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科氏力流量计Coriolis flowmeters
Classification: Advanced customer training 01/08/2010 Li jugang Slide 1
传感器产品一览Sensor product overview

Objective of this learning module
参加人员能够理解: The participant understands… …科氏力流量系列仪表的传感器模型 … the sensor models of the Coriolis portfolio. …各种传感器的基本特色和优点 … the basic features and benefits of the various sensors. …科氏力流量计的附件的使用 … the use of accessories for Coriolis meters. …如何获得额外的产品信息 where additional product information is available.
Classification: Advanced customer training 01/09/2010 Li jugang Slide 2
在进行本模块的学习之前,参加者首先应该熟悉科氏力的测量原理。 请首先学习相关的模块。 Before attempting this learning module the learner should be familiar with the Coriolis measuring principle. Work through the relevant learning module first.

产品应用分类概述 General application product portfolio
功能Functionality 传感器 Sensors 变送器 Transmitters
40 (only E) 80 83
应用 Application 通用型 Universal
F, A, E
S, P
卫生型 Sanitary
Classification: Advanced customer training 01/09/2010 Li jugang Slide 3
I, H, M
专业型 Specialists

特殊应用产品总览 Special application product portfolio
应用 Application
计量交接 Custody transfer; 非水液体 Liquids other than water (OIML R117)
型号 Model
Promass 84 F, A (also M)
灌装机械 Filling machines
Classification: Advanced customer training 01/09/2010 Li jugang Slide 4
CNGmass LPGmass
CNG / LPG dispensers

传感器模型 Sensor models
Classification: INTERNAL
10/24/2007 LU/MSA Slide 5

传感器分类 Sensor segmentation
E+H公司提供3类传感器,每种都有特殊的应用领域。 Endress+Hauser offers 3 groups of sensors. Each of them has a specific application field: 标准方案 Standard solution F,A和E型传感器:从DN1-DN250的测量方案。 F, A and E sensors: standard solution from DN 1 to 250 (1/24" to 10") 卫生型方案 Sanitary solution S和P型传感器:用于食品和制药的卫生型方案。 S and P sensors for sanitary applications in the food and pharma industry 专业型 Specialists 用于特殊应用的传感器 Sensors with specialized applications: I – 单直管,黏度测量。 H – 锆材 M – 第二容室耐压高达100bar. I - single straight tube, viscosity H - zirconium material M – secondary containment up to 100 bar
Classification: Advanced customer training 01/09/2010 Li jugang Slide 6

F型传感器 Promass F sensor
Classification: Advanced customer training 01/08/2010 Li jugang Slide 7
适合您的应用的最好的传感器 Best sensor for your applications

Promass 80/83F: 通用的测量方案 Promass 80/83F: The universal solution 流量测量 Flow measurement
• 在标准应用 in standard applications • 在温度较高的应用 in high temperature • 气体流量 of gases • 大流量测量 of large flowrates • 密度测量 with density measurement • 卫生应用 in hygienic applications • 用于腐蚀性介质测量 in corrosive applications
Classification: Advanced customer training 01/09/2010 Li jugang Slide 8
可应用于几乎所有的测量的标准方案 “The standard for almost every application!”
