方法(联邦试验方法No.791b) D910-04a 航空汽油技术规范D912-81(1999) 防污涂料用氧化亚铜D913-03e1 路标漆耐磨程度的评价方法D914-00(2006) 乙基纤维的试验方法D918-99(2003) 纸和纸板的抗粘结性试验方法D919-97(2002) 纸和纸板的铜值测试方法D922-00a(2006) 非硬质聚氯乙烯管D923-97 电绝缘液体的抽样方法D924-04 电绝缘液体的损耗因数(或功率因数)和介电常数(电容率)的测试方法D925-06 橡胶特性.表面着色(接触、色移和扩散)的试验方法D926-04 用平行板法测量橡胶的塑性和弹性D928-03 碳酸氢钠D932-85(2002) 水和水沉积物中嗜铁细菌含量试验方法D933-84(2003) 水沉积物的检验和分析结果的报告方法D934-80(2003) 用X射线衍射法作水沉积物中结晶化合物的识别方法D937-04 石油脂的针入度试验方法D938-05 石油蜡(包括凡士林)凝固点的测试方法D942-02 氧弹法测定润滑脂氧化稳定性的试验方法D943-04a 防腐蚀矿物油氧化特性的试验方法D945-06 用机械示波器测定在压缩应力和剪切应力下橡胶特性的试验方法D946-82(2005) 路面建造用按贯入度级配的沥青膏D950-03 胶粘剂抗冲击强度的试验方法D951-99(2004) 用喷射法测定船运集装箱的耐水性的试验方法D952-02 薄板塑料和电绝缘材料粘结强度的试验方法D953-02 塑料支承强度的测试方法D955-00 模制塑料模型尺寸收缩率的测量方法D957-95(2006)e1 塑料生产用模型表面温度的测定D960-02a 生蓖麻油D961-86(2001) 脱水蓖麻油D962-81(2003) 涂料用铝粉和铝浆颜料D964-03 防污漆用铜粉D968-05 用落沙磨蚀法测定有机涂层耐磨性的试验方法D969-85(2003) 路标漆渗色程度的实验室试验方法D971-99a(2004) 环法测定油水界面张力的试验方法D972-02 润滑脂和润滑油蒸发损失的测试方法D974-04 用颜色指示剂滴定法测定酸碱值的标准试验方法D975-06 柴油技术规范D976-04be1 馏分燃料正十六烷指数的计算方法D977-05 乳化沥青D979-01(2006)e1 沥青铺面混合料的取样方法D982-05 Standard Test Method for Organic Nitrogen in Paper andPaperboard D984-97(2002)。
闪点是一个安全指标, 用于鉴定油品及其他可燃液体发生火灾的危险性。
[1]我国目前测定闪点的方法有GB/T 3536(克利夫兰法), GB/T 267(开口[2]法),GB/T 261(闭口杯法), SH/T 0733(泰克闭口杯法)。
得一点一点地升温,每次升高 1 摄氏度左右,然后停下来观察。
苯甲醚闭杯闪点的测定及不确定度评定陈黎明 陈永康 张笑旻 / 上海市计量测试技术研究院摘 要 使用MINIFLA S H全自动闭杯闪点仪,采用A S TM D6450标准方法测定苯甲醚的闭杯闪点,并对闪点检测结果的不确定度进行评估,讨论了影响闪点检测结果的各种因素,探讨了检测重复性、温度传感器和压力传感器对不确定度的影响。
关键词 闭杯闪点;苯甲醚;不确定度0 引言闪点是在规定的试验条件下,液体表面上能发生闪燃的最低温度。
目前闭杯闪点的测试常用方法主要有ASTM D56 泰格闭口杯法,ASTM D93宾斯基-马丁闭口杯法和ASTM D6450用连续闭杯(CCCFP)试验仪测定闪点的标准试验方法。
ASTM D6450闭杯测试方法,由于样品需要量小,测试速度快,安全无明火,仪器灼热部分不与外界接触,保证实验员的使用安全,样品杯易清洗,实验精度高,重复性、再现性高等优点,得到了广泛的应用[2]。
本方法以苯甲醚为研究对象,采用ASTM D6450用连续闭杯(CCCFP)试验仪测定闪点的标准试验方法测定苯甲醚的闭杯闪点,探讨了影响闪点测试结果的因素[3,4],并对检测的不确定度进行了评定[5-7]。
1 试验部分1.1 仪器与试剂MINIFLASH全自动闭杯闪点仪,奥地利Grabner 公司生产;苯甲醚,分析纯,国药集团化学试剂有限公司。
1.2 试验方法温度设定范围40 ~ 47 ℃,升温速率5.5 ℃/min,采用标准ASTM D6450。
Designation:D93−13´1Designation:34/99Standard Test Methods forFlash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester1This standard is issued under thefixed designation D93;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(´)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S.Department of Defense.ε1NOTE—Editorially revised15.1in February2014.INTRODUCTIONThisflash point test method is a dynamic test method which depends on specified rates of heating to be able to meet the precision of the test method.The rate of heating may not in all cases give the precision quoted in the test method because of the low thermal conductivity of some materials.There areflash point test methods with slower heating rates available,such as Test Method D3941(for paints,resins,and related products,and high viscosity products in the range of0to110°C),where the test conditions are closer to equilibrium.Flash point values are a function of the apparatus design,the condition of the apparatus used,and the operational procedure carried out.Flash point can therefore only be defined in terms of a standard test method,and no general valid correlation can be guaranteed between results obtained by different test methods,or with test apparatus different from that specified.1.Scope*1.1These test methods cover the determination of theflash point of petroleum products in the temperature range from40 to370°C by a manual Pensky-Martens closed-cup apparatus or an automated Pensky-Martens closed-cup apparatus,and the determination of theflash point of biodiesel in the temperature range of60to190°C by an automated Pensky-Martens closed cup apparatus.N OTE1—Flash point determinations above250°C can be performed, however,the precision has not been determined above this temperature. For residual fuels,precision has not been determined forflash points above100°C.The precision of in-use lubricating oils has not been determined.Some specifications state a D93minimumflash point below 40°C,however,the precision has not been determined below this temperature.1.2Procedure A is applicable to distillate fuels(diesel, biodiesel blends,kerosine,heating oil,turbine fuels),new and in-use lubricating oils,and other homogeneous petroleum liquids not included in the scope of Procedure B or Procedure C.1.3Procedure B is applicable to residual fuel oils,cutback residua,used lubricating oils,mixtures of petroleum liquids with solids,petroleum liquids that tend to form a surfacefilm under test conditions,or are petroleum liquids of such kine-matic viscosity that they are not uniformly heated under the stirring and heating conditions of Procedure A.1.4Procedure C is applicable to biodiesel(B100).Since a flash point of residual alcohol in biodiesel is difficult to observe by manualflash point techniques,automated apparatus with electronicflash point detection have been found suitable. 1.5These test methods are applicable for the detection of contamination of relatively nonvolatile or nonflammable ma-terials with volatile orflammable materials.1.6The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.The values given in parentheses are for information only.N OTE2—It has been common practice inflash point standards for many decades to alternately use a C–scale or an F–scale thermometer for temperature measurement.Although the scales are close in increments, they are not equivalent.Because the F–scale thermometer used in this procedure is graduated in5°increments,it is not possible to read it to the 2°C equivalent increment of 3.6°F.Therefore,for the purposes of application of the procedure of the test method for the separate tempera-ture scale thermometers,different increments must be used.In this test method,the following protocol has been adopted:When a temperature is intended to be a converted equivalent,it will appear in parentheses following the SI unit,for example370°C(698°F).When a temperature is1These test methods are under the joint jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02onPetroleum Products,Liquid Fuels,and Lubricants and are the direct responsibilityof Subcommittee D02.08on V olatility.In the IP,these test methods are under thejurisdiction of the Standardization Committee.Current edition approved July15,2013.Published August2013.Originallyapproved st previous edition approved in2012as D93–12.DOI:10.1520/D0093-13E01.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959.United States --` , , ` ` , , ` , ` ` , , ` , ` , , ` , , , , ` , ` ` , ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---intended to be a rationalized unit for the alternate scale,it will appear after “or,”for example,2°C or5°F.1.7This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.For specific warning statements,see6.4,7.1,9.3,9.4,11.1.2,11.1.4,11.1.8, 11.2.2,and12.1.2.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2D56Test Method for Flash Point by Tag Closed Cup Tester D3941Test Method for Flash Point by the Equilibrium Method With a Closed-Cup ApparatusD4057Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum ProductsD4177Practice for Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum ProductsE1Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers E300Practice for Sampling Industrial ChemicalsE502Test Method for Selection and Use of ASTM Stan-dards for the Determination of Flash Point of Chemicals by Closed Cup Methods2.2ISO Standards3Guide34Quality Systems Guidelines for the Production of Reference MaterialsGuide35Certification of Reference Material—General and Statistical Principles3.Terminology3.1Definitions:3.1.1biodiesel,n—a fuel comprised of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats,designated B100.3.1.2biodiesel blends,n—a blend of biodiesel fuel with petroleum-based diesel fuel.3.1.3dynamic,adj—in petroleum products—in petroleum productflash point test methods—the condition where the vapor above the test specimen and the test specimen are not in temperature equilibrium at the time that the ignition source is applied.—This is primarily caused by the heating of the test specimen at the constant prescribed rate with the vapor temperature lagging behind the test specimen tempera-ture.3.1.4equilibrium,n—in petroleum products—in petroleum productflash point test methods—the condition where the vapor above the test specimen and the test specimen are at the same temperature at the time the ignition source is applied.—This condition may not be fully achieved in practice,since the temperature may not be uniform throughout the test specimen,and the test cover and shutter on the apparatus can be cooler.3.1.5flash point,n—in petroleum products,the lowest temperature corrected to a barometric pressure of101.3kPa (760mm Hg),at which application of an ignition source causes the vapors of a specimen of the sample to ignite under specified conditions of test.4.Summary of Test Method4.1A brass test cup of specified dimensions,filled to the inside mark with test specimen andfitted with a cover of specified dimensions,is heated and the specimen stirred at specified rates,using one of three defined procedures(A,B,or C).An ignition source is directed into the test cup at regular intervals with simultaneous interruption of the stirring,until a flash is detected(see11.1.8).Theflash point is reported as defined in3.1.5.5.Significance and Use5.1Theflash point temperature is one measure of the tendency of the test specimen to form aflammable mixture with air under controlled laboratory conditions.It is only one of a number of properties which must be considered in assessing the overallflammability hazard of a material.5.2Flash point is used in shipping and safety regulations to defineflammable and combustible materials.One should con-sult the particular regulation involved for precise definitions of these classifications.N OTE3—The U.S.Department of Transportation(DOT)4and U.S. Department of Labor(OSHA)have established that liquids with aflash point under37.8°C(100°F)(see Note1)areflammable,as determined by these test methods,for those liquids which have a kinematic viscosity of 5.8mm2/s(cSt)or more at37.8°C or9.5mm2/s(cSt)or more at25°C (77°F),or that contain suspended solids,or have a tendency to form a surfacefilm while under test.Other classificationflash points have been established by these departments for liquids using these test methods. 5.3These test methods should be used to measure and describe the properties of materials,products,or assemblies in response to heat and an ignition source under controlled laboratory conditions and should not be used to describe or appraise thefire hazard orfire risk of materials,products,or assemblies under actualfire conditions.However,results of these test methods may be used as elements of afire risk assessment which takes into account all of the factors which are pertinent to an assessment of thefire hazard of a particular end use.5.4These test methods provide the only closed cupflash point test procedures for temperatures up to370°C(698°F).2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,orcontact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3Available from American National Standards Institute(ANSI),25W.43rd St., 4th Floor,New York,NY10036.4For information on U.S.Department of Transportation regulations,see Codes of U.S.Regulations49CFR Chapter1and the U.S.Department of Labor,see29 CFR Chapter XVII.Each of these items is revised annually and may be procured from the Superintendent of Documents,Government Printing Office,Washington, DC20402.--` , , ` ` , , ` , ` ` , , ` , ` , , ` , , , , ` , ` ` , ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---6.Apparatus6.1Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Apparatus (manual)—This apparatus consists of the test cup,test cover and shutter,stirring device,heating source,ignition source device,air bath,and top plate described in detail in Annex A1.The assembled manual apparatus,test cup,test cup cover,and test cup assembly are illustrated in Figs.A1.1-A1.4,respectively.Di-mensions are listed respectively.6.2Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Apparatus (Automated)5—This apparatus is an automated flash point instrument that is capable of performing the test in accordance with Section 11(Procedure A),Section 12(Procedure B),and 13(Procedure C)of these test methods.The apparatus shall use the test cup,test cover and shutter,stirring device,heating source,and ignition source device described in detail in Annex A1.6.3Temperature Measuring Device—Thermometer having a range as shown as follows and conforming to the require-ments prescribed in Specification E1or in Annex A3,or an electronic temperature measuring device,such as resistance thermometers or thermocouples.The device shall exhibit the same temperature response as the mercury thermometers.Thermometer Number Temperature RangeASTM IP −5to +110°C (20to 230°F)9C (9F)15C +10to 200°C (50to 392°F)88C (88F)101C +90to 370°C (200to 700°F)10C (10F)16C6.4Ignition Source—Natural gas flame,bottled gas flame,and electric ignitors (hot wire)have been found acceptable for use as the ignition source.The gas flame device described in detailed in Fig.A1.4requires the use of the pilot flame described in A1.1.2.3.The electric ignitors shall be of the hot-wire type and shall position the heated section of the ignitor in the aperture of the test cover in the same manner as the gas flame device.(Warning—Gas pressure supplied to the apparatus should not be allowed to exceed 3kPa (12in.)of water pressure.)6.5Barometer—With accuracy of 60.5kPa.N OTE 4—The barometric pressure used in this calculation is the ambient pressure for the laboratory at the time of the test.Many aneroid barometers,such as those used at weather stations and airports,are precorrected to give sea level readings and would not give the correct reading for this test.7.Reagents and Materials7.1Cleaning Solvents—Use suitable solvent capable of cleaning out the specimen from the test cup and drying the test cup and cover.Some commonly used solvents are toluene and acetone.(Warning —Toluene,acetone,and many solvents are flammable and a health hazard.Dispose of solvents and waste material in accordance with local regulations.)8.Sampling8.1Obtain a sample in accordance with instructions given in Practices D4057,D4177,or E300.8.2At least 75mL of sample is required for each test.Referto Practice D4057.When obtaining a sample of residual fuel oil,the sample container shall be from 85to 95%full.For other types of samples,the size of the container shall be chosen such that the container is not more than 85%full or less than 50%full prior to any sample aliquot being taken.For biodiesel (B100)samples,a typical one liter container filled to 85%volume is recommended.8.3Successive test specimens can be taken from the same sample container.Repeat tests have been shown to be within the precisions of the method when the second specimen is taken with the sample container at least 50%filled.The results of flash point determinations can be affected if the sample volume is less than 50%of sample container capacity.8.4Erroneously high flash points may be obtained if pre-cautions are not taken to avoid the loss of volatile material.Do not open containers unnecessarily,to prevent loss of volatile material or possible introduction of moisture,or both.Avoid storage of samples at temperatures in excess of 35°C or 95°F.Samples for storage shall be capped tightly with inner seals.Do not make a transfer unless the sample temperature is at least the equivalent of 18°C or 32°F below the expected flash point.8.5Do not store samples in gas-permeable containers,since volatile material may diffuse through the walls of the enclo-sure.Samples in leaky containers are suspect and not a source of valid results.8.6Samples of very viscous materials shall be heated in their containers,with lid/cap slightly loosened to avoid buildup of dangerous pressure,at the lowest temperature adequate to liquefy any solids,not exceeding 28°C or 50°F below the expected flash point,for 30min.If the sample is then not completely liquefied,extend the heating period for additional 30min periods as necessary.Then gently agitate the sample to provide mixing,such as orbiting the container horizontally,before transferring to the specimen cup.No sample shall be heated and transferred unless its temperatures is more than 18°C or 32°F below its expected flash point.When the sample has been heated above this temperature,allow the sample to cool until its temperature is at least 18°C or 32°F below the expected flash point before transferring.N OTE 5—V olatile vapors can escape during heating when the sample container is not properly sealed.N OTE 6—Some viscous samples may not completely liquefy even after prolonged periods of heating.Care should be exercised when increasing the heating temperature to avoid unnecessary loss of volatile vapors,or heating the sample too close to the flash point.8.7Samples containing dissolved or free water may be dehydrated with calcium chloride or by filtering through a qualitative filter paper or a loose plug of dry absorbent cotton.Warming the sample is permitted,but it shall not be heated for prolonged periods or greater than a temperature of 18°C32°F below its expected flash point.N OTE 7—If the sample is suspected of containing volatile contaminants,the treatment described in 8.6and 8.7should be omitted.9.Preparation of Apparatus9.1Support the manual or automated apparatus on a level steady surface,such as a table.5Supporting data regarding a variant of the cover locking mechanism have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may be obtained by requesting Research ReportRR:D02-1706.--`,,``,,`,``,,`,`,,`,,,,`,``,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---9.2Tests are to be performed in a draft-free room or compartment.Tests made in a laboratory hood or in any location where drafts occur are not reliable.N OTE8—A shield,of the approximate dimensions460mm(18in.) square and610mm(24in.)high,or other suitable dimensions,and having an open front is recommended to prevent drafts from disturbing the vapors above the test cup.N OTE9—With some samples whose vapors or products of pyrolysis are objectionable,it is permissible to place the apparatus along with a draft shield in a ventilation hood,the draft of which is adjustable so that vapors can be withdrawn without causing air currents over the test cup during the ignition source application period.9.3Prepare the manual apparatus or the automated appara-tus for operation in accordance with the manufacturer’s in-structions for calibrating,checking,and operating the equip-ment.(Warning—Gas pressure should not be allowed to exceed3kPa(12in.)of water pressure.)9.4Thoroughly clean and dry all parts of the test cup and its accessories before starting the test,to ensure the removal of any solvent which had been used to clean the e suitable solvent capable of removing all of the specimen from the test cup and drying the test cup and cover.Some commonly used solvents are toluene and acetone.(Warning—Toluene, acetone,and many solvents areflammable.Health hazard. Dispose of solvents and waste material in accordance with local regulations.)10.Verification of Apparatus10.1Adjust the automatedflash point detection system (when used)in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruc-tions.10.2Verify that the temperature measuring device is in accordance with6.3.10.3Verify the performance of the manual apparatus or the automated apparatus at least once per year by determining the flash point of a certified reference material(CRM)such as those listed in Annex A4,which is reasonably close to the expected temperature range of the samples to be tested.The material shall be tested according to Procedure A of these test methods and the observedflash point obtained in11.1.8or 11.2.2shall be corrected for barometric pressure(see Section 14).Theflash point obtained shall be within the limits stated in Table A4.1for the identified CRM or within the limits calculated for an unlisted CRM(see Annex A4).10.4Once the performance of the apparatus has been verified,theflash point of secondary working standards (SWSs)can be determined along with their control limits. These secondary materials can then be utilized for more frequent performance checks(see Annex A4).10.5When theflash point obtained is not within the limits stated in10.3or10.4,check the condition and operation of the apparatus to ensure conformity with the details listed in Annex A1,especially with regard to tightness of the lid(A1.1.2.2),the action of the shutter,the position of the ignition source (A1.1.2.3),and the angle and position of the temperature measuring device(A1.1.2.4).After any adjustment,repeat the test in10.3using a fresh test specimen,with special attention to the procedural details prescribed in these test methods.PROCEDURE A11.Procedure11.1Manual Apparatus:11.1.1Ensure that the sample container isfilled to the volume capacity requirement specified in8.2.Fill the test cup with the test specimen to thefilling mark inside of the test cup. The temperature of the test cup and test specimen shall be at least18°C or32°F below the expectedflash point.If too much test specimen has been added to the test cup,remove the excess using a syringe or similar device for withdrawal offluid.Place the test cover on the test cup and place the assembly into the apparatus.Be sure the locating or locking device is properly engaged.If the temperature measuring device is not already in place,insert the device into its holder.11.1.2Light the testflame,and adjust it to a diameter of3.2 to4.8mm(0.126to0.189in.),or switch on the electric igniter and adjust the intensity in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.(Warning—Gas pressure should not be allowed to exceed3kPa(12in.)of water pressure.)(Warning—Exercise care when using a gas testflame.If it should be extinguished it will not ignite the vapors in the test cup,and the gas for the testflame that then enters the vapor space can influence the result.)(Warning—The operator should exercise and take appropriate safety precautions during the initial application of the ignition source,since test specimens con-taining low-flash material can give an abnormally strongflash when the ignition source isfirst applied.)(Warning—The operator should exercise and take appropriate safety precau-tions during the performance of these test methods.The temperatures attained during these test methods,up to370°C (698°F),are considered hazardous.)(Warning—As a safety practice,when using automated or manual apparatus,it is strongly advised,before heating the test cup and specimen,to dip the ignitor to check for the presence of unexpected volatile material.)11.1.3Apply the heat at such a rate that the temperature,as indicated by the temperature measuring device,increases5to 6°C(9to11°F)/min.11.1.4Turn the stirring device at90to120rpm,stirring ina downward direction.(Warning—Meticulous attention to all details relating to the ignition source,size of testflame or intensity of the electric ignitor,rate of temperature increase, and rate of dipping the ignition source into the vapor of the test specimen is desirable for good results.)11.1.5Application of Ignition Source: the test specimen is expected to have aflash point of110°C or230°F or below,apply the ignition source when the temperature of the test specimen is2365°C or4169°F below the expectedflash point and each time thereafter at a temperature reading that is a multiple of1°C or2°F.Discon-tinue the stirring of the test specimen and apply the ignition source by operating the mechanism on the test cover which controls the shutter so that the ignition source is loweredinto --`,,``,,`,``,,`,`,,`,,,,`,``,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---the vapor space of the test cup in 0.5s,left in its lowered position for 1s,and quickly raised to its upward position. the test specimen is expected to have a flash point above 110°C or 230°F,apply the ignition source in the manner described in each temperature increase of 2°C or 5°F,beginning at a temperature of 2365°C or 4169°F below the expected flash point.(Warning—As a safety practice,when using automated or manual apparatus,it is strongly advised that,for an expected flash point above 130°C,to dip the ignitor every 10°C throughout the test until the sample temperature reaches 28°C below the expected flash point and then follow the prescribed dipping procedure.This practice has been shown to reduce the possibility of a fire,and,on average,not to significantly affect the result.A limited study 6has shown that this dipping practice has no observable effect on test method repeatability.)11.1.6When testing materials to determine if volatile ma-terial contamination is present,it is not necessary to adhere to the temperature limits for initial ignition source application as stated in testing materials where the expected flash point temperature is not known,bring the material to be tested and the tester to a temperature of 1565°C or 60610°F.When the material is known to be very viscous at this temperature,heat the specimen to a starting temperature as described in 8.6.Apply the ignition source,in the manner described in,beginning at least 5°C or 10°F higher than the starting temperature.N OTE 10—Flash Point results determined in an “unknown expected flash point mode”should be considered approximate.This value can be used as the expected flash point when a fresh specimen is tested in the standard mode of operation.11.1.8Record as the observed flash point the reading on the temperature measuring device at the time ignition source application causes a distinct flash in the interior of the test cup.The sample is deemed to have flashed when a large flame appears and instantaneously propagates itself over the entire surface of the test specimen.(Warning—For certain mixtures containing halogenated hydrocarbons,such as,methylene chlo-ride or trichloroethylene,no distinct flash,as defined,is observed.Instead a significant enlargement of the test flame (not halo effect)and change in color of the test flame from blue to yellowish-orange occurs.Continued heating and testing of these samples above ambient temperature can result in signifi-cant burning of vapors outside the test cup,and can be a potential fire hazard.See Appendix X1and Appendix X2for more information.)11.1.9When the ignition source is a test flame,the appli-cation of the test flame can cause a blue halo or an enlarged flame prior to the actual flash point.This is not a flash and shall be ignored.11.1.10When a flash point is detected on the first application,the test shall be discontinued,the result discarded,and the test repeated with a fresh test specimen.The first application of the ignition source with the fresh test specimenshall be 2365°C or 4169°F below the temperature at which a flash point was detected on the first application.11.1.11When a flash point is detected at a temperature which is greater than 28°C or 50°F above the temperature of the first application of the ignition source,or when a flash point is detected at a temperature which is less than 18°C or 32°F above the temperature of the first application of the ignition source,the result shall be considered approximate,and the test repeated with a fresh test specimen.Adjust the expected flash point for this next test to the temperature of the approximate result.The first application of the ignition source with the fresh test specimen shall be 2365°C or 4169°F below the temperature at which the approximate result was found.11.1.12When the apparatus has cooled down to a safe handling temperature,less than 55°C (130°F),remove the test cover and the test cup and clean the apparatus as recommended by the manufacturer.N OTE 11—Exercise care when cleaning and positioning the lid assem-bly so not to damage or dislocate the flash detection system or temperature measuring device.See the manufacturer’s instructions for proper care and maintenance.11.2Automated Apparatus:11.2.1The automated apparatus shall be capable of per-forming the procedure as described in 11.1,including control of the heating rate,stirring of the test specimen,application of the ignition source,detection of the flash point,and recording the flash point.11.2.2Start the automated apparatus in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.(Warning—Failure to install the sample temperature measuring device correctly,when using automated apparatus,can result in uncontrolled heating of the test portion and potentially a fire.Some automated apparatus include provisions to avoid this occurrence.)The apparatus shall follow the procedural details described in 11.1.3through 11.1.8.PROCEDURE B12.Procedure12.1Manual Apparatus:12.1.1Ensure that the sample container is filled to the volume capacity requirement specified in 8.2.Fill the test cup with the test specimen to the filling mark inside of the test cup.The temperature of the test cup and test specimen shall be at least 18°C or 32°F below the expected flash point.If too much test specimen has been added to the test cup,remove the excess using a syringe or similar device for withdrawal of fluid.Place the test cover on the test cup and place the assembly into the apparatus.Be sure the locating or locking device is properly engaged.If the temperature measuring device is not already in place,insert the device into its holder.12.1.2Light the test flame and adjust it to a diameter of 3.2to 4.8mm (0.126to 0.189in.),or switch on the electric igniter and adjust the intensity in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.(Warning—Gas pressure should not be allowed to exceed 3kPa (12in.)of water pressure.)(Warning—Exercise care when using a gas test flame.If it should be extinguished it will not ignite the vapors in the test cup and the gas for the test flame that then enters the vapor space can6Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and maybe obtained by requesting Research ReportRR:D02-1652.--`,,``,,`,``,,`,`,,`,,,,`,``,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---。
将点火器灯芯或 煤引火点燃,将 火焰调整到接近 球形,直径为 (3~4)mm.使用 灯芯点火器之前, 向其中加入轻质 润滑油燃料。
闪点测定器要放 在避风和较暗的 地方,才便利于 观察闪火。为了 更有效地避免气 流和光线的影响, 闪点测定器应围 着防护屏。
用检定过的 气压计,测 出试验时的 实际大气压 力(P)。
1.将仪器放置在便于通风平整的桌面上; 2.把液化石油气用专用连接管连接到仪器气源接口处,并用箍套扎紧,以免漏气; 3.打开仪器左侧红色开关键,按照液晶屏显示菜单,选择设置按键; 4.依照被测物质性质进行参数设置,一般情况下,针对低闪点物质选择“A步骤” 选择“保存退出”; 5.将盛样油杯彻底清洗,对一般未形成胶质的油品可采用洗衣粉加热水即可清洗 干净,然后擦净并进行烘干; 6.按照油杯刻线倒入样品,放置在加热炉上的凹槽中,点“测试键--开始”,仪 器即进入测试状态; 7.打开液化气开关,通过仪器正面的调气旋钮把点火火头调整到4mm左右; 8.“手动点火”按钮,确定仪器扫火正常,确定预置闪点温度合理,如出现闪火 现象则预置闪点过低,为保证实验安全,需要在不同温度点不定时的“手动点 火”; 9.置闪点前20度,仪器会自动进行开盖点火,当出现闪火现象时,仪器自动检 测,结束实验。
一、闪点 二、实 验 依 据
三、实验仪器及试剂 四、实 验 准 备
五、实验步骤 六、测定意义
点,是指液体表面上 的蒸汽和空气的混合 物与火接触而初次发 生闪光时的温度。闪 点温度比着火点温度 低些。从消防观点来 说,液体闪点就是可 能引起火灾的最低温 度。闪点越低,引起 火灾的危险性越大。
在实验中,符合ASTM D 93标准的容器应该使用乙烯塑料或不锈钢制成,通常有500毫升和1000毫升容量。
1. 在试验器工作平台上放置一个干净的玻璃杯,准备添加测试样品。
2. 使用吸管取少量测试样品(一般为1-2ml),将其倒入玻璃杯中。
3. 打开试验器,并将温度控制器电源开关调至“ON”状态,使试验器预热至设定温度。
4. 将闪点试验器上的点火引线置于试样表面上方。
5. 调节闪点试验器上的温度控制器,使试样温度逐渐升高。
6. 当试样的闪点温度接近时,熄灭冷却器上的火焰,开始进行闪点测试。
7. 将点火引线向试样中心移动,将试样点燃。
8. 在试样着火时,关闭点火引线,记录下闪点的温度。
9. 使用棉球将玻璃杯内残余的测试样品擦干净,以备下一次测试使用。
10. 关闭试验器的电源,清洁试验器,并将试验器存放在干燥的地方。
GB/T 4509-1998沥青针入度测定法
GB/T 6536-1997石油产品蒸馏测定法
ASTM E502《选择和使用ASTM标准按闭口杯法测定化学物闪点的标准试验方法》,包括其闪点在-10℃到370℃的液体和固体化合物闪点的测定。根据可能的误差来源及可能引起干扰的因素,讨论获得的结果。
1.对开口(或闭口)闪点测试仪校准的一种方法 [J], 毛文;郭树强
2.国内外3号喷气燃料闭口闪点测定方法标准对比及建议 [J], 张波;李若愚;赵国旗
3.发挥自动闭口闪点测定器的技术优势 [J], 王汉鹏;郭为民;孟娃荣;王芳
4.可燃液体闭口杯闪点测试方法的选择 [J], 周秀清;何志荣
5.闭口闪点测定方法的对比分析 [J], 楚卫军;许志国
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Designation:D 56–02aAn American National StandardStandard Test Method forFlash Point by Tag Closed Cup Tester 1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 56;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon (e )indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.INTRODUCTIONTo ensure an acceptable precision,this dynamic flash point test method employs a prescribed rate of temperature rise for the material under test.The rate of heating may not in all cases give the precision quoted in the test method because of the low thermal conductivity of certain materials.To improve the prediction of flammability,Test Method D 3941,which utilizes a slower heating rate,was developed.Test Method D 3941provides conditions closer to equilibrium where the vapor above the liquid and the liquid are at about the same temperature.If a specification requires Test Method D 56,do not change to D 3941or other test method without permission from the specifier.Flash point values are a function of the apparatus design,the condition of the apparatus used,and the operational procedure carried out.Flash point can therefore only be defined in terms of a standard test method,and no general valid correlation can be guaranteed between results obtained by different test methods,or with test apparatus different from that specified.1.Scope*1.1This test method covers the determination of the flash point,by tag manual and automated closed testers,of liquids with a viscosity below 5.5mm 2/s (cSt)at 40°C (104°F),or below 9.5mm 2/s (cSt)at 25°C (77°F),and a flash point below 93°C (200°F).1.1.1For the closed-cup flash point of liquids with the following properties:a viscosity of 5.5mm 2/s (cSt)or more at 40°C (104°F);a viscosity of 9.5mm 2/s (cSt)or more at 25°C (77°F);a flash point of 93°C (200°F)or higher;a tendency to form a surface film under test conditions;or containing suspended solids,Test Method D 93can be used.1.1.2For cut-back asphalts refer to Test Methods D 1310and D 3143.N OTE 1—The U.S.Department of Transportation (RSTA)2and U.S.Department of Labor (OSHA)have established that liquids with a flashpoint under 37.8°C (100°F)are flammable as determined by this test method for those liquids that have a viscosity less than 5.5mm 2/s (cSt)at 40°C (104°F)or 9.5mm 2/s (cSt)or less at 25°C (77°F),or do not contain suspended solids or do not have a tendency to form a surface film while under test.Other flash point classifications have been established by these departments for liquids using this test method.1.2This test method can be used to measure and describe the properties of materials,products,or assemblies in response to heat and flame under controlled laboratory conditions and cannot be used to describe or appraise the fire hazard or fire risk of materials,products,or assemblies under actual fire conditions.However,results of this test method can be used as elements of fire risk assessment that takes into account all of the factors that are pertinent to an assessment of the fire hazard of a particular end use.1.3Related standards are Test Methods D 93,D 1310,D 3828,D 3278,and D 3941.1.4The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.The values in parentheses are for information only.1.5This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.For specific hazard statements see 8.2and 8.3and refer to Material Safety Data Sheets.1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02on Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D02.08on V olatility.Current edition approved Dec.10,2002.Published March 2003.Originally approved in st previous edition approved in 2002as D 56–02.2For information on United States Department of Transportation regulations,see Codes of United States Regulation 49CFR Chapter 1and for information on United States Department of Labor regulations,see Code of United States Regulation 29CFR Chapter XVII.Each of these items are revised annually and may be procured from the Superintendent of Documents,Government Printing Office,Washington,DC 20402.1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.Copyright ©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,United States.巴巴客 免费下载标准2.Referenced Documents 2.1ASTM Standards:D 93Test Methods for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester 3D 1310Test Method for Flash Point and Fire Points of Liquids by Tag Open-Cup Apparatus 4D 3143Test Method for Flash Point of Cutback Asphalt with Tag Open-Cup Apparatus 5D 3278Test Methods for Flash Point of Liquids by Small Scale Closed-Cup Apparatus 4D 3828Test Methods for Flash Point by Small Scale Closed Tester 6D 3941Test Method for Flash Point by the Equilibrium Method with a Closed-Cup Apparatus 4D 4057Practice for Manual Sampling for Petroleum and Petroleum Products 6D 6300Practice for Determination of Precision and Bias Data for Use in Test Methods for Petroleum Products and Lubricants 7E 1Specification for ASTM Thermometers 8E 502Test Method for Selection and Use of ASTM Stan-dards for the Determination of Flash Point of Chemicals by Closed Cup Methods 92.2Federal Test Method Standards:10Method 1101,Federal Test Method Standard No.791b Method 4291,Federal Test Method Standard No.141A 2.3ISO Standards:11Guide 34Quality Systems Guidelines for the Production of Reference MaterialsGuide 35Certification of Reference Materials—General and Statistical Principles 3.Terminology 3.1Definitions:3.1.1flash point —the lowest temperature corrected to a pressure of 101.3kPa (760mm Hg)at which application of an ignition source causes the vapors of a specimen of the sample to ignite under specified conditions of test. —The specimen is deemed to have flashed when a flame appears and instantaneously propagates itself over the entire surface of the fluid. —When the ignition source is a test flame,the application of the test flame may cause a blue halo or an enlarged flame prior to the actual flash point.This is not a flash and should be ignored.3.2Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1dynamic (non-equilibrium)—in this type of flash point apparatus,the condition of the vapor above the specimen andthe specimen are not at the same temperature at the time that the ignition source is applied. —This is primarily caused by the heating of the specimen at the constant prescribed rate with the vapor temperature lagging behind the specimen temperature.The resultant flash point temperature is generally within the repro-ducibility of the test method.3.2.2equilibrium —in that type of flash point apparatus or test method,the vapor above the specimen and the specimen are at the same temperature at the time the ignition source is applied. —This condition may not be fully achieved in practice,since the temperature is not uniform throughout the specimen and the test cover and shutter are generally cooler.4.Summary of Test Method4.1The specimen is placed in the cup of the tester and,with the lid closed,heated at a slow constant rate.An ignition source is directed into the cup at regular intervals.The flash point is taken as the lowest temperature at which application of the ignition source causes the vapor above the specimen to ignite.5.Significance and Use5.1Flash point measures the tendency of the specimen to form a flammable mixture with air under controlled laboratory conditions.It is only one of a number of properties that shall be considered in assessing the overall flammability hazard of a material.5.2Flash point is used in shipping and safety regulations to define flammable and combustible materials.One should consult the particular regulation involved for precise defini-tions of these classes.5.3Flash point can indicate the possible presence of highly volatile and flammable materials in a relatively nonvolatile or nonflammable material.For example,an abnormally low flash point on a sample of kerosene can indicate gasoline contami-nation.6.Apparatus (Manual Instrument)6.1Tag Closed Tester —The apparatus is shown in Fig.1and described in detail in Annex A1.6.2Shield —A shield 460mm (18in.)square and 610mm (24in.)high,open in front,is recommended.6.3Thermometers —For the test cup thermometer,use one as prescribed in Table 1.For the bath thermometer,any convenient type that has an adequately open scale covering the required range may be used;it is often convenient to use the same type of thermometer as used in the test cup.N OTE 2—Whenever thermometers complying with ASTM require-ments are not available,thermometers complying with the requirements for The Institute of Petroleum thermometer IP 15C PM-Low can be used.7.Sampling7.1Erroneously high flash points will be obtained when precautions are not taken to avoid the loss of volatile material.Containers should not be opened unnecessarily to prevent loss of volatile material and possible introduction of moisture.3Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 05.01.4Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 06.01.5Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 04.03.6Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 05.02.7Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 05.03.8Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 14.03.9Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 14.02.10Available from Superintendent of Documents,ernment Printing Office,Washington,DC 20402.11Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI),25W.43rd St.,4th Floor,New York,NY10036.Transfers should not be made unless the sample temperature is at least 10°C (18°F)below the expected flash point.When possible,flash point shall be the first test performed on a sample and the sample must be stored at low temperature.7.2Do not store samples in gas-permeable containers since volatile materials may diffuse through the walls of the enclo-sure.Samples in leaky containers are suspect and not a source of valid results.7.3At least 50mL of sample is required for each test.Refer to sampling information in Practice D 4057.8.Preparation of Apparatus (Manual)8.1Support the manual apparatus on a level steady surface,such as a table.Unless tests are made in a draft-free room orcompartment,surround the tester on three sides by the shield for protection from drafts.Tests are not to be made in a laboratory draft hood or near ventilators.8.2Natural gas and bottled gas flame and electric ignitors have been found acceptable for use as the ignition source.(Warning—Gas pressure supplied to the apparatus must not be allowed to exceed 3kPa (12in.)of water pressure.)8.3For flash points below 13°C (55°F)or above 60°C (140°F),use as a bath liquid a 1+1mixture of water and ethylene glycol (Warning—Ethylene Glycol—Poison.Harm-ful or fatal if swallowed.Vapor harmful.Avoid contact with skin.)For flash points between 13°C (55°F)and 60°C (140°F),either water or a water-glycol mixture can be used as bath liquid.The temperature of the liquid in the bath shall be at least 10°C (18°F)below the expected flash point at the time of introduction of the sample into the test cup.Do not cool bath liquid by direct contact with dry ice (solid carbon dioxide).N OTE 3—Due to possible difficulty in maintaining the prescribed rate of temperature rise and due to the formation of ice on the lid,results by this test method for samples having flash points below 0°C (32°F)may be unreliable.Trouble due to ice formation on the slide can be minimized by carefully lubricating the slide shutter with high-vacuum silicone lubricant.8.4Verify the performance of the manual apparatus (or in 11.2.3,the automated apparatus)at least once per year by determining the flash point of a certified reference material (CRM),such as those listed in Annex A2,which is reasonably close to the expected temperature range of the samples to be tested.The material shall be tested according to the procedure of this test method and the observed flash point obtained in 9.5shall be corrected for barometric pressure (see Section 13).The flash point obtained shall be within the limits stated in Table A2.1for the identified CRM or within the limits calculated for an unlisted CRM (see Annex A2).8.5Once the performance of the apparatus has been veri-fied,the flash point of secondary working standards (SWSs)can be determined along with their control limits.These secondary materials can then be utilized for more frequent performance checks (see Annex A2).8.6When the flash point obtained is not within the limits stated in 8.4or 8.5,check the condition and operation of the apparatus to ensure conformity with the details listed in Annex A1,especially with regard to tightness of the lid (see A1.1.3),the action of the shutter,the position of the ignition source (see A1.1.3.3),and the angle and position of the temperature measuring device (see A1.1.3.4).After any adjustment,repeat the test in 8.4using fresh test specimen,with special attention to the procedural details prescribed in the test method.9.Procedure (Manual)9.1Using a graduated cylinder and taking care to avoid wetting the cup above the final liquid level,measure 5060.5mL of the sample into the cup,both the sample and graduated cylinder being precooled,when necessary,so that the specimen temperature at the time of measurement will be 2765°C (80610°F)or at least 10°C (18°F)below the expected flash point,whichever is lower.It is essential that the sample temperature be maintained at least 10°C (18°F)below the expected flash point during the transfers from the sample container totheFIG.1Tag Closed Flash Tester (Manual)TABLE 1ThermometersFor tests Below 4°C (40°F)At 4to 49°C (40to 120°F)Above 49°C (120°F)Use ASTMThermometer A57C or (57F)9C or (9F)57C or (57F)9C or (9F)AComplete specifications for these thermometers are given in Specification E1.cylinder and from the cylinder to the test cup.Destroy air bubbles on the surface of the specimens by use of knife point or other suitable device.Wipe the inside of the cover with a clean cloth or absorbent tissue paper;then attach the cover, with the thermometer in place,to the bath collar.9.2Light the testflame,when used,adjusting it to the size of the small bead on the cover.Operate the mechanism on the cover in such a manner as to introduce the ignition source into the vapor space of the cup,and immediately bring it up again. The time consumed for the full operation should be1s, allowing equal time periods for the introduction and return. Avoid any hesitation in the operation of depressing and raising the ignition source.When aflash is observed on the initial operation of the mechanism,discontinue the test and discard the result.In this case,a fresh sample shall be cooled an additional10°C(18°F),below the original specimen installa-tion temperature.9.2.1Exercise care when using a testflame,if theflame is extinguished it cannot ignite the specimen and the gas entering the vapor space can influence the result.When theflame is prematurely extinguished the test shall be discontinued and any result discarded.9.3Flash Points Below60°C(140°F)—When theflash point of the sample is known to be below60°C(140°F),apply and adjust the heat so that the temperature of the portion will rise at a rate of1°C(2°F)/min66s.When the temperature of the specimen in the test cup is5°C(10°F)below its expected flash point,apply the ignition source in the manner just described in9.2and repeat the application of the ignition source after each0.5°C(1°F)rise in temperature of the specimen.9.4Flash Points at60°C(140°F)or Above—If theflash point of the sample is known to be60°C(140°F)or higher, apply and adjust the heat so that the temperature of the specimen will rise at a rate of3°C(5°F)/min66s.When the temperature of the specimen in the test cup is5°C(10°F)below its expectedflash point,apply the ignition source in the manner just described in9.2and repeat the application of the ignition source each1°C(2°F)rise in temperature of the specimen.9.5When the application of the ignition source causes a distinctflash in the interior of the cup,as defined in3.1.1, observe and record the temperature of the specimen as theflash point.Do not confuse the trueflash with the bluish halo that sometimes surrounds the ignition source during applications immediately preceding the actualflash.(Warning—For cer-tain mixtures containing halogenated hydrocarbons,such as, methylene chloride or trichloroethylene,no distinctflash,as defined,is observed.Instead a significant enlargement of the testflame(not halo effect)and change in color of the testflame from blue to yellowish-orange occurs.Continued heating and testing of these samples above ambient temperature can result in significant burning of vapors outside the test cup,and can be a potentialfire hazard.See Appendix X1and Appendix X2for more information.)9.6Discontinue the test and remove the source of heat.Lift the lid and wipe the thermometer bulb.Remove the test cup, empty,and wipe dry.9.7If,at any time between thefirst introduction of the ignition source and the observation of theflash point,the rise in temperature of the specimen is not within the specified rate, discontinue the test,discard the result and repeat the test, adjusting the source of heat to secure the proper rate of temperature rise,or using a modified“expectedflash point,”or both,as required.9.8Never make a repeat test on the same specimen of sample;always take fresh specimen of sample for each test.10.Apparatus(Automated Instrument)10.1An automatedflash point instrument is used that is capable of performing the test in accordance with Section 9—Procedure(Manual).The apparatus can use a gas testflame or electric ignitor.The dimensions for the test cup and test cover are shown in Fig.A1.1and Fig.A1.2.10.2Samples with lowflash point may require a source of cooling for the heating area.11.Preparation of Apparatus(Automated Instrument) 11.1Support the automated apparatus on a level,steady surface,such as a table.Unless tests are made in a draft-free compartment,it is a good practice,but not required,to surround the tester with a shield to prevent draft.11.2The user of the automatic instrument must be sure that all of the manufacturer’s instructions for calibrating,checking, and operating the equipment are followed.11.2.1Adjust the detection system per manufacturer’s in-structions.11.2.2Calibrate the temperature measuring device per manufacturer’s instructions.11.2.3Verify the performance of the automated apparatus at least once per year by determining theflash point of a certified reference material(CRM)such as those listed in Annex A2, which is reasonably close to the expected temperature range of the samples to be tested.The material shall be tested according to the procedure of this test method and the observedflash point obtained in9.5shall be corrected for barometric pressure (see Section13).Theflash point obtained shall be within the limits stated in Table A2.1for the identified CRM or within the limits calculated for an unlisted CRM(see Annex A2).11.2.4Once the performance of the apparatus has been verified,theflash point of secondary working standards (SWSs)can be determined along with their control limits. These secondary materials can then be utilized for more frequent performance checks(see Annex A2).11.2.5When theflash point obtained is not within the limits stated in11.2.3or11.2.4,check the condition and operation of the apparatus to ensure conformity with the details listed in Annex A1,especially with regard to tightness of the lid(see A1.1.3),the action of the shutter,the position of the ignition source(see A1.1.3.3),and the angle and position of the temperature measuring device(see A1.1.3.4).After any adjust-ment,repeat the test in11.2.3using fresh test specimen,with special attention to the procedural details prescribed in the testmethod.12.Procedure(Automated)12.1Adjust the external cooling system,if required,to a temperature necessary to cool the heating area10°C below the expectedflash point.12.2Place the test cup in position in the instrument.12.3Enter the Expected Flash Point;this will allow the heating area to be cooled to the required minimum starting temperature.N OTE4—To avoid an abnormal heating rate when the specimen is at a low temperature,it is recommended to precool the test cup and cover.This may be accomplished by placing the assembly into position in the instrument while it is cooling to10°C(18°F)below the programmed Expected Flash Point.N OTE5—Flash Point results determined in an“unknown Expected Flash Point mode”should be considered approximate.This value can be used as the Expected Flash Point when a fresh specimen is tested in the standard mode of operation.12.4Using a graduated cylinder and taking care to avoid wetting the cup above thefinal liquid level,measure5060.5 mL of the sample into the cup,both the sample and the graduated cylinder being precooled,when necessary,so that the specimen temperature at the time of the measurement is27 65°C(80610°F)or at least10°C(18°F)below the expected flash point,whichever is lower.It is essential that the sample temperature be maintained at least10°C(18°F)below the expectedflash point during the transfers from the sample container to the cylinder and from the cylinder to the test cup. Destroy air bubbles on the surface of the specimen by use of knife point or other suitable device.Wipe the inside of the cover with a clean cloth or absorbent tissue paper;then attach the cover,with the temperature measuring device in place,to the bath collar.Connect the shutter and ignition source activa-tor,if so equipped,into the lid housing.When using a gas test flame,light the pilotflame and adjust the testflame to4mm (5⁄32in.)in diameter.If the instrument is equipped with an electrical ignition device,adjust according to the manufactur-er’s instructions.Test the ignition source dipping action,if so equipped,and observe if the apparatus functions correctly. Press the start key.If aflash is observed upon initial operation, discontinue the test and discard the result.In this case a fresh specimen shall be cooled to an additional10°C(18°F)below the original specimen installation temperature.N OTE6—Care should be taken when cleaning and positioning the lid assembly so as not to damage or dislocate theflash detection system or temperature measuring device.See manufacturer’s instructions for proper care and maintenance.12.5The apparatus shall automatically control the test procedure as described in this test method.When theflash point is detected,the apparatus will record the temperature and automatically discontinue the test.If aflash is detected on the first application,the test should be discontinued,the result shall be discarded and the test repeated with a fresh specimen. (Warning—For certain mixtures containing halogenated hy-drocarbons,such as,methylene chloride or trichloroethylene, no distinctflash,as defined,is observed.Instead a significant enlargement of the testflame(not halo effect)and change in color of the testflame from blue to yellowish-orange occurs. Continued heating and testing of these samples above ambient temperature can result in significant burning of vapors outside the test cup,and can be a potentialfire hazard.See Appendix X1and Appendix X2for more information.)12.6When the apparatus has cooled down to a safe handling temperature(less than55°C(130°F))remove the cover and the test cup and clean the apparatus as recommended by the manufacturer.13.Report13.1Correction for barometric pressure.Observe and record the ambient barometric pressure at the time and place of the test.When the pressure differs from101.3kPa(760mm Hg),correct theflash point as follows:~1!Correctedflash point5C10.25~101.32p!~2!Correctedflash point5F10.06~7602P!~3!Correctedflash point5C10.033~7602P!(1) where:C=observedflash point,°C,F=observedflash point,°F,p=ambient barometric pressure,kPa,andP=ambient barometric pressure,mm Hg.13.2The barometric pressure used in this calculation shall be the ambient pressure for the laboratory at the time of test. Many aneroid barometers,such as those used at weather stations and airports,are precorrected to give sea level read-ings;these shall not be used.13.3Report the correctedflash point to the nearest0.5°C(or 1°F).14.Precision and Bias14.1Precision—The following criteria shall be used for judging the acceptability of results(95%probability):14.1.1Repeatability—The difference between successive test results,obtained by the same operator with the same apparatus under constant operating conditions on identical test material,would in the long run,in the normal and correct operation of the test method,exceed the following values only in one case in twenty:Flash Point,°C(°F)Repeatability,°C(°F)Below60°C(140°F) 1.2°C(2.0°F)At and Above60°C(140°F) 1.6°C(3.0°F)14.1.2Reproducibility—The difference between two single and independent results,obtained by different operators work-ing in different laboratories on identical test material,would in the long run,in the normal and correct operation of the test method,exceed the following values only in one case in twenty:Flash Point,°C(°F)Reproducibility,°C(°F)Below60°C(140°F) 4.3°C(8°F)At and Above60°C(140°F) 5.8°C(10°F)14.2Bias—The procedure in Test Method D56for measur-ingflash point has no bias since the tagflash point can be defined only in terms of this test method.The current inter-laboratory tests confirm that there is no relative bias between manual and automated procedures.In any case of dispute the flash point as determined by the manual procedure shall be considered the refereetest.N OTE 7—Mixtures such as,but not limited to,those that are chlorinated or include water may cause significant differences in the results obtained by manual and automatic instruments.For these mixtures,the precision statement may not apply.N OTE 8—The precision data were developed in a 1991cooperative test program 12using eight (8)samples.Twelve (12)laboratories participatedwith the manual apparatus and seventeen (17)laboratories participated with the automatic rmation on the type of samples and their average flashpoints are in the research report.15.Keywords15.1combustible;fire risk;flammable;flash point;tag closed cupANNEXES(Mandatory Information)A1.APPARATUSA1.1Tag Closed TesterA1.1.1The Tag Closed Tester shall consist of the test cup,lid with ignition source,and liquid bath conforming to the following requirements:A1.1.2Test Cup ,of brass or other nonrusting metal of equivalent heat conductivity,conforming to dimensional re-quirements prescribed in Fig.A1.1.It shall weigh 6861g.A1.1.3Lid :A1.1.3.1The lid comprises a circle of nonrusting metal with a rim projecting downward about 15.9mm (5⁄8in.),a slide shutter,a device which simultaneously opens the shutter and depresses the ignition source,and a slanting collar in which the cup-thermometer ferrule is inserted.Fig.A1.2gives a diagram of the upper surface of the lid,showing dimensions and positions of the three holes opened and closed by the shutter,and the size and position of the opening for the cup thermom-eter.A1.1.3.2The rim shall fit the collar of the liquid bath with a clearance not exceeding 0.4mm (0.002in.)and shall be slotted in such a manner as to press the lid firmly down on the top of the cup when the latter is in place in the bath.When this requirement is not met,the vertical position of the cup in the bath shall be suitably adjusted,as by placing a thin ring of metal under the flange of the cup.A1.1.3.3The shutter shall be of such size and shape that it covers the three openings in the lid when in the closed positionand uncovers them completely when in the open position.The nozzle of the flame-exposure device,when used,shall conform to the dimensions given in Table A1.1.The ignition source12Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:S15–1007.FIG.A1.1SpecimenCupInch-Pound Equivalents mm in.0.030.00110.320.4060.130.00511.920.4694.780.18815.100.5947.150.28118.00.719.840.38720.60.81N OTE —Dimensions relating to the size and position of the thermometer collar are recommended but not mandatory.FIG.A1.2Top of Lid Showing Position and Dimensions ofOpenings。